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LITERATURE UPDATE: Apr 01 - 07, 2011

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  • LITERATURE UPDATE: Apr 01 - 07, 2011

    April 01 – 07, 2011
    Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

    Helen J. Huang, PhD
    Neuromechanics Laboratory
    University of Colorado at Boulder
    ************************************************** ***************
    - Not all articles have a DOI.
    - Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
    - Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in electronic form through the publisher.


    Goulet GC, Halonen NR, Koch LG, Britton SL, Zernicke RF and Kozloff KM. Osteoblast response to ovariectomy is enhanced in intrinsically high aerobic-capacity rats. Calcified Tissue International 2011;88(4):325-35.

    Saine ME, Barbe MF, Agah MR and Yingling VR. Hypothalamic suppression during adolescence varies by bone envelope. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2011;43(4):608-16.


    Chen FJ, Chan CH, Huang YJ, Liu KL, Peng HL, Chang HY, et al. Structural and mechanical properties of klebsiella pneumoniae type 3 fimbriae. Journal of Bacteriology 2011;193(7):1718-25.


    Daegling DJ, Granatosky MC, McGraw WS and Rapoff AJ. Spatial patterning of bone stiffness variation in the colobine alveolar process. Archives of Oral Biology 2011;56(3):220-30.


    Occhipinti E and Colombini D. From complexity to simplification: Contribution of the epm research unit to producing a toolkit for risk assessment and management of biomechanical overload and wmsds prevention. Medicina Del Lavoro 2011;102(2):174-92.

    Rahmatalla S and DeShaw J. Predictive discomfort of non-neutral head-neck postures in fore-aft whole-body vibration. Ergonomics 2011;54(3):263-72.


    Argot C and Babot J. Postcranial morphology, functional adaptations and palaeobiology of callistoe vincei, a predaceous metatherian from the eocene of salta, north-western argentina. Palaeontology 2011;54:447-80.

    Stach T and Kaul S. The postanal tail of the enteropneust saccoglossus kowalevskii is a ciliary creeping organ without distinct similarities to the chordate tail. Acta Zoologica 2011;92(2):150-60.


    Bank PJM, Roerdink M and Peper CE. Comparing the efficacy of metronome beeps and stepping stones to adjust gait: Steps to follow! Experimental Brain Research 2011;209(2):159-69.

    Barton CJ, Levinger P, Webster KE and Menz HB. Walking kinematics in individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome: A case-control study. Gait & Posture 2011;33(2):286-91.

    Bock O and Beurskens R. Age-related deficits of dual-task walking: The role of foot vision. Gait & Posture 2011;33(2):190-4.

    D'Hondt E, Segers V, Deforche B, Shultz SP, Tanghe A, Gentier I, et al. The role of vision in obese and normal-weight children's gait control. Gait & Posture 2011;33(2):179-84.

    Prosser LA, Stanley CJ, Norman TL, Park HS and Damiano DL. Comparison of elliptical training, stationary cycling, treadmill walking and overground walking. Electromyographic patterns. Gait & Posture 2011;33(2):244-50.

    Terrier P and Deriaz O. Kinematic variability, fractal dynamics and local dynamic stability of treadmill walking. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation 2011;8.

    Tranberg R, Zugner R and Karrholm J. Improvements in hip- and pelvic motion for patients with osseointegrated trans-femoral prostheses. Gait & Posture 2011;33(2):165-8.

    Ventura JD, Klute GK and Neptune RR. The effect of prosthetic ankle energy storage and return properties on muscle activity in below-knee amputee walking. Gait & Posture 2011;33(2):220-6.


    Battiston B, Antonini A, Tos P, Daghino W, Massazza G and Riccio M. Microvascular reconstructions of traumatic-combined tissue loss at foot and ankle level. Microsurgery 2011;31(3):212-7.


    Farrokhi S, Keyak JH and Powers CM. Individuals with patellofemoral pain exhibit greater patellofemoral joint stress: A finite element analysis study. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2011;19(3):287-94.

    Ferber R, Kendall KD and Farr L. Changes in knee biomechanics after a hip-abductor strengthening protocol for runners with patellofemoral pain syndrome. Journal of Athletic Training 2011;46(2):142-9.

    Messier SP, Legault C, Loeser RF, Van Arsdale SJ, Davis C, Ettinger WH, et al. Does high weight loss in older adults with knee osteoarthritis affect bone-on-bone joint loads and muscle forces during walking? Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2011;19(3):272-80.


    Banaie M, Pooyan M and Mikaili M. Introduction and application of an automatic gait recognition method to diagnose movement disorders that arose of similar causes. Expert Systems with Applications 2011;38(6):7359-63.

    Joldes GR, Wittek A and Miller K. An adaptive dynamic relaxation method for solving nonlinear finite element problems. Application to brain shift estimation. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 2011;27(2):173-85.

    Ma LA, Chablat D, Bennis F, Zhang W, Hu B and Guillaume F. A novel approach for determining fatigue resistances of different muscle groups in static cases. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 2011;41(1):10-8.

    Ma YZ, Kwon J, Mao ZH, Lee K, Li LL and Chung H. Segment inertial parameters of korean adults estimated from three-dimensional body laser scan data. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 2011;41(1):19-29.

    Moran R and Alvarez JJG. Study of stiffness and stability of the external fixator atlas under static and cyclic loading. Dyna-Colombia 2011;78(165):84-92.

    Scheys L, Desloovere K, Spaepen A, Suetens P and Jonkers I. Calculating gait kinematics using mr-based kinematic models. Gait & Posture 2011;33(2):158-64.


    Lin JJ and Cheng SS. Doubly periodic traveling waves in cellular neural networks with polynomial reactions. Neurocomputing 2011;74(7):1083-94.


    Garcia-Pelagio KP, Bloch RJ, Ortega A and Gonzalez-Serratos H. Biomechanics of the sarcolemma and costameres in single skeletal muscle fibers from normal and dystrophin-null mice. Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility 2011;31(5-6):323-36.

    Kang J, Steward RL, Kim Y, Schwartz RS, Leduc PR and Puskar KM. Response of an actin filament network model under cyclic stretching through a coarse grained monte carlo approach. Journal of Theoretical Biology 2011;274(1):109-19.


    Karam YR, Dahdaleh NS, Magnetta MJ, Kim BS, Lim TH, Serhan H, et al. Biomechanical comparison of anterior, posterior, and circumferential fixation after one-level anterior cervical corpectomy in the human cadaveric spine. Spine 2011;36(7):E455-E60.

    Li XF, Liu ZD, Dai LY, Zhong GB and Zang WP. Dynamic response of the idiopathic scoliotic spine to axial cyclic loads. Spine 2011;36(7):521-8.

    Wang WJ, Yeung HY, Chu WCW, Tang NLS, Lee KM, Qiu Y, et al. Top theories for the etiopathogenesis of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 2011;31:S14-S27.


    Korompilias AV, Paschos NK, Lykissas MG, Kostas-Agnantis I, Vekris MD and Beris AE. Recent updates of surgical techniques and applications of free vascularized fibular graft in extremity and trunk reconstruction. Microsurgery 2011;31(3):171-5.

    Ruchelsman DE, Christoforou D, Wasserman B, Lee SK and Rettig ME. Avulsion injuries of the flexor digitorum profundus tendon. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2011;19(3):152-62.


    Carty CP, Mills P and Barrett R. Recovery from forward loss of balance in young and older adults using the stepping strategy. Gait & Posture 2011;33(2):261-7.


    Sato T, Sakaino S, Ohashi E and Ohnishi K. Walking trajectory planning on stairs using virtual slope for biped robots. Ieee Transactions on Industrial Electronics 2011;58(4):1385-96.

    Yun J, Patel SN, Reynolds MS and Abowd GD. Design and performance of an optimal inertial power harvester for human-powered. Ieee Transactions on Mobile Computing 2011;10(5):669-83.

    Zimmermann K and Zeidis I. Dynamical behavior of a mobile system with two degrees of freedom near the resonance. Acta Mechanica Sinica 2011;27(1):7-17.


    Peng YC, Lu TW, Wang TH, Chen YL, Liao HF, Lin KH, et al. Immediate effects of therapeutic music on loaded sit-to-stand movement in children with spastic diplegia. Gait & Posture 2011;33(2):274-8.

    Wu M, Hornby TG, Landry JM, Roth H and Schmit BD. A cable-driven locomotor training system for restoration of gait in human sci. Gait & Posture 2011;33(2):256-60.


    Ball KA and Best R. Golf styles and centre of pressure patterns when using different golf clubs. Journal of Sports Sciences 2011;29(6):587-90.

    Leirdal S and Ettema G. Pedaling technique and energy cost in cycling. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2011;43(4):701-5.


    MacLean SBA and Gratzer PF. Effect of basic fibroblast growth factor on the cellular repopulation of decellularized anterior cruciate ligament allografts. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 2011;5(3):201-9.

    Whitting JW, Steele JR, McGhee DE and Munro BJ. Dorsiflexion capacity affects achilles tendon loading during drop landings. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2011;43(4):706-13.


    Bostan L, Munteanu F, Popa MI and Verestiuc L. Preliminary studies on fatigue analysis of hydrogels based on p(hema). Revista De Chimie 2010;61(12):1235-8.

    Daugaard H, Elmengaard B, Andreassen T, Bechtold J, Lamberg A and Soballe K. Parathyroid hormone treatment increases fixation of orthopedic implants with gap healing: A biomechanical and histomorphometric canine study of porous coated titanium alloy implants in cancellous bone. Calcified Tissue International 2011;88(4):294-303.

    Frampton JP, Hynd MR, Shuler ML and Shain W. Fabrication and optimization of alginate hydrogel constructs for use in 3d neural cell culture. Biomedical Materials 2011;6(1).

    Gelain F, Panseri S, Antonini S, Cunha C, Donega M, Lowery J, et al. Transplantation of nanostructured composite scaffolds results in the regeneration of chronically injured spinal cords. Acs Nano 2010;5(1):227-36.

    Granito RN, Renno AC, Ravagnani C, Bossini PS, Mochiuti D, Jorgetti V, et al. In vivo biological performance of a novel highly bioactive glass-ceramic (biosilicate (r)): A biomechanical and histomorphometric study in rat tibial defects. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials 2011;97B(1):139-47.

    Haenle M, Fritsche A, Zietz C, Bader R, Heidenau F, Mittelmeier W, et al. An extended spectrum bactericidal titanium dioxide (tio2) coating for metallic implants: In vitro effectiveness against mrsa and mechanical properties. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Medicine 2011;22(2):381-7.

    Isaacson BM, Brunker LB, Brown AA, Beck JP, Burns GL and Bloebaum RD. An evaluation of electrical stimulation for improving periprosthetic attachment. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials 2011;97B(1):190-200.

    Lee SJ, Sun J, Flint JJ, Guo S, Xie HK, King MA, et al. Optically based-indentation technique for acute rat brain tissue slices and thin biomaterials. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials 2011;97B(1):84-95.

    Lessing MC, Stock KM and Kilpadi DV. A closed incision management system improves scar biomechanics in vivo. Wound Repair and Regeneration 2011;19(2):A33-A.

    Melvin AJ, Melvin DB, Kitzmiller WJ, Fath KR, Biddinger PW and Juncosa-Melvin N. A soft-tissue coupling for wound closure. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials 2011;97B(1):184-9.

    Nganbe M, Khan U, Louati H, Speirs A and Beaule PE. In vitro assessment of strength, fatigue durability, and disassembly of ti6al4v and cocrmo necks in modular total hip replacements. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials 2011;97B(1):132-8.

    Powell HM, Blackstone BN, Biswas S, Roy S and Sen CK. Regulation of skin biomechanics via microrna. Wound Repair and Regeneration 2011;19(2):A43-A.

    Wei XL, Mao ZB, Hou Y, Lin L, Xue T, Chen LX, et al. Local administration of tgf beta-1/vegf(165) gene-transduced bone mesenchymal stem cells for achilles allograft replacement of the anterior cruciate ligament in rabbits. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2011;406(2):204-10.


    Piccione G, Giannetto C, Marafioti S, Casella S, Fazio F and Caola G. Daily rhythms of rectal temperature and total locomotor activity in trained and untrained horses. Journal of Veterinary Behavior-Clinical Applications and Research 2011;6(2):115-20.

    Yeadon R, Fitzpatrick N and Kowaleski MP. Tibial tuberosity transposition-advancement for treatment of medial patellar luxation and concomitant cranial cruciate ligament disease in the dog surgical technique, radiographic and clinical outcomes. Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 2011;24(1):18-26.


    Alio JL, Pinero DP, Aleson A, Teus MA, Barraquer RI, Murta J, et al. Keratoconus-integrated characterization considering anterior corneal aberrations, internal astigmatism, and corneal biomechanics. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2011;37(3):552-68.

    Hodge C, Lawless M and Sutton G. Keratectasia following lasik in a patient with uncomplicated prk in the fellow eye. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2011;37(3):603-7.


    Altamar HO, Ong RE, Glisson CL, Viprakasit DP, Miga MI, Herrell SD, et al. Kidney deformation and intraprocedural registration: A study of elements of image-guided kidney surgery. Journal of Endourology 2011;25(3):511-7.

    Silva MRE. The locomotor system as seen in brazilian scientific journals: A mini review. Clinics 2010;65(12):1379-82.


    Ko SU, Ling SM, Schreiber C, Nesbitt M and Ferrucci L. Gait patterns during different walking conditions in older adults with and without knee osteoarthritis-results from the baltimore longitudinal study of aging. Gait & Posture 2011;33(2):205-10.