Feb 23-29, 2012
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Helen J. Huang, PhD
Neuromechanics Laboratory
University of Colorado Boulder
************************************************** ***************
- Not all articles have a DOI.
- Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
- Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in electronic form through the publisher.
Sorry for the delay.
Liu XL, Lei W, Wu ZX, Cui Y, Han BJ, Fu SC, et al. Effects of glucocorticoid on bmd, micro-architecture and biomechanics of cancellous and cortical bone mass in ovx rabbits. Medical Engineering & Physics 2012;34(1):2-8.
Wauquier F, Barquissau V, Leotoing L, Davicco MJ, Lebecque P, Mercier S, et al. Borage and fish oils lifelong supplementation decreases inflammation and improves bone health in a murine model of senile osteoporosis. Bone 2012;50(2):553-61.
Volkov AG, Murphy VA, Clemmons JI, Curley MJ and Markin VS. Energetics and forces of the dionaea muscipula trap closing. Journal of Plant Physiology 2012;169(1):55-64.
Guo QQ, Xia Y, Sandig M and Yang J. Characterization of cell elasticity correlated with cell morphology by atomic force microscope. Journal of Biomechanics 2012;45(2):304-9.
Yu X, Cross M, Liu CG, Clark DC, Haynie DT and Kim MK. Measurement of the traction force of biological cells by digital holography. Biomedical Optics Express 2012;3(1):153-9.
Giljov A, Karenina K and Malashichev Y. Limb preferences in a marsupial, macropus rufogriseus: Evidence for postural effect. Animal Behaviour 2012;83(2):525-34.
Montuelle SJ, Herrel A, Libourel PA, Daillie S and Bels VL. Prey capture in lizards: Differences in jaw-neck-forelimb coordination. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 2012;105(3):607-22.
Pontzer H. Relating ranging ecology, limb length, and locomotor economy in terrestrial animals. Journal of Theoretical Biology 2012;296:6-12.
Abu Kasim NH, Madfa AA, Hamdi M and Rahbari GR. 3d-fe analysis of functionally graded structured dental posts. Dental Materials Journal 2011;30(6):869-80.
Ma JB, Miura H, Okada D and Yusa K. Photoelastic stress analysis of endodontically treated teeth restored with different post systems: Normal and alveolar bone resorption cases. Dental Materials Journal 2011;30(6):806-13.
Rodriguez-Cervantes PJ, Sancho-Bru JL, Gonzalez-Lluch C, Perez-Gonzalez A, Barjau-Escribano A and Forner-Navarro L. Premolars restored with posts of different materials: Fatigue analysis. Dental Materials Journal 2011;30(6):881-6.
Schneider D, Witt L and Hammerle CHF. Influence of the crown-to-implant length ratio on the clinical performance of implants supporting single crown restorations: A cross-sectional retrospective 5-year investigation. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2012;23(2):169-74.
Mikkelsen S, Lassen CF, Vilstrup I, Kryger AI, Brandt LPA, Thomsen JF, et al. Does computer use affect the incidence of distal arm pain? A one-year prospective study using objective measures of computer use. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 2012;85(2):139-52.
DeSilva JM and Papakyrikos A. A case of valgus ankle in an early pleistocene hominin. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 2011;21(6):732-42.
Newell AM, VanSwearingen JM, Hile E and Brach JS. The modified gait efficacy scale: Establishing the psychometric properties in older adults. Physical Therapy 2012;92(2):318-28.
Young WR, Wing AM and Hollands MA. Influences of state anxiety on gaze behavior and stepping accuracy in older adults during adaptive locomotion. Journals of Gerontology Series B-Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 2012;67(1):43-51.
Abbassian A, Kohls-Gatzoulis J and Solan MC. Proximal medial gastrocnemius release in the treatment of recalcitrant plantar fasciitis. Foot & Ankle International 2012;33(1):14-9.
Carlson RM, Smith NC, Stuck RM and Sage RA. Dislocation of the fifth metatarsal base following partial fourth and fifth ray amputation a case report. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 2012;102(1):71-4.
Foster A, Blanchette MG, Chou YC and Powers CM. The influence of heel height on frontal plane ankle biomechanics: Implications for lateral ankle sprains. Foot & Ankle International 2012;33(1):64-9.
Shah K, Augustine A, Carter R and McFadyen A. Arthrodesis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint comparison of three techniques. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 2012;102(1):13-7.
Shultz SP, Sitler MR, Tierney RT, Hillstrom HJ and Song J. Consequences of pediatric obesity on the foot and ankle complex. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 2012;102(1):5-12.
Tanamas SK, Wluka AE, Berry P, Menz HB, Strauss BJ, Davies-Tuck M, et al. Relationship between obesity and foot pain and its association with fat mass, fat distribution, and muscle mass. Arthritis Care & Research 2012;64(2):262-8.
Biscarini A. Determination and optimization of joint torques and joint reaction forces in therapeutic exercises with elastic resistance. Medical Engineering & Physics 2012;34(1):9-16.
Hinman RS, Bowles KA, Metcalf B, Wrigley TV and Bennell KL. Lateral wedge insoles for medial knee osteoarthritis: Effects on lower limb frontal plane biomechanics. Clinical Biomechanics 2012;27(1):27-33.
Koolstra JH. Biomechanical analysis of the influence of friction in jaw joint disorders. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2012;20(1):43-8.
Sekiya JK, Jolly J and Debski RE. The effect of a hill-sachs defect on glenohumeral translations, in situ capsular forces, and bony contact forces. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2012;40(2):388-94.
Shah SB, Love JM, O'Neill A, Lovering RM and Bloch RJ. Influences of desmin and keratin 19 on passive biomechanical properties of mouse skeletal muscle. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology 2012.
van den Noort JC, van der Esch M, Steultjens MPM, Dekker J, Schepers HM, Veltink PH, et al. The knee adduction moment measured with an instrumented force shoe in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Journal of Biomechanics 2012;45(2):281-8.
Chen BL, Li YQ, Yang XX and Xie DH. Femoral metaphysis bending test of rat: Introduction and validation of a novel biomechanical testing protocol for osteoporosis. Journal of Orthopaedic Science 2012;17(1):70-6.
Kruger A, McAlpine P, Borrani F and Edelmann-Nusser J. Determination of three-dimensional joint loading within the lower extremities in snowboarding. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2012;226(H2):170-5.
Lin YC, Dorn TW, Schache AG and Pandy MG. Comparison of different methods for estimating muscle forces in human movement. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2012;226(H2):103-12.
Bonnet X, Pillet H, Fode P, Lavaste F and Skalli W. Finite element modelling of an energy-storing prosthetic foot during the stance phase of transtibial amputee gait. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2012;226(H1):70-5.
Doyley MM. Model-based elastography: A survey of approaches to the inverse elasticity problem. Physics in Medicine and Biology 2012;57(3):R35-R73.
Franz T and Reddy BD. Numerical studies of problems in biophysics, biomechanics and mechanobiology. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 2012;28(1):1-2.
Hosseinkhah N and Hynynen K. A three-dimensional model of an ultrasound contrast agent gas bubble and its mechanical effects on microvessels. Physics in Medicine and Biology 2012;57(3):785-808.
Jing F and Kanso E. Effects of body elasticity on stability of underwater locomotion. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2012;690:461-73.
Lund ME, de Zee M, Andersen MS and Rasmussen J. On validation of multibody musculoskeletal models. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2012;226(H2):82-94.
Millard M, McPhee J and Kubica E. Foot placement and balance in 3d. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 2012;7(2).
Pelteret JPV and Reddy BD. Computational model of soft tissues in the human upper airway. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 2012;28(1):111-32.
Shultz R and Jenkyn T. Determining the maximum diameter for holes in the shoe without compromising shoe integrity when using a multi-segment foot model. Medical Engineering & Physics 2012;34(1):118-22.
Valente G, Martelli S, Taddei F, Farinella G and Viceconti M. Muscle discretization affects the loading transferred to bones in lower-limb musculoskeletal models. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2012;226(H2):161-9.
van Rensburg GJJ, Wilke DN and Kok S. Human skull shape and masticatory induced stress: Objective comparison through the use of non-rigid registration. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 2012;28(1):170-85.
Wessel C, Schnabel JA and Brady M. Towards a more realistic biomechanical modelling of breast malignant tumours. Physics in Medicine and Biology 2012;57(3):631-48.
Larsen RG, Callahan DM, Foulis SA and Kent-Braun JA. Age-related changes in oxidative capacity differ between locomotory muscles and are associated with physical activity behavior. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism-Physiologie Appliquee Nutrition Et Metabolisme 2012;37(1):88-99.
Brennan AA, Bakdash JZ and Proffitt DR. Treadmill experience mediates the perceptual-motor aftereffect of treadmill walking. Experimental Brain Research 2012;216(4):527-34.
Chu CM, Huang HL, Hsu JT and Fuh LJ. Influences of internal tapered abutment designs on bone stresses around a dental implant: Three-dimensional finite element method with statistical evaluation. Journal of Periodontology 2012;83(1):111-8.
Frigon A. Central pattern generators of the mammalian spinal cord. Neuroscientist 2012;18(1):56-69.
Meehan CF, Grondahl L, Nielsen JB and Hultborn H. Fictive locomotion in the adult decerebrate and spinal mouse in vivo. Journal of Physiology-London 2012;590(2):289-300.
Sacco K, Cauda F, D'Agata F, Duca S, Zettin M, Virgilio R, et al. A combined robotic and cognitive training for locomotor rehabilitation: Evidences of cerebral functional reorganization in two chronic traumatic brain injured patients. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2011;5.
Sokolov AA, Erb M, Gharabaghi A, Grodd W, Tatagiba MS and Pavlova MA. Biological motion processing: The left cerebellum communicates with the right superior temporal sulcus. Neuroimage 2012;59(3):2824-30.
Chiu SL and Chou LS. Effect of walking speed on inter-joint coordination differs between young and elderly adults. Journal of Biomechanics 2012;45(2):275-80.
Agarwala A, Bucklen B, Muzumdar A, Moldavsky M and Khalil S. Do facet screws provide the required stability in lumbar fixation? A biomechanical comparison of the boucher technique and pedicular fixation in primary and circumferential fusions. Clinical Biomechanics 2012;27(1):64-70.
Chouhan AK, Ivannikov MV, Lu ZM, Sugimori M, Llinas RR and Macleod GT. Cytosolic calcium coordinates mitochondrial energy metabolism with presynaptic activity. Journal of Neuroscience 2012;32(4):1233-43.
Harmon D and Alexiev V. Sonoanatomy and injection technique of the iliolumbar ligament. Pain Physician 2011;14(5):469-74.
Hunter W, Bucklen B, Muzumdar A, Moldavsky M, Hussain M and Khalil S. A comparative biomechanical study of traditional and in-line plating systems following immediate stabilization of single and bi-level cervical segments. Clinical Biomechanics 2012;27(1):84-90.
Koo TK, Cohen JH and Zheng YP. Immediate effect of nimmo receptor tonus technique on muscle elasticity, pain perception, and disability in subjects with chronic low back pain. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 2012;35(1):45-53.
Leilnahari K, Fatouraee N, Khodalotfi M, Sadeghein MA and Kashani YA. Spine alignment in men during lateral sleep position: Experimental study and modeling. Biomedical Engineering Online 2011;10.
Luck JF, Bass CR, Owen SJ and Nightingale RW. An apparatus for tensile and bending tests of perinatal, neonatal, pediatric and adult cadaver osteoligamentous cervical spines. Journal of Biomechanics 2012;45(2):386-9.
Prasarn ML, Baria D, Milne E, Latta L and Sukovich W. Adjacent-level biomechanics after single versus multilevel cervical spine fusion laboratory investigation. Journal of Neurosurgery-Spine 2012;16(2):172-7.
Jacofsky DJ, McCamley JD, Jaczynski AM, Shrader MW and Jacofsky MC. Improving initial acetabular component stability in revision total hip arthroplasty calcium phosphate cement vs reverse reamed cancellous allograft. Journal of Arthroplasty 2012;27(2):305-9.
Kilicarslan K, Yalcin N, Cicek H, Cila E and Yildirim H. What happens at the adjacent knee joint after total hip arthroplasty of crowe type iii and iv dysplastic hips? Journal of Arthroplasty 2012;27(2):266-70.
Kremer T, Giusti G, Friedrich PF, Willems W, Bishop AT and Giessler GA. Knee joint transplantation combined with surgical angiogenesis in rabbitsua new experimental model. Microsurgery 2012;32(2):118-27.
Levinger P, Menz HB, Morrow AD, Perrott MA, Bartlett JR, Feller JA, et al. Knee biomechanics early after knee replacement surgery predict abnormal gait patterns 12 months postoperatively. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2012;30(3):371-6.
Lin CL, Hong CK, Jou IM, Lin CJ, Su FC and Su WR. Suture anchor versus screw fixation for greater tuberosity fractures of the humerusua biomechanical study. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2012;30(3):423-8.
Low TH, Ahmad TS and Ng ES. Simplifying four-strand flexor tendon repair using double-stranded suture: A comparative ex vivo study on tensile strength and bulking. Journal of Hand Surgery-European Volume 2012;37E(2):101-8.
Matsubara H, Okazaki K, Izawa T, Tashiro Y, Matsuda S, Nishimura T, et al. New suture method for radial tears of the meniscus biomechanical analysis of cross-suture and double horizontal suture techniques using cyclic load testing. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2012;40(2):414-8.
Dewey PA, Carriou A and Smits AJ. On the relationship between efficiency and wake structure of a batoid-inspired oscillating fin. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2012;691:245-66.
Seiler KM, Singh SPN, Sukkarieh S and Durrant-Whyte H. Using lie group symmetries for fast corrective motion planning. International Journal of Robotics Research 2012;31(2):151-66.
Wei H, Shuai M and Wang ZY. Dynamically adapt to uneven terrain walking control for humanoid robot. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering 2012;25(2):214-22.
Pataky TC, Slota GP, Latash ML and Zatsiorsky VM. Radial force distribution changes associated with tangential force production in cylindrical grasping, and the importance of anatomical registration. Journal of Biomechanics 2012;45(2):218-24.
Padua DA, DiStefano LJ, Marshall SW, Beutler AI, de la Motte SJ and DiStefano MJ. Retention of movement pattern changes after a lower extremity injury prevention program is affected by program duration. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2012;40(2):300-6.
Duda KR, Jarchow T and Young LR. Squat exercise biomechanics during short-radius centrifugation. Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine 2012;83(2):102-10.
Fabre N, Bortolan L, Pellegrini B, Zerbini L, Mourot L and Schena F. Anaerobic threshold assessment through the ventilatory method during roller-ski skating testing: Right or wrong? Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 2012;26(2):381-7.
Sato K and Heise GD. Influence of weight distribution asymmetry on the biomechanics of a barbell back squat. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 2012;26(2):342-9.
Stepien A, Bober T and Zawadzki J. The kinematics of trunk and upper extremities in one-handed and two-handed backhand stroke. Journal of Human Kinetics 2011;30:37-47.
Wasik J. Kinematics and kinetics of taekwon-do side kick. Journal of Human Kinetics 2011;30:13-20.
Wisnik P, Chmura J, Ziemba AW, Mikulski T and Nazar K. The effect of branched chain amino acids on psychomotor performance during treadmill exercise of changing intensity simulating a soccer game. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism-Physiologie Appliquee Nutrition Et Metabolisme 2011;36(6):856-62.
Dohi Y, Omokawa S, Ono H, Aoki M, Akahane M, Wada T, et al. Arthroscopic gap distance can predict the degree of scapholunate ligament tears: A cadaver study. Journal of Orthopaedic Science 2012;17(1):64-9.
Frank CB, Beveridge JE, Huebner KD, Heard BJ, Tapper JE, O'Brien EJO, et al. Complete acl/mcl deficiency induces variable degrees of instability in sheep with specific kinematic abnormalities correlating with degrees of early osteoarthritis. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2012;30(3):384-92.
Germscheid NM, Thornton GM, Hart DA and Hildebrand KA. Wound healing differences between yorkshire and red duroc porcine medial collateral ligaments identified by biomechanical assessment of scars. Clinical Biomechanics 2012;27(1):91-8.
Horas U, Meissner SA, Kraus R, Heiss C and Schnettler R. Effect of malpositioned anterior cruciate ligament replacement on knee joint structures: A biomechanical model. Biomedizinische Technik 2011;56(6):321-5.
Kim SH, Shin SH, Oh JH and Baek GH. Biomechanical and histological analysis after tenotomy of the long head of the biceps in the rabbit shoulder model. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2012;30(3):416-22.
Kondo E, Yasuda K, Katsura T, Hayashi R, Kotani Y and Tohyama H. Biomechanical and histological evaluations of the doubled semitendinosus tendon autograft after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in sheep. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2012;40(2):315-24.
Kulas AS, Hortobagyi T and DeVita P. Trunk position modulates anterior cruciate ligament forces and strains during a single-leg squat. Clinical Biomechanics 2012;27(1):16-21.
Lee YS, Han SH and Kim JH. A biomechanical comparison of tibial back side fixation between suspensory and expansion mechanisms in trans-tibial posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Knee 2012;19(1):55-9.
Maas H and Huijing PA. Effects of tendon and muscle belly dissection on muscular force transmission following tendon transfer in the rat. Journal of Biomechanics 2012;45(2):289-96.
Markolf KL, Jackson SR and McAllister DR. Force measurements in the medial meniscus posterior horn attachment effects of anterior cruciate ligament removal. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2012;40(2):332-8.
Obaid H, Clarke A, Rosenfeld P, Leach C and Connell D. Skin-derived fibroblasts for the treatment of refractory achilles tendinosis: Preliminary short-term results. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-American Volume 2012;94A(3):193-200.
Philippot R, Boyer B, Testa R, Farizon F and Moyen B. Study of patellar kinematics after reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament. Clinical Biomechanics 2012;27(1):22-6.
Ren DJ, Sun K, Tian SQ, Yang X, Zhang CL, Wang WH, et al. Effects of gamma irradiation and repetitive freeze-thaw cycles on the biomechanical properties of human flexor digitorum superficialis tendons. Journal of Biomechanics 2012;45(2):252-6.
Shu B, Johnston T, Lindsey DP and McAdams TR. Biomechanical evaluation of a novel reverse coracoacromial ligament reconstruction for acromioclavicular joint separation. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2012;40(2):440-6.
Xerogeanes JW, Hammond KE and Todd DC. Anatomic landmarks utilized for physeal-sparing, anatomic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction an mri-based study. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery-American Volume 2012;94A(3):268-76.
Hu DL, Sielert K and Gordon M. Turtle shell and mammal skull resistance to fracture due to predator bites and ground impact. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 2011;6(9):1197-211.
Kemper AR, Santago AC, Stitzel JD, Sparks JL and Duma SM. Biomechanical response of human spleen in tensile loading. Journal of Biomechanics 2012;45(2):348-55.
Morizaki Y, Vanhees M, Thoreson AR, Larson D, Zhao C, An KN, et al. The response of the rabbit subsynovial connective tissue to a stress-relaxation test. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2012;30(3):443-7.
Sermon A, Boner V, Schwieger K, Boger A, Boonen S, Broos P, et al. Biomechanical evaluation of bone-cement augmented proximal femoral nail antirotation blades in a polyurethane foam model with low density. Clinical Biomechanics 2012;27(1):71-6.
Shi HC, Wang WP, Lu D, Li HJ, Chen LS, Lu Y, et al. Cellular biocompatibility and biomechanical properties of n-carboxyethylchitosan/nanohydroxyapatite composites for tissue-engineered trachea. Artificial Cells Blood Substitutes and Biotechnology 2012;40(1-2):120-4.
Stoffel M, Yi JH, Weichert D, Zhou B, Nebelung S, Muller-Rath R, et al. Bioreactor cultivation and remodelling simulation for cartilage replacement material. Medical Engineering & Physics 2012;34(1):56-63.
Chen ZY, Leung LY, Mountney A, Liao ZL, Yang WH, Lu XCM, et al. A novel animal model of closed-head concussive-induced mild traumatic brain injury: Development, implementation, and characterization. Journal of Neurotrauma 2012;29(2):268-80.
Denham SF, Staniar WB, Dascanio JJ, Phillips AB and Splan RK. Linear and temporal kinematics of the walk in warmblood foals. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 2012;32(2):112-5.
Huyskens-Keil S, Hassenberg K and Herppich WB. Impact of postharvest uv-c and ozone treatment on textural properties of white asparagus (asparagus officinalis l.). Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality-Angewandte Botanik 2011;84(2):229-34.
Morita T, Shoji N, Kamiya K, Fujimura F and Shimizu K. Corneal biomechanical properties in normal-tension glaucoma. Acta Ophthalmologica 2012;90(1):E48-E53.
Gorce P and Louis N. Wheelchair propulsion kinematics in beginners and expert users: Influence of wheelchair settings. Clinical Biomechanics 2012;27(1):7-15.
Birkenmaier C, Baumert S, Schroeder C, Jansson V and Wegener B. A biomechanical evaluation of the epidural neurolysis procedure. Pain Physician 2012;15(1):E89-E97.
Molsberger F and Molsberger A. Acupuncture in treatment of musculoskeletal disorders of orchestra musicians. Work-a Journal of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation 2012;41(1):5-13.
Tastan B and Sukthankar G. Leveraging human behavior models to predict paths in indoor environments. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 2011;7(3):319-30.
Franz JR, Lyddon NE and Kram R. Mechanical work performed by the individual legs during uphill and downhill walking. Journal of Biomechanics 2012;45(2):257-62.
Feb 23-29, 2012
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Helen J. Huang, PhD
Neuromechanics Laboratory
University of Colorado Boulder
************************************************** ***************
- Not all articles have a DOI.
- Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
- Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in electronic form through the publisher.
Sorry for the delay.
Liu XL, Lei W, Wu ZX, Cui Y, Han BJ, Fu SC, et al. Effects of glucocorticoid on bmd, micro-architecture and biomechanics of cancellous and cortical bone mass in ovx rabbits. Medical Engineering & Physics 2012;34(1):2-8.
Wauquier F, Barquissau V, Leotoing L, Davicco MJ, Lebecque P, Mercier S, et al. Borage and fish oils lifelong supplementation decreases inflammation and improves bone health in a murine model of senile osteoporosis. Bone 2012;50(2):553-61.
Volkov AG, Murphy VA, Clemmons JI, Curley MJ and Markin VS. Energetics and forces of the dionaea muscipula trap closing. Journal of Plant Physiology 2012;169(1):55-64.
Guo QQ, Xia Y, Sandig M and Yang J. Characterization of cell elasticity correlated with cell morphology by atomic force microscope. Journal of Biomechanics 2012;45(2):304-9.
Yu X, Cross M, Liu CG, Clark DC, Haynie DT and Kim MK. Measurement of the traction force of biological cells by digital holography. Biomedical Optics Express 2012;3(1):153-9.
Giljov A, Karenina K and Malashichev Y. Limb preferences in a marsupial, macropus rufogriseus: Evidence for postural effect. Animal Behaviour 2012;83(2):525-34.
Montuelle SJ, Herrel A, Libourel PA, Daillie S and Bels VL. Prey capture in lizards: Differences in jaw-neck-forelimb coordination. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 2012;105(3):607-22.
Pontzer H. Relating ranging ecology, limb length, and locomotor economy in terrestrial animals. Journal of Theoretical Biology 2012;296:6-12.
Abu Kasim NH, Madfa AA, Hamdi M and Rahbari GR. 3d-fe analysis of functionally graded structured dental posts. Dental Materials Journal 2011;30(6):869-80.
Ma JB, Miura H, Okada D and Yusa K. Photoelastic stress analysis of endodontically treated teeth restored with different post systems: Normal and alveolar bone resorption cases. Dental Materials Journal 2011;30(6):806-13.
Rodriguez-Cervantes PJ, Sancho-Bru JL, Gonzalez-Lluch C, Perez-Gonzalez A, Barjau-Escribano A and Forner-Navarro L. Premolars restored with posts of different materials: Fatigue analysis. Dental Materials Journal 2011;30(6):881-6.
Schneider D, Witt L and Hammerle CHF. Influence of the crown-to-implant length ratio on the clinical performance of implants supporting single crown restorations: A cross-sectional retrospective 5-year investigation. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2012;23(2):169-74.
Mikkelsen S, Lassen CF, Vilstrup I, Kryger AI, Brandt LPA, Thomsen JF, et al. Does computer use affect the incidence of distal arm pain? A one-year prospective study using objective measures of computer use. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 2012;85(2):139-52.
DeSilva JM and Papakyrikos A. A case of valgus ankle in an early pleistocene hominin. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 2011;21(6):732-42.
Newell AM, VanSwearingen JM, Hile E and Brach JS. The modified gait efficacy scale: Establishing the psychometric properties in older adults. Physical Therapy 2012;92(2):318-28.
Young WR, Wing AM and Hollands MA. Influences of state anxiety on gaze behavior and stepping accuracy in older adults during adaptive locomotion. Journals of Gerontology Series B-Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 2012;67(1):43-51.
Abbassian A, Kohls-Gatzoulis J and Solan MC. Proximal medial gastrocnemius release in the treatment of recalcitrant plantar fasciitis. Foot & Ankle International 2012;33(1):14-9.
Carlson RM, Smith NC, Stuck RM and Sage RA. Dislocation of the fifth metatarsal base following partial fourth and fifth ray amputation a case report. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 2012;102(1):71-4.
Foster A, Blanchette MG, Chou YC and Powers CM. The influence of heel height on frontal plane ankle biomechanics: Implications for lateral ankle sprains. Foot & Ankle International 2012;33(1):64-9.
Shah K, Augustine A, Carter R and McFadyen A. Arthrodesis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint comparison of three techniques. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 2012;102(1):13-7.
Shultz SP, Sitler MR, Tierney RT, Hillstrom HJ and Song J. Consequences of pediatric obesity on the foot and ankle complex. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association 2012;102(1):5-12.
Tanamas SK, Wluka AE, Berry P, Menz HB, Strauss BJ, Davies-Tuck M, et al. Relationship between obesity and foot pain and its association with fat mass, fat distribution, and muscle mass. Arthritis Care & Research 2012;64(2):262-8.
Biscarini A. Determination and optimization of joint torques and joint reaction forces in therapeutic exercises with elastic resistance. Medical Engineering & Physics 2012;34(1):9-16.
Hinman RS, Bowles KA, Metcalf B, Wrigley TV and Bennell KL. Lateral wedge insoles for medial knee osteoarthritis: Effects on lower limb frontal plane biomechanics. Clinical Biomechanics 2012;27(1):27-33.
Koolstra JH. Biomechanical analysis of the influence of friction in jaw joint disorders. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2012;20(1):43-8.
Sekiya JK, Jolly J and Debski RE. The effect of a hill-sachs defect on glenohumeral translations, in situ capsular forces, and bony contact forces. American Journal of Sports Medicine 2012;40(2):388-94.
Shah SB, Love JM, O'Neill A, Lovering RM and Bloch RJ. Influences of desmin and keratin 19 on passive biomechanical properties of mouse skeletal muscle. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology 2012.
van den Noort JC, van der Esch M, Steultjens MPM, Dekker J, Schepers HM, Veltink PH, et al. The knee adduction moment measured with an instrumented force shoe in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Journal of Biomechanics 2012;45(2):281-8.
Chen BL, Li YQ, Yang XX and Xie DH. Femoral metaphysis bending test of rat: Introduction and validation of a novel biomechanical testing protocol for osteoporosis. Journal of Orthopaedic Science 2012;17(1):70-6.
Kruger A, McAlpine P, Borrani F and Edelmann-Nusser J. Determination of three-dimensional joint loading within the lower extremities in snowboarding. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2012;226(H2):170-5.
Lin YC, Dorn TW, Schache AG and Pandy MG. Comparison of different methods for estimating muscle forces in human movement. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2012;226(H2):103-12.
Bonnet X, Pillet H, Fode P, Lavaste F and Skalli W. Finite element modelling of an energy-storing prosthetic foot during the stance phase of transtibial amputee gait. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal of Engineering in Medicine 2012;226(H1):70-5.
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