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LITERATURE UPDATE: Apr 08 - 14, 2011

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  • LITERATURE UPDATE: Apr 08 - 14, 2011

    April 08 – 14, 2011
    Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

    Helen J. Huang, PhD
    Neuromechanics Laboratory
    University of Colorado at Boulder
    ************************************************** ***************
    - Not all articles have a DOI.
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    - Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in electronic form through the publisher.


    Branemark R, Emanuelsson L, Palmquist A and Thomsen P. Bone response to laser-induced micro- and nano-size titanium surface features. Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine 2011;7(2):220-7.

    Coman M, Hincu M, Surlin P, Mateescu G, Nechita A and Banu M. Comparative histomorphometric study of bone tissue synthesized after electric and ultrasound stimulation. Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology 2011;52:455-8.

    Ito M, Nakata T, Nishida A and Uetani M. Age-related changes in bone density, geometry and biomechanical properties of the proximal femur: Ct-based 3d hip structure analysis in normal postmenopausal women. Bone 2011;48(3):627-30.

    Lind T, Lind PM, Jacobson A, Hu LJ, Sundqvist A, Risteli J, et al. High dietary intake of retinol leads to bone marrow hypoxia and diaphyseal endosteal mineralization in rats. Bone 2011;48(3):496-506.

    Reynolds DG, Takahata M, Lerner AL, O'Keefe RJ, Schwarz EM and Awad HA. Teriparatide therapy enhances devitalized femoral allograft osseointegration and biomechanics in a murine model. Bone 2011;48(3):562-70.

    Saless N, Litscher SJ, Vanderby R, Demant P and Blank RD. Linkage mapping of principal components for femoral biomechanical performance in a reciprocal hcb-8 x hcb-23 intercross. Bone 2011;48(3):647-53.

    Soicher MA, Wang XA, Zauel RR and Fyhrie DP. Damage initiation sites in osteoporotic and normal human cancellous bone. Bone 2011;48(3):663-6.

    Xue J, Peng JA, Yuan M, Wang AY, Zhang L, Liu SY, et al. Nell1 promotes high-quality bone regeneration in rat femoral distraction osteogenesis model. Bone 2011;48(3):485-95.

    Yang PF, Bruggemann GP and Rittweger J. What do we currently know from in vivo bone strain measurements in humans? Journal of Musculoskeletal & Neuronal Interactions 2011;11(1):8-20.


    Bergen E and Bailey SR. Recurrent popliteal endoprosthesis thrombosis secondary to extrinsic compression. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions 2011;77(5):746-9.

    Pena E, Ohayon J, Usson Y, Azancot A and Doblare M. Finite element study of the fetal heart biomechanics during cardiac cycle. Revista Internacional De Metodos Numericos Para Calculo Y Diseno En Ingenieria 2010;26(2):109-19.

    van den Broek CN, van der Horst A, Rutten MCM and van de Vosse FN. A generic constitutive model for the passive porcine coronary artery. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 2011;10(2):249-58.

    Wenk JF, Sun K, Zhang ZH, Soleimani M, Ge LA, Saloner D, et al. Regional left ventricular myocardial contractility and stress in a finite element model of posterobasal myocardial infarction. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the Asme 2011;133(4).


    Guan YB and Kisaalita W. Cell adhesion and locomotion on microwell-structured glass substrates. Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces 2011;84(1):35-43.

    Lorentzen A, Bamber J, Sadok A, Elson-Schwab I and Marshall CJ. An ezrin-rich, rigid uropod-like structure directs movement of amoeboid blebbing cells. Journal of Cell Science 2011;124(8):1256-67.

    Sarvestani AS. A model for cell motility on soft bio-adhesive substrates. Journal of Biomechanics 2011;44(4):755-8.

    Schafer E, Westendorf C, Bodenschatz E, Beta C, Geil B and Janshoff A. Shape oscillations of dictyostelium discoideum cells on ultramicroelectrodes monitored by impedance analysis. Small 2011;7(6):723-6.

    Wu YH, Sun D and Huang WH. Mechanical force characterization in manipulating live cells with optical tweezers. Journal of Biomechanics 2011;44(4):741-6.


    Clark CJ. Effects of tail length on an escape maneuver of the red-billed streamertail. Journal of Ornithology 2011;152(2):397-408.

    Deban SM and Lappin AK. Thermal effects on the dynamics and motor control of ballistic prey capture in toads: Maintaining high performance at low temperature. Journal of Experimental Biology 2011;214(8):1333-46.

    Herrel A, Choi HF, Dumont E, De Schepper N, Vanhooydonck B, Aerts P, et al. Burrowing and subsurface locomotion in anguilliform fish: Behavioral specializations and mechanical constraints. Journal of Experimental Biology 2011;214(8):1379-85.

    Hudson PE, Corr SA, Payne-Davis RC, Clancy SN, Lane E and Wilson AM. Functional anatomy of the cheetah (acinonyx jubatus) hindlimb. Journal of Anatomy 2011;218(4):363-74.

    Hudson PE, Corr SA, Payne-Davis RC, Clancy SN, Lane E and Wilson AM. Functional anatomy of the cheetah (acinonyx jubatus) forelimb. Journal of Anatomy 2011;218(4):375-85.


    Huang CC, Lan TH, Lee HE and Wang CH. The biomechanical analysis of relative position between implant and alveolar bone: Finite element method. Journal of Periodontology 2011;82(3):489-96.

    Hudieb M and Kasugai S. Biomechanical effect of crestal bone osteoplasty before implant placement: A three-dimensional finite element analysis. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2011;40(2):200-6.

    Jankowski LJ, Nowak R and Strozyk P. Application of holographic interferometry and speckle photography in the evaluation of mandible stabilization techniques. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics 2010;12(3):67-73.

    Manda M, Galanis C, Venetsanos D, Provatidis C and Koidis P. The effect of select pulp cavity conditions on stress field development in distal abutments in two types of fixed dental prostheses. International Journal of Prosthodontics 2011;24(2):118-26.

    Menani LR, Tiossi R, de Torres EM, Ribeiro RF and de Almeida RP. Photoelastic stress analysis of different designs of cement-retained fixed partial dentures on morse taper oral implants. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2011;22(2):674-8.

    Pellizzer EP, Falcon-Antenucci RM, de Carvalho PSP, Sanchez D, Rinaldi GAT, de Aguirre CC, et al. Influence of implant angulation with different crowns on stress distribution. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2011;22(2):434-7.

    Santos CMD, Pellizzer EP, Verri FR, de Moraes SLD and Falcon-Antenucci RM. Influence of implant inclination associated with mandibular class i removable partial denture. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2011;22(2):663-8.

    Yang TC, Maeda Y and Gonda T. Biomechanical rationale for short implants in splinted restorations: An in vitro study. International Journal of Prosthodontics 2011;24(2):130-2.


    Wahab NA, Jones RD and Huckabee ML. Effects of olfactory and gustatory stimuli on the biomechanics of swallowing. Physiology & Behavior 2011;102(5):485-90.


    Werner RA, Gell N, Hartigan A, Wiggermann N and Keyserling M. Risk factors for hip problems among assembly plant workers. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 2011;21(1):84-9.


    Cray J, Mooney MP and Siegel MI. Cranial suture biology of the aleutian island inhabitants. Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology 2011;294(4):676-82.

    Morimoto N, de Leon MSP and Zollikofer CPE. Exploring femoral diaphyseal shape variation in wild and captive chimpanzees by means of morphometric mapping: A test of wolff's law. Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology 2011;294(4):589-609.

    Parr WCH, Chatterjee HJ and Soligo C. Inter- and intra-specific scaling of articular surface areas in the hominoid talus. Journal of Anatomy 2011;218(4):386-401.


    Clark AJ and Higham TE. Slipping, sliding and stability: Locomotor strategies for overcoming low-friction surfaces. Journal of Experimental Biology 2011;214(8):1369-78.

    Delextrat A, Matthew D, Cohen DD and Brisswalter J. Effect of stride frequency on the energy cost of walking in obese teenagers. Human Movement Science 2011;30(1):115-24.

    Feldman AG, Krasovsky T, Banina MC, Lamontagne A and Levin MF. Changes in the referent body location and configuration may underlie human gait, as confirmed by findings of multi-muscle activity minimizations and phase resetting. Experimental Brain Research 2011;210(1):91-115.

    Karamanidis K and Arampatzis A. Altered control strategy between leading and trailing leg increases knee adduction moment in the elderly while descending stairs. Journal of Biomechanics 2011;44(4):706-11.

    Kram R, Arellano CJ and Franz JR. The metabolic cost of locomotion; muscle by muscle. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews 2011;39(2):57-8.

    Kubo T, Hoshikawa Y, Muramatsu M, Iida T, Komori S, Shibukawa K, et al. Contribution of trunk muscularity on sprint run. International Journal of Sports Medicine 2011;32(3):223-8.

    Mukherjee M, Siu KC, Katsavelis D, Fayad P and Stergiou N. The influence of visual perception of self-motion on locomotor adaptation to unilateral limb loading. Journal of Motor Behavior 2011;43(2):101-11.

    Nardello F, Ardigo LP and Minetti AE. Measured and predicted mechanical internal work in human locomotion. Human Movement Science 2011;30(1):90-104.

    Raichlen DA, Armstrong H and Lieberman DE. Calcaneus length determines running economy: Implications for endurance running performance in modern humans and neandertals. Journal of Human Evolution 2011;60(3):299-308.

    Staszkiewicz R, Ruchlewicz T, Forczek W and Laska J. The impact of changes in gait speed and step frequency on the extent of the center of mass displacements. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics 2010;12(3):13-20.

    Stewart C and Shortland AP. The biomechanics of pathological gait - from muscle to movement. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics 2010;12(3):3-12.


    Alkjaer T, Henriksen M and Simonsen EB. Different knee joint loading patterns in acl deficient copers and non-copers during walking. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2011;19(4):615-21.

    Brinkman JM, Hurschler C, Agneskirchner JD, Freiling D and van Heerwaarden RJ. Axial and torsional stability of supracondylar femur osteotomies: Biomechanical comparison of the stability of five different plate and osteotomy configurations. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2011;19(4):579-87.

    Changoor A, Fereydoonzad L, Yaroshinsky A and Buschmann MD. Effects of refrigeration and freezing on the electromechanical and biomechanical properties of articular cartilage (vol 132, 064502, 2010). Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of the Asme 2011;133(4).

    Charles SK and Hogan N. Dynamics of wrist rotations. Journal of Biomechanics 2011;44(4):614-21.

    Funk JR. Ankle injury mechanisms: Lessons learned from cadaveric studies. Clinical Anatomy 2011;24(3):350-61.

    Gaskill TR, Braun S and Millett PJ. The rotator interval: Pathology and management. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 2011;27(4):556-67.

    Panni AS, Cerciello S, Maffulli N, Di Cesare M, Servien E and Neyret P. Patellar shape can be a predisposing factor in patellar instability. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2011;19(4):663-70.

    Torry MR, Myers C, Pennington WW, Shelburne KB, Krong JP, Giphart JE, et al. Relationship of anterior knee laxity to knee translations during drop landings: A bi-plane fluoroscopy study. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2011;19(4):653-62.


    Keyes JT, Borowicz SM, Rader JH, Utzinger U, Azhar M and Geest JPV. Design and demonstration of a microbiaxial optomechanical device for multiscale characterization of soft biological tissues with two-photon microscopy. Microscopy and Microanalysis 2011;17(2):167-75.

    Schiuma D, Brianza S and Tami AE. Development of a novel method for surgical implant design optimization through noninvasive assessment of local bone properties. Medical Engineering & Physics 2011;33(2):256-62.

    Toon D, Vinet A, Pain MTG and Caine MP. A methodology to investigate the relationship between lower-limb dynamics and shoe stiffness using custom-built footwear. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part P-Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology 2011;225(P1):32-7.


    Allena R and Aubry D. A novel technique to parametrize shell-like deformations inside biological membranes. Computational Mechanics 2011;47(4):409-23.

    Bright JA and Rayfield EJ. The response of cranial biomechanical finite element models to variations in mesh density. Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology 2011;294(4):610-20.

    Daun-Gruhn S. A mathematical modeling study of inter-segmental coordination during stick insect walking. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 2011;30(2):255-78.

    Goktepe S, Acharya SNS, Wong J and Kuhl E. Computational modeling of passive myocardium. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 2011;27(1):1-12.

    Mogk JPM, Johanson ME, Hentz VR, Saul KR and Murray WM. A simulation analysis of the combined effects of muscle strength and surgical tensioning on lateral pinch force following brachioradialis to flexor pollicis longus transfer. Journal of Biomechanics 2011;44(4):669-75.

    Sherwood WE, Harris-Warrick R and Guckenheimer J. Synaptic patterning of left-right alternation in a computational model of the rodent hindlimb central pattern generator. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 2011;30(2):323-60.


    Deriu MA, Bidone TC, Mastrangelo F, Di Benedetto G, Soncini M, Montevecchi FM, et al. Biomechanics of actin filaments: A computational multi-level study. Journal of Biomechanics 2011;44(4):630-6.

    Meyer GA and Lieber RL. Elucidation of extracellular matrix mechanics from muscle fibers and fiber bundles. Journal of Biomechanics 2011;44(4):771-3.

    Myatt JP, Schilling N and Thorpe SKS. Distribution patterns of fibre types in the triceps surae muscle group of chimpanzees and orangutans. Journal of Anatomy 2011;218(4):402-12.

    Roy RR, Zhong H, Monti RJ, Kim JA and Edgerton VR. Selectively reshaping a muscle phenotype: Functional overload of cat plantaris. Muscle & Nerve 2011;43(4):489-99.


    Beraneck M and Straka H. Vestibular signal processing by separate sets of neuronal filters. Journal of Vestibular Research-Equilibrium & Orientation 2011;21(1):5-19.

    Bergmann J, Krauss E, Munch A, Jungmann R, Oberfeld D and Hecht H. Locomotor and verbal distance judgments in action and vista space. Experimental Brain Research 2011;210(1):13-23.

    Rosenbaum DA, Brach M and Semenov A. Behavioral ecology meets motor behavior: Choosing between walking and reaching paths. Journal of Motor Behavior 2011;43(2):131-6.

    Wang DV and Tsien JZ. Conjunctive processing of locomotor signals by the ventral tegmental area neuronal population. Plos One 2011;6(1).


    Kang SH, Kim KT, Park SW and Kim YB. A case of pedicle screw loosening treated by modified transpedicular screw augmentation with polymethylmethacrylate. Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society 2011;49(1):75-8.

    Marshall PWM, Patel H and Callaghan JP. Gluteus medius strength, endurance, and co-activation in the development of low back pain during prolonged standing. Human Movement Science 2011;30(1):63-73.

    Noailly J, Planell JA and Lacroix D. On the collagen criss-cross angles in the annuli fibrosi of lumbar spine finite element models. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 2011;10(2):203-19.


    Al-Qattan MM. Isolated flexor digitorum profundus tendon injuries in zones iia and iib repaired with figure of eight sutures. Journal of Hand Surgery-European Volume 2011;36E(2):147-53.

    Chu T, McDonald E, Tufaga M, Kandemir U, Buckley J and Ma CB. Comparison of completely knotless and hybrid double-row fixation systems: A biomechanical study. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 2011;27(4):479-85.

    Cizmar I, Florian Z, Navrat T and Palousek D. A biomechanical study of a suture between the deltoid muscle and a free tendon graft for reconstruction of the elbow extension. Biomedical Papers-Olomouc 2011;155(1):79-83.

    Halewood C, Hirschmann MT, Newman S, Hleihil J, Chaimski G and Amis AA. The fixation strength of a novel acl soft-tissue graft fixation device compared with conventional interference screws: A biomechanical study in vitro. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2011;19(4):559-67.

    Iriuchishima T, Horaguchi T, Kubomura T, Morimoto Y and Fu FH. Evaluation of the intercondylar roof impingement after anatomical double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using 3d-ct. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2011;19(4):674-9.

    Kaplan K, ElAttrache NS, Vazquez O, Chen YJ and Lee T. Knotless rotator cuff repair in an external rotation model: The importance of medial-row horizontal mattress sutures. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 2011;27(4):471-8.

    Kulikov YI, Vinogradova Y, Miles AW and Giddins G. Optimal configuration of the spiral linking technique for tendon repair. Biomechanical evaluation. Journal of Hand Surgery-European Volume 2011;36E(3):210-4.

    Okcesiz IE, Ege A, Turhan E, Songur M, Bayar A and Keser S. The longer pull-out suture as a transmission suture for early active motion of repaired flexor tendon at the proximal zone-2. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 2011;131(4):573-80.

    Saridis AG, Megas PD, Georgiou CS, Diamantakis GM and Tyllianakis ME. Dual-fibular reconstruction of a massive tibial defect after ewing's sarcoma resection in a pediatric patient with a vascular variation. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 2011;31(3):297-302.


    Slaboda JC, Lauer R and Keshner EA. Time series analysis of postural responses to combined visual pitch and support surface tilt. Neuroscience Letters 2011;491(2):138-42.


    Druzbicki M, Rusek W, Szczepanik M, Dudek J and Snela S. Assessment of the impact of orthotic gait training on balance in children with cerebral palsy. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics 2010;12(3):53-8.

    Handoll HHG, Sherrington C and Mak JCS. Interventions for improving mobility after hip fracture surgery in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2011(3).

    Hoffman HB and Blakey GL. New design of dynamic orthoses for neurological conditions. Neurorehabilitation 2011;28(1):55-61.

    Patterson TS, Bishop MD, McGuirk TE, Sethi A and Richards LG. Reliability of upper extremity kinematics while performing different tasks in individuals with stroke. Journal of Motor Behavior 2011;43(2):121-30.


    Dworak LB. Sports biomechanics in the research of the department of biomechanics of university school of physical education in poznan. Part 2. Biomechanics of rowing: Research conducted in the rowing pool and under real conditions. Reconstruction and synthesis. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics 2010;12(3):103-12.

    Linthorne NP and Patel DS. Optimum projection angle for attaining maximum distance in a soccer punt kick. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 2011;10(1):203-14.

    Sealey RM, Ness KF and Leicht AS. Effect of self-selected and induced slow and fast paddling on stroke kinematics during 1000 m outrigger canoeing ergometry. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 2011;10(1):52-8.

    Wagner H, Pfusterschmied J, von Duvillard SP and Muller E. Performance and kinematics of various throwing techniques in team-handball. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 2011;10(1):73-80.

    Wang LI. The lower extremity biomechanics of single- and double-leg stop-jump tasks. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 2011;10(1):151-6.


    Benjaminse A and Otten E. Acl injury prevention, more effective with a different way of motor learning? Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2011;19(4):622-7.

    Camarda L, D'Arienzo M, Patera GP, Filosto L and LaPrade RF. Avoiding tunnel collisions between fibular collateral ligament and acl posterolateral bundle reconstruction. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2011;19(4):598-603.

    Elser F, Braun S, Dewing CB, Giphart JE and Millett PJ. Anatomy, function, injuries, and treatment of the long head of the biceps brachii tendon. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 2011;27(4):581-92.

    Germscheid NM, Thornton GM, Hart DA and Hildebrand KA. A biomechanical assessment to evaluate breed differences in normal porcine medial collateral ligaments. Journal of Biomechanics 2011;44(4):725-31.

    Hashemi J, Breighner R, Chandrashekar N, Hardy DM, Chaudhari AM, Shultz SJ, et al. Hip extension, knee flexion paradox: A new mechanism for non-contact acl injury. Journal of Biomechanics 2011;44(4):577-85.

    Lee KH, Jung YB, Jung HJ, Jang EC, Song KS, Kim JY, et al. Combined posterolateral corner reconstruction with remnant tensioning and augmentation in chronic posterior cruciate ligament injuries: Minimum 2-year follow-up. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 2011;27(4):507-15.

    Myer GD, Ford KR and Hewett TE. New method to identify athletes at high risk of acl injury using clinic-based measurements and freeware computer analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2011;45(4):238-44.

    Myer GD, Ford KR, Khoury J, Succop P and Hewett TE. Biomechanics laboratory-based prediction algorithm to identify female athletes with high knee loads that increase risk of acl injury. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2011;45(4):245-52.

    Zhang YX, Liu GY and Xie SQ. Biomechanical simulation of anterior cruciate ligament strain for sports injury prevention. Computers in Biology and Medicine 2011;41(3):159-63.


    Brockbank KGM, Heacox AE and Schenke-Layland K. Guidance for removal of fetal bovine serum from cryopreserved heart valve processing. Cells Tissues Organs 2011;193(4):264-73.

    Gu Y, Chen LA, Yang HL, Luo ZP and Tang TS. Evaluation of an injectable silk fibroin enhanced calcium phosphate cement loaded with human recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 in ovine lumbar interbody fusion. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 2011;97A(2):177-85.

    Horgan CO and Murphy JG. Torsion of incompressible fiber-reinforced nonlinearly elastic circular cylinders. Journal of Elasticity 2011;103(2):235-46.

    Irie T, Majima T, Sawaguchi N, Funakoshi T, Nishimura S and Minami A. Biomechanical and histologic evaluation of tissue engineered ligaments using chitosan and hyaluronan hybrid polymer fibers: A rabbit medial collateral ligament reconstruction model. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 2011;97A(2):111-7.

    James R, Kumbar SG, Laurencin CT, Balian G and Chhabra AB. Tendon tissue engineering: Adipose-derived stem cell and gdf-5 mediated regeneration using electrospun matrix systems. Biomedical Materials 2011;6(2).

    Ke Y, Wang YJ, Ren L, Wu G and Xue W. Bioactive surface modification on amide-photografted poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate). Biomedical Materials 2011;6(2).

    Mukherjee DP and Pietrzak WS. Bioabsorbable fixation: Scientific, technical, and clinical concepts. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 2011;22(2):679-89.

    Nikkhah M, Strobl JS, Schmelz EM and Agah M. Evaluation of the influence of growth medium composition on cell elasticity. Journal of Biomechanics 2011;44(4):762-6.

    Petrtyl M, Danesova J, Lisal J, Senolt L, Hulejova H, Polanska M, et al. The initial bearing capacities of subchondral bone replacements considerably contributing to chondrogenesis. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics 2010;12(3):59-65.

    Snead ML, Zhu DH, Lei YP, Luo W, Bringas PO, Sucov HM, et al. A simplified genetic design for mammalian enamel. Biomaterials 2011;32(12):3151-7.

    Zhang WB, Pan WM, Zhang MJ and Wei YY. In vivo evaluation of two types of bioactive scaffold used for tendon-bone interface healing in the reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament. Biotechnology Letters 2011;33(4):837-44.


    King AI, Yang KH and Hardy WN. Recent firsts in cadaveric impact biomechanics research. Clinical Anatomy 2011;24(3):294-308.

    Kroman A, Kress T and Porta D. Fracture propagation in the human cranium: A re-testing of popular theories. Clinical Anatomy 2011;24(3):309-18.

    Stemper BD, Yoganandan N, Pintar FA and Maiman DJ. The relationship between lower neck shear force and facet joint kinematics during automotive rear impacts. Clinical Anatomy 2011;24(3):319-26.

    Viano DC. Chest impact experiments aimed at producing aortic rupture. Clinical Anatomy 2011;24(3):339-49.


    Pluym L, Van Nuffel A, Dewulf J, Cools A, Vangroenweghe F, Van Hoorebeke S, et al. Prevalence and risk factors of claw lesions and lameness in pregnant sows in two types of group housing. Veterinarni Medicina 2011;56(3):101-9.

    Seibert RL, Lewis DD, Coomer AR, Sereda CW, Royals SR and Leasure CS. Stabilisation of metacarpal or metatarsal fractures in three dogs, using circular external skeletal fixation. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 2011;59(2):96-103.


    Holstein GR, Martinelli GP and Friedrich VL. Anatomical observations of the caudal vestibulo-sympathetic pathway. Journal of Vestibular Research-Equilibrium & Orientation 2011;21(1):49-62.

    Peters BT, Miller CA, Brady RA, Richards JT, Mulavara AP and Bloomberg JJ. Dynamic visual acuity during walking after long-duration spaceflight. Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine 2011;82(4):463-6.

    Repetto R, Tatone A, Testa A and Colangeli E. Traction on the retina induced by saccadic eye movements in the presence of posterior vitreous detachment. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 2011;10(2):191-202.

    Wollensak G. Thermomechanical stability of sclera after glyceraldehyde crosslinking. Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2011;249(3):399-406.


    Bauchinger U, McWilliams SR, Kolb H, Popenko VM, Price ER and Biebach H. Flight muscle shape reliably predicts flight muscle mass of migratory songbirds: A new tool for field ornithologists. Journal of Ornithology 2011;152(2):507-14.

    Chen W, Chen RZ, Chen XA, Zhang X, Chen YW, Wang JY, et al. Comparison of emg-based and accelerometer-based speed estimation methods in pedestrian dead reckoning. Journal of Navigation 2011;64(2):265-80.

    Crandall JR, Bose D, Forman J, Untaroiu CD, Arregui-Dalmases C, Shaw CG, et al. Human surrogates for injury biomechanics research. Clinical Anatomy 2011;24(3):362-71.

    Isak B, Agan K, Ergun A, Cakkalkurt A, Uluc K, Tanridag T, et al. Where is the core of the volcano? The undetermined origin of primary restless legs syndrome. International Journal of Neuroscience 2011;121(3):130-6.

    Muliana AH and Rajagopal KR. Changes in the response of viscoelastic solids to changes in their internal structure. Acta Mechanica 2011;217(3-4):297-316.

    Richert L, Dehail P, Mercie P, Dauchy FA, Bruyand M, Greib C, et al. High frequency of poor locomotor performance in hiv-infected patients. Aids 2011;25(6):797-805.

    Yoganandan N, Stemper BD, Pintar FA and Maiman DJ. Use of postmortem human subjects to describe injury responses and tolerances. Clinical Anatomy 2011;24(3):282-93.


    McAndrew PM, Wilken JM and Dingwell JB. Dynamic stability of human walking in visually and mechanically destabilizing environments. Journal of Biomechanics 2011;44(4):644-9.

    Umberger BR and Rubenson J. Understanding muscle energetics in locomotion: New modeling and experimental approaches. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews 2011;39(2):59-67.