May 14 - May 20, 2015
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Riley C. Sheehan, Ph.D. Nonlinear Biodynamics Lab
University of Texas at Austin
- Not all articles have a DOI.
- Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
- Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, butmay be available in electronic form through the publisher
Yasin, NF; Singh, VA; Saad, M; Omar, E. Which is the best method of sterilization for recycled bone autograft in limb salvage surgery: a radiological, biomechanical and histopathological study in rabbit. Bmc Cancer 2015;15:.
Lewis, OL; Zhang, S; Guy, RD; del Alamo, JC. Coordination of contractility, adhesion and flow in migrating physarum amoebae. Journal Of The Royal Society Interface 2015;12:.
Prasad, A; Huefner, A; Mahajan, S; Seshia, AA. Investigating biomechanical noise in neuroblastoma cells using the quartz crystal microbalance. Journal Of The Royal Society Interface 2015;12:.
Zhao, Y; Chen, DY; Luo, YN; Chen, F; Zhao, XT; Jiang, M; Yue, WT; Long, R; Wang, JB; Chen, J. Simultaneous characterization of instantaneous young's modulus and specific membrane capacitance of single cells using a microfluidic system. Sensors 2015;15:2763-2773.
Van Wassenbergh, S; Day, SW; Hernandez, LP; Higham, TE; Skorczewski, T. Suction power output and the inertial cost of rotating the neurocranium to generate suction in fish. Journal Of Theoretical Biology 2015;372:159-167.
Garrett, JN; Fish, FE. Kinematics of terrestrial locomotion in harbor seals and gray seals: importance of spinal flexion by amphibious phocids. Marine Mammal Science 2015;31:459-478.
Sannino, G. All-on-4 concept: a 3-dimensional finite element analysis. Journal Of Oral Implantology 2015;41:163-171.
Jang, Y; Hong, HT; Chun, HJ; Roh, BD. Influence of apical root resection on the biomechanical response of a single-rooted tooth-part 2: apical root resection combined with periodontal bone loss. Journal Of Endodontics 2015;41:412-416.
Angelo, T; Marcel, W; Andreas, K; Izabela, S. Biomechanical stability of dental implants in augmented maxillary sites: results of a randomized clinical study with four different biomaterials and prf and a biological view on guided bone regeneration. Biomed Research International 2015;NaN:.
Tang, YL; Li, B; Jin, W; Li, DH. Torsional resonance frequency analysis: a novel method for assessment of dental implant stability. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2015;26:615-622.
Villarinho, EA; Cervieri, A; Shinkai, RSA; Grossi, ML; Teixeira, ER. The effect of a positioning index on the biomechanical stability of tapered implant-abutment connections. Journal Of Oral Implantology 2015;41:139-143.
de Vasconcellos, LGO; Kojima, AN; Nishioka, RS; de Vasconcellos, LMR; Balducci, I. Axial loads on implant-supported partial fixed prostheses for external and internal hex connections and machined and plastic copings: strain gauge analysis. Journal Of Oral Implantology 2015;41:149-154.
Chirchir, H. A comparative study of trabecular bone mass distribution in cursorial and non-cursorial limb joints. Anatomical Record-Advances In Integrative Anatomy And Evolutionary Biology 2015;298:797-809.
Senck, S; Bookstein, FL; Benazzi, S; Kastner, J; Weber, GW. Virtual reconstruction of modern and fossil hominoid crania: consequences of reference sample choice. Anatomical Record-Advances In Integrative Anatomy And Evolutionary Biology 2015;298:827-841.
Goyens, J; Van Wassenbergh, S; Dirckx, J; Aerts, P. Cost of flight and the evolution of stag beetle weaponry. Journal Of The Royal Society Interface 2015;12:.
Boyer, DM; Yapuncich, GS; Butler, JE; Dunn, RH; Seiffert, ER. Evolution of postural diversity in primates as reflected by the size and shape of the medial tibial facet of the talus. American Journal Of Physical Anthropology 2015;157:134-177.
Glazier, DS. Is metabolic rate a universal 'pacemaker' for biological processes?. Biological Reviews 2015;90:377-407.
Cespedes, A; Penz, CM; DeVries, PJ. Cruising the rain forest floor: butterfly wing shape evolution and gliding in ground effect. Journal Of Animal Ecology 2015;84:808-816.
Feix, T; Kivell, TL; Pouydebat, E; Dollar, AM. Estimating thumb-index finger precision grip and manipulation potential in extant and fossil primates. Journal Of The Royal Society Interface 2015;12:.
Woodman, N; Stabile, FA. Variation in the myosoricine hand skeleton and its implications for locomotory behavior (eulipotyphla: soricidae). Journal Of Mammalogy 2015;96:159-171.
Plomp, KA; Vioarsdottir, US; Weston, DA; Dobney, K; Collard, M. The ancestral shape hypothesis: an evolutionary explanation for the occurrence of intervertebral disc herniation in humans. Bmc Evolutionary Biology 2015;15:.
Peper, CE; de Dreu, MJ; Roerdink, M. Attuning one's steps to visual targets reduces comfortable walking speed in both young and older adults. Gait & Posture 2015;41:830-834.
Sosnoff, JJ; Klaren, RE; Pilutti, LA; Dlugonski, D; Motl, RW. Reliability of gait in multiple sclerosis over 6 months. Gait & Posture 2015;41:860-862.
McCarthy, C; Fleming, N; Donne, B; Blanksby, B. Barefoot running and hip kinematics: good news for the knee?. Medicine And Science In Sports And Exercise 2015;47:1009-1016.
David, V; Stephens, TJ; Kindl, R; Ang, A; Tay, WH; Asaid, R; McCullough, K. Calcaneotalar ratio: a new concept in the estimation of the length of the calcaneus. Journal Of Foot & Ankle Surgery 2015;54:370-372.
Gu, YD; Mei, QC; Fernandez, J; Li, JS; Ren, XJ; Feng, N. Foot loading characteristics of chinese bound feet women: a comparative analysis. Plos One 2015;10:.
Sands, A; White, C; Blankstein, M. Assessment of ankle and hindfoot stability and joint pressures using a human cadaveric model of a large lateral talar process excision: a biomechanical study (vol 94, pg e606, 2015). Medicine 2015;94:.
Kim, J; Rhee, SH; Gong, HS; Oh, S; Baek, GH. Biomechanical analyses of the human flexor tendon adhesion models in the hand: a cadaveric study. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research 2015;33:717-725.
Schuna, JM; Peterson, CM; Thomas, DM; Heo, M; Hong, S; Choi, W; Heymsfield, SB. Scaling of adult regional body mass and body composition as a whole to height: relevance to body shape and body mass index. American Journal Of Human Biology 2015;27:372-379.
Wei, XH; Wang, CL; Long, YJ; Wang, SG. Pitch angular velocity dynamics property in transverse galloping pattern from the passive dynamic perspective. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part C-Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Science 2015;229:1060-1073.
Wei, XH; Long, YJ; Wang, CL; Wang, SG. Rotary galloping with a lock-unlock elastic spinal joint. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part C-Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Science 2015;229:1088-1102.
Narang, S; Best, A; Curtis, S; Manocha, D. Generating pedestrian trajectories consistent with the fundamental diagram based on physiological and psychological factors. Plos One 2015;10:.
Lee, N; Kang, H; Shin, G. Use of antagonist muscle emg in the assessment of neuromuscular health of the low back. Journal Of Physiological Anthropology 2015;34:.
Holtzer, R; Mahoney, JR; Izzetoglu, M; Wang, CL; England, S; Verghese, J. Online fronto-cortical control of simple and attention-demanding locomotion in humans. Neuroimage 2015;112:152-159.
Fiehler, K; Schutz, I; Meller, T; Thaler, L. Neural correlates of human echolocation of path direction during walking. Multisensory Research 2015;28:195-226.
Coscia, M; Monaco, V; Martelloni, C; Rossi, B; Chisari, C; Micera, S. Muscle synergies and spinal maps are sensitive to the asymmetry induced by a unilateral stroke. Journal Of Neuroengineering And Rehabilitation 2015;12:.
Wray, S; Mimran, R; Vadapalli, S; Shetye, SS; McGilvray, KC; Puttlitz, CM. Pedicle screw placement in the lumbar spine: effect of trajectory and screw design on acute biomechanical purchase. Journal Of Neurosurgery-Spine 2015;22:503-510.
Mendes, GAC; Dickman, CA; Rodriguez-Martinez, NG; Kalb, S; Crawford, NR; Sonntag, VKH; Preul, MC; Little, AS. Endokopic endonasal atlantoaxial transarticular screw fixation technique: an anatomical feasibility and biomechanical study. Journal Of Neurosurgery-Spine 2015;22:470-477.
Fields, AJ; Berg-Johansen, B; Metz, LN; Miller, S; La, B; Liebenberg, EC; Coughlin, DG; Graham, JL; Stanhope, KL; Havel, PJ; Lotz, JC. Alterations in intervertebral disc composition, matrix homeostasis and biomechanical behavior in the ucd-t2dm rat model of type 2 diabetes. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research 2015;33:738-746.
Mo, ZJ; Zhao, YB; Du, CF; Sun, Y; Zhang, M; Fan, YB. Does location of rotation center in artificial disc affect cervical biomechanics?. Spine 2015;40:69-5254-5769-5255-53.
Melnyk, AD; Chak, JD; Singh, V; Kelly, A; Cripton, PA; Fisher, CG; Dvorak, MF; Oxland, TR. Characterization of the behavior of a novel low-stiffness posterior spinal implant under anterior shear loading on a degenerative spinal model. European Spine Journal 2015;24:775-782.
Kim, HJ; Kang, KT; Chun, HJ; Lee, CK; Chang, BS; Yeom, JS. The influence of intrinsic disc degeneration of the adjacent segments on its stress distribution after one-level lumbar fusion. European Spine Journal 2015;24:827-837.
Yi, S; Rim, DC; Nam, KS; Keem, SH; Murovic, JA; Lim, J; Park, J. Biomechanical comparison of cervical fixation via transarticular facet screws without rods versus lateral mass screws with rods. World Neurosurgery 2015;83:548-552.
Wan, ZM; Li, GA. X-stop (r) implantation effectively limits segmental lumbar extension in-vivo without altering the kinematics of the adjacent levels. Turkish Neurosurgery 2015;25:279-284.
Wadhwa, RK; Thakur, JD; Khan, IS; James, J; Ahmed, O; Zhang, SH; Henderson, B; Ogden, A; Guthikonda, B; Nanda, A. Adjustment of suboptimally placed lumbar pedicle screws decreases pullout strength and alters biomechanics of the construct: a pilot cadaveric study. World Neurosurgery 2015;83:368-375.
Matte, TA; Mendel, E. The first shot is your best shot! detrimental biomechanical effects of revising suboptimally placed pedicle screws. World Neurosurgery 2015;83:296-298.
Gruszka, D; Arand, C; Nowak, T; Dietz, SO; Wagner, D; Rommens, P. Olecranon tension plating or olecranon tension band wiring? a comparative biomechanical study. International Orthopaedics 2015;39:955-960.
Wu, JH; Thoreson, AR; Reisdorf, RL; An, KN; Moran, SL; Amadio, PC; Zhao, CF. Biomechanical evaluation of flexor tendon graft with different repair techniques and graft surface modification. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research 2015;33:731-43.
Brandt, T; Kugler, G; Schniepp, R; Wuehr, M; Huppert, D. Acrophobia impairs visual exploration and balance during standing and walking. Dizziness And Balance Disorders 2015;1343:37-48.
Yilmaz, A; Orhanli, T. Gait motion simulator for kinematic tests of above knee prostheses. Iet Science Measurement & Technology 2015;9:250-258.
Haight, DJ; Esposito, ER; Wilken, JM. Biomechanics of uphill walking using custom ankle-foot orthoses of three different stiffnesses. Gait & Posture 2015;41:750-756.
Yoder, AJ; Petrella, AJ; Silverman, AK. Trunk-pelvis motion, joint loads, and muscle forces during walking with a transtibial amputation. Gait & Posture 2015;41:757-762.
Malcolm, P; Quesada, RE; Caputo, JM; Collins, SH. The influence of push-off timing in a robotic ankle-foot prosthesis on the energetics and mechanics of walking. Journal Of Neuroengineering And Rehabilitation 2015;12:.
Sabesan, VJ; Ackerman, J; Sharma, V; Baker, KC; Kurdziel, MD; Wiater, JM. Glenohumeral mismatch affects micromotion of cemented glenoid components in total shoulder arthroplasty. Journal Of Shoulder And Elbow Surgery 2015;24:814-822.
Saudabayev, A; Kungozhin, F; Nurseitov, D; Varol, HA. Locomotion strategy selection for a hybrid mobile robot using time of flight depth sensor. Journal Of Sensors 2015;NaN:.
Korkmaz, D; Akpolat, ZH; Soyguder, S; Alli, H. Dynamic simulation model of a biomimetic robotic fish with multi-joint propulsion mechanism. Transactions Of The Institute Of Measurement And Control 2015;37:684-695.
Matsumura, R; Shiomi, M; Miyashita, T; Ishiguro, H; Hagita, N. What kind of floor am i standing on? floor surface identification by a small humanoid robot through full-body motions. Advanced Robotics 2015;29:469-480.
Garcia, M; Stasse, O; Hayet, JB; Dune, C; Esteves, C; Laumond, JP. Vision-guided motion primitives for humanoid reactive walking: decoupled versus coupled approaches. International Journal Of Robotics Research 2015;34:402-419.
McKeon, PO; Fourchet, F. Freeing the foot integrating the foot core system into rehabilitation for lower extremity injuries. Clinics In Sports Medicine 2015;34:347-43.
Hagen, M; Lahner, M; Winhuysen, M; Maiwald, C. Reliability of isometric subtalar pronator and supinator strength testing. Journal Of Foot And Ankle Research 2015;8:.
Rosenfeldt, AB; Rasanow, M; Penko, AL; Beall, EB; Alberts, JL. The cyclical lower extremity exercise for parkinson's trial (cycle): methodology for a randomized controlled trial. Bmc Neurology 2015;15:.
Kim, SH; Kwon, OY; Park, KN; Jeon, IC; Weon, JH. Lower extremity strength and the range of motion in relation to squat depth. Journal Of Human Kinetics 2015;45:59-69.
O'Brien, TD. Biomechanics and exercise. Pediatric Exercise Science 2015;27:34-38.
Jones, HJ; Girard, MJ; White, N; Fautsch, MP; Morgan, JE; Ethier, CR; Albon, J. Quantitative analysis of three-dimensional fibrillar collagen microstructure within the normal, aged and glaucomatous human optic nerve head. Journal Of The Royal Society Interface 2015;12:.
Yazgan, S; Celik, U; Alagoz, N; Tas, M. Corneal biomechanical comparison of pseudoexfoliation syndrome, pseudoexfoliative glaucoma and healthy subjects. Current Eye Research 2015;40:470-475.
Oner, V; Tas, M; Ozkaya, E; Oruc, Y. Effect of pathological myopia on biomechanical properties: a study by ocular response analyzer. International Journal Of Ophthalmology 2015;8:365-368.
Tsukune, M; Kobayashi, Y; Miyashita, T; Fujie, GM. Automated palpation for breast tissue discrimination based on viscoelastic biomechanical properties. International Journal Of Computer Assisted Radiology And Surgery 2015;10:593-601.
Breeze, J; Carr, DJ; Mabbott, A; Beckett, S; Clasper, JC. Refrigeration and freezing of porcine tissue does not affect the retardation of fragment simulating projectiles. Journal Of Forensic And Legal Medicine 2015;32:77-83.
Lee, CH; Zhang, W; Liao, J; Carruthers, CA; Sacks, JI; Sacks, MS. On the presence of affine fibril and fiber kinematics in the mitral valve anterior leaflet. Biophysical Journal 2015;108:2074-2087.
Uchida, TK; Sherman, MA; Delp, SL. Making a meaningful impact: modelling simultaneous frictional collisions in spatial multibody systems. Proceedings Of The Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical And Engineering Sciences 2015;471:.
Huempfner-Hierl, H; Schaller, A; Hierl, T. Maxillofacial fractures and craniocerebral injuries - stress propagation from face to neurocranium in a finite element analysis. Scandinavian Journal Of Trauma Resuscitation & Emergency Medicine 2015;23:.
Toscano, MJ; Booth, F; Wilkins, LJ; Avery, NC; Brown, SB; Richards, G; Tarlton, JF. The effects of long (c20/22) and short (c18) chain omega-3 fatty acids on keel bone fractures, bone biomechanics, behavior, and egg production in free-range laying hens. Poultry Science 2015;94:823-835.
Gonzalez-Ceron, F; Rekaya, R; Aggrey, SE. Genetic analysis of bone quality traits and growth in a random mating broiler population. Poultry Science 2015;94:883-889.
Mariti, C; Muscolo, GG; Peters, J; Puig, D; Recchiuto, CT; Sighieri, C; Solanas, A; von Stryk, O. Developing biorobotics for veterinary research into cat movements. Journal Of Veterinary Behavior-Clinical Applications And Research 2015;10:248-254.
McCarty, CA; Thomason, JJ; Gordon, K; Burkhart, T; Bignell, W. Effect of hoof orientation and ballast on acceleration and vibration in the hoof and distal forelimb following simulated impacts ex vivo. Equine Veterinary Journal 2015;47:223-229.
Wilmut, K; Du, WC; Barnett, AL. How do i fit through that gap? navigation through apertures in adults with and without developmental coordination disorder. Plos One 2015;10:.
Vampola, T; Horacek, J; Laukkanen, AM; Svec, JG. Human vocal tract resonances and the corresponding mode shapes investigated by three-dimensional finite-element modelling based on ct measurement. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology 2015;40:14-23.
Xie, LH; Cai, MJ. Development of a suspended backpack for harvesting biomechanical energy. Journal Of Mechanical Design 2015;137:.
Shan, GB; Visentin, P; Zhang, X; Hao, WY; Yu, DF. Bicycle kick in soccer: is the virtuosity systematically entrainable?. Science Bulletin 2015;60:819-821.
May 14 - May 20, 2015
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Riley C. Sheehan, Ph.D. Nonlinear Biodynamics Lab
University of Texas at Austin
- Not all articles have a DOI.
- Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
- Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, butmay be available in electronic form through the publisher
Yasin, NF; Singh, VA; Saad, M; Omar, E. Which is the best method of sterilization for recycled bone autograft in limb salvage surgery: a radiological, biomechanical and histopathological study in rabbit. Bmc Cancer 2015;15:.
Lewis, OL; Zhang, S; Guy, RD; del Alamo, JC. Coordination of contractility, adhesion and flow in migrating physarum amoebae. Journal Of The Royal Society Interface 2015;12:.
Prasad, A; Huefner, A; Mahajan, S; Seshia, AA. Investigating biomechanical noise in neuroblastoma cells using the quartz crystal microbalance. Journal Of The Royal Society Interface 2015;12:.
Zhao, Y; Chen, DY; Luo, YN; Chen, F; Zhao, XT; Jiang, M; Yue, WT; Long, R; Wang, JB; Chen, J. Simultaneous characterization of instantaneous young's modulus and specific membrane capacitance of single cells using a microfluidic system. Sensors 2015;15:2763-2773.
Van Wassenbergh, S; Day, SW; Hernandez, LP; Higham, TE; Skorczewski, T. Suction power output and the inertial cost of rotating the neurocranium to generate suction in fish. Journal Of Theoretical Biology 2015;372:159-167.
Garrett, JN; Fish, FE. Kinematics of terrestrial locomotion in harbor seals and gray seals: importance of spinal flexion by amphibious phocids. Marine Mammal Science 2015;31:459-478.
Sannino, G. All-on-4 concept: a 3-dimensional finite element analysis. Journal Of Oral Implantology 2015;41:163-171.
Jang, Y; Hong, HT; Chun, HJ; Roh, BD. Influence of apical root resection on the biomechanical response of a single-rooted tooth-part 2: apical root resection combined with periodontal bone loss. Journal Of Endodontics 2015;41:412-416.
Angelo, T; Marcel, W; Andreas, K; Izabela, S. Biomechanical stability of dental implants in augmented maxillary sites: results of a randomized clinical study with four different biomaterials and prf and a biological view on guided bone regeneration. Biomed Research International 2015;NaN:.
Tang, YL; Li, B; Jin, W; Li, DH. Torsional resonance frequency analysis: a novel method for assessment of dental implant stability. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2015;26:615-622.
Villarinho, EA; Cervieri, A; Shinkai, RSA; Grossi, ML; Teixeira, ER. The effect of a positioning index on the biomechanical stability of tapered implant-abutment connections. Journal Of Oral Implantology 2015;41:139-143.
de Vasconcellos, LGO; Kojima, AN; Nishioka, RS; de Vasconcellos, LMR; Balducci, I. Axial loads on implant-supported partial fixed prostheses for external and internal hex connections and machined and plastic copings: strain gauge analysis. Journal Of Oral Implantology 2015;41:149-154.
Chirchir, H. A comparative study of trabecular bone mass distribution in cursorial and non-cursorial limb joints. Anatomical Record-Advances In Integrative Anatomy And Evolutionary Biology 2015;298:797-809.
Senck, S; Bookstein, FL; Benazzi, S; Kastner, J; Weber, GW. Virtual reconstruction of modern and fossil hominoid crania: consequences of reference sample choice. Anatomical Record-Advances In Integrative Anatomy And Evolutionary Biology 2015;298:827-841.
Goyens, J; Van Wassenbergh, S; Dirckx, J; Aerts, P. Cost of flight and the evolution of stag beetle weaponry. Journal Of The Royal Society Interface 2015;12:.
Boyer, DM; Yapuncich, GS; Butler, JE; Dunn, RH; Seiffert, ER. Evolution of postural diversity in primates as reflected by the size and shape of the medial tibial facet of the talus. American Journal Of Physical Anthropology 2015;157:134-177.
Glazier, DS. Is metabolic rate a universal 'pacemaker' for biological processes?. Biological Reviews 2015;90:377-407.
Cespedes, A; Penz, CM; DeVries, PJ. Cruising the rain forest floor: butterfly wing shape evolution and gliding in ground effect. Journal Of Animal Ecology 2015;84:808-816.
Feix, T; Kivell, TL; Pouydebat, E; Dollar, AM. Estimating thumb-index finger precision grip and manipulation potential in extant and fossil primates. Journal Of The Royal Society Interface 2015;12:.
Woodman, N; Stabile, FA. Variation in the myosoricine hand skeleton and its implications for locomotory behavior (eulipotyphla: soricidae). Journal Of Mammalogy 2015;96:159-171.
Plomp, KA; Vioarsdottir, US; Weston, DA; Dobney, K; Collard, M. The ancestral shape hypothesis: an evolutionary explanation for the occurrence of intervertebral disc herniation in humans. Bmc Evolutionary Biology 2015;15:.
Peper, CE; de Dreu, MJ; Roerdink, M. Attuning one's steps to visual targets reduces comfortable walking speed in both young and older adults. Gait & Posture 2015;41:830-834.
Sosnoff, JJ; Klaren, RE; Pilutti, LA; Dlugonski, D; Motl, RW. Reliability of gait in multiple sclerosis over 6 months. Gait & Posture 2015;41:860-862.
McCarthy, C; Fleming, N; Donne, B; Blanksby, B. Barefoot running and hip kinematics: good news for the knee?. Medicine And Science In Sports And Exercise 2015;47:1009-1016.
David, V; Stephens, TJ; Kindl, R; Ang, A; Tay, WH; Asaid, R; McCullough, K. Calcaneotalar ratio: a new concept in the estimation of the length of the calcaneus. Journal Of Foot & Ankle Surgery 2015;54:370-372.
Gu, YD; Mei, QC; Fernandez, J; Li, JS; Ren, XJ; Feng, N. Foot loading characteristics of chinese bound feet women: a comparative analysis. Plos One 2015;10:.
Sands, A; White, C; Blankstein, M. Assessment of ankle and hindfoot stability and joint pressures using a human cadaveric model of a large lateral talar process excision: a biomechanical study (vol 94, pg e606, 2015). Medicine 2015;94:.
Kim, J; Rhee, SH; Gong, HS; Oh, S; Baek, GH. Biomechanical analyses of the human flexor tendon adhesion models in the hand: a cadaveric study. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research 2015;33:717-725.
Schuna, JM; Peterson, CM; Thomas, DM; Heo, M; Hong, S; Choi, W; Heymsfield, SB. Scaling of adult regional body mass and body composition as a whole to height: relevance to body shape and body mass index. American Journal Of Human Biology 2015;27:372-379.
Wei, XH; Wang, CL; Long, YJ; Wang, SG. Pitch angular velocity dynamics property in transverse galloping pattern from the passive dynamic perspective. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part C-Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Science 2015;229:1060-1073.
Wei, XH; Long, YJ; Wang, CL; Wang, SG. Rotary galloping with a lock-unlock elastic spinal joint. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part C-Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Science 2015;229:1088-1102.
Narang, S; Best, A; Curtis, S; Manocha, D. Generating pedestrian trajectories consistent with the fundamental diagram based on physiological and psychological factors. Plos One 2015;10:.
Lee, N; Kang, H; Shin, G. Use of antagonist muscle emg in the assessment of neuromuscular health of the low back. Journal Of Physiological Anthropology 2015;34:.
Holtzer, R; Mahoney, JR; Izzetoglu, M; Wang, CL; England, S; Verghese, J. Online fronto-cortical control of simple and attention-demanding locomotion in humans. Neuroimage 2015;112:152-159.
Fiehler, K; Schutz, I; Meller, T; Thaler, L. Neural correlates of human echolocation of path direction during walking. Multisensory Research 2015;28:195-226.
Coscia, M; Monaco, V; Martelloni, C; Rossi, B; Chisari, C; Micera, S. Muscle synergies and spinal maps are sensitive to the asymmetry induced by a unilateral stroke. Journal Of Neuroengineering And Rehabilitation 2015;12:.
Wray, S; Mimran, R; Vadapalli, S; Shetye, SS; McGilvray, KC; Puttlitz, CM. Pedicle screw placement in the lumbar spine: effect of trajectory and screw design on acute biomechanical purchase. Journal Of Neurosurgery-Spine 2015;22:503-510.
Mendes, GAC; Dickman, CA; Rodriguez-Martinez, NG; Kalb, S; Crawford, NR; Sonntag, VKH; Preul, MC; Little, AS. Endokopic endonasal atlantoaxial transarticular screw fixation technique: an anatomical feasibility and biomechanical study. Journal Of Neurosurgery-Spine 2015;22:470-477.
Fields, AJ; Berg-Johansen, B; Metz, LN; Miller, S; La, B; Liebenberg, EC; Coughlin, DG; Graham, JL; Stanhope, KL; Havel, PJ; Lotz, JC. Alterations in intervertebral disc composition, matrix homeostasis and biomechanical behavior in the ucd-t2dm rat model of type 2 diabetes. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research 2015;33:738-746.
Mo, ZJ; Zhao, YB; Du, CF; Sun, Y; Zhang, M; Fan, YB. Does location of rotation center in artificial disc affect cervical biomechanics?. Spine 2015;40:69-5254-5769-5255-53.
Melnyk, AD; Chak, JD; Singh, V; Kelly, A; Cripton, PA; Fisher, CG; Dvorak, MF; Oxland, TR. Characterization of the behavior of a novel low-stiffness posterior spinal implant under anterior shear loading on a degenerative spinal model. European Spine Journal 2015;24:775-782.
Kim, HJ; Kang, KT; Chun, HJ; Lee, CK; Chang, BS; Yeom, JS. The influence of intrinsic disc degeneration of the adjacent segments on its stress distribution after one-level lumbar fusion. European Spine Journal 2015;24:827-837.
Yi, S; Rim, DC; Nam, KS; Keem, SH; Murovic, JA; Lim, J; Park, J. Biomechanical comparison of cervical fixation via transarticular facet screws without rods versus lateral mass screws with rods. World Neurosurgery 2015;83:548-552.
Wan, ZM; Li, GA. X-stop (r) implantation effectively limits segmental lumbar extension in-vivo without altering the kinematics of the adjacent levels. Turkish Neurosurgery 2015;25:279-284.
Wadhwa, RK; Thakur, JD; Khan, IS; James, J; Ahmed, O; Zhang, SH; Henderson, B; Ogden, A; Guthikonda, B; Nanda, A. Adjustment of suboptimally placed lumbar pedicle screws decreases pullout strength and alters biomechanics of the construct: a pilot cadaveric study. World Neurosurgery 2015;83:368-375.
Matte, TA; Mendel, E. The first shot is your best shot! detrimental biomechanical effects of revising suboptimally placed pedicle screws. World Neurosurgery 2015;83:296-298.
Gruszka, D; Arand, C; Nowak, T; Dietz, SO; Wagner, D; Rommens, P. Olecranon tension plating or olecranon tension band wiring? a comparative biomechanical study. International Orthopaedics 2015;39:955-960.
Wu, JH; Thoreson, AR; Reisdorf, RL; An, KN; Moran, SL; Amadio, PC; Zhao, CF. Biomechanical evaluation of flexor tendon graft with different repair techniques and graft surface modification. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research 2015;33:731-43.
Brandt, T; Kugler, G; Schniepp, R; Wuehr, M; Huppert, D. Acrophobia impairs visual exploration and balance during standing and walking. Dizziness And Balance Disorders 2015;1343:37-48.
Yilmaz, A; Orhanli, T. Gait motion simulator for kinematic tests of above knee prostheses. Iet Science Measurement & Technology 2015;9:250-258.
Haight, DJ; Esposito, ER; Wilken, JM. Biomechanics of uphill walking using custom ankle-foot orthoses of three different stiffnesses. Gait & Posture 2015;41:750-756.
Yoder, AJ; Petrella, AJ; Silverman, AK. Trunk-pelvis motion, joint loads, and muscle forces during walking with a transtibial amputation. Gait & Posture 2015;41:757-762.
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