June 07 - June 13, 2018
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Sarah A Roelker, PhD
Neuromuscular Biomechanics Lab
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Texas at Austin, USA
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Karaduman, D; Bircan, DA; Cetin, A. Assessment of crack initiation and propagation in bone using acoustic emission (ae) techniques. Journal Of Mechanics In Medicine And Biology 2018;18:.
Meguid, EA; Ke, YH; Ji, JF; El-Hashash, AHK. Stem cells applications in bone and tooth repair and regeneration: new insights, tools, and hopes. Journal Of Cellular Physiology 2018;233:1825-1835.
Gao, S; Xia, ZY; Li, YY; Long, J. Reconstruction of mandibular defects using porous titanium: an experimental study in goats. Journal Of Biomaterials And Tissue Engineering 2018;8:397-404.
Yu, ZL; Jiao, BF; Li, ZB. Lysophosphatidic acid analogue rather than lysophosphatidic acid promoted the bone formation in vivo. Biomed Research International 2018;NaN:.
Hu, ZQ; Du, MQ; Lai, WX; Liang, YL; Liu, Q; Mo, YL; Bei, JX; Li, SH; Yang, YJ; Xu, JR; Cui, L. Energy metabolism in the bone is associated with histomorphometric changes in rats with hyperthyroidism. Cellular Physiology And Biochemistry 2018;46:1471-1482.
Wu, JZ; Liu, PC; Liu, R; Cai, M. Icariin restores bone structure and strength in a rat model of chronic high-dose alcohol-induced osteopenia. Cellular Physiology And Biochemistry 2018;46:1727-1736.
Dincel, YM; Alagoz, E; Arikan, Y; Caglar, AK; Dogru, SC; Ortes, F; Arslan, YZ. Biomechanical, histological, and radiological effects of different phosphodiesterase inhibitors on femoral fracture healing in rats. Journal Of Orthopaedic Surgery 2018;26:.
Nauleau, P; Apostolakis, I; McGarry, M; Konofagou, E. Cross-correlation analysis of pulse wave propagation in arteries: in vitro validation and in vivo feasibility. Physics In Medicine And Biology 2018;63:.
He, ZJ; Ma, X; Wang, Y; Liu, GF; Yang, DP; Li, QC; Li, N. Decellularized fibrin gel-covered canine carotid artery: a completely biological composite scaffold for tissue-engineered small-caliber vascular graft. Journal Of Biomaterials And Tissue Engineering 2018;8:336-346.
Almerey, T; Moore, JF; Farres, H; Feinglass, N; Oldenburg, W; Hakaim, AG. Estimation of biomechanical aortic wall properties in aneurysmal aortas using two-dimensional speckle tracking ultrasonography. Journal Of Vascular Surgery 2018;67:69-5050-5169-5050-51.
Szekeres, M; Nadasy, GL; Dornyei, G; Szenasi, A; Koller, A. Remodeling of wall mechanics and the myogenic mechanism of rat intramural coronary arterioles in response to a short-term daily exercise program: role of endothelial factors. Journal Of Vascular Research 2018;55:87-97.
Grasso, G; Muscat, S; Rebella, M; Morbiducci, U; Audenino, A; Danani, A; Deriu, MA. Cell penetrating peptide modulation of membrane biomechanics by molecular dynamics. Journal Of Biomechanics 2018;73:137-144.
Lajko, E; Tuka, B; Fulop, F; Krizbai, I; Toldi, J; Magyar, K; V,csei, L; Kohidai, L. Kynurenic acid and its derivatives are able to modulate the adhesion and locomotion of brain endothelial cells. Journal Of Neural Transmission 2018;125:899-912.
Hons, M; Kopf, A; Hauschild, R; Leithner, A; Gaertner, F; Abe, J; Renkawitz, J; Stein, JV; Sixt, M. Chemokines and integrins independently tune actin flow and substrate friction during intranodal migration of t cells. Nature Immunology 2018;19:606-43.
Yakovenko, O; Nunez, J; Bensing, B; Yu, H; Mount, J; Zeng, J; Hawkins, J; Chen, X; Sullam, PM; Thomas, W. Serine-rich repeat adhesins mediate shear-enhanced streptococcal binding to platelets. Infection And Immunity 2018;86:.
Mirakzehi, MT; Hosseini, SJ; Saleh, H. Effects of two plant extracts and vitamin ds on bone mechanical and histological properties of broiler chickens. Journal Of Animal And Plant Sciences 2018;28:686-694.
Slaby, P; Bartos, P; Karas, J; Netusil, R; Tomanova, K; Vacha, M. How swift is cry-mediated magnetoreception? conditioning in an american cockroach shows sub-second response. Frontiers In Behavioral Neuroscience 2018;12:.
Grams, M; Wirkner, CS; Runge, J. Serial and special: comparison of podomeres and muscles in tactile vs walking legs of whip scorpions (arachnida, uropygi). Zoologischer Anzeiger 2018;273:75-101.
Chacko, A; Tikku, T; Khanna, R; Maurya, RP; Srivastava, K. Comparative assessment of the efficacy of closed helical loop and t-loop for space closure in lingual orthodontics-a finite element study. Progress In Orthodontics 2018;19:.
Conci, RA; Garbin, EA; Griza, GL; Ernica, NM; Noritomi, PY; Tomazi, FHS; Fritscher, GG; Heitz, C. Does lag screw fixation of condylar fractures result in adequate stability? a finite element analysis. Journal Of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 2018;46:1041-1045.
Ahuja, SA; Galinde, J; Asnani, U; Mistry, YA. Comparative evaluation of clinical outcomes using delta plates and conventional miniplates for internal fixation of mandibular condylar fractures in adults. Journal Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery 2018;76:1255-1266.
Kanat-Erturk, B; Saridag, S; Koseler, E; Helvacioglu-Yigit, D; Avcu, E; Yildiran-Avcu, Y. Fracture strengths of endocrown restorations fabricated with different preparation depths and cad/cam materials. Dental Materials Journal 2018;37:256-265.
Shi, Z; Lv, J; Liu, XY; Zheng, LW; Yang, XW. Condylar degradation from decreased occlusal loading following masticatory muscle atrophy. Biomed Research International 2018;NaN:.
Olivier, AH; Bruneau, J; Kulpa, R; Pettre, J. Walking with virtual people: evaluation of locomotion interfaces in dynamic environments. Ieee Transactions On Visualization And Computer Graphics 2018;24:2251-2263.
Conte, C; Serrao, M; Cuius, L; Ranavolo, A; Conforto, S; Pierelli, F; Padua, L. Effect of restraining the base of support on the other biomechanical features in patients with cerebellar ataxia. Cerebellum 2018;17:264-275.
Ro, DH; Han, HS; Lee, DY; Kim, SH; Kwak, YH; Lee, MC. Slow gait speed after bilateral total knee arthroplasty is associated with suboptimal improvement of knee biomechanics. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2018;26:1671-1680.
Fino, PC; Mancini, M; Curtze, C; Nutt, JG; Horak, FB. Gait stability has phase-dependent dual-task costs in parkinson's disease. Frontiers In Neurology 2018;9:.
Koller, JR; Remy, CD; Ferris, DP. Biomechanics and energetics of walking in powered ankle exoskeletons using myoelectric control versus mechanically intrinsic control. Journal Of Neuroengineering And Rehabilitation 2018;15:.
Lewinson, RT; Madden, R; Killick, A; Wannop, JW; Wiley, JP; Lun, VMY; Patel, C; LaMothe, JM; Stefanyshyn, DJ. Foot structure and knee joint kinetics during walking with and without wedged footwear insoles. Journal Of Biomechanics 2018;73:192-200.
Ferral, N; Holloway, K; Li, MZ; Yin, ZZ; Hou, C. Heterogeneous activity causes a nonlinear increase in the group energy use of ant workers isolated from queen and brood. Insect Science 2018;25:487-498.
Coleman, B; Topalidou, I; Ailion, M. Modulation of gq-rho signaling by the erk mapk pathway controls locomotion in caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics 2018;209:523-535.
Herbin, M; Hommet, E; Hanotin-Dossot, V; Perret, M; Hackert, R. Treadmill locomotion of the mouse lemur (microcebus murinus); kinematic parameters during symmetrical and asymmetrical gaits. Journal Of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural And Behavioral Physiology 2018;204:537-547.
Baxter-Gilbert, J; Riley, JL; Whiting, MJ. Runners and fighters: clutch effects and body size drive innate antipredator behaviour in hatchling lizards. Behavioral Ecology And Sociobiology 2018;72:.
Raffalt, PC; Nielsen, LR; Madsen, S; Hojberg, LM; Pingel, J; Nielsen, JB; Alkjaer, T; Wienecke, J. Assessment of intersegmental coordination of rats during walking at different speeds - application of continuous relative phase. Journal Of Biomechanics 2018;73:168-176.
Usherwood, JR; Smith, BJH. The grazing gait, and implications of toppling table geometry for primate footfall sequences. Biology Letters 2018;14:.
Tuzun, N; Op de Beeck, L; Oliarinony, R; Van Dievel, M; Stoks, R. Warming under seminatural outdoor conditions in the larval stage negatively affects insect flight performance. Biology Letters 2018;14:.
Stone, KR. Editorial commentary: meniscus transplantation with or without bone blocks: if you don't have to break it, don't. Arthroscopy-The Journal Of Arthroscopic And Related Surgery 2018;34:1948-1949.
Pragnere, S; Boulocher, C; Pollet, O; Bosser, C; Levillain, A; Cruel, M; Hoc, T. Mechanical alterations of the bone-cartilage unit in a rabbit model of early osteoarthrosis. Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Biomedical Materials 2018;83:1-8.
Hu, JY; Chen, ZX; Xin, H; Zhang, QD; Jin, ZM. Musculoskeletal multibody dynamics simulation of the contact mechanics and kinematics of a natural knee joint during a walking cycle. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal Of Engineering In Medicine 2018;232:508-519.
Faria, A; Gabriel, R; Moreira, H; Camacho, T; Bras, R; Ditroilo, M. The effect of sex and localised fatigue on triceps surae musculoarticular stiffness. European Journal Of Sport Science 2018;18:483-490.
Purevsuren, T; Kim, K; Batbaatar, M; Lee, S; Kim, YH. Influence of ankle joint plantarflexion and dorsiflexion on lateral ankle sprain: a computational study. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal Of Engineering In Medicine 2018;232:458-467.
Su, AW; Chen, YC; Dong, Y; Wailes, DH; Wong, VW; Chen, AC; Cai, SQ; Bugbee, WD; Sah, RL. Biomechanics of osteochondral impact with cushioning and graft insertion: cartilage damage is correlated with delivered energy. Journal Of Biomechanics 2018;73:127-136.
Konda, S; Sahara, W; Sugamoto, K. Directional bias of soft-tissue artifacts on the acromion during recording of 3d scapular kinematics. Journal Of Biomechanics 2018;73:217-222.
Guevara, JG; Peterlik, I; Berger, MO; Cotin, S. Biomechanics-based graph matching for augmented ct-cbct. International Journal Of Computer Assisted Radiology And Surgery 2018;13:805-813.
Valentim, DP; Sato, TD; Comper, MLC; da Silva, AM; Boas, CV; Padula, RS. Reliability, construct validity and interpretability of the brazilian version of the rapid upper limb assessment (rula) and strain index (si). Brazilian Journal Of Physical Therapy 2018;22:198-204.
Yeldesbay, A; Toth, T; Daun, S. The role of phase shifts of sensory inputs in walking revealed by means of phase reduction. Journal Of Computational Neuroscience 2018;44:313-339.
Voyiadjis, GZ; Samadi-Dooki, A. Hyperelastic modeling of the human brain tissue: effects of no-slip boundary condition and compressibility on the uniaxial deformation. Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Biomedical Materials 2018;83:63-78.
Modenese, L; Montefiori, E; Wang, AQ; Wesarg, S; Viceconti, M; Mazza, C. Investigation of the dependence of joint contact forces on musculotendon parameters using a codified workflow for image-based modelling. Journal Of Biomechanics 2018;73:108-118.
Casha, AR; Camilleri, L; Gauci, M; Gatt, R; Sladden, D; Chetcuti, S; Grima, JN. A mathematical model for pressure-based organs behaving as biological pressure vessels. Journal Of Theoretical Biology 2018;450:37-42.
Nomura, T; Kawae, T; Kataoka, H; Ikeda, Y. Assessment of lower extremity muscle mass, muscle strength, and exercise therapy in elderly patients with diabetes mellitus. Environmental Health And Preventive Medicine 2018;23:1-7.
Ko, CY; Choi, HJ; Ryu, J; Kim, G. Between-day reliability of myotonpro for the non-invasive measurement of muscle material properties in the lower extremities of patients with a chronic spinal cord injury. Journal Of Biomechanics 2018;73:60-65.
Tastekin, B; Pelit, A; Polat, S; Tuli, A; Sencar, L; Alparslan, MM; Daglioglu, YK. Therapeutic potential of pterostilbene and resveratrol on biomechanic, biochemical, and histological parameters in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Evidence-Based Complementary And Alternative Medicine 2018;NaN:.
Chang, HYH; Yeh, JC; Ichiyama, RM; Rodriguez, LV; Havton, LA. Mapping and neuromodulation of lower urinary tract function using spinal cord stimulation in female rats. Experimental Neurology 2018;305:26-32.
Leschinger, T; Engel, K; Bruggemann, GP; Dederer, V; Neiss, WF; Scheyerer, MJ; Muller, LP; Wegmann, K. Glass -polyalkenoate cement: an alternative material for kyphoplasty in osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures - an ex vivo study. Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Biomedical Materials 2018;83:46-51.
Yoganandan, N; Chirvi, S; Pintar, FA; Baisden, JL; Banerjee, A. Preliminary female cervical spine injury risk curves from pmhs tests. Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Biomedical Materials 2018;83:143-147.
Funabashi, M; Nougarou, F; Descarreaux, M; Prasad, N; Kawchuk, GN. Does the application site of spinal manipulative therapy alter spinal tissues loading?. Spine Journal 2018;18:1041-1052.
Galbusera, F; Qian, ZH; Casaroli, G; Bassani, T; Costa, F; Schlager, B; Wilke, HJ. The role of the size and location of the tumors and of the vertebral anatomy in determining the structural stability of the metastatically involved spine: a finite element study. Translational Oncology 2018;11:639-646.
Bohl, MA; Hlubek, RJ; Kakarla, UK; Chang, SW. Divergent bilateral posterior lumbar interbody fusion with cortical screw fixation: description of new trajectory for interbody technique from midline exposure. World Neurosurgery 2018;113:69-5256-4869-5256-53.
Dou, NN; Lehrman, JN; Newcomb, AGUS; Kelly, BP. A novel c2 screw trajectory: preliminary anatomic feasibility and biomechanical comparison. World Neurosurgery 2018;113:69-5751-6949-4848-.
Godzik, J; Martinez-del-Campo, E; Newcomb, AGUS; Reis, MT; Perez-Orribo, L; Whiting, AC; Singh, V; Kelly, BP; Crawford, NR. Biomechanical stability afforded by unilateral versus bilateral pedicle screw fixation with and without interbody support using lateral lumbar interbody fusion. World Neurosurgery 2018;113:69-5251-5769-5252-53.
Wang, KF; Duan, S; Zhu, ZQ; Liu, HY; Liu, CJ; Xu, S. Clinical and radiologic features of 3 reconstructive procedures for the surgical management of patients with bilevel cervical degenerative disc disease at a minimum follow-up period of 5 years: a comparative study. World Neurosurgery 2018;113:69-5548-6955-54.
Yuan, W; Zhang, HP; Zhou, XS; Wu, WD; Zhu, Y. The influence of artificial cervical disc prosthesis height on the cervical biomechanics: a finite element study. World Neurosurgery 2018;113:69-5257-4869-5257-56.
Shen, K; Deng, ZL; Yang, JS; Liu, C; Zhang, RX. Novel posterior artificial atlanto-odontoid joint for atlantoaxial instability: a biomechanical study. Journal Of Neurosurgery-Spine 2018;28:459-466.
DePasse, JM; Valdes, M; Palumbo, MA; Daniels, AH; Eberson, CP. S-1 alar/iliac screw technique for spinopelvic fixation. Journal Of Neurosurgery-Spine 2018;28:543-547.
Jiang, HZ; Sitoci-Ficici, KH; Reinshagen, C; Molcanyi, M; Zivcak, J; Hudak, R; Laube, T; Schnabelrauch, M; Weisser, J; Schafer, U; Pinzer, T; Schackert, G; Zhang, XF; Wahler, M; Brautferger, U; Rieger, B. Adjustable polyurethane foam as filling material for a novel spondyloplasty: biomechanics and biocompatibility. World Neurosurgery 2018;112:69-5652-5669-5653-56.
Kocyigit, BF; Berk, E. Comparison of lumbosacral alignment in geriatric and non-geriatric patients suffering low back pain. Pakistan Journal Of Medical Sciences 2018;34:282-287.
Chin, KR; Pencle, FJR; Newcomb, AGU; Reis, MT; Reyes, PM; Malhotra, D; Yu, WD; Bruce, CA; Crawford, NR. Biomechanical comparison of same size transfacet screws versus pedicle screws across the l5-s1 native disc. West Indian Medical Journal 2017;66:416-423.
Ahn, JS; Lee, HJ; Choi, DJ; Lee, KY; Hwang, SJ. Extraforaminal approach of biportal endoscopic spinal surgery: a new endoscopic technique for transforaminal decompression and discectomy. Journal Of Neurosurgery-Spine 2018;28:492-498.
Wagoner, AL; Allen, MJ; Zindl, C; Litsky, A; Orsher, R; Ben-Amotz, R. Evaluating stiffness of fibreglass and thermoplastic splint materials and inter-fragmentary motion in a canine tibial fracture model. Veterinary And Comparative Orthopaedics And Traumatology 2018;31:176-181.
Chang, YP; Ho, CY; Chen, CC; Yeh, LS. Biomechanical comparison between preloaded position screw and lag screw fixations for their compressive effects in a porcine rib fracture model. Veterinary And Comparative Orthopaedics And Traumatology 2018;31:182-187.
Gulecyuz, MF; Schroder, C; Pietschmann, MF; Gobel, S; Lehmann, M; Mayer, J; Ficklscherer, A; Jansson, V; Muller, PE. Novel ultrasound assisted suture anchor system using the bonewelding (r) technology yields a comparable primary stability in osteopenic and healthy human humeri as a benchmark anchor. Acta Orthopaedica Et Traumatologica Turcica 2018;52:127-133.
Schotanus, MGM; Thijs, E; Boonen, B; Kerens, B; Jong, B; Kort, NP. Revision of partial knee to total knee arthroplasty with use of patient-specific instruments results in acceptable femoral rotation. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2018;26:1656-1661.
Heyse, TJ; El-Zayat, BF; De Corte, R; Chevalier, Y; Fuchs-Winkelmann, S; Labey, L. Internal femoral component malrotation in tka significantly alters tibiofemoral kinematics. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2018;26:1767-1775.
Arlt, S; Noser, H; Wienke, A; Radetzki, F; Hofmann, GO; Mendel, T. Secure corridor for infraacetabular screws in acetabular fracture fixation-a 3-d radiomorphometric analysis of 124 pelvic ct datasets. Journal Of Orthopaedic Surgery And Research 2018;13:.
Somerson, JS; Mannanal, SK; Heiney, JP; Battula, S; Schoenfeld, AJ. Hybrid plating shows equivalent biomechanical bending strength to unicortical locked plating (14, 1450071, 2014). Journal Of Mechanics In Medicine And Biology 2018;18:.
Blazkiewicz, M; Wiszomirska, I; Kaczmarczyk, K; Wit, A. Types of falls and strategies for maintaining stability on an unstable surface. Medycyna Pracy 2018;69:245-252.
Arelekatti, VNM; Winter, VAG. Design and preliminary field validation of a fully passive prosthetic knee mechanism for users with transfemoral amputation in india. Journal Of Mechanisms And Robotics-Transactions Of The Asme 2018;10:.
Hakky, T; Barrera, EV; Ge, L; Pastuszak, AW; Wallen, J; Carrion, RE; Perito, PE. In-vivo biomechanical comparison of the effects of rear tip extenders on penile implants. Journal Of Sexual Medicine 2018;15:83-5057-8350-57.
Gritli, H; Belghith, S. Walking dynamics of the passive compass-gait model under ogy-based state-feedback control: rise of the neimark-sacker bifurcation. Chaos Solitons & Fractals 2018;110:158-168.
He, YL; Yang, Y; Nie, S; Liu, R; Wan, Q. Electric-double-layer transistors for synaptic devices and neuromorphic systems. Journal Of Materials Chemistry C 2018;6:5336-5352.
Yildirim, S; Arslan, E. Ode (open dynamics engine) based stability control algorithm for six legged robot. Measurement 2018;124:367-377.
Kurt, M; Moored, KW. Flow interactions of two- and three-dimensional networked bio-inspired control elements in an in-line arrangement. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2018;13:.
Bouyarmane, K; Kheddar, A. On weight-prioritized multitask control of humanoid robots. Ieee Transactions On Automatic Control 2018;63:1632-1647.
Yesilevskiy, Y; Gan, ZY; Remy, CD. Energy-optimal hopping in parallel and series elastic one-dimensional monopeds. Journal Of Mechanisms And Robotics-Transactions Of The Asme 2018;10:.
Chen, T; Bilal, OR; Shea, K; Daraio, C. Harnessing bistability for directional propulsion of soft, untethered robots. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2018;115:5698-5702.
Davliakos, I; Roditis, I; Lika, K; Breki, CM; Papadopoulos, E. Design, development, and control of a tough electrohydraulic hexapod robot for subsea operations. Advanced Robotics 2018;32:477-499.
Nabae, H; Hemmi, M; Hirota, Y; Ide, T; Suzumori, K; Endo, G. Super-low friction and lightweight hydraulic cylinder using multi-directional forging magnesium alloy and its application to robotic leg. Advanced Robotics 2018;32:524-534.
Kazakidi, A; Tsakiris, DP; Ekaterinaris, JA. Propulsive efficiency in drag-based locomotion of a reduced-size swimmer with various types of appendages. Computers & Fluids 2018;167:241-248.
Zhang, C; Fan, YJ; Li, HY; Li, YY; Zhang, L; Cao, SB; Kuang, SY; Zhao, YB; Chen, AH; Zhu, G; Wang, ZL. Fully rollable lead-free poly(vinylidene fluoride)-niobate-based nanogenerator with ultra-flexible nano-network electrodes. Acs Nano 2018;12:4803-4811.
Ma, MY; Kang, Z; Liao, QL; Zhang, Q; Gao, FF; Zhao, X; Zhang, Z; Zhang, Y. Development, applications, and future directions of triboelectric nanogenerators. Nano Research 2018;11:2951-2969.
Valevicius, AM; Jun, PY; Hebert, JS; Vette, AH. Use of optical motion capture for the analysis of normative upper body kinematics during functional upper limb tasks: a systematic review. Journal Of Electromyography And Kinesiology 2018;40:1-15.
Lessi, GC; Silva, RS; Serrao, FV. Comparison of the effects of fatigue on kinematics and muscle activation between men and women after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Physical Therapy In Sport 2018;31:29-34.
Greising, SM; Warren, GL; Southern, WM; Nichenko, AS; Qualls, AE; Corona, BT; Call, JA. Early rehabilitation for volumetric muscle loss injury augments endogenous regenerative aspects of muscle strength and oxidative capacity. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 2018;19:.
Murgia, M; Pili, R; Corona, F; Sors, F; Agostini, TA; Bernardis, P; Casula, C; Cossu, G; Guicciardi, M; Pau, M. The use of footstep sounds as rhythmic auditory stimulation for gait rehabilitation in parkinson's disease: a randomized controlled trial. Frontiers In Neurology 2018;9:.
Wu, FL; Shih, YF; Lee, SH; Luo, HJ; Wang, WTJ. Development of a clinical prediction rule to identify patients with plantar heel pain likely to benefit from biomechanical anti-pronation taping: a prospective cohort study. Physical Therapy In Sport 2018;31:58-67.
Wilkinson, M; Ewen, A; Caplan, N; O'leary, D; Smith, N; Stoneham, R; Saxby, L. Textured insoles reduce vertical loading rate and increase subjective plantar sensation in overground running. European Journal Of Sport Science 2018;18:497-503.
Blair, S; Duthie, G; Robertson, S; Hopkins, W; Ball, K. Concurrent validation of an inertial measurement system to quantify kicking biomechanics in four football codes. Journal Of Biomechanics 2018;73:24-32.
Rabin, A; Einstein, O; Kozol, Z. The association of visually-assessed quality of movement during jump-landing with ankle dorsiflexion range-of-motion and hip abductor muscle strength among healthy female athletes. Physical Therapy In Sport 2018;31:35-41.
Turner, C; Crow, S; Crowther, T; Keating, B; Saupan, T; Pyfer, J; Vialpando, K; Lee, SP. Preventing non-contact acl injuries in female athletes: what can we learn from dancers?(1)*. Physical Therapy In Sport 2018;31:1-8.
Almonroeder, TG; Kernozek, T; Cobb, S; Slavens, B; Wang, JS; Huddleston, W. Cognitive demands influence lower extremity mechanics during a drop vertical jump task in female athletes. Journal Of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 2018;48:381-387.
Penailillo, L; Mackay, K; Abbiss, CR. Rating of perceived exertion during concentric and eccentric cycling: are we measuring effort or exertion?. International Journal Of Sports Physiology And Performance 2018;13:517-523.
Hamacher, D; Krebs, T; Meyer, G; Zech, A. Does local dynamic stability of kayak paddling technique affect the sports performance? a pilot study. European Journal Of Sport Science 2018;18:491-496.
Gonjo, T; McCabe, C; Sousa, A; Ribeiro, J; Fernandes, RJ; Vilas-Boas, JP; Sanders, R. Differences in kinematics and energy cost between front crawl and backstroke below the anaerobic threshold. European Journal Of Applied Physiology 2018;118:1107-1118.
Hong, CK; Hsu, KL; Kuan, FC; Lin, CL; Yeh, ML; Su, WR. Biomechanical evaluation of a transtendinous all-suture anchor technique versus interference screw technique for suprapectoral biceps tenodesis in a cadaveric model. Arthroscopy-The Journal Of Arthroscopic And Related Surgery 2018;34:1755-1761.
Werner, BC. Editorial commentary: how can i tenodese the biceps tendon of the shoulder? let me count the ways. Arthroscopy-The Journal Of Arthroscopic And Related Surgery 2018;34:1762-1763.
Sheean, AJ; Musahl, V; Slone, HS; Xerogeanes, JW; Milinkovic, D; Fink, C; Hoser, C. Quadriceps tendon autograft for arthroscopic knee ligament reconstruction: use it now, use it often. British Journal Of Sports Medicine 2018;52:.
Alonso-Rasgado, T; Zhang, QH; Jimenez-Cruz, D; Bailey, C; Pinder, E; Mandaleson, A; Talwalkar, S. Evaluation of the performance of three tenodesis techniques for the treatment of scapholunate instability: flexion-extension and radial-ulnar deviation. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2018;56:1091-1105.
Lineberry, KD; Shue, S; Chepla, KJ. The management of partial zone ii intrasynovial flexor tendon lacerations: a literature review of biomechanics, clinical outcomes, and complications. Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery 2018;141:1165-1170.
Wu, CC; Jin, HM; Yan, YZ; Chen, J; Wang, K; Wang, JL; Zhang, ZJ; Wu, AM; Wang, XY. Biomechanical role of the thoracolumbar ligaments of the posterior ligamentous complex. a finite element study. World Neurosurgery 2018;112:69-4950-5369-4951-51.
Marieswaran, M; Jain, I; Garg, B; Sharma, V; Kalyanasundaram, D. A review on biomechanics of anterior cruciate ligament and materials for reconstruction. Applied Bionics And Biomechanics 2018;NaN:.
Aoki, FG; Moriya, HT. Mechanical evaluation of tracheal grafts on different scales. Artificial Organs 2018;42:476-483.
East, B; Plencner, M; Kralovic, M; Rampichova, M; Sovkova, V; Vocetkova, K; Otahal, M; Tonar, Z; Kolinko, Y; Amler, E; Hoch, J. A polypropylene mesh modified with polye-epsilon-caprolactone nanofibers in hernia repair: large animal experiment. International Journal Of Nanomedicine 2018;13:3129-3143.
Shahan, CP; Stoikes, NN; Roan, E; Tatum, J; Webb, DL; Voeller, GR. Biomechanical and histologic evaluation of lifemesh (tm): a novel self-fixating mesh adhesive. American Surgeon 2018;84:520-525.
Paul, SP. Biodynamic excisional skin tension lines for surgical excisions: untangling the science. Annals Of The Royal College Of Surgeons Of England 2018;100:330-337.
Zheng, N; Chi, YY; Yang, XH; Wang, NX; Li, YL; Ge, YY; Zhang, LX; Liu, TY; Yuan, XY; Yu, SB; Sui, HJ. Orientation and property of fibers of the myodural bridge in humans. Spine Journal 2018;18:1081-1087.
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