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LITERATURE UPDATE: April 05-11, 2012

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  • LITERATURE UPDATE: April 05-11, 2012

    April 05-11, 2012
    Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

    Helen J. Huang, PhD
    Neuromechanics Laboratory
    University of Colorado Boulder
    ************************************************** ***************
    - Not all articles have a DOI.
    - Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
    - Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in electronic form through the publisher.


    Geusens P and Lems WF. Osteoimmunology and osteoporosis. Arthritis Research & Therapy 2011;13(5).

    Jaimes C, Jimenez M, Shabshin N, Laor T and Jaramillo D. Taking the stress out of evaluating stress injuries in children. Radiographics 2012;32(2):537-55.


    Stokes A, Mine FX, Mao Z and Brancheriau L. Multi-stemming and mechanical traits ensure persistence of subalpine woody plants exposed to a disturbance gradient. Journal of Vegetation Science 2012;23(2):325-38.


    Georgakarakos E, Georgiadis GS, Xenakis A, Kapoulas KC, Lazarides MK, Tsangaris AS, et al. Application of bioengineering modalities in vascular research: Evaluating the clinical gain. Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 2012;46(2):101-8.

    Sokolis DP, Kritharis EP, Giagini AT, Lampropoulos KM, Papadodima SA and Iliopoulos DC. Biomechanical response of ascending thoracic aortic aneurysms: Association with structural remodelling. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2012;15(3):231-48.


    Freund JB, Goetz JG, Hill KL and Vermot J. Fluid flows and forces in development: Functions, features and biophysical principles. Development 2012;139(7):1229-45.

    Vogel R and Stark H. Motor-driven bacterial flagella and buckling instabilities. European Physical Journal E 2012;35(2).


    Minter NJ, Mangano MG and Caron JB. Skimming the surface with burgess shale arthropod locomotion. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 2012;279(1733):1613-20.

    Mulloney B and Smarandache-Wellmann C. Neurobiology of the crustacean swimmeret system. Progress in Neurobiology 2012;96(2):242-67.


    Chang SH, Lin CL, Hsue SS, Lin YS and Huang SR. Biomechanical analysis of the effects of implant diameter and bone quality in short implants placed in the atrophic posterior maxilla. Medical Engineering & Physics 2012;34(2):153-60.

    Cimen H and Yengin E. Analyzing the effects of the platform-switching procedure on stresses in the bone and implant-abutment complex by 3-dimensional fem analysis. Journal of Oral Implantology 2012;38(1):21-6.

    Sfarghiu LG, Manoloiu EL, Dobrovolschi O, Bodnar T and Burlibasa M. Temporomandibular joint: Between natural teeth and metal infrastructure dental prosthetic restaurations. Metalurgia International 2012;17(2):158-60.


    Foellmer MW, Marson M and Moya-Larano J. Running performance as a function of body size, leg length, and angle of incline in male orb-web spiders, argiope aurantia. Evolutionary Ecology Research 2011;13(5):513-26.


    Altman AR, Reisman DS, Higginson JS and Davis IS. Kinematic comparison of split-belt and single-belt treadmill walking and the effects of accommodation. Gait & Posture 2012;35(2):287-91.

    Carneiro LC, Michaelsen SM, Roesler H, Haupenthal A, Hubert M and Mallmann E. Vertical reaction forces and kinematics of backward walking underwater. Gait & Posture 2012;35(2):225-30.

    Levinger P, Lai DTH, Menz HB, Morrow AD, Feller JA, Bartlett JR, et al. Swing limb mechanics and minimum toe clearance in people with knee osteoarthritis. Gait & Posture 2012;35(2):277-81.

    Murdock GH and Hubley-Kozey CL. Effect of a high intensity quadriceps fatigue protocol on knee joint mechanics and muscle activation during gait in young adults. European Journal of Applied Physiology 2012;112(2):439-49.

    Nicola TL and Jewison DJ. The anatomy and biomechanics of running. Clinics in Sports Medicine 2012;31(2):187-+.

    Orishimo KF, Kremenic IJ, Deshmukh AJ, Nicholas SJ and Rodriguez JA. Does total knee arthroplasty change frontal plane knee biomechanics during gait? Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 2012;470(4):1171-6.

    Soo CH and Donelan JM. Coordination of push-off and collision determine the mechanical work of step-to-step transitions when isolated from human walking. Gait & Posture 2012;35(2):292-7.

    Uemura K, Yamada M, Nagai K, Tanaka B, Mori S and Ichihashi N. Fear of falling is associated with prolonged anticipatory postural adjustment during gait initiation under dual-task conditions in older adults. Gait & Posture 2012;35(2):282-6.

    Vallabhajosula S, Yentes JM, Momcilovic M, Blanke DJ and Stergiou N. Do lower-extremity joint dynamics change when stair negotiation is initiated with a self-selected comfortable gait speed? Gait & Posture 2012;35(2):203-8.

    Vitorio R, Lirani-Silva E, Barbieri FA, Raile V, Batistela RA, Stella F, et al. The role of vision in parkinson's disease locomotion control: Free walking task. Gait & Posture 2012;35(2):175-9.

    Wilken JM, Rodriguez KM, Brawner M and Darter BJ. Reliability and minimal detectible change values for gait kinematics and kinetics in healthy adults. Gait & Posture 2012;35(2):301-7.


    Butz KD, Merrell G and Nauman EA. A biomechanical analysis of finger joint forces and stresses developed during common daily activities. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2012;15(2):131-40.


    Bruder G, Interrante V, Phillips L and Steinicke F. Redirecting walking and driving for natural navigation in immersive virtual environments. Ieee Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2012;18(4):538-45.

    Cirio G, Vangorp P, Chapoulie E, Marchal M, Lecuyer A and Drettakis G. Walking in a cube: Novel metaphors for safely navigating large virtual environments in restricted real workspaces. Ieee Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2012;18(4):546-54.

    Goetz L, Piallat B, Thibaudier Y, Montigon O, David O and Chabardes S. A non-human primate model of bipedal locomotion under restrained condition allowing gait studies and single unit brain recordings. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 2012;204(2):306-17.

    Kanda M, Minakata Y, Matsunaga K, Sugiura H, Hirano T, Koarai A, et al. Validation of the triaxial accelerometer for the evaluation of physical activity in japanese patients with copd. Internal Medicine 2012;51(4):369-75.

    Milovanovic I and Popovic DB. Principal component analysis of gait kinematics data in acute and chronic stroke patients. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2012.

    Pataky TC. One-dimensional statistical parametric mapping in python. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2012;15(3):295-301.

    Ramdani S, Bouchara F and Caron O. Detecting high-dimensional determinism in time series with application to human movement data. Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications 2012;13(4):1891-903.

    Skotak M, Wang F and Chandra N. An in vitro injury model for sh-sy5y neuroblastoma cells: Effect of strain and strain rate. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 2012;205(1):159-68.

    Son J, Hwang S and Kim Y. A hybrid static optimisation method to estimate muscle forces during muscle co-activation. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2012;15(3):249-54.

    Yang SZ and Li QG. Imu-based ambulatory walking speed estimation in constrained treadmill and overground walking. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2012;15(3):313-22.

    Zhou H, Xu Q, He JP, Ren HK, Zhou HL and Zheng KJ. A fully implanted programmable stimulator based on wireless communication for epidural spinal cord stimulation in rats. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 2012;204(2):341-8.


    Dabirrahmani D, Becker S, Hogg M, Appleyard R, Baroud G and Gillies M. Mechanical variables affecting balloon kyphoplasty outcome - a finite element study. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2012;15(3):211-20.

    Dubuis L, Avril S, Debayle J and Badel P. Identification of the material parameters of soft tissues in the compressed leg. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2012;15(1):3-11.

    Gras LL, Mitton D, Crevier-Denoix N and Laporte S. The non-linear response of a muscle in transverse compression: Assessment of geometry influence using a finite element model. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2012;15(1):13-21.

    Guillon T, Dumont Y and Fourcaud T. A new mathematical framework for modelling the biomechanics of growing trees with rod theory. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 2012;55(9-10):2061-77.

    Martelli S, Taddei F, Schileo E, Cristofolini L, Rushton N and Viceconti M. Biomechanical robustness of a new proximal epiphyseal hip replacement to patient variability and surgical uncertainties: A fe study. Medical Engineering & Physics 2012;34(2):161-71.

    Siebert T, Gunther M and Blickhan R. A 3d-geometric model for the deformation of a transversally loaded muscle. Journal of Theoretical Biology 2012;298:116-21.

    Stojkovic M, Milovanovic J, Vitkovic N, Trajanovic M, Arsic S and Mitkovic M. Analysis of femoral trochanters morphology based on geometrical model. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research 2012;71(3):210-6.

    Suma EA, Lipps Z, Finkelstein S, Krum DM and Bolas M. Impossible spaces: Maximizing natural walking in virtual environments with self-overlapping architecture. Ieee Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2012;18(4):555-64.

    Tang G, Qian LW, Wei GF, Wang HS and Wang CT. Development of software for human muscle force estimation. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2012;15(3):275-83.

    Vadakkepat P, Tan SJ and Hong CY. Analogue neuronal network in a biomorphic machine: Modelling and simulation in adams. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 2012;34(2-3):184-212.

    Vadakkepat P, Tan SJ and Hong CY. Model validation for a pair of biologically abstracted quadruped forelimbs through the design of experiment (doe) technique. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 2012;34(2-3):213-35.

    Vahidi B and Fatouraee N. A biomechanical simulation of ureteral flow during peristalsis using intraluminal morphometric data. Journal of Theoretical Biology 2012;298:42-50.


    Hadj-Said W, Bangratz M, Vignaud A, Chatonnet A, Butler-Browne G, Nicole S, et al. Effect of locomotor training on muscle performance in the context of nerve-muscle communication dysfunction. Muscle & Nerve 2012;45(4):567-77.

    Mierzejewska-Krzyzowska B, Drzymala-Celichowska H, Bukowska D and Celichowski J. Gender differences in morphometric properties of muscle fibres measured on cross-sections of rat hindlimb muscles. Anatomia Histologia Embryologia 2012;41(2):122-9.

    Tuna BG, Bakker E and VanBavel E. Smooth muscle biomechanics and plasticity: Relevance for vascular calibre and remodelling. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 2012;110(1):35-41.


    Hubli M, Bolliger M, Limacher E, Luft AR and Dietz V. Spinal neuronal dysfunction after stroke. Experimental Neurology 2012;234(1):153-60.

    Kumar A, Rani A, Tchigranova O, Lee WH and Foster TC. Influence of late-life exposure to environmental enrichment or exercise on hippocampal function and ca1 senescent physiology. Neurobiology of Aging 2012;33(4).

    Samoudi G, Nissbrandt H, Dutia MB and Bergquist F. Noisy galvanic vestibular stimulation promotes gaba release in the substantia nigra and improves locomotion in hemiparkinsonian rats. Plos One 2012;7(1).

    Sato Y, Aoki S and Yanagihara D. Gait modification during approach phase when stepping over an obstacle in rats. Neuroscience Research 2012;72(3):263-9.


    Mandala M and Osol G. Physiological remodelling of the maternal uterine circulation during pregnancy. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 2012;110(1):12-8.


    Barrey C, Campana S, Persohn S, Perrin G and Skalli W. Cervical disc prosthesis versus arthrodesis using one-level, hybrid and two-level constructs: An in vitro investigation. European Spine Journal 2012;21(3):432-42.

    Clavenna AL, Beutler WJ, Gudipally M, Moldavsky M and Khalil S. The biomechanical stability of a novel spacer with integrated plate in contiguous two-level and three-level acdf models: An in vitro cadaveric study. Spine Journal 2012;12(2):157-63.

    Galbusera F, Schmidt H and Wilke HJ. Lumbar interbody fusion: A parametric investigation of a novel cage design with and without posterior instrumentation. European Spine Journal 2012;21(3):455-62.

    Kim YY, Choi WS and Rhyu KW. Assessment of pedicle screw pullout strength based on various screw designs and bone densities-an ex vivo biomechanical study. Spine Journal 2012;12(2):164-8.

    Konig MA and Boszczyk BM. Limited access surgery for 360 degrees in-situ fusion in a dysraphic patient with high-grade spondylolisthesis. European Spine Journal 2012;21(3):390-5.

    Lehman RA, Dmitriev AE and Wilson KW. Biomechanical analysis of the c2 intralaminar fixation technique using a cross-link and offset connector for an unstable atlantoaxial joint. Spine Journal 2012;12(2):151-6.

    Robertson PA, Tsitsopoulos PP, Voronov LI, Havey RM and Patwardhan AG. Biomechanical investigation of a novel integrated device for intra-articular stabilization of the c1-c2 (atlantoaxial) joint. Spine Journal 2012;12(2):136-42.

    Ulmar B, Erhart S, Unger S, Weise K and Schmoelz W. Biomechanical analysis of a new expandable vertebral body replacement combined with a new polyaxial antero-lateral plate and/or pedicle screws and rods. European Spine Journal 2012;21(3):546-53.

    Wan ZM, Wang SB, Kozanek M, Xia Q, Mansfield FL, Lu GH, et al. The effect of the x-stop implantation on intervertebral foramen, segmental spinal canal length and disc space in elderly patients with lumbar spinal stenosis. European Spine Journal 2012;21(3):400-10.


    Chang J. Studies in flexor tendon reconstruction: Biomolecular modulation of tendon repair and tissue engineering. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2012;37A(3):552-61.

    Cohen MS, Werner FW, Sutton LG and Short WH. Scaphoid excision and midcarpal arthrodesis: The effect of triquetral excision-a biomechanical study. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2012;37A(3):493-9.

    Dy CJ, Hernandez-Soria A, Ma Y, Roberts TR and Daluiski A. Complications after flexor tendon repair: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2012;37A(3):543-51.

    Friesenbichler J, Glehr M, Sadoghi P, Maurer-Ertl W, Ott F and Leithner A. In vivo testing of knee stability after rotating-hinge total knee arthroplasty: A comparison of 2 knee systems. Orthopedics 2012;35(3):E335-E42.

    Wall LB, Brodt MD, Silva MJ, Boyer MI and Calfee RP. The effects of screw length on stability of simulated osteoporotic distal radius fractures fixed with volar locking plates. Journal of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2012;37A(3):446-53.

    Wisbeck JM, Parks BG and Schon LC. Xenograft scaffold full-wrap reinforcement of krackow achilles tendon repair. Orthopedics 2012;35(3):E331-E4.


    Johnson MB and Van Emmerik REA. Effect of head orientation on postural control during upright stance and forward lean. Motor Control 2012;16(1):81-93.


    Mithoefer K, Hambly K, Logerstedt D, Ricci M, Silvers H and Della Villa S. Current concepts for rehabilitation and return to sport after knee articular cartilage repair in the athlete. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 2012;42(3):254-73.


    Cortes N, Morrison S, Van Lunen BL and Onate JA. Landing technique affects knee loading and position during athletic tasks. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 2012;15(2):175-81.

    Meininger AK and Koh JL. Evaluation of the injured runner. Clinics in Sports Medicine 2012;31(2):203-+.

    Phillips E, Portus M, Davids K and Renshaw I. Performance accuracy and functional variability in elite and developing fast bowlers. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 2012;15(2):182-8.

    Sayers MGL, Tweddle AL, Every J and Wiegand A. Changes in drive phase lower limb kinematics during a 60 min cycling time trial. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 2012;15(2):169-74.

    Urbin MA, Stodden D, Boros R and Shannon D. Examining impulse-variability in overarm throwing. Motor Control 2012;16(1):19-30.


    Escamilla RF, MacLeod TD, Wilk KE, Paulos L and Andrews JR. Anterior cruciate ligament strain and tensile forces for weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing exercises: A guide to exercise selection. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 2012;42(3):208-20.

    Farris DJ, Trewartha G and McGuigan MP. The effects of a 30-min run on the mechanics of the human achilles tendon. European Journal of Applied Physiology 2012;112(2):653-60.

    Putney SA, Smith CS and Neal KM. The location of medial patellofemoral ligament injury in adolescents and children. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 2012;32(3):241-4.

    Rougier PR, Berger S, Barral S and Rachet O. Biomechanical analysis of postural strategies over the first two months following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Motor Control 2012;16(1):94-105.


    El Masri F, de Brosses ES, Rhissassi K, Skalli W and Mitton D. Apparent young's modulus of vertebral cortico-cancellous bone specimens. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2012;15(1):23-8.

    Groves RB, Coulman SA, Birchall JC and Evans SL. Quantifying the mechanical properties of human skin to optimise future microneedle device design. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2012;15(1):73-82.

    Guo C, Sun JR, Ge YB, Wang WB, Wang DP and Dai ZD. Biomechanism of adhesion in gecko setae. Science China-Life Sciences 2012;55(2):181-7.

    Park SI, Lim JY, Jeong CH, Kim SM, Jun JA, Jeun SS, et al. Human umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cell therapy promotes functional recovery of contused rat spinal cord through enhancement of endogenous cell proliferation and oligogenesis. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology 2012.

    Prosecka E, Buzgo M, Rampichova M, Kocourek T, Kochova P, Vyslouzilova L, et al. Thin-layer hydroxyapatite deposition on a nanofiber surface stimulates mesenchymal stem cell proliferation and their differentiation into osteoblasts. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology 2012.

    Responte DJ, Arzi B, Natoli RM, Hu JC and Athanasiou KA. Mechanisms underlying the synergistic enhancement of self-assembled neocartilage treated with chondroitinase-abc and tgf-beta 1. Biomaterials 2012;33(11):3187-94.


    Orsini JA. A fresh look at the process of arriving at a clinical prognosis part 4: Fractures. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 2012;32(3):129-38.


    Chou CY, Jordan CA, McGhee CNJ and Patel DV. Comparison of intraocular pressure measurement using 4 different instruments following penetrating keratoplasty. American Journal of Ophthalmology 2012;153(3):412-8.

    de Freitas B, Ventura MP, da Silva RS, Canedo AL, Velarde GC and Ambrosio R. Central corneal thickness and biomechanical changes after clear corneal phacoemulsification. Journal of Refractive Surgery 2012;28(3):215-9.

    Galletti JG, Pfortner T and Bonthoux FF. Improved keratoconus detection by ocular response analyzer testing after consideration of corneal thickness as a confounding factor. Journal of Refractive Surgery 2012;28(3):202-U131.

    Mansouri K, Leite MT, Weinreb RN, Tafreshi A, Zangwill LM and Medeiros FA. Association between corneal biomechanical properties and glaucoma severity. American Journal of Ophthalmology 2012;153(3):419-27.

    Smadja D, Reggiani-Mello G, Santhiago MR and Krueger RR. Wavefront ablation profiles in refractive surgery: Description, results, and limitations. Journal of Refractive Surgery 2012;28(3):224-32.

    Studer H, Riedwyl H and Buchler P. Importance of multiple loading scenarios for the identification of material coefficients of the human cornea. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2012;15(1):93-9.


    Miller RH, Umberger BR, Hamill J and Caldwell GE. Evaluation of the minimum energy hypothesis and other potential optimality criteria for human running. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 2012;279(1733):1498-505.

    Novak CM, Burghardt PR and Levine JA. The use of a running wheel to measure activity in rodents: Relationship to energy balance, general activity, and reward. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 2012;36(3):1001-14.