February 26 - March 03, 2020
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Michael G Browne, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Center for Movement Studies, Kennedy Krieger Institute
Dept. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
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Dash, AS; Agarwal, S; McMahon, DJ; Cosman, F; Nieves, J; Bucovsky, M; Guo, XE; Shane, E; Stein, EM. Abnormal microarchitecture and stiffness in postmenopausal women with isolated osteoporosis at the 1/3 radius. Bone 2020;132:.
Suzuki, T; Matsuura, Y; Yamazaki, T; Akasaka, T; Ozone, E; Matsuyama, Y; Mukai, M; Ohara, T; Wakita, H; Taniguchi, S; Ohtori, S. Biomechanics of callus in the bone healing process, determined by specimen-specific finite element analysis. Bone 2020;132:.
Walter, SG; Randau, TM; Gravius, N; Gravius, S; Froschen, FS. Monoflanged custom-made acetabular components promote biomechanical restoration of severe acetabular bone defects by metallic defect reconstruction. Journal Of Arthroplasty 2020;35:831-835.
Vera, MC; Ferretti, JL; Abdala, V; Cointry, GR. Biomechanical properties of anuran long bones: correlations with locomotor modes and habitat use. Journal Of Anatomy NaN;NaN:.
Xu, G; Miwa, S; Yamamoto, N; Hayashi, K; Takeuchi, A; Igarashi, K; Higuchi, T; Taniguchi, Y; Araki, Y; Yonezawa, H; Morinaga, S; Tsuchiya, H. Pedicle frozen autograft-prosthesis composite reconstructions for malignant bone tumors of the proximal femur. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 2020;21:.
Salhi, A; Burdin, V; Boutillon, A; Brochard, S; Mutsvangwa, T; Borotikar, B. Statistical shape modeling approach to predict missing scapular bone. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2020;48:367-379.
Tilton, M; Armstrong, A; Sanville, J; Chin, M; Hast, MW; Lewis, GS; Manogharan, GP. Biomechanical testing of additive manufactured proximal humerus fracture fixation plates. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2020;48:463-476.
Stewart, S; Darwood, A; Masouros, S; Higgins, C; Ramasamy, A. Mechanotransduction in osteogenesis. Bone & Joint Research 2020;9:1-14.
Kulej, M; Dragan, SL; Kuryszko, J; Kuropka, P; Widuchowski, W; Dragan, SF. Micromorphological assessment of bone tissue remodeling in various hip degeneration conditions. Advances In Clinical And Experimental Medicine 2020;29:51-61.
Mallouchou, M; Katikas, L; Stathopoulou, E; Papaioannou, N; Varagka, N; Nakos, B. Mapping cheshire cats' leg: a histological approach of cortical bone tissue through modern gis technology. Anatomical Science International 2020;95:104-125.
Berman, AG; Organ, JM; Allen, MR; Wallace, JM. Muscle contraction induces osteogenic levels of cortical bone strain despite muscle weakness in a mouse model of osteogenesis imperfecta. Bone 2020;132:.
Schmal, H; Brix, M; Bue, M; Ekman, A; Ferreira, N; Gottlieb, H; Kold, S; Taylor, A; Tengberg, PT; Ban, I; Barckman, J; Branner, U; Bovbjerg, P; Elsoe, R; Primdahl, A; Rosenstand, M; Sondergaard, P; Szkopek, K. Nonunion - consensus from the 4th annual meeting of the danish orthopaedic trauma society. Efort Open Reviews 2020;5:46-57.
Liang, L; Mao, WB; Sun, W. A feasibility study of deep learning for predicting hemodynamics of human thoracic aorta. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;99:.
Qiao, YH; Mao, L; Zhu, T; Fan, JR; Luo, K. Biomechanical implications of the fenestration structure after thoracic endovascular aortic repair. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;99:.
Torok, M; Monori-Kiss, A; Pal, E; Horvath, E; Josvai, A; Merkely, P; Barta, BA; Matyas, C; Olah, A; Radovits, T; Merkely, B; Acs, N; Nadasy, GL; Varbiro, S. Long-term exercise results in morphological and biomechanical changes in coronary resistance arterioles in male and female rats. Biology Of Sex Differences 2020;11:.
Varshney, M; Farooqi, MH; Usmani, AY. Quantifying hemodynamics within an aneurysm exposed to prolonged exercise levels. Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine 2020;184:.
Tribst, JPM; Dal Piva, AMD; Borges, ALS; Nishioka, RS; Bottino, MA; Rodrigues, VA. Effect of framework type on the biomechanical behavior of provisional crowns: strain gauge and finite element analyses. International Journal Of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry 2020;40:69-5769-4956-.
Wu, XS; Hu, JR; Li, GQ; Li, Y; Li, Y; Zhang, J; Wang, F; Li, A; Hu, L; Fan, ZP; Lu, SQ; Ding, G; Zhang, CM; Wang, JS; Long, M; Wang, SL. Biomechanical stress regulates mammalian tooth replacement via the integrin beta 1-runx2-wnt pathway. Embo Journal 2020;39:.
Fr?ter, M; Lassila, L; Braunitzer, G; Vallittu, PK; Garoushi, S. Fracture resistance and marginal gap formation of post-core restorations: influence of different fiber-reinforced composites. Clinical Oral Investigations 2020;24:265-276.
Limjeerajarus, N; Dhammayannarangsi, P; Phanijjiva, A; Tangsripongkul, P; Jearanaiphaisarn, T; Pittayapat, P; Limjeerajarus, CN. Comparison of ultimate force revealed by compression tests on extracted first premolars and fea with a true scale 3d multi-component tooth model based on a cbct dataset. Clinical Oral Investigations 2020;24:211-220.
Taha, NEKS; Dias, DR; Oliveira, TMC; Souza, JAC; Leles, CR. Patient satisfaction with ball and equator attachments for single-implant mandibular overdentures: a short-term randomised crossover clinical trial. Journal Of Oral Rehabilitation 2020;47:361-369.
Ortun-Terrazas, J; Cegonino, J; del Palomar, AP. In silico study of cuspid' periodontal ligament damage under parafunctional and traumatic conditions of whole-mouth occlusions. a patient-specific evaluation. Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine 2020;184:.
Grozdanovic, M. Interaction between an operator and the control desk at the control room of the railway traffic: a serbian experience. Human Factors And Ergonomics In Manufacturing & Service Industries NaN;NaN:.
Montano, D. A psychosocial theory of sick leave put to the test in the european working conditions survey 2010-2015. International Archives Of Occupational And Environmental Health 2020;93:229-242.
Kim, HJ; Lim, DH; Kim, WS; Han, CS. Development of a passive modular knee mechanism for a lower limb exoskeleton robot and its effectiveness in the workplace. International Journal Of Precision Engineering And Manufacturing 2020;21:227-236.
Hill, EC; Pearson, OM; Durband, AC; Walshe, K; Carlson, KJ; Grine, FE. An examination of the cross-sectional geometrical properties of the long bone diaphyses of holocene foragers from roonka, south australia. American Journal Of Physical Anthropology NaN;NaN:.
Rivera, G; Neely, CMD. Patterns of fluctuating asymmetry in the limbs of freshwater turtles: are more functionally important limbs more symmetrical?. Evolution NaN;NaN:.
Li, SSW; Chow, DHK. Modified electromyography-assisted optimization approach for predicting lumbar spine loading while walking with backpack loads. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal Of Engineering In Medicine NaN;NaN:.
Sivarathinabala, M; Abirami, S; Baskaran, R. Abnormal gait recognition using exemplar based algorithm in healthcare applications. International Journal Of Communication Systems NaN;NaN:.
Pechtl, KS; Jennings, JR; Redfern, MS. Optic flow and attention alter locomotion differently in the young and old. Gait & Posture 2020;76:1-6.
Paterson, KL; Sosdian, L; Bennell, KL; Metcalf, BR; Wrigley, TV; Kasza, J; Dowsey, MM; Choong, PF; Hinman, RS. The influence of sex and pre-operative obesity on biomechanics two years after total knee arthroplasty: a longitudinal cohort study. Gait & Posture 2020;76:74-84.
Oh, J; Eltoukhy, M; Kuenze, C; Andersen, MS; Signorile, JF. Comparison of predicted kinetic variables between parkinson's disease patients and healthy age-matched control using a depth sensor-driven full-body musculoskeletal model. Gait & Posture 2020;76:151-156.
Lee, YJ; Liang, JN. Characterizing intersection variability of butterfly diagram in post-stroke gait using kernel density estimation. Gait & Posture 2020;76:157-161.
Kerr; Rowe; Clarke; Chandler; Smith; Ugbolue; Pomeroy. Biomechanical correlates for recovering walking speed following a stroke. the potential of tibia to vertical angle as a therapy target. Gait & Posture 2020;76:162-167.
Penati, R; Schieppati, M; Nardone, A. Cognitive performance during gait is worsened by overground but enhanced by treadmill walking. Gait & Posture 2020;76:182-187.
McCrory, JL; Chambers, AJ; Daftary, A; Redfern, MS. Torso kinematics during gait and trunk anthropometry in pregnant fallers and non-fallers. Gait & Posture 2020;76:204-209.
Chagas, PSC; Fonseca, ST; Santos, TRT; Souza, TR; Megale, L; Silva, PL; Mancini, MC. Effects of baby walker use on the development of gait by typically developing toddlers. Gait & Posture 2020;76:231-237.
Garcia-Pinillos, F; Carton-Llorente, A; Jaen-Carrillo, D; Delgado-Floody, P; Carrasco-Alarcon, V; Martinez, C; Roche-Seruendo, LE. Does fatigue alter step characteristics and stiffness during running?. Gait & Posture 2020;76:259-263.
Willwacher, S; Sanno, M; Bruggemann, GP. Fatigue matters: an intense 10 km run alters frontal and transverse plane joint kinematics in competitive and recreational adult runners. Gait & Posture 2020;76:277-283.
Silva, WS; McFadyen, BJ; Fung, J; Lamontagne, A. Reading text messages at different stages of pedestrian circumvention affects strategies for collision avoidance in young and older adults. Gait & Posture 2020;76:290-297.
Saveko, A; Rukavishnikov, I; Brykov, V; Osetsky, N; Ryazanskiy, S; Grishin, A; Tomilovskaya, E; Kozlovskaya, I. Foot-ground reaction force during long-term space flight and after it: walking in active treadmill mode. Gait & Posture 2020;76:382-388.
Sloan, RS; Wight, JT; Hooper, DR; Garman, JEJ; Pujalte, GGA. Metabolic testing does not alter distance running lower body sagittal kinematics. Gait & Posture 2020;76:403-408.
Rapos, V; Cinelli, M. Manipulating sensory information: obstacle crossing strategies between typically developing children and young adults. Experimental Brain Research 2020;238:513-523.
Yamamoto, H; Sato, A; Itakura, S. Transition from crawling to walking changes gaze communication space in everyday infant-parent interaction. Frontiers In Psychology 2020;10:.
Derrick, TR; van den Bogert, AJ; Cereatti, A; Dumas, R; Fantozzi, S; Leardini, A. Isb recommendations on the reporting of intersegmental forces and moments during human motion analysis. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;99:.
French, MA; Koller, C; Arch, ES. Comparison of three kinematic gait event detection methods during overground and treadmill walking for individuals post stroke. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;99:.
Guzik, A; Druzbicki, M. Application of the gait deviation index in the analysis of post-stroke hemiparetic gait. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;99:.
Komaris, DS; Perez-Valero, E; Jordan, L; Barton, J; Hennessy, L; O'Flynn, B; Tedesco, S. Effects of segment masses and cut-off frequencies on the estimation of vertical ground reaction forces in running. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;99:.
Lin, JH; Hu, GJ; Ran, J; Chen, LY; Zhang, X; Zhang, YX. Effects of bodyweight support and guidance force on muscle activation during locomat walking in people with stroke: a cross-sectional study. Journal Of Neuroengineering And Rehabilitation 2020;17:.
Harrison, EC; Horin, AP; Myers, PS; Rawson, KS; Earhart, GM. Changes in parkinsonian gait kinematics with self-generated and externally-generated cues: a comparison of responders and non-responders. Somatosensory And Motor Research 2020;37:37-44.
Forner-Cordero, A; Pinho, JP; Umemura, G; Lourenco, JC; Mezencio, B; Itiki, C; Krebs, HI. Effects of supraspinal feedback on human gait: rhythmic auditory distortion. Journal Of Neuroengineering And Rehabilitation 2019;16:.
Muroi, D; Ohtera, S; Kataoka, Y; Banno, M; Tsujimoto, Y; Tsujimoto, H; Higuchi, T. Obstacle avoidance training for individuals with stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Bmj Open 2019;9:.
Tan, JM; Middleton, KJ; Hart, HF; Menz, HB; Crossley, KM; Munteanu, SE; Collins, NJ. Immediate effects of foot orthoses on lower limb biomechanics, pain, and confidence in individuals with patellofemoral osteoarthritis. Gait & Posture 2020;76:51-57.
Cardoso, TB; Ocarino, JM; Fajardo, CC; Paes, BDC; Souza, TR; Fonseca, ST; Resende, RA. Hip external rotation stiffness and midfoot passive mechanical resistance are associated with lower limb movement in the frontal and transverse planes during gait. Gait & Posture 2020;76:305-310.
Artico, R; Fourcade, P; Teyssedre, C; Caderby, T; Delafontaine, A; Yiou, E. Influence of swing-foot strike pattern on balance control mechanisms during gait initiation over an obstacle to be cleared. Applied Sciences-Basel 2020;10:.
Jafarnezhadgero, AA; Majlesi, M; Etemadi, H; Hilfiker, R; Knarr, BA; Shad, MM. Effect of 16-week corrective training program on three dimensional joint moments of the dominant and non-dominant lower limbs during gait in children with genu varus deformity. Science & Sports 2020;35:.
Eerdekens, M; Staes, F; Matricali, GA; Deschamps, K. Clinical applicability of an existing proportionality scheme in three-segment kinetic foot models. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2020;48:247-257.
Shoja, O; Farsi, A; Towhidkhah, F; Feldman, AG; Abdoli, B; Bahramian, A. Visual deprivation is met with active changes in ground reaction forces to minimize worsening balance and stability during walking. Experimental Brain Research 2020;238:369-379.
Dominguez-Zamora, FJ; Lajoie, K; Miller, AB; Marigold, DS. Age-related changes in gaze sampling strategies during obstacle navigation. Gait & Posture 2020;76:252-258.
Ahlberg, PE. Follow the footprints and mind the gaps: a new look at the origin of tetrapods. Earth And Environmental Science Transactions Of The Royal Society Of Edinburgh 2019;109:115-137.
Queen, R; Dickerson, L; Ranganathan, S; Schmitt, D. A novel method for measuring asymmetry in kinematic and kinetic variables: the normalized symmetry index. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;99:.
Xu, NW; Dabiri, JO. Low-power microelectronics embedded in live jellyfish enhance propulsion. Science Advances 2020;6:.
Xiang, LL; Mei, QC; Fernandez, J; Gu, YD. A biomechanical assessment of the acute hallux abduction manipulation intervention. Gait & Posture 2020;76:210-217.
Chadefaux, D; Goggins, K; Cazzaniga, C; Marzaroli, P; Marelli, S; Katz, R; Eger, T; Tarabini, M. Development of a two-dimensional dynamic model of the foot-ankle system exposed to vibration. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;99:.
Iconaru, EI; Ciucurel, C. Hand grip strength variability during serial testing as an entropic biomarker of aging: a poincare plot analysis. Bmc Geriatrics 2020;20:.
Zhu, ZA; Fu, WJ; Shao, E; Li, L; Song, L; Wang, W; Liu, Y. Acute effects of midsole bending stiffness on lower extremity biomechanics during layup jumps. Applied Sciences-Basel 2020;10:.
Zafar, AQ; Zamani, R; Akrami, M. The effectiveness of foot orthoses in the treatment of medial knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review. Gait & Posture 2020;76:238-251.
Shi, XW; Yu, WJ; Wang, T; Battulga, O; Wang, CJ; Shu, Q; Yang, X; Liu, CX; Guo, CQ. Electroacupuncture alleviates cartilage degradation: improvement in cartilage biomechanics via pain relief and potentiation of muscle function in a rabbit model of knee osteoarthritis. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2020;123:.
Rohani, SA; Allen, D; Gare, B; Zhu, N; Agrawal, S; Ladak, H. High-resolution imaging of the human incudostapedial joint using synchrotron-radiation phase-contrast imaging. Journal Of Microscopy NaN;NaN:.
Herb, CC; Blemker, S; Saliba, S; Hart, J; Hertel, J. Chronic ankle instability patients exhibit higher variability in lower extremity joint-coupling variability during drop vertical jumps. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;99:.
Hogg, JA; Vanrenterghem, J; Ackerman, T; Nguyen, AD; Ross, SE; Schmitz, RJ; Shultz, SJ. Temporal kinematic differences throughout single and double-leg forward landings. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;99:.
Sharifi, M; Shirazi-Adl, A; Marouane, H. Sensitivity of the knee joint response, muscle forces and stability to variations in gait kinematics-kinetics. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;99:.
Zhou, HD; Trudel, G; Goudreau, L; Laneuville, O. Knee joint stiffness following immobilization and remobilization: a study in the rat model. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;99:.
Whittingslow, DC; Jeong, HK; Ganti, VG; Kirkpatrick, NJ; Kogler, GF; Inan, OT. Acoustic emissions as a non-invasive biomarker of the structural health of the knee. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering 2020;48:225-235.
Lunn, DE; De Pieri, E; Chapman, GJ; Lund, ME; Redmond, AC; Ferguson, SJ. Current preclinical testing of new hip arthroplasty technologies does not reflect real-world loadings: capturing patient-specific and activity-related variation in hip contact forces. Journal Of Arthroplasty 2020;35:877-885.
Diekfuss, JA; Grooms, DR; Bonnette, S; DiCesare, CA; Thomas, S; MacPherson, RP; Ellis, JD; Kiefer, AW; Riley, MA; Schneider, DK; Gadd, B; Kitchen, K; Foss, KDB; Dudley, JA; Yuan, WH; Myer, GD. Real-time biofeedback integrated into neuromuscular training reduces high-risk knee biomechanics and increases functional brain connectivity: a preliminary longitudinal investigation. Psychophysiology NaN;NaN:.
Hao, M; Chen, K; Fu, CL. Smoother-based 3-d foot trajectory estimation using inertial sensors. Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Engineering 2019;66:3534-3542.
Elkholy, AM; Hussein, ME; Gomaa, W; Damen, D; Saba, E. Efficient and robust skeleton-based quality assessment and abnormality detection in human action performance. Ieee Journal Of Biomedical And Health Informatics 2020;24:280-291.
Green, CA; Goodsitt, MM; Lau, JH; Brock, KK; Davis, CL; Carson, PL. Deformable mapping method to relate lesions in dedicated breast ct images to those in automated breast ultrasound and digital breast tomosynthesis images. Ultrasound In Medicine And Biology 2020;46:750-765.
Cudlip, AC; Kim, SY; Dickerson, CR. The ability of surface electromyography to represent supraspinatus anterior and posterior partition activity depends on elevation angle, hand load and plane of elevation. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;99:.
Gomez, AD; Stone, ML; Woo, J; Xing, FX; Prince, JL. Analysis of fiber strain in the human tongue during speech. Computer Methods In Biomechanics And Biomedical Engineering NaN;NaN:.
Zhang, LW; Li, HJ; Garrett, WE; Liu, H; Yu, B. Hamstring muscle-tendon unit lengthening and activation in instep and cut-off kicking. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;99:.
Shero, MR; Reiser, PJ; Simonitis, L; Burns, JM. Links between muscle phenotype and life history: differentiation of myosin heavy chain composition and muscle biochemistry in precocial and altricial pinniped pups. Journal Of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systems And Environmental Physiology 2019;189:717-734.
Ai, FF; Mao, M; Zhang, Y; Kang, J; Zhu, L. Experimental study of a new original mesh developed for pelvic floor reconstructive surgery. International Urogynecology Journal 2020;31:79-89.
Liew, BXW; Rugamer, D; Stocker, A; De Nunzio, AM. Classifying neck pain status using scalar and functional biomechanical variables - development of a method using functional data boosting. Gait & Posture 2020;76:146-150.
Klei, DS; Oner, FC; Leenen, LPH; van Wessem, KJP. No need for sternal fixation in traumatic sternovertebral fractures: outcomes of a 10-year retrospective cohort study. Global Spine Journal NaN;NaN:.
Cofano, F; Marengo, N; Ajello, M; Penner, F; Mammi, M; Petrone, S; Lavorato, A; Zenga, F; Garbossa, D. The era of cortical bone trajectory screws in spine surgery: a qualitative review with rating of evidence. World Neurosurgery 2020;134:14-24.
Du, CF; Liu, CJ; Huang, YP; Wang, X. Effect of spiral nucleus implant parameters on the compressive biomechanics of lumbar intervertebral disc. World Neurosurgery 2020;134:69-5655-5669-5656-52.
Wen, JK; Shi, CG; Yu, L; Wang, S; Xi, YH; Ye, XJ. Unilateral versus bilateral percutaneous pedicle screw fixation in oblique lumbar interbody fusion. World Neurosurgery 2020;134:69-5750-4869-5750-55.
Sun, XY; Sun, SY; Zhang, TT; Kong, C; Wang, W; Lu, SB. Biomechanical comparison of noncontiguous cervical disc arthroplasty and noncontiguous cervical discectomy and fusion in the treatment of noncontinuous cervical degenerative disc disease: a finite element analysis. Journal Of Orthopaedic Surgery And Research 2020;15:.
Sinagra, Z; Cunningham, G; Dillon, D; Woodland, P; Baddour, E. Proximal junctional kyphosis and rates of fusion following posterior instrumentation and spinal fusion for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Anz Journal Of Surgery NaN;NaN:.
Amaro, AM; Paulino, MF; Roseiro, LM; Augusta, M. The effect of external fixator configurations on the dynamic compression load: an experimental and numerical study. Applied Sciences-Basel 2020;10:.
Fletcher, JWA; Wenzel, L; Neumann, V; Richards, RG; Gueorguiev, B; Gill, HS; Preatoni, E; Whitehouse, MR. Surgical performance when inserting non-locking screws: a systematic review. Efort Open Reviews 2020;5:26-36.
Su, BH; Xia, XY. Invited commentary on finite element analysis of an intramedulary anatomical strut for proximal humeral fractures with disrupted medial column instability: a cohort study (int j surg 2019; epub ahead of print). International Journal Of Surgery 2020;74:79-80.
Amin, RM; Vasan, V; Oni, JK. Kneeling after total knee arthroplasty. Journal Of Knee Surgery 2020;33:138-143.
Grassi, A; Zicaro, JP; Costa-Paz, M; Samuelsson, K; Wilson, A; Zaffagnini, S; Condello, V; Bonomo, M; Strauss, M; Scheffler, S; Hoser, C; Eriksson, K; Rathcke, MW. Good mid-term outcomes and low rates of residual rotatory laxity, complications and failures after revision anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (acl) and lateral extra-articular tenodesis (let). Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2020;28:418-431.
Denis, D; Maucort-Boulch, D; Suchier, Y; Mamadou, TB; Metaizeau, JD. Biomechanical and clinical comparative study of the new elastic stable intramedullary nailing "mj-flex orthofix". Journal Of Pediatric Orthopaedics 2020;40:149-155.
Smith, JA; Ignasiak, NK; Jacobs, JV. Task-invariance and reliability of anticipatory postural adjustments in healthy young adults. Gait & Posture 2020;76:396-402.
Yamagata, M; Gruben, K; Falaki, A; Ochs, WL; Latash, ML. Biomechanics of vertical posture and control with referent joint configurations. Journal Of Motor Behavior NaN;NaN:.
Bertucco, M; Dunning, A; Sanger, TD. Tuning of standing postural responses to instability and cost function. Neuroscience 2020;428:100-110.
Nilsen, AKO; Anderssen, SA; Johannessen, K; Aadland, KN; Ylvisaaker, E; Loftesnes, JM; Aadland, E. Bi-directional prospective associations between objectively measured physical activity and fundamental motor skills in children: a two-year follow-up. International Journal Of Behavioral Nutrition And Physical Activity 2020;17:.
Yoo, HJ; Lee, S; Kim, J; Park, C; Lee, B. Development of 3d-printed myoelectric hand orthosis for patients with spinal cord injury. Journal Of Neuroengineering And Rehabilitation 2019;16:.
Zhang, TY; Bai, XF; Liu, F; Ji, R; Fan, YB. The effect of prosthetic alignment on hip and knee joint kinetics in individuals with transfemoral amputation. Gait & Posture 2020;76:85-91.
Negri, GH; Rosa, LKH; Cavalca, MSM; Celiberto, LA; de Figueiredo, EB. Nonlinear predictive control applied to a biped walker with adjustable step length using a passive walking-based reference generator. Optimal Control Applications & Methods NaN;NaN:.
Thekkethil, N; Sharma, A; Agrawal, A. Three-dimensional biological hydrodynamics study on various types of batoid fishlike locomotion. Physical Review Fluids 2020;5:.
Ludeke, T; Iwasaki, T. Exploiting natural dynamics for gait generation in undulatory locomotion. International Journal Of Control 2020;93:307-318.
Chang, AH; Vela, PA. Shape-centric modeling for control of traveling wave rectilinear locomotion on snake-like robots. Robotics And Autonomous Systems 2020;124:.
Yu, HT; Gao, HB; Deng, ZQ. Enhancing adaptability with local reactive behaviors for hexapod walking robot via sensory feedback integrated central pattern generator. Robotics And Autonomous Systems 2020;124:.
Zhang, SS; Liu, M; Yin, YF; Rong, XW; Li, YB; Hua, ZS. Static gait planning method for quadruped robot walking on unknown rough terrain. Ieee Access 2019;7:177651-177660.
Xin, YX; Chai, H; Li, YB; Rong, XW; Li, B; Li, YY. Speed and acceleration control for a two wheel-leg robot based on distributed dynamic model and whole-body control. Ieee Access 2019;7:180630-180639.
Kim, K; Agogino, AK; Agogino, AM. Rolling locomotion of cable-driven soft spherical tensegrity robots. Soft Robotics NaN;NaN:.
Kawano, H. Distributed tunneling reconfiguration of cubic modular robots without meta-module's disassembling in severe space requirement. Robotics And Autonomous Systems 2020;124:.
Zhang, C; Zou, W; Ma, LP; Wang, ZQ. Biologically inspired jumping robots: a comprehensive review. Robotics And Autonomous Systems 2020;124:.
Hua, ZS; Rong, XW; Li, YB; Chai, H; Li, B; Zhang, SS. Analysis and verification on energy consumption of the quadruped robot with passive compliant hydraulic servo actuator. Applied Sciences-Basel 2020;10:.
Sui, X; Cai, HG; Bie, DY; Zhang, Y; Zhao, J; Zhu, YH. Automatic generation of locomotion patterns for soft modular reconfigurable robots. Applied Sciences-Basel 2020;10:.
Nguyen, KT; Hoang, MC; Choi, E; Kang, B; Park, JO; Kim, CS. Medical microrobot - a drug delivery capsule endoscope with active locomotion and drug release mechanism: proof of concept. International Journal Of Control Automation And Systems 2020;18:65-75.
Lin, YL; Li, Y; Yao, L; Zhao, GR; Wang, L. Effects of deep knee flexion on skin pressure profile with lower limb device: a computational study. Textile Research Journal NaN;NaN:.
Lutz, J; Memmert, D; Raabe, D; Dornberger, R; Donath, L. Wearables for integrative performance and tactic analyses: opportunities, challenges, and future directions. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health 2020;17:.
Borrelli, J; Creath, R; Rogers, MW. Protective arm movements are modulated with fall height. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;99:.
Hornby, TG; Reisman, DS; Ward, IG; Scheets, PL; Miller, A; Haddad, D; Fox, EJ; Fritz, NE; Hawkins, K; Henderson, CE; Hendron, KL; Holleran, CL; Lynskey, JE; Walter, A. Clinical practice guideline to improve locomotor function following chronic stroke, incomplete spinal cord injury, and brain injury. Journal Of Neurologic Physical Therapy 2020;44:49-100.
Ko, BJ; Hsu, TY; Huang, CF. The effects of tai chi chuan exercise training on countermovement jump performance in the elderly. Research In Sports Medicine NaN;NaN:.
Pinto, D; Garnier, M; Barbas, J; Chang, SH; Charlifue, S; Field-Fote, E; Furbish, C; Tefertiller, C; Mummidisetty, CK; Taylor, H; Jayaraman, A; Heinemann, AW. Budget impact analysis of robotic exoskeleton use for locomotor training following spinal cord injury in four sci model systems. Journal Of Neuroengineering And Rehabilitation 2020;17:.
Arumugam, A; Markstrom, JL; Hager, CK. A novel test reliably captures hip and knee kinematics and kinetics during unanticipated/anticipated diagonal hops in individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;99:.
Gore, SJ; Franklyn-Miller, A; Richter, C; King, E; Falvey, EC; Moran, K. The effects of rehabilitation on the biomechanics of patients with athletic groin pain. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;99:.
DonTigny, RL. Chronic and acute low back pain and its relationship to the sacral x-axis, leg length changes, sciatica, abdominal pain, idiopathic scoliosis, and incontinence. Topics In Geriatric Rehabilitation 2020;36:3-10.
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