Feb 4 – 10, 2011
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Helen J. Huang, PhD
Neuromechanics Laboratory
University of Colorado at Boulder
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Cuenca-Lopez MD, Peris JL, Garcia-Rosello M, Atienza C, Prat J, Becerra J et al. Action of recombinant human bmp-2 on fracture healing in rabbits is dependent on the mechanical environment. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 2010;4(7):543-52.
He YX, Zhang G, Liu Z, Pan XH, Xie XH, Chan CW et al. Erbeta antagonist phtpp promotes bone repair in osteoporotic mice a microct and biomechanical study. Bone 2010;47:S358-S9.
Kim TH, Jung JW, Ha BG, Hong JM, Park EK, Kim HJ et al. The effects of luteolin on osteoclast differentiation, function in vitro and ovariectomy-induced bone loss. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 2011;22(1):8-15.
Zdero R, McConnell AJ, Peskun C, Syed KA, Schemitsch EH. Biomechanical measurements of torsion-tension coupling in human cadaveric femurs. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the Asme 2011;133(1).
Kwon ST, Rectenwald JE, Baek S. Intrasac pressure changes and vascular remodeling after endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms: Review and biomechanical model simulation. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the Asme 2011;133(1).
Soldatos G, Jandeleit-Dahm K, Thomson H, Formosa M, D'Orsa K, Calkin AC et al. Large artery biomechanics and diastolic dysfunctionin patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetic Medicine 2011;28(1):54-60.
Vismara R, Fiore GB. Beat-rate dependent mitral flow patterns for in vitro hemodynamic applications. International Journal of Artificial Organs 2010;33(12):868-76.
Wenk JF. Numerical modeling of stress in stenotic arteries with microcalcifications: A parameter sensitivity study. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the Asme 2011;133(1).
Kohles SS, Liang Y, Saha AK. Volumetric stress-strain analysis of optohydrodynamically suspended biological cells. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the Asme 2011;133(1).
Krishnan R, Klumpers DD, Park CY, Rajendran K, Trepat X, van Bezu J et al. Substrate stiffening promotes endothelial monolayer disruption through enhanced physical forces. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 2011;300(1):C146-C54.
Harzsch S, Kreissl S. Myogenesis in the thoracic limbs of the american lobster. Arthropod Structure & Development 2010;39(6):423-35.
Johansen JL, Vaknin R, Steffensen JF, Domenici P. Kinematics and energetic benefits of schooling in the labriform fish, striped surfperch embiotoca lateralis. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 2010;420:221-9.
de Almeida EO, Rocha EP, Freitas AC, Martin M. Finite element stress analysis of edentulous mandibles with different bone types supporting multiple-implant superstructures. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 2010;25(6):1108-14.
Del Barrio RAL, Giro G, Belluci MM, Pereira RMR, Marcantonio E, Massucato EMS et al. Effect of severe dietary magnesium deficiency on systemic bone density and removal torque of osseointegrated implants. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 2010;25(6):1125-30.
Garbin CA, Spazzin AO, Meira AD, Loretto SC, Lyra A, Braz R. Biomechanical behaviour of a fractured maxillary incisor restored with direct composite resin only or with different post systems. International Endodontic Journal 2010;43(12):1098-107.
Hadi G, Karine BG, Yves C, Pierre L. Stability of osteosynthesis with bicortical screws placed in a triangular shape in mandibular sagittal split 5 mm advancement osteotomy: Biomechanical tests. British Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 2010;48(8):624-8.
Jofre J, Cendoya P, Munoz P. Effect of splinting mini-implants on marginal bone loss: A biomechanical model and clinical randomized study with mandibular overdentures. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 2010;25(6):1137-44.
Pechmann M, Khadjeh S, Sprenger F, Prpic NM. Patterning mechanisms and morphological diversity of spider appendages and their importance for spider evolution. Arthropod Structure & Development 2010;39(6):453-67.
Winchell CJ, Valencia JE, Jacobs DK. Expression of distal-less, dachshund, and optomotor blind in neanthes arenaceodentata (annelida, nereididae) does not support homology of appendage-forming mechanisms across the bilateria. Development Genes and Evolution 2010;220(9-10):275-95.
Savin DN, Tseng SC, Morton SM. Bilateral adaptation during locomotion following a unilaterally applied resistance to swing in nondisabled adults. Journal of Neurophysiology 2010;104(6):3600-11.
Wilhelmsen K, Nordahl SHG, Moe-Nilssen R. Attenuation of trunk acceleration during walking in patients with unilateral vestibular deficiencies. Journal of Vestibular Research-Equilibrium & Orientation 2010;20(6):439-46.
Souza RB, Stehling C, Wyman BT, Le Graverand MPH, Li X, Link TM et al. The effects of acute loading on t1rho and t2 relaxation times of tibiofemoral articular cartilage. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2010;18(12):1557-63.
Aula AS, Toyras J, Tiitu V, Jurvelin JS. Simultaneous ultrasound measurement of articular cartilage and subchondral bone. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2010;18(12):1570-6.
Baijens L, van der Kruis J, Speyer R. Biomechanical analysis of hyoid motion in videofluoroscopy: Systematic review. Dysphagia 2010;25(4):372-.
Dickinson AS, Taylor AC, Ozturk H, Browne M. Experimental validation of a finite element model of the proximal femur using digital image correlation and a composite bone model. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the Asme 2011;133(1).
Evans RM, Davies M. Scorecentre: A computer program to assist with collection and calculation of bbb locomotor scale data. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 2010;194(1):102-7.
Garcia JJ, Smith JH. A biphasic hyperelastic model for hydrocephalus. Latin American Applied Research 2010;40(4):295-302.
Girard O, Micallef JP, Millet GP. Changes in spring-mass model characteristics during repeated running sprints. European Journal of Applied Physiology 2011;111(1):125-34.
Asante CO, Chu A, Fisher M, Benson L, Beg A, Scheiffele P et al. Cortical control of adaptive locomotion in wild-type mice and mutant mice lacking the ephrin-eph effector protein alpha 2-chimaerin. Journal of Neurophysiology 2010;104(6):3189-202.
Cappellini G, Ivanenko YP, Dominici N, Poppele RE, Lacquaniti F. Migration of motor pool activity in the spinal cord reflects body mechanics in human locomotion. Journal of Neurophysiology 2010;104(6):3064-73.
Ferguson SM, Eskenazi D, Ishikawa M, Wanat MJ, Phillips PEM, Dong Y et al. Transient neuronal inhibition reveals opposing roles of indirect and direct pathways in sensitization. Nature Neuroscience 2011;14(1):22-4.
Fouad K, Rank MM, Vavrek R, Murray KC, Sanelli L, Bennett DJ. Locomotion after spinal cord injury depends on constitutive activity in serotonin receptors. Journal of Neurophysiology 2010;104(6):2975-84.
Gabriel JP, Ausborn J, Ampatzis K, Mahmood R, Eklof-Ljunggren E, El Manira A. Principles governing recruitment of motoneurons during swimming in zebrafish. Nature Neuroscience 2011;14(1):93-U125.
Kwan AC, Dietz SB, Zhong GS, Harris-Warrick RM, Webb WW. Spatiotemporal dynamics of rhythmic spinal interneurons measured with two-photon calcium imaging and coherence analysis. Journal of Neurophysiology 2010;104(6):3323-33.
Lim SN, Huang WL, Hall JCE, Ward RE, Priestley JV, Michael-Titus AT. The acute administration of eicosapentaenoic acid is neuroprotective after spinal cord compression injury in rats. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 2010;83(4-6):193-201.
Singh A, Murray M, Houle JD. A training paradigm to enhance motor recovery in contused rats: Effects of staircase training. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2011;25(1):24-34.
Wiener JM, Berthoz A, Wolbers T. Dissociable cognitive mechanisms underlying human path integration. Experimental Brain Research 2011;208(1):61-71.
Chan CYW, Kwan MK, Saw LB. Thoracic pedicle screw insertion in asian cadaveric specimen: Does radiological pedicle profile affect outcome? Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 2011;33(1):19-25.
Gabriel JP, Muzumdar AM, Khalil S, Ingalhalikar A. A novel crossed rod configuration incorporating translaminar screws for occipitocervical internal fixation: An in vitro biomechanical study. Spine Journal 2011;11(1):30-5.
Ponnusamy KE, Iyer S, Gupta G, Khanna AJ. Instrumentation of the osteoporotic spine: Biomechanical and clinical considerations. Spine Journal 2011;11(1):54-63.
Womack W, Ayturk UM, Puttlitz CM. Cartilage thickness distribution affects computational model predictions of cervical spine facet contact parameters. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the Asme 2011;133(1).
Libri R, Reggiani LM. A modified technique for reconstruction of the femoral neck in paediatric patients. Hip International 2010;20(4):529-34.
Ponce BA, Hosemann CD, Raghava P, Tate JP, Eberhardt AW, Lafosse L. Biomechanical evaluation of 3 arthroscopic self-cinching stitches for shoulder arthroscopy the lasso-loop, lasso-mattress, and double-cinch stitches. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2011;39(1):188-94.
Sabol F, Vasilenko T, Novotny M, Tomori Z, Bobrov N, Zivcak J et al. Intradermal running suture versus 3m (tm) vetbond (tm) tissue adhesive for wound closure in rodents: A biomechanical and histological study. European Surgical Research 2010;45(3-4):321-6.
Sabol, Vasilenko T, Gal P. Intradermal running suture versus 3m (tm) vetbond (tm) tissue adhesive for wound closure in rodents: A biomechanical and histological study (vol 45, pg 321, 2010). European Surgical Research 2010;45(3-4):133-.
Virolainen P, Mokka J, Seppanen M, Makela K. Up to 10 years follow up of the use of 71 cortical allografts (strut-grafts) for the treatment of periprosthetic fractures. Scandinavian Journal of Surgery 2010;99(4):240-3.
Franklyn-Miller A, Wilson C, Bilzon J, McCrory P. Foot orthoses in the prevention of injury in initial military training a randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2011;39(1):30-7.
Pagani CHF, Bohle C, Potthast W, Bruggemann GP. Short-term effects of a dedicated knee orthosis on knee adduction moment, pain, and function in patients with osteoarthritis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2010;91(12):1936-41.
Basso DM. Influence of a locomotor training approach on walking speed and distance in people with chronic spinal cord injury: A randomized clinical trial invited commentary. Physical Therapy 2011;91(1):60-2.
Chen CC, Hong WH, Wang CM, Chen CK, Wu KPH, Kang CF et al. Kinematic features of rear-foot motion using anterior and posterior ankle-foot orthoses in stroke patients with hemiplegic gait. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2010;91(12):1862-8.
Combs SA, Dugan EL, Passmore M, Riesner C, Whipker D, Yingling E et al. Balance, balance confidence, and health-related quality of life in persons with chronic stroke after body weight-supported treadmill training. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2010;91(12):1914-9.
Field-Fote EC, Roach KE. Influence of a locomotor training approach on walking speed and distance in people with chronic spinal cord injury: A randomized clinical trial. Physical Therapy 2011;91(1):48-60.
Field-Fote EC, Roach KE. Influence of a locomotor training approach on walking speed and distance in people with chronic spinal cord injury: A randomized clinical trial response. Physical Therapy 2011;91(1):62-4.
Lam T, Pauhl K, Krassioukov A, Eng JJ. Using robot-applied resistance to augment body-weight-supported treadmill training in an individual with incomplete spinal cord injury. Physical Therapy 2011;91(1):143-51.
Svehlik M, Zwick EB, Steinwender G, Kraus T, Linhart WE. Dynamic versus fixed equinus deformity in children with cerebral palsy: How does the triceps surae muscle work? Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2010;91(12):1897-903.
Yoshimoto Y, Oyama Y, Hamaoka K, Yoshimura S, Hashimoto T, Sato A. An examination of the physical, psychological and social factors associated with housebound living in community-dwelling stroke patients. Journal of Physical Therapy Science 2010;22(4):381-5.
Ziegler K, Schroeteler F, Fietzek U. Diagnostic assessment and therapeutic approach to festination and freezing. Nervenheilkunde 2010;29(12):807-11.
Earl JE, Hoch AZ. A proximal strengthening program improves pain, function, and biomechanics in women with patellofemoral pain syndrome. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2011;39(1):154-63.
Kalson NS, Holmes DF, Kapacee Z, Otermin I, Lu YH, Ennos RA et al. An experimental model for studying the biomechanics of embryonic tendon: Evidence that the development of mechanical properties depends on the actinomyosin machinery. Matrix Biology 2010;29(8):678-89.
Schepull T, Kvist J, Norrman H, Trinks M, Berlin G, Aspenberg P. Autologous platelets have no effect on the healing of human achilles tendon ruptures a randomized single-blind study. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2011;39(1):38-47.
Seon JK, Park SJ, Lee KB, Seo HY, Kim MS, Song EK. In vivo stability and clinical comparison of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using low or high femoral tunnel positions. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2011;39(1):127-33.
Smith CK, Howell SM, Hull ML. Anterior laxity, slippage, and recovery of function in the first year after tibialis allograft anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2011;39(1):78-88.
Gulotta LV, Kovacevic D, Packer JD, Ehteshami JR, Rodeo SA. Adenoviral-mediated gene transfer of human bone morphogenetic protein-13 does not improve rotator cuff healing in a rat model. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2011;39(1):180-7.
Selim M, Bullock AJ, Blackwood KA, Chapple CR, MacNeil S. Developing biodegradable scaffolds for tissue engineering of the urethra. Bju International 2011;107(2):296-302.
Phelps HA, Lewis DD, Aiken-Palmer C, Winter MD. Use of a linear-circular hybrid external skeletal fixator for stabilization of a juxta-physeal proximal radial fracture in a deer (odocoileus virginianus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 2010;41(4):688-96.
Scognamillo-Szabo MVR, de Sousa NR, Tannus L, Carvalho FSR. Acupuncture and gold bead implant for hip dysplasia in german shepherd. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae 2010;38(4):443-8.
Witte TH, Cheetham J, Rawlinson JJ, Soderholm LV, Ducharme NG. A transducer for measuring force on surgical sutures. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research-Revue Canadienne De Recherche Veterinaire 2010;74(4):299-304.
Roy AS, Dupps WJ. Patient-specific modeling of corneal refractive surgery outcomes and inverse estimation of elastic property changes. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the Asme 2011;133(1).
Sehi M, Flanagan JG, Zeng LL, Cook RJ, Trope GE. The association between diurnal variation of optic nerve head topography and intraocular pressure and ocular perfusion pressure in untreated primary open-angle glaucoma. Journal of Glaucoma 2011;20(1):44-50.
Ichiyama RM, Broman J, Roy RR, Zhong H, Edgerton VR, Havton LA. Locomotor training maintains normal inhibitory influence on both alpha- and gamma-motoneurons after neonatal spinal cord transection. Journal of Neuroscience 2011;31(1):26-33.