July 24 - July 30, 2019
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Sarah A Roelker, PhD
Neuromuscular Biomechanics Lab
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Texas at Austin, USA
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Kumar, A; Shitole, P; Ghosh, R; Kumar, R; Gupta, A. Experimental and numerical comparisons between finite element method, element-free galerkin method, and extended finite element method predicted stress intensity factor and energy release rate of cortical bone considering anisotropic bone modelling. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal Of Engineering In Medicine 2019;233:823-838.
Benca, E; Synek, A; Amini, M; Kainberger, F; Hirtler, L; Windhager, R; Mayrs, W; Pahr, DH. Qct-based finite element prediction of pathologic fractures in proximal femora with metastatic lesions. Scientific Reports 2019;9:.
Gehrke, SA; Treichel, TLE; Perez-Diaz, L; Calvo-Guirado, JL; Aramburu, J; Mazon, P; de Aza, PN. Impact of different titanium implant thread designs on bone healing: a biomechanical and histometric study with an animal model. Journal Of Clinical Medicine 2019;8:.
Heriveaux, Y; Nguyen, VH; Brailovski, V; Gorny, C; Haiat, G. Reflection of an ultrasonic wave on the bone-implant interface: effect of the roughness parameters. Journal Of The Acoustical Society Of America 2019;145:3370-3381.
Passali, C; Patsaki, A; Lelovas, P; Aligiannis, N; Makropoulou, M; Kourkoulis, S; Papaioannou, N; Mitakou, S; Skaltsounis, AL; Dontas, I. Red wine polyphenols modulate bone loss in the ovariectomized rat model of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Journal Of The Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society 2019;70:1541-1550.
Liu, Y; Zhou, GQ; Xu, NG. Biomechanical evaluation of osteoporosis treating with mechanical vibrations: a finite element analysis. Nanoscience And Nanotechnology Letters 2019;11:506-513.
Ito, S; Gorb, SN. Fresh "pollen adhesive" weakens humidity-dependent pollen adhesion. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019;11:24691-24698.
Emerel, L; Thunes, J; Kickliter, T; Billaud, M; Phillippi, JA; Vorp, DA; Maiti, S; Gleason, TG. Predissection-derived geometric and distensibility indices reveal increased peak longitudinal stress and stiffness in patients sustaining acute type a aortic dissection: implications for predicting dissection. Journal Of Thoracic And Cardiovascular Surgery 2019;158:355-363.
Ferrone, M; Cheng, YP; Granada, JF. Current concepts regarding drug dosing for peripheral stents. Journal Of Cardiovascular Surgery 2019;60:439-449.
Jalalzadeh, H; Leemans, EL; Indrakusuma, R; Planken, RN; Koelemay, MJW; Zeebregts, CJ; Marquering, HA; van der Laan, MJ; Balm, R. Estimation of abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture risk with biomechanical imaging markers. Journal Of Vascular And Interventional Radiology 2019;30:987-994.
Paulsen, MJ; Kasinpila, P; Imbrie-Moore, AM; Wang, H; Hironaka, CE; Koyano, TK; Fong, R; Chiu, P; Goldstone, AB; Steele, AN; Stapleton, LM; Ma, M; Woo, YJ. Modeling conduit choice for valve-sparing aortic root replacement on biomechanics with a 3-dimensional-printed heart simulator. Journal Of Thoracic And Cardiovascular Surgery 2019;158:392-403.
Spadaccio, C; Rainer, A; Barbato, R; Trombetta, M; Chello, M; Meyns, B. The long-term follow-up of large-diameter dacron (r) vascular grafts in surgical practice: a review. Journal Of Cardiovascular Surgery 2019;60:501-513.
Davies, HA; Caamano-Gutierrez, E; Chim, YH; Field, M; Nawaytou, O; Ressel, L; Akhtar, R; Madine, J. Idiopathic degenerative thoracic aneurysms are associated with increased aortic medial amyloid. Amyloid-Journal Of Protein Folding Disorders NaN;NaN:.
Xu, YH; Pang, SW. Natural killer cell migration control in microchannels by perturbations and topography. Lab On A Chip 2019;19:2466-2475.
Serrano, R; Aung, A; Yeh, YT; Varghese, S; Lasheras, JC; del Alamo, JC. Three-dimensional monolayer stress microscopy. Biophysical Journal 2019;117:111-128.
Xu, ZY; Chen, YW; Chen, Y. Spatiotemporal regulation of rho gtpases in neuronal migration. Cells 2019;8:.
Sanchez, D; Hume, L; Chatelin, R; Poncet, P. Analysis of the 3d non-linear stokes problem coupled to transport-diffusion for shear-thinning heterogeneous microscale flows, applications to digital rock physics and mucociliary clearance. Esaim-Mathematical Modelling And Numerical Analysis-Modelisation Mathematique Et Analyse Numerique 2019;53:1083-1124.
Lam, WK; Liu, H; Wu, GQ; Liu, ZL; Sun, W. Effect of shoe wearing time and midsole hardness on ground reaction forces, ankle stability and perceived comfort in basketball landing. Journal Of Sports Sciences NaN;NaN:.
Bashant, KR; Vassallo, A; Herold, C; Berner, R; Menschner, L; Subburayalu, J; Kaplan, MJ; Summers, C; Guck, J; Chilvers, ER; Toepfner, N. Real-time deformability cytometry reveals sequential contraction and expansion during neutrophil priming. Journal Of Leukocyte Biology 2019;105:1143-1153.
Stuhn, L; Fritschen, A; Choy, J; Dehnert, M; Dietz, C. Nanomechanical sub-surface mapping of living biological cells by force microscopy. Nanoscale 2019;11:13089-13097.
Chambrion, T; Giraldi, L; Munnier, A. Optimal strokes for driftless swimmers: a general geometric approach. Esaim-Control Optimisation And Calculus Of Variations 2019;25:.
Matsumura, Y; Michels, J; Rajabi, H; Shimozawa, T; Gorb, SN. Sperm transfer through hypere-longated beetle penises - morphology and theoretical approaches. Scientific Reports 2019;9:.
Yopak, KE; McMeans, BC; Mull, CG; Feindel, KW; Kovacs, KM; Lydersen, C; Fisk, AT; Collin, SP. Comparative brain morphology of the greenland and pacific sleeper sharks and its functional implications. Scientific Reports 2019;9:.
Meyers, RA. Comparative anatomy of the postural mechanisms of the forelimbs of birds and mammals. Journal Of Ornithology 2019;160:869-882.
Zhou, LY; Yan, XY; Li, XM; Fu, X; Xia, JG; Fu, SJ. Effect of exercise training on swimming performance, survival under predation and hypoxia tolerance in an endangered fish species in china. Marine And Freshwater Behaviour And Physiology NaN;NaN:.
White, Z; Shen, T; Volk, EM; Vernerey, FJ. The role of surface properties on the penetration resistance of scaled skins. Mechanics Research Communications 2019;98:1-8.
Haralur, SB; Alqahtani, AS; AlMazni, MS; Alqahtani, MK. Association of non-carious cervical lesions with oral hygiene habits and dynamic occlusal parameters. Diagnostics 2019;9:.
Bedrossian, E; Bedrossian, EA. Treatment planning the edentulous mandible. review of biomechanical and clinical considerations: an update. International Journal Of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants 2019;34:69-5151-6952-49.
Pantaleon, DS; Valenzuela, FM; Morrow, BR; Pameijer, CH; Garcia-Godoy, F. Effect of ferrule location with varying heights on fracture resistance and failure mode of restored endodontically treated maxillary incisors. Journal Of Prosthodontics-Implant Esthetic And Reconstructive Dentistry 2019;28:677-683.
Pitfield, R; Deter, C; Mahoney, P. Bone histomorphometric measures of physical activity in children from medieval england. American Journal Of Physical Anthropology 2019;169:730-746.
Hegarty, AK; Kurz, MJ; Stuberg, W; Silverman, AK. Strength training effects on muscle forces and contributions to whole-body movement in cerebral palsy. Journal Of Motor Behavior 2019;51:496-510.
Thompson, AK; Wolpaw, JR. H-reflex conditioning during locomotion in people with spinal cord injury. Journal Of Physiology-London NaN;NaN:.
Lee, HK; Ahn, SJ; Shin, YM; Kang, N; Cauraugh, JH. Does transcranial direct current stimulation improve functional locomotion in people with parkinson's disease? a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Of Neuroengineering And Rehabilitation 2019;16:.
Yegian, AK; Tucker, Y; Gillinov, S; Lieberman, DE. Straight arm walking, bent arm running: gait-specific elbow angles. Journal Of Experimental Biology 2019;222:.
Raman, R; Boubchir, L; Sa, PK; Majhi, B; Bakshi, S. Beyond estimating discrete directions of walk: a fuzzy approach. Machine Vision And Applications 2019;30:901-917.
Kono, Y; Deie, M; Fujita, N; Hirata, K; Shimada, N; Orita, N; Iwaki, D; Asaeda, M; Terai, C; Kimura, H; Adachi, N. The relationship between knee biomechanics and clinical assessments in acl deficient patients. International Journal Of Sports Medicine 2019;40:477-483.
Howell, DR; Lugade, V; Taksir, M; Meehan, WP. Determining the utility of a smartphone-based gait evaluation for possible use in concussion management. Physician And Sportsmedicine NaN;NaN:.
Tanaka, S; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Seki, T; Hamada, T; Machino, M; Ota, K; Morozumi, M; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S. The decreasing phase angles of the entire body and trunk during bioelectrical impedance analysis are related to locomotive syndrome. Journal Of Orthopaedic Science 2019;24:720-724.
Yoshida, T; Kawakami, M; Teraguchi, M; Kagotani, R; Minetama, M; Nakagawa, M; Nakagawa, Y. A comparative study of gait characteristics associated with and without degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis. Journal Of Orthopaedic Science 2019;24:590-595.
Shigematsu, H; Tanaka, M; Kawasaki, S; Iwata, E; Masuda, K; Morimoto, Y; Yamamoto, Y; Tanaka, Y. Loco-check presents a useful tool to determine health-related quality of life in elderly people with lumbar spinal stenosis. Journal Of Orthopaedic Science 2019;24:715-719.
Gavin, JP; Reeves, ND; Jones, DA; Roys, M; Buckley, JG; Baltzopoulos, V; Maganaris, CN. Combined resistance and stretching exercise training benefits stair descent biomechanics in older adults. Frontiers In Physiology 2019;10:.
Ohtsuki, M; Nishimura, A; Kato, T; Sokejima, S; Shibata, T; Okada, H; Nagao-Nishiwaki, R; Sudo, A. Relationships between body mass index, lifestyle habits, and locomotive syndrome in young- and middle-aged adults: a cross-sectional survey of workers in japan. Journal Of Occupational Health 2019;61:311-319.
Lapsansky, AB; Tobalske, BW. Upstroke-based acceleration and head stabilization are the norm for the wing-propelled swimming of alcid seabirds. Journal Of Experimental Biology 2019;222:.
Stark, AY; Davis, HR; Harrison, WK. Shear adhesive performance of leaf-cutting ant workers (atta cephalotes). Biotropica 2019;51:572-580.
Chan, AHW; Elhassan, BT; Suh, N. The use of the proximal hamate as an autograft for proximal pole scaphoid fractures clinical outcomes and biomechanical implications. Hand Clinics 2019;35:287-43.
D'Aout, K. Biomechanics your sensitive sole. Nature 2019;571:176-177.
Rhee, SM; Lee, JY; Song, KS; Lee, GY; Lee, JS. Lunate subchondral cysts: are there specific radiologic findings for patients with symptomatic ulnocarpal impaction?. Journal Of Orthopaedic Science 2019;24:636-642.
Morosato, F; Traina, F; Cristofolini, L. A reliable in vitro approach to assess the stability of acetabular implants using digital image correlation. Strain 2019;55:.
Kocsis, A; Varadi, K; Szalai, G; Kovacs, T; Bodzay, T. Hybrid solution combining osteosynthesis and endoprosthesis for double column acetabular fractures in the elderly provide more stability with finite element model. Eklem Hastaliklari Ve Cerrahisi-Joint Diseases And Related Surgery 2019;30:106-111.
Benca, E; Ziai, P; Hirtler, L; Schuh, R; Zandieh, S; Windhager, R. Biomechanical evaluation of different ankle orthoses in a simulated lateral ankle sprain in two different modes. Scandinavian Journal Of Medicine & Science In Sports 2019;29:1174-1180.
Ooishi, D; Izumi, M; Ueba, H; Ikeuchi, M. Splinting for the carpometacarpal joint relieves experimental basal thumb pain and loss of pinch strength. European Journal Of Pain 2019;23:1351-1357.
Heymsfield, SB; Hwaung, P; Ferreyro-Bravo, F; Heo, M; Thomas, DM; Schuna, JM. Scaling of adult human bone and skeletal muscle mass to height in the us population. American Journal Of Human Biology 2019;31:.
Matthew, RP; Seko, S; Bajcsy, R; Lotz, J. Kinematic and kinetic validation of an improved depth camera motion assessment system using rigid bodies. Ieee Journal Of Biomedical And Health Informatics 2019;23:1784-1793.
Peres, J; Bastien, C; Christensen, J; Asgharpour, Z. A minimum area discrepancy method (madm) for force displacement response correlation. Computer Methods In Biomechanics And Biomedical Engineering 2019;22:981-996.
Brennan, C; Proekt, A. A quantitative model of conserved macroscopic dynamics predicts future motor commands. Elife 2019;8:.
Li, FY; Tai, YH; Li, Q; Peng, J; Huang, XQ; Chen, ZQ; Shi, JS. Real-time needle force modeling for vr-based renal biopsy training with respiratory motion using direct clinical data. Applied Bionics And Biomechanics 2019;NaN:.
Curtin, NA; Woledge, RC; West, TG; Goodwin, D; Piercy, RJ; Wilson, AM. Energy turnover in mammalian skeletal muscle in contractions mimicking locomotion: effects of stimulus pattern on work, impulse and energetic cost and efficiency. Journal Of Experimental Biology 2019;222:.
Haug, M; Meyer, C; Reischl, B; Prolss, G; Nubler, S; Schurmann, S; Schneidereit, D; Heckel, M; Poschel, T; Rupitsch, SJ; Friedrich, O. Myorobot 2.0: an advanced biomechatronics platform for automated, environmentally controlled skeletal muscle single fiber biomechanics assessment employing inbuilt real-time optical imaging. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2019;138:.
Hok, P; Opaysky, J; Labounek, R; Kutin, M; Slachtova, M; Tudos, Z; Kanovsky, P; Hlustik, P. Differential effects of sustained manual pressure stimulation according to site of action. Frontiers In Neuroscience 2019;13:.
Snitow, ME; Zanni, G; Ciesielski, B; Burgess-Jones, P; Eisch, AJ; O'Brien, WT; Klein, PS. Adult hippocampal neurogenesis is not necessary for the response to lithium in the forced swim test. Neuroscience Letters 2019;704:67-72.
Shikano, Y; Nishimura, Y; Okonogi, T; Ikegaya, Y; Sasaki, T. Vagus nerve spiking activity associated with locomotion and cortical arousal states in a freely moving rat. European Journal Of Neuroscience 2019;49:1298-1312.
Mandolesi, G; Bullitta, S; Fresegna, D; De Vito, F; Rizzo, FR; Musella, A; Guadalupi, L; Vanni, V; Bassi, MS; Buttari, F; Viscomi, MT; Centonze, D; Gentile, A. Voluntary running wheel attenuates motor deterioration and brain damage in cuprizone-induced demyelination. Neurobiology Of Disease 2019;129:102-117.
Bercier, V; Hubbard, JM; Fidelin, K; Duroure, K; Auer, TO; Revenu, C; Wyart, C; Del Bene, F. Dynactin1 depletion leads to neuromuscular synapse instability and functional abnormalities. Molecular Neurodegeneration 2019;14:.
Wang, K; Wang, LJ; Deng, Z; Jiang, CH; Niu, WX; Zhang, M. Influence of passive elements on prediction of intradiscal pressure and muscle activation in lumbar musculoskeletal models. Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine 2019;177:39-46.
Jain, P; Khan, MR. Prediction of biomechanical behavior of lumbar vertebrae using a novel semi-rigid stabilization device. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal Of Engineering In Medicine 2019;233:849-857.
Huang, XW; Huang, ZX; Xu, LW; Liang, DZ; Zhang, MC; Zhang, H. Pullout strength of reinserted pedicle screws using the previous entry point and trajectory. Journal Of Orthopaedic Surgery And Research 2019;14:.
Fallah, F; Walter, SS; Bamberg, F; Yang, B. Simultaneous volumetric segmentation of vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs on fat-water mr images. Ieee Journal Of Biomedical And Health Informatics 2019;23:1692-1701.
Pickle, NT; Shearin, SM; Fey, NP. Dynamic neural network approach to targeted balance assessment of individuals with and without neurological disease during non-steady-state locomotion. Journal Of Neuroengineering And Rehabilitation 2019;16:.
Wong, CC; Liu, CC; Xiao, SR; Yang, HY; Lau, MC. Q-learning of straightforward gait pattern for humanoid robot based on automatic training platform. Electronics 2019;8:.
Cheng, B; Yu, Y; Baoyin, HX. Numerical simulations of the controlled motion of a hopping asteroid lander on the regolith surface. Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society 2019;485:3088-3096.
Wang, R; Wang, S; Wang, Y; Cai, MX; Tan, M. Vision-based autonomous hovering for the biomimetic underwater robot-robcutt-ii. Ieee Transactions On Industrial Electronics 2019;66:8578-8588.
Liao, P; Xing, LX; Zhang, SW; Sun, D. Magnetically driven undulatory microswimmers integrating multiple rigid segments. Small NaN;NaN:.
Xiao, YY; Jiang, ZC; Tong, X; Zhao, Y. Biomimetic locomotion of electrically powered "janus" soft robots using a liquid crystal polymer. Advanced Materials NaN;NaN:.
Ahn, CY; Liang, XD; Cai, SQ. Bioinspired design of light-powered crawling, squeezing, and jumping untethered soft robot. Advanced Materials Technologies 2019;4:.
Govindarajan, G; Sharma, R. Experimental investigation on a flapping beam with smart material actuation for underwater application. Mechanics Of Advanced Materials And Structures NaN;NaN:.
Jeon, S; Kim, S; Ha, S; Lee, S; Kim, E; Kim, SY; Park, SH; Jeon, JH; Kim, SW; Moon, C; Nelson, BJ; Kim, JY; Yu, SW; Choi, H. Magnetically actuated microrobots as a platform for stem cell transplantation. Science Robotics 2019;4:.
Ouyang, QL; Feng, XL; Kuang, SY; Panwar, N; Song, PY; Yang, CB; Yang, G; Hemu, XY; Zhang, G; Yoon, HS; Tam, JP; Liedberg, B; Zhu, G; Yong, KT; Wang, ZL. Self-powered, on-demand transdermal drug delivery system driven by triboelectric nanogenerator. Nano Energy 2019;62:610-619.
Rodrigues, C; Gomes, A; Ghosh, A; Pereira, A; Ventura, J. Power-generating footwear based on a triboelectric-electromagnetic-piezoelectric hybrid nanogenerator. Nano Energy 2019;62:660-666.
Gogurla, N; Roy, B; Park, JY; Kim, S. Skin-contact actuated single-electrode protein triboelectric nanogenerator and strain sensor for biomechanical energy harvesting and motion sensing. Nano Energy 2019;62:674-681.
Mortaza, N; Moussavi, Z; Stecina, K; Salter, JE; Passmore, SR; Gardiner, PF; Glazebrook, CM. Effects of training with a neuro-mechano stimulator rehabilitation bicycle on functional recovery and paired-reflex depression of the soleus in individuals with incomplete paralysis: a proof-of-principle study. International Journal Of Neuroscience NaN;NaN:.
Leal, LCP; Abrahin, O; Rodrigues, RP; Silva, MCR; Araujo, APM; de Sousa, EC; Pimentel, CP; Cortinhas-Alves, EA. Low-volume resistance training improves the functional capacity of older individuals with parkinson's disease. Geriatrics & Gerontology International 2019;19:635-640.
Aguirre-Guemez, AV; Perez-Sanpablo, AI; Quinzanos-Fresnedo, J; Perez-Zavala, R; Barrera-Ortiz, A. Walking speed is not the best outcome to evaluate the effect of robotic assisted gait training in people with motor incomplete spinal cord injury: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Journal Of Spinal Cord Medicine 2019;42:142-154.
Kurose, S; Miyauchi, T; Yamashita, R; Tamaki, S; Imai, M; Nakashima, Y; Umeda, Y; Sato, S; Kimura, Y; Masuda, I. Association of locomotive activity with sleep latency and cognitive function of elderly patients with cardiovascular disease in the maintenance phase of cardiac rehabilitation. Journal Of Cardiology 2019;73:530-535.
Cucarian, JD; Berrio, JP; Rodrigues, C; Zancan, M; Wink, MR; de Oliveira, A. Physical exercise and human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells ameliorate motor disturbances in a male rat model of parkinson's disease. Journal Of Neuroscience Research 2019;97:1095-1109.
Verheul, J; Gregson, W; Lisboa, P; Vanrenterghem, J; Robinson, MA. Whole-body biomechanical load in running-based sports: the validity of estimating ground reaction forces from segmental accelerations. Journal Of Science And Medicine In Sport 2019;22:716-722.
Atack, A; Trewartha, G; Bezodis, NE. Assessing rugby place kick performance from initial ball flight kinematics: development, validation and application of a new measure. Sports Biomechanics 2019;18:457-469.
Monezi, LA; Magalhaes, TP; Morato, MP; Mercadante, LA; Furtado, OLDC; Misuta, MS. Time-motion analysis of goalball players in attacks: differences of the player positions and the throwing techniques*. Sports Biomechanics 2019;18:470-481.
Eagle, SR; Kontos, AP; Mi, Q; Flanagan, SD; Nindl, BC; Beals, K; Connaboy, C. Shared neuromuscular performance traits in military personnel with prior concussion. Medicine And Science In Sports And Exercise 2019;51:1619-1625.
Swisher, AR; Koehn, B; Yong, S; Cunha, J; Ferguson, C; Cannon, DT. Dynamics of locomotor fatigue during supra-critical power exercise. Medicine And Science In Sports And Exercise 2019;51:1720-1726.
Markstrom, JL; Grip, H; Schelin, L; Hager, CK. Dynamic knee control and movement strategies in athletes and non-athletes in side hops: implications for knee injury. Scandinavian Journal Of Medicine & Science In Sports 2019;29:1181-1189.
Miles, JJ; King, E; Falvey, EC; Daniels, KAJ. Patellar and hamstring autografts are associated with different jump task loading asymmetries after acl reconstruction. Scandinavian Journal Of Medicine & Science In Sports 2019;29:1212-1222.
Fuchs, PX; Menzel, HJK; Guidotti, F; Bell, J; von Duvillard, SP; Wagner, H. Spike jump biomechanics in male versus female elite volleyball players. Journal Of Sports Sciences NaN;NaN:.
Rebullido, TR; Stracciolini, A. Pelvic floor dysfunction in female athletes: is relative energy deficiency in sport a risk factor?. Current Sports Medicine Reports 2019;18:255-257.
Ladru, BJ; Langhout, R; Veeger, DJ; Gijssel, M; Tak, I. Lead knee extension contributes to drag-flick performance in field hockey. International Journal Of Performance Analysis In Sport NaN;NaN:.
Held, S; Siebert, T; Donath, L. Changes in mechanical power output in rowing by varying stroke rate and gearing. European Journal Of Sport Science NaN;NaN:.
Zhang, S; Fu, WJ; Liu, Y. Changes in lower-limb biomechanics, soft tissue vibrations, and muscle activation during unanticipated bipedal landings. Journal Of Human Kinetics 2019;67:25-35.
Yucens, M; Aydemir, AN. Trends in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in the last decade: a web-based analysis. Journal Of Knee Surgery 2019;32:519-524.
Xie, PP; Peng, Y; Hu, JJ; Yi, SG. A study on the effect of ligament and tendon detachment on human middle ear sound transfer using mathematic model. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal Of Engineering In Medicine 2019;233:784-792.
Tsushima, T; Tsukada, H; Sasaki, S; Naraoka, T; Yamamoto, Y; Tsuda, E; Ishibashi, Y. Biomechanical analysis of medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction: fibertape (r) with knotless anchors versus a semitendinosus tendon autograft with soft anchors. Journal Of Orthopaedic Science 2019;24:663-667.
Rudolph, C; Hladik, C; Hamade, H; Frank, K; Kaminer, MS; Hexsel, D; Gotkin, RH; Sadick, NS; Green, JB; Cotofana, S. Structural gender dimorphism and the biomechanics of the gluteal subcutaneous tissue: implications for the pathophysiology of cellulite. Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery 2019;143:1077-1086.
DeBruler, DM; Baumann, ME; Blackstone, BN; Zbinden, JC; McFarland, KL; Bailey, JK; Supp, DM; Powell, HM. Role of early application of pressure garments following burn injury and autografting. Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery 2019;143:51-4948-6951-5049-69.
Major, L; Lackner, JM; Kot, M; Major, B. Correlative microscopic characterization of biomechanical and biomimetic advanced cvd coatings on a peek substrate. Progress In Organic Coatings 2019;134:244-254.
Sun, Y; Yang, C; Zhu, X; Wang, JJ; Liu, XY; Yang, XP; An, XW; Liang, J; Dong, HJ; Jiang, W; Chen, C; Wang, ZG; Sun, HT; Tu, Y; Zhang, S; Chen, F; Li, XH. 3d printing collagen/chitosan scaffold ameliorated axon regeneration and neurological recovery after spinal cord injury. Journal Of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 2019;107:1898-1908.
Dempsey, N; Gilbert, FM; Miszkiewicz, J; Oxenham, MF. Biomechanical analysis of controlled tibial blunt force trauma. Australian Journal Of Forensic Sciences 2019;51:538-548.
Eckersley, CP; Nightingale, RW; Luck, JF; Bass, CR. The role of cervical muscles in mitigating concussion. Journal Of Science And Medicine In Sport 2019;22:667-671.
Fels, M; Konen, K; Hessel, E; Kemper, N. Biometric measurement of static space required by weaned piglets kept in groups of eight during 6 weeks. Animal Production Science 2019;59:1327-1335.
Lombardo, M; Serrao, S; Lombardo, G; Schiano-Lomoriello, D. Two-year outcomes of a randomized controlled trial of transepithelial corneal crosslinking with iontophoresis for keratoconus. Journal Of Cataract And Refractive Surgery 2019;45:992-1000.
Narayanaswamy, A; Nai, MH; Nongpiur, ME; Htoon, HM; Thomas, A; Sangtam, T; Lim, CT; Wong, TT; Aung, T. Young's modulus determination of normal and glaucomatous human iris. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2019;60:2690-2695.
Bejan, A; Gunes, U; Sahin, B. The evolution of air and maritime transport. Applied Physics Reviews 2019;6:.
Han, KY; Liu, XP; Ping, SK; Wang, P. Bio-mechanical fuzzy analysis on the technical action of windmill coupling swipe in hip-hop movement. Journal Of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2019;37:517-525.