September 06 - September 12, 2018
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Sarah A Roelker, PhD
Neuromuscular Biomechanics Lab
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Texas at Austin, USA
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Liu, TT; Xiang, ZM; Chen, F; Yin, D; Huang, YW; Xu, J; Hu, LH; Xu, HH; Wang, XJ; Sheng, J. Theabrownin suppresses in vitro osteoclastogenesis and prevents bone loss in ovariectomized rats. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2018;106:1339-1347.
Moukoko, D; Pourquier, D; Genovesio, C; Thezenas, S; Chabrand, P; Roffino, S; Pithioux, M. Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor enhances bone fracture healing. Clinical Biomechanics 2018;58:62-68.
Yukata, K; Kanchiku, T; Egawa, H; Nakamura, M; Nishida, N; Hashimoto, T; Ogasa, H; Taguchi, T; Yasui, N. Continuous infusion of pth1-34 delayed fracture healing in mice. Scientific Reports 2018;8:.
Kruck, B; Zimmermann, EA; Damerow, S; Figge, C; Julien, C; Wulsten, D; Thiele, T; Martin, M; Hamdy, R; Reumann, MK; Duda, GN; Checa, S; Willie, BM. Sclerostin neutralizing antibody treatment enhances bone formation but does not rescue mechanically induced delayed healing. Journal Of Bone And Mineral Research 2018;33:1686-1697.
Li, W; Yuan, L; Tong, GJ; He, YH; Meng, Y; Hao, S; Chen, JT; Guo, J; Bringhurst, R; Yang, DH. Phospholipase c signaling activated by parathyroid hormone mediates the rapid osteoclastogenesis in the fracture healing of orchiectomized mice. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 2018;19:.
Meimandi-Parizi, A; Oryan, A; Sayahi, E; Bigham-Sadegh, A. Propolis extract a new reinforcement material in improving bone healing: an in vivo study. International Journal Of Surgery 2018;56:94-101.
Iacobini, C; Fantauzzi, CB; Bedini, R; Pecci, R; Bartolazzi, A; Amadio, B; Pesce, C; Pugliese, G; Menini, S. Galectin-3 is essential for proper bone cell differentiation and activity, bone remodeling and biomechanical competence in mice. Metabolism-Clinical And Experimental 2018;83:149-158.
Vettori, D; Nikora, V. Flow-seaweed interactions: a laboratory study using blade models. Environmental Fluid Mechanics 2018;18:611-636.
Joseph, J; Nabeel, PM; Shah, MI; Sivaprakasam, M. Arterial compliance probe for cuffless evaluation of carotid pulse pressure. Plos One 2018;13:.
Rodriguez-Rodriguez, VE; Martinez-Gonzalez, B; Quiroga-Garza, A; Reyes-Hernandez, CG; de la Fuente-Villarreal, D; de la Garza-Castro, O; Guzman-Lopez, S; Elizondo-Omana, RE. Human umbilical vessels: choosing the optimal decellularization method. Asaio Journal 2018;64:575-580.
Vasquez-Rivera, A; Oldenhof, H; Dipresa, D; Goecke, T; Kouvaka, A; Will, F; Haverich, A; Korossis, S; Hilfiker, A; Wolkers, WF. Use of sucrose to diminish pore formation in freeze-dried heart valves. Scientific Reports 2018;8:.
Zhu, FP; Qian, Y; Xu, B; Gu, YX; Karunanithi, K; Zhu, W; Chen, L; Mao, Y; Morgan, MK. Quantitative assessment of changes in hemodynamics of the internal carotid artery after bypass surgery for moyamoya disease. Journal Of Neurosurgery 2018;129:677-683.
Ren, X; Ghassemi, P; Kanaan, YM; Naab, T; Copeland, RL; Dewitty, RL; Kim, I; Strobl, JS; Agah, M. Kernel-based microfluidic constriction assay for tumor sample identification. Acs Sensors 2018;3:1510-1521.
Formosa-Dague, C; Castelain, M; Martin-Yken, H; Dunker, K; Dague, E; Sletmoen, M. The role of glycans in bacterial adhesion to mucosal surfaces: how can single-molecule techniques advance our understanding?. Microorganisms 2018;6:.
Blanke, A. Analysis of modularity and integration suggests evolution of dragonfly wing venation mainly in response to functional demands. Journal Of The Royal Society Interface 2018;15:.
Lindgren, B; Orizaola, G; Laurila, A. Interacting effects of predation risk and resource level on escape speed of amphibian larvae along a latitudinal gradient. Journal Of Evolutionary Biology 2018;31:1216-1226.
Coleman, JM; Benowitz, KM; Jost, AG; Matzkin, LM. Behavioral evolution accompanying host shifts in cactophilic drosophila larvae. Ecology And Evolution 2018;8:6921-6931.
Ferron, HG; Holgado, B; Liston, JJ; Martinez-Perez, C; Botella, H. Assessing metabolic constraints on the maximum body size of actinopterygians: locomotion energetics of leedsichthys problematicus (actinopterygii, pachycormiformes). Palaeontology 2018;61:775-783.
Lengerer, B; Ladurner, P. Properties of temporary adhesion systems of marine and freshwater organisms. Journal Of Experimental Biology 2018;221:.
Khrizman, A; Ribak, G; Churilov, D; Kolesnikov, I; Genin, A. Life in the flow: unique adaptations for feeding on drifting zooplankton in garden eels. Journal Of Experimental Biology 2018;221:.
Yu, Q; Wang, CY; Yang, JX; Guo, CW; Zhang, SN. Mineralized collagen/mg-ca alloy combined scaffolds with improved biocompatibility for enhanced bone response following tooth extraction. Biomedical Materials 2018;13:.
Chappuis, V; Maestre, L; Burki, A; Barre, S; Buser, D; Zysset, P; Bosshardt, D. Osseointegration of ultrafine-grained titanium with a hydrophilic nano-patterned surface: an in vivo examination in miniature pigs. Biomaterials Science 2018;6:2448-2459.
Chen, XZ; Wang, YX; Mao, Y; Zhou, ZH; Zheng, JS; Zhen, JZ; Qiu, YT; Zhang, SY; Qin, HY; Yang, C. Biomechanical evaluation of chinese customized three-dimensionally printed total temporomandibular joint prostheses: a finite element analysis. Journal Of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 2018;46:1561-1568.
Mozafari, H; Dong, PF; Zhao, SJ; Bi, YH; Han, XW; Gu, LX. Migration resistance of esophageal stents: the role of stent design. Computers In Biology And Medicine 2018;100:43-49.
Syamala, KR; Ailneni, RC; Kim, JH; Hwang, J. Armrests and back support reduced biomechanical loading in the neck and upper extremities during mobile phone use. Applied Ergonomics 2018;73:48-54.
Cattarello, P; Vinelli, S; D'Emanuele, S; Gazzoni, M; Merletti, R. Comparison of chairs based on hdsemg of back muscles, biomechanical and comfort indices, for violin and viola players: a short-term study. Journal Of Electromyography And Kinesiology 2018;42:92-103.
O'Neill, MC; Demes, B; Thompson, NE; Umberger, BR. Three-dimensional kinematics and the origin of the hominin walking stride. Journal Of The Royal Society Interface 2018;15:.
DeSilva, JM; Gill, CM; Prang, TC; Bredella, MA; Alemseged, Z. A nearly complete foot from dikika, ethiopia and its implications for the ontogeny and function of australopithecus afarensis. Science Advances 2018;4:.
Knaust, D; Minter, NJ. The fish swimming trace undichna unisulca from the silurian of sweden: probably the oldest vertebrate locomotion trace fossil. Lethaia 2018;51:469-472.
Krishnan, C; Washabaugh, EP; Reid, CE; Althoen, MM; Ranganathan, R. Learning new gait patterns: age-related differences in skill acquisition and interlimb transfer. Experimental Gerontology 2018;111:45-52.
Snyder, ML; Schmitt, D. Effects of aging on the biomechanics of coquerel's sifaka (propithecus coquereli): evidence of robustness to senescence. Experimental Gerontology 2018;111:235-240.
Picerno, P; Padulo, J. Acute kinematic adaptations to running on a centrifugal track: a pilot study. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part P-Journal Of Sports Engineering And Technology 2018;232:275-281.
Mather, G; Parsons, T. Adaptation reveals sensory and decision components in the visual estimation of locomotion speed. Scientific Reports 2018;8:.
Sun, D; Fekete, G; Mei, QC; Gu, YD. The effect of walking speed on the foot inter-segment kinematics, ground reaction forces and lower limb joint moments. Peerj 2018;6:.
Fusca, M; Negrini, F; Perego, P; Magoni, L; Molteni, F; Andreoni, G. Validation of a wearable imu system for gait analysis: protocol and application to a new system. Applied Sciences-Basel 2018;8:.
Masters, R; Capio, C; Poolton, J; Uiga, L. Perceptual modification of the built environment to influence behavior associated with physical activity: quasi-experimental field studies of a stair banister illusion. Sports Medicine 2018;48:1505-1511.
Hunt, D; Stuart, S; Nell, J; Hausdorff, JM; Galna, B; Rochester, L; Alcock, L. Do people with parkinson's disease look at task relevant stimuli when walking? an exploration of eye movements. Behavioural Brain Research 2018;348:82-89.
Badhiwala, KN; Gonzales, DL; Vercosa, DG; Avants, BW; Robinson, JT. Microfluidics for electrophysiology, imaging, and behavioral analysis of hydra. Lab On A Chip 2018;18:.
Rachinas-Lopes, P; Ribeiro, R; dos Santos, ME; Costa, RM. D-track-a semi-automatic 3d video-tracking technique to analyse movements and routines of aquatic animals with application to captive dolphins. Plos One 2018;13:.
Vera, MC; Abdala, V; Araoz, E; Ponssa, ML. Movement and joints: effects of overuse on anuran knee tissues. Peerj 2018;6:.
Smith, JM; Werner, FW; Harley, BJ. Forces in the distal radius during a pushup or active wrist motions. Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2018;43:806-811.
Vanhees, M; Shukla, DR; Fitzsimmons, JS; An, KN; O'Driscoll, SW. Anthropometric study of the radiocapitellar joint. Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2018;43:.
Wang, D; Tan, HB; Lebaschi, AH; Nakagawa, Y; Wada, S; Donnelly, PE; Ying, L; Deng, XH; Rodeo, SA. Kartogenin enhances collagen organization and mechanical strength of the repaired enthesis in a murine model of rotator cuff repair. Arthroscopy-The Journal Of Arthroscopic And Related Surgery 2018;34:2579-2587.
Gamer, LW; Pregizer, S; Gamer, J; Feigenson, M; Ionescu, A; Li, Q; Han, L; Rosen, V. The role of bmp2 in the maturation and maintenance of the murine knee joint. Journal Of Bone And Mineral Research 2018;33:1708-1717.
Fontanella, CG; Macchi, V; Carniel, EL; Frigo, A; Porzionato, A; Picardi, EEE; Favero, M; Ruggieri, P; de Caro, R; Natali, AN. Biomechanical behavior of hoffa's fat pad in healthy and osteoarthritic conditions: histological and mechanical investigations. Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences In Medicine 2018;41:657-667.
Cossin, M; Ross, A; Gosselin, FP. Repeatability of force signals in aerial circus straps. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part P-Journal Of Sports Engineering And Technology 2018;232:225-235.
Rieucau, G; Kiszka, JJ; Castillo, JC; Mourier, J; Boswell, KM; Heithaus, MR. Using unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) surveys and image analysis in the study of large surface-associated marine species: a case study on reef sharks carcharhinus melanopterus shoaling behaviour. Journal Of Fish Biology 2018;93:119-127.
Domagala, Z; Stepak, H; Drapikowski, P; Kociemba, A; Pyda, M; Karmelita-Katulska, K; Dzieciuchowicz, L; Oszkinis, G. Geometric verification of the validity of finite element method analysis of abdominal aortic aneurysms based on magnetic resonance imaging. Biocybernetics And Biomedical Engineering 2018;38:544-555.
Muller, C; Remy, S. Septo-hippocampal interaction. Cell And Tissue Research 2018;373:565-575.
Skinner, NP; Lee, SY; Kurpad, SN; Schmit, BD; Muftuler, LT; Budde, MD. Filter-probe diffusion imaging improves spinal cord injury outcome prediction. Annals Of Neurology 2018;84:37-50.
Oueghlani, Z; Simonnet, C; Cardoit, L; Courtand, G; Cazalets, JR; Morin, D; Juvin, L; Barriere, G. Brainstem steering of locomotor activity in the newborn rat. Journal Of Neuroscience 2018;38:7725-7740.
Shintani, K; Uemura, T; Takamatsu, K; Yokoi, T; Onode, E; Okada, M; Nakamura, H. Protective effect of biodegradable nerve conduit against peripheral nerve adhesion after neurolysis. Journal Of Neurosurgery 2018;129:815-824.
Shin, JK; Lim, BY; Goh, TS; Son, SM; Kim, HS; Lee, JS; Lee, CS. Effect of the screw type (s2-alar-iliac and iliac), screw length, and screw head angle on the risk of screw and adjacent bone failures after a spinopelvic fixation technique: a finite element analysis. Plos One 2018;13:.
Che, YJ; Li, HT; Liang, T; Chen, X; Guo, JB; Jiang, HY; Luo, ZP; Yang, HL. Intervertebral disc degeneration induced by long-segment in-situ immobilization: a macro, micro, and nanoscale analysis. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 2018;19:.
Amiri, S; Naserkhaki, S; Parnianpour, M. Modeling and validation of a detailed fe viscoelastic lumbar spine model for vehicle occupant dummies. Computers In Biology And Medicine 2018;99:191-200.
Fottner, A; Woiczinski, M; Kistler, M; Schroder, C; Schmidutz, TF; Jansson, V; Schmidutz, F. Varus malalignment of cementless hip stems provides sufficient primary stability but highly increases distal strain distribution. Clinical Biomechanics 2018;58:14-20.
Su, W; Qi, WX; Li, XX; Zhao, S; Jiang, J; Zhao, JZ. Effect of suture absorbability on rotator cuff healing in a rabbit rotator cuff repair model. American Journal Of Sports Medicine 2018;46:2743-2754.
Lee, DY; Kim, DH; Kim, HJ; Ahn, HS; Lee, TH; Hwang, SC. Posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with transtibial or tibial inlay techniques a meta-analysis of biomechanical and clinical outcomes. American Journal Of Sports Medicine 2018;46:2789-2797.
Park, MC; Itami, Y; Lin, CC; Kantor, A; McGarry, MH; Park, CJ; Lee, TQ. Anterior cable reconstruction using the proximal biceps tendon for large rotator cuff defects limits superior migration and subacromial contact without inhibiting range of motion: a biomechanical analysis. Arthroscopy-The Journal Of Arthroscopic And Related Surgery 2018;34:2590-2600.
Noonan, BC; Bachmaier, S; Wijdicks, CA; Bedi, A. Intraoperative preconditioning of fixed and adjustable loop suspensory anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with tibial screw fixation-an in vitro biomechanical evaluation using a porcine model. Arthroscopy-The Journal Of Arthroscopic And Related Surgery 2018;34:2668-2674.
Ferretti, A. Editorial commentary: when biomechanics apparently conflicts with clinical practice: the role of translational medicine regarding combined anterior cruciate ligament and lateral knee reconstruction. Arthroscopy-The Journal Of Arthroscopic And Related Surgery 2018;34:2696-2698.
Feron, M; Couillandre, A; Mseddi, E; Termoz, N; Abidi, M; Bardinet, E; Delgadillo, D; Lenglet, T; Querin, G; Welter, ML; Le Forestier, N; Salachas, F; Bruneteau, G; Amador, MD; Debs, R; Lacomblez, L; Meininger, V; Pelegrini-Issac, M; Bede, P; Pradat, PF; de Marco, G. Extrapyramidal deficits in als: a combined biomechanical and neuroimaging study. Journal Of Neurology 2018;265:2125-2136.
Stenlund, TC; Ohberg, F; Lundstrom, R; Lindroos, O; Hager, CK; Neely, G; Rehn, B. Double-sided mechanical shocks provoke larger seated postural reactions compared with single-sided mechanical shocks. Spine 2018;43:69-5256-5069-5256-55.
Kaufman, KR; Bernhardt, KA; Symms, K. Functional assessment and satisfaction of transfemoral amputees with low mobility (fastk2): a clinical trial of microprocessor-controlled vs. non-microprocessor-controlled knees. Clinical Biomechanics 2018;58:116-122.
Li, B; Yuan, B; Tang, S; Mao, YW; Zhang, DM; Huang, CY; Tan, BL. Biomechanical design analysis and experiments evaluation of a passive knee-assisting exoskeleton for weight-climbing. Industrial Robot-The International Journal Of Robotics Research And Application 2018;45:436-445.
Reddy, NS; Sen, S; Har, C. Effect of flexural stiffness distribution of a fin on propulsion performance. Mechanism And Machine Theory 2018;129:218-231.
Gong, D; Cai, J; Celi, N; Feng, L; Jiang, YG; Zhang, DY. Bio-inspired magnetic helical microswimmers made of nickel-plated spirulina with enhanced propulsion velocity. Journal Of Magnetism And Magnetic Materials 2018;468:148-154.
Tang, MJ; Wang, W; Li, ZL; Liu, ZM; Guo, ZY; Tian, HY; Liu, Z; Ju, XJ; Xie, R; Chu, LY. Controllable microfluidic fabrication of magnetic hybrid microswimmers with hollow helical structures. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2018;57:9430-9438.
Chapman, EM; Bryant, M. Bioinspired passive variable recruitment of fluidic artificial muscles. Journal Of Intelligent Material Systems And Structures 2018;29:3067-3081.
Huang, HW; Huang, TY; Charilaou, M; Lyttle, S; Zhang, Q; Pane, S; Nelson, BJ. Investigation of magnetotaxis of reconfigurable micro-origami swimmers with competitive and cooperative anisotropy. Advanced Functional Materials 2018;28:.
Morimoto, Y; Onoe, H; Takeuchi, S. Biohybrid robot powered by an antagonistic pair of skeletal muscle tissues. Science Robotics 2018;3:.
Zhang, YJ; Zhou, ZT; Fan, Z; Zhang, SQ; Zheng, FM; Liu, KY; Zhang, YL; Shi, ZF; Chen, L; Li, XX; Mao, Y; Wang, F; Sun, YL; Tao, TH. Self-powered multifunctional transient bioelectronics. Small 2018;14:.
Iwahara, C; Sakate, S; Tanaka, Y; Kamiya, S; Mizukami, Y; Masuko, K. Towards the establishment of an alcoholism rehabilitation program (arp) including measures for the prevention of locomotor disability. Alcoholism-Clinical And Experimental Research 2018;42:51-5565-5155-65.
Wang, LZ; Lin, CY; Yao, W; Wong, DWC; Zhu, R. Biomechanics and bioengineering of orthopedic and cardiovascular rehabilitation. Journal Of Healthcare Engineering 2018;NaN:.
Gao, Y; Melin, M; Makarainen, K; Rantalainen, T; Pesola, AJ; Laukkanen, A; Saakslahti, A; Finni, T. Children's physical activity and sedentary time compared using assessments of accelerometry counts and muscle activity level. Peerj 2018;6:.
San Juan, JG; Suprak, DN; Roach, SM; Lyda, M. Lower extremity strength and range of motion in high school cross-country runners. Applied Bionics And Biomechanics 2018;NaN:.
Jayalath, JLR; de Noronha, M; Weerakkody, N; Bini, R. Effects of fatigue on ankle biomechanics during jumps: a systematic review. Journal Of Electromyography And Kinesiology 2018;42:81-91.
McEwen, I; Cooper, DE; Warnett, J; Kourra, N; Williams, MA; Gibbons, GJ. Design & manufacture of a high-performance bicycle crank by additive manufacturing. Applied Sciences-Basel 2018;8:.
Galloway, RT; Xu, YY; Hewett, TE; Foss, KB; Kiefer, AW; DiCesare, CA; Magnussen, RA; Khoury, J; Ford, KR; Diekfuss, JA; Grooms, D; Myer, GD; Montalvo, AM. Age-dependent patellofemoral pain hip and knee risk landing profiles in prepubescent and postpubescent female athletes. American Journal Of Sports Medicine 2018;46:2761-2771.
Nagelli, C; Wordeman, S; Di Stasi, S; Hoffman, J; Marulli, T; Hewett, TE. Biomechanical deficits at the hip in athletes with acl reconstruction are ameliorated with neuromuscular training. American Journal Of Sports Medicine 2018;46:2772-2779.
D'Artibale, E; Laursen, PB; Cronin, JB. Human performance in motorcycle road racing: a review of the literature. Sports Medicine 2018;48:1345-1356.
Gray, AJ; Shorter, K; Cummins, C; Murphy, A; Waldron, M. Modelling movement energetics using global positioning system devices in contact team sports: limitations and solutions. Sports Medicine 2018;48:1357-1368.
Brocherie, F; Girard, O; Millet, GP. Updated analysis of changes in locomotor activities across periods in an international ice hockey game. Biology Of Sport 2018;35:261-267.
Havens, KL; Cohen, SC; Pratt, KA; Sigward, SM. Accelerations from wearable accelerometers reflect knee loading during running after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Clinical Biomechanics 2018;58:57-61.
Pang, EQ; Douglass, N; Behn, A; Winterton, M; Rainbow, MJ; Kamal, RN. Tensile and torsional structural properties of the native scapholunate ligament. Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2018;43:.
Shin, SS; van Eck, CF; Uquillas, C. Suture tape augmentation of the thumb ulnar collateral ligament repair: a biomechanical study. Journal Of Hand Surgery-American Volume 2018;43:.
Offerhaus, C; Albers, M; Nagai, K; Arner, JW; Hoher, J; Musahl, V; Fu, FH. Individualized anterior cruciate ligament graft matching in vivo comparison of cross-sectional areas of hamstring, patellar, and quadriceps tendon grafts and acl insertion area. American Journal Of Sports Medicine 2018;46:2646-2652.
Zhang, CH; Jiang, YL; Ning, LJ; Li, Q; Fu, WL; Zhang, YJ; Zhang, YJ; Xia, CC; Li, J; Qin, TW. Evaluation of decellularized bovine tendon sheets for achilles tendon defect reconstruction in a rabbit model. American Journal Of Sports Medicine 2018;46:2687-2699.
Ramkumar, PN; Frangiamore, SJ; Navarro, SM; Lynch, TS; Forney, MC; Kaar, SG; Akhavan, S; Moutzouros, V; Westermann, RW; Farrow, LD; Schickendantz, MS. Interobserver and intraobserver reliability of an mri-based classification system for injuries to the ulnar collateral ligament. American Journal Of Sports Medicine 2018;46:2755-2760.
Liu, GM; Pan, J; Zhang, Y; Ning, LJ; Luo, JC; Huang, FG; Qin, TW. Bridging repair of large rotator cuff tears using a multilayer decellularized tendon slices graft in a rabbit model. Arthroscopy-The Journal Of Arthroscopic And Related Surgery 2018;34:2569-2578.
Pauzenberger, L; Hurley, ET. Editorial commentary: finally, something positive about the long head of the biceps tendon?!-shoulder superior capsular reconstruction. Arthroscopy-The Journal Of Arthroscopic And Related Surgery 2018;34:2601-2603.
Getgood, A. Editorial commentary: imaging of the anterolateral ligament of the knee: the mr(eye) sees what the brain knows.... Arthroscopy-The Journal Of Arthroscopic And Related Surgery 2018;34:2739-2742.
Madail, CA; Vaz, MD; Amaral, PM; Consciencia, JG; Silva, AL. Quadruple semitendinosus graft construct with double cortical suspensory fixation for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a biomechanical study. Scientific Reports 2018;8:.
Yao, QQ; Hu, J; Zheng, PF; Li, JY; Zhou, J; Tian, SC; Wei, B; Xu, Y; Wang, LM. In vitro evaluation of marrow clot enrichment on microstructure decoration, cell delivery and proliferation of porous titanium scaffolds by selective laser melting three-dimensional printing. Journal Of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials 2018;106:2245-2253.
Muller, B; Elrod, J; Pensalfini, M; Hopf, R; Distler, O; Schiestl, C; Mazza, E. A novel ultra-light suction device for mechanical characterization of skin. Plos One 2018;13:.
Pham, K; Turian, E; Liu, K; Li, SW; Lowengrub, J. Nonlinear studies of tumor morphological stability using a two-fluid flow model. Journal Of Mathematical Biology 2018;77:671-709.
Minelli, E; Sassun, TE; Papi, M; Palmieri, V; Palermo, F; Perini, G; Antonelli, M; Gianno, F; Maulucci, G; Ciasca, G; De Spirito, M. Nanoscale mechanics of brain abscess: an atomic force microscopy study. Micron 2018;113:34-40.
Ackermann, M; Wang, XH; Wang, SF; Neufurth, M; Schroder, HC; Isemer, FE; Muller, WEG. Collagen-inducing biologization of prosthetic material for hernia repair: polypropylene meshes coated with polyp/collagen. Journal Of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials 2018;106:2109-2121.
Tsushima, WT; Ahn, HJ; Siu, AM; Fukuyama, T; Murata, NM. Computerized neuropsychololical test performance of youth football players at different positions: a comparison of high and low contact players. Applied Neuropsychology-Child 2018;7:217-223.
Lanza, M; Rinaldi, M; Carnevale, UAG; di Staso, S; Sconocchia, MB; Costagliola, C. Analysis of differences in intraocular pressure evaluation performed with contact and non-contact devices. Bmc Ophthalmology 2018;18:.
Zhang, YH; Wang, Y; Li, LY; Dou, R; Wu, WJ; Wu, D; Jhanji, V. Corneal stiffness and its relationship with other corneal biomechanical and nonbiomechanical parameters in myopic eyes of chinese patients. Cornea 2018;37:881-885.
Akkaya, S; Kucuk, B. Re: lamina cribrosa thickness in patients with keratoconus. Cornea 2018;37:69-5156-6951-56.
Diez-Alvarez, L; Munoz-Negrete, FJ; Casas-Llera, P; Oblanca, N; de Juan, V; Rebolleda, G. Lamina cribrosa thickness in patients with keratoconus. Cornea 2018;37:69-5056-6950-57.
Ural, A. A virtual biomechanics laboratory incorporating advanced image processing and finite element modeling. International Journal Of Engineering Education 2018;34:505-513.
Yagnick, NS; Tripathi, M; Mohindra, S. How did michael jackson challenge our understanding of spine biomechanics?. Journal Of Neurosurgery-Spine 2018;29:344-345.