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LITERATURE UPDATE September 27 - October 03, 2018

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  • LITERATURE UPDATE September 27 - October 03, 2018

    September 27 - October 03, 2018
    Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

    Sarah A Roelker, PhD
    Neuromuscular Biomechanics Lab
    Department of Mechanical Engineering
    University of Texas at Austin, USA

    Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst - Cited by 349 - Biomechanics - Neuromuscular Control - Musculoskeletal Modeling and Simulations

    - Not all articles have a DOI.
    - Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
    - Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in electronic form through the publisher

    Demirtas, A; Ural, A. Material heterogeneity, microstructure, and microcracks demonstrate differential influence on crack initiation and propagation in cortical bone. Biomechanics And Modeling In Mechanobiology 2018;17:1415-1428.

    Ovesy, M; Voumard, B; Zysset, P. A nonlinear homogenized finite element analysis of the primary stability of the bone-implant interface. Biomechanics And Modeling In Mechanobiology 2018;17:1471-1480.

    Zandi, M; Shokri, A; Mousavi, M; Rajaei, S; Mezerji, NMG. Does zoledronate therapy make mandibular bone susceptible to fracture? a radiographical and biomechanical study in rats. Injury-International Journal Of The Care Of The Injured 2018;49:1746-1749.

    Stephens, NB; Kivell, TL; Pahr, DH; Hublin, JJ; Skinner, MM. Trabecular bone patterning across the human hand. Journal Of Human Evolution 2018;123:1-23.

    Li, XJ; Xue, WL; Cao, Y; Long, YM; Xie, MS. Effect of lycopene on titanium implant osseointegration in ovariectomized rats. Journal Of Orthopaedic Surgery And Research 2018;13:.

    Bei, JX; Zhang, XL; Wu, JK; Hu, ZQ; Xu, BL; Lin, SE; Cui, L; Wu, T; Zou, LY. Ginsenoside rb1 does not halt osteoporotic bone loss in ovariectomized rats. Plos One 2018;13:.

    Tovar, N; Witek, L; Atria, P; Sobieraj, M; Bowers, M; Lopez, CD; Cronstein, BN; Coelho, PG. Form and functional repair of long bone using 3d-printed bioactive scaffolds. Journal Of Tissue Engineering And Regenerative Medicine 2018;12:1986-1999.

    Kang, HG; Jeong, YS; Huh, YH; Park, CJ; Cho, LR. Impact of surface chemistry modifications on speed and strength of osseointegration. International Journal Of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 2018;33:780-787.

    Wiendieck, K; Muller, H; Buchfelder, M; Sommer, B. Mechanical stability of a novel screw design after repeated insertion: can the double-thread screw serve as a back-up?. Journal Of Neurosurgical Sciences 2018;62:271-278.

    Chen, CH; Chen, WC; Lin, CY; Chen, CH; Tsuang, YH; Kuo, YJ. Sintered dicalcium pyrophosphate treatment attenuates estrogen deficiency-associated disc degeneration in ovariectomized rats. Drug Design Development And Therapy 2018;12:3033-3041.

    de Paula, LGF; de Oliveira, GJPL; Pinotti, FE; Grecchi, BB; de Aquino, SG; Marcantonio, RAC. Effect of avocado/soybean unsaponifiables asu on osseointegration in rats with experimental arthritis. International Journal Of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 2018;33:603-612.

    Elkins, JM; Simoens, KJ; Callaghan, JJ. Lower extremity geometry in morbid obesity-considerations for total knee arthroplasty. Journal Of Arthroplasty 2018;33:3304-3312.

    Boldrin, D; Leung, AK; Bengough, AG. Effects of root dehydration on biomechanical properties of woody roots of ulex europaeus. Plant And Soil 2018;431:347-369.

    Holzapfel, GA; Ogden, RW. Biomechanical relevance of the microstructure in artery walls with a focus on passive and active components. American Journal Of Physiology-Heart And Circulatory Physiology 2018;315:72-5352-4872-5352-57.

    Deloose, K; Callaert, J. Less is more: the "as less as reasonably achievable stenting" (alaras) strategy in the femoropopliteal area. Journal Of Cardiovascular Surgery 2018;59:495-503.

    Ferruzzi, J; Di Achille, P; Tellides, G; Humphrey, JD. Combining in vivo and in vitro biomechanical data reveals key roles of perivascular tethering in central artery function. Plos One 2018;13:.

    Latorre, M; Humphrey, JD. Modeling mechano-driven and immuno-mediated aortic maladaptation in hypertension. Biomechanics And Modeling In Mechanobiology 2018;17:1497-1511.

    Tang, DL; Li, ZY. Preface: innovations and current trends in computational cardiovascular modeling and beyond: molecular, cellular, tissue and organ biomechanics with clinical applications. Cmes-Computer Modeling In Engineering & Sciences 2018;116:109-113.

    Saini, H; Eliato, KR; Silva, C; Allam, M; Mouneimne, G; Ros, R; Nikkhah, M. The role of desmoplasia and stromal fibroblasts on anti-cancer drug resistance in a microengineered tumor model. Cellular And Molecular Bioengineering 2018;11:419-433.

    Bashirzadeh, Y; Chatterji, S; Palmer, D; Dumbali, S; Qian, SZ; Maruthamuthu, V. Stiffness measurement of soft silicone substrates for mechanobiology studies using a widefield fluorescence microscope. Jove-Journal Of Visualized Experiments 2018;NaN:.

    Bastounis, EE; Ortega, FE; Serrano, R; Theriot, JA. A multi-well format polyacrylamide-based assay for studying the effect of extracellular matrix stiffness on the bacterial infection of adherent cells. Jove-Journal Of Visualized Experiments 2018;NaN:.

    Dimchev, G; Rottner, K. Micromanipulation techniques allowing analysis of morphogenetic dynamics and turnover of cytoskeletal regulators. Jove-Journal Of Visualized Experiments 2018;NaN:.

    Schregel, K; Nazari, N; Nowicki, MO; Palotai, M; Lawler, SE; Sinkus, R; Barbone, PE; Patz, S. Characterization of glioblastoma in an orthotopic mouse model with magnetic resonance elastography. Nmr In Biomedicine 2018;31:.

    Kim, DH; Ewald, AJ; Park, J; Kshitiz; Kwak, M; Gray, RS; Su, CY; Seo, J; An, SS; Levchenko, A. Biomechanical interplay between anisotropic re-organization of cells and the surrounding matrix underlies transition to invasive cancer spread. Scientific Reports 2018;8:.

    Li, N; Zhang, X; Li, PW; Yang, H; Tong, CF; Lu, SQ; Zhang, Y; Ye, ZY; Pan, J; Long, M. Mechanical strength and structural basis of beta(2) integrin to mediate neutrophil accumulation on liver sinusoidal endothelial cells: a study using atomic force microscopy and molecular dynamics simulations. Cmes-Computer Modeling In Engineering & Sciences 2018;116:263-279.

    Li, Y; Grover, H; Dai, E; Yang, K; Chen, Z. Probing the roles of physical forces in early chick embryonic morphogenesis. Jove-Journal Of Visualized Experiments 2018;NaN:.

    Khoury, LR; Nowitzke, J; Dahal, N; Shmilovich, K; Eis, A; Popa, I. Force-clamp rheometry for characterizing protein-based hydrogels. Jove-Journal Of Visualized Experiments 2018;NaN:.

    Ankhelyi, MV; Wainwright, DK; Lauder, GV. Diversity of dermal denticle structure in sharks: skin surface roughness and three-dimensional morphology. Journal Of Morphology 2018;279:1132-1154.

    Youlatos, D; Moussa, D; Karantanis, NE; Rychlik, L. Locomotion, postures, substrate use, and foot grasping in the marsupial feathertail glider acrobates pygmaeus (diprotodontia: acrobatidae): insights into early euprimate evolution. Journal Of Human Evolution 2018;123:148-159.

    Tinius, A; Russell, AP; Jamniczky, HA; Anderson, JS. What is bred in the bone: ecomorphological associations of pelvic girdle form in greater antillean anolis lizards. Journal Of Morphology 2018;279:1016-1030.

    Rector, AL; Vergamini, M. Forelimb morphology and substrate use in extant cercopithecidae and the fossil primate community of the hadar sequence, ethiopia. Journal Of Human Evolution 2018;123:70-83.

    Foster, KL; Dhuper, M; Standen, EM. Fin and body neuromuscular coordination changes during walking and swimming in polypterus senegalus. Journal Of Experimental Biology 2018;221:.

    Taft, NK; Taft, BN; Henck, H; Mehner, T. Variation in flexural stiffness of the lepidotrichia within and among the soft fins of yellow perch under different preservation techniques. Journal Of Morphology 2018;279:1045-1057.

    Powell, GL; Russell, AP; Sutey, J. Patterns of growth in the presacral vertebral column of the leopard gecko (eublepharis macularius). Journal Of Morphology 2018;279:1088-1103.

    Aiello, BR; Hardy, AR; Cherian, C; Olsen, AM; Orsbon, CP; Hale, ME; Westneat, MW. A comparison of pectoral fin ray morphology and its impact on fin ray flexural stiffness in labriform swimmers. Journal Of Morphology 2018;279:1031-1044.

    Kimura, T; Yang, TC; Maeda, Y. Influence of rigid bar and nonrigid double crown attachments on maxillary implant overdentures: an in vitro study with differential bone quality. International Journal Of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 2018;33:764-769.

    Falco, A; Berardini, M; Trisi, P. Correlation between implant geometry, implant surface, insertion torque, and primary stability: in vitro biomechanical analysis. International Journal Of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 2018;33:824-830.

    Tribst, JPM; Dal Piva, AMD; Madruga, CFL; Valera, MC; Borges, ALS; Bresciani, E; de Melo, RM. Endocrown restorations: influence of dental remnant and restorative material on stress distribution. Dental Materials 2018;34:1466-1473.

    Nickel, JC; Iwasaki, LR; Gonzalez, YM; Gallo, LM; Yao, H. Mechanobehavior and ontogenesis of the temporomandibular joint. Journal Of Dental Research 2018;97:1185-1192.

    Valdivia, ADCM; Rodrigues, MD; Bicalho, AA; Van Meerbeek, B; Vander Sloten, J; Pessoa, RSE; Soares, CJ. Biomechanical effect of ferrule on incisors restored with a fiberglass post and lithium-disilicate ceramic crown after thermal cycling and fatigue loading. Journal Of Adhesive Dentistry 2018;20:133-142.

    Upadhyay, M; Shah, R; Agarwal, S; Vishwanath, M; Chen, PJ; Asaki, T; Peterson, D. Force system with vertical v-bends: a 3d in vitro assessment of elastic and rigid rectangular archwires. Jove-Journal Of Visualized Experiments 2018;NaN:.

    Sanchez, JAG; Coda, HB. The search for the centre of resistance of a tooth using a finite element model and the continuum mechanics. Latin American Journal Of Solids And Structures 2018;15:.

    Herbst, PE; de Carvalho, EB; Salatti, RC; Valgas, L; Tiossi, R. Influence of different screw torque levels on the biomechanical behavior of tapered prosthetic abutments. International Journal Of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 2018;33:536-540.

    Jhorar, R; Tripathi, D; Bhatti, MM; Ellahi, R. Electroosmosis modulated biomechanical transport through asymmetric microfluidics channel. Indian Journal Of Physics 2018;92:1229-1238.

    Wood, KAC; Lowndes, BR; Buus, RJ; Hallbeck, MS. Evidence-based intraoperative microbreak activities for reducing musculoskeletal injuries in the operating room. Work-A Journal Of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation 2018;60:649-659.

    Boyle, EK; McNutt, EJ; Sasaki, T; Suwa, G; Zipfel, B; DeSilva, JM. A quantification of calcaneal lateral plantar process position with implications for bipedal locomotion in australopithecus. Journal Of Human Evolution 2018;123:24-34.

    Holowka, NB; Lieberman, DE. Rethinking the evolution of the human foot: insights from experimental research. Journal Of Experimental Biology 2018;221:.

    Godiyal, AK; Verma, HK; Khanna, N; Joshi, D. A force myography-based system for gait event detection in overground and ramp walking. Ieee Transactions On Instrumentation And Measurement 2018;67:2314-2323.

    Palad, YY; Leaver, AM; McKay, MJ; Baldwin, JN; Lunar, FRM; Caube, FDM; Burns, J; Simic, M. Knee thrust prevalence and normative hip-knee-ankle angle deviation values among healthy individuals across the lifespan. Osteoarthritis And Cartilage 2018;26:1326-1332.

    Parmentier, E; De Pasqua, V; D'Ostilio, K; Depierreux, F; Garraux, G; de Noordhout, AM. Correlation between deep brain stimulation effects on freezing of gait and audio-spinal reflex. Clinical Neurophysiology 2018;129:2083-2088.

    Wuehr, M; Schlick, C; Mohwald, K; Schniepp, R. Walking in orthostatic tremor modulates tremor features and is characterized by impaired gait stability. Scientific Reports 2018;8:.

    Xiao, GS; Zhao, L; Huang, Q; Du, HH; Guo, DQ; Xia, MX; Li, GM; Chen, ZX; Wang, DY. Biosafety assessment of water samples from wanzhou watershed of yangtze three gorges reservior in the quiet season in caenorhabditis elegans. Scientific Reports 2018;8:.

    Courtine, G. Locomotion restored after paralysis. Nature 2018;561:317-318.

    Smith, AJJ; Lemaire, ED; Nantel, J. Lower limb sagittal kinematic and kinetic modeling of very slow walking for gait trajectory scaling. Plos One 2018;13:.

    Haddas, R; Patel, S; Arakal, R; Boah, A; Belanger, T; Ju, KL. Spine and lower extremity kinematics during gait in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Spine Journal 2018;18:1645-1652.

    Hubicki, C; Abate, A; Clary, P; Rezazadeh, S; Jones, M; Peekema, A; Van Why, J; Domres, R; Wu, A; Martin, W; Geyer, H; Hurst, J. Walking and running with passive compliance. Ieee Robotics & Automation Magazine 2018;25:23-39.

    Goh, SK; Abbass, HA; Tan, KC; Al-Mamun, A; Thakor, N; Bezerianos, A; Li, JH. Spatio-spectral representation learning for electroencephalographic gait-pattern classification. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering 2018;26:1858-1867.

    Wang, ZP; He, B; Zhou, YM; Yuan, TT; Xu, SL; Shao, MZ. An experimental analysis of stability in human walking. Journal Of Bionic Engineering 2018;15:827-838.

    Rostosky, CM; Milosevic, I. Gait analysis of age-dependent motor impairments in mice with neurodegeneration. Jove-Journal Of Visualized Experiments 2018;NaN:.

    Dominguez-Zamora, FJ; Gunn, SM; Marigold, DS. Adaptive gaze strategies to reduce environmental uncertainty during a sequential visuomotor behaviour. Scientific Reports 2018;8:.

    Buhler, MA; Lamontagne, A. Circumvention of pedestrians while walking in virtual and physical environments. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering 2018;26:1813-1822.

    Cone, B; Lockhart, T; Raisbeck, L; Ross, S; Rhea, C. An investigation into the relationship between locomotor dynamics and overall fall-risk. Journal Of Sport & Exercise Psychology 2018;40:83-5255-8352-55.

    Liang, HQ; Wu, JH. Locomotor adjustments during stair ascent in children with down syndrome: comparison between walking and crawling strategies. Journal Of Sport & Exercise Psychology 2018;40:83-5354-8353-55.

    Authie, C; Berthoz, A; Sahel, JA; Safran, AB. Locomotor reproduction of memorized trajectories: where peripheral vision matters. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2018;59:.

    Brownscombe, JW; Lennox, RJ; Danylchuk, AJ; Cooke, SJ. Estimating fish swimming metrics and metabolic rates with accelerometers: the influence of sampling frequency. Journal Of Fish Biology 2018;93:207-214.

    Ichikawa, H; Matsuo, T; Haiya, M; Higurashi, Y; Wada, N. Gait characteristics of cheetahs (acinonyx jubatus) and greyhounds (canis lupus familiaris) running on curves. Mammal Study 2018;43:.

    Farlow, JO; Robinson, NJ; Turner, ML; Black, J; Gatesy, SM. Footfall pattern of a bottom-walking crocodile (crocodylus acutus). Palaios 2018;33:406-413.

    Zhang, LL; Zhao, MR; Wang, ZY; Li, YX; Huang, YG; Zheng, YL. Measurement of dynamic force acted on water strider leg jumping upward by the pvdf film sensor. Jove-Journal Of Visualized Experiments 2018;NaN:.

    Hall, KC; Hundt, PJ; Swenson, JD; Summers, AP; Crow, KD. The evolution of underwater flight: the redistribution of pectoral fin rays, in manta rays and their relatives (myliobatidae). Journal Of Morphology 2018;279:1155-1170.

    Lu, SC; Vereecke, EE; Synek, A; Pahr, DH; Kivell, TL. A novel experimental design for the measurement of metacarpal bone loading and deformation and fingertip force. Peerj 2018;6:.

    Pritchett, JW. Hip resurfacing with a highly cross-linked polyethylene acetabular liner and a titanium nitride-coated femoral component. Hip International 2018;28:422-428.

    Ortiz, CA; Wagner, EA; Wagner, PA. Arthroereisis what have we learned?. Foot And Ankle Clinics 2018;23:415-43.

    Shoji, T; Yamasaki, T; Izumi, S; Sawa, M; Akiyama, Y; Yasunaga, Y; Adachi, N. Evaluation of articular cartilage following rotational acetabular osteotomy for hip dysplasia using t2 mapping mri. Skeletal Radiology 2018;47:1467-1474.

    Sangeorzan, A; Sangeorzan, B. Subtalar joint biomechanics from normal to pathologic. Foot And Ankle Clinics 2018;23:341-43.

    Zhao, KQ; Pu, SL; Yu, HM. Endoscopic septoplasty with limited two-line resection: minimally invasive surgery for septal deviation. Jove-Journal Of Visualized Experiments 2018;NaN:.

    Boudon, B; Linares, JM; Abourachid, A; Vauquelin, A; Mermoz, E. Bio-inspired topological skeleton for the analysis of quadruped kinematic gait. Journal Of Bionic Engineering 2018;15:839-850.

    Perez-Liva, M; Viel, T; Yoganathan, T; Garofalakis, A; Sourdon, J; Facchin, C; Tanter, M; Provost, J; Tavitian, B. Performance evaluation of the pet component of a hybrid pet/ct-ultrafast ultrasound imaging instrument. Physics In Medicine And Biology 2018;63:.

    Wang-Leandro, A; Hobert, MK; Kramer, S; Rohn, K; Stein, VM; Tipold, A. The role of diffusion tensor imaging as an objective tool for the assessment of motor function recovery after paraplegia in a naturally-occurring large animal model of spinal cord injury. Journal Of Translational Medicine 2018;16:.

    Alvaro, MA; Alejandro, GM; Ignacio, CVA. Kinematic analysis by gender in different jump tests based on a smartphone inertial sensor. Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte 2018;24:263-267.

    Ballard, M; Wolf, KT; Nepiyushchikh, Z; Dixon, JB; Alexeev, A. Probing the effect of morphology on lymphatic valve dynamic function. Biomechanics And Modeling In Mechanobiology 2018;17:1343-1356.

    Asghari, M; Behzadipour, S; Taghizadeh, G. A planar neuro-musculoskeletal arm model in post-stroke patients. Biological Cybernetics 2018;112:483-494.

    Lewinson, RT; Ganesh, A; Yeung, MMC. The biomechanics of manual muscle testing in the neuromuscular exam. Canadian Journal Of Neurological Sciences 2018;45:518-521.

    de Freitas, FS; Gomes, WA; Marchetti, PH. Effects of elastic wrap on muscle activity and isometric force of knee extensors. Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte 2018;24:295-299.

    Vulfsons, S; Chervonenko, S; Haddad, M; Weisman, MH; Lavi, N; Dar, G. Decreased amplitude of surface electromyographic recordings of muscle activation along the posterior myofascial kinematic chain in subjects with chronic nonspecific low back pain compared to healthy subjects. Journal Of Back And Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 2018;31:785-793.

    Muzzu, T; Mitolo, S; Gava, GP; Schultz, SR. Encoding of locomotion kinematics in the mouse cerebellum. Plos One 2018;13:.

    Kim, Y; Bulea, TC; Damiano, DL. Children with cerebral palsy have greater stride-to-stride variability of muscle synergies during gait than typically developing children: implications for motor control complexity. Neurorehabilitation And Neural Repair 2018;32:834-844.

    Schneider, DM; Sundararajan, J; Mooney, R. A cortical filter that learns to suppress the acoustic consequences of movement. Nature 2018;561:391-43.

    Chew, YL; Tanizawa, Y; Cho, Y; Zhao, BY; Yu, AJ; Ardiel, EL; Rabinowitch, I; Bai, JH; Rankin, CH; Lu, H; Beets, I; Schafer, WR. An afferent neuropeptide system transmits mechanosensory signals triggering sensitization and arousal in c. elegans. Neuron 2018;99:1233-43.

    Sternberg, JR; Prendergast, AE; Brosse, L; Cantaut-Belarif, Y; Thouvenin, O; Orts-Del'Immagine, A; Castillo, L; Djenoune, L; Kurisu, S; McDearmid, JR; Bardet, PL; Boccara, C; Okamoto, H; Delmas, P; Wyart, C. Pkd2l1 is required for mechanoception in cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons and maintenance of spine curvature. Nature Communications 2018;9:.

    Gerasimenko, Y; Sayenko, D; Gad, P; Kozesnik, J; Moshonkina, T; Grishin, A; Pukhov, A; Moiseev, S; Gorodnichev, R; Selionov, V; Kozlovskaya, I; Edgerton, VR. Electrical spinal stimulation, and imagining of lower limb movements to modulate brain-spinal connectomes that control locomotor-like behavior. Frontiers In Physiology 2018;9:.

    Ruitenberg, MFL; De Dios, YE; Gadd, NE; Wood, SJ; Reuter-Lorenz, PA; Kofman, I; Bloomberg, JJ; Mulavara, AP; Seidler, RD. Multi-day adaptation and savings in manual and locomotor tasks. Journal Of Motor Behavior 2018;50:517-527.

    Gritsenko, V; Hardesty, RL; Boots, MT; Yakovenko, S. Biomechanical constraints underlying motor primitives derived from the musculoskeletal anatomy of the human arm (vol 11, e0164050, 2016). Plos One 2018;13:.

    Yang, B; Shi, Z; Wang, Q; Xiao, F; Gu, TT; Yin, YK; Miao, ZL. Frequency spectrum of the human head-neck to mechanical vibrations. Journal Of Low Frequency Noise Vibration And Active Control 2018;37:611-618.

    Tian, HJ; Wu, AM; Guo, MK; Zhang, K; Chen, C; Li, XL; Cheng, XF; Zhou, TJ; Murray, SS; Sun, XJ; Zhao, J. Adequate restoration of disc height and segmental lordosis by lumbar interbody fusion decreases adjacent segment degeneration. World Neurosurgery 2018;118:69-5653-5469-5654-52.

    Gaunt, T; Mankad, K; Calder, A; Tan, AP; Talenti, G; Watson, TA; Thompson, D. Abnormalities of the craniovertebral junction in the paediatric population: a novel biomechanical approach. Clinical Radiology 2018;73:839-854.

    Liu, D; Sheng, J; Luo, Y; Huang, C; Wu, HH; Zhou, JJ; Zhang, XJ; Zheng, W. Biomechanical comparative study of the stability of injectable pedicle screws with different lateral holes augmented with different volumes of polymethylmethacrylate in osteoporotic lumbar vertebrae. Spine Journal 2018;18:1637-1644.

    Flis-Maslowska, M; Wiernicka, M; Kocur, P; Goliwas, M; Adamczewska, K; Lewandowski, J. The occurrence of low back pain and the change of lumbar lordosis angle in field hockey players with various training experience. Medicina Dello Sport 2018;71:243-256.

    Senington, B; Lee, RY; Williams, JM. Ground reaction force, spinal kinematics and their relationship to lower back pain and injury in cricket fast bowling: a review. Journal Of Back And Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 2018;31:671-683.

    Li, SSW; Chow, DHK. Effects of asymmetric loading on lateral spinal curvature in young adults with scoliosis: a preliminary study. Prosthetics And Orthotics International 2018;42:554-562.

    Chen, XZ. Parametric design of patient-specific fixation plates for distal femur fractures. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal Of Engineering In Medicine 2018;232:901-911.

    Mugnai, R; Tarallo, L; Capra, F; Catani, F. Biomechanical comparison between stainless steel, titanium and carbon-fiber reinforced polyetheretherketone volar locking plates for distal radius fractures. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2018;104:877-882.

    Asai, S; Kim, D; Hoshino, Y; Moon, CW; Maeyama, A; Linde, M; Smolinski, P; Fu, FH. Coronal tibial anteromedial tunnel location has minimal effect on knee biomechanics. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2018;26:2960-2965.

    Chytas, ID; Antonopoulos, C; Cheva, A; Givissis, P. Capitellar erosion after radial head arthroplasty: a comparative biomechanical study of operated radial head fractures on cadaveric specimens. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2018;104:853-857.

    Kang, KT; Kwon, SK; Son, J; Kwon, OR; Lee, JS; Koh, YG. The increase in posterior tibial slope provides a positive biomechanical effect in posterior-stabilized total knee arthroplasty. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2018;26:3188-3195.

    Wirth, SH; Zimmermann, SM; Viehofer, AF. Open technique for in situ subtalar fusion. Foot And Ankle Clinics 2018;23:461-43.

    Espinosa, N; Vacas, E. Subtalar distraction arthrodesis. Foot And Ankle Clinics 2018;23:485-43.

    Hooper, JM; Walker, P; Hsu, TT; Kurtz, A; Reynolds, R; Hennessy, D; Chu, A. Biomechanical implications of an oblique knee joint line. Journal Of Knee Surgery 2018;31:761-766.

    Wegrzyn, J; Roux, JP; Loriau, C; Bonin, N; Pibarot, V. The tridimensional geometry of the proximal femur should determine the design of cementless femoral stem in total hip arthroplasty. International Orthopaedics 2018;42:2329-2334.

    Tse, KM; Tan, LB; Lee, SJ; Rasheed, MZ; Tan, BK; Lee, HP. Feasibility of using computer simulation to predict the postoperative outcome of the minimally invasive nuss procedure: simulation prediction vs. postoperative clinical observation. Journal Of Plastic Reconstructive And Aesthetic Surgery 2018;71:1496-1506.

    Ramazanian, T; Muller-Lebschi, JA; Chuang, MY; Vaichinger, AM; Fitzsimmons, JS; O'Driscoll, SW. Effect of radiocapitellar achilles disc arthroplasty on coronoid and capitellar contact pressures after radial head excision. Journal Of Shoulder And Elbow Surgery 2018;27:1785-1791.

    Knierzinger, D; Heinrichs, CH; Hengg, C; Konschake, M; Kralinger, F; Schmoelz, W. Biomechanical evaluation of cable and suture cerclages for tuberosity reattachment in a 4-part proximal humeral fracture model treated with reverse shoulder arthroplasty. Journal Of Shoulder And Elbow Surgery 2018;27:1816-1823.

    Beeler, S; Hasler, A; Getzmann, J; Weigelt, L; Meyer, DC; Gerber, C. Acromial roof in patients with concentric osteoarthritis and massive rotator cuff tears: multiplanar analysis of 115 computed tomography scans. Journal Of Shoulder And Elbow Surgery 2018;27:1866-1876.

    Mills, GJ; Warme, WJ. Iatrogenic bipolar clavicular instability managed with clavicular lengthening and sternoclavicular and acromioclavicular stabilization: a case report. Journal Of Shoulder And Elbow Surgery 2018;27:69-5148-5669-5149-50.

    Hong, CK; Lin, CL; Kuan, FC; Wang, PH; Yeh, ML; Su, WR. Longer stitch interval in the krackow stitch for tendon graft fixation leads to poorer biomechanical property. Journal Of Orthopaedic Surgery 2018;26:.

    Scholl, L; Pierre, D; Rajaravivarma, R; Lee, R; Faizan, A; Swaminathan, V; TenHuisen, K; Gilbert, JL; Nevelos, J. Effect of the support systems' compliance on total hip modular taper seating stability. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal Of Engineering In Medicine 2018;232:862-870.

    Linder, SM; Ozinga, SJ; Koop, MM; Dey, T; Figler, R; Cruickshank, J; Alberts, JL. Cleveland clinic postural stability index norms for the balance error scoring system. Medicine And Science In Sports And Exercise 2018;50:1998-2006.

    Handford, ML; Srinivasan, M. Energy-optimal human walking with feedback-controlled robotic prostheses: a computational study. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering 2018;26:1773-1782.

    Cuellar, JS; Smit, G; Zadpoor, AA; Breedveld, P. Ten guidelines for the design of non-assembly mechanisms: the case of 3d-printed prosthetic hands. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal Of Engineering In Medicine 2018;232:962-971.

    Higa, M; Chang, CC; Roche, C; Struk, AM; Farmer, KW; Wright, TW; Banks, SA. Instrumented trial prosthesis for intraoperative measurements of joint reaction forces during reverse total shoulder arthroplasty. Sensors And Materials 2018;30:1989-1996.

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