October 08 - October 14, 2015
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Wouter Hoogkamer, Ph.D.
Locomotion Lab, University of Colorado
Department of Kinesiology, KU Leuven
- Not all articles have a DOI.
- Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
- Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, butmay be available in electronic form through the publisher
Klein, KF; Hu, JW; Reed, MP; Hoff, CN; Rupp, JD. Development and validation of statistical models of femur geometry for use with parametric finite element models. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2015;43:2503-2514.
Ren, H; Liang, D; Jiang, XB; Tang, JJ; Cui, JC; Wei, QS; Zhang, SC; Yao, ZS; Shen, GY; Lin, SX. Variance of spinal osteoporosis induced by dexamethasone and methylprednisolone and its associated mechanism. Steroids 2015;102:65-75.
Basso, T. Internal fixation of fragility fractures of the femoral neck ex vivo biomechanical studies. Acta Orthopaedica 2015;86:.
Larjavaara, M. Trees and shrubs differ bionnechanically. Trends In Ecology & Evolution 2015;30:499-500.
Yu, B; Xu, DJ; Sun, H; Yang, K; Luo, M. Comparative analysis of mechanical properties of pwv, no and ascending aorta between why rats and shr rats. Acta Cardiologica Sinica 2015;31:429-435.
Stoiber, M; Messner, B; Grasl, C; Gschlad, V; Bergmeister, H; Bernhard, D; Schima, H. A method for mechanical characterization of small blood vessels and vascular grafts. Experimental Mechanics 2015;55:1591-1595.
Ambardekar, AV; Hunter, KS; Babu, AN; Tuder, RM; Dodson, RB; Lindenfeld, J. Changes in aortic wall structure, composition, and stiffness with continuous-flow left ventricular assist devices a pilot study. Circulation-Heart Failure 2015;8:944-952.
Maina, JN. Structural and biomechanical properties of the exchange tissue of the avian lung. Anatomical Record-Advances In Integrative Anatomy And Evolutionary Biology 2015;298:1673-1688.
Rezende, EL; Bacigalupe, LD. Thermoregulation in endotherms: physiological principles and ecological consequences. Journal Of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic And Environmental Physiology 2015;185:709-727.
Zhong, Z; Hu, JQ; Wu, XD; Sun, Y; Jiang, J. Myocardin-related transcription factor-a-overexpressing bone marrow stem cells protect cardiomyocytes and alleviate cardiac damage in a rat model of acute myocardial infarction. International Journal Of Molecular Medicine 2015;36:753-759.
Hamon, P; Rodero, MP; Combadiere, C; Boissonnas, A. Tracking mouse bone marrow monocytes in vivo. Jove-Journal Of Visualized Experiments 2015;NaN:.
D'Auria, F; Centurione, L; Centurione, MA; Angelini, A; Di Pietro, R. Tumor necrosis factor related apoptosis inducing ligand (trail) in endothelial response to biomechanical and biochemical stresses in arteries. Journal Of Cellular Biochemistry 2015;116:2427-2434.
Babahosseini, H; Strobl, JS; Agah, M. Using nanotechnology and microfluidics in search of cell biomechanical cues for cancer progression. Nanomedicine 2015;10:2635-2638.
Pascual-Arribas, C; Canudo, JI; Perez, ES; Hernandez-Medrano, N; Castanera, D; Barco, JL. On the validity of pteraichnus palacieisaenzi, pascual arribas and sanz perez 2000: new data from the huerteles formation. Palaeontologische Zeitschrift 2015;89:459-483.
Tawara, D; Nagahata, M; Takano, N; Kinoshita, H; Abe, S. Probabilistic analysis of mechanical behaviour of mandibular trabecular bone using a calibrated stochastic homogenization model. Acta Mechanica 2015;226:3275-3287.
Bozzini, C; Picasso, E; Champin, G; Bozzini, CE; Alippi, RM. Effect of physical consistency of food on the biomechanical behaviour of the mandible in the growing rat. European Journal Of Oral Sciences 2015;123:350-355.
Hutchinson, EF; Farella, M; Kramer, B. Importance of teeth in maintaining the morphology of the adult mandible in humans. European Journal Of Oral Sciences 2015;123:341-349.
Solow, RA. Channel retention for fixed implant superstructures: a clinical report. Journal Of Prosthetic Dentistry 2015;114:323-327.
Park, CJ; Park, HS. Development of a piggyback-type transfer assist system to assist caregivers with patients being unable to move themselves. Journal Of Mechanical Science And Technology 2015;29:3761-3769.
Fernandez, PJ; Almecija, S; Patel, BA; Orr, CM; Tocheri, MW; Jungers, WL. Functional aspects of metatarsal head shape in humans, apes, and old world monkeys. Journal Of Human Evolution 2015;86:136-146.
Young, NM; Capellini, TD; Roach, NT; Alemseged, Z. Fossil hominin shoulders support an african ape-like last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2015;112:11829-11834.
Cuthbertson, RS; Maddin, HC; Holmes, RB; Anderson, JS. The braincase and endosseous labyrinth of plioplatecarpus peckensis (mosasauridae, plioplatecarpinae), with functional implications for locomotor behavior. Anatomical Record-Advances In Integrative Anatomy And Evolutionary Biology 2015;298:1597-1611.
O'Neill, MC; Lee, LF; Demes, B; Thompson, NE; Larson, SG; Stern, JT; Umberger, BR. Three-dimensional kinematics of the pelvis and hind limbs in chimpanzee (pan troglodytes) and human bipedal walking. Journal Of Human Evolution 2015;86:32-42.
Karantanis, NE; Youlatos, D; Rychlik, L. Diagonal gaits in the feathertail glider acrobates pygmaeus (acrobatidae, diprotodontia): insights for the evolution of primate quadrupedalism. Journal Of Human Evolution 2015;86:43-54.
Osborn, ML; Homberger, DG. The human shoulder suspension apparatus: a causal explanation for bilateral asymmetry and a fresh look at the evolution of human bipedality. Anatomical Record-Advances In Integrative Anatomy And Evolutionary Biology 2015;298:1572-1588.
Rostro-Gonzalez, H; Cerna-Garcia, PA; Trejo-Caballero, G; Garcia-Capulin, CH; Ibarra-Manzano, MA; Avina-Cervantes, JG; Torres-Huitzil, C. A cpg system based on spiking neurons for hexapod robot locomotion. Neurocomputing 2015;170:47-54.
Barron-Zambrano, J; Torres-Huitzil, C; Girau, B. Perception-driven adaptive cpg-based locomotion for hexapod robots. Neurocomputing 2015;170:63-78.
Ferreira, C; Santos, CP. Combining central pattern generators and reflexes. Neurocomputing 2015;170:79-91.
Zheng, NG; Su, LJ; Zhang, DQ; Gao, LQ; Yao, M; Wu, ZH. A computational model for ratbot locomotion based on cyborg intelligence. Neurocomputing 2015;170:92-97.
Carvalho, CS; Raptopoulos, LSC; Andrade, WS; Alves, DSF; Dutra, MS; Franca, FMG. Extending smer-based cpgs to accommodate total support phases and kinematics-safe transitions between gait rhythms of hexapod robots. Neurocomputing 2015;170:113-127.
Huang, Y; Wang, QN. Disturbance rejection of central pattern generator based torque-stiffness-controlled dynamic walking. Neurocomputing 2015;170:141-151.
Smith, BJH; Cullingford, L; Usherwood, JR. Identification of mouse gaits using a novel force-sensing exercise wheel. Journal Of Applied Physiology 2015;119:704-718.
Lee, H; Hogan, N. Time-varying ankle mechanical impedance during human locomotion. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering 2015;23:755-764.
Park, SG; Kim, B; Lee, J; Huang, WX; Sung, HJ. Dynamics of prolate jellyfish with a jet-based locomotion. Journal Of Fluids And Structures 2015;57:331-343.
Karimi, MT. Sensitivity analysis and comparison of two methods of using heart rate to represent energy expenditure during walking. Work-A Journal Of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation 2015;51:799-805.
Staffa, M; Perfetto, D; Rossi, S. Engineering central pattern generated behaviors for the deployment of robotic systems. Neurocomputing 2015;170:98-112.
Arnould, A; Boureau, F; Benad, K; Pasquier, G; Migaud, H; Girard, J. Computed tomography evaluation of hip geometry restoration after total hip resurfacing. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2015;101:571-575.
Crisco, JJ; Patel, T; Halilaj, E; Moore, DC. The envelope of physiological motion of the first carpometacarpal joint. Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 2015;137:.
Shaftel, ND; Ayalon, O; Liu, S; Sapienza, A; Green, S. Impact of joint position and joint morphology on assessment of thumb metacarpophalangeal joint radial collateral ligament integrity. Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2015;40:1838-1843.
Eskinazi, I; Fregly, BJ. Surrogate modeling of deformable joint contact using artificial neural networks. Medical Engineering & Physics 2015;37:885-891.
Wang, Y; Yuan, M; Guo, QY; Lu, SB; Peng, J. Mesenchymal stem cells for treating articular cartilage defects and osteoarthritis. Cell Transplantation 2015;24:1661-1678.
Segal, NA; Nevitt, MC; Lynch, JA; Niu, J; Torner, JC; Guermazi, A. Diagnostic performance of 3d standing ct imaging for detection of knee osteoarthritis features. Physician And Sportsmedicine 2015;43:213-220.
Bates, NA; Nesbitt, RJ; Shearn, JT; Myer, GD; Hewett, TE. A novel methodology for the simulation of athletic tasks on cadaveric knee joints with respect to in vivo kinematics. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2015;43:2456-2466.
Kleinhans, KL; Jaworski, LM; Schneiderbauer, MM; Jackson, AR. Effect of static compressive strain, anisotropy, and tissue region on the diffusion of glucose in meniscus fibrocartilage. Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 2015;137:.
Rowland, EM; Mohamied, Y; Chooi, KY; Bailey, EL; Weinberg, PD. Comparison of statistical methods for assessing spatial correlations between maps of different arterial properties. Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 2015;137:.
Han, R; Zhang, J; Cao, L; Lu, XY. Propulsive performance of a passively flapping plate in a uniform flow. Journal Of Hydrodynamics 2015;27:496-501.
Sierra, M; Miana-Mena, FJ; Calvo, B; Munoz, MJ; Rodriguez, JF; Grasa, J. On using model populations to determine mechanical properties of skeletal muscle. application to concentric contraction simulation. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2015;43:2444-2455.
Halperin, I; Chapman, DW; Behm, DG. Non-local muscle fatigue: effects and possible mechanisms. European Journal Of Applied Physiology 2015;115:2031-2048.
Remigio-Baker, RA; Allison, MA; Schreiner, PJ; Carnethon, MR; Nettleton, JA; Mujahid, MS; Szklo, M; Crum, RM; Leuotsakos, JM; Franco, M; Jensky, N; Golden, SH. Sex and race/ethnic disparities in the cross-sectional association between depressive symptoms and muscle mass: the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis. Bmc Psychiatry 2015;15:.
Dinca, IN; Dinca, EB; Pasalega, M; Dumitrescu, T; Dragoi, GS. Variable space distribution of the structures forming the muscle and fascia system in the lumbar region of trunk. implications in the biomechanics of trauma and legal medicine. Romanian Journal Of Legal Medicine 2015;23:227-232.
Stenroth, L; Sillanpaa, E; McPhee, JS; Narici, MV; Gapeyeva, H; Paasuke, M; Barnouin, Y; Hogrel, JY; Butler-Browne, G; Bijlsma, A; Meskers, CGM; Maier, AB; Finni, T; Sipila, S. Plantarflexor muscle-tendon properties are associated with mobility in healthy older adults. Journals Of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences And Medical Sciences 2015;70:996-1002.
Severens, M; Perusquia-Hernandez, M; Nienhuis, B; Farquhar, J; Duysens, J. Using actual and imagined walking related desynchronization features in a bci. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering 2015;23:877-886.
Zhang, BC; Liu, HB; Cai, XH; Wang, ZH; Xu, F; Kang, H; Ding, R; Luo, XQ. Biomechanical comparison of a novel transoral atlantoaxial anchored cage with established fixation technique - a finite element analysis. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 2015;16:.
Shih, KS; Hsu, CC; Hou, SM; Yu, SC; Liaw, CK. Comparison of the bending performance of solid and cannulated spinal pedicle screws using finite element analyses and biomechanical tests. Medical Engineering & Physics 2015;37:879-884.
Pomeshchik, Y; Puttonen, KA; Kidin, I; Ruponen, M; Lehtonen, S; Malm, T; Akesson, E; Hovatta, O; Koistinaho, J. Transplanted human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural progenitor cells do not promote functional recovery of pharmacologically immunosuppressed mice with contusion spinal cord injury. Cell Transplantation 2015;24:1799-1812.
Zhu, R; Yu, Y; Zeng, ZL; Cheng, LM. A review of the static loads applying on the finite element models of the lumbar spine. Journal Of Medical Imaging And Health Informatics 2015;5:893-897.
Chae, SW; Lee, J; Han, SH; Kim, SY. Inferior tilt fixation of the glenoid component in reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: a biomechanical study. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2015;101:421-425.
Reichel, LM; Lafferty, PM. Letter regarding "olecranon fractures with sagittal splits treated with dual fixation". Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2015;40:1920-1920.
Katthagen, JC; Schwarze, M; Bauer, L; Meyer-Kobbe, J; Voigt, C; Hurschler, C; Lill, H. Is there any advantage in placing an additional calcar screw in locked nailing of proximal humeral fractures?. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2015;101:431-435.
Singer, JC; Mochizuki, G. Post-stroke lower limb spasticity alters the interlimb temporal synchronization of centre of pressure displacements across multiple timescales. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering 2015;23:786-795.
Gildenhuys, A; Zandiyeh, P; Kuntze, G; Goldsmith, P; Ronsky, JL. Biomechanical analysis of a dynamic stability test system to evoke sway and step recovery. Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 2015;137:.
Heitmann, S; Boonstra, T; Gong, PL; Breakspear, M; Ermentrout, B. The rhythms of steady posture: motor commands as spatially organized oscillation patterns. Neurocomputing 2015;170:3-14.
Zissimopoulos, A; Fatone, S; Gard, S. Effects of ankle-foot orthoses on mediolateral foot-placement ability during post-stroke gait. Prosthetics And Orthotics International 2015;39:372-379.
Agrawal, V; Gailey, RS; Gaunaurd, IA; O'Toole, C; Finnieston, A; Tolchin, R. Comparison of four different categories of prosthetic feet during ramp ambulation in unilateral transtibial amputees. Prosthetics And Orthotics International 2015;39:380-389.
Baars, EC; Schrier, E; Geertzen, JH; Dijkstra, PU. Biomedical and psychosocial factors influencing transtibial prosthesis fit: a delphi survey among health care professionals. Disability And Rehabilitation 2015;37:1946-1954.
Lee, YH; Tran, DT; Hyun, JH; Phan, LT; Koo, IM; Yang, SU; Choi, HR. A gait transition algorithm based on hybrid walking gait for a quadruped walking robot. Intelligent Service Robotics 2015;8:185-200.
Zhang, SS; Rong, XW; Li, YB; Li, B. A free gait generation method for quadruped robots over rough terrains containing forbidden areas. Journal Of Mechanical Science And Technology 2015;29:3983-3993.
Stefanucci, JK; Creem-Regehr, SH; Thompson, WB; Lessard, DA; Geuss, MN. Evaluating the accuracy of size perception on screen-based displays: displayed objects appear smaller than real objects. Journal Of Experimental Psychology-Applied 2015;21:215-223.
Vernillo, G; Savoldelli, A; Zignoli, A; Skafidas, S; Fornasiero, A; La Torre, A; Bortolan, L; Pellegrini, B; Schena, F. Energy cost and kinematics of level, uphill and downhill running: fatigue-induced changes after a mountain ultramarathon. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2015;33:1998-2005.
Milligan, A; Mills, C; Corbett, J; Scurr, J. Magnitude of multiplanar breast kinematics differs depending upon run distance. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2015;33:2025-2034.
White, J; Mills, C; Ball, N; Scurr, J. The effect of breast support and breast pain on upper-extremity kinematics during running: implications for females with large breasts. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2015;33:2043-2050.
Pereira, SM; Ruschel, C; Hubert, M; Machado, L; Roesler, H; Fernandes, RJ; Vilas-Boas, JP. Kinematic, kinetic and emg analysis of four front crawl flip turn techniques. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2015;33:2006-2015.
Hohmann, E; Bryant, AL; Livingstone, E; Reaburn, P; Tetsworth, K; Imhoff, A. Tibial acceleration profiles during the menstrual cycle in female athletes. Archives Of Orthopaedic And Trauma Surgery 2015;135:1419-1427.
Zadpoor, AA. Etiology of femoroacetabular impingement in athletes: a review of recent findings. Sports Medicine 2015;45:1097-1106.
Grant, TM; Yapp, C; Chen, Q; Czernuszka, JT; Thompson, MS. The mechanical, structural, and compositional changes of tendon exposed to elastase. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2015;43:2477-2486.
Liao, XC; Kemp, S; Corner, G; Eisma, R; Huang, ZH. Elastic properties of thiel-embalmed human ankle tendon and ligament. Clinical Anatomy 2015;28:917-924.
Malone, PSC; Cooley, J; Terenghi, G; Lees, VC. The effect of elbow extension on the biomechanics of the osseoligamentous structures of the forearm. Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2015;40:1776-1784.
Wong, YR; Lee, CS; Loke, AMK; Liu, X; Suzana, MJI; Tay, SC. Comparison of flexor tendon repair between 6-strand lim-tsai with 4-strand cruciate and becker technique. Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2015;40:1806-1811.
Jordan, MC; Schmitt, V; Jansen, H; Meffert, RH; Hoelscher-Doht, S. Biomechanical analysis of the modified kessler, lahey, adelaide, and becker sutures for flexor tendon repair. Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2015;40:1812-1817.
Maerz, T; Kurdziel, MD; Davidson, AA; Baker, KC; Anderson, K; Matthew, HWT. Biomechanical characterization of a model of noninvasive, traumatic anterior cruciate ligament injury in the rat. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2015;43:2467-2476.
Wang, MH; Zhou, Y; Zhao, S; Luo, Y. Challenges faced in the clinical application of artificial anal sphincters. Journal Of Zhejiang University-Science B 2015;16:733-742.
Mlyniec, A; Tomaszewski, KA; Spiesz, EM; Uhl, T. Molecular-based nonlinear viscoelastic chemomechanical model incorporating thermal denaturation kinetics of collagen fibrous biomaterials. Polymer Degradation And Stability 2015;119:87-95.
Tepole, AB; Kabaria, H; Bletzinger, KU; Kuhl, E. Isogeometric kirchhoff-love shell formulations for biological membranes. Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics And Engineering 2015;293:328-347.
Romanyuk, N; Amemori, T; Turnovcova, K; Prochazka, P; Onteniente, B; Sykova, E; Jendelova, P. Beneficial effect of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural precursors in spinal cord injury repair. Cell Transplantation 2015;24:1781-1797.
Rowson, B; Rowson, S; Duma, SM. Hockey star: a methodology for assessing the biomechanical performance of hockey helmets. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2015;43:2429-2443.
Sahoo, D; Deck, C; Yoganandan, N; Willinger, R. Influence of head mass on temporo-parietal skull impact using finite element modeling. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2015;53:869-878.
Poli, M; Lefevre, A; Auxenfans, C; Burillon, C. Corneal collagen cross-linking for the treatment of progressive corneal ectasia: 6-year prospective outcome in a french population. American Journal Of Ophthalmology 2015;160:654-662.
Arikan, S; Ersan, I; Kara, S; Gencer, B; Korkmaz, S; Vural, AS. Corneal thickness of eyes with unilateral age-related macular degeneration. European Journal Of Ophthalmology 2015;25:214-217.
Spoerl, E; Pillunat, KR; Kuhlisch, E; Pillunat, LE. Concept for analyzing biomechanical parameters in clinical studies. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 2015;38:389-389.
Yulek, F. Corneal biomechanics in steroid induced ocular hypertension. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 2015;38:390-390.
Dikci, S; Genc, O; Ekmen, R; Tas, M; Firat, PG; Demirel, S. The corneal biomechanical parameters in type 1 diabetes mellitus. European Journal Of Ophthalmology 2015;25:69-5057-6950-57.
Labiris, G; Kozobolis, V. A proposed biomechanical scale for the diagnosis of corneal ectatic disorders. European Journal Of Ophthalmology 2015;25:69-5169-52.
Ikegami, T; Takemura, A; Choi, E; Suda, A; Tomonaga, S; Badruzzaman, M; Furuse, M. Increase in telencephalic dopamine and cerebellar norepinephrine contents by hydrostatic pressure in goldfish: the possible involvement in hydrostatic pressure-related locomotion. Fish Physiology And Biochemistry 2015;41:1105-1115.
Debaere, S; Delecluse, C; Aerenhouts, D; Hagman, F; Jonkers, I. Control of propulsion and body lift during the first two stances of sprint running: a simulation study. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2015;33:2016-2024.
October 08 - October 14, 2015
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Wouter Hoogkamer, Ph.D.
Locomotion Lab, University of Colorado
Department of Kinesiology, KU Leuven
- Not all articles have a DOI.
- Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
- Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, butmay be available in electronic form through the publisher
Klein, KF; Hu, JW; Reed, MP; Hoff, CN; Rupp, JD. Development and validation of statistical models of femur geometry for use with parametric finite element models. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2015;43:2503-2514.
Ren, H; Liang, D; Jiang, XB; Tang, JJ; Cui, JC; Wei, QS; Zhang, SC; Yao, ZS; Shen, GY; Lin, SX. Variance of spinal osteoporosis induced by dexamethasone and methylprednisolone and its associated mechanism. Steroids 2015;102:65-75.
Basso, T. Internal fixation of fragility fractures of the femoral neck ex vivo biomechanical studies. Acta Orthopaedica 2015;86:.
Larjavaara, M. Trees and shrubs differ bionnechanically. Trends In Ecology & Evolution 2015;30:499-500.
Yu, B; Xu, DJ; Sun, H; Yang, K; Luo, M. Comparative analysis of mechanical properties of pwv, no and ascending aorta between why rats and shr rats. Acta Cardiologica Sinica 2015;31:429-435.
Stoiber, M; Messner, B; Grasl, C; Gschlad, V; Bergmeister, H; Bernhard, D; Schima, H. A method for mechanical characterization of small blood vessels and vascular grafts. Experimental Mechanics 2015;55:1591-1595.
Ambardekar, AV; Hunter, KS; Babu, AN; Tuder, RM; Dodson, RB; Lindenfeld, J. Changes in aortic wall structure, composition, and stiffness with continuous-flow left ventricular assist devices a pilot study. Circulation-Heart Failure 2015;8:944-952.
Maina, JN. Structural and biomechanical properties of the exchange tissue of the avian lung. Anatomical Record-Advances In Integrative Anatomy And Evolutionary Biology 2015;298:1673-1688.
Rezende, EL; Bacigalupe, LD. Thermoregulation in endotherms: physiological principles and ecological consequences. Journal Of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic And Environmental Physiology 2015;185:709-727.
Zhong, Z; Hu, JQ; Wu, XD; Sun, Y; Jiang, J. Myocardin-related transcription factor-a-overexpressing bone marrow stem cells protect cardiomyocytes and alleviate cardiac damage in a rat model of acute myocardial infarction. International Journal Of Molecular Medicine 2015;36:753-759.
Hamon, P; Rodero, MP; Combadiere, C; Boissonnas, A. Tracking mouse bone marrow monocytes in vivo. Jove-Journal Of Visualized Experiments 2015;NaN:.
D'Auria, F; Centurione, L; Centurione, MA; Angelini, A; Di Pietro, R. Tumor necrosis factor related apoptosis inducing ligand (trail) in endothelial response to biomechanical and biochemical stresses in arteries. Journal Of Cellular Biochemistry 2015;116:2427-2434.
Babahosseini, H; Strobl, JS; Agah, M. Using nanotechnology and microfluidics in search of cell biomechanical cues for cancer progression. Nanomedicine 2015;10:2635-2638.
Pascual-Arribas, C; Canudo, JI; Perez, ES; Hernandez-Medrano, N; Castanera, D; Barco, JL. On the validity of pteraichnus palacieisaenzi, pascual arribas and sanz perez 2000: new data from the huerteles formation. Palaeontologische Zeitschrift 2015;89:459-483.
Tawara, D; Nagahata, M; Takano, N; Kinoshita, H; Abe, S. Probabilistic analysis of mechanical behaviour of mandibular trabecular bone using a calibrated stochastic homogenization model. Acta Mechanica 2015;226:3275-3287.
Bozzini, C; Picasso, E; Champin, G; Bozzini, CE; Alippi, RM. Effect of physical consistency of food on the biomechanical behaviour of the mandible in the growing rat. European Journal Of Oral Sciences 2015;123:350-355.
Hutchinson, EF; Farella, M; Kramer, B. Importance of teeth in maintaining the morphology of the adult mandible in humans. European Journal Of Oral Sciences 2015;123:341-349.
Solow, RA. Channel retention for fixed implant superstructures: a clinical report. Journal Of Prosthetic Dentistry 2015;114:323-327.
Park, CJ; Park, HS. Development of a piggyback-type transfer assist system to assist caregivers with patients being unable to move themselves. Journal Of Mechanical Science And Technology 2015;29:3761-3769.
Fernandez, PJ; Almecija, S; Patel, BA; Orr, CM; Tocheri, MW; Jungers, WL. Functional aspects of metatarsal head shape in humans, apes, and old world monkeys. Journal Of Human Evolution 2015;86:136-146.
Young, NM; Capellini, TD; Roach, NT; Alemseged, Z. Fossil hominin shoulders support an african ape-like last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2015;112:11829-11834.
Cuthbertson, RS; Maddin, HC; Holmes, RB; Anderson, JS. The braincase and endosseous labyrinth of plioplatecarpus peckensis (mosasauridae, plioplatecarpinae), with functional implications for locomotor behavior. Anatomical Record-Advances In Integrative Anatomy And Evolutionary Biology 2015;298:1597-1611.
O'Neill, MC; Lee, LF; Demes, B; Thompson, NE; Larson, SG; Stern, JT; Umberger, BR. Three-dimensional kinematics of the pelvis and hind limbs in chimpanzee (pan troglodytes) and human bipedal walking. Journal Of Human Evolution 2015;86:32-42.
Karantanis, NE; Youlatos, D; Rychlik, L. Diagonal gaits in the feathertail glider acrobates pygmaeus (acrobatidae, diprotodontia): insights for the evolution of primate quadrupedalism. Journal Of Human Evolution 2015;86:43-54.
Osborn, ML; Homberger, DG. The human shoulder suspension apparatus: a causal explanation for bilateral asymmetry and a fresh look at the evolution of human bipedality. Anatomical Record-Advances In Integrative Anatomy And Evolutionary Biology 2015;298:1572-1588.
Rostro-Gonzalez, H; Cerna-Garcia, PA; Trejo-Caballero, G; Garcia-Capulin, CH; Ibarra-Manzano, MA; Avina-Cervantes, JG; Torres-Huitzil, C. A cpg system based on spiking neurons for hexapod robot locomotion. Neurocomputing 2015;170:47-54.
Barron-Zambrano, J; Torres-Huitzil, C; Girau, B. Perception-driven adaptive cpg-based locomotion for hexapod robots. Neurocomputing 2015;170:63-78.
Ferreira, C; Santos, CP. Combining central pattern generators and reflexes. Neurocomputing 2015;170:79-91.
Zheng, NG; Su, LJ; Zhang, DQ; Gao, LQ; Yao, M; Wu, ZH. A computational model for ratbot locomotion based on cyborg intelligence. Neurocomputing 2015;170:92-97.
Carvalho, CS; Raptopoulos, LSC; Andrade, WS; Alves, DSF; Dutra, MS; Franca, FMG. Extending smer-based cpgs to accommodate total support phases and kinematics-safe transitions between gait rhythms of hexapod robots. Neurocomputing 2015;170:113-127.
Huang, Y; Wang, QN. Disturbance rejection of central pattern generator based torque-stiffness-controlled dynamic walking. Neurocomputing 2015;170:141-151.
Smith, BJH; Cullingford, L; Usherwood, JR. Identification of mouse gaits using a novel force-sensing exercise wheel. Journal Of Applied Physiology 2015;119:704-718.
Lee, H; Hogan, N. Time-varying ankle mechanical impedance during human locomotion. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering 2015;23:755-764.
Park, SG; Kim, B; Lee, J; Huang, WX; Sung, HJ. Dynamics of prolate jellyfish with a jet-based locomotion. Journal Of Fluids And Structures 2015;57:331-343.
Karimi, MT. Sensitivity analysis and comparison of two methods of using heart rate to represent energy expenditure during walking. Work-A Journal Of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation 2015;51:799-805.
Staffa, M; Perfetto, D; Rossi, S. Engineering central pattern generated behaviors for the deployment of robotic systems. Neurocomputing 2015;170:98-112.
Arnould, A; Boureau, F; Benad, K; Pasquier, G; Migaud, H; Girard, J. Computed tomography evaluation of hip geometry restoration after total hip resurfacing. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2015;101:571-575.
Crisco, JJ; Patel, T; Halilaj, E; Moore, DC. The envelope of physiological motion of the first carpometacarpal joint. Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 2015;137:.
Shaftel, ND; Ayalon, O; Liu, S; Sapienza, A; Green, S. Impact of joint position and joint morphology on assessment of thumb metacarpophalangeal joint radial collateral ligament integrity. Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2015;40:1838-1843.
Eskinazi, I; Fregly, BJ. Surrogate modeling of deformable joint contact using artificial neural networks. Medical Engineering & Physics 2015;37:885-891.
Wang, Y; Yuan, M; Guo, QY; Lu, SB; Peng, J. Mesenchymal stem cells for treating articular cartilage defects and osteoarthritis. Cell Transplantation 2015;24:1661-1678.
Segal, NA; Nevitt, MC; Lynch, JA; Niu, J; Torner, JC; Guermazi, A. Diagnostic performance of 3d standing ct imaging for detection of knee osteoarthritis features. Physician And Sportsmedicine 2015;43:213-220.
Bates, NA; Nesbitt, RJ; Shearn, JT; Myer, GD; Hewett, TE. A novel methodology for the simulation of athletic tasks on cadaveric knee joints with respect to in vivo kinematics. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2015;43:2456-2466.
Kleinhans, KL; Jaworski, LM; Schneiderbauer, MM; Jackson, AR. Effect of static compressive strain, anisotropy, and tissue region on the diffusion of glucose in meniscus fibrocartilage. Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 2015;137:.
Rowland, EM; Mohamied, Y; Chooi, KY; Bailey, EL; Weinberg, PD. Comparison of statistical methods for assessing spatial correlations between maps of different arterial properties. Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 2015;137:.
Han, R; Zhang, J; Cao, L; Lu, XY. Propulsive performance of a passively flapping plate in a uniform flow. Journal Of Hydrodynamics 2015;27:496-501.
Sierra, M; Miana-Mena, FJ; Calvo, B; Munoz, MJ; Rodriguez, JF; Grasa, J. On using model populations to determine mechanical properties of skeletal muscle. application to concentric contraction simulation. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2015;43:2444-2455.
Halperin, I; Chapman, DW; Behm, DG. Non-local muscle fatigue: effects and possible mechanisms. European Journal Of Applied Physiology 2015;115:2031-2048.
Remigio-Baker, RA; Allison, MA; Schreiner, PJ; Carnethon, MR; Nettleton, JA; Mujahid, MS; Szklo, M; Crum, RM; Leuotsakos, JM; Franco, M; Jensky, N; Golden, SH. Sex and race/ethnic disparities in the cross-sectional association between depressive symptoms and muscle mass: the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis. Bmc Psychiatry 2015;15:.
Dinca, IN; Dinca, EB; Pasalega, M; Dumitrescu, T; Dragoi, GS. Variable space distribution of the structures forming the muscle and fascia system in the lumbar region of trunk. implications in the biomechanics of trauma and legal medicine. Romanian Journal Of Legal Medicine 2015;23:227-232.
Stenroth, L; Sillanpaa, E; McPhee, JS; Narici, MV; Gapeyeva, H; Paasuke, M; Barnouin, Y; Hogrel, JY; Butler-Browne, G; Bijlsma, A; Meskers, CGM; Maier, AB; Finni, T; Sipila, S. Plantarflexor muscle-tendon properties are associated with mobility in healthy older adults. Journals Of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences And Medical Sciences 2015;70:996-1002.
Severens, M; Perusquia-Hernandez, M; Nienhuis, B; Farquhar, J; Duysens, J. Using actual and imagined walking related desynchronization features in a bci. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering 2015;23:877-886.
Zhang, BC; Liu, HB; Cai, XH; Wang, ZH; Xu, F; Kang, H; Ding, R; Luo, XQ. Biomechanical comparison of a novel transoral atlantoaxial anchored cage with established fixation technique - a finite element analysis. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 2015;16:.
Shih, KS; Hsu, CC; Hou, SM; Yu, SC; Liaw, CK. Comparison of the bending performance of solid and cannulated spinal pedicle screws using finite element analyses and biomechanical tests. Medical Engineering & Physics 2015;37:879-884.
Pomeshchik, Y; Puttonen, KA; Kidin, I; Ruponen, M; Lehtonen, S; Malm, T; Akesson, E; Hovatta, O; Koistinaho, J. Transplanted human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural progenitor cells do not promote functional recovery of pharmacologically immunosuppressed mice with contusion spinal cord injury. Cell Transplantation 2015;24:1799-1812.
Zhu, R; Yu, Y; Zeng, ZL; Cheng, LM. A review of the static loads applying on the finite element models of the lumbar spine. Journal Of Medical Imaging And Health Informatics 2015;5:893-897.
Chae, SW; Lee, J; Han, SH; Kim, SY. Inferior tilt fixation of the glenoid component in reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: a biomechanical study. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2015;101:421-425.
Reichel, LM; Lafferty, PM. Letter regarding "olecranon fractures with sagittal splits treated with dual fixation". Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2015;40:1920-1920.
Katthagen, JC; Schwarze, M; Bauer, L; Meyer-Kobbe, J; Voigt, C; Hurschler, C; Lill, H. Is there any advantage in placing an additional calcar screw in locked nailing of proximal humeral fractures?. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2015;101:431-435.
Singer, JC; Mochizuki, G. Post-stroke lower limb spasticity alters the interlimb temporal synchronization of centre of pressure displacements across multiple timescales. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering 2015;23:786-795.
Gildenhuys, A; Zandiyeh, P; Kuntze, G; Goldsmith, P; Ronsky, JL. Biomechanical analysis of a dynamic stability test system to evoke sway and step recovery. Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 2015;137:.
Heitmann, S; Boonstra, T; Gong, PL; Breakspear, M; Ermentrout, B. The rhythms of steady posture: motor commands as spatially organized oscillation patterns. Neurocomputing 2015;170:3-14.
Zissimopoulos, A; Fatone, S; Gard, S. Effects of ankle-foot orthoses on mediolateral foot-placement ability during post-stroke gait. Prosthetics And Orthotics International 2015;39:372-379.
Agrawal, V; Gailey, RS; Gaunaurd, IA; O'Toole, C; Finnieston, A; Tolchin, R. Comparison of four different categories of prosthetic feet during ramp ambulation in unilateral transtibial amputees. Prosthetics And Orthotics International 2015;39:380-389.
Baars, EC; Schrier, E; Geertzen, JH; Dijkstra, PU. Biomedical and psychosocial factors influencing transtibial prosthesis fit: a delphi survey among health care professionals. Disability And Rehabilitation 2015;37:1946-1954.
Lee, YH; Tran, DT; Hyun, JH; Phan, LT; Koo, IM; Yang, SU; Choi, HR. A gait transition algorithm based on hybrid walking gait for a quadruped walking robot. Intelligent Service Robotics 2015;8:185-200.
Zhang, SS; Rong, XW; Li, YB; Li, B. A free gait generation method for quadruped robots over rough terrains containing forbidden areas. Journal Of Mechanical Science And Technology 2015;29:3983-3993.
Stefanucci, JK; Creem-Regehr, SH; Thompson, WB; Lessard, DA; Geuss, MN. Evaluating the accuracy of size perception on screen-based displays: displayed objects appear smaller than real objects. Journal Of Experimental Psychology-Applied 2015;21:215-223.
Vernillo, G; Savoldelli, A; Zignoli, A; Skafidas, S; Fornasiero, A; La Torre, A; Bortolan, L; Pellegrini, B; Schena, F. Energy cost and kinematics of level, uphill and downhill running: fatigue-induced changes after a mountain ultramarathon. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2015;33:1998-2005.
Milligan, A; Mills, C; Corbett, J; Scurr, J. Magnitude of multiplanar breast kinematics differs depending upon run distance. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2015;33:2025-2034.
White, J; Mills, C; Ball, N; Scurr, J. The effect of breast support and breast pain on upper-extremity kinematics during running: implications for females with large breasts. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2015;33:2043-2050.
Pereira, SM; Ruschel, C; Hubert, M; Machado, L; Roesler, H; Fernandes, RJ; Vilas-Boas, JP. Kinematic, kinetic and emg analysis of four front crawl flip turn techniques. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2015;33:2006-2015.
Hohmann, E; Bryant, AL; Livingstone, E; Reaburn, P; Tetsworth, K; Imhoff, A. Tibial acceleration profiles during the menstrual cycle in female athletes. Archives Of Orthopaedic And Trauma Surgery 2015;135:1419-1427.
Zadpoor, AA. Etiology of femoroacetabular impingement in athletes: a review of recent findings. Sports Medicine 2015;45:1097-1106.
Grant, TM; Yapp, C; Chen, Q; Czernuszka, JT; Thompson, MS. The mechanical, structural, and compositional changes of tendon exposed to elastase. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2015;43:2477-2486.
Liao, XC; Kemp, S; Corner, G; Eisma, R; Huang, ZH. Elastic properties of thiel-embalmed human ankle tendon and ligament. Clinical Anatomy 2015;28:917-924.
Malone, PSC; Cooley, J; Terenghi, G; Lees, VC. The effect of elbow extension on the biomechanics of the osseoligamentous structures of the forearm. Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2015;40:1776-1784.
Wong, YR; Lee, CS; Loke, AMK; Liu, X; Suzana, MJI; Tay, SC. Comparison of flexor tendon repair between 6-strand lim-tsai with 4-strand cruciate and becker technique. Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2015;40:1806-1811.
Jordan, MC; Schmitt, V; Jansen, H; Meffert, RH; Hoelscher-Doht, S. Biomechanical analysis of the modified kessler, lahey, adelaide, and becker sutures for flexor tendon repair. Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2015;40:1812-1817.
Maerz, T; Kurdziel, MD; Davidson, AA; Baker, KC; Anderson, K; Matthew, HWT. Biomechanical characterization of a model of noninvasive, traumatic anterior cruciate ligament injury in the rat. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2015;43:2467-2476.
Wang, MH; Zhou, Y; Zhao, S; Luo, Y. Challenges faced in the clinical application of artificial anal sphincters. Journal Of Zhejiang University-Science B 2015;16:733-742.
Mlyniec, A; Tomaszewski, KA; Spiesz, EM; Uhl, T. Molecular-based nonlinear viscoelastic chemomechanical model incorporating thermal denaturation kinetics of collagen fibrous biomaterials. Polymer Degradation And Stability 2015;119:87-95.
Tepole, AB; Kabaria, H; Bletzinger, KU; Kuhl, E. Isogeometric kirchhoff-love shell formulations for biological membranes. Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics And Engineering 2015;293:328-347.
Romanyuk, N; Amemori, T; Turnovcova, K; Prochazka, P; Onteniente, B; Sykova, E; Jendelova, P. Beneficial effect of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural precursors in spinal cord injury repair. Cell Transplantation 2015;24:1781-1797.
Rowson, B; Rowson, S; Duma, SM. Hockey star: a methodology for assessing the biomechanical performance of hockey helmets. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2015;43:2429-2443.
Sahoo, D; Deck, C; Yoganandan, N; Willinger, R. Influence of head mass on temporo-parietal skull impact using finite element modeling. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2015;53:869-878.
Poli, M; Lefevre, A; Auxenfans, C; Burillon, C. Corneal collagen cross-linking for the treatment of progressive corneal ectasia: 6-year prospective outcome in a french population. American Journal Of Ophthalmology 2015;160:654-662.
Arikan, S; Ersan, I; Kara, S; Gencer, B; Korkmaz, S; Vural, AS. Corneal thickness of eyes with unilateral age-related macular degeneration. European Journal Of Ophthalmology 2015;25:214-217.
Spoerl, E; Pillunat, KR; Kuhlisch, E; Pillunat, LE. Concept for analyzing biomechanical parameters in clinical studies. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 2015;38:389-389.
Yulek, F. Corneal biomechanics in steroid induced ocular hypertension. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 2015;38:390-390.
Dikci, S; Genc, O; Ekmen, R; Tas, M; Firat, PG; Demirel, S. The corneal biomechanical parameters in type 1 diabetes mellitus. European Journal Of Ophthalmology 2015;25:69-5057-6950-57.
Labiris, G; Kozobolis, V. A proposed biomechanical scale for the diagnosis of corneal ectatic disorders. European Journal Of Ophthalmology 2015;25:69-5169-52.
Ikegami, T; Takemura, A; Choi, E; Suda, A; Tomonaga, S; Badruzzaman, M; Furuse, M. Increase in telencephalic dopamine and cerebellar norepinephrine contents by hydrostatic pressure in goldfish: the possible involvement in hydrostatic pressure-related locomotion. Fish Physiology And Biochemistry 2015;41:1105-1115.
Debaere, S; Delecluse, C; Aerenhouts, D; Hagman, F; Jonkers, I. Control of propulsion and body lift during the first two stances of sprint running: a simulation study. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2015;33:2016-2024.
October 08 - October 14, 2015
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Wouter Hoogkamer, Ph.D.
Locomotion Lab, University of Colorado
Department of Kinesiology, KU Leuven
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- Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, butmay be available in electronic form through the publisher
Klein, KF; Hu, JW; Reed, MP; Hoff, CN; Rupp, JD. Development and validation of statistical models of femur geometry for use with parametric finite element models. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2015;43:2503-2514.
Ren, H; Liang, D; Jiang, XB; Tang, JJ; Cui, JC; Wei, QS; Zhang, SC; Yao, ZS; Shen, GY; Lin, SX. Variance of spinal osteoporosis induced by dexamethasone and methylprednisolone and its associated mechanism. Steroids 2015;102:65-75.
Basso, T. Internal fixation of fragility fractures of the femoral neck ex vivo biomechanical studies. Acta Orthopaedica 2015;86:.
Larjavaara, M. Trees and shrubs differ bionnechanically. Trends In Ecology & Evolution 2015;30:499-500.
Yu, B; Xu, DJ; Sun, H; Yang, K; Luo, M. Comparative analysis of mechanical properties of pwv, no and ascending aorta between why rats and shr rats. Acta Cardiologica Sinica 2015;31:429-435.
Stoiber, M; Messner, B; Grasl, C; Gschlad, V; Bergmeister, H; Bernhard, D; Schima, H. A method for mechanical characterization of small blood vessels and vascular grafts. Experimental Mechanics 2015;55:1591-1595.
Ambardekar, AV; Hunter, KS; Babu, AN; Tuder, RM; Dodson, RB; Lindenfeld, J. Changes in aortic wall structure, composition, and stiffness with continuous-flow left ventricular assist devices a pilot study. Circulation-Heart Failure 2015;8:944-952.
Maina, JN. Structural and biomechanical properties of the exchange tissue of the avian lung. Anatomical Record-Advances In Integrative Anatomy And Evolutionary Biology 2015;298:1673-1688.
Rezende, EL; Bacigalupe, LD. Thermoregulation in endotherms: physiological principles and ecological consequences. Journal Of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic And Environmental Physiology 2015;185:709-727.
Zhong, Z; Hu, JQ; Wu, XD; Sun, Y; Jiang, J. Myocardin-related transcription factor-a-overexpressing bone marrow stem cells protect cardiomyocytes and alleviate cardiac damage in a rat model of acute myocardial infarction. International Journal Of Molecular Medicine 2015;36:753-759.
Hamon, P; Rodero, MP; Combadiere, C; Boissonnas, A. Tracking mouse bone marrow monocytes in vivo. Jove-Journal Of Visualized Experiments 2015;NaN:.
D'Auria, F; Centurione, L; Centurione, MA; Angelini, A; Di Pietro, R. Tumor necrosis factor related apoptosis inducing ligand (trail) in endothelial response to biomechanical and biochemical stresses in arteries. Journal Of Cellular Biochemistry 2015;116:2427-2434.
Babahosseini, H; Strobl, JS; Agah, M. Using nanotechnology and microfluidics in search of cell biomechanical cues for cancer progression. Nanomedicine 2015;10:2635-2638.
Pascual-Arribas, C; Canudo, JI; Perez, ES; Hernandez-Medrano, N; Castanera, D; Barco, JL. On the validity of pteraichnus palacieisaenzi, pascual arribas and sanz perez 2000: new data from the huerteles formation. Palaeontologische Zeitschrift 2015;89:459-483.
Tawara, D; Nagahata, M; Takano, N; Kinoshita, H; Abe, S. Probabilistic analysis of mechanical behaviour of mandibular trabecular bone using a calibrated stochastic homogenization model. Acta Mechanica 2015;226:3275-3287.
Bozzini, C; Picasso, E; Champin, G; Bozzini, CE; Alippi, RM. Effect of physical consistency of food on the biomechanical behaviour of the mandible in the growing rat. European Journal Of Oral Sciences 2015;123:350-355.
Hutchinson, EF; Farella, M; Kramer, B. Importance of teeth in maintaining the morphology of the adult mandible in humans. European Journal Of Oral Sciences 2015;123:341-349.
Solow, RA. Channel retention for fixed implant superstructures: a clinical report. Journal Of Prosthetic Dentistry 2015;114:323-327.
Park, CJ; Park, HS. Development of a piggyback-type transfer assist system to assist caregivers with patients being unable to move themselves. Journal Of Mechanical Science And Technology 2015;29:3761-3769.
Fernandez, PJ; Almecija, S; Patel, BA; Orr, CM; Tocheri, MW; Jungers, WL. Functional aspects of metatarsal head shape in humans, apes, and old world monkeys. Journal Of Human Evolution 2015;86:136-146.
Young, NM; Capellini, TD; Roach, NT; Alemseged, Z. Fossil hominin shoulders support an african ape-like last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2015;112:11829-11834.
Cuthbertson, RS; Maddin, HC; Holmes, RB; Anderson, JS. The braincase and endosseous labyrinth of plioplatecarpus peckensis (mosasauridae, plioplatecarpinae), with functional implications for locomotor behavior. Anatomical Record-Advances In Integrative Anatomy And Evolutionary Biology 2015;298:1597-1611.
O'Neill, MC; Lee, LF; Demes, B; Thompson, NE; Larson, SG; Stern, JT; Umberger, BR. Three-dimensional kinematics of the pelvis and hind limbs in chimpanzee (pan troglodytes) and human bipedal walking. Journal Of Human Evolution 2015;86:32-42.
Karantanis, NE; Youlatos, D; Rychlik, L. Diagonal gaits in the feathertail glider acrobates pygmaeus (acrobatidae, diprotodontia): insights for the evolution of primate quadrupedalism. Journal Of Human Evolution 2015;86:43-54.
Osborn, ML; Homberger, DG. The human shoulder suspension apparatus: a causal explanation for bilateral asymmetry and a fresh look at the evolution of human bipedality. Anatomical Record-Advances In Integrative Anatomy And Evolutionary Biology 2015;298:1572-1588.
Rostro-Gonzalez, H; Cerna-Garcia, PA; Trejo-Caballero, G; Garcia-Capulin, CH; Ibarra-Manzano, MA; Avina-Cervantes, JG; Torres-Huitzil, C. A cpg system based on spiking neurons for hexapod robot locomotion. Neurocomputing 2015;170:47-54.
Barron-Zambrano, J; Torres-Huitzil, C; Girau, B. Perception-driven adaptive cpg-based locomotion for hexapod robots. Neurocomputing 2015;170:63-78.
Ferreira, C; Santos, CP. Combining central pattern generators and reflexes. Neurocomputing 2015;170:79-91.
Zheng, NG; Su, LJ; Zhang, DQ; Gao, LQ; Yao, M; Wu, ZH. A computational model for ratbot locomotion based on cyborg intelligence. Neurocomputing 2015;170:92-97.
Carvalho, CS; Raptopoulos, LSC; Andrade, WS; Alves, DSF; Dutra, MS; Franca, FMG. Extending smer-based cpgs to accommodate total support phases and kinematics-safe transitions between gait rhythms of hexapod robots. Neurocomputing 2015;170:113-127.
Huang, Y; Wang, QN. Disturbance rejection of central pattern generator based torque-stiffness-controlled dynamic walking. Neurocomputing 2015;170:141-151.
Smith, BJH; Cullingford, L; Usherwood, JR. Identification of mouse gaits using a novel force-sensing exercise wheel. Journal Of Applied Physiology 2015;119:704-718.
Lee, H; Hogan, N. Time-varying ankle mechanical impedance during human locomotion. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering 2015;23:755-764.
Park, SG; Kim, B; Lee, J; Huang, WX; Sung, HJ. Dynamics of prolate jellyfish with a jet-based locomotion. Journal Of Fluids And Structures 2015;57:331-343.
Karimi, MT. Sensitivity analysis and comparison of two methods of using heart rate to represent energy expenditure during walking. Work-A Journal Of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation 2015;51:799-805.
Staffa, M; Perfetto, D; Rossi, S. Engineering central pattern generated behaviors for the deployment of robotic systems. Neurocomputing 2015;170:98-112.
Arnould, A; Boureau, F; Benad, K; Pasquier, G; Migaud, H; Girard, J. Computed tomography evaluation of hip geometry restoration after total hip resurfacing. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2015;101:571-575.
Crisco, JJ; Patel, T; Halilaj, E; Moore, DC. The envelope of physiological motion of the first carpometacarpal joint. Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 2015;137:.
Shaftel, ND; Ayalon, O; Liu, S; Sapienza, A; Green, S. Impact of joint position and joint morphology on assessment of thumb metacarpophalangeal joint radial collateral ligament integrity. Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2015;40:1838-1843.
Eskinazi, I; Fregly, BJ. Surrogate modeling of deformable joint contact using artificial neural networks. Medical Engineering & Physics 2015;37:885-891.
Wang, Y; Yuan, M; Guo, QY; Lu, SB; Peng, J. Mesenchymal stem cells for treating articular cartilage defects and osteoarthritis. Cell Transplantation 2015;24:1661-1678.
Segal, NA; Nevitt, MC; Lynch, JA; Niu, J; Torner, JC; Guermazi, A. Diagnostic performance of 3d standing ct imaging for detection of knee osteoarthritis features. Physician And Sportsmedicine 2015;43:213-220.
Bates, NA; Nesbitt, RJ; Shearn, JT; Myer, GD; Hewett, TE. A novel methodology for the simulation of athletic tasks on cadaveric knee joints with respect to in vivo kinematics. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2015;43:2456-2466.
Kleinhans, KL; Jaworski, LM; Schneiderbauer, MM; Jackson, AR. Effect of static compressive strain, anisotropy, and tissue region on the diffusion of glucose in meniscus fibrocartilage. Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 2015;137:.
Rowland, EM; Mohamied, Y; Chooi, KY; Bailey, EL; Weinberg, PD. Comparison of statistical methods for assessing spatial correlations between maps of different arterial properties. Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 2015;137:.
Han, R; Zhang, J; Cao, L; Lu, XY. Propulsive performance of a passively flapping plate in a uniform flow. Journal Of Hydrodynamics 2015;27:496-501.
Sierra, M; Miana-Mena, FJ; Calvo, B; Munoz, MJ; Rodriguez, JF; Grasa, J. On using model populations to determine mechanical properties of skeletal muscle. application to concentric contraction simulation. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2015;43:2444-2455.
Halperin, I; Chapman, DW; Behm, DG. Non-local muscle fatigue: effects and possible mechanisms. European Journal Of Applied Physiology 2015;115:2031-2048.
Remigio-Baker, RA; Allison, MA; Schreiner, PJ; Carnethon, MR; Nettleton, JA; Mujahid, MS; Szklo, M; Crum, RM; Leuotsakos, JM; Franco, M; Jensky, N; Golden, SH. Sex and race/ethnic disparities in the cross-sectional association between depressive symptoms and muscle mass: the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis. Bmc Psychiatry 2015;15:.
Dinca, IN; Dinca, EB; Pasalega, M; Dumitrescu, T; Dragoi, GS. Variable space distribution of the structures forming the muscle and fascia system in the lumbar region of trunk. implications in the biomechanics of trauma and legal medicine. Romanian Journal Of Legal Medicine 2015;23:227-232.
Stenroth, L; Sillanpaa, E; McPhee, JS; Narici, MV; Gapeyeva, H; Paasuke, M; Barnouin, Y; Hogrel, JY; Butler-Browne, G; Bijlsma, A; Meskers, CGM; Maier, AB; Finni, T; Sipila, S. Plantarflexor muscle-tendon properties are associated with mobility in healthy older adults. Journals Of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences And Medical Sciences 2015;70:996-1002.
Severens, M; Perusquia-Hernandez, M; Nienhuis, B; Farquhar, J; Duysens, J. Using actual and imagined walking related desynchronization features in a bci. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering 2015;23:877-886.
Zhang, BC; Liu, HB; Cai, XH; Wang, ZH; Xu, F; Kang, H; Ding, R; Luo, XQ. Biomechanical comparison of a novel transoral atlantoaxial anchored cage with established fixation technique - a finite element analysis. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 2015;16:.
Shih, KS; Hsu, CC; Hou, SM; Yu, SC; Liaw, CK. Comparison of the bending performance of solid and cannulated spinal pedicle screws using finite element analyses and biomechanical tests. Medical Engineering & Physics 2015;37:879-884.
Pomeshchik, Y; Puttonen, KA; Kidin, I; Ruponen, M; Lehtonen, S; Malm, T; Akesson, E; Hovatta, O; Koistinaho, J. Transplanted human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural progenitor cells do not promote functional recovery of pharmacologically immunosuppressed mice with contusion spinal cord injury. Cell Transplantation 2015;24:1799-1812.
Zhu, R; Yu, Y; Zeng, ZL; Cheng, LM. A review of the static loads applying on the finite element models of the lumbar spine. Journal Of Medical Imaging And Health Informatics 2015;5:893-897.
Chae, SW; Lee, J; Han, SH; Kim, SY. Inferior tilt fixation of the glenoid component in reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: a biomechanical study. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2015;101:421-425.
Reichel, LM; Lafferty, PM. Letter regarding "olecranon fractures with sagittal splits treated with dual fixation". Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2015;40:1920-1920.
Katthagen, JC; Schwarze, M; Bauer, L; Meyer-Kobbe, J; Voigt, C; Hurschler, C; Lill, H. Is there any advantage in placing an additional calcar screw in locked nailing of proximal humeral fractures?. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2015;101:431-435.
Singer, JC; Mochizuki, G. Post-stroke lower limb spasticity alters the interlimb temporal synchronization of centre of pressure displacements across multiple timescales. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering 2015;23:786-795.
Gildenhuys, A; Zandiyeh, P; Kuntze, G; Goldsmith, P; Ronsky, JL. Biomechanical analysis of a dynamic stability test system to evoke sway and step recovery. Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 2015;137:.
Heitmann, S; Boonstra, T; Gong, PL; Breakspear, M; Ermentrout, B. The rhythms of steady posture: motor commands as spatially organized oscillation patterns. Neurocomputing 2015;170:3-14.
Zissimopoulos, A; Fatone, S; Gard, S. Effects of ankle-foot orthoses on mediolateral foot-placement ability during post-stroke gait. Prosthetics And Orthotics International 2015;39:372-379.
Agrawal, V; Gailey, RS; Gaunaurd, IA; O'Toole, C; Finnieston, A; Tolchin, R. Comparison of four different categories of prosthetic feet during ramp ambulation in unilateral transtibial amputees. Prosthetics And Orthotics International 2015;39:380-389.
Baars, EC; Schrier, E; Geertzen, JH; Dijkstra, PU. Biomedical and psychosocial factors influencing transtibial prosthesis fit: a delphi survey among health care professionals. Disability And Rehabilitation 2015;37:1946-1954.
Lee, YH; Tran, DT; Hyun, JH; Phan, LT; Koo, IM; Yang, SU; Choi, HR. A gait transition algorithm based on hybrid walking gait for a quadruped walking robot. Intelligent Service Robotics 2015;8:185-200.
Zhang, SS; Rong, XW; Li, YB; Li, B. A free gait generation method for quadruped robots over rough terrains containing forbidden areas. Journal Of Mechanical Science And Technology 2015;29:3983-3993.
Stefanucci, JK; Creem-Regehr, SH; Thompson, WB; Lessard, DA; Geuss, MN. Evaluating the accuracy of size perception on screen-based displays: displayed objects appear smaller than real objects. Journal Of Experimental Psychology-Applied 2015;21:215-223.
Vernillo, G; Savoldelli, A; Zignoli, A; Skafidas, S; Fornasiero, A; La Torre, A; Bortolan, L; Pellegrini, B; Schena, F. Energy cost and kinematics of level, uphill and downhill running: fatigue-induced changes after a mountain ultramarathon. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2015;33:1998-2005.
Milligan, A; Mills, C; Corbett, J; Scurr, J. Magnitude of multiplanar breast kinematics differs depending upon run distance. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2015;33:2025-2034.
White, J; Mills, C; Ball, N; Scurr, J. The effect of breast support and breast pain on upper-extremity kinematics during running: implications for females with large breasts. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2015;33:2043-2050.
Pereira, SM; Ruschel, C; Hubert, M; Machado, L; Roesler, H; Fernandes, RJ; Vilas-Boas, JP. Kinematic, kinetic and emg analysis of four front crawl flip turn techniques. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2015;33:2006-2015.
Hohmann, E; Bryant, AL; Livingstone, E; Reaburn, P; Tetsworth, K; Imhoff, A. Tibial acceleration profiles during the menstrual cycle in female athletes. Archives Of Orthopaedic And Trauma Surgery 2015;135:1419-1427.
Zadpoor, AA. Etiology of femoroacetabular impingement in athletes: a review of recent findings. Sports Medicine 2015;45:1097-1106.
Grant, TM; Yapp, C; Chen, Q; Czernuszka, JT; Thompson, MS. The mechanical, structural, and compositional changes of tendon exposed to elastase. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2015;43:2477-2486.
Liao, XC; Kemp, S; Corner, G; Eisma, R; Huang, ZH. Elastic properties of thiel-embalmed human ankle tendon and ligament. Clinical Anatomy 2015;28:917-924.
Malone, PSC; Cooley, J; Terenghi, G; Lees, VC. The effect of elbow extension on the biomechanics of the osseoligamentous structures of the forearm. Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2015;40:1776-1784.
Wong, YR; Lee, CS; Loke, AMK; Liu, X; Suzana, MJI; Tay, SC. Comparison of flexor tendon repair between 6-strand lim-tsai with 4-strand cruciate and becker technique. Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2015;40:1806-1811.
Jordan, MC; Schmitt, V; Jansen, H; Meffert, RH; Hoelscher-Doht, S. Biomechanical analysis of the modified kessler, lahey, adelaide, and becker sutures for flexor tendon repair. Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2015;40:1812-1817.
Maerz, T; Kurdziel, MD; Davidson, AA; Baker, KC; Anderson, K; Matthew, HWT. Biomechanical characterization of a model of noninvasive, traumatic anterior cruciate ligament injury in the rat. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2015;43:2467-2476.
Wang, MH; Zhou, Y; Zhao, S; Luo, Y. Challenges faced in the clinical application of artificial anal sphincters. Journal Of Zhejiang University-Science B 2015;16:733-742.
Mlyniec, A; Tomaszewski, KA; Spiesz, EM; Uhl, T. Molecular-based nonlinear viscoelastic chemomechanical model incorporating thermal denaturation kinetics of collagen fibrous biomaterials. Polymer Degradation And Stability 2015;119:87-95.
Tepole, AB; Kabaria, H; Bletzinger, KU; Kuhl, E. Isogeometric kirchhoff-love shell formulations for biological membranes. Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics And Engineering 2015;293:328-347.
Romanyuk, N; Amemori, T; Turnovcova, K; Prochazka, P; Onteniente, B; Sykova, E; Jendelova, P. Beneficial effect of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural precursors in spinal cord injury repair. Cell Transplantation 2015;24:1781-1797.
Rowson, B; Rowson, S; Duma, SM. Hockey star: a methodology for assessing the biomechanical performance of hockey helmets. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2015;43:2429-2443.
Sahoo, D; Deck, C; Yoganandan, N; Willinger, R. Influence of head mass on temporo-parietal skull impact using finite element modeling. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2015;53:869-878.
Poli, M; Lefevre, A; Auxenfans, C; Burillon, C. Corneal collagen cross-linking for the treatment of progressive corneal ectasia: 6-year prospective outcome in a french population. American Journal Of Ophthalmology 2015;160:654-662.
Arikan, S; Ersan, I; Kara, S; Gencer, B; Korkmaz, S; Vural, AS. Corneal thickness of eyes with unilateral age-related macular degeneration. European Journal Of Ophthalmology 2015;25:214-217.
Spoerl, E; Pillunat, KR; Kuhlisch, E; Pillunat, LE. Concept for analyzing biomechanical parameters in clinical studies. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 2015;38:389-389.
Yulek, F. Corneal biomechanics in steroid induced ocular hypertension. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 2015;38:390-390.
Dikci, S; Genc, O; Ekmen, R; Tas, M; Firat, PG; Demirel, S. The corneal biomechanical parameters in type 1 diabetes mellitus. European Journal Of Ophthalmology 2015;25:69-5057-6950-57.
Labiris, G; Kozobolis, V. A proposed biomechanical scale for the diagnosis of corneal ectatic disorders. European Journal Of Ophthalmology 2015;25:69-5169-52.
Ikegami, T; Takemura, A; Choi, E; Suda, A; Tomonaga, S; Badruzzaman, M; Furuse, M. Increase in telencephalic dopamine and cerebellar norepinephrine contents by hydrostatic pressure in goldfish: the possible involvement in hydrostatic pressure-related locomotion. Fish Physiology And Biochemistry 2015;41:1105-1115.
Debaere, S; Delecluse, C; Aerenhouts, D; Hagman, F; Jonkers, I. Control of propulsion and body lift during the first two stances of sprint running: a simulation study. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2015;33:2016-2024.
October 08 - October 14, 2015
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Wouter Hoogkamer, Ph.D.
Locomotion Lab, University of Colorado
Department of Kinesiology, KU Leuven
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- Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, butmay be available in electronic form through the publisher
Klein, KF; Hu, JW; Reed, MP; Hoff, CN; Rupp, JD. Development and validation of statistical models of femur geometry for use with parametric finite element models. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2015;43:2503-2514.
Ren, H; Liang, D; Jiang, XB; Tang, JJ; Cui, JC; Wei, QS; Zhang, SC; Yao, ZS; Shen, GY; Lin, SX. Variance of spinal osteoporosis induced by dexamethasone and methylprednisolone and its associated mechanism. Steroids 2015;102:65-75.
Basso, T. Internal fixation of fragility fractures of the femoral neck ex vivo biomechanical studies. Acta Orthopaedica 2015;86:.
Larjavaara, M. Trees and shrubs differ bionnechanically. Trends In Ecology & Evolution 2015;30:499-500.
Yu, B; Xu, DJ; Sun, H; Yang, K; Luo, M. Comparative analysis of mechanical properties of pwv, no and ascending aorta between why rats and shr rats. Acta Cardiologica Sinica 2015;31:429-435.
Stoiber, M; Messner, B; Grasl, C; Gschlad, V; Bergmeister, H; Bernhard, D; Schima, H. A method for mechanical characterization of small blood vessels and vascular grafts. Experimental Mechanics 2015;55:1591-1595.
Ambardekar, AV; Hunter, KS; Babu, AN; Tuder, RM; Dodson, RB; Lindenfeld, J. Changes in aortic wall structure, composition, and stiffness with continuous-flow left ventricular assist devices a pilot study. Circulation-Heart Failure 2015;8:944-952.
Maina, JN. Structural and biomechanical properties of the exchange tissue of the avian lung. Anatomical Record-Advances In Integrative Anatomy And Evolutionary Biology 2015;298:1673-1688.
Rezende, EL; Bacigalupe, LD. Thermoregulation in endotherms: physiological principles and ecological consequences. Journal Of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic And Environmental Physiology 2015;185:709-727.
Zhong, Z; Hu, JQ; Wu, XD; Sun, Y; Jiang, J. Myocardin-related transcription factor-a-overexpressing bone marrow stem cells protect cardiomyocytes and alleviate cardiac damage in a rat model of acute myocardial infarction. International Journal Of Molecular Medicine 2015;36:753-759.
Hamon, P; Rodero, MP; Combadiere, C; Boissonnas, A. Tracking mouse bone marrow monocytes in vivo. Jove-Journal Of Visualized Experiments 2015;NaN:.
D'Auria, F; Centurione, L; Centurione, MA; Angelini, A; Di Pietro, R. Tumor necrosis factor related apoptosis inducing ligand (trail) in endothelial response to biomechanical and biochemical stresses in arteries. Journal Of Cellular Biochemistry 2015;116:2427-2434.
Babahosseini, H; Strobl, JS; Agah, M. Using nanotechnology and microfluidics in search of cell biomechanical cues for cancer progression. Nanomedicine 2015;10:2635-2638.
Pascual-Arribas, C; Canudo, JI; Perez, ES; Hernandez-Medrano, N; Castanera, D; Barco, JL. On the validity of pteraichnus palacieisaenzi, pascual arribas and sanz perez 2000: new data from the huerteles formation. Palaeontologische Zeitschrift 2015;89:459-483.
Tawara, D; Nagahata, M; Takano, N; Kinoshita, H; Abe, S. Probabilistic analysis of mechanical behaviour of mandibular trabecular bone using a calibrated stochastic homogenization model. Acta Mechanica 2015;226:3275-3287.
Bozzini, C; Picasso, E; Champin, G; Bozzini, CE; Alippi, RM. Effect of physical consistency of food on the biomechanical behaviour of the mandible in the growing rat. European Journal Of Oral Sciences 2015;123:350-355.
Hutchinson, EF; Farella, M; Kramer, B. Importance of teeth in maintaining the morphology of the adult mandible in humans. European Journal Of Oral Sciences 2015;123:341-349.
Solow, RA. Channel retention for fixed implant superstructures: a clinical report. Journal Of Prosthetic Dentistry 2015;114:323-327.
Park, CJ; Park, HS. Development of a piggyback-type transfer assist system to assist caregivers with patients being unable to move themselves. Journal Of Mechanical Science And Technology 2015;29:3761-3769.
Fernandez, PJ; Almecija, S; Patel, BA; Orr, CM; Tocheri, MW; Jungers, WL. Functional aspects of metatarsal head shape in humans, apes, and old world monkeys. Journal Of Human Evolution 2015;86:136-146.
Young, NM; Capellini, TD; Roach, NT; Alemseged, Z. Fossil hominin shoulders support an african ape-like last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2015;112:11829-11834.
Cuthbertson, RS; Maddin, HC; Holmes, RB; Anderson, JS. The braincase and endosseous labyrinth of plioplatecarpus peckensis (mosasauridae, plioplatecarpinae), with functional implications for locomotor behavior. Anatomical Record-Advances In Integrative Anatomy And Evolutionary Biology 2015;298:1597-1611.
O'Neill, MC; Lee, LF; Demes, B; Thompson, NE; Larson, SG; Stern, JT; Umberger, BR. Three-dimensional kinematics of the pelvis and hind limbs in chimpanzee (pan troglodytes) and human bipedal walking. Journal Of Human Evolution 2015;86:32-42.
Karantanis, NE; Youlatos, D; Rychlik, L. Diagonal gaits in the feathertail glider acrobates pygmaeus (acrobatidae, diprotodontia): insights for the evolution of primate quadrupedalism. Journal Of Human Evolution 2015;86:43-54.
Osborn, ML; Homberger, DG. The human shoulder suspension apparatus: a causal explanation for bilateral asymmetry and a fresh look at the evolution of human bipedality. Anatomical Record-Advances In Integrative Anatomy And Evolutionary Biology 2015;298:1572-1588.
Rostro-Gonzalez, H; Cerna-Garcia, PA; Trejo-Caballero, G; Garcia-Capulin, CH; Ibarra-Manzano, MA; Avina-Cervantes, JG; Torres-Huitzil, C. A cpg system based on spiking neurons for hexapod robot locomotion. Neurocomputing 2015;170:47-54.
Barron-Zambrano, J; Torres-Huitzil, C; Girau, B. Perception-driven adaptive cpg-based locomotion for hexapod robots. Neurocomputing 2015;170:63-78.
Ferreira, C; Santos, CP. Combining central pattern generators and reflexes. Neurocomputing 2015;170:79-91.
Zheng, NG; Su, LJ; Zhang, DQ; Gao, LQ; Yao, M; Wu, ZH. A computational model for ratbot locomotion based on cyborg intelligence. Neurocomputing 2015;170:92-97.
Carvalho, CS; Raptopoulos, LSC; Andrade, WS; Alves, DSF; Dutra, MS; Franca, FMG. Extending smer-based cpgs to accommodate total support phases and kinematics-safe transitions between gait rhythms of hexapod robots. Neurocomputing 2015;170:113-127.
Huang, Y; Wang, QN. Disturbance rejection of central pattern generator based torque-stiffness-controlled dynamic walking. Neurocomputing 2015;170:141-151.
Smith, BJH; Cullingford, L; Usherwood, JR. Identification of mouse gaits using a novel force-sensing exercise wheel. Journal Of Applied Physiology 2015;119:704-718.
Lee, H; Hogan, N. Time-varying ankle mechanical impedance during human locomotion. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering 2015;23:755-764.
Park, SG; Kim, B; Lee, J; Huang, WX; Sung, HJ. Dynamics of prolate jellyfish with a jet-based locomotion. Journal Of Fluids And Structures 2015;57:331-343.
Karimi, MT. Sensitivity analysis and comparison of two methods of using heart rate to represent energy expenditure during walking. Work-A Journal Of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation 2015;51:799-805.
Staffa, M; Perfetto, D; Rossi, S. Engineering central pattern generated behaviors for the deployment of robotic systems. Neurocomputing 2015;170:98-112.
Arnould, A; Boureau, F; Benad, K; Pasquier, G; Migaud, H; Girard, J. Computed tomography evaluation of hip geometry restoration after total hip resurfacing. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2015;101:571-575.
Crisco, JJ; Patel, T; Halilaj, E; Moore, DC. The envelope of physiological motion of the first carpometacarpal joint. Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 2015;137:.
Shaftel, ND; Ayalon, O; Liu, S; Sapienza, A; Green, S. Impact of joint position and joint morphology on assessment of thumb metacarpophalangeal joint radial collateral ligament integrity. Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2015;40:1838-1843.
Eskinazi, I; Fregly, BJ. Surrogate modeling of deformable joint contact using artificial neural networks. Medical Engineering & Physics 2015;37:885-891.
Wang, Y; Yuan, M; Guo, QY; Lu, SB; Peng, J. Mesenchymal stem cells for treating articular cartilage defects and osteoarthritis. Cell Transplantation 2015;24:1661-1678.
Segal, NA; Nevitt, MC; Lynch, JA; Niu, J; Torner, JC; Guermazi, A. Diagnostic performance of 3d standing ct imaging for detection of knee osteoarthritis features. Physician And Sportsmedicine 2015;43:213-220.
Bates, NA; Nesbitt, RJ; Shearn, JT; Myer, GD; Hewett, TE. A novel methodology for the simulation of athletic tasks on cadaveric knee joints with respect to in vivo kinematics. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2015;43:2456-2466.
Kleinhans, KL; Jaworski, LM; Schneiderbauer, MM; Jackson, AR. Effect of static compressive strain, anisotropy, and tissue region on the diffusion of glucose in meniscus fibrocartilage. Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 2015;137:.
Rowland, EM; Mohamied, Y; Chooi, KY; Bailey, EL; Weinberg, PD. Comparison of statistical methods for assessing spatial correlations between maps of different arterial properties. Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 2015;137:.
Han, R; Zhang, J; Cao, L; Lu, XY. Propulsive performance of a passively flapping plate in a uniform flow. Journal Of Hydrodynamics 2015;27:496-501.
Sierra, M; Miana-Mena, FJ; Calvo, B; Munoz, MJ; Rodriguez, JF; Grasa, J. On using model populations to determine mechanical properties of skeletal muscle. application to concentric contraction simulation. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2015;43:2444-2455.
Halperin, I; Chapman, DW; Behm, DG. Non-local muscle fatigue: effects and possible mechanisms. European Journal Of Applied Physiology 2015;115:2031-2048.
Remigio-Baker, RA; Allison, MA; Schreiner, PJ; Carnethon, MR; Nettleton, JA; Mujahid, MS; Szklo, M; Crum, RM; Leuotsakos, JM; Franco, M; Jensky, N; Golden, SH. Sex and race/ethnic disparities in the cross-sectional association between depressive symptoms and muscle mass: the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis. Bmc Psychiatry 2015;15:.
Dinca, IN; Dinca, EB; Pasalega, M; Dumitrescu, T; Dragoi, GS. Variable space distribution of the structures forming the muscle and fascia system in the lumbar region of trunk. implications in the biomechanics of trauma and legal medicine. Romanian Journal Of Legal Medicine 2015;23:227-232.
Stenroth, L; Sillanpaa, E; McPhee, JS; Narici, MV; Gapeyeva, H; Paasuke, M; Barnouin, Y; Hogrel, JY; Butler-Browne, G; Bijlsma, A; Meskers, CGM; Maier, AB; Finni, T; Sipila, S. Plantarflexor muscle-tendon properties are associated with mobility in healthy older adults. Journals Of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences And Medical Sciences 2015;70:996-1002.
Severens, M; Perusquia-Hernandez, M; Nienhuis, B; Farquhar, J; Duysens, J. Using actual and imagined walking related desynchronization features in a bci. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering 2015;23:877-886.
Zhang, BC; Liu, HB; Cai, XH; Wang, ZH; Xu, F; Kang, H; Ding, R; Luo, XQ. Biomechanical comparison of a novel transoral atlantoaxial anchored cage with established fixation technique - a finite element analysis. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 2015;16:.
Shih, KS; Hsu, CC; Hou, SM; Yu, SC; Liaw, CK. Comparison of the bending performance of solid and cannulated spinal pedicle screws using finite element analyses and biomechanical tests. Medical Engineering & Physics 2015;37:879-884.
Pomeshchik, Y; Puttonen, KA; Kidin, I; Ruponen, M; Lehtonen, S; Malm, T; Akesson, E; Hovatta, O; Koistinaho, J. Transplanted human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural progenitor cells do not promote functional recovery of pharmacologically immunosuppressed mice with contusion spinal cord injury. Cell Transplantation 2015;24:1799-1812.
Zhu, R; Yu, Y; Zeng, ZL; Cheng, LM. A review of the static loads applying on the finite element models of the lumbar spine. Journal Of Medical Imaging And Health Informatics 2015;5:893-897.
Chae, SW; Lee, J; Han, SH; Kim, SY. Inferior tilt fixation of the glenoid component in reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: a biomechanical study. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2015;101:421-425.
Reichel, LM; Lafferty, PM. Letter regarding "olecranon fractures with sagittal splits treated with dual fixation". Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2015;40:1920-1920.
Katthagen, JC; Schwarze, M; Bauer, L; Meyer-Kobbe, J; Voigt, C; Hurschler, C; Lill, H. Is there any advantage in placing an additional calcar screw in locked nailing of proximal humeral fractures?. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2015;101:431-435.
Singer, JC; Mochizuki, G. Post-stroke lower limb spasticity alters the interlimb temporal synchronization of centre of pressure displacements across multiple timescales. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering 2015;23:786-795.
Gildenhuys, A; Zandiyeh, P; Kuntze, G; Goldsmith, P; Ronsky, JL. Biomechanical analysis of a dynamic stability test system to evoke sway and step recovery. Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 2015;137:.
Heitmann, S; Boonstra, T; Gong, PL; Breakspear, M; Ermentrout, B. The rhythms of steady posture: motor commands as spatially organized oscillation patterns. Neurocomputing 2015;170:3-14.
Zissimopoulos, A; Fatone, S; Gard, S. Effects of ankle-foot orthoses on mediolateral foot-placement ability during post-stroke gait. Prosthetics And Orthotics International 2015;39:372-379.
Agrawal, V; Gailey, RS; Gaunaurd, IA; O'Toole, C; Finnieston, A; Tolchin, R. Comparison of four different categories of prosthetic feet during ramp ambulation in unilateral transtibial amputees. Prosthetics And Orthotics International 2015;39:380-389.
Baars, EC; Schrier, E; Geertzen, JH; Dijkstra, PU. Biomedical and psychosocial factors influencing transtibial prosthesis fit: a delphi survey among health care professionals. Disability And Rehabilitation 2015;37:1946-1954.
Lee, YH; Tran, DT; Hyun, JH; Phan, LT; Koo, IM; Yang, SU; Choi, HR. A gait transition algorithm based on hybrid walking gait for a quadruped walking robot. Intelligent Service Robotics 2015;8:185-200.
Zhang, SS; Rong, XW; Li, YB; Li, B. A free gait generation method for quadruped robots over rough terrains containing forbidden areas. Journal Of Mechanical Science And Technology 2015;29:3983-3993.
Stefanucci, JK; Creem-Regehr, SH; Thompson, WB; Lessard, DA; Geuss, MN. Evaluating the accuracy of size perception on screen-based displays: displayed objects appear smaller than real objects. Journal Of Experimental Psychology-Applied 2015;21:215-223.
Vernillo, G; Savoldelli, A; Zignoli, A; Skafidas, S; Fornasiero, A; La Torre, A; Bortolan, L; Pellegrini, B; Schena, F. Energy cost and kinematics of level, uphill and downhill running: fatigue-induced changes after a mountain ultramarathon. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2015;33:1998-2005.
Milligan, A; Mills, C; Corbett, J; Scurr, J. Magnitude of multiplanar breast kinematics differs depending upon run distance. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2015;33:2025-2034.
White, J; Mills, C; Ball, N; Scurr, J. The effect of breast support and breast pain on upper-extremity kinematics during running: implications for females with large breasts. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2015;33:2043-2050.
Pereira, SM; Ruschel, C; Hubert, M; Machado, L; Roesler, H; Fernandes, RJ; Vilas-Boas, JP. Kinematic, kinetic and emg analysis of four front crawl flip turn techniques. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2015;33:2006-2015.
Hohmann, E; Bryant, AL; Livingstone, E; Reaburn, P; Tetsworth, K; Imhoff, A. Tibial acceleration profiles during the menstrual cycle in female athletes. Archives Of Orthopaedic And Trauma Surgery 2015;135:1419-1427.
Zadpoor, AA. Etiology of femoroacetabular impingement in athletes: a review of recent findings. Sports Medicine 2015;45:1097-1106.
Grant, TM; Yapp, C; Chen, Q; Czernuszka, JT; Thompson, MS. The mechanical, structural, and compositional changes of tendon exposed to elastase. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2015;43:2477-2486.
Liao, XC; Kemp, S; Corner, G; Eisma, R; Huang, ZH. Elastic properties of thiel-embalmed human ankle tendon and ligament. Clinical Anatomy 2015;28:917-924.
Malone, PSC; Cooley, J; Terenghi, G; Lees, VC. The effect of elbow extension on the biomechanics of the osseoligamentous structures of the forearm. Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2015;40:1776-1784.
Wong, YR; Lee, CS; Loke, AMK; Liu, X; Suzana, MJI; Tay, SC. Comparison of flexor tendon repair between 6-strand lim-tsai with 4-strand cruciate and becker technique. Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2015;40:1806-1811.
Jordan, MC; Schmitt, V; Jansen, H; Meffert, RH; Hoelscher-Doht, S. Biomechanical analysis of the modified kessler, lahey, adelaide, and becker sutures for flexor tendon repair. Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2015;40:1812-1817.
Maerz, T; Kurdziel, MD; Davidson, AA; Baker, KC; Anderson, K; Matthew, HWT. Biomechanical characterization of a model of noninvasive, traumatic anterior cruciate ligament injury in the rat. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2015;43:2467-2476.
Wang, MH; Zhou, Y; Zhao, S; Luo, Y. Challenges faced in the clinical application of artificial anal sphincters. Journal Of Zhejiang University-Science B 2015;16:733-742.
Mlyniec, A; Tomaszewski, KA; Spiesz, EM; Uhl, T. Molecular-based nonlinear viscoelastic chemomechanical model incorporating thermal denaturation kinetics of collagen fibrous biomaterials. Polymer Degradation And Stability 2015;119:87-95.
Tepole, AB; Kabaria, H; Bletzinger, KU; Kuhl, E. Isogeometric kirchhoff-love shell formulations for biological membranes. Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics And Engineering 2015;293:328-347.
Romanyuk, N; Amemori, T; Turnovcova, K; Prochazka, P; Onteniente, B; Sykova, E; Jendelova, P. Beneficial effect of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neural precursors in spinal cord injury repair. Cell Transplantation 2015;24:1781-1797.
Rowson, B; Rowson, S; Duma, SM. Hockey star: a methodology for assessing the biomechanical performance of hockey helmets. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2015;43:2429-2443.
Sahoo, D; Deck, C; Yoganandan, N; Willinger, R. Influence of head mass on temporo-parietal skull impact using finite element modeling. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2015;53:869-878.
Poli, M; Lefevre, A; Auxenfans, C; Burillon, C. Corneal collagen cross-linking for the treatment of progressive corneal ectasia: 6-year prospective outcome in a french population. American Journal Of Ophthalmology 2015;160:654-662.
Arikan, S; Ersan, I; Kara, S; Gencer, B; Korkmaz, S; Vural, AS. Corneal thickness of eyes with unilateral age-related macular degeneration. European Journal Of Ophthalmology 2015;25:214-217.
Spoerl, E; Pillunat, KR; Kuhlisch, E; Pillunat, LE. Concept for analyzing biomechanical parameters in clinical studies. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 2015;38:389-389.
Yulek, F. Corneal biomechanics in steroid induced ocular hypertension. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 2015;38:390-390.
Dikci, S; Genc, O; Ekmen, R; Tas, M; Firat, PG; Demirel, S. The corneal biomechanical parameters in type 1 diabetes mellitus. European Journal Of Ophthalmology 2015;25:69-5057-6950-57.
Labiris, G; Kozobolis, V. A proposed biomechanical scale for the diagnosis of corneal ectatic disorders. European Journal Of Ophthalmology 2015;25:69-5169-52.
Ikegami, T; Takemura, A; Choi, E; Suda, A; Tomonaga, S; Badruzzaman, M; Furuse, M. Increase in telencephalic dopamine and cerebellar norepinephrine contents by hydrostatic pressure in goldfish: the possible involvement in hydrostatic pressure-related locomotion. Fish Physiology And Biochemistry 2015;41:1105-1115.
Debaere, S; Delecluse, C; Aerenhouts, D; Hagman, F; Jonkers, I. Control of propulsion and body lift during the first two stances of sprint running: a simulation study. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2015;33:2016-2024.