November 01 - November 07, 2018
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Sarah A Roelker, PhD
Neuromuscular Biomechanics Lab
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Texas at Austin, USA
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Ghadami, F; Saber-Samandari, S; Rouhi, G; Hamedani, MA; Dehghan, MM; Mohajeri, SF; Mashhadi-Abbas, F; Gholami, H. The effects of bone implants' coating mechanical properties on osseointegration: in vivo, in vitro, and histological investigations. Journal Of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 2018;106:2679-2691.
Jeong, Y; Daghlas, SA; Xie, YX; Hulbert, MA; Pfeiffer, FM; Dallas, MR; Omosule, CL; Pearsall, RS; Dallas, SL; Phillips, CL. Skeletal response to soluble activin receptor type iib in mouse models of osteogenesis imperfecta. Journal Of Bone And Mineral Research 2018;33:1760-1772.
Hou, Y; Wang, HB; Kang, J; Liang, L; Sun, JC; Shi, JG; Shi, GD; Xu, GH; Guo, YF; Han, D. Effectiveness of bone morphogenetic protein7 transduced bone marrow stromal cells combined with hydrogel-hydroxyapatite composites on bone defect repair in vivo. Journal Of Biomaterials And Tissue Engineering 2018;8:1135-1141.
Wang, JB; Lin, CC; Gao, X; Zheng, ZW; Lv, MM; Sun, J; Zhang, ZY. The enhanced osteogenesis and osteointegration of 3-dp pcl scaffolds via structural and functional optimization using collagen networks. Rsc Advances 2018;8:32304-32316.
Elniel, AR; Giannoudis, PV. Atypical fractures and molecular environment: what do we know?. Injury-International Journal Of The Care Of The Injured 2018;49:1953-1958.
Inal, S; Gok, K; Gok, A; Uzumcugil, AO; Kuyubasi, SN. Should we really compress the fracture line in the treatment of salter-harris type 4 distal femoral fractures? a biomechanical study. Journal Of The Brazilian Society Of Mechanical Sciences And Engineering 2018;40:.
Perrot-Applanat, M; Kolf-Clauw, M; Michel, C; Beausoleil, C. Alteration of mammary gland development by bisphenol a and evidence of a mode of action mediated through endocrine disruption. Molecular And Cellular Endocrinology 2018;475:29-53.
Barrila, J; Crabbe, A; Yang, J; Franco, K; Nydam, SD; Forsyth, RJ; Davis, RR; Gangaraju, S; Ott, CM; Coyne, CB; Bissell, MJ; Nickerson, CA. Modeling host-pathogen interactions in the context of the microenvironment: three-dimensional cell culture comes of age. Infection And Immunity 2018;86:.
De Matteis, V; Cascione, M; Toma, CC; Leporatti, S. Morphomechanical and organelle perturbation induced by silver nanoparticle exposure. Journal Of Nanoparticle Research 2018;20:.
Chen, P; Aso, T; Sasaki, R; Ashida, M; Tsutsumi, Y; Doi, H; Hanawa, T. Adhesion and differentiation behaviors of mesenchymal stem cells on titanium with micrometer and nanometer-scale grid patterns produced by femtosecond laser irradiation. Journal Of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 2018;106:2735-2743.
Daloglu, MU; Lin, F; Chong, B; Chien, D; Veli, M; Luo, W; Ozcan, A. 3d imaging of sex-sorted bovine spermatozoon locomotion, head spin and flagellum beating. Scientific Reports 2018;8:.
Xiang, P; Wang, HP; Jiang, LZ. Simulation and sensitivity analysis of microtubule-based biomechanical mass detector. Journal Of Nanoscience And Nanotechnology 2019;19:1018-1025.
Shmilovich, K; Popa, I. Modeling protein-based hydrogels under force. Physical Review Letters 2018;121:.
Figueirido, B; Lautenschlager, S; Perez-Ramos, A; Van Valkenburgh, B. Distinct predatory behaviors in scimitar- and dirk-toothed sabertooth cats. Current Biology 2018;28:3260-43.
Carlig, E; Di Blasi, D; Ghigliotti, L; Pisano, E; Faimali, M; O'Driscoll, R; Parker, S; Vacchi, M. Diversification of feeding structures in three adult antarctic nototheniid fish. Polar Biology 2018;41:1707-1715.
Gallagher, CA; Stern, SJ; Hines, E. The metabolic cost of swimming and reproduction in harbor porpoises (phocoena phocoena) as predicted by a bioenergetic model. Marine Mammal Science 2018;34:875-900.
Keller, MW; Mailler, R; Adams, K. Adhesion energy of c-elegans. Experimental Mechanics 2018;58:1281-1289.
Wang, ZY; Xing, Q; Wang, WB; Ji, AH; Dai, ZD. Contribution of friction and adhesion to the reliable attachment of a gecko to smooth inclines. Friction 2018;6:407-419.
Rokaya, D; Srimaneepong, V; Sapkota, J; Qin, JQ; Siraleartmukul, K; Siriwongrungson, V. Polymeric materials and films in dentistry: an overview. Journal Of Advanced Research 2018;14:25-34.
Eldafrawy, M; Nguyen, JF; Mainjot, AK; Sadoun, MJ. A functionally graded picn material for biomimetic cad-cam blocks. Journal Of Dental Research 2018;97:1324-1330.
Huang, ZY; Chraibi, M; Song, WG. Simulation of pedestrian single-lane movement by a biped model. Physical Review E 2018;98:.
Fukano, M; Fukubayashi, T; Banks, SA. Sex differences in three-dimensional talocrural and subtalar joint kinematics during stance phase in healthy young adults. Human Movement Science 2018;61:117-125.
Grindle, DM; Baker, L; Furr, M; Puterio, T; Knarr, B; Higginson, J. The effects of walking workstations on biomechanical performance. Journal Of Applied Biomechanics 2018;34:349-353.
Hernandez, E; Warhmund, C; Lamoureux, K; Lee, E; Sanchez, I; Matthews, W; Jafari, A. A novel treadmill that can bilaterally adjust the vertical surface stiffness. Ieee-Asme Transactions On Mechatronics 2018;23:2338-2346.
Pan, ZR; Manocha, D. Active animations of reduced deformable models with environment interactions. Acm Transactions On Graphics 2018;37:.
Ogaya, S; Kubota, R; Chujo, Y; Hirooka, E; Ito, K; Kwang-ho, K; Hase, K. Potential of muscles to accelerate the body during late-stance forward progression in individuals with knee osteoarthritis. Human Movement Science 2018;61:109-116.
Isojunno, S; Aoki, K; Cure, C; Kvadsheim, PH; Miller, PJO. Breathing patterns indicate cost of exercise during diving and response to experimental sound exposures in long-finned pilot whales. Frontiers In Physiology 2018;9:.
Park, KH; Shin, WJ; Kim, SJ; Kim, JP. Does bowstringing affect hand function in patients treated with a1 pulley release for trigger fingers?: comparison between percutaneous versus open technique. Annals Of Plastic Surgery 2018;81:537-543.
Escamilla, RF; Slowik, JS; Diffendaffer, AZ; Fleisig, GS. Differences among overhand, 3-quarter, and sidearm pitching biomechanics in professional baseball players. Journal Of Applied Biomechanics 2018;34:377-385.
Samchukov, ML; Clifford, CE; McCann, KM; Cherkashin, AM; Hutchinson, B; Pierce, WA. Biomechanical chock tor considerations in foot and ankle circular external fixation maintenance of wire tension. Clinics In Podiatric Medicine And Surgery 2018;35:443-43.
Subik, M; Shearer, M; Saleh, AM; LaPorta, GA. The gradual and acute correction of equinus using external fixation. Clinics In Podiatric Medicine And Surgery 2018;35:481-43.
Bessho, Y; Nakamura, T; Nishiwaki, M; Nagura, T; Matsumoto, M; Nakamura, M; Sato, K. Effect of decrease in radial inclination of distal radius fractures on distal radioulnar joint stability: a biomechanical study. Journal Of Hand Surgery-European Volume 2018;43:967-973.
Chou, YJ; Chuu, JJ; Peng, YJ; Cheng, YH; Chang, CH; Chang, CM; Liu, HW. The potent anti-inflammatory effect of guilu erxian glue extracts remedy joint pain and ameliorate the progression of osteoarthritis in mice. Journal Of Orthopaedic Surgery And Research 2018;13:.
Sailer, J; Bless, N; Sturmer, A; Dietschy, A; de Wild, M; Muller, A. Development of a 3d biomechanical ac-joint model. Swiss Medical Weekly 2018;148:52-5483-5254-83.
Haberli, J; Voumard, B; Kosters, C; Delfosse, D; Henle, P; Eggli, S; Zysset, P. Passive kinematics of the knee with dynamic intraligamentary stabilization - a thorough biomechanical study. Swiss Medical Weekly 2018;148:53-5083-5350-83.
Mason, I; Starke, S; Zhang, H; Bilen, H; Komura, T. Few-shot learning of homogeneous human locomotion styles. Computer Graphics Forum 2018;37:143-153.
Venne, G; Esau, G; Bicknell, RT; Bryant, JT. 3d printed anatomy-specific fixture for consistent glenoid cavity position in shoulder simulator. Journal Of Healthcare Engineering 2018;NaN:.
Geier, A; Aschemann, H; D'Lima, D; Woernle, C; Bader, R. Force closure mechanism modeling for musculoskeletal multibody simulation. Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Engineering 2018;65:2482-2493.
Pai, DK; Rothwell, A; Wyder-Hodge, P; Wick, A; Fan, Y; Larionov, E; Harrison, D; Neog, DR; Shing, C. The human touch: measuring contact with real human soft tissues. Acm Transactions On Graphics 2018;37:.
Nakada, M; Zhou, T; Chen, HL; Weiss, T; Terzopoulos, D. Deep learning of biomimetic sensorimotor control for biomechanical human animation. Acm Transactions On Graphics 2018;37:.
Huang, JP; Qin, K; Tang, CZ; Zhu, Y; Klein, CS; Zhang, ZJ; Liu, CL. Assessment of passive stiffness of medial and lateral heads of gastrocnemius muscle, achilles tendon, and plantar fascia at different ankle and knee positions using the myotonpro. Medical Science Monitor 2018;24:7570-7576.
Schneidereit, D; Nubler, S; Prolss, G; Reischl, B; Schurmann, S; Muller, OJ; Friedrich, O. Optical prediction of single muscle fiber force production using a combined biomechatronics and second harmonic generation imaging approach. Light-Science & Applications 2018;7:.
Chen, CL; Hermans, L; Viswanathan, MC; Fortun, D; Aymanns, F; Unser, M; Cammarato, A; Dickinson, MH; Ramdya, P. Imaging neural activity in the ventral nerve cord of behaving adult drosophila. Nature Communications 2018;9:.
Song, KI; Park, SE; Lee, S; Kim, H; Lee, SH; Youn, I. Compact optical nerve cuff electrode for simultaneous neural activity monitoring and optogenetic stimulation of peripheral nerves. Scientific Reports 2018;8:.
Fan, CX; Li, X; Zhao, YN; Xiao, ZF; Xue, WW; Sun, J; Li, XR; Zhuang, Y; Chen, YY; Dai, JW. Cetuximab and taxol co-modified collagen scaffolds show combination effects for the repair of acute spinal cord injury. Biomaterials Science 2018;6:1723-1734.
Yao, LC. Biomechanical analysis of traction therapy for improvement of weight lifiers' early and mid-ankylosing spondylitis symptoms. Acta Medica Mediterranea 2018;34:1915-1918.
Muller, S; Weber, T; Dietschy, A; de Wild, M; Rosso, C. Biomechanical comparison of three anchors for rotator cuff repair in standardized physiological and osteoporotic bone - introducing 1000 loading cycles. Swiss Medical Weekly 2018;148:52-8352-83.
Kiskaddon, EM; Wright, A; Meeks, BD; Froehle, AW; Gould, GC; Lubitz, MG; Prayson, MJ; Horne, BR. A biomechanical cadaver comparison of suture button fixation to plate fixation for pubic symphysis diastasis. Injury-International Journal Of The Care Of The Injured 2018;49:1993-1998.
Leenders, AM; Schotanus, MGM; Wind, RJP; Borghans, RAP; Kort, NP. A high rate of tibial plateau fractures after early experience with patient-specific instrumentation for unicompartmental knee arthroplasties. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2018;26:3491-3498.
Marra, MA; Strzelczak, M; Heesterbeek, PJC; van de Groes, SAW; Janssen, D; Koopman, BFJM; Verdonschot, N; Wymenga, AB. Flexing and downsizing the femoral component is not detrimental to patellofemoral biomechanics in posterior-referencing cruciate-retaining total knee arthroplasty. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2018;26:3377-3385.
Dai, YF; Cross, MB; Angibaud, LD; Hamad, C; Jung, A; Jenny, JY. Posterior tibial slope impacts intraoperatively measured mid-flexion anteroposterior kinematics during cruciate-retaining total knee arthroplasty. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2018;26:3325-3332.
Meyer, DC; Hasler, A; Wyss, S; Gerber, C; Wieser, K. Biomechanical and biological response to orthopedic sutures: an experimental study in sheep. Swiss Medical Weekly 2018;148:52-5083-5250-83.
Gutteck, N. Posterolateral ankle arthrodesis with talarlock (r) plate: biomechanical and clinical results. Swiss Medical Weekly 2018;148:53-5483-5354-83.
Morasiewicz, P; Konieczny, G; Dejnek, M; Urbanski, W; Dragan, SL; Kulej, M; Dragan, SF; Pawik, L. Assessment of the distribution of load on the lower limbs and balance before and after ankle arthrodesis with the ilizarov method. Scientific Reports 2018;8:.
Azimi, V; Fakoorian, SA; Nguyen, TT; Simon, D. Robust adaptive impedance control with application to a transfemoral prosthesis and test robot. Journal Of Dynamic Systems Measurement And Control-Transactions Of The Asme 2018;140:.
Miller, MJ; Magnusson, DM; Lev, G; Fields, TT; Cook, PF; Stevens-Lapsley, JE; Christiansen, CL. Relationships among perceived functional capacity, self-efficacy, and disability after dysvascular amputation. Pm&R 2018;10:1056-1061.
Yu, WH; Turk, G; Liu, CK. Learning symmetric and low-energy locomotion. Acm Transactions On Graphics 2018;37:.
Zhang, H; Starke, S; Komura, T; Saito, J. Mode-adaptive neural networks for quadruped motion control. Acm Transactions On Graphics 2018;37:.
Yazdani, M; Salarieh, H; Foumani, MS. Hierarchical decentralized control of a five-link biped robot. Scientia Iranica 2018;25:2675-2692.
Peng, XB; Abbeel, P; Levine, S; van de Panne, M. Deepmimic: example-guided deep reinforcement learning of physics-based character skills. Acm Transactions On Graphics 2018;37:.
Shi, Q; Li, C; Li, K; Huang, Q; Ishii, H; Takanishi, A; Fukuda, T. A modified robotic rat to study rat-like pitch and yaw movements. Ieee-Asme Transactions On Mechatronics 2018;23:2448-2458.
Li, JX; Wang, J. Micro/nanorobotics: from locomotion to biomedical applications. Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society 2018;256:.
Ceilinger, M; Poranne, R; Desai, R; Thomaszewski, B; Coros, S. Skaterbots: optimization-based design and motion synthesis for robotic creatures with legs and wheels. Acm Transactions On Graphics 2018;37:.
Rezazadeh, S; Abate, A; Hatton, RL; Hurst, JW. Robot leg design: a constructive framework. Ieee Access 2018;6:54369-54387.
Zhang, DG; Dubey, VN; Yu, WW; Low, KH. Biomechatronics: harmonizing mechatronic systems with human beings. Frontiers In Neuroscience 2018;12:.
Cao, WY; Yu, WD; Li, ZL. Energy harvesting from human motions for wearable applications. Industria Textila 2018;69:390-393.
Ospina, BM; Chaparro, JAV; Paredes, JDA; Pino, YJC; Navarro, A; Orozco, JL. Objective arm swing analysis in early-stage parkinson's disease using an rgb-d camera (kinect (r)). Journal Of Parkinsons Disease 2018;8:563-570.
Liu, W. A narrative review of gait training after stroke and a proposal for developing a novel gait training device that provides minimal assistance. Topics In Stroke Rehabilitation 2018;25:375-383.
Marques, MR; Nicola, FC; Sanches, EF; Arcego, DM; Duran-Carabali, LE; Aristimunha, D; Dalmaz, C; Netto, CA. Locomotor training promotes time-dependent functional recovery after experimental spinal cord contusion. Neuroscience 2018;392:258-269.
Ericksen, HM; Pietrosimone, B; Gribble, PA; Thomas, AC. Evaluation of agreement between participant and expert on jump-landing characteristics during a 4-week intervention. Journal Of Sport Rehabilitation 2018;27:536-540.
Martens, G; Deflandre, D; Schwartz, C; Dardenne, N; Bury, T. Reproducibility of the evolution of stride biomechanics during exhaustive runs. Journal Of Human Kinetics 2018;64:57-69.
Baker, RL; Souza, RB; Rauh, MJ; Fredericson, M; Rosenthal, MD. Differences in knee and hip adduction and hip muscle activation in runners with and without iliotibial band syndrome. Pm&R 2018;10:1032-1039.
Lussiana, T; Potier, C; Gindre, C. Motor preferences in running and quiet standing. Science & Sports 2018;33:69-5052-5769-5053-50.
Tai, WH; Wang, LI; Peng, HT. Biomechanical comparisons of one-legged and two-legged running vertical jumps. Journal Of Human Kinetics 2018;64:71-76.
Liu, LB; Hodgins, J. Learning basketball dribbling skills using trajectory optimization and deep reinforcement learning. Acm Transactions On Graphics 2018;37:.
Garrick, LE; Alexander, BC; Schache, AG; Pandy, MG; Crossley, KM; Collins, NJ. Athletes rated as poor single-leg squat performers display measurable differences in single-leg squat biomechanics compared with good performers. Journal Of Sport Rehabilitation 2018;27:546-553.
Peacock, J; Ball, K. Kick impact characteristics of accurate australian football drop punt kicking. Human Movement Science 2018;61:99-108.
Blenkinsop, GM; Liang, Y; Gallimore, NJ; Hiley, MJ. The effect of uphill and downhill slopes on weight transfer, alignment, and shot outcome in golf. Journal Of Applied Biomechanics 2018;34:361-368.
Nelson, A; Koslakiewicz, N; Almonroeder, TG. Assessment of knee kinetic symmetry using force plate technology. Journal Of Sport Rehabilitation 2018;27:.
Harry, JR; Barker, LA; Eggleston, JD; Dufek, JS. Evaluating performance during maximum effort vertical jump landings. Journal Of Applied Biomechanics 2018;34:403-409.
Ishida, T; Koshino, Y; Yamanaka, M; Ueno, R; Taniguchi, S; Samukawa, M; Saito, H; Matsumoto, H; Aoki, Y; Tohyama, H. The effects of a subsequent jump on the knee abduction angle during the early landing phase. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 2018;19:.
Olivier, N; Daussin, FN. Relationships between isokinetic shoulder evaluation and fitness characteristics of elite french female water-polo players. Journal Of Human Kinetics 2018;64:5-11.
Abbes, Z; Chamari, K; Mujika, I; Tabben, M; Bibi, KW; Hussein, AM; Martin, C; Haddad, M. Do thirty-second post-activation potentiation exercises improve the 50-m freestyle sprint performance in adolescent swimmers?. Frontiers In Physiology 2018;9:.
Zachrisson, AL; Desai, P; Karlsson, J; Johanesson, E; Grau, S. Overuse injuries in swedish elite athletics-a study protocol for a prospective multifactorial cohort study. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 2018;19:.
Reina, R; Dominguez-Diez, M; Urban, T; Roldan, A. Throwing distance constraints regarding kinematics and accuracy in high-level boccia players. Science & Sports 2018;33:299-306.
Arch, ES; Colon, S; Richards, JG. A comprehensive method to measure 3-dimensional bra motion during physical activity. Journal Of Applied Biomechanics 2018;34:392-395.
Lucas, LA; England, BS; Mason, TW; Lanning, CR; Miller, TM; Morgan, AM; Almonroeder, TG. Decision making influences tibial impact accelerations during lateral cutting. Journal Of Applied Biomechanics 2018;34:414-418.
Wang, LL; Yin, XF; Chu, XC; Zhang, YB; Gong, XN. Platelet-derived growth factor subunit b is required for tendon-bone healing using bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells after rotator cuff repair in rats. Journal Of Cellular Biochemistry 2018;119:8897-8908.
Huntington, L; Coles-Black, J; Richardson, M; Sobol, T; Caldow, J; Chuen, J; Ackland, DC. The use of suture-tape and suture-wire in arthroscopic rotator cuff repair: a comparative biomechanics study. Injury-International Journal Of The Care Of The Injured 2018;49:2047-2052.
Chang, MK; Wong, YR; Tay, SC. Biomechanical comparison of modified lim/tsai tendon repairs with intra- and extra-tendinous knots. Journal Of Hand Surgery-European Volume 2018;43:919-924.
Huang, JM; Xia, T; Ye, ZY; Wang, J; Xie, DS; Liu, HY. Surface modification of polyethylene terephthalate artificial ligament using cyclo-rgdfv peptide for the promotion of osseointegration. Journal Of Biomaterials And Tissue Engineering 2018;8:1327-1333.
Villate-Beitia, I; Truong, NF; Gallego, I; Zarate, J; Puras, G; Pedraz, JL; Segura, T. Hyaluronic acid hydrogel scaffolds loaded with cationic niosomes for efficient non-viral gene delivery. Rsc Advances 2018;8:31934-31942.
Polio, SR; Kundu, AN; Dougan, CE; Birch, NP; Aurian-Blajeni, DE; Schiffman, JD; Crosby, AJ; Peyton, SR. Cross-platform mechanical characterization of lung tissue. Plos One 2018;13:.
Ji, ZQ; Yang, JH; Zhong, WT; Zhang, Y; Fan, ZH; Hu, YN; Dai, N; Liu, T; Zhang, F; Shen, YX. Grafting olfactory ensheathing cells with stereo silk nanofibers scaffolds: a novel therapy for spinal cord injury in rats. Journal Of Biomaterials And Tissue Engineering 2018;8:1106-1115.
Hilton, SA; Zgheib, C; Hodges, MM; Dewberry, LC; Seal, S; Liechty, KW. Nanosilk improves the biomechanical properties of human diabetic skin. Journal Of The American College Of Surgeons 2018;227:83-4948-5683-4948-56.
Vollavanh, LR; O'Day, KM; Koehling, EM; May, JM; Breedlove, KM; Breedlove, EL; Nauman, EA; Bradney, DA; Goff, JE; Bowman, TG. Effect of impact mechanism on head accelerations in men's lacrosse athletes. Journal Of Applied Biomechanics 2018;34:396-402.
Naas, ID; Lozano, LCM; Mehdizadeh, SA; Garcia, RG; Abe, JM. Paraconsistent logic used for estimating the gait score of broiler chickens. Biosystems Engineering 2018;173:115-123.
Van Hertem, T; Tello, AS; Viazzi, S; Steensels, M; Bahr, C; Romanini, CEB; Lokhorst, K; Maltz, E; Halachmi, I; Berckmans, D. Implementation of an automatic 3d vision monitor for dairy cow locomotion in a commercial farm. Biosystems Engineering 2018;173:166-175.
Bracamonte, JL; Devick, I; Thomas, KL; Hendrick, S. Comparison of hand-sewn and oversewn stapled jejunojejunal anastomoses in horses. Canadian Veterinary Journal-Revue Veterinaire Canadienne 2018;59:67-73.
Bickelhaupt, B; Oyama, S; Benfield, J; Burau, K; Lee, S; Trbovich, M. Effect of wheelchair stroke pattern on upper extremity muscle fatigue. Pm&R 2018;10:1004-1011.
Meerhoff, LA; Bruneau, J; Vu, A; Olivier, AH; Pettre, J. Guided by gaze: prioritization strategy when navigating through a virtual crowd can be assessed through gaze activity. Acta Psychologica 2018;190:248-257.
Cui, J; Yoon, H; Youn, BD. An omnidirectional biomechanical energy harvesting (obeh) sidewalk block for a self-generative power grid in a smart city. International Journal Of Precision Engineering And Manufacturing-Green Technology 2018;5:507-517.