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LITERATURE UPDATE July 05 - July 11, 2018

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  • LITERATURE UPDATE July 05 - July 11, 2018

    July 05 - July 11, 2018
    Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

    Sarah A Roelker, PhD
    Neuromuscular Biomechanics Lab
    Department of Mechanical Engineering
    University of Texas at Austin, USA

    Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst - Cited by 349 - Biomechanics - Neuromuscular Control - Musculoskeletal Modeling and Simulations

    - Not all articles have a DOI.
    - Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
    - Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in electronic form through the publisher

    Wang, Q; Zhang, H; Gan, HQ; Wang, H; Li, QJ; Wang, ZQ. Application of combined porous tantalum scaffolds loaded with bone morphogenetic protein 7 to repair of osteochondral defect in rabbits. International Orthopaedics 2018;42:1437-1448.

    Tiwari, AK; Kumar, N. Establishing the relationship between loading parameters and bone adaptation. Medical Engineering & Physics 2018;56:16-26.

    Yang, JCS; Lin, KP; Wei, HW; Chen, WC; Chiang, CC; Chang, MC; Tsai, CL; Lin, KJ. Importance of a moderate plate-to-bone distance for the functioning of the far cortical locking system. Medical Engineering & Physics 2018;56:48-53.

    Rezaei, NM; Hasegawa, M; Ishijima, M; Nakhaei, K; Okubo, T; Taniyama, T; Ghassemi, A; Tahsili, T; Park, W; Hirota, M; Ogawa, T. Biological and osseointegration capabilities of hierarchically (meso-/micro-/nano-scale) roughened zirconia. International Journal Of Nanomedicine 2018;13:3381-3395.

    Deng, C; Gillette, JC; Derrick, TR. Femoral neck stress in older adults during stair ascent and descent. Journal Of Applied Biomechanics 2018;34:191-198.

    Zhang, D; Feng, F; Li, QL; Wang, XY; Yao, L. Nanopurpurin-based photodynamic therapy destructs extracellular matrix against intractable tumor metastasis. Biomaterials 2018;173:22-33.

    Li, EW; McKee-Muir, OC; Gilbert, PM. Cellular biomechanics in skeletal muscle regeneration. Myogenesis In Development And Disease 2018;126:125-176.

    Xue, XF; Sun, YB; Resto-Irizarry, AM; Yuan, Y; Yong, KMA; Zheng, Y; Weng, SN; Shao, Y; Chai, YM; Studer, L; Fu, JP. Mechanics-guided embryonic patterning of neuroectoderm tissue from human pluripotent stem cells. Nature Materials 2018;17:633-43.

    Mitchell, DR; Sherratt, E; Ledogar, JA; Wroe, S. The biomechanics of foraging determines face length among kangaroos and their relatives. Proceedings Of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 2018;285:.

    Namiki, S; Dickinson, MH; Wong, AM; Korff, W; Card, GM. The functional organization of descending sensory-motor pathways in drosophila. Elife 2018;7:.

    Morales, MM; Moyano, SR; Ortiz, AM; Ercoli, MD; Aguado, LI; Cardozo, SA; Giannini, NP. Comparative myology of the ankle of leopardus wiedii and l. geoffroyi (carnivora: felidae): functional consistency with osteology, locomotor habits and hunting in captivity. Zoology 2018;126:46-57.

    Abdala, V; Ponssa, ML; Tulli, MJ; Fabre, AC; Herrel, A. Frog tendon structure and its relationship with locomotor modes. Journal Of Morphology 2018;279:895-903.

    Fratani, J; Ponssa, ML; Abdala, V. Tendinous framework of anurans reveals an all-purpose morphology. Zoology 2018;126:172-184.

    Grear, ME; Motley, MR; Crofts, SB; Witt, AE; Summers, AP; Ditsche, P. Mechanical properties of harbor seal skin and blubber - a test of anisotropy. Zoology 2018;126:137-144.

    Bownik, A; Sokolowska, N; Slaska, B. Effects of apomorphine, a dopamine agonist, on daphnia magna: imaging of swimming track density as a novel tool in the assessment of swimming activity. Science Of The Total Environment 2018;635:249-258.

    Azzawi, ZGM; Hamad, TI; Kadhim, SA; Naji, GAH. Osseointegration evaluation of laser-deposited titanium dioxide nanoparticles on commercially pure titanium dental implants. Journal Of Materials Science-Materials In Medicine 2018;29:.

    Arinc, H. Effects of prosthetic material and framework design on stress distribution in dental implants and peripheral bone: a three-dimensional finite element analysis. Medical Science Monitor 2018;24:4279-4287.

    Yoda, N; Zheng, KK; Chen, JN; Liao, ZP; Koyama, S; Peck, C; Swain, M; Sasaki, K; Li, Q. Biomechanical analysis of bone remodeling following mandibular reconstruction using fibula free flap. Medical Engineering & Physics 2018;56:1-8.

    Hamad, TI; Fatalla, AA; Waheed, AS; Azzawi, ZGM; Cao, YG; Song, K. Biomechanical evaluation of nano-zirconia coatings on ti-6al-7nb implant screws in rabbit tibias. Current Medical Science 2018;38:530-537.

    Sha, H; Tong, XL; Zhao, JB. Abnormal expressions of ages, tgf-beta 1, bdnf and their receptors in diabetic rat colon-associations with colonic morphometric and biomechanical remodeling. Scientific Reports 2018;8:.

    Harrison, SM; Cleary, PW; Sinnott, MD. Investigating mixing and emptying for aqueous liquid content from the stomach using a coupled biomechanical-sph model. Food & Function 2018;9:3202-3219.

    Gilles, MA; Wild, P. Grasping an object at floor-level: is movement strategy a matter of age?. Applied Ergonomics 2018;70:34-43.

    Tammana, A; McKay, C; Cain, SM; Davidson, SP; Vitali, RV; Ojeda, L; Stirling, L; Perkins, NC. Load-embedded inertial measurement unit reveals lifting performance. Applied Ergonomics 2018;70:68-76.

    Cudlip, AC; Dickerson, CR. Female maximal push/pull strength capabilities by humeral abduction angle in bilateral exertions. Applied Ergonomics 2018;70:136-141.

    Lad, U; Oomen, NMCW; Callaghan, JP; Fischer, SL. Comparing the biomechanical and psychophysical demands imposed on paramedics when using manual and powered stretchers. Applied Ergonomics 2018;70:167-174.

    Shippen, J; May, B. Shoulder torques resulting from luggage handling tasks in non-inertial frames. Technology And Health Care 2018;26:83-5354-5383-5354-57.

    Lu, ML; Dufour, JS; Weston, EB; Marras, WS. Effectiveness of a vacuum lifting system in reducing spinal load during airline baggage handling. Applied Ergonomics 2018;70:247-252.

    Colombini, D; Occhipinti, E. Scientific basis of the ocra method for risk assessment of biomechanical overload of upper limb, as preferred method in iso standards on biomechanical risk factors. Scandinavian Journal Of Work Environment & Health 2018;44:436-438.

    Armstrong, TJ; Burdorf, A; Descatha, A; Farioli, A; Graf, M; Horie, S; Marras, WS; Potvin, JR; Rempel, D; Spatari, G; Takala, EP; Verbeek, J; Violante, FS. Authors' response: letter to the editor concerning ocra as preferred method in iso standards on biomechanical risk factors. Scandinavian Journal Of Work Environment & Health 2018;44:439-440.

    Puschel, TA; Marce-Nogue, J; Kaiser, TM; Brocklehurst, RJ; Sellers, WI. Analyzing the sclerocarpy adaptations of the pitheciidae mandible. American Journal Of Primatology 2018;80:.

    Bahl, JS; Nelson, MJ; Taylor, M; Solomon, LB; Arnold, JB; Thewlis, D. Biomechanical changes and recovery of gait function after total hip arthroplasty for osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Osteoarthritis And Cartilage 2018;26:847-863.

    McFadyen, BJ; Fiset, F; Charette, C. Substituting anticipatory locomotor adjustments online is time constrained. Experimental Brain Research 2018;236:1985-1996.

    Jehu, DA; Lajoie, Y; Paquet, N. Improvements in obstacle clearance parameters and reaction time over a series of obstacles revealed after five repeated testing sessions in older adults. Motor Control 2018;22:245-262.

    Liu, C; De Macedo, L; Finley, JM. Conservation of reactive stabilization strategies in the presence of step length asymmetries during walking. Frontiers In Human Neuroscience 2018;12:.

    Rushton, SK; Chen, RR; Li, L. Ability to identify scene-relative object movement is not limited by, or yoked to, ability to perceive heading. Journal Of Vision 2018;18:.

    Layton, RB; Stewart, TD; Harwood, P; Messenger, N. Biomechanical analysis of walking gait when simulating the use of an ilizarov external fixator. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal Of Engineering In Medicine 2018;232:628-636.

    Hallemans, A; Verbecque, E; Dumas, R; Cheze, L; Van Hamme, A; Robert, T. Developmental changes in spatial margin of stability in typically developing children relate to the mechanics of gait. Gait & Posture 2018;63:33-38.

    Alcantara, RS; Trudeau, MB; Rohr, ES. Calcaneus range of motion underestimated by markers on running shoe heel. Gait & Posture 2018;63:68-72.

    Okita, Y; Yamasaki, N; Nakamura, T; Kubo, T; Mitsumoto, A; Akune, T. Kinetic differences between level walking and ramp descent in individuals with unilateral transfemoral amputation using a prosthetic knee without a stance control mechanism. Gait & Posture 2018;63:80-85.

    Menz, HB; Auhl, M; Tan, JM; Buldt, AK; Munteanu, SE. Centre of pressure characteristics during walking in individuals with and without first metatarsophalangeal joint osteoarthritis. Gait & Posture 2018;63:91-96.

    Hawkins, KA; Fox, EJ; Daly, JJ; Rose, DK; Christou, EA; McGuirk, TE; Otzel, DM; Butera, KA; Chatterjee, SA; Clark, DJ. Prefrontal over-activation during walking in people with mobility deficits: interpretation and functional implications. Human Movement Science 2018;59:46-55.

    Blair, S; Lake, MJ; Ding, R; Sterzing, T. Magnitude and variability of gait characteristics when walking on an irregular surface at different speeds. Human Movement Science 2018;59:112-120.

    Hinkel-Lipsker, JW; Hahn, ME. Coordinative structuring of gait kinematics during adaptation to variable and asymmetric split-belt treadmill walking - a principal component analysis approach. Human Movement Science 2018;59:178-192.

    Moller, KA; Svard, H; Suominen, A; Immonen, J; Holappa, J; Stenfors, C. Gait analysis and weight bearing in pre-clinical joint pain research. Journal Of Neuroscience Methods 2018;300:92-102.

    Iraqi, A; Cham, R; Redfern, MS; Beschorner, KE. Coefficient of friction testing parameters influence the prediction of human slips. Applied Ergonomics 2018;70:118-126.

    Liang, HQ; Ke, X; Wu, JH. Transitioning from level surface to stairs in children with and without down syndrome: locomotor adjustments during stair ascent. Gait & Posture 2018;63:46-51.

    Neamtu, MC; Neamtu, OM; Marin, MI; Rusu, L. Morphofunctional muscle changes influence on foot stability in multiple sclerosis during gait prediction: the rehabilitation potential. Journal Of Back And Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 2018;31:469-474.

    Carroll, M; Boocock, M; Dalbeth, N; Stewart, S; Frampton, C; Rome, K. Ankle joint function during walking in tophaceous gout: a biomechanical gait analysis study. Gait & Posture 2018;63:150-153.

    Liu, K; Liu, Y; Yan, JC; Sun, ZY. Nondestructive estimation of muscle contributions to sts training with different loadings based on wearable sensor system. Sensors 2018;18:.

    Knebel, D; Assaf, Y; Ayali, A. The use of memri for monitoring central nervous system activity during intact insect walking. Journal Of Insect Physiology 2018;108:48-53.

    Vaughan, SC; Lin, HT; Trimmer, BA. Caterpillar climbing: robust, tension-based omni-directional locomotion. Journal Of Insect Science 2018;18:.

    Zimprich, A; Ostereicher, MA; Becker, L; Dirscherl, P; Ernst, L; Fuchs, H; Gailus-Durner, V; Garrett, L; Giesert, F; Glasl, L; Hummel, A; Rozman, J; de Angelis, MH; Vogt-Weisenhorn, D; Wurst, W; Holter, SM. Analysis of locomotor behavior in the german mouse clinic. Journal Of Neuroscience Methods 2018;300:77-91.

    Hewitt, BM; Yap, MH; Hodson-Tole, EF; Kennerley, AJ; Sharp, PS; Grant, RA. A novel automated rodent tracker (art), demonstrated in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Journal Of Neuroscience Methods 2018;300:147-156.

    Giovannucci, A; Pnevmatikakis, EA; Deverett, B; Pereira, T; Fondriest, J; Brady, MJ; Wang, SSH; Abbas, W; Pares, P; Masip, D. Automated gesture tracking in head-fixed mice. Journal Of Neuroscience Methods 2018;300:184-195.

    Widrick, JJ; Gibbs, DE; Sanchez, B; Gupta, VA; Pakula, A; Lawrence, C; Beggs, AH; Kunkel, LM. An open source microcontroller based flume for evaluating swimming performance of larval, juvenile, and adult zebrafish. Plos One 2018;13:.

    Li, L; Yang, LF; Yu, F; Shi, JP; Zhu, LY; Yang, XF; Teng, HJ; Wang, XS; Jiang, Q. 3d printing individualized heel cup for improving the self-reported pain of plantar fasciitis. Journal Of Translational Medicine 2018;16:.

    Roscoe, D; Roberts, AJ; Hulse, D; Shaheen, A; Hughes, MP; Bennett, A. Barefoot plantar pressure measurement in chronic exertional compartment syndrome. Gait & Posture 2018;63:10-16.

    Kirkeby, L; Frost, P; Hansen, TB; Svendsen, SW. Disability and return to work after mri on suspicion of scaphoid fracture: influence of mri pathology and occupational mechanical exposures. Plos One 2018;13:.

    Mell, SP; Fullam, S; Wimmer, MA; Lundberg, HJ. Finite element evaluation of the newest iso testing standard for polyethylene total knee replacement liners. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal Of Engineering In Medicine 2018;232:545-552.

    Zhang, Y; Zhang, J; Chang, F; Xu, WG; Ding, JX. Repair of full-thickness articular cartilage defect using stem cell encapsulated thermogel. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials For Biological Applications 2018;88:79-87.

    Ramlee, MH; Beng, GK; Bajuri, N; Kadir, MRA. Finite element analysis of the wrist in stroke patients: the effects of hand grip. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2018;56:1161-1171.

    Trad, Z; Barkaoui, A; Chafra, M; Tavares, JMRS. Finite element analysis of the effect of high tibial osteotomy correction angle on articular cartilage loading. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal Of Engineering In Medicine 2018;232:553-564.

    Zhu, GY; Tian, XD; Du, DF; Le, M; Guan, L; Wang, J; Tan, YT; Yang, C; Zheng, XX. Medical image analysis of knee joint lipoma arborescens and arthroscopic treatment. Computerized Medical Imaging And Graphics 2018;66:66-72.

    Chang, J; Liao, Z; Lu, M; Meng, T; Han, W; Ding, C. Systemic and local adipose tissue in knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis And Cartilage 2018;26:864-871.

    Voloshina, AS; Ferris, DP. Design and validation of an instrumented uneven terrain treadmill. Journal Of Applied Biomechanics 2018;34:236-239.

    Zhidkov, AV; Pashmentova, AS; Viun, SS; Zhiltsov, MP; Mishin, VV; Podmasteryev, KV. The mathematical simulation and study of the electrical resistance of the friction zone of the hip joint endoprosthesis with a metal-metal friction pair. Journal Of Friction And Wear 2018;39:251-258.

    Frick, E; Rahmatalla, S. Joint center estimation using single-frame optimization: part 1: numerical simulation. Sensors 2018;18:.

    Beidokhti, HN; Janssen, D; van de Groes, S; Verdonschot, N. The peripheral soft tissues should not be ignored in the finite element models of the human knee joint. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2018;56:1189-1199.

    Solav, D; Moerman, KM; Jaeger, AM; Genovese, K; Herr, HM. Multidic: an open-source toolbox for multi-view 3d digital image correlation. Ieee Access 2018;6:30520-30535.

    Yokota, F; Otake, Y; Takao, M; Ogawa, T; Okada, T; Sugano, N; Sato, Y. Automated muscle segmentation from ct images of the hip and thigh using a hierarchical multi-atlas method. International Journal Of Computer Assisted Radiology And Surgery 2018;13:977-986.

    Sengelaub, DR; Xu, XM. Protective effects of gonadal hormones on spinal motoneurons following spinal cord injury. Neural Regeneration Research 2018;13:971-976.

    Sandner, B; Puttagunta, R; Motsch, M; Bradke, F; Ruschel, J; Blesch, A; Weidner, N. Systemic epothilone d improves hindlimb function after spinal cord contusion injury in rats. Experimental Neurology 2018;306:250-259.

    Cote, MP; Murray, LM; Knikou, M. Spinal control of locomotion: individual neurons, their circuits and functions. Frontiers In Physiology 2018;9:.

    Symeonidou, ER; Nordin, AD; Hairston, WD; Ferris, DP. Effects of cable sway, electrode surface area, and electrode mass on electroencephalography signal quality during motion. Sensors 2018;18:.

    Qin, C; Zhang, WH; Yang, DG; Yang, ML; Du, LJ; Li, JJ. Myelotomy promotes locomotor recovery in rats subjected to spinal cord injury: a meta-analysis of six randomized controlled trials. Neural Regeneration Research 2018;13:1096-1106.

    Sun, Y; Zehr, EP. Effects of wrist position on reciprocal inhibition and cutaneous reflex amplitudes in forearm muscles. Neuroscience Letters 2018;677:37-43.

    Hadders-Algra, M. Early human motor development: from variation to the ability to vary and adapt. Neuroscience And Biobehavioral Reviews 2018;90:411-427.

    Meyer, C; Bendella, H; Rink, S; Gensch, R; Seitz, R; Stein, G; Manthou, M; Papamitsou, T; Nakamura, M; Bouillon, B; Galea, M; Batchelor, P; Dunlop, S; Angelov, D. The effect of myelotomy following low thoracic spinal cord compression injury in rats. Experimental Neurology 2018;306:10-21.

    Arber, S; Costa, RM. Connecting neuronal circuits for movement dedicated neuronal circuits mediate execution, choice, and coordination of body action. Science 2018;360:1403-1404.

    Douglas, EC; Gallagher, KM. A radiographic investigation of cervical spine kinematics when reading a tablet in a reclined trunk position. Applied Ergonomics 2018;70:104-109.

    Yoon, SY; Moon, HI; Lee, SC; Eun, NL; Kim, YW. Association between cervical lordotic curvature and cervical muscle cross-sectional area in patients with loss of cervical lordosis. Clinical Anatomy 2018;31:710-715.

    Zippelius, T; Weschenfelder, W; Eicker, SO; Putzier, M; Rohner, E; Matziolis, G; Strube, P. Establishing an interdisciplinary compulsory elective subject 'spine' in the curriculum of the university study course of human medicine. Acta Chirurgiae Orthopaedicae Et Traumatologiae Cechoslovaca 2018;85:165-170.

    Huang, XC; Ye, LQ; Wu, ZX; Liang, LC; Wang, QL; Yu, WB; Liang, D; Jiang, XB. Biomechanical effects of lateral bending position on performing cervical spinal manipulation for cervical disc herniation: a three-dimensional finite element analysis. Evidence-Based Complementary And Alternative Medicine 2018;NaN:.

    Weber, M; Thieme, M; Kaiser, M; Vollner, F; Worlicek, M; Craiovan, B; Grifka, J; Renkawitz, T. Accuracy of leg length and offset restoration in femoral pinless navigation compared to navigation using a fixed pin during total hip arthroplasty. Biomed Research International 2018;NaN:.

    Koehler, SM; Beck, CM; Nasser, P; Gluck, M; Hausman, MR. The effect of screw trajectory for the reduction and association of the scaphoid and lunate (rasl) procedure: a biomechanical analysis. Journal Of Hand Surgery-European Volume 2018;43:635-641.

    Lee, CH; Su, KC; Chen, KH; Pan, CC; Wu, YC. Impact of tip-apex distance and femoral head lag screw position on treatment outcomes of unstable intertrochanteric fractures using cephalomedullary nails. Journal Of International Medical Research 2018;46:2128-2140.

    Goel, R; Ozdemir, RA; Nakagome, S; Contreras-Vidal, JL; Paloski, WH; Parikh, PJ. Effects of speed and direction of perturbation on electroencephalographic and balance responses. Experimental Brain Research 2018;236:2073-2083.

    Beerse, M; Wu, JH. Vertical stiffness and balance control of two-legged hopping in-place in children with and without down syndrome. Gait & Posture 2018;63:39-45.

    Osti, FR; de Souza, CR; Teixeira, LA. Improvement of balance stability in older individuals by on-water training. Journal Of Aging And Physical Activity 2018;26:222-226.

    Martinaitis, A; Daunoraviciene, K. Low cost self-made pressure distribution sensors for ergonomic chair: are they suitable for posture monitoring?. Technology And Health Care 2018;26:83-5453-5383-5454-51.

    Cassel, R; Wiener-Vacher, S; El Ahmadi, A; Chabbert, C; Tighilet, B. Reduced balance restoration capacities following unilateral vestibular insult in elderly mice. Frontiers In Neurology 2018;9:.

    Chen, YF; Doshi, N; Goldberg, B; Wang, HQ; Wood, RJ. Controllable water surface to underwater transition through electrowetting in a hybrid terrestrial-aquatic microrobot. Nature Communications 2018;9:.

    Scano, A; Chiavenna, A; Malosio, M; Tosatti, LM; Molteni, F. Kinect v2 implementation and testing of the reaching performance scale for motor evaluation of patients with neurological impairment. Medical Engineering & Physics 2018;56:54-58.

    Daunoraviciene, K; Ziziene, J; Griskevicius, J; Pauk, J; Ovcinikova, A; Kizlaitiene, R; Kaubrys, G. Quantitative assessment of upper extremities motor function in multiple sclerosis. Technology And Health Care 2018;26:83-5452-5583-5453-51.

    Lee, MH; Farshchiansadegh, A; Ranganathan, R. Children show limited movement repertoire when learning a novel motor skill. Developmental Science 2018;21:.

    Hunt, MA; Charlton, JM; Krowchuk, NM; Tse, CTF; Hatfield, GL. Clinical and biomechanical changes following a 4-month toe-out gait modification program for people with medial knee osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled trial. Osteoarthritis And Cartilage 2018;26:903-911.

    Ferrarin, M; Rabuffetti, M; Geda, E; Sirolli, S; Marzegan, A; Bruno, V; Sacco, K. Influence of the amount of body weight support on lower limb joints' kinematics during treadmill walking at different gait speeds: reference data on healthy adults to define trajectories for robot assistance. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal Of Engineering In Medicine 2018;232:619-627.

    Sun, Y; Ledwell, NMH; Boyd, LA; Zehr, EP. Unilateral wrist extension training after stroke improves strength and neural plasticity in both arms. Experimental Brain Research 2018;236:2009-2021.

    Singh, GK; Srivastava, S. Preferential strengthening of vmo muscle during selected biomechanical rehabilitative exercises of automotive workers with patellofemoral pain syndrome. Work-A Journal Of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation 2018;60:135-141.

    Schafer, ZA; Perry, JL; Vanicek, N. A personalised exercise programme for individuals with lower limb amputation reduces falls and improves gait biomechanics: a block randomised controlled trial. Gait & Posture 2018;63:282-289.

    Pfaff, LM; Cinelli, ME. The effects of obstacle type and locomotion form on path selection in rugby players. Motor Control 2018;22:263-274.

    Firminger, CR; Vernillo, G; Savoldelli, A; Stefanyshyn, DJ; Millet, GY; Edwards, WB. Joint kinematics and ground reaction forces in overground versus treadmill graded running. Gait & Posture 2018;63:109-113.

    Bankosz, Z; Winiarski, S. The evaluation of changes of angles in selected joints during topspin forehand in table tennis. Motor Control 2018;22:314-337.

    Herbaut, A; Delannoy, J; Foissac, M. Injuries in french and chinese regular badminton players. Science & Sports 2018;33:145-151.

    Lintmeijer, LL; Hofmijster, MJ; Fischedick, GAS; Zijlstra, PJ; Van Soest, AJ. Improved determination of mechanical power output in rowing: experimental results. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2018;36:2138-2146.

    Andrade, RM; Figueira, AJ; Metz, V; Amadio, AC; Serrao, JC. Interpretation of propulsive force in tethered swimming through principal component analysis. Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte 2018;24:178-181.

    Hofmijster, MJ; Lintmeijer, LL; Beek, PJ; van Soest, AJK. Mechanical power output in rowing should not be determined from oar forces and oar motion alone. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2018;36:2147-2153.

    Kurz, E; Anders, C. Effects of wearing lower leg compression sleeves on locomotion economy. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2018;36:2105-2110.

    Wasenius, NS; Grattan, KP; Harvey, ALJ; Naylor, PJ; Goldfield, GS; Adamo, KB. The effect of a physical activity intervention on preschoolers' fundamental motor skills - a cluster rct. Journal Of Science And Medicine In Sport 2018;21:714-719.

    Qu, XD; Jiang, JX; Hu, XY. Effects of subsensory noise and fatigue on knee landing and cross-over cutting biomechanics in male athletes. Journal Of Applied Biomechanics 2018;34:205-210.

    Alves, BMO; da Silva, RA; Rosa, LM; de Mesquita, TR; de Oliveira, PR; Burigo, RL; Amorim, CF. Postural control analysis during a standardized kick task in soccer athletes. Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte 2018;24:89-96.

    Brasileiro, JS; Macedo, LD; de Oliveira, AKA; Lins, CAD. Torque, power and fatigue ratio in knee flexors and extensors of soccer players. Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte 2018;24:117-120.

    Psycharakis, SG; Yanai, T. How does buoyancy affect performance during a 200m maximum front crawl swim?. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2018;36:2061-2067.

    Simpson, JD; Miller, BL; O'Neal, EK; Chander, H; Knight, AC. Ground reaction forces during a drop vertical jump: impact of external load training. Human Movement Science 2018;59:12-19.

    Dincel, YM; Adanir, O; Arikan, Y; Caglar, AK; Dogru, SC; Arslan, YZ. Effects of high-dose vitamin c and hyaluronic acid on tendon healing. Acta Ortopedica Brasileira 2018;26:82-85.

    Stolarczyk, A; Sarzynska, S; Gondek, A; Cudnoch-Jedrzejewska, A. Influence of diabetes on tissue healing in orthopaedic injuries. Clinical And Experimental Pharmacology And Physiology 2018;45:619-627.

    Jia, SJ; Wang, J; Zhang, T; Pan, WM; Li, Z; He, X; Yang, CF; Wu, QN; Sun, W; Xiong, Z; Hao, DJ. Multilayered scaffold with a compact interfacial layer enhances osteochondral defect repair. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018;10:20296-20305.

    Ibrahim, SM; Kareem, OH; Saffanah, KM; Adamu, AA; Khan, MS; Rahman, MBA; Noordin, MM; Loqman, MY. Histological and mechanical evaluation of antifreeze peptide (afp1m) cryopreserved skin grafts post transplantation in a rat model. Cryobiology 2018;82:27-36.

    Maxwell, S; Severt, S; Bontrager, J; Murphy, A. Electrospun silk fibroin for use as biomechanical actuators. Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society 2018;255:.

    Ammori, MB; Abu-Zidan, FM. The biomechanics of lower limb injuries in frontal-impact road traffic collisions. African Health Sciences 2018;18:321-332.

    Garcia, RG; Lima, NDD; Naas, ID; Caldara, FR; Sgavioli, S. The typology of broiler house and the impact in the locomotion of broilers. Engenharia Agricola 2018;38:326-333.

    Nauwelaerts, S; Clayton, HM. Evaluation of a pictorial method to obtain subject-specific inertial properties in equine limb segments. Journal Of Morphology 2018;279:997-1007.

    Franchak, JM; Kretch, KS; Adolph, KE. See and be seen: infant-caregiver social looking during locomotor free play. Developmental Science 2018;21:.

    Jan, NJ; Brazile, BL; Hu, D; Grube, G; Wallace, J; Gogola, A; Sigal, IA. Crimp around the globe; patterns of collagen crimp across the corneoscleral shell. Experimental Eye Research 2018;172:159-170.

    Ueki, R; Maeda, N; Fuchihata, M; Asai, T; Koh, S; Fujimoto, H; Uematsu, M; Nishida, K. Evaluation of corneal biomechanics in patients with keratectasia following lasik using dynamic scheimpflug analyzer. Japanese Journal Of Ophthalmology 2018;62:443-450.

    Lagrou, LM; Gilbert, J; Hannibal, M; Caird, MS; Thomas, I; Moroi, SE; Bohnsack, BL. Altered corneal biomechanical properties in children with osteogenesis imperfecta. Journal Of Aapos 2018;22:183-187.

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