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LITERATURE UPDATE: Feb 09-15, 2012

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  • LITERATURE UPDATE: Feb 09-15, 2012

    Feb 09-15, 2012
    Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

    Helen J. Huang, PhD
    Neuromechanics Laboratory
    University of Colorado Boulder
    ************************************************** ***************
    - Not all articles have a DOI.
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    - Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in electronic form through the publisher.


    Dufour AB, Roberts B, Broe KE, Kiel DP, Bouxsein ML and Hannan MT. The factor-of-risk biomechanical approach predicts hip fracture in men and women: The framingham study. Osteoporosis International 2012;23(2):513-20.

    Keaveny TM, McClung MR, Wan XH, Kopperdahl DL, Mitlak BH and Krohn K. Femoral strength in osteoporotic women treated with teriparatide or alendronate. Bone 2012;50(1):165-70.

    Popovic D and King GJW. Fragility fractures of the distal humerus what is the optimal treatment? Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-British Volume 2012;94B(1):16-22.

    Popp AW, Windolf M, Senn C, Tami A, Richards RG, Brianza S, et al. Prediction of bone strength at the distal tibia by hr-pqct and dxa. Bone 2012;50(1):296-300.

    Qi MC, Hu J, Li JP, Li JY, Dong W, Feng XJ, et al. Effect of zoledronate acid treatment on osseointegration and fixation of implants in autologous iliac bone grafts in ovariectomized rabbits. Bone 2012;50(1):119-27.

    Wang XF and Seeman E. Epidemiology and structural basis of racial differences in fragility fractures in chinese and caucasians. Osteoporosis International 2012;23(2):411-22.


    Bia D, Zocalo Y, Armentano RL, Perez-Campos H, Fernandez-Pin J, Panuncio A, et al. Post-implant evaluation of the anastomotic mechanical and geometrical coupling between human native arteries and arterial cryografts implanted in lower-limb mechanical, histological and ultraestructural studies of implanted cryografts. Cryobiology 2012;64(1):50-9.

    Hermeling E, Vermeersch SJ, Rietzschel ER, de Buyzere ML, Gillebert TC, van de Laar RJ, et al. The change in arterial stiffness over the cardiac cycle rather than diastolic stiffness is independently associated with left ventricular mass index in healthy middle-aged individuals. Journal of Hypertension 2012;30(2):396-402.


    Grant RA, Mitchinson B and Prescott TJ. The development of whisker control in rats in relation to locomotion. Developmental Psychobiology 2012;54(2):151-68.

    Higham TE and Russell AP. Time-varying motor control of autotomized leopard gecko tails: Multiple inputs and behavioral modulation. Journal of Experimental Biology 2012;215(3):435-41.

    Kirkton SD, Hennessey LE, Duffy B, Bennett MM, Lee WK and Greenlee KJ. Intermolt development reduces oxygen delivery capacity and jumping performance in the american locust (schistocerca americana). Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology 2012;182(2):217-30.

    Lees JJ, Nudds RL, Folkow LP, Stokkan KA and Codd JR. Understanding sex differences in the cost of terrestrial locomotion. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 2012;279(1729):826-32.

    McElroy EJ, Archambeau KL and McBrayer LD. The correlation between locomotor performance and hindlimb kinematics during burst locomotion in the florida scrub lizard, sceloporus woodi. Journal of Experimental Biology 2012;215(3):442-53.

    Shapiro LJ and Young JW. Kinematics of quadrupedal locomotion in sugar gliders (petaurus breviceps): Effects of age and substrate size. Journal of Experimental Biology 2012;215(3):480-96.


    Anchieta RB, Rocha EP, Almeida EO, Freitas AC, Martin M, Martini AP, et al. Influence of customized composite resin fibreglass posts on the mechanics of restored treated teeth. International Endodontic Journal 2012;45(2):146-55.

    Breitman JB, Nakamura S, Freedman AL and Yalisove IL. Telescopic retainers: An old or new solution? A second chance to have normal dental function. Journal of Prosthodontics-Implant Esthetic and Reconstructive Dentistry 2012;21(1):79-83.

    Custodio W, Gomes SGF, Faot F, Garcia R and Cury AAD. Occlusal force, electromyographic activity of masticatory muscles and mandibular flexure of subjects with different facial types. Journal of Applied Oral Science 2011;19(4):343-9.

    Gondim JO, Avaca-Crusca JS, Valentini SR, Zanelli CF, Spolidorio DMP and Giro EMA. Effect of a calcium hydroxide/chlorhexidine paste as intracanal dressing in human primary teeth with necrotic pulp against porphyromonas gingivalis and enterococcus faecalis. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2012;22(2):116-24.

    Hamm D. A hypothesis to explain the palpatory experience and therapeutic claims in the practice of osteopathy in the cranial field. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine 2011;14(4):149-65.

    Jang HJ, Kwon SY, Kim SH, Park YG and Kim SJ. Effects of washer on the stress distribution of mini-implant a finite element analysis. Angle Orthodontist 2012;82(1):137-44.

    Nokhbehsaim M, Deschner B, Winter J, Bourauel C, Jager A, Jepsen S, et al. Anti-inflammatory effects of emd in the presence of biomechanical loading and interleukin-1 beta in vitro. Clinical Oral Investigations 2012;16(1):275-83.

    Sacco R, Sacco G, Acocella A, Sale S, Sacco N and Baldoni E. A systematic review of microsurgical reconstruction of the jaws using vascularized fibula flap technique in patients with bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis. Journal of Applied Oral Science 2011;19(4):293-300.

    Soares CJ, Pereira JC, Valdivia A, Novais VR and Meneses MS. Influence of resin cement and post configuration on bond strength to root dentine. International Endodontic Journal 2012;45(2):136-45.


    Thibbotuwawa N, Goonetilleke RS and Hoffmann ER. Constrained path tracking at varying angles in a mouse tracking task. Human Factors 2012;54(1):138-50.

    Trudeau MB, Udtamadilok T, Karlson AK and Dennerlein JT. Thumb motor performance varies by movement orientation, direction, and device size during single-handed mobile phone use. Human Factors 2012;54(1):52-9.

    Yu HL, Zhao SN and Xu ZH. Study on the usability evaluation of prosthetic leg products based on ergonomics. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 2011;33(3):366-72.


    Benson RBJ, Butler RJ, Carrano MT and O'Connor PM. Air-filled postcranial bones in theropod dinosaurs: Physiological implications and the reptile'-bird transition. Biological Reviews 2012;87(1):168-93.

    Brusatte SL, Sakamoto M, Montanari S and Smith W. The evolution of cranial form and function in theropod dinosaurs: Insights from geometric morphometrics. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 2012;25(2):365-77.

    Roberts JA, Vo HD, Fujita MK, Moritz C and Kearney M. Physiological implications of genomic state in parthenogenetic lizards of reciprocal hybrid origin. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 2012;25(2):252-63.

    Wang Q, Wood SA, Grosse IR, Ross CF, Zapata U, Byron CD, et al. The role of the sutures in biomechanical dynamic simulation of a macaque cranial finite element model: Implications for the evolution of craniofacial form. Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology 2012;295(2):278-88.


    Askew GN, Formenti F and Minetti AE. Limitations imposed by wearing armour on medieval soldiers' locomotor performance. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 2012;279(1729):640-4.

    Kumar A and Verma SK. Kinematic analysis of arm movements in 3000m running: Before and after a conditioning programme. Anthropologist 2011;13(3):211-6.

    Lewek MD, Osborn AJ and Wutzke CJ. The influence of mechanically and physiologically imposed stiff-knee gait patterns on the energy cost of walking. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2012;93(1):123-8.

    Osis ST, Worobets JT and Stefanyshyn DJ. Early heelstrike kinetics are indicative of slip potential during walking over a contaminated surface. Human Factors 2012;54(1):5-13.

    Schniepp R, Wuehr M, Neuhaeusser M, Kamenova M, Dimitriadis K, Klopstock T, et al. Locomotion speed determines gait variability in cerebellar ataxia and vestibular failure. Movement Disorders 2012;27(1):125-31.


    Selvanayagam VS, Riek S and Carroll TJ. A systematic method to quantify the presence of cross-talk in stimulus-evoked emg responses: Implications for tms studies. Journal of Applied Physiology 2012;112(2):259-65.


    Balasubramanian R, Rizzi AA and Mason MT. An approximate decoupled dynamics and kinematics analysis of legless locomotion. Nonlinear Dynamics 2012;67(3):2123-38.

    Gunther M and Weihmann T. Climbing in hexapods: A plain model for heavy slopes. Journal of Theoretical Biology 2012;293:82-6.

    Han LH, Hipwell JH, Tanner C, Taylor Z, Mertzanidou T, Cardoso J, et al. Development of patient-specific biomechanical models for predicting large breast deformation. Physics in Medicine and Biology 2012;57(2):455-72.

    Hu ZZ and Haider MA. Algebraic multigrid preconditioning for finite element solution of inhomogeneous elastic inclusion problems in articular cartilage. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2011;3(6):729-44.

    Koschorreck J and Mombaur K. Modeling and optimal control of human platform diving with somersaults and twists. Optimization and Engineering 2012;13(1):29-56.

    Srdjevic Z. Comparison of different multicriteria methods in selecting optimal biomechanical model parameters. Zamm-Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik 2012;92(2):105-12.

    Zhao DP, Xu J, Wu D, Chen K and Li CR. Gait definition and successive gait-transition method based on energy consumption for a quadruped. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering 2012;25(1):29-37.


    James RS, Tallis J, Herrel A and Bonneaud C. Warmer is better: Thermal sensitivity of both maximal and sustained power output in the iliotibialis muscle isolated from adult xenopus tropicalis. Journal of Experimental Biology 2012;215(3):552-8.


    Assaiante C. Action and representation of action during childhood and adolescence: A functional approach. Neurophysiologie Clinique-Clinical Neurophysiology 2012;42(1-2):43-51.

    Cowie D, Braddick O and Atkinson J. Visually guided step descent in children with williams syndrome. Developmental Science 2012;15(1):74-86.

    Hubli M, Dietz V and Bolliger M. Spinal reflex activity: A marker for neuronal functionality after spinal cord injury. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2012;26(2):188-96.

    Li Z and Durgin FH. Manual matching of perceived surface orientation is affected by arm posture: Evidence of calibration between proprioception and visual experience in near space. Experimental Brain Research 2012;216(2):299-309.

    Sabatier MJ, To BN, Rose S, Nicolini J and English AW. Chondroitinase abc reduces time to muscle reinnervation and improves functional recovery after sciatic nerve transection in rats. Journal of Neurophysiology 2012;107(3):747-57.


    Boccafoschi F, Bosetti M, Mosca C, Mantovani D and Cannas M. The role of shear stress on mechanically stimulated engineered vascular substitutes: Influence on mechanical and biological properties. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 2012;6(1):60-7.

    Bartholomeeusen S, Van Zundert J, Truyers C, Buntinx F and Paulus D. Higher incidence of common diagnoses in patients with low back pain in primary care. Pain Practice 2012;12(1):1-6.

    Bhatia NN, Lee KH, Bui CNH, Luna M, Wahba GM and Lee TQ. Biomechanical evaluation of an expandable cage in single-segment posterior lumbar interbody fusion. Spine 2012;37(2):E79-E85.


    Burkhart SS, Denard PJ, Obopilwe E and Mazzocca AD. Optimizing pressurized contact area in rotator cuff repair: The diamondback repair. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 2012;28(2):188-95.

    Kim SH, Lee YH, Shin SH, Lee YH and Baek GH. Outcome of conjoined tendon and coracoacromial ligament transfer for the treatment of chronic type v acromioclavicular joint separation. Injury-International Journal of the Care of the Injured 2012;43(2):213-8.

    Lorbach O, Kieb M, Raber F, Busch LC, Kohn D and Pape D. Comparable biomechanical results for a modified single-row rotator cuff reconstruction using triple-loaded suture anchors versus a suture-bridging double-row repair. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 2012;28(2):178-87.

    Smith MJ, Cook JL, Kuroki K, Jayabalan PS, Cook CR, Pfeiffer FM, et al. Comparison of a novel bone-tendon allograft with a human dermis-derived patch for repair of chronic large rotator cuff tears using a canine model. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 2012;28(2):169-77.

    Sugathan HK, Kilpatrick M, Joyce TJ and Harrison JWK. A biomechanical study on variation of compressive force along the acutrak 2 screw. Injury-International Journal of the Care of the Injured 2012;43(2):205-8.

    Thelen S, Betsch M, Grassmann JP, Spoor V, Eichler C, Koebke J, et al. Angle stable locking nails versus conventionally locked intramedullary nails in proximal tibial shaft fractures: A biomechanical study. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 2012;132(1):57-63.


    Brand RA. 50 years ago in corr: Biomechanics of hip prostheses duncan c. Mckeever, md corr 1961;19:187-199. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 2012;470(2):626-7.


    Leftwich MC, Tytell ED, Cohen AH and Smits AJ. Wake structures behind a swimming robotic lamprey with a passively flexible tail. Journal of Experimental Biology 2012;215(3):416-25.

    Liu CH, Yao YA and Tian YB. Biped robot with triangle configuration. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering 2012;25(1):20-8.


    Carse B, Bowers RJ, Meadows BC and Rowe PJ. Visualisation to enhance biomechanical tuning of ankle-foot orthoses (afos) in stroke: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 2011;12.

    Meinzer M, Rodriguez AD and Rothi LJG. First decade of research on constrained-induced treatment approaches for aphasia rehabilitation. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2012;93(1):S35-S45.


    Chou PPH, Huang YP, Chen FC, Wang RT and Chou YL. Effect of fatigue of bench-press training on shoulder joint. Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers 2011;32(6):515-21.

    Ebben WP, Fauth ML, Garceau LR and Petushek EJ. Kinetic quantification of plyometric exercise intensity. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 2011;25(12):3288-98.

    Kannas TM, Kellis E and Amiridis IG. Biomechanical differences between incline and plane hopping. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 2011;25(12):3334-41.

    Leporace G, Praxedes J, Pereira GR, Chagas D, Pinto S and Batista LA. Activation of hip and knee muscles during two landing tasks performed by male volleyball athletes. Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte 2011;17(5):324-8.

    Noon ML and Hoch AZ. Challenges of the pregnant athlete and low back pain. Current Sports Medicine Reports 2012;11(1):43-8.


    Kato Y, Ingham SJM, Maeyama A, Lertwanich P, Wang JH, Mifune Y, et al. Biomechanics of the human triple-bundle anterior cruciate ligament. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 2012;28(2):247-54.

    Schindler OS. Surgery for anterior cruciate ligament deficiency: A historical perspective. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2012;20(1):5-47.

    Shi DL and Yao ZJ. Knee function after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with patellar or hamstring tendon: A meta-analysis. Chinese Medical Journal 2011;124(23):4056-62.

    Tsukada H, Ishibashi Y, Tsuda E, Fukuda A, Yamamoto Y and Toh S. Biomechanical evaluation of an anatomic double-bundle posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Arthroscopy-the Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery 2012;28(2):264-71.

    Vincent JP, Magnussen RA, Gezmez F, Uguen A, Jacobi M, Weppe F, et al. The anterolateral ligament of the human knee: An anatomic and histologic study. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2012;20(1):147-52.


    Cloonan AJ, O'Donnell MR, Lee WT, Walsh MT, De Barra E and McGloughlin TM. Spherical indentation of free-standing acellular extracellular matrix membranes. Acta Biomaterialia 2012;8(1):262-73.

    Liu GM, Zhang XY, Xu CJ, Zhu XM, Wang J and Liu Y. In vivo study of extracellular matrix coating enhancing fixation of the pedicle screw-bone's interface. Chinese Medical Journal 2011;124(23):3945-52.

    Ma XL, Sun XL, Yang Z, Li XL, Ma JX, Zhang Y, et al. Biomechanical properties of peripheral nerve after acellular treatment. Chinese Medical Journal 2011;124(23):3925-9.

    McAuley JP, Dennis DA, Grostefon J and Hamilton WG. Factors affecting modular acetabular ceramic liner insertion: A biomechanical analysis. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 2012;470(2):402-9.

    Michels J and Gorb SN. Detailed three-dimensional visualization of resilin in the exoskeleton of arthropods using confocal laser scanning microscopy. Journal of Microscopy 2012;245(1):1-16.

    Ng SS, Su K, Li C, Chan-Park MB, Wang DA and Chan V. Biomechanical study of the edge outgrowth phenomenon of encapsulated chondrocytic isogenous groups in the surface layer of hydrogel scaffolds for cartilage tissue engineering. Acta Biomaterialia 2012;8(1):244-52.

    Polio SR, Rothenberg KE, Stamenovic D and Smith ML. A micropatterning and image processing approach to simplify measurement of cellular traction forces. Acta Biomaterialia 2012;8(1):82-8.

    Yang Q, Peng J, Lu SB, Guo QY, Zhao B, Zhang L, et al. Evaluation of an extracellular matrix-derived acellular biphasic scaffold/cell construct in the repair of a large articular high-load-bearing osteochondral defect in a canine model. Chinese Medical Journal 2011;124(23):3930-8.


    Adamec J, Praxl N, Schneider K and Graw M. Estimation of effective mass of longish rigid instruments in head impacts. International Journal of Legal Medicine 2011;125(6):763-71.

    Frank M, Jobski O, Bockholdt B, Grossjohann R, Stengel D, Ekkernkamp A, et al. When backyard fun turns to trauma: Risk assessment of blunt ballistic impact trauma due to potato cannons. International Journal of Legal Medicine 2012;126(1):13-8.

    Skellern C and Donald T. Suspicious childhood injury: Formulation of forensic opinion. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 2011;47(11):771-5.


    Jeyaruban G, Tier B, Johnston D and Graser H. Genetic analysis of feet and leg traits of australian angus cattle using linear and threshold models. Animal Production Science 2012;52(1):1-10.


    Agarwal DR, Ehrlich JR, Shimmyo M and Radcliffe NM. The relationship between corneal hysteresis and the magnitude of intraocular pressure reduction with topical prostaglandin therapy. British Journal of Ophthalmology 2012;96(2):254-7.

    Lopez JP, Freedman SF, Muir K, Duncan L, Stephens D, Atenafu E, et al. Central corneal thickness in children and adolescents with pediatric glaucoma and eye disorders at risk of developing glaucoma. Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus 2011;48(2):108-16.


    Nishiyama K, Kobayasi KI and Riquimaroux H. Vocalization control in mongolian gerbils (meriones unguiculatus) during locomotion behavior. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2011;130(6):4148-57.


    Juvin L, Le Gal JP, Simmers J and Morin D. Cervicolumbar coordination in mammalian quadrupedal locomotion: Role of spinal thoracic circuitry and limb sensory inputs. Journal of Neuroscience 2012;32(3):953-65.

    Larsson M. Why do fish school? Current Zoology 2012;58(1):116-28.