Mar 11 – 17, 2011
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Helen J. Huang, PhD
Neuromechanics Laboratory
University of Colorado at Boulder
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Hi all,
This week's update is huge, 300+, and broken into two parts due to maximum message size limitations. Please see reply to the message for the second half of the update.
Barbieri G, Barbieri CH, Mazzer N and Pela CA. Ultrasound propagation velocity and broadband attenuation can help evaluate the healing process of an experimental fracture. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2011;29(3):444-51.
Brennan O, Kennedy OD, Lee TC, Rackard SM and O'Brien FJ. Effects of estrogen deficiency and bisphosphonate therapy on osteocyte viability and microdamage accumulation in an ovine model of osteoporosis. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2011;29(3):419-24.
Brophy RH, Kovacevic D, Imhauser CW, Stasiak M, Bedi A, Fox AJS, et al. Effect of short-duration low-magnitude cyclic loading versus immobilization on tendon-bone healing after acl reconstruction in a rat model. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-American Volume 2011;93A(4):381-93.
Caetano-Lopes J, Lopes A, Rodrigues A, Fernandes D, Perpetuo IP, Monjardino T, et al. Upregulation of inflammatory genes and downregulation of sclerostin gene expression are key elements in the early phase of fragility fracture healing. Plos One 2011;6(2).
Claes L, Reusch M, Gockelmann M, Ohnmacht M, Wehner T, Amling M, et al. Metaphyseal fracture healing follows similar biomechanical rules as diaphyseal healing. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2011;29(3):425-32.
Garcia P, Speidel V, Scheuer C, Laschke MW, Holstein JH, Histing T, et al. Low dose erythropoietin stimulates bone healing in mice. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2011;29(2):165-72.
Hang F and Barber AH. Nano-mechanical properties of individual mineralized collagen fibrils from bone tissue. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 2011;8(57):500-5.
Kang RW, Strauss EJ, Barker JU and Bach BR. Effect of donor age on bone mineral density in irradiated bone-patellar tendon-bone allografts of the anterior cruciate ligament. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2011;39(2):380-3.
Moazen M, Jones AC, Jin ZM, Wilcox RK and Tsiridis E. Periprosthetic fracture fixation of the femur following total hip arthroplasty: A review of biomechanical testing. Clinical Biomechanics 2011;26(1):13-22.
Ochalski PG, Adamo MA, Adelson PD, Okonkwo DO and Pollack IF. Fractures of the clivus and traumatic diastasis of the central skull base in the pediatric population clinical article. Journal of Neurosurgery-Pediatrics 2011;7(3):261-7.
Sigurdsen U, Reikeras O, Hoiseth A and Utvag SE. Correlations between strength and quantitative computed tomography measurement of callus mineralization in experimental tibial fractures. Clinical Biomechanics 2011;26(1):95-100.
Sroga GE and Vashishth D. Uplc methodology for identification and quantitation of naturally fluorescent crosslinks in proteins: A study of bone collagen. Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences 2011;879(5-6):379-85.
Vestergaard P, Schwartz F, Rejnmark L and Mosekilde L. Risk of femoral shaft and subtrochanteric fractures among users of bisphosphonates and raloxifene. Osteoporosis International 2011;22(3):993-1001.
Wulsten D, Glatt V, Ellinghaus A, Schmidt-Bleek K, Petersen A, Schell H, et al. Time kinetics of bone defect healing in response to bmp-2 and gdf-5 characterised by in vivo biomechanics. European Cells & Materials 2011;21:177-92.
Zadpoor AA and Nikooyan AA. The relationship between lower-extremity stress fractures and the ground reaction force: A systematic review. Clinical Biomechanics 2011;26(1):23-8.
Zhao MD, Zhou JA, Li XL, Fang TL, Dai WD, Yin WP, et al. Repair of bone defect with vascularized tissue engineered bone graft seeded with mesenchymal stem cells in rabbits. Microsurgery 2011;31(2):130-7.
Coutand C, Mathias JD, Jeronimidis G and Destrebecq JF. Twig: A model to simulate the gravitropic response of a tree axis in the frame of elasticity and viscoelasticity, at intra-annual time scale. Journal of Theoretical Biology 2011;273(1):115-29.
Evangelista D, Hotton S and Dumais J. The mechanics of explosive dispersal and self-burial in the seeds of the filaree, erodium cicutarium (geraniaceae). Journal of Experimental Biology 2011;214(4):521-9.
Onoda Y, Westoby M, Adler PB, Choong AMF, Clissold FJ, Cornelissen JHC, et al. Global patterns of leaf mechanical properties. Ecology Letters 2011;14(3):301-12.
Gorman RC, Jackson BM, Burdick JA and Gorman JH. Infarct restraint to limit adverse ventricular remodeling. Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research 2011;4(1):73-81.
Tang BT, Fonte TA, Chan FP, Tsao PS, Feinstein JA and Taylor CA. Three-dimensional hemodynamics in the human pulmonary arteries under resting and exercise conditions. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2011;39(1):347-58.
Byron C, Kunz H, Matuszek H, Lewis S and Van Valkinburgh D. Rudimentary pedal grasping in mice and implications for terminal branch arboreal quadrupedalism. Journal of Morphology 2011;272(2):230-40.
Ehlers KM and Koiller J. Could cell membranes produce acoustic streaming? Making the case for synechococcus self-propulsion. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 2011;53(7-8):1489-504.
Farnum CE and Wilsman NJ. Orientation of primary cilia of articular chondrocytes in three-dimensional space. Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology 2011;294(3):533-49.
Filas BA, Bayly PV and Taber LA. Mechanical stress as a regulator of cytoskeletal contractility and nuclear shape in embryonic epithelia. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2011;39(1):443-54.
Meloni MA, Galleri G, Pani G, Saba A, Pippia P and Cogoli-Greuter M. Space flight affects motility and cytoskeletal structures in human monocyte cell line j-111. Cytoskeleton 2011;68(2):125-37.
Rape AD, Guo WH and Wang YL. The regulation of traction force in relation to cell shape and focal adhesions. Biomaterials 2011;32(8):2043-51.
Stocker R. Reverse and flick: Hybrid locomotion in bacteria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2011;108(7):2635-6.
Tamulonis C, Postma M, Marlow HQ, Magie CR, de Jong J and Kaandorp J. A cell-based model of nematostella vectensis gastrulation including bottle cell formation, invagination and zippering. Developmental Biology 2011;351(1):217-28.
Tayalia P, Mazur E and Mooney DJ. Controlled architectural and chemotactic studies of 3d cell migration. Biomaterials 2011;32(10):2634-41.
Teng XA and Toyama Y. Apoptotic force: Active mechanical function of cell death during morphogenesis. Development Growth & Differentiation 2011;53(2):269-76.
Veigel C and Schmidt CF. Moving into the cell: Single-molecule studies of molecular motors in complex environments. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 2011;12(3):163-76.
Wu XY, Shen QT, Oristian DS, Lu CP, Zheng QS, Wang HW, et al. Skin stem cells orchestrate directional migration by regulating microtubule-acf7 connections through gsk3 beta. Cell 2011;144(3):341-52.
Channon AJ, Gunther MM, Crompton RH, D'Aout K, Preuschoft H and Vereecke EE. The effect of substrate compliance on the biomechanics of gibbon leaps. Journal of Experimental Biology 2011;214(4):687-96.
Gidmark NJ, Strother JA, Horton JM, Summers AP and Brainerd EL. Locomotory transition from water to sand and its effects on undulatory kinematics in sand lances (ammodytidae). Journal of Experimental Biology 2011;214(4):657-64.
Hawlena D, Kress H, Dufresne ER and Schmitz OJ. Grasshoppers alter jumping biomechanics to enhance escape performance under chronic risk of spider predation. Functional Ecology 2011;25(1):279-88.
Pace CM and Gibb AC. Locomotor behavior across an environmental transition in the ropefish, erpetoichthys calabaricus. Journal of Experimental Biology 2011;214(4):530-7.
Pfau T, Hinton E, Whitehead C, Wiktorowicz-Conroy A and Hutchinson JR. Temporal gait parameters in the alpaca and the evolution of pacing and trotting locomotion in the camelidae. Journal of Zoology 2011;283(3):193-202.
Wang ZY, Wang JT, Ji AH, Zhang YY and Dai ZD. Behavior and dynamics of gecko's locomotion: The effects of moving directions on a vertical surface. Chinese Science Bulletin 2011;56(6):573-83.
Bonfante EA, Granato R, Marin C, Suzuki M, Oliveira SR, Giro G, et al. Early bone healing and biomechanical fixation of dual acid-etched and as-machined implants with healing chambers: An experimental study in dogs. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 2011;26(1):75-82.
Paul N, Kumar S, Chatterjee I and Mukherjee B. Electroglottographic parameterization of the effects of gender, vowel and phonatory registers on vocal fold vibratory patterns: An indian perspective. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery 2011;63(1):27-31.
Veltri M, Ferrari M and Balleri P. Correlation of radiographic fractal analysis with implant insertion torque in a rabbit trabecular bone model. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 2011;26(1):108-14.
Abel R and Macho GA. Ontogenetic changes in the internal and external morphology of the ilium in modern humans. Journal of Anatomy 2011;218(3):324-35.
Hampton PM. Ventral and sub-caudal scale counts are associated with macrohabitat use and tail specialization in viperid snakes. Evolutionary Ecology 2011;25(2):531-46.
Han CS, Jablonski PG, Kim B and Park FC. Size-assortative mating and sexual size dimorphism are predictable from simple mechanics of mate-grasping behavior. Bmc Evolutionary Biology 2010;10.
Ishigaki S and Lockley MG. Didactyl, tridactyl and tetradactyl theropod trackways from the lower jurassic of morocco: Evidence of limping, labouring and other irregular gaits. Historical Biology 2010;22(1-3):100-8.
Marty D, Belvedere M, Meyer CA, Mietto P, Paratte G, Lovis C, et al. Comparative analysis of late jurassic sauropod trackways from the jura mountains (nw switzerland) and the central high atlas mountains (morocco): Implications for sauropod ichnotaxonomy. Historical Biology 2010;22(1-3):109-33.
Reilly SM and Jorgensen ME. The evolution of jumping in frogs: Morphological evidence for the basal anuran locomotor condition and the radiation of locomotor systems in crown group anurans. Journal of Morphology 2011;272(2):149-68.
Romilio A and Salisbury SW. A reassessment of large theropod dinosaur tracks from the mid-cretaceous (late albian-cenomanian) winton formation of lark quarry, central-western queensland, australia: A case for mistaken identity. Cretaceous Research 2011;32(2):135-42.
Senut B. Upper miocene hominoid distribution and the origin of hominids revisited. Historical Biology 2010;22(1-3):260-7.
Slater GJ, Figueirido B, Louis L, Yang P and Van Valkenburgh B. Biomechanical consequences of rapid evolution in the polar bear lineage. Plos One 2010;5(11).
Tseng ZJ and Stynder D. Mosaic functionality in a transitional ecomorphology: Skull biomechanics in stem hyaeninae compared to modern south african carnivorans. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 2011;102(3):540-59.
Bovi G, Rabuffetti M, Mazzoleni P and Ferrarin M. A multiple-task gait analysis approach: Kinematic, kinetic and emg reference data for healthy young and adult subjects. Gait & Posture 2011;33(1):6-13.
Coh M, Babic V and Mackala K. Biomechanical, neuro-muscular and methodical aspects of running speed development. Journal of Human Kinetics 2010;26:73-81.
Ferretti G, Bringard A and Perini R. An analysis of performance in human locomotion. European Journal of Applied Physiology 2011;111(3):391-401.
Gallagher S, Pollard J and Porter WL. Locomotion in restricted space: Kinematic and electromyographic analysis of stoopwalking and crawling. Gait & Posture 2011;33(1):71-6.
Lamontagne M, Beaulieu ML and Beaule PE. Comparison of joint mechanics of both lower limbs of tha patients with healthy participants during stair ascent and descent. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2011;29(3):305-11.
Meardon SA, Hamill J and Derrick TR. Running injury and stride time variability over a prolonged run. Gait & Posture 2011;33(1):36-40.
Miyasike-DaSilva V, Allard F and McIlroy WE. Where do we look when we walk on stairs? Gaze behaviour on stairs, transitions, and handrails. Experimental Brain Research 2011;209(1):73-83.
Novak AC and Brouwer B. Sagittal and frontal lower limb joint moments during stair ascent and descent in young and older adults. Gait & Posture 2011;33(1):54-60.
Sassi A, Stefanescu A, Menaspa P, Bosio A, Riggio M and Rampinini E. The cost of running on natural grass and artificial turf surfaces. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 2011;25(3):606-11.
Syczewska M, Szczerbik E and Kalinowska M. Hip and knee kinematics in sagittal plane during stair ascent and descent in children, adolescents and young adults. Journal of Human Kinetics 2010;26:45-9.
Vasudevan EVL, Torres-Oviedo G, Morton SM, Yang JF and Bastian AJ. Younger is not always better: Development of locomotor adaptation from childhood to adulthood. Journal of Neuroscience 2011;31(8):3055-65.
Wunnemann M, Klein D and Rosenbaum D. Effects of the twin shoe (darco) to compensate height differences in normal gait. Gait & Posture 2011;33(1):61-5.
Illert T, Rammelt S, Drewes T, Grass R and Zwipp H. Stability of locking and non-locking plates in an osteoporotic calcaneal fracture model. Foot & Ankle International 2011;32(3):307-13.
Lee SH. Hand biomechanics in skilled pianists playing a scale in thirds. Medical Problems of Performing Artists 2010;25(4):167-74.
Riskowski J, Dufour AB and Hannan MT. Arthritis, foot pain and shoe wear: Current musculoskeletal research on feet. Current Opinion in Rheumatology 2011;23(2):148-55.
Rome K, Survepalli D, Sanders A, Lobo M, McQueen FM, McNair P, et al. Functional and biomechanical characteristics of foot disease in chronic gout: A case-control study. Clinical Biomechanics 2011;26(1):90-4.
Saito S and Suzuki Y. Biomechanics of the volar plate of the proximal interphalangeal joint: A dynamic ultrasonographic study. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2011;36A(2):265-71.
Vallejo RBD, Iglesias MEL, Sanz DR, Frutos JCP, Fuentes PS and Chicharro JL. Plantar pressures in children with and without sever's disease. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 2011;101(1):17-24.
Colwell CW, Chen PC and D'Lima D. Extensor malalignment arising from femoral component malrotation in knee arthroplasty: Effect of rotating-bearing. Clinical Biomechanics 2011;26(1):52-7.
Francavilla G, Sutera R, Iovane A, Candela F, Sanfilippo A, Francavilla VC, et al. Role of mr arthrography in shoulder micro-instability: Personal experience. Medicina Dello Sport 2010;63(4):547-56.
Hardingham T. Cell- and tissue-based approaches for cartilage repair. Atla-Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 2010;38:35-9.
Im GI and Lim MJ. Proximal hip geometry and hip fracture risk assessment in a korean population. Osteoporosis International 2011;22(3):803-7.
Jeon I, Bae JY, Park JH, Yoon TR, Todo M, Mawatari M, et al. The biomechanical effect of the collar of a femoral stem on total hip arthroplasty. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2011;14(1):103-12.
Kiesau CD, LaRose CR, Glisson RR, Easley ME and DeOrio JK. Talonavicular joint fixation using augmenting naviculocalcaneal screw in modified double hindfoot arthrodesis. Foot & Ankle International 2011;32(3):244-9.
McCullough MBA, Ringleb SI, Arai K, Kitaoka HB and Kaufman KR. Moment arms of the ankle throughout the range of motion in three planes. Foot & Ankle International 2011;32(3):300-6.
Neogi T and Zhang YQ. Osteoarthritis prevention. Current Opinion in Rheumatology 2011;23(2):185-91.
Omoumi P, Teixeira P, Lecouvet F and Chung CB. Glenohumeral joint instability. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2011;33(1):2-16.
Sabo MT, McDonald CP, Ferreira LM, Johnson JA and King GJ. Osteochondral lesions of the capitellum do not affect elbow kinematics and stability with intact collateral ligaments: An in vitro biomechanical study. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2011;36A(1):74-80.
Shelburne KB, Kim HJ, Sterett WI and Pandy MG. Effect of posterior tibial slope on knee biomechanics during functional activity. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2011;29(2):223-31.
Shultz SJ, Schmitz RJ and Beynnon BD. Variations in varus/valgus and internal/external rotational knee laxity and stiffness across the menstrual cycle. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2011;29(3):318-25.
Stufkens SA, Barg A, Bolliger L, Stucinskas J, Knupp M and Hintermann B. Measurement of the medial distal tibial angle. Foot & Ankle International 2011;32(3):288-93.
Tanaka Y, Aoki M, Izumi T, Wada T, Fujimiya M and Yamashita T. Effect of elbow and forearm position on contact pressure between the extensor origin and the lateral side of the capitellum. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2011;36A(1):81-8.
Tsakoniti AE, Mandalidis DG, Athanasopoulos SI and Stoupis CA. Effect of q-angle on patellar positioning and thickness of knee articular cartilages. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 2011;33(2):97-104.
Vaseenon T, Tochigi Y, Heiner AD, Goetz JE, Baer TE, Fredericks DC, et al. Organ-level histological and biomechanical responses from localized osteoarticular injury in the rabbit knee. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2011;29(3):340-6.
Werner FW, Sutton LG, Allison MA, Gilula LA, Short WH and Wollstein R. Scaphoid and lunate translation in the intact wrist and following ligament resection: A cadaver study. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2011;36A(2):291-8.
Wong J, Steklov N, Patil S, Flores-Hernandez C, Kester M, Colwell CW, et al. Predicting the effect of tray malalignment on risk for bone damage and implant subsidence after total knee arthroplasty. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2011;29(3):347-53.
Wu CC. Combined lateral retinacular release with drilling chondroplasty for treatment of patellofemoral osteoarthritis associated with patellar malalignment in elderly patients. Knee 2011;18(1):24-9.
Zeng ZM, Luo CF, Putnis S and Zeng BF. Biomechanical analysis of posteromedial tibial plateau split fracture fixation. Knee 2011;18(1):51-4.
Aragao RD, Rodrigues MAB, de Barros K, Silva SRF, Toscano AE, de Souza RE, et al. Automatic system for analysis of locomotor activity in rodents-a reproducibility study. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 2011;195(2):216-21.
Barros RML, Menezes RP, Russomanno TG, Misuta MS, Brandao BC, Figueroa PJ, et al. Measuring handball players trajectories using an automatically trained boosting algorithm. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2011;14(1):53-63.
Bustamante R and Holzapfel GA. Methods to compute 3d residual stress distributions in hyperelastic tubes with application to arterial walls. International Journal of Engineering Science 2010;48(11):1066-82.
Chen I, Coffey AM, Ding SY, Dumpuri P, Dawant BM, Thompson RC, et al. Intraoperative brain shift compensation: Accounting for dural septa. Ieee Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2011;58(3):499-508.
Costa LM, Pereira JE, Filipe VM, Couto PA, Magalhaes LG, Bulas-Cruz J, et al. The effect of gait speed on three-dimensional analysis of hindlimb kinematics during treadmill locomotion in rats. Reviews in the Neurosciences 2010;21(6):487-97.
Dogramaci SN, Watsford ML and Murphy AJ. The reliability and validity of subjective notational analysis in comparison to global positioning system tracking to assess athlete movement patterns. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 2011;25(3):852-9.
Genovese K, Lee YU and Humphrey JD. Novel optical system for in vitro quantification of full surface strain fields in small arteries: I. Theory and design. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2011;14(3):213-25.
Grassi L, Hraiech N, Schileo E, Ansaloni M, Rochette M and Viceconti M. Evaluation of the generality and accuracy of a new mesh morphing procedure for the human femur. Medical Engineering & Physics 2011;33(1):112-20.
Huang CJ, Wang YW, Huang TH, Lin CF, Li CY, Chen HM, et al. Applications of machine learning techniques to a sensor-network-based prosthesis training system. Applied Soft Computing 2011;11(3):3229-37.
Hur SC, Henderson-MacLennan NK, McCabe ERB and Di Carlo D. Deformability-based cell classification and enrichment using inertial microfluidics. Lab on a Chip 2011;11(5):912-20.
Joaoa F, Amadoa S, Velosoa A, Armada-Da-Silvaa P and Mauricio AC. Anatomical reference frame versus planar analysis: Implications for the kinematics of the rat hindlimb during locomotion. Reviews in the Neurosciences 2010;21(6):469-85.
Lujan TJ, Wirtz KM, Bahney CS, Madey SM, Johnstone B and Bottlang M. A novel bioreactor for the dynamic stimulation and mechanical evaluation of multiple tissue-engineered constructs. Tissue Engineering Part C-Methods 2011;17(3):367-74.
Maniere X, Lebois F, Matic I, Ladoux B, Di Meglio JM and Hersen P. Running worms: C. Elegans self-sorting by electrotaxis. Plos One 2011;6(2).
Metallo C, White RD and Trimmer BA. Flexible parylene-based microelectrode arrays for high resolution emg recordings in freely moving small animals. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 2011;195(2):176-84.
Preatoni E, La Torre A, Santambrogio GC and Rodano R. Motion analysis in sports monitoring techniques: Assessment protocols and application to racewalking. Medicina Dello Sport 2010;63(3):327-42.
Sadat U, Teng Z, Young VE, Graves MJ, Gaunt ME and Gillard JH. High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging-based biomechanical stress analysis of carotid atheroma: A comparison of single transient ischaemic attack, recurrent transient ischaemic attacks, non-disabling stroke and asymptomatic patient groups. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2011;41(1):83-90.
Salih WHM, Buytaert JAN and Dirckx JJJ. Measurement of micro-motions within non-transparent objects using gray scale information in x-ray stereo projection imaging. Measurement Science & Technology 2011;22(3).
Salih WHM, Soons JAM and Dirckx JJJ. High-resolution 3d translation measurements using point source x-ray stereoscopy. Measurement Science & Technology 2011;22(2).
Birnbaum K and Pandorf T. Finite element model of the proximal femur under consideration of the hip centralizing forces of the iliotibial tract. Clinical Biomechanics 2011;26(1):58-64.
Davis JL, Dumont ER, Strait DS and Grosse IR. An efficient method of modeling material properties using a thermal diffusion analogy: An example based on craniofacial bone. Plos One 2011;6(2).
Destrade M, Murphy JG and Ogden RW. On deforming a sector of a circular cylindrical tube into an intact tube: Existence, uniqueness, and stability. International Journal of Engineering Science 2010;48(11):1212-24.
Ezquerro F, Vacas FG, Postigo S, Prado M and Simon A. Calibration of the finite element model of a lumbar functional spinal unit using an optimization technique based on differential evolution. Medical Engineering & Physics 2011;33(1):89-95.
Falkingham PL, Bates KT, Margetts L and Manning PL. Simulating sauropod manus-only trackway formation using finite-element analysis. Biology Letters 2011;7(1):142-5.
Gao P and Feng JJ. A numerical investigation of the propulsion of water walkers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2011;668:363-83.
Grosberg A, Kuo PL, Guo CL, Geisse NA, Bray MA, Adams WJ, et al. Self-organization of muscle cell structure and function. Plos Computational Biology 2011;7(2).
Joldes GR, Wittek A and Miller K. Real-time nonlinear finite element computations on gpu - application to neurosurgical simulation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2010;199(49-52):3305-14.
Karsaj I, Soric J and Humphrey JD. A 3-d framework for arterial growth and remodeling in response to altered hemodynamics. International Journal of Engineering Science 2010;48(11):1357-72.
Keaveny EE and Shelley MJ. Applying a second-kind boundary integral equation for surface tractions in stokes flow. Journal of Computational Physics 2011;230(5):2141-59.
Kunze S and Brucker C. Flow control over an undulating membrane. Experiments in Fluids 2011;50(3):747-59.
Liu GY, ShaneXie SQ and Zhang YX. Optimization of spring-loaded crutches via boundary value problem. Ieee Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 2011;19(1):64-70.
Nazari MA, Perrier P, Chabanas M and Payan Y. Shaping by stiffening: A modeling study for lips. Motor Control 2011;15(1):141-68.
Nie XL, Liu HG, Huang XS, Tan J, Xie XF, Yao WJ, et al. Finite element model of human ear reconstruction through micro-computer tomography. Acta Oto-Laryngologica 2011;131(3):269-76.
Pedrigi RM and Humphrey JD. Computational model of evolving lens capsule biomechanics following cataract-like surgery. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2011;39(1):537-48.
Ruggiero A, Gomez E and D'Amato R. Approximate analytical model for the squeeze-film lubrication of the human ankle joint with synovial fluid filtrated by articular cartilage. Tribology Letters 2011;41(2):337-43.
Soares JS, Pasta S, Vorp DA and Moore JE. Modeling in cardiovascular biomechanics. International Journal of Engineering Science 2010;48(11):1563-75.
Szymczak C, Lubowiecka I, Tomaszewska A and Smietanski M. Modeling of the fascia-mesh system and sensitivity analysis of a junction force after a laparoscopic ventral hernia repair. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2010;48(4):933-50.
Ueda K, Takagi S, Nishiura Y and Nakagaki T. Mathematical model for contemplative amoeboid locomotion. Physical Review E 2011;83(2).
van Basten BJH, Egges A and Geraerts R. Combining path planners and motion graphs. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 2011;22(1):59-78.
Vette AH, Yoshida T, Thrasher TA, Masani K and Popovic MR. 1a complete, non-lumped, and verifiable set of upper body segment parameters for three-dimensional dynamic modeling. Medical Engineering & Physics 2011;33(1):70-9.
Zhuang DX, Liu YX, Wu JS, Yao CJ, Mao Y, Zhang CX, et al. A sparse intraoperative data-driven biomechanical model to compensate for brain shift during neuronavigation. American Journal of Neuroradiology 2011;32(2):395-402.
Das R, Rich J, Kim HM, McAlinden A and Thomopoulos S. Effects of botulinum toxin-induced paralysis on postnatal development of the supraspinatus muscle. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2011;29(2):281-8.
Kroon M. Influence of dispersion in myosin filament orientation and anisotropic filament contractions in smooth muscle. Journal of Theoretical Biology 2011;272(1):72-82.
Chen J, Friesen WO and Iwasaki T. Mechanisms underlying rhythmic locomotion: Body-fluid interaction in undulatory swimming. Journal of Experimental Biology 2011;214(4):561-74.
Cote MP, Azzam GA, Lemay MA, Zhukareva V and Houle JD. Activity-dependent increase in neurotrophic factors is associated with an enhanced modulation of spinal reflexes after spinal cord injury. Journal of Neurotrauma 2011;28(2):299-309.
Cronin NJ, Peltonen J, Sinkjaer T and Avela J. Neural compensation within the human triceps surae during prolonged walking. Journal of Neurophysiology 2011;105(2):548-53.
Cutuli D, Rossi S, Burello L, Laricchiuta D, De Chiara V, Foti F, et al. Before or after does it matter? Different protocols of environmental enrichment differently influence motor, synaptic and structural deficits of cerebellar origin. Neurobiology of Disease 2011;42(1):9-20.
Dohle C, Stephan KM, Valvoda JT, Hosseiny O, Tellmann L, Kuhlen T, et al. Representation of virtual arm movements in precuneus. Experimental Brain Research 2011;208(4):543-55.
Dong W, Wang RB and Zhang ZK. Exploring human rhythmic gait movement in the role of cerebral cortex signal. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition 2011;32(2):223-30.
Grimme B, Fuchs S, Perrier P and Schoner G. Limb versus speech motor control: A conceptual review. Motor Control 2011;15(1):5-33.
Holstein GR, Friedrich VL, Kang T, Kukielka E and Martinelli GP. Direct projections from the caudal vestibular nuclei to the ventrolateral medulla in the rat. Neuroscience 2011;175:104-17.
Huettl RE, Soellner H, Bianchi E, Novitch BG and Huber AB. Npn-1 contributes to axon-axon interactions that differentially control sensory and motor innervation of the limb. Plos Biology 2011;9(2).
Jackson AW and McClellan AD. Localization, pharmacology, and organization of brain locomotor areas in larval lamprey. Neuroscience 2011;175:235-50.
Liang HZ, Paxinos G and Watson C. Projections from the brain to the spinal cord in the mouse. Brain Structure & Function 2011;215(3-4):159-86.
Liu CJ, Shi ZB, Fan LH, Zhang C, Wang KZ and Wang B. Resveratrol improves neuron protection and functional recovery in rat model of spinal cord injury. Brain Research 2011;1374:100-9.
Mezzarane RA, Klimstra M, Lewis A, Hundza SR and Zehr EP. Interlimb coupling from the arms to legs is differentially specified for populations of motor units comprising the compound h-reflex during "Reduced" Human locomotion. Experimental Brain Research 2011;208(2):157-68.
Song WG and Giszter SF. Adaptation to a cortex-controlled robot attached at the pelvis and engaged during locomotion in rats. Journal of Neuroscience 2011;31(8):3110-28.
Wagenaar JB, Ventura V and Weber DJ. State-space decoding of primary afferent neuron firing rates. Journal of Neural Engineering 2011;8(1).
Mar 11 – 17, 2011
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Helen J. Huang, PhD
Neuromechanics Laboratory
University of Colorado at Boulder
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Hi all,
This week's update is huge, 300+, and broken into two parts due to maximum message size limitations. Please see reply to the message for the second half of the update.
Barbieri G, Barbieri CH, Mazzer N and Pela CA. Ultrasound propagation velocity and broadband attenuation can help evaluate the healing process of an experimental fracture. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2011;29(3):444-51.
Brennan O, Kennedy OD, Lee TC, Rackard SM and O'Brien FJ. Effects of estrogen deficiency and bisphosphonate therapy on osteocyte viability and microdamage accumulation in an ovine model of osteoporosis. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2011;29(3):419-24.
Brophy RH, Kovacevic D, Imhauser CW, Stasiak M, Bedi A, Fox AJS, et al. Effect of short-duration low-magnitude cyclic loading versus immobilization on tendon-bone healing after acl reconstruction in a rat model. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-American Volume 2011;93A(4):381-93.
Caetano-Lopes J, Lopes A, Rodrigues A, Fernandes D, Perpetuo IP, Monjardino T, et al. Upregulation of inflammatory genes and downregulation of sclerostin gene expression are key elements in the early phase of fragility fracture healing. Plos One 2011;6(2).
Claes L, Reusch M, Gockelmann M, Ohnmacht M, Wehner T, Amling M, et al. Metaphyseal fracture healing follows similar biomechanical rules as diaphyseal healing. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2011;29(3):425-32.
Garcia P, Speidel V, Scheuer C, Laschke MW, Holstein JH, Histing T, et al. Low dose erythropoietin stimulates bone healing in mice. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2011;29(2):165-72.
Hang F and Barber AH. Nano-mechanical properties of individual mineralized collagen fibrils from bone tissue. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 2011;8(57):500-5.
Kang RW, Strauss EJ, Barker JU and Bach BR. Effect of donor age on bone mineral density in irradiated bone-patellar tendon-bone allografts of the anterior cruciate ligament. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2011;39(2):380-3.
Moazen M, Jones AC, Jin ZM, Wilcox RK and Tsiridis E. Periprosthetic fracture fixation of the femur following total hip arthroplasty: A review of biomechanical testing. Clinical Biomechanics 2011;26(1):13-22.
Ochalski PG, Adamo MA, Adelson PD, Okonkwo DO and Pollack IF. Fractures of the clivus and traumatic diastasis of the central skull base in the pediatric population clinical article. Journal of Neurosurgery-Pediatrics 2011;7(3):261-7.
Sigurdsen U, Reikeras O, Hoiseth A and Utvag SE. Correlations between strength and quantitative computed tomography measurement of callus mineralization in experimental tibial fractures. Clinical Biomechanics 2011;26(1):95-100.
Sroga GE and Vashishth D. Uplc methodology for identification and quantitation of naturally fluorescent crosslinks in proteins: A study of bone collagen. Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences 2011;879(5-6):379-85.
Vestergaard P, Schwartz F, Rejnmark L and Mosekilde L. Risk of femoral shaft and subtrochanteric fractures among users of bisphosphonates and raloxifene. Osteoporosis International 2011;22(3):993-1001.
Wulsten D, Glatt V, Ellinghaus A, Schmidt-Bleek K, Petersen A, Schell H, et al. Time kinetics of bone defect healing in response to bmp-2 and gdf-5 characterised by in vivo biomechanics. European Cells & Materials 2011;21:177-92.
Zadpoor AA and Nikooyan AA. The relationship between lower-extremity stress fractures and the ground reaction force: A systematic review. Clinical Biomechanics 2011;26(1):23-8.
Zhao MD, Zhou JA, Li XL, Fang TL, Dai WD, Yin WP, et al. Repair of bone defect with vascularized tissue engineered bone graft seeded with mesenchymal stem cells in rabbits. Microsurgery 2011;31(2):130-7.
Coutand C, Mathias JD, Jeronimidis G and Destrebecq JF. Twig: A model to simulate the gravitropic response of a tree axis in the frame of elasticity and viscoelasticity, at intra-annual time scale. Journal of Theoretical Biology 2011;273(1):115-29.
Evangelista D, Hotton S and Dumais J. The mechanics of explosive dispersal and self-burial in the seeds of the filaree, erodium cicutarium (geraniaceae). Journal of Experimental Biology 2011;214(4):521-9.
Onoda Y, Westoby M, Adler PB, Choong AMF, Clissold FJ, Cornelissen JHC, et al. Global patterns of leaf mechanical properties. Ecology Letters 2011;14(3):301-12.
Gorman RC, Jackson BM, Burdick JA and Gorman JH. Infarct restraint to limit adverse ventricular remodeling. Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research 2011;4(1):73-81.
Tang BT, Fonte TA, Chan FP, Tsao PS, Feinstein JA and Taylor CA. Three-dimensional hemodynamics in the human pulmonary arteries under resting and exercise conditions. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2011;39(1):347-58.
Byron C, Kunz H, Matuszek H, Lewis S and Van Valkinburgh D. Rudimentary pedal grasping in mice and implications for terminal branch arboreal quadrupedalism. Journal of Morphology 2011;272(2):230-40.
Ehlers KM and Koiller J. Could cell membranes produce acoustic streaming? Making the case for synechococcus self-propulsion. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 2011;53(7-8):1489-504.
Farnum CE and Wilsman NJ. Orientation of primary cilia of articular chondrocytes in three-dimensional space. Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology 2011;294(3):533-49.
Filas BA, Bayly PV and Taber LA. Mechanical stress as a regulator of cytoskeletal contractility and nuclear shape in embryonic epithelia. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2011;39(1):443-54.
Meloni MA, Galleri G, Pani G, Saba A, Pippia P and Cogoli-Greuter M. Space flight affects motility and cytoskeletal structures in human monocyte cell line j-111. Cytoskeleton 2011;68(2):125-37.
Rape AD, Guo WH and Wang YL. The regulation of traction force in relation to cell shape and focal adhesions. Biomaterials 2011;32(8):2043-51.
Stocker R. Reverse and flick: Hybrid locomotion in bacteria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2011;108(7):2635-6.
Tamulonis C, Postma M, Marlow HQ, Magie CR, de Jong J and Kaandorp J. A cell-based model of nematostella vectensis gastrulation including bottle cell formation, invagination and zippering. Developmental Biology 2011;351(1):217-28.
Tayalia P, Mazur E and Mooney DJ. Controlled architectural and chemotactic studies of 3d cell migration. Biomaterials 2011;32(10):2634-41.
Teng XA and Toyama Y. Apoptotic force: Active mechanical function of cell death during morphogenesis. Development Growth & Differentiation 2011;53(2):269-76.
Veigel C and Schmidt CF. Moving into the cell: Single-molecule studies of molecular motors in complex environments. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 2011;12(3):163-76.
Wu XY, Shen QT, Oristian DS, Lu CP, Zheng QS, Wang HW, et al. Skin stem cells orchestrate directional migration by regulating microtubule-acf7 connections through gsk3 beta. Cell 2011;144(3):341-52.
Channon AJ, Gunther MM, Crompton RH, D'Aout K, Preuschoft H and Vereecke EE. The effect of substrate compliance on the biomechanics of gibbon leaps. Journal of Experimental Biology 2011;214(4):687-96.
Gidmark NJ, Strother JA, Horton JM, Summers AP and Brainerd EL. Locomotory transition from water to sand and its effects on undulatory kinematics in sand lances (ammodytidae). Journal of Experimental Biology 2011;214(4):657-64.
Hawlena D, Kress H, Dufresne ER and Schmitz OJ. Grasshoppers alter jumping biomechanics to enhance escape performance under chronic risk of spider predation. Functional Ecology 2011;25(1):279-88.
Pace CM and Gibb AC. Locomotor behavior across an environmental transition in the ropefish, erpetoichthys calabaricus. Journal of Experimental Biology 2011;214(4):530-7.
Pfau T, Hinton E, Whitehead C, Wiktorowicz-Conroy A and Hutchinson JR. Temporal gait parameters in the alpaca and the evolution of pacing and trotting locomotion in the camelidae. Journal of Zoology 2011;283(3):193-202.
Wang ZY, Wang JT, Ji AH, Zhang YY and Dai ZD. Behavior and dynamics of gecko's locomotion: The effects of moving directions on a vertical surface. Chinese Science Bulletin 2011;56(6):573-83.
Bonfante EA, Granato R, Marin C, Suzuki M, Oliveira SR, Giro G, et al. Early bone healing and biomechanical fixation of dual acid-etched and as-machined implants with healing chambers: An experimental study in dogs. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 2011;26(1):75-82.
Paul N, Kumar S, Chatterjee I and Mukherjee B. Electroglottographic parameterization of the effects of gender, vowel and phonatory registers on vocal fold vibratory patterns: An indian perspective. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery 2011;63(1):27-31.
Veltri M, Ferrari M and Balleri P. Correlation of radiographic fractal analysis with implant insertion torque in a rabbit trabecular bone model. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 2011;26(1):108-14.
Abel R and Macho GA. Ontogenetic changes in the internal and external morphology of the ilium in modern humans. Journal of Anatomy 2011;218(3):324-35.
Hampton PM. Ventral and sub-caudal scale counts are associated with macrohabitat use and tail specialization in viperid snakes. Evolutionary Ecology 2011;25(2):531-46.
Han CS, Jablonski PG, Kim B and Park FC. Size-assortative mating and sexual size dimorphism are predictable from simple mechanics of mate-grasping behavior. Bmc Evolutionary Biology 2010;10.
Ishigaki S and Lockley MG. Didactyl, tridactyl and tetradactyl theropod trackways from the lower jurassic of morocco: Evidence of limping, labouring and other irregular gaits. Historical Biology 2010;22(1-3):100-8.
Marty D, Belvedere M, Meyer CA, Mietto P, Paratte G, Lovis C, et al. Comparative analysis of late jurassic sauropod trackways from the jura mountains (nw switzerland) and the central high atlas mountains (morocco): Implications for sauropod ichnotaxonomy. Historical Biology 2010;22(1-3):109-33.
Reilly SM and Jorgensen ME. The evolution of jumping in frogs: Morphological evidence for the basal anuran locomotor condition and the radiation of locomotor systems in crown group anurans. Journal of Morphology 2011;272(2):149-68.
Romilio A and Salisbury SW. A reassessment of large theropod dinosaur tracks from the mid-cretaceous (late albian-cenomanian) winton formation of lark quarry, central-western queensland, australia: A case for mistaken identity. Cretaceous Research 2011;32(2):135-42.
Senut B. Upper miocene hominoid distribution and the origin of hominids revisited. Historical Biology 2010;22(1-3):260-7.
Slater GJ, Figueirido B, Louis L, Yang P and Van Valkenburgh B. Biomechanical consequences of rapid evolution in the polar bear lineage. Plos One 2010;5(11).
Tseng ZJ and Stynder D. Mosaic functionality in a transitional ecomorphology: Skull biomechanics in stem hyaeninae compared to modern south african carnivorans. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 2011;102(3):540-59.
Bovi G, Rabuffetti M, Mazzoleni P and Ferrarin M. A multiple-task gait analysis approach: Kinematic, kinetic and emg reference data for healthy young and adult subjects. Gait & Posture 2011;33(1):6-13.
Coh M, Babic V and Mackala K. Biomechanical, neuro-muscular and methodical aspects of running speed development. Journal of Human Kinetics 2010;26:73-81.
Ferretti G, Bringard A and Perini R. An analysis of performance in human locomotion. European Journal of Applied Physiology 2011;111(3):391-401.
Gallagher S, Pollard J and Porter WL. Locomotion in restricted space: Kinematic and electromyographic analysis of stoopwalking and crawling. Gait & Posture 2011;33(1):71-6.
Lamontagne M, Beaulieu ML and Beaule PE. Comparison of joint mechanics of both lower limbs of tha patients with healthy participants during stair ascent and descent. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2011;29(3):305-11.
Meardon SA, Hamill J and Derrick TR. Running injury and stride time variability over a prolonged run. Gait & Posture 2011;33(1):36-40.
Miyasike-DaSilva V, Allard F and McIlroy WE. Where do we look when we walk on stairs? Gaze behaviour on stairs, transitions, and handrails. Experimental Brain Research 2011;209(1):73-83.
Novak AC and Brouwer B. Sagittal and frontal lower limb joint moments during stair ascent and descent in young and older adults. Gait & Posture 2011;33(1):54-60.
Sassi A, Stefanescu A, Menaspa P, Bosio A, Riggio M and Rampinini E. The cost of running on natural grass and artificial turf surfaces. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 2011;25(3):606-11.
Syczewska M, Szczerbik E and Kalinowska M. Hip and knee kinematics in sagittal plane during stair ascent and descent in children, adolescents and young adults. Journal of Human Kinetics 2010;26:45-9.
Vasudevan EVL, Torres-Oviedo G, Morton SM, Yang JF and Bastian AJ. Younger is not always better: Development of locomotor adaptation from childhood to adulthood. Journal of Neuroscience 2011;31(8):3055-65.
Wunnemann M, Klein D and Rosenbaum D. Effects of the twin shoe (darco) to compensate height differences in normal gait. Gait & Posture 2011;33(1):61-5.
Illert T, Rammelt S, Drewes T, Grass R and Zwipp H. Stability of locking and non-locking plates in an osteoporotic calcaneal fracture model. Foot & Ankle International 2011;32(3):307-13.
Lee SH. Hand biomechanics in skilled pianists playing a scale in thirds. Medical Problems of Performing Artists 2010;25(4):167-74.
Riskowski J, Dufour AB and Hannan MT. Arthritis, foot pain and shoe wear: Current musculoskeletal research on feet. Current Opinion in Rheumatology 2011;23(2):148-55.
Rome K, Survepalli D, Sanders A, Lobo M, McQueen FM, McNair P, et al. Functional and biomechanical characteristics of foot disease in chronic gout: A case-control study. Clinical Biomechanics 2011;26(1):90-4.
Saito S and Suzuki Y. Biomechanics of the volar plate of the proximal interphalangeal joint: A dynamic ultrasonographic study. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2011;36A(2):265-71.
Vallejo RBD, Iglesias MEL, Sanz DR, Frutos JCP, Fuentes PS and Chicharro JL. Plantar pressures in children with and without sever's disease. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 2011;101(1):17-24.
Colwell CW, Chen PC and D'Lima D. Extensor malalignment arising from femoral component malrotation in knee arthroplasty: Effect of rotating-bearing. Clinical Biomechanics 2011;26(1):52-7.
Francavilla G, Sutera R, Iovane A, Candela F, Sanfilippo A, Francavilla VC, et al. Role of mr arthrography in shoulder micro-instability: Personal experience. Medicina Dello Sport 2010;63(4):547-56.
Hardingham T. Cell- and tissue-based approaches for cartilage repair. Atla-Alternatives to Laboratory Animals 2010;38:35-9.
Im GI and Lim MJ. Proximal hip geometry and hip fracture risk assessment in a korean population. Osteoporosis International 2011;22(3):803-7.
Jeon I, Bae JY, Park JH, Yoon TR, Todo M, Mawatari M, et al. The biomechanical effect of the collar of a femoral stem on total hip arthroplasty. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2011;14(1):103-12.
Kiesau CD, LaRose CR, Glisson RR, Easley ME and DeOrio JK. Talonavicular joint fixation using augmenting naviculocalcaneal screw in modified double hindfoot arthrodesis. Foot & Ankle International 2011;32(3):244-9.
McCullough MBA, Ringleb SI, Arai K, Kitaoka HB and Kaufman KR. Moment arms of the ankle throughout the range of motion in three planes. Foot & Ankle International 2011;32(3):300-6.
Neogi T and Zhang YQ. Osteoarthritis prevention. Current Opinion in Rheumatology 2011;23(2):185-91.
Omoumi P, Teixeira P, Lecouvet F and Chung CB. Glenohumeral joint instability. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2011;33(1):2-16.
Sabo MT, McDonald CP, Ferreira LM, Johnson JA and King GJ. Osteochondral lesions of the capitellum do not affect elbow kinematics and stability with intact collateral ligaments: An in vitro biomechanical study. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2011;36A(1):74-80.
Shelburne KB, Kim HJ, Sterett WI and Pandy MG. Effect of posterior tibial slope on knee biomechanics during functional activity. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2011;29(2):223-31.
Shultz SJ, Schmitz RJ and Beynnon BD. Variations in varus/valgus and internal/external rotational knee laxity and stiffness across the menstrual cycle. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2011;29(3):318-25.
Stufkens SA, Barg A, Bolliger L, Stucinskas J, Knupp M and Hintermann B. Measurement of the medial distal tibial angle. Foot & Ankle International 2011;32(3):288-93.
Tanaka Y, Aoki M, Izumi T, Wada T, Fujimiya M and Yamashita T. Effect of elbow and forearm position on contact pressure between the extensor origin and the lateral side of the capitellum. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2011;36A(1):81-8.
Tsakoniti AE, Mandalidis DG, Athanasopoulos SI and Stoupis CA. Effect of q-angle on patellar positioning and thickness of knee articular cartilages. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 2011;33(2):97-104.
Vaseenon T, Tochigi Y, Heiner AD, Goetz JE, Baer TE, Fredericks DC, et al. Organ-level histological and biomechanical responses from localized osteoarticular injury in the rabbit knee. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2011;29(3):340-6.
Werner FW, Sutton LG, Allison MA, Gilula LA, Short WH and Wollstein R. Scaphoid and lunate translation in the intact wrist and following ligament resection: A cadaver study. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2011;36A(2):291-8.
Wong J, Steklov N, Patil S, Flores-Hernandez C, Kester M, Colwell CW, et al. Predicting the effect of tray malalignment on risk for bone damage and implant subsidence after total knee arthroplasty. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2011;29(3):347-53.
Wu CC. Combined lateral retinacular release with drilling chondroplasty for treatment of patellofemoral osteoarthritis associated with patellar malalignment in elderly patients. Knee 2011;18(1):24-9.
Zeng ZM, Luo CF, Putnis S and Zeng BF. Biomechanical analysis of posteromedial tibial plateau split fracture fixation. Knee 2011;18(1):51-4.
Aragao RD, Rodrigues MAB, de Barros K, Silva SRF, Toscano AE, de Souza RE, et al. Automatic system for analysis of locomotor activity in rodents-a reproducibility study. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 2011;195(2):216-21.
Barros RML, Menezes RP, Russomanno TG, Misuta MS, Brandao BC, Figueroa PJ, et al. Measuring handball players trajectories using an automatically trained boosting algorithm. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2011;14(1):53-63.
Bustamante R and Holzapfel GA. Methods to compute 3d residual stress distributions in hyperelastic tubes with application to arterial walls. International Journal of Engineering Science 2010;48(11):1066-82.
Chen I, Coffey AM, Ding SY, Dumpuri P, Dawant BM, Thompson RC, et al. Intraoperative brain shift compensation: Accounting for dural septa. Ieee Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2011;58(3):499-508.
Costa LM, Pereira JE, Filipe VM, Couto PA, Magalhaes LG, Bulas-Cruz J, et al. The effect of gait speed on three-dimensional analysis of hindlimb kinematics during treadmill locomotion in rats. Reviews in the Neurosciences 2010;21(6):487-97.
Dogramaci SN, Watsford ML and Murphy AJ. The reliability and validity of subjective notational analysis in comparison to global positioning system tracking to assess athlete movement patterns. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 2011;25(3):852-9.
Genovese K, Lee YU and Humphrey JD. Novel optical system for in vitro quantification of full surface strain fields in small arteries: I. Theory and design. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2011;14(3):213-25.
Grassi L, Hraiech N, Schileo E, Ansaloni M, Rochette M and Viceconti M. Evaluation of the generality and accuracy of a new mesh morphing procedure for the human femur. Medical Engineering & Physics 2011;33(1):112-20.
Huang CJ, Wang YW, Huang TH, Lin CF, Li CY, Chen HM, et al. Applications of machine learning techniques to a sensor-network-based prosthesis training system. Applied Soft Computing 2011;11(3):3229-37.
Hur SC, Henderson-MacLennan NK, McCabe ERB and Di Carlo D. Deformability-based cell classification and enrichment using inertial microfluidics. Lab on a Chip 2011;11(5):912-20.
Joaoa F, Amadoa S, Velosoa A, Armada-Da-Silvaa P and Mauricio AC. Anatomical reference frame versus planar analysis: Implications for the kinematics of the rat hindlimb during locomotion. Reviews in the Neurosciences 2010;21(6):469-85.
Lujan TJ, Wirtz KM, Bahney CS, Madey SM, Johnstone B and Bottlang M. A novel bioreactor for the dynamic stimulation and mechanical evaluation of multiple tissue-engineered constructs. Tissue Engineering Part C-Methods 2011;17(3):367-74.
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Metallo C, White RD and Trimmer BA. Flexible parylene-based microelectrode arrays for high resolution emg recordings in freely moving small animals. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 2011;195(2):176-84.
Preatoni E, La Torre A, Santambrogio GC and Rodano R. Motion analysis in sports monitoring techniques: Assessment protocols and application to racewalking. Medicina Dello Sport 2010;63(3):327-42.
Sadat U, Teng Z, Young VE, Graves MJ, Gaunt ME and Gillard JH. High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging-based biomechanical stress analysis of carotid atheroma: A comparison of single transient ischaemic attack, recurrent transient ischaemic attacks, non-disabling stroke and asymptomatic patient groups. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2011;41(1):83-90.
Salih WHM, Buytaert JAN and Dirckx JJJ. Measurement of micro-motions within non-transparent objects using gray scale information in x-ray stereo projection imaging. Measurement Science & Technology 2011;22(3).
Salih WHM, Soons JAM and Dirckx JJJ. High-resolution 3d translation measurements using point source x-ray stereoscopy. Measurement Science & Technology 2011;22(2).
Birnbaum K and Pandorf T. Finite element model of the proximal femur under consideration of the hip centralizing forces of the iliotibial tract. Clinical Biomechanics 2011;26(1):58-64.
Davis JL, Dumont ER, Strait DS and Grosse IR. An efficient method of modeling material properties using a thermal diffusion analogy: An example based on craniofacial bone. Plos One 2011;6(2).
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Gao P and Feng JJ. A numerical investigation of the propulsion of water walkers. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2011;668:363-83.
Grosberg A, Kuo PL, Guo CL, Geisse NA, Bray MA, Adams WJ, et al. Self-organization of muscle cell structure and function. Plos Computational Biology 2011;7(2).
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Karsaj I, Soric J and Humphrey JD. A 3-d framework for arterial growth and remodeling in response to altered hemodynamics. International Journal of Engineering Science 2010;48(11):1357-72.
Keaveny EE and Shelley MJ. Applying a second-kind boundary integral equation for surface tractions in stokes flow. Journal of Computational Physics 2011;230(5):2141-59.
Kunze S and Brucker C. Flow control over an undulating membrane. Experiments in Fluids 2011;50(3):747-59.
Liu GY, ShaneXie SQ and Zhang YX. Optimization of spring-loaded crutches via boundary value problem. Ieee Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 2011;19(1):64-70.
Nazari MA, Perrier P, Chabanas M and Payan Y. Shaping by stiffening: A modeling study for lips. Motor Control 2011;15(1):141-68.
Nie XL, Liu HG, Huang XS, Tan J, Xie XF, Yao WJ, et al. Finite element model of human ear reconstruction through micro-computer tomography. Acta Oto-Laryngologica 2011;131(3):269-76.
Pedrigi RM and Humphrey JD. Computational model of evolving lens capsule biomechanics following cataract-like surgery. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2011;39(1):537-48.
Ruggiero A, Gomez E and D'Amato R. Approximate analytical model for the squeeze-film lubrication of the human ankle joint with synovial fluid filtrated by articular cartilage. Tribology Letters 2011;41(2):337-43.
Soares JS, Pasta S, Vorp DA and Moore JE. Modeling in cardiovascular biomechanics. International Journal of Engineering Science 2010;48(11):1563-75.
Szymczak C, Lubowiecka I, Tomaszewska A and Smietanski M. Modeling of the fascia-mesh system and sensitivity analysis of a junction force after a laparoscopic ventral hernia repair. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2010;48(4):933-50.
Ueda K, Takagi S, Nishiura Y and Nakagaki T. Mathematical model for contemplative amoeboid locomotion. Physical Review E 2011;83(2).
van Basten BJH, Egges A and Geraerts R. Combining path planners and motion graphs. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 2011;22(1):59-78.
Vette AH, Yoshida T, Thrasher TA, Masani K and Popovic MR. 1a complete, non-lumped, and verifiable set of upper body segment parameters for three-dimensional dynamic modeling. Medical Engineering & Physics 2011;33(1):70-9.
Zhuang DX, Liu YX, Wu JS, Yao CJ, Mao Y, Zhang CX, et al. A sparse intraoperative data-driven biomechanical model to compensate for brain shift during neuronavigation. American Journal of Neuroradiology 2011;32(2):395-402.
Das R, Rich J, Kim HM, McAlinden A and Thomopoulos S. Effects of botulinum toxin-induced paralysis on postnatal development of the supraspinatus muscle. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2011;29(2):281-8.
Kroon M. Influence of dispersion in myosin filament orientation and anisotropic filament contractions in smooth muscle. Journal of Theoretical Biology 2011;272(1):72-82.
Chen J, Friesen WO and Iwasaki T. Mechanisms underlying rhythmic locomotion: Body-fluid interaction in undulatory swimming. Journal of Experimental Biology 2011;214(4):561-74.
Cote MP, Azzam GA, Lemay MA, Zhukareva V and Houle JD. Activity-dependent increase in neurotrophic factors is associated with an enhanced modulation of spinal reflexes after spinal cord injury. Journal of Neurotrauma 2011;28(2):299-309.
Cronin NJ, Peltonen J, Sinkjaer T and Avela J. Neural compensation within the human triceps surae during prolonged walking. Journal of Neurophysiology 2011;105(2):548-53.
Cutuli D, Rossi S, Burello L, Laricchiuta D, De Chiara V, Foti F, et al. Before or after does it matter? Different protocols of environmental enrichment differently influence motor, synaptic and structural deficits of cerebellar origin. Neurobiology of Disease 2011;42(1):9-20.
Dohle C, Stephan KM, Valvoda JT, Hosseiny O, Tellmann L, Kuhlen T, et al. Representation of virtual arm movements in precuneus. Experimental Brain Research 2011;208(4):543-55.
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