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LITERATURE UPDATE: Jan 6 - 13, 2011

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  • LITERATURE UPDATE: Jan 6 - 13, 2011

    Jan 6 – 13, 2011
    Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

    Helen J. Huang, PhD
    Neuromechanics Laboratory
    University of Colorado at Boulder
    ************************************************** ***************
    - Not all articles have a DOI.
    - Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
    - Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the
    article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available
    in electronic form through the publisher.
    -update with active doi links is also available at


    Burghardt AJ, Kazakia GJ, Sode M, de Papp AE, Link TM, Majumdar S. A
    longitudinal hr-pqct study of alendronate treatment in postmenopausal
    women with low bone density: Relations among density, cortical and
    trabecular microarchitecture, biomechanics, and bone turnover. Journal
    of Bone and Mineral Research 2010;25(12):2282-95.

    Li XD, Warmington KS, Niu QT, Asuncion FJ, Barrero M, Grisanti M et
    al. Inhibition of sclerostin by monoclonal antibody increases bone
    formation, bone mass, and bone strength in aged male rats. Journal of
    Bone and Mineral Research 2010;25(12):2371-80.


    Sadat U, Teng Z, Young VE, Walsh SR, Li ZY, Graves MJ et al.
    Association between biomechanical structural stresses of
    atherosclerotic carotid plaques and subsequent ischaemic
    cerebrovascular events - a longitudinal in vivo magnetic resonance
    imaging-based finite element study. European Journal of Vascular and
    Endovascular Surgery 2010;40(4):485-91.

    Stevanella M, Votta E, Lemma M, Antona C, Redaelli A. Finite element
    modelling of the tricuspid valve: A preliminary study. Medical
    Engineering & Physics 2010;32(10):1213-23.

    Willett NJ, Long RC, Maiellaro-Rafferty K, Sutliff RL, Shafer R,
    Oshinski JN et al. An in vivo murine model of low-magnitude
    oscillatory wall shear stress to address the molecular mechanisms of
    mechanotransduction-brief report. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and
    Vascular Biology 2010;30(11):2099-U198.


    Das A, Lauffenburger D, Asada H, Kamm R. Determining cell fate
    transition probabilities to vegf/ang 1 levels: Relating computational
    modeling to microfluidic angiogenesis studies. Cellular and Molecular
    Bioengineering 2010;3(4):345-60.


    Demirkan I, Altin S, Demirkan AC, Korkmaz M. Comparison of the effects
    of flight restraint in the partridge (alectoris chukar) by tenectomy,
    capsulectomy or tenectomy plus capsulectomy techniques. Kafkas
    Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi 2010;16(6):1017-24.

    Freeman PW, Lemen CA. Simple predictors of bite force in bats: The
    good, the better and the better still. Journal of Zoology

    Korff WL, McHenry MJ. Environmental differences in substrate mechanics
    do not affect sprinting performance in sand lizards (uma scoparia and
    callisaurus draconoides). Journal of Experimental Biology

    Van der Sluijs L, Gerken M, Preuschoft H. Comparative analysis of
    walking gaits in south american camelids. Journal of Zoology

    Witney AG, Hedwig B. Kinematics of phonotactic steering in the walking
    cricket gryllus bimaculatus (de geer). Journal of Experimental Biology


    Correa TA, Pandy MG, Crossley KM. Response to comment on
    "Contributions of individual muscles to hip joint contact force in
    normal walking [j. Biomech. 43 (2010) 1618-1622]". Journal of
    Biomechanics 2010;43(15):3070-1.


    Creaby MW, Wang Y, Bennell KL, Hinman RS, Metcalf BR, Bowles KA et al.
    Dynamic knee loading is related to cartilage defects and tibial
    plateau bone area in medial knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis and
    Cartilage 2010;18(11):1380-5.

    Punzi L, Oliviero F, Ramonda R. New horizons in osteoarthritis. Swiss
    Medical Weekly 2010;140:16-22.


    Cheng J, Howard IC, Rennison M. Study of an infant brain subjected to
    periodic motion via a custom experimental apparatus design and finite
    element modelling. Journal of Biomechanics 2010;43(15):2887-96.

    De Witt JK. Determination of toe-off event time during treadmill
    locomotion using kinematic data. Journal of Biomechanics

    Greiser S, Bohm V, Zimmermann K. Position control of magnetic beads by
    means of electromagnetic fields with respect to apodal locomotion
    systems. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and
    Mechanics 2010;34(4):225-35.

    Parker KJ, Doyley MM, Rubens DJ. Imaging the elastic properties of
    tissue: The 20 year perspective. Physics in Medicine and Biology

    Russell A, Orchard G, Dong Y, Mihalas S, Niebur E, Tapson J et al.
    Optimization methods for spiking neurons and networks. Ieee
    Transactions on Neural Networks 2010;21(12):1950-62.
    Spiking neurons and spiking neural circuits are finding uses in a multitude of tasks such as robotic locomotion control, neuroprosthetics, visual sensory processing, and audition. The desired neural output is achieved through the use of complex neuron models, or by combining multiple simple neurons into a network. In either case, a means for configuring the neuron or neural circuit is required. Manual manipulation of parameters is both time consuming and non-intuitive due to the nonlinear relationship between parameters and the neuron's output. The complexity rises even further as the neurons are networked and the systems often become mathematically intractable. In large circuits, the desired behavior and timing of action potential trains may be known but the timing of the individual action potentials is unknown and unimportant, whereas in single neuron systems the timing of individual action potentials is critical. In this paper, we automate the process of finding parameters. To configure a single neuron we derive a maximum likelihood method for configuring a neuron model, specifically the Mihalas-Niebur Neuron. Similarly, to configure neural circuits, we show how we use genetic algorithms (GAs) to configure parameters for a network of simple integrate and fire with adaptation neurons. The GA approach is demonstrated both in software simulation and hardware implementation on a reconfigurable custom very large scale integration chip.

    Sejdic E, Steele CM, Chau T. Understanding the statistical persistence
    of dual-axis swallowing accelerometry signals. Computers in Biology
    and Medicine 2010;40(11-12):839-44.

    Wang M, Radjenovic A, Stapleton TW, Venkatesh R, Williams S, Ingham E
    et al. A novel and non-destructive method to examine meniscus
    architecture using 9.4 tesla mri. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage

    Wang WH, Sun Y, Dixon SJ, Alexander M, Roy PJ. An automated
    micropositioning system for investigating c. Elegans locomotive
    behavior. Jala 2009;14(5):269-76.


    Bergmann M, Iollo A. Modeling and simulation of fish-like swimming.
    Journal of Computational Physics 2011;230(2):329-48.

    Olensek A, Matjacic Z. Two-level control strategy of an eight link
    biped walking model. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory


    Leonard TR, Joumaa V, Herzog W. An activatable molecular spring
    reduces muscle tearing during extreme stretching. Journal of
    Biomechanics 2010;43(15):3063-6.


    Alexanian AR, Kwok WM, Pravdic D, Maiman DJ, Fehlings MG. Survival of
    neurally induced mesenchymal cells may determine degree of motor
    recovery in injured spinal cord rats. Restorative Neurology and
    Neuroscience 2010;28(6):761-7.

    Carmel JB, Berrol LJ, Brus-Ramer M, Martin JH. Chronic electrical
    stimulation of the intact corticospinal system after unilateral injury
    restores skilled locomotor control and promotes spinal axon outgrowth
    in the rat. Annals of Neurology 2010;68(4):S93-S.

    Chen CY, Yang CCH, Lin YY, Kuo TBJ. Locomotion-induced hippocampal
    theta is independent of visual information in rats during movement
    through a pipe. Behavioural Brain Research 2011;216(2):699-704.

    Fujiyoshi T, Kubo T, Chan CCM, Koda M, Okawa A, Takahashi K et al.
    Interferon-gamma decreases chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan expression
    and enhances hindlimb function after spinal cord injury in mice.
    Journal of Neurotrauma 2010;27(12):2283-94.

    Garcia-Alias G, Torres-Espin A, Vallejo C, Navarro X. Functional
    involvement of the lumbar spinal cord after contusion to t8 spinal
    segment of the rat. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience

    Li WC, Roberts A, Soffe SR. Specific brainstem neurons switch each
    other into pacemaker mode to drive movement by activating nmda
    receptors. Journal of Neuroscience 2010;30(49):16609-20.

    Wahab NA, Jones RD, Huckabee ML. Effects of olfactory and gustatory
    stimuli on neural excitability for swallowing. Physiology & Behavior

    Zhang DG, Poignet P, Widjaja F, Ang WT. Neural oscillator based
    control for pathological tremor suppression via functional electrical
    stimulation. Control Engineering Practice 2011;19(1):74-88.


    Jean-Charles C, Rubod C, Brieu M, Boukerrou M, Fasel J, Cosson M.
    Biomechanical properties of prolapsed or non-prolapsed vaginal tissue:
    Impact on genital prolapse surgery. International Urogynecology
    Journal 2010;21(12):1535-8.


    Miller CP, Bible JE, Jegede KA, Whang PG, Grauer JN. The effect of
    rigid cervical collar height on full, active, and functional range of
    motion during fifteen activities of daily living. Spine

    Rohlmann A, Boustani HN, Bergmann G, Zander T. Effect of a
    pedicle-screw-based motion preservation system on lumbar spine
    biomechanics: A probabilistic finite element study with subsequent
    sensitivity analysis. Journal of Biomechanics 2010;43(15):2963-9.

    Sheyn D, Ruthemann M, Mizrahi O, Kallai I, Zilberman Y, Tawackoli W et
    al. Genetically modified mesenchymal stem cells induce mechanically
    stable posterior spine fusion. Tissue Engineering Part A

    Weisshaar CL, Dong L, Bowman AS, Perez FM, Guarino BB, Sweitzer SM et
    al. Metabotropic glutamate receptor-5 and protein kinase c-epsilon
    increase in dorsal root ganglion neurons and spinal glial activation
    in an adolescent rat model of painful neck injury. Journal of
    Neurotrauma 2010;27(12):2261-71.


    Bottlang M, Doornink J, Lujan TJ, Fitzpatrick DC, Marsh L, Augat P et
    al. Effects of construct stiffness on healing of fractures stabilized
    with locking plates. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-American Volume

    MacWilliams BA, McMulkin ML, Baird GO, Stevens PM. Distal tibial
    rotation osteotomies normalize frontal plane knee moments. Journal of
    Bone and Joint Surgery-American Volume 2010;92A(17):2835-42.

    Nam D, Kepler CK, Neviaser AS, Jones KJ, Wright TM, Craig EV et al.
    Reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: Current concepts, results, and
    component wear analysis. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-American
    Volume 2010;92A:23-35.


    Henaff P, Scesa V, Ben Ouezdou F, Bruneau O. Real time implementation
    of ctrnn and bptt algorithm to learn on-line biped robot balance:
    Experiments on the standing posture. Control Engineering Practice

    Secord TW, Asada HH. A variable stiffness pzt actuator having tunable
    resonant frequencies. Ieee Transactions on Robotics

    Sliker LJ, Wang X, Schoen JA, Rentschler ME. Micropatterned treads for
    in vivo robotic mobility. Journal of Medical Devices-Transactions of
    the Asme 2010;4(4).


    Hughes G, Watkins J, Owen N. The effects of opposition and gender on
    knee kinematics and ground reaction force during landing from
    volleyball block jumps. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport

    Meaney DF, Smith DH. Biomechanics of concussion. Clinics in Sports
    Medicine 2011;30(1):19-+.

    Meehan WP, Taylor AM, Proctor M. The pediatric athlete: Younger
    athletes with sport-related concussion. Clinics in Sports Medicine

    Thomas JR, Alderson JA, Thomas KT, Campbell AC, Elliott BC.
    Developmental gender differences for overhand throwing in aboriginal
    australian children. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport


    Abrahamsson CK, Yang F, Park H, Brunger JM, Valonen PK, Langer R et
    al. Chondrogenesis and mineralization during in vitro culture of human
    mesenchymal stem cells on three-dimensional woven scaffolds. Tissue
    Engineering Part A 2010;16(12):3709-18.

    Campagna C, Yang C, Yu P, Nguyen B, Tao M, Ni P et al. Biomechanical
    analyses of murine vein graft models with comparisons to the human
    condition. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology

    McGilvray KC, Sarkar R, Nguyen K, Puttlitz CM. A biomechanical
    analysis of venous tissue in its normal and post-phlebitic conditions.
    Journal of Biomechanics 2010;43(15):2941-7.

    Steck E, Bertram H, Walther A, Brohm K, Mrozik B, Rathmann M et al.
    Enhanced biochemical and biomechanical properties of scaffolds
    generated by flock technology for cartilage tissue engineering. Tissue
    Engineering Part A 2010;16(12):3697-707.

    Tottey S, Johnson SA, Crapo PM, Reing JE, Zhang L, Jiang HB et al. The
    effect of source animal age upon extracellular matrix scaffold
    properties. Biomaterials 2011;32(1):128-36.

    Usvald D, Vodicka P, Hlucilova J, Prochazka R, Motlik J, Kuchorova K
    et al. Analysis of dosing regimen and reproducibility of intraspinal
    grafting of human spinal stem cells in immunosuppressed minipigs. Cell
    Transplantation 2010;19(9):1103-22.

    Zhou Y, Wu Z, Ge JA, Wan PX, Li NY, Xiang P et al. Development and
    characterization of acellular porcine corneal matrix using sodium
    dodecylsulfate. Cornea 2011;30(1):73-82.


    Agnello KA, Kapatkin AS, Garcia TC, Hayashi K, Welihozkiy AT, Stover
    SM. Intervertebral biomechanics of locking compression plate
    monocortical fixation of the canine cervical spine. Veterinary Surgery

    Floyd AE. Use of a grading system to facilitate treatment and
    prognosis in horses with negative palmar angle syndrome (heel
    collapse): 107 cases. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science

    Reardon RJM, Bailey R, Walmsley JP, Heller J, Lischer C. An in vitro
    biomechanical comparison of a locking compression plate fixation and
    kerf cut cylinder fixation for ventral arthrodesis of the fourth and
    the fifth equine cervical vertebrae. Veterinary Surgery


    Myers KM, Cone FE, Quigley HA, Gelman S, Pease ME, Nguyen TD. The in
    vitro inflation response of mouse sclera. Experimental Eye Research


    Genc KO, Gopalakrishnan R, Kuklis MM, Maender CC, Rice AJ, Bowersox KD
    et al. Foot forces during exercise on the international space station.
    Journal of Biomechanics 2010;43(15):3020-7.

    Lee HY, Kopesky PW, Plaas A, Sandy J, Kisiday J, Frisbie D et al.
    Adult bone marrow stromal cell-based tissue-engineered aggrecan
    exhibits ultrastructure and nanomechanical properties superior to
    native cartilage. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2010;18(11):1477-86.
    Last edited by Ton van den Bogert; February 23, 2011, 12:26 AM. Reason: restoring the Jan 6-13 update