March 19 - March 25, 2015
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Riley C. Sheehan, Ph.D. Nonlinear Biodynamics Lab
University of Texas at Austin
- Not all articles have a DOI.
- Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
- Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, butmay be available in electronic form through the publisher
Moulia, B; Coutand, C; Julien, JL. Mechanosensitive control of plant growth: bearing the load, sensing, transducing, and responding. Frontiers In Plant Science 2015;6:.
Halevi, R; Hamdan, A; Marom, G; Mega, M; Raanani, E; Haj-Ali, R. Progressive aortic valve calcification: three-dimensional visualization and biomechanical analysis. Journal Of Biomechanics 2015;48:489-497.
Labrosse, MR; Beller, CJ; Boodhwani, M; Hudson, C; Sohmer, B. Subject-specific finite-element modeling of normal aortic valve biomechanics from 3d+t tee images. Medical Image Analysis 2015;20:162-172.
Alvarez-Gonzalez, B; Meili, R; Bastounis, E; Firtel, RA; Lasheras, JC; del Alamo, JC. Three-dimensional balance of cortical tension and axial contractility enables fast amoeboid migration. Biophysical Journal 2015;108:821-832.
Bonakdar, N; Schilling, A; Sporrer, M; Lennert, P; Mainka, A; Winter, L; Walko, G; Wiche, G; Fabry, B; Goldmann, WH. Determining the mechanical properties of plectin in mouse myoblasts and keratinocytes. Experimental Cell Research 2015;331:331-337.
Song, JL; Luo, HX; Hedrick, TL. Wing-pitching mechanism of hovering ruby-throated hummingbirds. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2015;10:.
Wang, ZY; Dai, ZD; Ji, AH; Ren, L; Xing, Q; Dai, LM. Biomechanics of gecko locomotion: the patterns of reaction forces on inverted, vertical and horizontal substrates. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2015;10:.
Chen, JN; Ahmad, R; Suenaga, H; Li, W; Swain, M; Li, Q. A comparative study on complete and implant retained denture treatments - a biomechanics perspective. Journal Of Biomechanics 2015;48:512-519.
Wen, HY; Xu, WL; Cong, M. Kinematic model and analysis of an actuation redundant parallel robot with higher kinematic pairs for jaw movement. Ieee Transactions On Industrial Electronics 2015;62:1590-1598.
Blanco, RE; Jones, WW; Villamil, J. The 'death roll' of giant fossil crocodyliforms (crocodylomorpha: neosuchia): allometric and skull strength analysis. Historical Biology 2015;27:514-524.
Garcia, RA; Salgado, L; Fernandez, MS; Cerda, IA; Carabajal, AP; Otero, A; Coria, RA; Fiorelli, LE. Paleobiology of titanosaurs: reproduction, development, histology, pneumaticity, locomotion and neuroanatomy from the south american fossil record. Ameghiniana 2015;52:29-68.
Beurskens, R; Muehlbauer, T; Granacher, U. Association of dual-task walking performance and leg muscle quality in healthy children. Bmc Pediatrics 2015;15:.
Nichols, TR; Gottschall, JS; Tuthill, C. The regulation of limb stiffness in the context of locomotor tasks. Progress In Motor Control: Skill Learning, Performance, Health, And Injury, Vol 826 2014;826:41-54.
Raffalt, PC; Alkjaer, T; Simonsen, EB. Changes in soleus h-reflex during walking in middle-aged, healthy subjects. Muscle & Nerve 2015;51:419-425.
Valenzuela, KA; Lynn, SK; Mikelson, LR; Noffal, GJ; Judelson, DA. Effect of acute alterations in foot strike patterns during running on sagittal plane lower limb kinematics and kinetics. Journal Of Sports Science And Medicine 2015;14:225-232.
Varela, MJ; Ceccarelli, M; Flores, P. A kinematic characterization of human walking by using catrasys. Mechanism And Machine Theory 2015;86:125-139.
Horkay, F; Horkayne-Szakaly, I; Dimitriados, EK; Basser, PJ. Effect of osmotic stress on the structure and biomechanical properties of cartilage. Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society 2014;248:.
Beyer, B; Sholukha, V; Salvia, P; Rooze, M; Feipel, V; Jan, SV. Effect of anatomical landmark perturbation on mean helical axis parameters of in vivo upper costovertebral joints. Journal Of Biomechanics 2015;48:534-538.
Es'haghian, S; Kennedy, KM; Gong, P; Sampson, DD; McLaughlin, RA; Kennedy, BF. Optical palpation in vivo: imaging human skin lesions using mechanical contrast. Journal Of Biomedical Optics 2015;20:.
Harriss, AB; Brown, SHM. Effects of changes in muscle activation level and spine and hip posture on erector spinae fiber orientation. Muscle & Nerve 2015;51:426-433.
Perchthaler, D; Hauser, S; Heitkamp, HC; Hein, T; Grau, S. Acute effects of whole-body vibration on trunk and neck muscle activity in consideration of different vibration loads. Journal Of Sports Science And Medicine 2015;14:155-162.
Bengoetxea, A; Leurs, F; Hoellinger, T; Cebolla, AM; Dan, B; Cheron, G; McIntyre, J. Physiological modules for generating discrete and rhythmic movements: component analysis of emg signals. Frontiers In Computational Neuroscience 2015;8:.
Martens, KAE; Ellard, CG; Almeida, QJ. Does manipulating the speed of visual flow in virtual reality change distance estimation while walking in parkinson's disease?. Experimental Brain Research 2015;233:787-795.
Rosendo, A; Liu, XX; Shimizu, M; Hosoda, K. Stretch reflex improves rolling stability during hopping of a decerebrate biped system. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2015;10:.
Ward, S; Pearce, AJ; Pietrosimone, B; Bennell, K; Clark, R; Bryant, AL. Neuromuscular deficits after peripheral joint injury: a neurophysiological hypothesis. Muscle & Nerve 2015;51:327-332.
Duan, Y; Wang, HH; Jin, AM; Zhang, L; Min, SX; Liu, CL; Qiu, SJ; Shu, XQ. Finite element analysis of posterior cervical fixation. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2015;101:23-29.
Kosmopoulos, V; Luedke, C; Nana, AD. Dual small fragment plating improves screw-to-screw load sharing for mid-diaphyseal humeral fracture fixation: a finite element study. Technology And Health Care 2015;23:83-92.
Mihalko, WM; Woodard, EL; Hebert, CT; Crockarell, JR; Williams, JL. Biomechanical validation of medial pie-crusting for soft-tissue balancing in knee arthroplasty. Journal Of Arthroplasty 2015;30:296-299.
Shea, TM; Doulgeris, JJ; Gonzalez-Blohm, SA; Lee, WE; Aghayev, K; Vrionis, FD. Balancing rigidity and safety of pedicle screw fixation via a novel expansion mechanism in a severely osteoporotic model. Biomed Research International 2015;NaN:.
Tashjian, RZ; Burks, RT; Zhang, Y; Henninger, HB. Reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: a biomechanical evaluation of humeral and glenosphere hardware configuration. Journal Of Shoulder And Elbow Surgery 2015;24:69-5456-6955-55.
Park, KK; Hosseini, A; Tsai, TY; Kwon, YM; Li, G. Elongation of the collateral ligaments after cruciate retaining total knee arthroplasty and the maximum flexion of the knee. Journal Of Biomechanics 2015;48:418-424.
Cristiano, J; Puig, D; Garcia, MA. Efficient locomotion control of biped robots on unknown sloped surfaces with central pattern generators. Electronics Letters 2015;51:.
Daler, L; Mintchev, S; Stefanini, C; Floreano, D. A bioinspired multi-modal flying and walking robot. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2015;10:.
Guo, X; Ma, SG; Li, B; Wang, MH; Wang, YC. Modeling and optimal torque control of a snake-like robot based on the fiber bundle theory. Science China-Information Sciences 2015;58:.
Haberland, M; Kim, S. On extracting design principles from biology: i. method-general answers to high-level design questions for bioinspired robots. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2015;10:.
Weymouth, GD; Subramaniam, V; Triantafyllou, MS. Ultra-fast escape maneuver of an octopus-inspired robot. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2015;10:.
Kjeken, I; Grotle, M; Hagen, KB; Osteras, N. Development of an evidence-based exercise programme for people with hand osteoarthritis. Scandinavian Journal Of Occupational Therapy 2015;22:103-116.
Manthou, M; Nohroudi, K; Moscarino, S; Rehberg, F; Stein, G; Jansen, R; Abdulla, D; Jaminet, P; Semler, O; Schoenau, E; Angelov, DN. Functional recovery after experimental spinal cord compression and whole body vibration therapy requires a balanced revascularization of the injured site. Restorative Neurology And Neuroscience 2015;33:233-249.
Ericksen, HM; Thomas, AC; Gribble, PA; Doebel, SC; Pietrosimone, BG. Immediate effects of real-time feedback on jump-landing kinematics. Journal Of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 2015;45:112-118.
Fieseler, G; Jungermann, P; Koke, A; Irlenbusch, L; Delank, KS; Schwesig, R. Range of motion and isometric strength of shoulder joints of team handball athletes during the playing season, part ii: changes after midseason. Journal Of Shoulder And Elbow Surgery 2015;24:391-398.
Hagen, M; Abraham, C; Ficklscherer, A; Lahner, M. Biomechanical study of plantar pressures during walking in male soccer players with increased vs. normal hip alpha angles. Technology And Health Care 2015;23:93-100.
Kiefer, AW; Kushner, AM; Groene, J; Williams, C; Riley, MA; Myer, GD. A commentary on real-time biofeedback to augment neuromuscular training for acl injury prevention in adolescent athletes. Journal Of Sports Science And Medicine 2015;14:1-8.
Pageaux, B; Marcora, SM; Rozand, V; Lepers, R. Mental fatigue induced by prolonged self-regulation does not exacerbate central fatigue during subsequent whole-body endurance exercise. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience 2015;9:.
Tofari, PJ; McLean, BD; Kemp, J; Cormack, S. A self-paced intermittent protocol on a non-motorised treadmill: a reliable alternative to assessing team-sport running performance. Journal Of Sports Science And Medicine 2015;14:62-68.
Kociolek, AM; Tat, J; Keir, PJ. Biomechanical risk factors and flexor tendon frictional work in the cadaveric carpal tunnel. Journal Of Biomechanics 2015;48:449-455.
Donlon, JP; Poulard, D; Lessley, D; Riley, P; Subit, D. Understanding how pre-impact posture can affect injury outcome in side impact sled tests using a new tool for visualization of cadaver kinematics. Journal Of Biomechanics 2015;48:529-533.
Mole, CG; Heyns, M; Cloete, T. How hard is hard enough? an investigation of the force associated with lateral blunt force trauma to the porcine cranium. Legal Medicine 2015;17:1-8.
Ramirez, JM; Lefebvre, M; Bohme, B; Laurent, C; Balligand, M. Preactivation of the quadriceps muscle could limit cranial tibial translation in a cranial cruciate ligament deficient canine stifle. Research In Veterinary Science 2015;98:115-120.
Al-Toubi, AK; Doeltgen, SH; Daniels, SK; Corey, DM; Huckabee, ML. Pharyngeal pressure differences between four types of swallowing in healthy participants. Physiology & Behavior 2015;140:132-138.
Bogue, R. Energy harvesting: a review of recent developments. Sensor Review 2015;35:1-5.
Machado, FSM; Rodovalho, GV; Coimbra, CC. The time of day differently influences fatigue and locomotor activity: is body temperature a key factor?. Physiology & Behavior 2015;140:8-14.
Munzert, J; Blischke, K; Kruger, B. Motor imagery of locomotion with an additional load: actual load experience does not affect differences between physical and mental durations. Experimental Brain Research 2015;233:809-816.
Krishnan, C; Washabaugh, EP; Seetharaman, Y. A low cost real-time motion tracking approach using webcam technology. Journal Of Biomechanics 2015;48:544-548.
Rao, G; Chambon, N; Gueguen, N; Berton, E; Delattre, N. Does wearing shoes affect your biomechanical efficiency?. Journal Of Biomechanics 2015;48:413-417.
March 19 - March 25, 2015
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Riley C. Sheehan, Ph.D. Nonlinear Biodynamics Lab
University of Texas at Austin
- Not all articles have a DOI.
- Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
- Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, butmay be available in electronic form through the publisher
Moulia, B; Coutand, C; Julien, JL. Mechanosensitive control of plant growth: bearing the load, sensing, transducing, and responding. Frontiers In Plant Science 2015;6:.
Halevi, R; Hamdan, A; Marom, G; Mega, M; Raanani, E; Haj-Ali, R. Progressive aortic valve calcification: three-dimensional visualization and biomechanical analysis. Journal Of Biomechanics 2015;48:489-497.
Labrosse, MR; Beller, CJ; Boodhwani, M; Hudson, C; Sohmer, B. Subject-specific finite-element modeling of normal aortic valve biomechanics from 3d+t tee images. Medical Image Analysis 2015;20:162-172.
Alvarez-Gonzalez, B; Meili, R; Bastounis, E; Firtel, RA; Lasheras, JC; del Alamo, JC. Three-dimensional balance of cortical tension and axial contractility enables fast amoeboid migration. Biophysical Journal 2015;108:821-832.
Bonakdar, N; Schilling, A; Sporrer, M; Lennert, P; Mainka, A; Winter, L; Walko, G; Wiche, G; Fabry, B; Goldmann, WH. Determining the mechanical properties of plectin in mouse myoblasts and keratinocytes. Experimental Cell Research 2015;331:331-337.
Song, JL; Luo, HX; Hedrick, TL. Wing-pitching mechanism of hovering ruby-throated hummingbirds. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2015;10:.
Wang, ZY; Dai, ZD; Ji, AH; Ren, L; Xing, Q; Dai, LM. Biomechanics of gecko locomotion: the patterns of reaction forces on inverted, vertical and horizontal substrates. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2015;10:.
Chen, JN; Ahmad, R; Suenaga, H; Li, W; Swain, M; Li, Q. A comparative study on complete and implant retained denture treatments - a biomechanics perspective. Journal Of Biomechanics 2015;48:512-519.
Wen, HY; Xu, WL; Cong, M. Kinematic model and analysis of an actuation redundant parallel robot with higher kinematic pairs for jaw movement. Ieee Transactions On Industrial Electronics 2015;62:1590-1598.
Blanco, RE; Jones, WW; Villamil, J. The 'death roll' of giant fossil crocodyliforms (crocodylomorpha: neosuchia): allometric and skull strength analysis. Historical Biology 2015;27:514-524.
Garcia, RA; Salgado, L; Fernandez, MS; Cerda, IA; Carabajal, AP; Otero, A; Coria, RA; Fiorelli, LE. Paleobiology of titanosaurs: reproduction, development, histology, pneumaticity, locomotion and neuroanatomy from the south american fossil record. Ameghiniana 2015;52:29-68.
Beurskens, R; Muehlbauer, T; Granacher, U. Association of dual-task walking performance and leg muscle quality in healthy children. Bmc Pediatrics 2015;15:.
Nichols, TR; Gottschall, JS; Tuthill, C. The regulation of limb stiffness in the context of locomotor tasks. Progress In Motor Control: Skill Learning, Performance, Health, And Injury, Vol 826 2014;826:41-54.
Raffalt, PC; Alkjaer, T; Simonsen, EB. Changes in soleus h-reflex during walking in middle-aged, healthy subjects. Muscle & Nerve 2015;51:419-425.
Valenzuela, KA; Lynn, SK; Mikelson, LR; Noffal, GJ; Judelson, DA. Effect of acute alterations in foot strike patterns during running on sagittal plane lower limb kinematics and kinetics. Journal Of Sports Science And Medicine 2015;14:225-232.
Varela, MJ; Ceccarelli, M; Flores, P. A kinematic characterization of human walking by using catrasys. Mechanism And Machine Theory 2015;86:125-139.
Horkay, F; Horkayne-Szakaly, I; Dimitriados, EK; Basser, PJ. Effect of osmotic stress on the structure and biomechanical properties of cartilage. Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society 2014;248:.
Beyer, B; Sholukha, V; Salvia, P; Rooze, M; Feipel, V; Jan, SV. Effect of anatomical landmark perturbation on mean helical axis parameters of in vivo upper costovertebral joints. Journal Of Biomechanics 2015;48:534-538.
Es'haghian, S; Kennedy, KM; Gong, P; Sampson, DD; McLaughlin, RA; Kennedy, BF. Optical palpation in vivo: imaging human skin lesions using mechanical contrast. Journal Of Biomedical Optics 2015;20:.
Harriss, AB; Brown, SHM. Effects of changes in muscle activation level and spine and hip posture on erector spinae fiber orientation. Muscle & Nerve 2015;51:426-433.
Perchthaler, D; Hauser, S; Heitkamp, HC; Hein, T; Grau, S. Acute effects of whole-body vibration on trunk and neck muscle activity in consideration of different vibration loads. Journal Of Sports Science And Medicine 2015;14:155-162.
Bengoetxea, A; Leurs, F; Hoellinger, T; Cebolla, AM; Dan, B; Cheron, G; McIntyre, J. Physiological modules for generating discrete and rhythmic movements: component analysis of emg signals. Frontiers In Computational Neuroscience 2015;8:.
Martens, KAE; Ellard, CG; Almeida, QJ. Does manipulating the speed of visual flow in virtual reality change distance estimation while walking in parkinson's disease?. Experimental Brain Research 2015;233:787-795.
Rosendo, A; Liu, XX; Shimizu, M; Hosoda, K. Stretch reflex improves rolling stability during hopping of a decerebrate biped system. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2015;10:.
Ward, S; Pearce, AJ; Pietrosimone, B; Bennell, K; Clark, R; Bryant, AL. Neuromuscular deficits after peripheral joint injury: a neurophysiological hypothesis. Muscle & Nerve 2015;51:327-332.
Duan, Y; Wang, HH; Jin, AM; Zhang, L; Min, SX; Liu, CL; Qiu, SJ; Shu, XQ. Finite element analysis of posterior cervical fixation. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2015;101:23-29.
Kosmopoulos, V; Luedke, C; Nana, AD. Dual small fragment plating improves screw-to-screw load sharing for mid-diaphyseal humeral fracture fixation: a finite element study. Technology And Health Care 2015;23:83-92.
Mihalko, WM; Woodard, EL; Hebert, CT; Crockarell, JR; Williams, JL. Biomechanical validation of medial pie-crusting for soft-tissue balancing in knee arthroplasty. Journal Of Arthroplasty 2015;30:296-299.
Shea, TM; Doulgeris, JJ; Gonzalez-Blohm, SA; Lee, WE; Aghayev, K; Vrionis, FD. Balancing rigidity and safety of pedicle screw fixation via a novel expansion mechanism in a severely osteoporotic model. Biomed Research International 2015;NaN:.
Tashjian, RZ; Burks, RT; Zhang, Y; Henninger, HB. Reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: a biomechanical evaluation of humeral and glenosphere hardware configuration. Journal Of Shoulder And Elbow Surgery 2015;24:69-5456-6955-55.
Park, KK; Hosseini, A; Tsai, TY; Kwon, YM; Li, G. Elongation of the collateral ligaments after cruciate retaining total knee arthroplasty and the maximum flexion of the knee. Journal Of Biomechanics 2015;48:418-424.
Cristiano, J; Puig, D; Garcia, MA. Efficient locomotion control of biped robots on unknown sloped surfaces with central pattern generators. Electronics Letters 2015;51:.
Daler, L; Mintchev, S; Stefanini, C; Floreano, D. A bioinspired multi-modal flying and walking robot. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2015;10:.
Guo, X; Ma, SG; Li, B; Wang, MH; Wang, YC. Modeling and optimal torque control of a snake-like robot based on the fiber bundle theory. Science China-Information Sciences 2015;58:.
Haberland, M; Kim, S. On extracting design principles from biology: i. method-general answers to high-level design questions for bioinspired robots. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2015;10:.
Weymouth, GD; Subramaniam, V; Triantafyllou, MS. Ultra-fast escape maneuver of an octopus-inspired robot. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2015;10:.
Kjeken, I; Grotle, M; Hagen, KB; Osteras, N. Development of an evidence-based exercise programme for people with hand osteoarthritis. Scandinavian Journal Of Occupational Therapy 2015;22:103-116.
Manthou, M; Nohroudi, K; Moscarino, S; Rehberg, F; Stein, G; Jansen, R; Abdulla, D; Jaminet, P; Semler, O; Schoenau, E; Angelov, DN. Functional recovery after experimental spinal cord compression and whole body vibration therapy requires a balanced revascularization of the injured site. Restorative Neurology And Neuroscience 2015;33:233-249.
Ericksen, HM; Thomas, AC; Gribble, PA; Doebel, SC; Pietrosimone, BG. Immediate effects of real-time feedback on jump-landing kinematics. Journal Of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 2015;45:112-118.
Fieseler, G; Jungermann, P; Koke, A; Irlenbusch, L; Delank, KS; Schwesig, R. Range of motion and isometric strength of shoulder joints of team handball athletes during the playing season, part ii: changes after midseason. Journal Of Shoulder And Elbow Surgery 2015;24:391-398.
Hagen, M; Abraham, C; Ficklscherer, A; Lahner, M. Biomechanical study of plantar pressures during walking in male soccer players with increased vs. normal hip alpha angles. Technology And Health Care 2015;23:93-100.
Kiefer, AW; Kushner, AM; Groene, J; Williams, C; Riley, MA; Myer, GD. A commentary on real-time biofeedback to augment neuromuscular training for acl injury prevention in adolescent athletes. Journal Of Sports Science And Medicine 2015;14:1-8.
Pageaux, B; Marcora, SM; Rozand, V; Lepers, R. Mental fatigue induced by prolonged self-regulation does not exacerbate central fatigue during subsequent whole-body endurance exercise. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience 2015;9:.
Tofari, PJ; McLean, BD; Kemp, J; Cormack, S. A self-paced intermittent protocol on a non-motorised treadmill: a reliable alternative to assessing team-sport running performance. Journal Of Sports Science And Medicine 2015;14:62-68.
Kociolek, AM; Tat, J; Keir, PJ. Biomechanical risk factors and flexor tendon frictional work in the cadaveric carpal tunnel. Journal Of Biomechanics 2015;48:449-455.
Donlon, JP; Poulard, D; Lessley, D; Riley, P; Subit, D. Understanding how pre-impact posture can affect injury outcome in side impact sled tests using a new tool for visualization of cadaver kinematics. Journal Of Biomechanics 2015;48:529-533.
Mole, CG; Heyns, M; Cloete, T. How hard is hard enough? an investigation of the force associated with lateral blunt force trauma to the porcine cranium. Legal Medicine 2015;17:1-8.
Ramirez, JM; Lefebvre, M; Bohme, B; Laurent, C; Balligand, M. Preactivation of the quadriceps muscle could limit cranial tibial translation in a cranial cruciate ligament deficient canine stifle. Research In Veterinary Science 2015;98:115-120.
Al-Toubi, AK; Doeltgen, SH; Daniels, SK; Corey, DM; Huckabee, ML. Pharyngeal pressure differences between four types of swallowing in healthy participants. Physiology & Behavior 2015;140:132-138.
Bogue, R. Energy harvesting: a review of recent developments. Sensor Review 2015;35:1-5.
Machado, FSM; Rodovalho, GV; Coimbra, CC. The time of day differently influences fatigue and locomotor activity: is body temperature a key factor?. Physiology & Behavior 2015;140:8-14.
Munzert, J; Blischke, K; Kruger, B. Motor imagery of locomotion with an additional load: actual load experience does not affect differences between physical and mental durations. Experimental Brain Research 2015;233:809-816.
Krishnan, C; Washabaugh, EP; Seetharaman, Y. A low cost real-time motion tracking approach using webcam technology. Journal Of Biomechanics 2015;48:544-548.
Rao, G; Chambon, N; Gueguen, N; Berton, E; Delattre, N. Does wearing shoes affect your biomechanical efficiency?. Journal Of Biomechanics 2015;48:413-417.