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LITERATURE UPDATE: Nov 26-Dec 02, 2010

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  • LITERATURE UPDATE: Nov 26-Dec 02, 2010

    Nov 26, 2010 – Dec 02, 2010
    Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

    Helen J. Huang, PhD
    Neuromechanics Laboratory
    University of Colorado at Boulder
    ************************************************** ***************
    - Not all articles have a DOI.
    - Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
    - Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the
    article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available
    in electronic form through the publisher.
    -update with active doi links is also available at


    Burghardt AJ, Issever AS, Schwartz AV, Davis KA, Masharani U, Majumdar
    S et al. High-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomographic
    imaging of cortical and trabecular bone microarchitecture in patients
    with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology&
    Metabolism 2010;95(11):5045-55.


    Kang I, Wang Q, Eppell SJ, Marchant RE, Doerschuk CM. Effect of
    neutrophil adhesion on the mechanical properties of lung microvascular
    endothelial cells. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular
    Biology 2010;43(5):591-8.


    Potvin J, Goldbogen JA, Shadwick RE. Scaling of lunge feeding in
    rorqual whales: An integrated model of engulfment duration. Journal of
    Theoretical Biology 2010;267(3):437-53.

    Sguanci S, Ceccolini F, Berti R. Non visual discrimination of shapes
    in the blind cave cyprinid phreatichthys andruzzii vinciguerra 1924.
    Ethology Ecology& Evolution 2010;22(4):353-8.


    de Loubens C, Magnin A, Verin E, Doyennette M, Trelea IC, Souchon I. A
    lubrication analysis of pharyngeal peristalsis: Application to flavour
    release. Journal of Theoretical Biology 2010;267(3):300-11.


    Tchieu AA, Crowdy D, Leonard A. Fluid-structure interaction of two
    bodies in an inviscid fluid. Physics of Fluids 2010;22(10).


    Moreau NG, Simpson KN, Teefey SA, Damiano DL. Muscle architecture
    predicts maximum strength and is related to activity levels in
    cerebral palsy. Physical Therapy 2010;90(11):1619-30.


    Marcon RM, Cristante AF, de Barros TEP, de Oliveira RP, dos Santos GB.
    Potentializing the effects of gm1 by hyperbaric oxygen therapy in
    acute experimental spinal cord lesion in rats. Spinal Cord

    Phadke CP, Thompson FJ, Kukulka CG, Nair PM, Bowden MG, Madhavan S et
    al. Soleus h-reflex modulation after motor incomplete spinal cord
    injury: Effects of body position and walking speed. Journal of Spinal
    Cord Medicine 2010;33(4):371-8.

    Pierce ML, Deuchars J, Deuchars SA. Spontaneous rhythmogenic
    capabilities of sympathetic neuronal assemblies in the rat spinal cord
    slice. Neuroscience 2010;170(3):827-38.

    van der Hoorn A, Beudel M, de Jong BM. Interruption of visually
    perceived forward motion in depth evokes a cortical activation shift
    from spatial to intentional motor regions. Brain Research

    Wyse GA. Central pattern generation underlying limulus rhythmic
    behavior patterns. Current Zoology 2010;56(5):537-49.


    Gallo J, Havranek V, Zapletalova J, Lostak J. Male gender, charnley
    class c, and severity of bone defects predict the risk for aseptic
    loosening in the cup of abg i hip arthroplasty. Bmc Musculoskeletal
    Disorders 2010;11.

    Konstantinidis L, Hauschild O, Beckmann NA, Hirschmuller A, Sudkamp
    NP, Helwig P. Treatment of periprosthetic femoral fractures with two
    different minimal invasive angle-stable plates: Biomechanical
    comparison studies on cadaveric bones. Injury-International Journal of
    the Care of the Injured 2010;41(12):1256-61.

    Papathanasopoulos A, Tzioupis C, Giannoudis VP, Roberts C, Giannoudis
    PV. Biomechanical aspects of pelvic ring reconstruction techniques:
    Evidence today. Injury-International Journal of the Care of the
    Injured 2010;41(12):1220-7.

    Thomopoulos S, Kim HM, Das R, Silva MJ, Sakiyama-Elbert S, Amiel D et
    al. The effects of exogenous basic fibroblast growth factor on
    intrasynovial flexor tendon healing in a canine model. Journal of Bone
    and Joint Surgery-American Volume 2010;92A(13):2285-93.


    Liu H, Leigh S, Yu B. Sequences of upper and lower extremity motions
    in javelin throwing. Journal of Sports Sciences 2010;28(13):1459-67.

    Lobietti R, Coleman S, Pizzichillo E, Merni F. Landing techniques in
    volleyball. Journal of Sports Sciences 2010;28(13):1469-76.

    Reed N, Taha T, Keightley M, Duggan C, McAuliffe J, Cubos J et al.
    Measurement of head impacts in youth ice hockey players. International
    Journal of Sports Medicine 2010;31(11):826-33.


    Baiguera S, Jungebluth P, Burns A, Mavilia C, Haag J, De Coppi P et
    al. Tissue engineered human tracheas for in vivo implantation.
    Biomaterials 2010;31(34):8931-8.

    Lim SH, Liu XY, Song HJ, Yarema KJ, Mao HQ. The effect of
    nanofiber-guided cell alignment on the preferential differentiation of
    neural stem cells. Biomaterials 2010;31(34):9031-9.

    Menezes K, de Menezes JRL, Nascimento MA, Santos RD, Coelho-Sampaio T.
    Polylaminin, a polymeric form of laminin, promotes regeneration after
    spinal cord injury. Faseb Journal 2010;24(11):4513-22.

    Santoro R, Olivares AL, Brans G, Wirz D, Longinotti C, Lacroix D et
    al. Bioreactor based engineering of large-scale human cartilage grafts
    for joint resurfacing. Biomaterials 2010;31(34):8946-52.


    Hughes PE, Smits RJ, Xie Y, Kirkwood RN. Relationships among gilt and
    sow live weight, p2 backfat depth, and culling rates. Journal of Swine
    Health and Production 2010;18(6):301-5.

    Richards JD, Zhao JM, Harrell RJ, Atwell CA, Dibner JJ. Trace mineral
    nutrition in poultry and swine. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal
    Sciences 2010;23(11):1527-34.


    Ahearne M, Wilson SL, Liu KK, Rauz S, El Haj AJ, Yang Y. Influence of
    cell and collagen concentration on the cell-matrix mechanical
    relationship in a corneal stroma wound healing model. Experimental Eye
    Research 2010;91(5):584-91.


    Yeom H, Chang YH. Autogenic emg-controlled functional electrical
    stimulation for ankle dorsiflexion control. Journal of Neuroscience
    Methods 2010;193(1):118-25.