September 4 - September 10, 2019
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Michael G Browne, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Center for Movement Studies, Kennedy Krieger Institute
Dept. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
- Not all articles have a DOI.
- Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
- Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in electronic form through the publisher
*** Papers may be sorted slightly differently from the previous curator. Please take extra time to review the update this week ***
Ondruschka, B; Lee, JHC; Scholze, M; Zwirner, J; Tong, D; Waddell, JN; Hammer, N. A biomechanical comparison between human calvarial bone and a skull simulant considering the role of attached periosteum and dura mater. International Journal Of Legal Medicine 2019;133:1603-1610.
Schanda, JE; Kocijan, R; Resch, H; Baierl, A; Feichtinger, X; Mittermayr, R; Plachel, F; Wakolbinger, R; Wolff, K; Fialka, C; Gruther, W; Muschitz, C. Bone stress injuries are associated with differences in bone microarchitecture in male professional soldiers. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research NaN;NaN:.
Sato, AY; Cregor, M; McAndrews, K; Li, T; Condon, KW; Plotkin, LI; Bellido, T. Glucocorticoid-induced bone fragility is prevented in female mice by blocking pyk2/anoikis signaling. Endocrinology 2019;160:1659-1673.
Karaarslan, AA; Acar, N; Aycan, H; Ertem, F. Biomechanical comparison of fracture site stabilities of femur nails after fracture site resorption. Acta Orthopaedica Belgica 2019;85:218-223.
Reid, JA; Callanan, A. Influence of aorta extracellular matrix in electrospun polycaprolactone scaffolds. Journal Of Applied Polymer Science 2019;136:.
Wang, QY; Tang, DL; Wang, L; Canton, G; Wu, ZY; Hatsukami, TS; Billiar, KL; Yuan, C. Combining morphological and biomechanical factors for optimal carotid plaque progression prediction: an mri-based follow-up study using 3d thin-layer models. International Journal Of Cardiology 2019;293:266-271.
Wu, XL; von Birgelen, C; Zhang, S; Ding, DX; Huang, JY; Tu, SX. Simultaneous evaluation of plaque stability and ischemic potential of coronary lesions in a fluid-structure interaction analysis. International Journal Of Cardiovascular Imaging 2019;35:1563-1572.
Chen, J; Wu, X. Cyclic tensile strain promotes chondrogenesis of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells by increasing mir-365 expression. Life Sciences 2019;232:.
Sanyour, HJ; Li, N; Rickel, AP; Kinser, CN; Hong, ZK. Alteration in vascular smooth muscle cell biomechanics and cytoskeletal architecture is collectively coordinated by substrate stiffness and membrane cholesterol. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis And Vascular Biology 2019;39:.
Zhuang, MNV; Russell, AP; Higham, TE. Evolution of pedal digit orientation and morphology in relation to acquisition and secondary loss of the adhesive system in geckos. Journal Of Morphology NaN;NaN:.
Callahan, RA; Roberts, R; Sengupta, M; Kimura, Y; Higashijima, S; Bagnall, MW. Spinal v2b neurons reveal a role for ipsilateral inhibition in speed control. Elife 2019;8:.
Hendges, CD; Patterson, BD; Caceres, NC; Gasparini, GM; Ross, CF. Skull shape and the demands of feeding: a biomechanical study of peccaries (mammalia, cetartiodactyla). Journal Of Mammalogy 2019;100:475-486.
Romanos, GE; Delgado-Ruiz, R; Sculean, A. Concepts for prevention of complications in implant therapy. Periodontology 2000 2019;81:7-17.
Penteado, MM; Tribst, JPM; Dal Piva, AMD; Ausiello, P; Zarone, F; Garcia-Godoy, F; Borges, ALS. Mechanical behavior of conceptual posterior dental crowns with functional elasticity gradient. American Journal Of Dentistry 2019;32:165-168.
Durkan, R; Oyar, P; Deste, G. Maxillary and mandibular all-on-four implant designs: a review. Nigerian Journal Of Clinical Practice 2019;22:1033-1040.
Kurt, I; Cehreli, ZC; Ozcirpici, AA; Sar, C. Biomechanical evaluation between orthodontic attachment and three different materials after various surface treatments: a three-dimensional optical profilometry analysis. Angle Orthodontist 2019;89:742-750.
Bonfante, EA; Jimbo, R; Witek, L; Tovar, N; Neiva, R; Torroni, A; Coelho, PG. Biomaterial and biomechanical considerations to prevent risks in implant therapy. Periodontology 2000 2019;81:139-151.
Armstrong, DP; Ross, GB; Graham, RB; Fischer, SL. Considering movement competency within physical employment standards. Work-A Journal Of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation 2019;63:603-613.
Wu, Y; Liu, A; Dai, KR; Gu, DY. Local dynamic stability of the locomotion of lower extremity joints and trunk during backward upslope walking. Journal Of Motor Behavior 2019;51:587-599.
Nakamura, T; Higuchi, T; Kikumoto, T; Takeda, T; Tashiro, H; Hoshi, F. Slower reorientation of trunk for reactive turning while walking in hemiparesis stroke patients. Journal Of Motor Behavior 2019;51:640-646.
Watanabe, R; Wagman, JB; Higuchi, T. Dynamic touch by hand and head during walking: protective behavior for the head?. Journal Of Motor Behavior 2019;51:655-667.
Li, HY; Derrode, S; Pieczynski, W. An adaptive and on-line imu-based locomotion activity classification method using a triplet markov model. Neurocomputing 2019;362:94-105.
Kristiansen, M; Odderskaer, N; Kristensen, DH. Effect of body weight support on muscle activation during walking on a lower body positive pressure treadmill. Journal Of Electromyography And Kinesiology 2019;48:9-16.
Hirata, K; Hanawa, H; Miyazawa, T; Kubota, K; Sonoo, M; Kokubun, T; Kanemura, N. Adaptive changes in foot placement for split-belt treadmill walking in individuals with stroke. Journal Of Electromyography And Kinesiology 2019;48:112-120.
Major, MJ; McConn, SM; Zavaleta, JL; Stine, R; Gard, SA. Effects of upper limb loss and prosthesis use on proactive mechanisms of locomotor stability. Journal Of Electromyography And Kinesiology 2019;48:145-151.
Ilha, J; Meireles, A; de Freitas, GR; Santo, CCD; Machado-Pereira, NAMM; Swarowsky, A; Santos, ARS. Overground gait training promotes functional recovery and cortical neuroplasticity in an incomplete spinal cord injury model. Life Sciences 2019;232:.
Fonoff, ET; De Lima-Pardini, AC; Coelho, DB; Monaco, BA; Machado, B; de Souza, CP; Ghilardi, MGD; Hamani, C. Spinal cord stimulation for freezing of gait: from bench to bedside. Frontiers In Neurology 2019;10:.
Crago, D; Bishop, C; Arnold, JB. The effect of foot orthoses and insoles on running economy and performance in distance runners: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Of Sports Sciences NaN;NaN:.
Kim, J; Lee, G; Heimgartner, R; Revi, DA; Karavas, N; Nathanson, D; Galiana, I; Eckert-Erdheim, A; Murphy, P; Perry, D; Menard, N; Choe, DK; Malcolm, P; Walsh, CJ. Reducing the metabolic rate of walking and running with a versatile, portable exosuit. Science 2019;365:668-43.
Chung, HC; Choi, G; Azam, M. Effects of initial starting distance and gap characteristics on children's and young adults' velocity regulation when intercepting moving gaps. Human Factors NaN;NaN:.
Chien, JH; Torres-Russotto, D; Wang, Z; Gui, CF; Whitney, D; Siu, KC. The use of smartphone in measuring stance and gait patterns in patients with orthostatic tremor. Plos One 2019;14:.
Haupenthal, A; Fontana, HD; Haupenthal, DPD; Hubert, M; Roesler, H; Ruschel, C. Prediction of ground reaction forces while walking in water. Plos One 2019;14:.
Dewolf, AH; Ivanenko, VP; Zelik, KE; Lacquaniti, F; Willems, PA. Differential activation of lumbar and sacral motor pools during walking a different speeds and slopes. Journal Of Neurophysiology 2019;122:872-887.
Moritz, MS; Tepp, WH; Inzalaco, HN; Johnson, EA; Pellett, S. Comparative functional analysis of mice after local injection with botulinum neurotoxin a1, a2, a6, and b1 by catwalk analysis. Toxicon 2019;167:20-28.
Gerasimenko, Y; Preston, C; Zhong, H; Roy, RR; Edgerton, VR; Shah, PK. Rostral lumbar segments are the key controllers of hindlimb locomotor rhythmicity in the adult spinal rat. Journal Of Neurophysiology 2019;122:585-600.
Khan, IU; Yoon, Y; Choi, KU; Jo, KR; Kim, N; Lee, E; Kim, WH; Kweon, OK. Therapeutic effects of intravenous injection of fresh and frozen thawed ho-1-overexpressed ad-mscs in dogs with acute spinal cord injury. Stem Cells International 2019;2019:.
Jelassi, R; Bohli-Abderrazek, D; Ayari, A; Nasri-Ammar, K. Seasonal variation of the locomotor behavior of two sympatric species, orchestia montagui and orchestia gammarellus (amphipoda, talitridae), under aperiodic regimens. Biological Rhythm Research 2019;50:665-678.
Noworyta-Sokolowska, K; Kozub, A; Jablonska, J; Parkitna, JR; Drozd, R; Rygula, R. Sensitivity to negative and positive feedback as a stable and enduring behavioural trait in rats. Psychopharmacology 2019;236:2389-2403.
Yapuncich, GS; Feng, HJ; Dunn, RH; Seiffert, ER; Boyer, DM. Vertical support use and primate origins. Scientific Reports 2019;9:.
Wu, XQ; Pei, BQ; Pei, YY; Hao, Y; Zhou, KY; Wang, W. Comprehensive biomechanism of impact resistance in the cat's paw pad. Biomed Research International 2019;2019:.
Braun, L; Tichy, A; Peham, C; Bockstahler, B. Comparison of vertical force redistribution in the pads of dogs with elbow osteoarthritis and healthy dogs. Veterinary Journal 2019;250:79-85.
Kimoto, Y; Oku, T; Furuya, S. Neuromuscular and biomechanical functions subserving finger dexterity in musicians. Scientific Reports 2019;9:.
Vannuscorps, G; Wurm, MF; Striem-Amit, E; Caramazza, A. Large-scale organization of the hand action observation network in individuals born without hands. Cerebral Cortex 2019;29:3434-3444.
Sevenoaks, H; Khan, SHM; Younis, F. Diagnosis of ulnar-sided wrist pain: a pragmatic approach for the non-specialist. British Journal Of Hospital Medicine 2019;80:456-460.
Molicnik, A; Jansa, J; Kocjancic, B; Kralj-Iglic, V; Dolinar, D. Secondary hip dysplasia increases risk for early coxarthritis after legg-calve-perthes disease. a study of 255 hips. Computer Methods In Biomechanics And Biomedical Engineering NaN;NaN:.
Peleh, T; Bai, XS; Kas, MJH; Hengerer, B. Rfid-supported video tracking for automated analysis of social behaviour in groups of mice. Journal Of Neuroscience Methods 2019;325:.
Sohn, MH; Smith, DM; Ting, LH. Effects of kinematic complexity and number of muscles on musculoskeletal model robustness to muscle dysfunction. Plos One 2019;14:.
Sussmann, AR. Congenital bilateral absence of the semimembranosus muscles. Skeletal Radiology 2019;48:1651-1655.
Markwalter, KH; Yang, Y; Holy, TE; Bonni, A. Sensorimotor coding of vermal granule neurons in the developing mammalian cerebellum. Journal Of Neuroscience 2019;39:6626-6643.
Laflamme, OD; Lemieux, M; Thiry, L; Bretzner, F. Dscam mutation impairs motor cortex network dynamic and voluntary motor functions. Cerebral Cortex 2019;29:2313-2330.
Wang, HL; Li, QQ; Tang, HD; Ding, JQ; Xu, NJ; Sun, SY; Chen, SD. The activated newborn neurons participate in enriched environment induced improvement of locomotor function in app/ps1 mice. Brain And Behavior 2019;9:.
Hughes, S; Celikel, T. Prominent inhibitory projections guide sensorimotor computation: an invertebrate perspective. Bioessays NaN;NaN:.
Issa, AR; Picao-Osorio, J; Rito, N; Chiappe, ME; Alonso, CR. A single microrna-hox gene module controls equivalent movements in biomechanically distinct forms of drosophila. Current Biology 2019;29:2665-43.
Harpaz, NK; Ungarish, D; Hatsopoulos, NG; Flash, T. Movement decomposition in the primary motor cortex. Cerebral Cortex 2019;29:1619-1633.
Lu, T; Lu, Y. Comparison of biomechanical performance among posterolateral fusion and transforaminal, extreme, and oblique lumbar interbody fusion: a finite element analysis. World Neurosurgery 2019;129:69-5657-4869-5657-57.
Bachmann, KR; Yaszay, B; Bartley, CE; Bastrom, TP; Reighard, FG; Upasani, VV; Newton, PO; Buckland, A; Samdani, A; Jain, A; Lonner, B; Roye, B; Reilly, C; Hedequist, D; Sucato, D; Clements, D; Miyanji, F; Shufflebarger, H; Flynn, J; Asghar, J; Mac Thiong, JM; Pahys, J; Harms, J; Bachmann, K; Lenke, L; Abel, M; Glotzbecker, M; Kelly, M; Vitale, M; Marks, M; Gupta, M; Fletcher, N; Cahill, P; Sponseller, P; Gabos, P; Newton, P; Sturm, P; Betz, R; Lehman, R; Parent, S; George, S; Hwang, S; Shah, S; Errico, T; Upasani, V. A three-dimensional analysis of scoliosis progression in non-idiopathic scoliosis: is it similar to adolescent idiopathic scoliosis?. Childs Nervous System 2019;35:1585-1590.
Moses, MJ; Tishelman, JC; Zhou, PL; Moon, JY; Beaubrun, BM; Buckland, AJ; Protopsaltis, TS. Mcgregor's slope and slope of line of sight: two surrogate markers for chin-brow vertical angle in the setting of cervical spine pathology. Spine Journal 2019;19:1512-1517.
Lin, GX; Rui, G; Sharma, S; Kotheeranurak, V; Suen, TK; Kim, JS. Does the neck pain, function, or range of motion differ after anterior cervical fusion, cervical disc replacement, and posterior cervical foraminotomy?. World Neurosurgery 2019;129:69-5256-5369-5257-51.
Zhang, YW; Zeng, T; Gao, WC; Xiao, X; Xiao, Y; Chen, X; Zhang, SL; Deng, L. Progress of the anterior transpedicular screw in lower cervical spine: a review. Medical Science Monitor 2019;25:6281-6290.
Ozmen, R; Gunay, M; Demir, T. Biomechanical analysis of c5-c6 spinal unit with prosthetic disc by finite element method. Acta Physica Polonica A 2019;135:739-742.
Eichinger, M; Brunner, A; Stofferin, H; Bolderl, A; Blauth, M; Schmolz, W. Screw tip augmentation leads to improved primary stability in the minimally invasive treatment of displaced intra-articular fractures of the calcaneus: a biomechanical study. International Orthopaedics 2019;43:2175-2181.
Liu, N; Lu, T; Wang, YB; Sun, ZW; Li, JL; He, XJ. Effects of new cage profiles on the improvement in biomechanical performance of multilevel anterior cervical corpectomy and fusion: a finite element analysis. World Neurosurgery 2019;129:69-5655-6957-54.
Stein, S; Hose, S; Warnecke, D; Gentilini, C; Skaer, N; Walker, R; Kessler, O; Ignatius, A; Durselen, L. Meniscal replacement with a silk fibroin scaffold reduces contact stresses in the human knee. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research NaN;NaN:.
Zhang, XG; Shi, G; Sun, XJ; Zheng, W; Xu, GT; Chen, GQ. Measurement of biomechanical stability of artificial prosthesis for hip replacement. Journal Of Biomaterials And Tissue Engineering 2019;9:552-557.
Colbrunn, RW; Dumpe, JE; Nagle, TF; Kolmodin, JD; Barsoum, WK; Saluan, PM. Robotically simulated pivot shift that represents the clinical exam. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research NaN;NaN:.
Roessler, PP; Wimmer, MD; Jacobs, C; Bornemann, R; Stein, T; Lahner, M. Medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction fails to correct mild patella alta in cases of patellofemoral instability-a case-control study. International Orthopaedics 2019;43:2071-2075.
Choufani, C; Barber, O; Caubere, A; Ollat, D; Versier, G. A growing stake in orthopaedic surgery and traumatology for the future management of obese patients. Acta Orthopaedica Belgica 2018;84:377-383.
Rougier, PR; Marsande, J; James, M; Brachet, M. Biomechanical study of tandem stance in healthy young adults: effects of weight-bearing and limb dominance. Journal Of Motor Behavior 2019;51:603-609.
Schinkel-Ivy, A; Drake, JDM. Interaction between thoracic movement and lumbar spine muscle activation patterns in young adults asymptomatic for low back pain: a cross-sectional study. Journal Of Manipulative And Physiological Therapeutics 2019;42:461-469.
Maiano, C; Hue, O; April, J. Effects of motor skill interventions on fundamental movement skills in children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities: a systematic review. Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research 2019;63:1163-1179.
Herssens, N; McCrum, C. Stimulating balance: recent advances in vestibular stimulation for balance and gait. Journal Of Neurophysiology 2019;122:447-450.
Liu, XH; Zhou, ZH; Mai, JG; Wang, QN. Real-time mode recognition based assistive torque control of bionic knee exoskeleton for sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit transitions. Robotics And Autonomous Systems 2019;119:209-220.
He, B; Si, YY; Wang, ZP; Zhou, YM. Hybrid cpg-fri dynamic walking algorithm balancing agility and stability control of biped robot. Autonomous Robots 2019;43:1855-1865.
Deng, WL; Kesari, H. Effect of machine stiffness on interpreting contact force-indentation depth curves in adhesive elastic contact experiments. Journal Of The Mechanics And Physics Of Solids 2019;131:404-423.
Mancebo, CJPD; Manrique, PR; Delgado, GJP; Ibanez, JRS; Azkarate, M. Choosing the best locomotion mode in reconfigurable rovers. Electronics 2019;8:.
Ballesteros-Escamilla, M; Cruz-Ortiz, D; Salgado, I; Chairez, I. Hybrid position/force output feedback second-order sliding mode control for a prototype of an active orthosis used in back-assisted mobilization. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2019;57:1843-1860.
Kanoulas, D; Tsagarakis, NG; Vona, M. Curved patch mapping and tracking for irregular terrain modeling: application to bipedal robot foot placement. Robotics And Autonomous Systems 2019;119:13-30.
Luddecke, T; Kulvicius, T; Worgotter, F. Context-based affordance segmentation from 2d images for robot actions. Robotics And Autonomous Systems 2019;119:92-107.
Calderon, AA; Ugalde, JC; Chang, LL; Zagal, JC; Perez-Arancibia, NO. An earthworm-inspired soft robot with perceptive artificial skin. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2019;14:.
Kano, T; Kanauchi, D; Aonuma, H; Clark, EG; Ishiguro, A. Decentralized control mechanism for determination of moving direction in brittle stars with penta-radially symmetric body. Frontiers In Neurorobotics 2019;13:.
Xu, Z; Ding, C; Wei, DW; Bao, RY; Ke, K; Liu, ZY; Yang, MB; Yang, W. Electro and light-active actuators based on reversible shape memory polymer composites with segregated conductive networks. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019;11:30332-30340.
Garrad, M; Soter, G; Conn, AT; Hauser, H; Rossiter, J. A soft matter computer for soft robots. Science Robotics 2019;4:.
Zhao, YS; Xuan, C; Qian, XS; Alsaid, Y; Hua, MT; Jin, LH; He, XM. Soft phototactic swimmer based on self-sustained hydrogel oscillator. Science Robotics 2019;4:.
Su, MJ; Xie, RZ; Zhang, YH; Kang, XP; Huang, DY; Guan, YS; Zhu, HF. Pneumatic soft actuator with anisotropic soft and rigid restraints for pure in-plane bending motion. Applied Sciences-Basel 2019;9:.
Belter, D. Efficient modeling and evaluation of constraints in path planning for multi-legged walking robots. Ieee Access 2019;7:107845-107862.
Woodward, MA; Sitti, M. Morphological intelligence counters foot slipping in the desert locust and dynamic robots. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2018;115:69-5651-5356-6956-5154-55.
Fan, J; Xiong, CH; Huang, ZK; Wang, CB; Chen, WB. A lightweight biomechanical energy harvester with high power density and low metabolic cost. Energy Conversion And Management 2019;195:641-649.
Xiong, JQ; Lee, PS. Progress on wearable triboelectric nanogenerators in shapes of fiber, yarn, and textile. Science And Technology Of Advanced Materials 2019;20:837-857.
Dong, L; Closso, AB; Jin, C; Tras, I; Chen, Z; Zhang, JX. Vibration-energy-harvesting system: transduction mechanisms, frequency tuning techniques, and biomechanical applications. Advanced Materials Technologies NaN;NaN:.
Ryu, H; Yoon, HJ; Kim, SW. Hybrid energy harvesters: toward sustainable energy harvesting. Advanced Materials 2019;31:.
Burns, MK; Pei, DY; Vinjamuri, R. Dynamic control of virtual hand grasp using spatiotemporal synergies. Ieee Access 2019;7:112327-112338.
Clutterbuck, GL; Auld, ML; Johnston, LM. Performance of school-aged children with cerebral palsy at gmfcs levels i and ii on high-level, sports-focussed gross motor assessments. Disability And Rehabilitation NaN;NaN:.
Sobue, Y; Kojima, T; Funahashi, K; Okui, N; Mizuno, M; Takahashi, N; Asai, S; Asai, N; Matsumoto, T; Nishiume, T; Suzuki, M; Ishiguro, N. Relationship between rheumatoid arthritis and locomotive syndrome: validation of the 25-question geriatric locomotive function scale in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Nagoya Journal Of Medical Science 2019;81:453-462.
Hernandez-Davo, JL; Moreno, FJ; Sanz-Rivas, D; Hernandez-Davo, H; Coves, A; Caballero, C. Variations in kinematic variables and performance in the tennis serve according to age and skill level. International Journal Of Performance Analysis In Sport NaN;NaN:.
Mattes, K; Wolff, S. Asymmetry of the leg stretcher force high-performance female and male juniors in sweep rowing. International Journal Of Performance Analysis In Sport NaN;NaN:.
Oliver, GD; Friesen, K; Barfield, JW; Giordano, K; Anz, A; Dugas, J; Andrews, J. Association of upper extremity pain with softball pitching kinematics and kinetics. Orthopaedic Journal Of Sports Medicine 2019;7:.
Clemente-Suarez, VJ; Ramos-Campo, DJ. Effectiveness of reverse vs. traditional linear training periodization in triathlon. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health 2019;16:.
Camp, CL; Desai, V; Conte, S; Ahmad, CS; Ciccotti, M; Dines, JS; Altchek, DW; D'Angelo, J; Griffith, TB. Revision ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction in professional baseball: current trends, surgical techniques, and outcomes. Orthopaedic Journal Of Sports Medicine 2019;7:.
Bascunan, AL; Biedrzycki, A; Banks, SA; Lewis, DD; Kim, SE. Large animal models for anterior cruciate ligament research. Frontiers In Veterinary Science 2019;6:.
Erickson, LN; Lucas, KCH; Davis, KA; Jacobs, CA; Thompson, KL; Hardy, PA; Andersen, AH; Fry, CS; Noehren, BW. Effect of blood flow restriction training on quadriceps muscle strength, morphology, physiology, and knee biomechanics before and after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: protocol for a randomized clinical trial. Physical Therapy 2019;99:1010-1019.
Kim, GB; Kim, KI; Song, SJ; Lee, SH. Increased posterior tibial slope after medial open-wedge high tibial osteotomy may result in degenerative changes in anterior cruciate ligament. Journal Of Arthroplasty 2019;34:1922-1928.
Taye, N; Karoulias, SZ; Hubmacher, D. The "other" 15-40%: the role of non-collagenous extracellular matrix proteins and minor collagens in tendon. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research NaN;NaN:.
Leschinger, T; Besch, K; Aydin, C; Staatt, M; Scaal, M; Muller, LP; Wegmann, K. Irreparable rotator cuff tears: a biomechanical comparison of superior capsuloligamentous complex reconstruction techniques and an interpositional graft technique. Orthopaedic Journal Of Sports Medicine 2019;7:.
Apergis, EP; Masouros, PT; Nikolaou, VS; Arealis, G; Babis, GC. Central band reconstruction for the treatment of essex-lopresti injury : a novel technique using the brachioradialis tendon. Acta Orthopaedica Belgica 2019;85:63-71.
Salib, CG; Reina, N; Trousdale, WH; Limberg, AK; Tibbo, ME; Jay, AG; Robin, JX; Turner, TW; Jones, CR; Paradise, CR; Lewallen, EA; Bolon, B; Carter, JM; Berry, DJ; Morrey, ME; Sanchez-Sotelo, J; van Wijnen, AJ; Abdel, MP. Inhibition of cox-2 pathway as a potential prophylaxis against arthrofibrogenesis in a rabbit model of joint contracture. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research NaN;NaN:.
Sunnerberg, JP; Moore, P; Spedden, E; Kaplan, DL; Staii, C. Variations of elastic modulus and cell volume with temperature for cortical neurons. Langmuir 2019;35:10965-10976.
Zhang, JT; Raghunathan, R; Rippy, J; Wu, C; Finnell, RH; Larin, KV; Scarcelli, G. Tissue biomechanics during cranial neural tube closure measured by brillouin microscopy and optical coherence tomography. Birth Defects Research 2019;111:991-998.
Pelivanov, I; Gao, L; Pitre, J; Kirby, MA; Song, SZ; Li, D; Shen, TT; Wang, RK; O'Donnell, M. Does group velocity always reflect elastic modulus in shear wave elastography?. Journal Of Biomedical Optics 2019;24:.
Montasell, X; Herndon, G; Szwec, D; Beauchamp, G. The effect of transfixation pins on the biomechanical properties of angled acrylic connecting bars. Canadian Journal Of Veterinary Research-Revue Canadienne De Recherche Veterinaire 2019;83:17-23.
Karacali, O. Computational fluid dynamics analysis of titanium outflow pipe implant for glaucoma treatment in biomechanical engineering. Acta Physica Polonica A 2019;135:561-563.
Shilova, NF; Nahum, Y; Adler, A; Bahar, I; Malyugin, BE; Anisimova, NS; Livny, E. Comparative analysis of biomechanical parameters of the corneas following descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty and contralateral healthy corneas. Graefes Archive For Clinical And Experimental Ophthalmology 2019;257:1925-1929.
Kuebler, AG; Wiecha, C; Reznicek, L; Klingenstein, A; Halfter, K; Priglinger, S; Hintschich, C. Comparison of different devices to measure the intraocular pressure in thyroid-associated orbitopathy. Graefes Archive For Clinical And Experimental Ophthalmology 2019;257:2025-2032.
Jozwik, A; Kasprzak, H; Kozakiewicz, A. Corneal buckling during applanation and its effect on the air pressure curve in ocular response analyzer. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health 2019;16:.
Tun, TA; Wang, XF; Baskaran, M; Nongpiur, ME; Tham, YC; Perera, SA; Strouthidis, NG; Aung, T; Cheng, CY; Girard, MJA. Variation of peripapillary scleral shape with age. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2019;60:3275-3282.
Sunde, A; Johansen, JM; Gjora, M; Paulsen, G; Braten, M; Helgerud, J; Storen, O. Stronger is better: the impact of upper body strength in double poling performance. Frontiers In Physiology 2019;10:.
Sorel, A; Plantard, P; Bideau, N; Pontonnier, C. Studying fencing lunge accuracy and response time in uncertain conditions with an innovative simulator. Plos One 2019;14:.
Otto Frank of the Frank-Starling Law:
de Tombe, PP; Tyberg, JV. Frank's law of the heart: Found in translation. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 2018; 121:33-35.
Kuhtz-Buschbeck, JP; Drake-Halland, A; Noble, MIM; Lohff, B; Schaefer, J. Rediscovery of Otto Frank's contribution to science. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 2018; 119:96-103.
September 4 - September 10, 2019
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Michael G Browne, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Center for Movement Studies, Kennedy Krieger Institute
Dept. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
- Not all articles have a DOI.
- Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
- Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in electronic form through the publisher
*** Papers may be sorted slightly differently from the previous curator. Please take extra time to review the update this week ***
Ondruschka, B; Lee, JHC; Scholze, M; Zwirner, J; Tong, D; Waddell, JN; Hammer, N. A biomechanical comparison between human calvarial bone and a skull simulant considering the role of attached periosteum and dura mater. International Journal Of Legal Medicine 2019;133:1603-1610.
Schanda, JE; Kocijan, R; Resch, H; Baierl, A; Feichtinger, X; Mittermayr, R; Plachel, F; Wakolbinger, R; Wolff, K; Fialka, C; Gruther, W; Muschitz, C. Bone stress injuries are associated with differences in bone microarchitecture in male professional soldiers. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research NaN;NaN:.
Sato, AY; Cregor, M; McAndrews, K; Li, T; Condon, KW; Plotkin, LI; Bellido, T. Glucocorticoid-induced bone fragility is prevented in female mice by blocking pyk2/anoikis signaling. Endocrinology 2019;160:1659-1673.
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