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LITERATURE UPDATE: Apr 22 - 28, 2011

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  • LITERATURE UPDATE: Apr 22 - 28, 2011

    April 22-28, 2011
    Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

    Helen J. Huang, PhD
    Neuromechanics Laboratory
    University of Colorado at Boulder
    ************************************************** ***************
    - Not all articles have a DOI.
    - Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
    - Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in electronic form through the publisher.


    Confavreux CB. Bone: From a reservoir of minerals to a regulator of energy metabolism. Kidney International 2011;79:S14-S9.

    Fan M, Peng J, Wang A, Zhang L, Liu B, Ren Z, et al. Emu model of full-range femoral head osteonecrosis induced focally by an alternating freezing and heating insult. Journal of International Medical Research 2011;39(1):187-98.


    Cross SE, Jin YS, Lu QY, Rao JY and Gimzewski JK. Green tea extract selectively targets nanomechanics of live metastatic cancer cells. Nanotechnology 2011;22(21).

    Ji BH and Bao G. Cell and molecular biomechanics: Perspectives and challenges. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 2011;24(1):27-51.

    Sen S, Ng WP and Kumar S. Contractility dominates adhesive ligand density in regulating cellular de-adhesion and retraction kinetics. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2011;39(4):1163-73.


    Crofts SB and Summers AP. Biomechanics swimming in the sahara. Nature 2011;472(7342):177-8.

    Gerry SP, Wang J and Ellerby DJ. A new approach to quantifying morphological variation in bluegill lepomis macrochirus. Journal of Fish Biology 2011;78(4):1023-34.


    Krastl G, Gugger J, Deyhle H, Zitzmann NU, Weiger R and Muller B. Impact of adhesive surface and volume of luting resin on fracture resistance of root filled teeth. International Endodontic Journal 2011;44(5):432-9.

    Mesnard M, Ramos A, Ballu A, Morlier J and Simoes JA. Biomechanical analysis comparing natural and alloplastic temporomandibular joint replacement using a finite element model. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2011;69(4):1008-17.

    Santana FR, Castro CG, Simamoto PC, Soares PV, Quagliatto PS, Estrela C, et al. Influence of post system and remaining coronal tooth tissue on biomechanical behaviour of root filled molar teeth. International Endodontic Journal 2011;44(5):386-94.

    Shi XL, Qin L, Zhang XJ, He KM, Xiong CY, Fang J, et al. Elasticity of cardiac cells on the polymer substrates with different stiffness: An atomic force microscopy study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2011;13(16):7540-5.


    Scott SM, van den Berg MM and Benninga MA. Rectal sensorimotor dysfunction in constipation. Best Practice & Research in Clinical Gastroenterology 2011;25(1):103-18.


    Lee G, Sutton E, Clanton T and Park A. Higher physical workload risks with notes versus laparoscopy: A quantitative ergonomic assessment. Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques 2011;25(5):1585-93.


    Cray J, Cooper GM, Mooney MP and Siegel MI. Timing of ectocranial suture activity in gorilla gorilla as related to cranial volume and dental eruption. Journal of Anatomy 2011;218(5):471-9.

    Dunn J. Biomechanical implications of the baboon craniofacial form. Journal of Anatomy 2011;218(5):587-8.

    Jackson CP. The positional behavior of pygmy marmosets (cebuella pygmaea) in northwestern bolivia. Primates 2011;52(2):171-8.

    Lessa A. Daily risks: A biocultural approach to acute trauma in pre-colonial coastal populations from brazil. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 2011;21(2):159-72.

    Meldrum DJ, Lockley MG, Lucas SG and Musiba C. Ichnotaxonomy of the laetoli trackways: The earliest hominin footprints. Journal of African Earth Sciences 2011;60(1-2):1-12.


    Cluff T and Robertson DGE. Kinetic analysis of stair descent: Part 1. Forwards step-over-step descent. Gait & Posture 2011;33(3):423-8.

    Katsavelis D, Mukherjee M, Decker L and Stergiou N. The effect of virtual reality on gait variability. Nonlinear Dynamics Psychology and Life Sciences 2010;14(3):239-56.

    Katsavelis D, Mukherjee M, Decker L and Stergiou N. Variability of lower extremity joint kinematics during backward walking in a virtual environment. Nonlinear Dynamics Psychology and Life Sciences 2010;14(2):165-78.

    Keenan GS, Franz JR, Dicharry J, Della Croce U and Kerrigan DC. Lower limb joint kinetics in walking: The role of industry recommended footwear. Gait & Posture 2011;33(3):350-5.

    Lilley K, Dixon S and Stiles V. A biomechanical comparison of the running gait of mature and young females. Gait & Posture 2011;33(3):496-500.

    Rietdyk S and Rhea CK. The effect of the visual characteristics of obstacles on risk of tripping and gait parameters during locomotion. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 2011;31(3):302-10.


    Barg A, Brunner S, Zwicky L and Hintermann B. Subtalar and naviculocuneiform fusion for extended breakdown of the medial arch. Foot and Ankle Clinics 2011;16(1):69-81.

    Blake MH, Owen JR, Sanford TS, Wayne JS and Adelaar RS. Biomechanical evaluation of a locking and nonlocking reconstruction plate in an osteoporotic calcaneal fracture model. Foot & Ankle International 2011;32(4):432-6.

    Crevoisier X. The isolated talonavicular arthrodesis. Foot and Ankle Clinics 2011;16(1):49-59.

    Gu YD, Ren XJ, Ruan GQ, Zeng YJ and Li JS. Foot contact surface effect to the metatarsals loading character during inversion landing. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 2011;27(4):476-84.

    Johnson JE, Klein SE and Putnam RM. Corticosteroid injections in the treatment of foot & ankle disorders: An aofas survey. Foot & Ankle International 2011;32(4):394-9.

    Mehta SK, Breitbart EA, Berberian WS, Liporace FA and Lin SS. Bone and wound healing in the diabetic patient. Foot and Ankle Clinics 2010;15(3):411-37.

    Pataky TC, Bosch K, Mu TT, Keijsers NLW, Segers V, Rosenbaum D, et al. An anatomically unbiased foot template for inter-subject plantar pressure evaluation. Gait & Posture 2011;33(3):418-22.

    Pelt CE, Bachus KN, Vance RE and Beals TC. A biomechanical analysis of a tensioned suture device in the fixation of the ligamentous lisfranc injury. Foot & Ankle International 2011;32(4):422-31.

    Sage RA. Risk and prevention of reulceration after partial foot amputation. Foot and Ankle Clinics 2010;15(3):495-500.

    Shah KS and Younger AS. Primary tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis. Foot and Ankle Clinics 2011;16(1):115-36.


    Provencher MT, LeClere LE, King S, McDonald LS, Frank RM, Mologne TS, et al. Posterior instability of the shoulder diagnosis and management. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2011;39(4):874-86.


    Kurz MJ, Markopoulou K and Stergiou N. Attractor divergence as a metric for assessing walking balance. Nonlinear Dynamics Psychology and Life Sciences 2010;14(2):151-64.

    Pigini L, Colombini D, Rabuffetti M and Ferrarin M. Evaluation of work-related biomechanical overload: Techniques for the acquisition and analysis of surface emg signal. Medicina Del Lavoro 2010;101(2):118-33.

    Reutlinger C, Gedet P, Buchler P, Kowal J, Rudolph T, Burger J, et al. Combining 3d tracking and surgical instrumentation to determine the stiffness of spinal motion segments: A validation study. Medical Engineering & Physics 2011;33(3):340-6.

    Tansey K. Novel electrophysiological and robotic methods to measure and augment locomotor recovery after spinal cord injury. Neurology 2011;76(9):A87-A.


    Green DJ, Hamrick MW and Richmond BG. The effects of hypermuscularity on shoulder morphology in myostatin-deficient mice. Journal of Anatomy 2011;218(5):544-57.


    Flynn JR, Graham BA, Galea MP and Callister RJ. The role of propriospinal interneurons in recovery from spinal cord injury. Neuropharmacology 2011;60(5):809-22.

    Galvao PED, Cristante AF, Jorge HMD, Damasceno ML, Marcon RM, Oliveira RP, et al. Functional and histologic evaluation of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in rats with spinal cord injury. Acta Ortopedica Brasileira 2011;19(1):10-6.

    Jin Y, Neuhuber B, Singh A, Bouyer J, Lepore A, Bonner J, et al. Transplantation of human glial restricted progenitors and derived astrocytes into a contusion model of spinal cord injury. Journal of Neurotrauma 2011;28(4):579-94.

    Miller K, Wittek A and Joldes G. Biomechanics of the brain for computer-integrated surgery (vol 12, pg 25, 2010). Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics 2010;12(4):93-.

    Sales PMG, Andrade LMS, Rola FH and Gondim FD. Motor and locomotor behavioral changes induced by repetitive electromagnetic stimulation of the spinal cord. Neurology 2011;76(9):A37-A.

    Stil A, Jean-Xavier C, Liabeuf S, Brocard C, Delpire E, Vinay L, et al. Contribution of the potassium-chloride co-transporter kcc2 to the modulation of lumbar spinal networks in mice. European Journal of Neuroscience 2011;33(7):1212-22.


    Borazjani A, Weed BC, Patnaik SS, Feugang JM, Christiansen D, Elder SH, et al. A comparative biomechanical analysis of term fetal membranes in human and domestic species. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2011;204(4).

    Zimmerman CW and Sheth SS. Anterior, posterior and apical vaginal reconstruction with and without bolsters. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2011;25(2):167-74.


    Barbir A, Godburn KE, Michalek AJ, Lai A, Monsey RD and Iatridis JC. Effects of torsion on intervertebral disc gene expression and biomechanics, using a rat tail model. Spine 2011;36(8):607-14.

    Chaudhari R, Zheng XJ, Wu CH, Mehbod AA, Transfeldt EE and Winter RB. Effect of number of fusion levels on s1 screws in long fusion construct in a calf spine model. Spine 2011;36(8):624-9.

    Galbusera F, Schmidt H, Neidlinger-Wilke C, Gottschalk A and Wilke HJ. The mechanical response of the lumbar spine to different combinations of disc degenerative changes investigated using randomized poroelastic finite element models. European Spine Journal 2011;20(4):563-71.

    Goldschlager T, Rosenfeld JV, Ghosh P, Itescu S, Blecher C, McLean C, et al. Cervical interbody fusion is enhanced by allogeneic mesenchymal precursor cells in an ovine model. Spine 2011;36(8):615-23.

    Hsu WH, Chen YL, Lui TN, Chen TY, Hsu YH, Lin CL, et al. Comparison of the kinematic features between the in vivo active and passive flexion-extension of the subaxial cervical spine and their biomechanical implications. Spine 2011;36(8):630-8.

    Kettler A, Rohlmann F, Ring C, Mack C and Wilke HJ. Do early stages of lumbar intervertebral disc degeneration really cause instability? Evaluation of an in vitro database. European Spine Journal 2011;20(4):578-84.

    Kim K, Kim YH and Lee S. Shear force allowance in lumbar spine under follower load in neutral standing posture. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics 2010;12(4):49-53.

    Lou E, Hill D, Hedden D, Mahood J, Moreau M and Raso J. An objective measurement of brace usage for the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Medical Engineering & Physics 2011;33(3):290-4.

    Michalek AJ, Funabashi KL and Iatridis JC. Needle puncture injury of the rat intervertebral disc affects torsional and compressive biomechanics differently (vol 19, pg 2110, 2010). European Spine Journal 2011;20(4):667-.

    Scheer JK, Tang JA, Buckley JM, Deviren V, Pekmezci M, McClellan RT, et al. Biomechanical analysis of osteotomy type and rod diameter for treatment of cervicothoracic kyphosis. Spine 2011;36(8):E519-E23.

    Wachowski MM, Hawellek T, Hubert J, Lehmann A, Mansour M, Dumont C, et al. Migration of the instantaneous axis of motion during axial rotation in lumbar segments and role of the zygapophysial joints. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics 2010;12(4):39-47.

    Wu YF and Shi L. Analysis of altered gait cycle duration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis based on nonparametric probability density function estimation. Medical Engineering & Physics 2011;33(3):347-55.


    Bonavides AF, Rosa RC, Shimano AC, Volpon JB and Kfuri M. New coupling system for interference screws: Biomechanical resistance to torsion. Acta Ortopedica Brasileira 2011;19(1):28-31.

    Mulgrew E, Wells-Cole S, Ali F, Joshy S, Siddique I and Zenios M. Single screw fixation in stable and unstable slipped upper femoral epiphysis. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics-Part B 2011;20(3):147-51.

    Palm H, Lysen C, Krasheninnikoff M, Holck K, Jacobsen S and Gebuhr P. Intramedullary nailing appears to be superior in pertrochanteric hip fractures with a detached greater trochanter 311 consecutive patients followed for 1 year. Acta Orthopaedica 2011;82(2):166-70.

    Thomas K, Litsky A, Jones G and Bishop JY. Biomechanical comparison of coracoclavicular reconstructive techniques. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2011;39(4):804-10.

    Wellmann M, Bobrowitsch E, Khan N, Patzer T, Windhagen H, Petersen W, et al. Biomechanical effectiveness of an arthroscopic posterior bankart repair versus an open bone block procedure for posterior shoulder instability. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2011;39(4):796-803.

    Yakacki CM, Gall K, Dirschl DR and Pacaccio DJ. Pseudoelastic intramedullary nailing for tibio-talo-calcaneal arthrodesis. Expert Review of Medical Devices 2011;8(2):159-66.


    Gunther M, Putsche P, Leistritz L and Grimmer S. Phase synchronisation of the three leg joints in quiet human stance. Gait & Posture 2011;33(3):412-7.

    Kuo MY, Tsai TY, Lin CC, Lu TW, Hsu HC and Shen WC. Influence of soft tissue artifacts on the calculated kinematics and kinetics of total knee replacements during sit-to-stand. Gait & Posture 2011;33(3):379-84.

    Mastalerz A and Palczewska I. The influence of trunk inclination on muscle activity during sitting on forward inclined seats. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics 2010;12(4):19-24.

    Taillefer F, Boucher JP, Comtois AS, Zummo M and Savard R. Physiological and biomechanical responses of different sit-to-stand stool types on women with and without varicose veins. Travail Humain 2011;74(1):31-58.


    Kanoun O, Laumond JP and Yoshida E. Planning foot placements for a humanoid robot: A problem of inverse kinematics. International Journal of Robotics Research 2011;30(4):476-85.

    Vatau S, Ciupe V, Moldovan C and Maniu I. Mechanical design and system control of quadruped robot. Mechanika 2010(5):56-60.


    Duncan PW, Sullivan KJ, Behrman AL, Azen SP, Wu SS, Nadeau SE, et al. Locomotor experience applied post-stroke (leaps): Walking recovery intervention effectiveness. Neurology 2011;76(9):A166-A.

    Kurz MJ, Stuberg W and DeJong SL. Body weight supported treadmill training improves the regularity of the stepping kinematics in children with cerebral palsy. Developmental Neurorehabilitation 2011;14(2):87-93.


    Burr JF and Warburton DER. Cycling in triathlon: Is it really as simple as riding a bike? Strength and Conditioning Journal 2011;33(2):72-5.

    Chiu LZF and Burkhardt E. A teaching progression for squatting exercises. Strength and Conditioning Journal 2011;33(2):46-54.

    Gutowski AE and Rosene JM. Preseason performance testing battery for men's lacrosse. Strength and Conditioning Journal 2011;33(2):16-22.


    Gan RZ, Yang F, Zhang XM and Nakmali D. Mechanical properties of stapedial annular ligament. Medical Engineering & Physics 2011;33(3):330-9.

    Oe K, Kushida T, Okamoto N, Umeda M, Nakamura T, Ikehara S, et al. New strategies for anterior cruciate ligament partial rupture using bone marrow transplantation in rats. Stem Cells and Development 2011;20(4):671-9.

    Park DY, Rubenson J, Carr A, Mattson J, Besier T and Chou LB. Influence of stretching and warm-up on achilles tendon material properties. Foot & Ankle International 2011;32(4):407-13.


    Carson WC, Gerling GJ, Krupski TL, Kowalik CG, Harper JC and Moskaluk CA. Material characterization of ex vivo prostate tissue via spherical indentation in the clinic. Medical Engineering & Physics 2011;33(3):302-9.

    Davis NF, Callanan A, McGuire BB, Flood HD and McGloughlin TM. Porcine extracellular matrix scaffolds in reconstructive urology: A comparative study of their biomechanical properties. European Urology Supplements 2011;10(2):212-.

    Kovacevic D, Fox AJ, Bedi A, Ying L, Deng XH, Warren RF, et al. Calcium-phosphate matrix with or without tgf-beta(3) improves tendon-bone healing after rotator cuff repair. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2011;39(4):811-9.

    Lionetti V, Cecchini M and Ventura C. Nanomechanics to drive stem cells in injured tissues: Insights from current research and future perspectives. Stem Cells and Development 2011;20(4):561-8.

    Miyamoto J, Nagasao T, Miyamoto S, Kasai S and Kishi K. Preoperative assessment of soft tissue deficiency in the temporal region with reverse engineering. Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 2011;64(5):695-7.


    Hallman JJ, Yoganandan N and Pintar FA. Door velocity and occupant distance affect lateral thoracic injury mitigation with side airbag. Accident Analysis and Prevention 2011;43(3):829-39.


    Nauwelaerts S, Allen WA, Lane JM and Clayton HM. Inertial properties of equine limb segments. Journal of Anatomy 2011;218(5):500-9.


    Richter WM, Kwarciak AM, Guo LY and Turner JT. Effects of single-variable biofeedback on wheelchair handrim biomechanics. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2011;92(4):572-7.


    Savageau MA. Biomedical engineering strategies in system design space. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2011;39(4):1278-95.

    Sharma J, Golby J, Greeves J and Spears IR. Biomechanical and lifestyle risk factors for medial tibia stress syndrome in army recruits: A prospective study. Gait & Posture 2011;33(3):361-5.


    Krishnaswamy P, Brown EN and Herr HM. Human leg model predicts ankle muscle-tendon morphology, state, roles and energetics in walking. Plos Computational Biology 2011;7(3).

    Sharp LA. The invisible woman: The bioaesthetics of engineered bodies. Body & Society 2011;17(1):1-30.