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LITERATURE UPDATE March 4 - March 10, 2020

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  • LITERATURE UPDATE March 4 - March 10, 2020

    March 04 - March 10, 2020
    Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

    Michael G Browne, PhD
    Postdoctoral Research Fellow
    Center for Movement Studies, Kennedy Krieger Institute
    Dept. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

    Postdoctoral Fellow, Kennedy Krieger Institute and Johns Hopkins Medical Institute - Cited by 269 - stroke rehabilitation - biomechanics - locomotor learning - energetics

    - Not all articles have a DOI.
    - Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
    - Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in electronic form through the publisher

    Uliana, CS; Bidolegui, F; Kojima, K; Giordano, V. Augmentation plating leaving the nail in situ is an excellent option for treating femoral shaft nonunion after im nailing: a multicentre study. European Journal Of Trauma And Emergency Surgery NaN;NaN:.

    Ascenzi, MG; Zonca, A; Keyak, JH. Effect of cortical bone micro-structure in fragility fracture patients on lamellar stress. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;100:.

    Qayoom, I; Teotia, AK; Kumar, A. Nanohydroxyapatite based ceramic carrier promotes bone formation in a femoral neck canal defect in osteoporotic rats. Biomacromolecules 2020;21:328-337.

    Ragone, V; Canciani, E; Arosio, M; Olimpo, M; Piras, LA; von Degerfeld, MM; Augusti, D; D'Ambrosi, R; Dellavia, C. In vivo osseointegration of a randomized trabecular titanium structure obtained by an additive manufacturing technique. Journal Of Materials Science-Materials In Medicine 2020;31:.

    Hernandez-Hernandez, V; Benitez, M; Boudaoud, A. Interplay between turgor pressure and plasmodesmata during plant development. Journal Of Experimental Botany 2020;71:768-777.

    Gleason, TG. Wall shear stress versus walltensile stress: two important biomechanical metrics. Journal Of Thoracic And Cardiovascular Surgery 2020;159:69-4953-5569-4953-56.

    Dubacher, N; Munger, J; Gorosabel, MC; Crabb, J; Ksiazek, AA; Caspar, SM; Bakker, ENTP; van Bavel, E; Ziegler, U; Carrel, T; Steinmann, B; Zeisberger, S; Meienberg, J; Matyas, G. Celiprolol but not losartan improves the biomechanical integrity of the aorta in a mouse model of vascular ehlers-danlos syndrome. Cardiovascular Research 2020;116:457-465.

    Giomi, L. Contour models of cellular adhesion. Cell Migrations: Causes And Functions 2019;1146:13-29.

    Song, Y; Soto, J; Chen, BR; Yang, L; Li, S. Cell engineering: biophysical regulation of the nucleus. Biomaterials 2020;234:.

    Choi, SJ; Lillicrap, D. A sticky proposition: the endothelial glycocalyx and von willebrand factor. Journal Of Thrombosis And Haemostasis NaN;NaN:.

    Boratynski, Z. Energetic constraints on mammalian home-range size. Functional Ecology 2020;34:468-474.

    Wolff, JO. The evolution of dragline initiation in spiders: multiple transitions from multi- to single-gland usage. Diversity-Basel 2020;12:.

    Pillai, R; Nordberg, E; Riedel, J; Schwarzkopf, L. Nonlinear variation in clinging performance with surface roughness in geckos. Ecology And Evolution NaN;NaN:.

    Strahan, MG; Houser, DS; Finneran, JJ; Mulsow, J; Crocker, DE. Behaviorally measured tactile sensitivity in the common bottlenose dolphin, tursiops truncatus. Marine Mammal Science NaN;NaN:.

    Ivlev, YF. Biomechanical analysis of fur as a tool for study of thermal insulation in semi-aquatic mammals. Biology Bulletin 2019;46:763-779.

    Blob, RW; Baumann, T; Diamond, KM; Young, VKH; Schoenfuss, HL. Functional correlations of axial muscle fiber type proportions in the waterfall-climbing hawaiian stream fish sicyopterus stimpsoni. Journal Of Anatomy NaN;NaN:.

    Fahn-Lai, P; Biewener, AA; Pierce, SE. Broad similarities in shoulder muscle architecture and organization across two amniotes: implications for reconstructing non-mammalian synapsids. Peerj 2020;8:.

    Narita, N; Ishii, T; Iwaki, S; Kamiya, K; Okubo, M; Uchida, T; Kantake, I; Shibutani, K. Prefrontal consolidation and compensation as a function of wearing denture in partially edentulous elderly patients. Frontiers In Aging Neuroscience 2020;11:.

    Netanely, S; Luria, S; Langer, D. Musculoskeletal disorders among dental hygienist and students of dental hygiene. International Journal Of Dental Hygiene NaN;NaN:.

    Fethke, NB; Schall, MC; Chen, HW; Branch, CA; Merlino, LA. Biomechanical factors during common agricultural activities: results of on-farm exposure assessments using direct measurement methods. Journal Of Occupational And Environmental Hygiene NaN;NaN:.

    Lewton, KL; Brankovic, R; Byrd, WA; Cruz, D; Morales, J; Shin, S. The effects of phylogeny, body size, and locomotor behavior on the three-dimensional shape of the pelvis in extant carnivorans. Peerj 2020;8:.

    Salesa, MJ; Siliceo, G; Anton, M; Fabre, AC; Pastor, JF. Functional inferences on the long bones of ischyrictis zibethoides (blainville, 1841) (carnivora, mustelidae) from the middle miocene locality of sansan (gers, france). Geodiversitas 2020;42:.

    Senevirathne, G; Baumgart, S; Shubin, N; Hanken, J; Shubin, NH. Ontogeny of the anuran urostyle and the developmental context of evolutionary novelty. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2020;117:3034-3044.

    Bennett, SC. Reassessment of the triassic archosauriform scleromochlus taylori: neither runner nor biped, but hopper. Peerj 2020;8:.

    Kang, KT; Koh, YG; Nam, JH; Kwon, SK; Park, KK. Kinematic alignment in cruciate retaining implants improves the biomechanical function in total knee arthroplasty during gait and deep knee bend. Journal Of Knee Surgery 2020;33:284-293.

    Black, MI; Allen, SJ; Forrester, SE; Folland, JP. The anthropometry of economical running. Medicine And Science In Sports And Exercise 2020;52:762-770.

    Vincent, HK; Kilgore, JE; Chen, C; Bruner, M; Horodyski, M; Vincent, KR. Impact of body mass index on biomechanics of recreational runners. Pm&R NaN;NaN:.

    Swank, C; Almutairi, S; Wang-Price, S; Gao, F. Immediate kinematic and muscle activity changes after a single robotic exoskeleton walking session post-stroke. Topics In Stroke Rehabilitation NaN;NaN:.

    Ardestani, MM; Hornby, TG. Effect of investigator observation on gait parameters in individuals with stroke. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;100:.

    Mak, TCT; Young, WR; Chan, DCL; Wong, TWL. Gait stability in older adults during level-ground walking: the attentional focus approach. Journals Of Gerontology Series B-Psychological Sciences And Social Sciences 2020;75:274-281.

    Wittwer, JE; Winbolt, M; Morris, ME. Home-based gait training using rhythmic auditory cues in alzheimer's disease: feasibility and outcomes. Frontiers In Medicine 2020;6:.

    Bhakta, K; Camargo, J; Kunapuli, P; Childers, L; Young, A. Impedance control strategies for enhancing sloped and level walking capabilities for individuals with transfemoral amputation using a powered multi-joint prosthesis. Military Medicine 2020;185:490-499.

    Becker, J; Borgia, B. Kinematics and and muscle activity when running in partial minimalist, traditional, and maximalist shoes. Journal Of Electromyography And Kinesiology 2020;50:.

    Sennikov, AG. Peculiarities of the structure and locomotor function of the tail in sauropterygia. Biology Bulletin 2019;46:751-762.

    Zhao, YS; Guo, L; Xiao, YN; Niu, YM; Zhang, XW; He, DL; Zeng, W. Osteological characteristics of chinese foot-binding in archaeological remains. International Journal Of Paleopathology 2020;28:48-58.

    Ferreira, JSSP; Cruvinel, RH; Silva, EQ; Verissimo, JL; Monteiro, RL; Pereira, DS; Suda, EY; Sartor, CD; Sacco, ICN. Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial on the effect of the diabetic foot guidance system (soped) for the prevention and treatment of foot musculoskeletal dysfunctions in people with diabetic neuropathy: the footcare (foca) trial i. Trials 2020;21:.

    Chang, B; Reighard, C; Flanagan, C; Hollister, S; Zopf, D. Evaluation of human nasal cartilage nonlinear and rate dependent mechanical properties. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;100:.

    Walter, C; Beck, A; Jacob, C; Hofmann, UK; Stockle, U; Stuby, F. Influence of reduction accuracy in lateral tibial plateau fractures on intra-articular friction - a biomechanical study. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 2020;21:.

    Acuna, AJ; Samuel, LT; Mahmood, B; Kamath, AF. Systematic review of pre-operative planning modalities for correction of acetabular dysplasia. Journal Of Hip Preservation Surgery 2019;6:316-325.

    Cipollaro, L; Ciardulli, MC; Della Porta, G; Peretti, GM; Maffulli, N. Biomechanical issues of tissue-engineered constructs for articular cartilage regeneration: in vitro and in vivo approaches. British Medical Bulletin 2019;132:53-80.

    Kotsifaki, A; Korakakis, V; Whiteley, R; Van Rossom, S; Jonkers, I. Measuring only hop distance during single leg hop testing is insufficient to detect deficits in knee function after acl reconstruction: a systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal Of Sports Medicine 2020;54:139-43.

    Shanmugaraj, A; Tejpal, T; Ekhtiari, S; Gohal, C; Horner, N; Hanson, B; Khan, M; Bhandari, M. The repair of horizontal cleavage tears yields higher complication rates compared to meniscectomy: a systematic review. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2020;28:915-925.

    Van Hulle, R; Schwartz, C; Denoel, V; Croisier, JL; Forthomme, B; Bruls, O. A foot/ground contact model for biomechanical inverse dynamics analysis. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;100:.

    Cohen, RCZ; Cleary, PW; Mason, BR; Pease, DL. Studying the effects of asymmetry on freestyle swimming using smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Computer Methods In Biomechanics And Biomedical Engineering NaN;NaN:.

    Cai, XY; Sang, DC; Yuchi, CX; Cui, W; Zhang, CQ; Du, CF; Liu, BG. Using finite element analysis to determine effects of the motion loading method on facet joint forces after cervical disc degeneration. Computers In Biology And Medicine 2020;116:.

    Huseth, K; Aagaard, P; Gutke, A; Karlsson, J; Tranberg, R. Assessment of neuromuscular activity during maximal isometric contraction in supine vs standing body positions. Journal Of Electromyography And Kinesiology 2020;50:.

    Briani, RV; Waiteman, MC; de Albuquerque, CE; Gasoto, E; Segatti, G; Oliveira, CB; de Azevedo, FM; Silva, DD. Lower trunk muscle thickness is associated with pain in women with patellofemoral pain. Journal Of Ultrasound In Medicine 2019;38:2685-2693.

    Bakir, T; Bonnard, B; Bourdin, L; Rouot, J. Pontryagin-type conditions for optimal muscular force response to functional electrical stimulations. Journal Of Optimization Theory And Applications 2020;184:581-602.

    Hollman, JH; Beise, NJ; Fischer, ML; Stecklein, TL. Hip extensor fatigue alters hip and knee coupling dynamics during single-limb step-downs: a randomized controlled trial. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;100:.

    Mulla, DM; Hodder, JN; Maly, MR; Lyons, JL; Keir, PJ. Glenohumeral stabilizing roles of the scapulohumeral muscles: implications of muscle geometry. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;100:.

    Shih, Y; Fisher, BE; Smith, JA; Powers, CM. Corticomotor excitability of gluteus maximus is associated with hip biomechanics during a single-leg drop-jump. Journal Of Motor Behavior NaN;NaN:.

    Zhang, JC; Xu, KD; Zhang, SM; Wang, YM; Zheng, NG; Pan, G; Chen, WD; Wu, ZH; Zheng, XX. Brain-machine interface-based rat-robot behavior control. Neural Interface: Frontiers And Applications 2019;1101:123-147.

    Elad, D; Jaffa, AJ; Grisaru, D. Biomechanics of early life in the female reproductive tract. Physiology 2020;35:134-143.

    Beaucage-Gauvreau, E; Brandon, SCE; Robertson, WSP; Fraser, R; Freeman, BJC; Graham, RB; Thewlis, D; Jones, CF. A braced arm-to-thigh (batt) lifting technique reduces lumbar spine loads in healthy and low back pain participants. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;100:.

    DenHaese, R; Gandhi, A; Ferry, C; Farmer, S; Porter, R. An in vitro biomechanical evaluation of a lateral lumbar interbody fusion device with integrated lateral modular plate fixation. Global Spine Journal NaN;NaN:.

    Roch, PJ; Wagner, M; Weiland, J; Spiering, S; Lehmann, W; Saul, D; Weiser, L; Viezens, L; Wachowski, MM. Total disc arthroplasties alter the characteristics of the instantaneous helical axis of the cervical functional spinal units c3/c4 and c5/c6 during flexion and extension in in vitro conditions. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;100:.

    Suter, M; Eichelberger, P; Frangi, J; Simonet, E; Baur, H; Schmid, S. Measuring lumbar back motion during functional activities using a portable strain gauge sensor-based system: a comparative evaluation and reliability study. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;100:.

    Zhang, CF; Mannen, EM; Sis, HL; Cadel, ES; Wong, BM; Wang, WJ; Cheng, B; Friis, EA; Anderson, DE. Moment-rotation behavior of intervertebral joints in flexion-extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation at all levels of the human spine: a structured review and meta-regression analysis. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;100:.

    Yu, BF; Qiu, YQ; Du, MX; Yin, HW; Shen, J; Ye, X; Cai, ZY; Xu, WD. Contralateral hemi-fifth-lumbar nerve transfer for unilateral lower limb dysfunction due to incomplete traumatic spinal cord injury: a report of two cases. Microsurgery 2020;40:234-240.

    Falowski, SM; Sayed, D; Deer, TR; Brescacin, D; Liang, K. Biomechanics and mechanism of action of indirect lumbar decompression and the evolution of a stand-alone spinous process spacer. Pain Medicine 2019;20:83-4952-8350-50.

    Klungsoyr, JA; Vagstad, T; Ferle, M; Drogset, JO; Hoff, SR; Dalen, AF; Hurschler, C; von Falck, C; Klungsoyr, P. The novel arthroscopic subscapular quadriceps tendon-bone sling procedure provides increased stability in shoulder cadavers with severe glenoid bone loss. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy NaN;NaN:.

    Abbott, M; Dentremont, A; Getgood, A; Burkhart, TA. A fluoroscopic analysis of the length changes of the capsulo-osseous layer of the distal iliotibial band. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2020;28:715-724.

    Fan, ZR; Ma, JX; Chen, J; Yang, BH; Wang, Y; Bai, HH; Sun, L; Wang, Y; Lu, B; Dong, BC; Tian, AX; Ma, XL. Biomechanical efficacy of four different dual screws fixations in treatment of talus neck fracture: a three-dimensional finite element analysis. Journal Of Orthopaedic Surgery And Research 2020;15:.

    Kurnaz, R; Asci, M; Ergun, S; Akgun, U; Gunes, T. Repair of longitudinal meniscal tears by single or double vertical loop sutures: in vitro biomechanical study under cyclic loading. Journal Of Knee Surgery 2020;33:314-317.

    Julia-Sanchez, S; Alvarez-Herms, J; Cirer-Sastre, R; Corbi, F; Burtscher, M. The influence of dental occlusion on dynamic balance and muscular tone. Frontiers In Physiology 2020;10:.

    Smith, BJH; Usherwood, JR. Minimalist analogue robot discovers animal-like walking gaits. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2020;15:.

    Gao, FM; Fan, JC; Zhang, LB; Jiang, JK; He, SJ. Magnetic crawler climbing detection robot basing on metal magnetic memory testing technology. Robotics And Autonomous Systems 2020;125:.

    Tashakori, S; Vossoughi, G; Yazdi, EA. Control of the cedra brachiation robot using combination of controlled lagrangians method and particle swarm optimization algorithm. Iranian Journal Of Science And Technology-Transactions Of Mechanical Engineering 2020;44:11-21.

    Field, RD; Anandakumaran, PN; Sia, SK. Soft medical microrobots: design components and system integration. Applied Physics Reviews 2019;6:.

    Zhong, J; Ma, RQ. Dynamic characteristics of a jumping robot with coordinated quadruped legs. Assembly Automation 2019;40:11-21.

    Lee, K; Ni, XY; Lee, JY; Arafa, H; Pe, DJ; Xu, S; Avila, R; Irie, M; Lee, JH; Easterlin, RL; Kim, DH; Chung, HU; Olabisi, OO; Getaneh, S; Chung, E; Hill, M; Bell, J; Jang, H; Liu, C; Park, JB; Kim, J; Kim, SB; Mehta, S; Pharr, M; Tzavelis, A; Reeder, JT; Huang, I; Deng, YJ; Xie, ZQ; Davies, CR; Huang, YG; Rogers, JA. Mechano-acoustic sensing of physiological processes and body motions via a soft wireless device placed at the suprasternal notch. Nature Biomedical Engineering 2020;4:148-158.

    Fan, YJ; Huang, MZ; Hsiao, YC; Huang, YW; Deng, CZ; Yeh, C; Husain, RA; Lin, ZH. Enhancing the sensitivity of portable biosensors based on self-powered ion concentration polarization and electrical kinetic trapping. Nano Energy 2020;69:.

    Li, YY; Chen, ZP; Zheng, GZ; Zhong, WH; Jiang, LY; Yang, YW; Jiang, LL; Chen, Y; Wong, CP. A magnetized microneedle-array based flexible triboelectric-electromagnetic hybrid generator for human motion monitoring. Nano Energy 2020;69:.

    Liao, JW; Zou, Y; Jiang, DJ; Liu, ZZ; Qu, XC; Li, Z; Liu, RP; Fan, YB; Shi, BJ; Li, Z; Zheng, L. Nestable arched triboelectric nanogenerator for large deflection biomechanical sensing and energy harvesting. Nano Energy 2020;69:.

    Demircan, E; Yung, S; Choi, M; Baschshi, J; Nguyen, B; Rodriguez, J. Operational space analysis of human muscular effort in robot assisted reaching tasks. Robotics And Autonomous Systems 2020;125:.

    Statuta, SM; Wood, CL; Rollins, LK. Common medical concerns of the female athlete. Primary Care 2020;47:65-43.

    Balsalobre-Fernandez, C; Geiser, G; Krzyszkowski, J; Kipp, K. Validity and reliability of a computer-vision-based smartphone app for measuring barbell trajectory during the snatch. Journal Of Sports Sciences NaN;NaN:.

    Maimon, AQ; Ibanez, JC; Ruiz, FJR. The basketball pass: a systematic review. Journal Of Human Kinetics 2020;71:275-284.

    Gracey, E; Burssens, A; Cambre, I; Schett, G; Lories, R; McInnes, IB; Asahara, H; Elewaut, D. Tendon and ligament mechanical loading in the pathogenesis of inflammatory arthritis. Nature Reviews Rheumatology NaN;NaN:.

    Vega, J; Montesinos, E; Malagelada, F; Baduell, A; Guelfi, M; Dalmau-Pastor, M. Arthroscopic all-inside anterior talo-fibular ligament repair with suture augmentation gives excellent results in case of poor ligament tissue remnant quality. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2020;28:100-107.

    Malagelada, F; Stephen, J; Dalmau-Pastor, M; Masci, L; Yeh, M; Vega, J; Calder, J. Pressure changes in the kager fat pad at the extremes of ankle motion suggest a potential role in achilles tendinopathy. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2020;28:148-154.

    Marsland, D; Stephen, JM; Calder, T; Amis, AA; Calder, JDF. Flexor digitorum longus tendon transfer to the navicular: tendon-to-tendon repair is stronger compared with interference screw fixation. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2020;28:320-325.

    D'Hooghe, P; Pereira, H; Kelley, J; Anderson, N; Fuld, R; Kumparatana, P; Baldini, T; Hunt, KJ. The cfl fails before the atfl immediately after combined ligament repair in a biomechanical cadaveric model. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2020;28:253-261.

    Zhao, YH; Ding, XM; Dong, YS; Sun, X; Wang, LY; Ma, XL; Zhu, MF; Xu, BS; Yang, Q. Role of the calcified cartilage layer of an integrated trilayered silk fibroin scaffold used to regenerate osteochondral defects in rabbit knees. Acs Biomaterials Science & Engineering 2020;6:1208-1216.

    Tan, XG; Matic, P. Simulation of cumulative exposure statistics for blast pressure transmission into the brain. Military Medicine 2020;185:214-226.

    Mortensen, JD; Vasavada, AN; Merryweather, AS. Sensitivity analysis of muscle properties and impact parameters on head injury risk in american football. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;100:.

    Speidel, J; Mattucci, S; Liu, J; Kwon, BK; Tetzlaff, W; Oxland, TR. Effect of velocity and duration of residual compression in a rat dislocation spinal cord injury model. Journal Of Neurotrauma NaN;NaN:.

    Braganca, FMS; Roepstorff, C; Rhodin, M; Pfau, T; van Weeren, PR; Roepstorff, L. Quantitative lameness assessment in the horse based on upper body movement symmetry: the effect of different filtering techniques on the quantification of motion symmetry. Biomedical Signal Processing And Control 2020;57:.

    Tram, NK; Jiang, P; Jacobs, KM; Ruzga, MN; Allen, MG; Prieto, RP; Carus, SA; Reilly, MA; Swindle-Reilly, KE. Accommodative tissues influence the shape of the cornea and potentially drive corneal morphogenesis. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;100:.

    Kling, S; Khodadadi, H; Goksel, O. Optical coherence elastography-based corneal strain imaging during low-amplitude intraocular pressure modulation. Frontiers In Bioengineering And Biotechnology 2020;7:.

    Doroszkiewicz, H; Sierakowska, M. Factors associated with risk of care dependency in disabled geriatric patients. Scandinavian Journal Of Caring Sciences NaN;NaN:.

    McGhee, DE; Steele, JR. Breast biomechanics: what do we really know?. Physiology 2020;35:144-156.