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LITERATURE UPDATE April 11 - April 17, 2019

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  • LITERATURE UPDATE April 11 - April 17, 2019

    April 11 - April 17, 2019
    Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

    Sarah A Roelker, PhD
    Neuromuscular Biomechanics Lab
    Department of Mechanical Engineering
    University of Texas at Austin, USA

    Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst - Cited by 349 - Biomechanics - Neuromuscular Control - Musculoskeletal Modeling and Simulations

    - Not all articles have a DOI.
    - Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
    - Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in electronic form through the publisher

    Lacheta, L; Siebenlist, S; Lauber, M; Willinger, L; Fischer, N; Imhoff, AB; Lenich, A. Proximal radius fracture morphology following axial force impact: a biomechanical evaluation of fracture patterns. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 2019;20:.

    Lee, LR; Peacock, L; Ginn, SL; Cantrill, LC; Cheng, TL; Little, DG; Munns, CF; Schindeler, A. Bone marrow transplantation for treatment of the col1a2(+/g610c) osteogenesis imperfecta mouse model. Calcified Tissue International 2019;104:426-436.

    Lin, SY; Kang, L; Chen, JC; Wang, CZ; Huang, HH; Lee, MJ; Cheng, TL; Chang, CF; Lin, YS; Chen, CH. (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (egcg) enhances healing of femoral bone defect. Phytomedicine 2019;55:165-171.

    Park, DW; Lim, A; Park, JW; Lim, KM; Kang, HG. Biomechanical evaluation of a new fixation type in 3d-printed periacetabular implants using a finite element simulation. Applied Sciences-Basel 2019;9:.

    Wang, T; Yang, L; Jiang, J; Liu, Y; Fan, Z; Zhong, C; He, C. Pulsed electromagnetic fields: promising treatment for osteoporosis. Osteoporosis International 2019;30:267-276.

    Pienkowski, D; Wood, CL; Malluche, HH. Young's modulus and hardness of human trabecular bone with bisphosphonate treatment durations up to 20 years. Osteoporosis International 2019;30:277-285.

    Wang, Z; Zhao, Y; Zhang, D; Qi, BW; Xiao, WD; Hu, X; Yu, AX. A novel hybrid compound llp2a-alendronate accelerates open fracture healing in a rabbit model. Drug Design Development And Therapy 2019;13:1077-1086.

    Gioia, M; Michaletti, A; Scimeca, M; Marini, M; Tarantino, U; Zolla, L; Coletta, M. Simulated microgravity induces a cellular regression of the mature phenotype in human primary osteoblasts. Cell Death Discovery 2018;4:.

    Lybrand, RA; Austin, JC; Fedenko, J; Gallery, RE; Rooney, E; Schroeder, PA; Zaharescu, DG; Qafoku, O. A coupled microscopy approach to assess the nano-landscape of weathering. Scientific Reports 2019;9:.

    Goudenhooft, C; Bourmaud, A; Baley, C. Flax (linum usitatissimum l.) fibers for composite reinforcement: exploring the link between plant growth, cell walls development, and fiber properties. Frontiers In Plant Science 2019;10:.

    Pierantoni, M; Brumfeld, V; Addadi, L; Weiner, S. A 3d study of the relationship between leaf vein structure and mechanical function. Acta Biomaterialia 2019;88:111-119.

    Friedrich, O; Merten, AL; Schneidereit, D; Guo, Y; Schurmann, S; Martinac, B. Stretch in focus: 2d inplane cell stretch systems for studies of cardiac mechano-signaling. Frontiers In Bioengineering And Biotechnology 2019;7:.

    Kheyfets, VO; Truong, U; Ivy, D; Shandas, R. Structural and biomechanical adaptations of right ventricular remodeling-in pulmonary arterial hypertension-reduces left ventricular rotation during contraction: a computational study. Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 2019;141:.

    Ramasubramanian, A; Capaldi, X; Bradner, SA; Gangi, L. On the biomechanics of cardiac s-looping in the chick: insights from modeling and perturbation studies. Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 2019;141:.

    Niestrawska, JA; Regitnig, P; Viertler, C; Cohnert, TU; Babu, AR; Holzapfel, GA. The role of tissue remodeling in mechanics and pathogenesis of abdominal aortic aneurysms. Acta Biomaterialia 2019;88:149-161.

    Algabri, YA; Rookkapan, S; Gramigna, V; Espino, DM; Chatpun, S. Computational study on hemodynamic changes in patient-specific proximal neck angulation of abdominal aortic aneurysm with time-varying velocity. Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences In Medicine 2019;42:181-190.

    Anssari-Benam, A; Tseng, YT; Holzapfel, GA; Bucchi, A. Rate-dependency of the mechanical behaviour of semilunar heart valves under biaxial deformation. Acta Biomaterialia 2019;88:120-130.

    Zhao, HN; Chappell, JC. Microvascular bioengineering: a focus on pericytes. Journal Of Biological Engineering 2019;13:.

    Zhao, X; Yan, XH; Li, YW; Liu, BF. Static pressure-driven microfluidic gradient generator for long-term cell culture and adaptive cytoprotection analysis. Microfluidics And Nanofluidics 2019;23:.

    Sanchez-Romero, N; Sainz-Arnal, P; Pla-Palacin, I; Dachary, PR; Almeida, H; Pastor, C; Soto, DR; Rodriguez, MC; Arbizu, EO; Martinez, LB; Serrano-Aullo, T; Baptista, PM. The role of extracellular matrix on liver stem cell fate: a dynamic relationship in health and disease. Differentiation 2019;106:49-56.

    Ni, F; Yu, WM; Wang, XY; Fay, ME; Young, KM; Qiu, YZ; Lam, WA; Sulchek, TA; Cheng, T; Scadden, DT; Qu, CK. Ptpn21 controls hematopoietic stem cell homeostasis and biomechanics. Cell Stem Cell 2019;24:608-43.

    Balakrishnan, S; Mathad, SS; Sharma, G; Raju, SR; Reddy, UB; Das, S; Ananthasuresh, GK. A nondimensional model reveals alterations in nuclear mechanics upon hepatitis c virus replication. Biophysical Journal 2019;116:1328-1339.

    Peng, YT; Chen, ZY; Chen, Y; Li, S; Jiang, Y; Yang, H; Wu, CH; You, FM; Zheng, C; Zhu, J; Tan, YH; Qin, X; Liu, YY. Rock isoforms differentially modulate cancer cell motility by mechanosensing the substrate stiffness. Acta Biomaterialia 2019;88:86-101.

    Cleaver, O. Specifying the pancreatic islet through biomechanical forces. New England Journal Of Medicine 2019;380:1281-1283.

    Druelle, F; Berthet, M; Quintard, B. The body center of mass in primates: is it more caudal than in other quadrupedal mammals?. American Journal Of Physical Anthropology 2019;169:170-178.

    Prybyla, AN; Tseng, ZJ; Flynn, JJ. Biomechanical simulations of leptarctus primus (leptarctinae, carnivora), and new evidence for a badger-like feeding capability. Journal Of Vertebrate Paleontology NaN;NaN:.

    Zhang, GM; Zhang, YH; Fu, XM; Zhang, XN. Effects of daily mastication on bone remodeling with implant-tooth-supported fixed partial prosthesis: a finite element study. Ieee Access 2019;7:33851-33858.

    Cai, J; Burrow, MF; Manton, DJ; Tsuda, Y; Sobh, EG; Palamara, JEA. Effects of silver diamine fluoride/potassium iodide on artificial root caries lesions with adjunctive application of proanthocyanidin. Acta Biomaterialia 2019;88:491-502.

    Wang, QP; Yuan, Y; Xiong, NX; Fu, P; Huang, T; Yang, B; Liu, J; Chu, X; Zhao, HY. Anatomic variation and hemodynamic evolution of vertebrobasilar arterial system may contribute to the development of vascular compression in hemifacial spasm. World Neurosurgery 2019;124:69-5051-5169-5052-48.

    Durmus, B; Hale, AA; Oguz, E; Sema, B. The effect of different irrigation protocols on elastic modulus of dentine and biomechanics of single-rooted premolar tooth: a nano-indentation and finite element analysis study. Nigerian Journal Of Clinical Practice 2019;22:101-107.

    Hachleitner, J; Brandtner, C; Gaggl, A; Kopp, M; Fastner, G; Moser, G; Roesch, S. Analysis of an in-house technique for temporary mandibulotomy and its impact on postoperative radiotherapy. International Journal Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery 2019;48:468-474.

    Balogh, I; Arvidsson, I; Bjork, J; Hansson, GA; Ohlsson, K; Skerfving, S; Nordander, C. Work-related neck and upper limb disorders - quantitative exposure-response relationships adjusted for personal characteristics and psychosocial conditions. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 2019;20:.

    McConwell, AK. Contingency's causality and structural diversity. Biology & Philosophy 2019;34:.

    Wang, KY; Tobajas, PT; Liu, J; Geng, T; Qian, ZH; Ren, L. Towards a 3d passive dynamic walker to study ankle and toe functions during walking motion. Robotics And Autonomous Systems 2019;115:49-60.

    Croft, JL; Schroeder, RT; Bertram, JEA. The landscape of movement control in locomotion: cost, strategy, and solution. Frontiers In Psychology 2019;10:.

    Richards, TM; Sharma, P; Kuang, A; Whitty, D; Ahmed, Z; Shah, PK. Novel speed-controlled automated ladder walking device reveals walking speed as a critical determinant of skilled locomotion after a spinal cord injury in adult rats. Journal Of Neurotrauma NaN;NaN:.

    Jin, L; Hahn, ME. Comparison of lower extremity joint mechanics between healthy active young and middle age people in walking and running gait. Scientific Reports 2019;9:.

    Darmohray, DM; Jacobs, JR; Marques, HG; Carey, MR. Spatial and temporal locomotor learning in mouse cerebellum. Neuron 2019;102:217-43.

    Walter, HJ; Li, RX; Wagman, JB; Stoffregen, TA. Adaptive perception of changes in affordances for walking on a ship at sea. Human Movement Science 2019;64:28-37.

    Na, A; Buchanan, TS. Self-reported walking difficulty and knee osteoarthritis influences limb dynamics and muscle co-contraction during gait. Human Movement Science 2019;64:409-419.

    Ehsani, H; Mohler, MJ; O'Connor, K; Zamrini, E; Tirambulo, C; Toosizadeh, N. The association between cognition and dual-tasking among older adults: the effect of motor function type and cognition task difficulty. Clinical Interventions In Aging 2019;14:659-669.

    Hua, YX; Fan, JZ; Liu, GF; Zhang, XH; Lai, MZ; Li, M; Zheng, TJ; Zhang, GA; Zhao, J; Zhu, YH. A novel weight-bearing lower limb exoskeleton based on motion intention prediction and locomotion state identification. Ieee Access 2019;7:37620-37638.

    van Criekinge, T; Truijen, S; Hallemans, A; Saeys, W. The influence of a thoracolumbosacral orthosis on gait performance in healthy adults during walking. Acta Of Bioengineering And Biomechanics 2018;20:15-21.

    Van Criekinge, T; Vermeulen, J; Wagemans, K; Schroder, J; Embrechts, E; Truijen, S; Hallemans, A; Saeys, W. Lower limb muscle synergies during walking after stroke: a systematic review. Disability And Rehabilitation NaN;NaN:.

    Solomonow-Avnon, D; Herman, A; Giwnewer, U; Rozen, N; Elbaz, A; Mor, A; Wolf, A. Trunk kinematic, kinetic, and neuro-muscular response to foot center of pressure translation along the medio-lateral foot axis during gait. Journal Of Biomechanics 2019;86:141-148.

    Monteiro, VB; Franca, GV; Gondim, MGC; Lima, DB; Melo, JWS. Neoseiulus baraki (acari: phytoseiidae) survival and walking in response to environmental stress. Systematic And Applied Acarology 2019;24:487-496.

    Davranoglou, LR; Cicirello, A; Taylor, GK; Mortimer, B. Planthopper bugs use a fast, cyclic elastic recoil mechanism for effective vibrational communication at small body size. Plos Biology 2019;17:.

    Fuller, G; Heintz, MR; Allard, S. Validation and welfare assessment of flipper-mounted time-depth recorders for monitoring penguins in zoos and aquariums. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2019;212:114-122.

    Garofolini, A; Taylor, S. The effect of running on foot muscles and bones: a systematic review. Human Movement Science 2019;64:75-88.

    Telfer, S; Bigham, JJ; Sudduth, ASM. Plantar pressures in identical and non-identical twins. Journal Of Biomechanics 2019;86:247-250.

    Akpinar, B; Thorhauer, E; Tashman, S; Irrgang, JJ; Fu, FH; Anderst, WJ. Tibiofemoral cartilage contact differences between level walking and downhill running. Orthopaedic Journal Of Sports Medicine 2019;7:.

    Zhang, GM; You, L; Lan, L; Zeng, NY; Chen, W; Poehling, GG; Zhou, XB. Risk prediction model for knee arthroplasty. Ieee Access 2019;7:34645-34654.

    Becker, SK. Evaluating elbow osteoarthritis within the prehistoric tiwanaku state using generalized estimating equations (gee). American Journal Of Physical Anthropology 2019;169:186-196.

    Maezawa, K; Nozawa, M; Yuasa, T; Gomi, M; Sato, H; Sugimoto, M; Kaneko, K. Influence of hip joint dysfunction on motor disorders in japanese patients with osteoarthritis of the hip: assessment of the jheq and glfs-25 scores and hip muscle strength. Archives Of Gerontology And Geriatrics 2019;82:45-49.

    Omar, IM; Abboud, SF; Youngner, JM. Imaging of total ankle arthroplasty: normal imaging findings and hardware complications. Seminars In Musculoskeletal Radiology 2019;23:177-193.

    Harris, JD. Editorial commentary: i have a hip labral tear? well, that makes sense because i had a labral tear in my shoulder too. Arthroscopy-The Journal Of Arthroscopic And Related Surgery 2019;35:1080-1082.

    Kingston, DC; Acker, SM. Prediction of thigh-calf contact parameters from anthropometric regression. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal Of Engineering In Medicine 2019;233:414-423.

    Bocanegra, MAM; Lopez, JB; Vidal-Lesso, A; Vallejo, RBD; Lesso-Arroyo, R. Structural interaction between bone and implants due to arthroplasty of the first metatarsophalangeal joint. Foot And Ankle Surgery 2019;25:150-157.

    Xue, K; Zhang, XD; Gao, ZX; Xia, WY; Qi, L; Liu, K. Cartilage progenitor cells combined with phbv in cartilage tissue engineering. Journal Of Translational Medicine 2019;17:.

    Ardestani, MM; Chen, ZX; Noori-Dokht, H; Moazen, M; Jin, ZM. Computational analysis of knee joint stability following total knee arthroplasty. Journal Of Biomechanics 2019;86:17-26.

    Makki, K; Borotikar, B; Garetier, M; Brochard, S; Ben Salem, D; Rousseau, F. In vivo ankle joint kinematics from dynamic magnetic resonance imaging using a registration-based framework. Journal Of Biomechanics 2019;86:193-203.

    Zheng, MX; Qian, ZH; Zou, ZM; Peach, C; Ren, L. Subject-specific finite element modeling of the human shoulder complex part 2: quantitative evaluation of the effect of rotator cuff tear propagation on glenohumeral joint stability. Ieee Access 2019;7:34068-34077.

    Parks, M; Chien, JH; Siu, KC. Development of a mobile motion capture (mo(2)ca) system for future military application. Military Medicine 2019;184:65-71.

    Audenaert, EA; Van Houcke, J; Almeida, DF; Paelinck, L; Peiffer, M; Steenackers, G; Vandermeulen, D. Cascaded statistical shape model based segmentation of the full lower limb in ct. Computer Methods In Biomechanics And Biomedical Engineering NaN;NaN:1-14.

    Smith, D. Reflecting on new models for osteopathy - it's time for change. International Journal Of Osteopathic Medicine 2019;31:15-20.

    Koike, S; Nakaya, S; Mori, H; Ishikawa, T; Willmott, AP. Modelling error distribution in the ground reaction force during an induced-acceleration analysis of running in rear-foot strikers. Journal Of Sports Sciences 2019;37:968-979.

    Shim, JJ; Maas, SA; Weiss, JA; Ateshian, GA. A formulation for fluid-structure interactions in febio using mixture theory. Journal Of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme 2019;141:.

    Zhang, Y; Folkert, MR; Li, B; Huang, XK; Meyer, JJ; Chiu, T; Lee, P; Tehrani, JN; Cai, J; Parsons, D; Jia, X; Wang, J. 4d liver tumor localization using cone-beam projections and a biomechanical model. Radiotherapy And Oncology 2019;133:183-192.

    Favier, V; Gallet, P; Subsol, G; Captier, G. Understanding the biomechanical properties of skull base tissues is essential for the future of virtual reality endoscopic sinus and skull base surgery simulators. Clinical And Experimental Otorhinolaryngology 2019;12:231-232.

    Vlaic, J; Josipovic, M; Bohacek, I; Jelic, M. The plantaris muscle: too important to be forgotten. a review of evolution, anatomy, clinical implications and biomechanical properties. Journal Of Sports Medicine And Physical Fitness 2019;59:839-845.

    Yen, SC; Chui, KK; Wang, YC; Corkery, MB; Nabian, M; Farjadian, AB. An examination of muscle force control in individuals with a functionally unstable ankle. Human Movement Science 2019;64:221-229.

    Zeng, J; Liu, J; Zeng, CY; Chen, DJ. Biological effects of electrical stimulation on pelvic floor muscle strength and neuropeptide y expression. International Journal Of Clinical And Experimental Medicine 2019;12:2427-2434.

    Petrovic, A; Veeraraghavan, P; Olivieri, D; Nistri, A; Jurcic, N; Mladinic, M. Loss of inhibitory synapses causes locomotor network dysfunction of the rat spinal cord during prolonged maintenance in vitro. Brain Research 2019;1710:8-21.

    Ao, YX; Zeng, KH; Yu, B; Miao, Y; Hung, W; Yu, ZZ; Xue, YH; Tan, TTY; Xu, T; Zhen, M; Yang, XL; Zhang, Y; Gao, SB. An upconversion nanoparticle enables near infrared-optogenetic manipulation of the caenorhabditis elegans motor circuit. Acs Nano 2019;13:3373-3386.

    Pujala, A; Koyama, M. Chronology-based architecture of descending circuits that underlie the development of locomotor repertoire after birth. Elife 2019;8:.

    Matar, E; Shine, JM; Gilat, M; Martens, KAE; Ward, PB; Frank, MJ; Moustafa, AA; Naismith, SL; Lewis, SJG. Identifying the neural correlates of doorway freezing in parkinson's disease. Human Brain Mapping 2019;40:2055-2064.

    Solopova, IA; Zhvansky, DS; Selionov, VA; Ivanenko, Y. Synergistic influences of sensory and central stimuli on non-voluntary rhythmic arm movements. Human Movement Science 2019;64:230-239.

    Sullivan, LF. Rewiring the drosophila brain with genetic manipulations in neural lineages. Frontiers In Molecular Neuroscience 2019;12:.

    Takeoka, A; Arber, S. Functional local proprioceptive feedback circuits initiate and maintain locomotor recovery after spinal cord injury. Cell Reports 2019;27:71-43.

    Balik, MS; Tumkaya, L; Sehitoglu, I; Kalkan, Y; Yilmaz, A; Balik, G; Erkut, A; Uvercin, Y; Mercantepe, T. Effects of 900 mhz electromagnetic field on prenatal locomotor development in rats. International Journal Of Clinical And Experimental Medicine 2019;12:2364-2373.

    Karmakar, D; Hayward, L. What can we learn from the vaginal mesh story?. Climacteric NaN;NaN:.

    Rynkevic, R; Martins, P; Andre, A; Parente, M; Mascarenhas, T; Almeida, H; Fernandes, AA. The effect of consecutive pregnancies on the ovine pelvic soft tissues: link between biomechanical and histological components. Annals Of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger 2019;222:166-172.

    Herzaft-LeRoy, J. Assessment of the efficacy of an osteopathic treatment in infants with biomechanical impairments to suckling (vol 145, e6306, 2019). Jove-Journal Of Visualized Experiments 2019;NaN:.

    San Pedro, P; Blaya, F; D'Amato, R; Juanes, JA; Morales, LTG; Montes, JAR. Geometric model for the postural characterization in the sagital plane of lumbar raquis. Journal Of Medical Systems 2019;43:.

    Burkhard, M; Furnstahl, P; Farshad, M. Three-dimensionally printed vertebrae with different bone densities for surgical training. European Spine Journal 2019;28:798-806.

    Jiang, QF; Zairi, F; Frederix, C; Derrouiche, A; Yan, Z; Qu, ZW; Liu, XB; Zairi, F. Crystallinity dependency of the time-dependent mechanical response of polyethylene: application in total disc replacement. Journal Of Materials Science-Materials In Medicine 2019;30:.

    Godzik, J; Dalton, JF; Martinez-del-Campo, E; Newcomb, AGUS; Dominguez, F; Reyes, PM; Theodor, N; Kelly, BP; Crawford, NR. Biomechanical evaluation of cervicothoracic junction fusion constructs. World Neurosurgery 2019;124:69-4951-5769-4952-54.

    Guo, TM; Lu, J; Xing, YL; Liu, GX; Zhu, HY; Yang, L; Qiao, XM. A 3-dimensional finite element analysis of adjacent segment disk degeneration induced by transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion after pedicle screw fixation. World Neurosurgery 2019;124:69-5349-6953-55.

    Xiong, CX; Luo, JL; Yin, D; Zhan, XL; Liu, HJ. Biomechanical evaluation of an anterior upper thoracic plate fixation system: an in vitro human cadaveric study. World Neurosurgery 2019;124:69-5348-5169-5348-57.

    Li, J; Wang, WK; Zuo, R; Zhou, Y. Biomechanical stability before and after graft fusion with unilateral and bilateral pedicle screw fixation: finite element study. World Neurosurgery 2019;123:69-5050-5669-5051-52.

    Wang, TH; Cai, ZH; Zhao, YF; Wang, W; Zheng, GQ; Wan, Z; Wang, Y. The influence of cross-links on long-segment instrumentation following spinal osteotomy: a finite element analysis. World Neurosurgery 2019;123:69-5057-5269-5148-50.

    Levillain, A; Rolfe, RA; Huang, Y; Iatridis, JC; Nowlan, NC. Short-term foetal immobility temporally and progressively affects chick spinal curvature and anatomy and rib development. European Cells & Materials 2019;37:23-41.

    Kovac, V. Failure of lumbar disc surgery: management by fusion or arthroplasty?. International Orthopaedics 2019;43:981-986.

    Vanaclocha, V; Vanaclocha-Saiz, A; Rivera-Paz, M; Atienza-Vicente, C; Ortiz-Criado, JM; Belloch, V; Santabarbara-Gomez, JM; Gomez, A; Vanaclocha, L. S-1 pedicle subtraction osteotomy in sagittal balance correction. a feasibility study on human cadaveric specimens. World Neurosurgery 2019;123:69-5653-6949-4850-.

    Boileau, P; Saliken, D; Gendre, P; Seeto, BL; d'Ollonne, T; Gonzalez, JF; Bronsard, N. Arthroscopic latarjet: suture-button fixation is a safe and reliable alternative to screw fixation. Arthroscopy-The Journal Of Arthroscopic And Related Surgery 2019;35:1050-1061.

    Shah, A; Kay, J; Memon, M; Coughlin, RP; Simunovic, N; Nho, SJ; Ayeni, OR. What makes suture anchor use safe in hip arthroscopy? a systematic review of techniques and safety profile. Arthroscopy-The Journal Of Arthroscopic And Related Surgery 2019;35:1280-43.

    Bockmann, B; Baumlein, M; Koch, R; Figiel, J; Lechler, P; Aigner, R; Bliemel, C; Oberkircher, L; Ruchholtz, S; Frink, M. Cement augmentation of glenoid baseplate screws does not improve primary stability in reversed shoulder arthroplasty: a cadaveric study. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2019;105:219-223.

    Clavert, P; Aim, F; Bonnevialle, N; Arboucalot, M; Ehlinger, M; Bauer, T. Biomechanical properties of transosseous bony bankart repair in a cadaver model. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2019;105:271-274.

    Singh, VA; Haw, BC; Haseeb, A; Teh, CSJ. Hand-mixed vancomycin versus commercial tobramycin cement revisited: a study on mechanical and antibacterial properties. Journal Of Orthopaedic Surgery 2019;27:1-9.

    McCabe, MP. Editorial commentary: stronger and faster suture configuration-but is it better? challenges of surgical innovation in the modern era. Arthroscopy-The Journal Of Arthroscopic And Related Surgery 2019;35:1170-1171.

    Alkaduhimi, H; Verweij, LPE; Willigenburg, NW; van Deurzen, DFP; van den Bekerom, MPJ. Remplissage with bankart repair in anterior shoulder instability: a systematic review of the clinical and cadaveric literature. Arthroscopy-The Journal Of Arthroscopic And Related Surgery 2019;35:1257-1266.

    Hewett, TE; Webster, KE. Early abnormal biomechanics may lead to increased risk of osteoarthritis and poorer outcomes after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Arthroscopy-The Journal Of Arthroscopic And Related Surgery 2019;35:1012-1013.

    Ma, CB. Author reply to "early abnormal biomechanics may lead to increased risk of osteoarthritis and poorer outcomes after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction". Arthroscopy-The Journal Of Arthroscopic And Related Surgery 2019;35:1013-1013.

    Backer, HC; Konigsberg, M; Freibott, CE; Rosenwasser, MP; Greisberg, JK; Vosseller, JT. Radiographic results of unicortical medial malleolar fracture fixation. Foot & Ankle International 2019;40:398-401.

    Steineman, BD; LaPrade, RF; Donahue, TLH. Loosening of transtibial pullout meniscal root repairs due to simulated rehabilitation is unrecoverable: a biomechanical study. Arthroscopy-The Journal Of Arthroscopic And Related Surgery 2019;35:1232-1239.

    Chahla, J. Editorial commentary: meniscal root repairs: let the biology help you!. Arthroscopy-The Journal Of Arthroscopic And Related Surgery 2019;35:1240-1242.

    Levin, ES; Plotkin, B. Elbow arthroplasty: from normal to failure. Seminars In Musculoskeletal Radiology 2019;23:141-150.

    Linder, SM; Koop, MM; Ozinga, S; Goldfarb, Z; Alberts, JL. A mobile device dual-task paradigm for the assessment of mtbi. Military Medicine 2019;184:174-180.

    Arcangelo, J; Guerra-Pinto, F; Pinto, A; Grenho, A; Navarro, A; Oliva, XM. Peri-prosthetic bone cysts after total ankle replacement. a systematic review and meta-analysis. Foot And Ankle Surgery 2019;25:96-105.

    Gong, D; Cai, J; Celi, N; Liu, C; Zhang, WQ; Feng, L; Zhang, DY. Controlled propulsion of wheel-shape flaky microswimmers under rotating magnetic fields. Applied Physics Letters 2019;114:.

    Kumar, C; Palacios, A; Surapaneni, VA; Bold, G; Thielen, M; Licht, E; Higham, TE; Speck, T; Le Houerou, V. Replicating the complexity of natural surfaces: technique validation and applications for biomimetics, ecology and evolution. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical And Engineering Sciences 2019;377:.

    Rai, A; Antonova, R; Meier, F; Atkeson, CG. Using simulation to improve sample-efficiency of bayesian optimization for bipedal robots. Journal Of Machine Learning Research 2019;20:.

    Yang, H; Xu, M; Li, WH; Zhang, SW. Design and implementation of a soft robotic arm driven by sma coils. Ieee Transactions On Industrial Electronics 2019;66:6108-6116.

    Hawley, L; Suleiman, W. Control framework for cooperative object transportation by two humanoid robots. Robotics And Autonomous Systems 2019;115:1-16.

    Yigit, B; Alapan, Y; Sitti, M. Programmable collective behavior in dynamically self-assembled mobile microrobotic swarms. Advanced Science 2019;6:.

    Yona, T; Or, Y. The wheeled three-link snake model: singularities in nonholonomic constraints and stick-slip hybrid dynamics induced by coulomb friction. Nonlinear Dynamics 2019;95:2307-2324.

    Chang, TMS. Artificial cell evolves into nanomedicine, biotherapeutics, blood substitutes, drug delivery, enzyme/gene therapy, cancer therapy, cell/stem cell therapy, nanoparticles, liposomes, bioencapsulation, replicating synthetic cells, cell encapsulation/scaffold, biosorbent/immunosorbent haemoperfusion/plasmapheresis, regenerative medicine, encapsulated microbe, nanobiotechnology, nanotechnology. Artificial Cells Nanomedicine And Biotechnology 2019;47:997-1013.

    Zhang, H; Zhang, JW; Hu, ZW; Quan, LW; Shi, L; Chen, JK; Xuan, WP; Zhang, ZC; Dong, SR; Luo, JK. Waist-wearable wireless respiration sensor based on triboelectric effect. Nano Energy 2019;59:75-83.

    Parida, K; Xiong, JQ; Zhou, XR; Lee, PS. Progress on triboelectric nanogenerator with stretchability, self-healability and bio-compatibility. Nano Energy 2019;59:237-257.

    Liu, ZX; Zhao, ZZ; Zeng, XW; Fu, XL; Hu, Y. Expandable microsphere-based triboelectric nanogenerators as ultrasensitive pressure sensors for respiratory and pulse monitoring. Nano Energy 2019;59:295-301.

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