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LITERATURE UPDATE March 11 - March 17, 2020

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  • LITERATURE UPDATE March 11 - March 17, 2020

    March 11 - March 17, 2020
    Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

    Michael G Browne, PhD
    Postdoctoral Research Fellow
    Center for Movement Studies, Kennedy Krieger Institute
    Dept. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

    Postdoctoral Fellow, Kennedy Krieger Institute and Johns Hopkins Medical Institute - Cited by 266 - stroke rehabilitation - biomechanics - locomotor learning - energetics

    - Not all articles have a DOI.
    - Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
    - Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in electronic form through the publisher

    Aggleton, JA; Brown, KR. A novel method for comparing morphometric and biomechanical data of cancellous bone structure in human hand bones to analyse bone functional adaptation. American Journal Of Physical Anthropology 2020;171:3-3.

    Guerra, AM; Stephens, NB; Cox, SM; Salzano, MQ; Piazza, SJ; Rubenson, J; Ryan, TM. Trabecular bone in the ankle of a rapid-growing avian bipedal model in response to locomotor inactivity. American Journal Of Physical Anthropology 2020;171:108-109.

    Rainville, R. A review of biomechanical studies examining the impact of mobility on long bone morphology. American Journal Of Physical Anthropology 2020;171:227-228.

    Khorshidi, MA. Length scale parameter of single trabecula in cancellous bone. Biomechanics And Modeling In Mechanobiology NaN;NaN:.

    Ziaeipoor, H; Taylor, M; Martelli, S. Population-based bone strain during physical activity: a novel method demonstrated for the human femur. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering NaN;NaN:.

    Li, ZG; Wang, J; Wang, JW; Wang, JJ; Ji, C; Wang, GL. Experimental and numerical study on the mechanical properties of cortical and spongy cranial bone of 8-week-old porcines at different strain rates. Biomechanics And Modeling In Mechanobiology NaN;NaN:.

    Cavedon, V; Milanese, C; Laginestra, FG; Giuriato, G; Pedrinolla, A; Ruzzante, F; Schena, F; Venturelli, M. Bone and skeletal muscle changes in oldest-old women: the role of physical inactivity. Aging Clinical And Experimental Research 2020;32:207-214.

    Demirel, C; Korkmaz, H; Gurgul, S; Yildiz, A; Akarsu, E; Erdal, N. The effect of glucovance therapy on biomechanical deterioration of bone in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Acta Endocrinologica-Bucharest 2019;15:301-304.

    Garza, S; Wescott, D. The effects of labor on the biomechanical properties of the femora and the humeri in the 19th and 20th centuries. American Journal Of Physical Anthropology 2020;171:98-98.

    Katz, Y; Yosibash, Z. New insights on the proximal femur biomechanics using digital image correlation. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;101:.

    Shen, X; Jiang, JB; Zhu, HF; Lu, KK; Dong, PF; Gu, LX. Comparative study of tapered versus conventional cylindrical balloon for stent implantation in stenotic tapered artery. Artificial Organs NaN;NaN:.

    Lundin, V; Sugden, WW; Theodore, LN; Sousa, PM; Han, A; Chou, S; Wrighton, PJ; Cox, AG; Ingber, DE; Goessling, W; Daley, GQ; North, TE. Yap regulates hematopoietic stem cell formation in response to the biomechanical forces of blood flow. Developmental Cell 2020;52:446-43.

    Stucker, M; Danneil, O; Dorler, M; Hoffmann, M; Kroger, E; Reich-Schupke, S. Safety of a compression stocking for patients with chronic venous insufficiency (cvi) and peripheral artery disease (pad). Journal Der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft NaN;NaN:.

    Silva, EQ; Suda, EY; Santos, DP; Verissimo, JL; Ferreira, JSSP; Cruvinel, RH; Monteiro, RL; Sartor, CD; Sacco, ICN. Effect of an educational booklet for prevention and treatment of foot musculoskeletal dysfunctions in people with diabetic neuropathy: the footcare (foca) trial ii, a study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2020;21:.

    Jabbarli, R; Rauschenbach, L; Dinger, TF; Oppong, MD; Rodemerk, J; Pierscianek, D; Dammann, P; Junker, A; Sure, U; Wrede, KH. In the wall lies the truth: a systematic review of diagnostic markers in intracranial aneurysms. Brain Pathology NaN;NaN:.

    Geekiyanage, NM; Sauret, E; Saha, SC; Flower, RL; Gu, YT. Deformation behaviour of stomatocyte, discocyte and echinocyte red blood cell morphologies during optical tweezers stretching. Biomechanics And Modeling In Mechanobiology NaN;NaN:.

    Bayata, F; Yildiz, C. The effects of design parameters on mechanical failure of ti-6al-4v implants using finite element analysis. Engineering Failure Analysis 2020;110:.

    Baumgarten, SE; Tayal, S; Strait, DS. Biomechanical correlates of mandibular premolar root variation in robust and gracile australopiths. American Journal Of Physical Anthropology 2020;171:21-21.

    Molina-Guerrero, CE; Valdez-Vazquez, I; Sanchez, A; Vazquez-Castillo, JA; Vazquez-Nunez, E. A biorefinery based on the biomechanical configuration of the digestive system of a ruminant for abe production: a consolidated bioprocessing approach. Biomass Conversion And Biorefinery NaN;NaN:.

    Gilbert, CC; Arenson, JL; Hart, JA; Hart, TB; Detwiler, KM; Sargis, EJ. New skeletons of cercopithecus dryas and their implications for locomotor evolution and taxonomy within the guenon radiation. American Journal Of Physical Anthropology 2020;171:100-100.

    Morimoto, N; Kunimatsu, Y; Nakatsukasa, M; De Leon, MSP; Zollikofer, CPE; Ishida, H; Sasaki, T; Suwa, G. Locomotor vs. non-locomotor signals in bony labyrinth: insights from fossil and modern anthropoid primates. American Journal Of Physical Anthropology 2020;171:192-192.

    Sender, RS; Hilko, AS; Schwartz, GT; Strait, DS. Biomechanical implications of variation in hunter-schreger bands in early hominins. American Journal Of Physical Anthropology 2020;171:258-258.

    Singleton, M; Ehrlich, DE; Adams, JW. Biomechanical correlates of zygomaxillary surface shape in papionin monkeys. American Journal Of Physical Anthropology 2020;171:264-264.

    Smith, AL; Robinson, C; Taylor, AB; Ward, CV; Kimbel, WH; Alemseged, Z; Ross, CF. Interspecific variation in hominid mandibular biomechanics. American Journal Of Physical Anthropology 2020;171:265-265.

    Traff, JN; Cannon, TH; Daegling, DJ; Mcgraw, WS. Temporal heterogeneity in quadrupedal locomotor rates in sympatric cercopithecids. American Journal Of Physical Anthropology 2020;171:286-287.

    Illies, MMC; Fowler, DW. Triceratops with a kink: co-ossification of five distal caudal vertebrae from the hell creek formation of north dakota. Cretaceous Research 2020;108:.

    Fukano, M; Fukubayashi, T; Kumai, T. In vivo talocrural and subtalar kinematics during the stance phase of walking in individuals with repetitive ankle sprains. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;101:.

    Sepp, LA; Baum, BS; Nelson-Wong, E; Silverman, AK. Joint work and ground reaction forces during running with daily-use and running-specific prostheses. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;101:.

    Ribeiro, TS; Silva, EMGDE; Regalado, ICR; da Silva, ST; Sousa, CD; Ribeiro, KMOBD; Lindquist, ARR. Effects of load addition during gait training on weight-bearing and temporal asymmetry after stroke a randomized clinical trial. American Journal Of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 2020;99:250-256.

    Izquierdo-Renau, M; Queralt, A; Encarnacion-Martinez, A; Perez-Soriano, P. Impact acceleration during prolonged running while wearing conventional versus minimalist shoes. Research Quarterly For Exercise And Sport NaN;NaN:.

    Tamura, D; Aoi, S; Funato, T; Fujiki, S; Senda, K; Tsuchiya, K. Contribution of phase resetting to adaptive rhythm control in human walking based on the phase response curves of a neuromusculoskeletal model. Frontiers In Neuroscience 2020;14:.

    dos Santos, PCR; Barbieri, FA; Zijdewind, I; Gobbi, LTB; Lamoth, C; Hortobagyi, T. Effects of experimentally induced fatigue on healthy older adults' gait: a systematic review. Plos One 2019;14:.

    Mundt, M; Koeppe, A; David, S; Witter, T; Bamer, F; Potthast, W; Markert, B. Estimation of gait mechanics based on simulated and measured imu data using an artificial neural network. Frontiers In Bioengineering And Biotechnology 2020;8:.

    McFadden, C; Daniels, K; Strike, S. The sensitivity of joint kinematics and kinetics to marker placement during a change of direction task. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;101:.

    Ackermans, TMA; Francksen, NC; Casana-Eslava, RV; Lees, C; Baltzopoulos, V; Lisboa, PJG; Hollands, MA; O'Brien, TD; Maganaris, CN. Stair negotiation behaviour of older individuals: do step dimensions matter?. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;101:.

    Liu, Q; Zhang, YS; Wang, JZ; Yang, HZ; Hong, L. Modeling of the neural mechanism underlying the terrestrial turning of the salamander. Biological Cybernetics NaN;NaN:.

    Wisshak, M; Neumann, C. Dead urchin walking: resilience of an arctic strongylocentrotus to severe skeletal damage. Polar Biology NaN;NaN:.

    Heinzel, JC; Hercher, D; Redl, H. The course of recovery of locomotor function over a 10-week observation period in a rat model of femoral nerve resection and autograft repair. Brain And Behavior NaN;NaN:.

    Pickett, KA; Schultz-Darken, N; Bradfield, AF; Malicki, K; Pape, B; Ausderau, KK; Emborg, ME. Spatiotemporal quantification of gait in common marmosets. Journal Of Neuroscience Methods 2020;330:.

    Neckel, ND; Dai, HN; Burns, MP. A novel multi-dimensional analysis of rodent gait reveals the compensation strategies used during spontaneous recovery from spinal cord and traumatic brain injury. Journal Of Neurotrauma 2020;37:517-527.

    Uyanik, I; Sefati, S; Stamper, SA; Cho, KA; Ankarali, MM; Fortune, ES; Cowan, NJ. Variability in locomotor dynamics reveals the critical role of feedback in task control. Elife 2020;9:.

    Shorter, K; Brown, W. Ground force kinetic adaptations associated with canine boots. Biologia Futura 2019;70:128-133.

    West, TA; Pollard, JD; Chandra, M; Hui, RL; Weintraub, MR; King, CM; Grimsrud, CD; Lo, JC. The epidemiology of metatarsal fractures among older females with bisphosphonate exposure. Journal Of Foot & Ankle Surgery 2020;59:269-273.

    Finkel, L; Schmidt, K; Scheib, JPP; Randerath, J. Does it still fit? - adapting affordance judgments to altered body properties in young and older adults. Plos One 2019;14:.

    Metcalf, CD; Phillips, C; Forrester, A; Glodowski, J; Simpson, K; Everitt, C; Darekar, A; King, L; Warwick, D; Dickinson, AS. Quantifying soft tissue artefacts and imaging variability in motion capture of the fingers. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering NaN;NaN:.

    Robert-Lachaine, X; Dessery, Y; Belzile, EL; Turmel, S; Corbeil, P. Three-month efficacy of three knee braces in the treatment of medial knee osteoarthritis in a randomized crossover trial. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research NaN;NaN:.

    Schwarz, ML; Reisig, G; Schutte, A; Becker, K; Serba, S; Forsch, E; Thier, S; Fickert, S; Lenz, T; Weiss, C; Hetjens, S; Bludau, F; Bothe, F; Richter, W; Schneider-Wald, B. Report on a large animal study with gottingen minipigs where regenerates and controls for articular cartilage were created in a large number. focus on the conditions of the operated stifle joints and suggestions for standardized procedures. Plos One 2019;14:.

    Han, PF; Zhang, R; Gao, YY; Li, PC; Wei, XC; Lv, Z. Establishment and simulation of 3d geometric models of mini-pig and sheep knee joints using finite element analysis. Medical Science Monitor 2020;26:.

    Rai, MF; Brophy, RH; Rosen, V. Molecular biology of meniscus pathology: lessons learned from translational studies and mouse models. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research NaN;NaN:.

    Hunt, MA; Charlton, JM; Esculier, JF. Osteoarthritis year in review 2019: mechanics. Osteoarthritis And Cartilage 2020;28:267-274.

    Qi, YS; Zhou, HW; Wei, BG; Bao, HRC; Ma, BX; Wang, YX; Xu, YS. A review on treatment of acute patellar dislocation. Acta Medica Mediterranea 2020;36:717-722.

    Tanska, P; Venalainen, MS; Erdemir, A; Korhonen, RK. A multiscale framework for evaluating three-dimensional cell mechanics in fibril-reinforced poroelastic tissues with anatomical cell distribution-analysis of chondrocyte deformation behavior in mechanically loaded articular cartilage. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;101:.

    Benson, LC; Clermont, CA; Ferber, R. New considerations for collecting biomechanical data using wearable sensors: the effect of different running environments. Frontiers In Bioengineering And Biotechnology 2020;8:.

    Simanaviciute, U; Ahmed, J; Brown, RE; Connor-Robson, N; Farr, TD; Fertan, E; Gambles, N; Garland, H; Morton, AJ; Staiger, JF; Skillings, EA; Trueman, RC; Wade-Martins, R; Wood, NI; Wong, AA; Grant, RA. Recommendations for measuring whisker movements and locomotion in mice with sensory, motor and cognitive deficits. Journal Of Neuroscience Methods 2020;331:.

    Nishimura, A; Ohtsuki, M; Kato, T; Nagao, R; Ito, N; Kato, K; Ogura, T; Sudo, A. Locomotive syndrome testing in young and middle adulthood. Modern Rheumatology 2020;30:178-183.

    Davis, DJ; Challis, JH. Automatic segment filtering procedure for processing non-stationary signals. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;101:.

    Li, SX; Garrett, WE; Best, TM; Li, HJ; Wan, XL; Liu, H; Yu, B. Effects of flexibility and strength interventions on optimal lengths of hamstring muscle-tendon units. Journal Of Science And Medicine In Sport 2020;23:200-205.

    Soliz, M; Tulli, MJ; Abdala, V. Forelimb musculoskeletal-tendinous growth in frogs. Peerj 2020;8:.

    Lagerwaard, B; Nieuwenhuizen, AG; de Boer, VCJ; Keijer, J. In vivo assessment of mitochondrial capacity using nirs in locomotor muscles of young and elderly males with similar physical activity levels. Geroscience 2020;42:299-310.

    Kostyukov, AI. A "thermodynamic" model of central commands coming to the muscles during upper limb movements. Neurophysiology 2019;51:358-372.

    Dowsett, J; Dieterich, M; Taylor, PCJ. Mobile steady-state evoked potential recording: dissociable neural effects of real-world navigation and visual stimulation. Journal Of Neuroscience Methods 2020;332:.

    All, AH; Al Nashash, H; Mir, H; Luo, SY; Liu, XG. Characterization of transection spinal cord injuries by monitoring somatosensory evoked potentials and motor behavior. Brain Research Bulletin 2020;156:150-163.

    Sridharan, A; Voziyanov, V; Muthuswamy, J. Periodic biomechanical stresses and strains at neural interfaces modulate mitochondrial and metabolic functionality. Biophysical Journal 2020;118:49-5353-6549-5353-65.

    Hendershot, BD; Bazrgari, B. Evolution of fatigue damage in the l5-s1 intervertebral disc resulting from walking exposures among persons with lower limb loss. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering NaN;NaN:.

    Wang, TN; Wu, BL; Duan, RM; Yuan, YS; Qu, MJ; Zhang, S; Huang, W; Liu, T; Yu, XB. Treatment of thoracolumbar fractures through different short segment pedicle screw fixation techniques: a finite element analysis. Orthopaedic Surgery NaN;NaN:.

    Fidalgo, DS; Areias, B; Sousa, LC; Parente, M; Jorge, RN; Sousa, H; Goncalves, JM. Minimally invasive transforaminal and anterior lumbar interbody fusion surgery at level l5-s1. Computer Methods In Biomechanics And Biomedical Engineering NaN;NaN:.

    Vergari, C; Karam, M; Pietton, R; Vialle, R; Ghanem, I; Skalli, W; Assi, A. Spine slenderness and wedging in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis and in asymptomatic population: an observational retrospective study. European Spine Journal NaN;NaN:.

    Cao, LL; Liu, YM; Mei, W; Xu, JG; Zhan, S. Biomechanical changes of degenerated adjacent segment and intact lumbar spine after lumbosacral topping-off surgery: a three-dimensional finite element analysis. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 2020;21:.

    Hsieh, YY; Tsuang, FY; Kuo, YJ; Chen, CH; Chiang, CJ; Lin, CL. Biomechanical analysis of single-level interbody fusion with different internal fixation rod materials: a finite element analysis. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 2020;21:.

    Liebsch, C; Wilke, HJ. Rib presence, anterior rib cage integrity, and segmental length affect the stability of the human thoracic spine: an in vitro study. Frontiers In Bioengineering And Biotechnology 2020;8:.

    Li, JC; Xu, WQ; Jiang, QF; Xi, ZP; Zhang, XY; Wang, N; Xie, L; Liu, Y. Indications selection for surgeons training in the translaminar percutaneous endoscopic discectomy based on finite element analysis. Biomed Research International 2020;2020:.

    Sandhu, FA; Dowlati, E; Garica, R. Lumbar arthroplasty: past, present, and future. Neurosurgery 2020;86:155-169.

    Zhao, XF; Zhao, YB; Lu, XD; Wang, WX; Qi, DT; Yang, X; Wang, XN; Zhou, RT; Jin, YZ; Zhao, B. Development and biomechanical study of a new open dynamic anterior cervical nail plate system. Orthopaedic Surgery 2020;12:254-261.

    Han, DP; Wang, JY. Comparison of different insertion techniques for lumbosacral fixation improvement: a finite element study. Orthopaedic Surgery 2020;12:262-268.

    Ruspi, ML; Palanca, M; Cristofolini, L; Liebsch, C; Villa, T; Brayda-Bruno, M; Galbusera, F; Wilke, HJ; La Barbera, L. Digital image correlation (dic) assessment of the non-linear response of the anterior longitudinal ligament of the spine during flexion and extension. Materials 2020;13:.

    Chiarlone, F; Zanirato, A; Cavagnaro, L; Alessio-Mazzola, M; Felli, L; Burastero, G. Acetabular custom-made implants for severe acetabular bone defect in revision total hip arthroplasty: a systematic review of the literature. Archives Of Orthopaedic And Trauma Surgery 2020;140:415-424.

    Hagen, L; Pape, JP; Kostakev, M; Peterlein, CD. Pedobarographic changes during first month after subtalar extra-articular screw arthroereisis (sesa) operation of juvenile flexible flatfoot. Archives Of Orthopaedic And Trauma Surgery 2020;140:313-320.

    Gotschi, T; Rosenberg, G; Li, X; Zhang, C; Bachmann, E; Snedeker, JG; Fucentese, SF. Biomechanical evaluation of a novel loop retention mechanism for cortical graft fixation in acl reconstruction. Orthopaedic Journal Of Sports Medicine 2020;8:.

    Davey, MS; Flynn, SO; Hayes, J; Feeley, I; Freemantle, MCG; Burke, N. Two-hole versus four-hole plate dynamic hip screw: a systematic review of current evidence. Irish Journal Of Medical Science NaN;NaN:.

    Bae, TS; Cho, BC. Biomechanical effect of tunnel positions and pre-tension forces on implanted graft stress and strain during outside-in acl reconstruction surgery: a simulation study. International Journal Of Precision Engineering And Manufacturing 2020;21:519-524.

    Liu, C; Kamara, A; Liu, TJ; Yan, YH; Wang, EB. Mechanical stability study of three techniques used in the fixation of transverse and oblique metaphyseal-diaphyseal junction fractures of the distal humerus in children: a finite element analysis. Journal Of Orthopaedic Surgery And Research 2020;15:.

    Mochizuki, T; Tanifuji, O; Watanabe, S; Katsumi, R; Tomiyama, Y; Sato, T; Endo, N. The majority of patellar avulsion fractures in first-time acute patellar dislocations included the inferomedial patellar border that was different from the medial patellofemoral ligament attachment. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy NaN;NaN:.

    Wahab, AHA; Saad, APM; Syahrom, A; Kadir, MRA. In silico study of glenoid perforation during total shoulder arthroplasty: the effects on stress & micromotion. Computer Methods In Biomechanics And Biomedical Engineering 2020;23:182-190.

    Serrano, HL; Chairez, I; Luviano-Juarez, A. Composite active disturbance rejection robust control for a prototype of an active damping artificial ankle prosthesis. Asian Journal Of Control 2020;22:908-923.

    Saikko, V. Effect of inward-outward rotation on hip wear simulation. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;101:.

    Gharini, M; Moghaddam, MM; Farahmand, F. Personalized design of ankle-foot prosthesis based on computer modeling of amputee locomotion. Assistive Technology 2020;32:100-108.

    Luo, JW; Su, Y; Ruan, LC; Zhao, Y; Kim, D; Sentis, L; Fu, CL. Robust bipedal locomotion based on a hierarchical control structure (vol 14, pg 1, 2019). Robotica 2020;38:760-760.

    Lin, CY; Yang, ZH. Trbr: flight body posture compensation for transverse ricochetal brachiation robot. Mechatronics 2020;65:.

    Pham, VA; Nguyen, TT; Lee, BR; Vo, TQ. Dynamic analysis of a robotic fish propelled by flexible folding pectoral fins. Robotica 2020;38:699-718.

    Zhao, GP; Szymanski, F; Seyfarth, A. Bio-inspired neuromuscular reflex based hopping controller for a segmented robotic leg. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2020;15:.

    Mardani, A; Ebrahimi, S; Alipour, K. New adaptive segmented wheel for locomotion improvement of field robots on soft terrain. Journal Of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 2020;97:695-717.

    Lee, KK; Hong, SW; Oh, JH. Development of a lightweight and high-efficiency compact cycloidal reducer for legged robots. International Journal Of Precision Engineering And Manufacturing 2020;21:415-425.

    Baines, R; Freeman, S; Fish, F; Kramer-Bottiglio, R. Variable stiffness morphing limb for amphibious legged robots inspired by chelonian environmental adaptations. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2020;15:.

    Raj, A; Thakur, A. Hydrodynamic parameter estimation for an anguilliform-inspired robot. Journal Of Intelligent & Robotic Systems NaN;NaN:.

    Ryu, J; Mohammadifar, M; Tahernia, M; Chun, H; Gao, Y; Choi, S. Paper robotics: self-folding, gripping, and locomotion. Advanced Materials Technologies NaN;NaN:.

    Fu, QY; Li, C. Robotic modelling of snake traversing large, smooth obstacles reveals stability benefits of body compliance. Royal Society Open Science 2020;7:.

    Karami, M; Tavakolpour-Saleh, AR; Norouzi, A. Optimal nonlinear pid control of a micro-robot equipped with vibratory actuator using ant colony algorithm: simulation and experiment. Journal Of Intelligent & Robotic Systems NaN;NaN:.

    Ba, KX; Ma, GL; Yu, B; Jin, ZG; Huang, ZP; Zhang, JX; Kong, XD. A nonlinear model-based variable impedance parameters control for position-based impedance control system of hydraulic drive unit. International Journal Of Control Automation And Systems NaN;NaN:.

    Ramos, J; Kim, S. Dynamic locomotion synchronization of bipedal robot and human operator via bilateral feedback teleoperation. Science Robotics 2019;4:.

    Liu, Q; Wang, XX; Song, WZ; Qiu, HJ; Zhang, J; Fan, Z; Yu, M; Long, YZ. Wireless single-electrode self-powered piezoelectric sensor for monitoring. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020;12:8288-8295.

    Podgorski, AP; Kordasiewicz, B; Pomianowski, S. The column procedure preserves elbow stability on biomechanical testing. International Orthopaedics NaN;NaN:.

    Dorshorst, T; Hamill, J; Weir, G; Holt, B. Archery's lasting mark: a biomechanical analysis of archery. American Journal Of Physical Anthropology 2020;171:74-74.

    Kavanagh, JA; Issartel, J; Moran, K. Quantifying cycling as a foundational movement skill in early childhood. Journal Of Science And Medicine In Sport 2020;23:171-175.

    Murayama, H; Hitosugi, M; Motozawa, Y; Ogino, M; Koyama, K. Biomechanical analysis of the head movements of a person thrown by the judo technique 'seoi-nage'. Neurologia Medico-Chirurgica 2020;60:101-106.

    Ronai, P. The deadlift. Acsms Health & Fitness Journal 2020;24:31-36.

    Bodendorfer, BM; Wang, DX; McCormick, BP; Looney, AM; Conroy, CM; Fryar, CM; Kotler, JA; Ferris, WJ; Postma, WF; Chang, ES. Treatment of pectoralis major tendon tears: a systematic review and meta-analysis of repair timing and fixation methods. American Journal Of Sports Medicine NaN;NaN:.

    Cone, SG; Lambeth, EP; Piedrahita, JA; Spang, JT; Fisher, MB. Joint laxity varies in response to partial and complete anterior cruciate ligament injuries throughout skeletal growth. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;101:.

    Josipovic, M; Vlaic, J; Serdar, J; Simunovic, M; Nizic, D; Schauperl, Z; Bojanic, I; Jelic, M. Plantaris tendon: a novel graft for anterolateral ligament reconstruction and additional reinforcement for anterior cruciate ligament autografts in combined reconstructive procedures. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy NaN;NaN:.

    Evrova, O; Burgisser, GM; Ebnother, C; Adathala, A; Calcagni, M; Bachmann, E; Snedeker, JG; Scalera, C; Giovanoli, P; Vogel, V; Buschmann, J. Elastic and surgeon friendly electrospun tubes delivering pdgf-bb positively impact tendon rupture healing in a rabbit achilles tendon model. Biomaterials 2020;232:.

    Duncan, JL; Kumar, SS; Iradukunda, D; Sridharan, A; Muthuswamy, J. Biomechanical stresses due to tissue micromotion at the neural interface modulate intracellular membrane potentials. Biophysical Journal 2020;118:50-5748-6550-5748-65.

    Lyons, LP; Perea, SH; Weinberg, JB; Wittstein, JR; McNulty, AL. Meniscus-derived matrix bioscaffolds: effects of concentration and cross-linking on meniscus cellular responses and tissue repair. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences 2020;21:.

    Torsello, GF; Herten, M; Muller, M; Frank, A; Torsello, GB; Austermann, M. Comparison of the biomechanical properties of the advanta v12/icast and viabahn stent-grafts as bridging devices in fenestrated endografts: an in vitro study. Journal Of Endovascular Therapy NaN;NaN:.

    Capilnasiu, A; Bilston, L; Sinkus, R; Nordsletten, D. Nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive model for bovine liver tissue. Biomechanics And Modeling In Mechanobiology NaN;NaN:.

    Roth, S. Three-dimensional numerical study of the influence of the thorax positioning submitted to blast loading: consequences on body trauma. Mechanics Of Advanced Materials And Structures 2020;27:396-402.

    Augustus, S; Amca, AM; Hudson, PE; Smith, N. Improved accuracy of biomechanical motion data obtained during impacts using a time-frequency low-pass filter\. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;101:.

    Qiu, SH; Jiang, WH; Alam, MS; Chen, SX; Lai, CX; Wang, TY; Li, XD; Liu, J; Gao, MY; Tang, YH; Li, XW; Zeng, JF; Feng, Y. Viscoelastic characterization of injured brain tissue after controlled cortical impact (cci) using a mouse model. Journal Of Neuroscience Methods 2020;330:.

    Goss, GC; Dowich, G; Machado, IRL; Mozzaquatro, FD; Rodrigues, AP; Carneiro, ALM; Leite, CT; Duarte, CA. Use of platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of desmitis of distal interphalangeal joint collateral ligament in a horse. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae 2019;47:.

    Sirakaya, E; Kucuk, B; Agadayi, A; Yilmaz, N. Evaluation of the lamina cribrosa thickness and depth in patients with migraine. International Ophthalmology 2020;40:89-98.

    Aoki, S; Kiuchi, Y; Tokumo, K; Fujino, Y; Matsuura, M; Murata, H; Nakakura, S; Asaoka, R. Association between optic nerve head morphology in open-angle glaucoma and corneal biomechanical parameters measured with corvis st. Graefes Archive For Clinical And Experimental Ophthalmology 2020;258:629-637.

    McCann, P; Hogg, RE; Wright, DM; McGuinness, B; Young, IS; Kee, F; Azuara-Blanco, A. Comparison of goldmann applanation and ocular response analyser tonometry: intraocular pressure agreement and patient preference. Eye 2020;34:584-590.

    Jimenez, R; Molina, R; Garcia, JA; Redondo, B; Vera, J. Wearing swimming goggles reduces central corneal thickness and anterior chamber angle, and increases intraocular pressure. Current Eye Research NaN;NaN:.

    Columna, L; Streete, DA; Rocco-Dillon, S; Hodge, SR; Prieto, L; Myers, B; Barreira, TV; Heffernan, KS. Parents' intentions toward including their children with visual impairments in physical activities. Disability And Rehabilitation 2020;42:667-678.

    Ma, JN; Wang, Y; Hao, WT; Jhanji, V. Comparative analysis of biomechanically corrected intraocular pressure with corneal visualization scheimpflug technology versus conventional noncontact intraocular pressure. International Ophthalmology 2020;40:117-124.

    Rocha, LS; Sawatzky, B; Ben Mortenson, W. Efficiency and perceived exertion of novel wheelchair wheels: a comparative study. Assistive Technology 2020;32:68-72.

    Hennefarth, MR; Chen, L; Wang, BH; Lue, TF; Stoller, ML; Lin, GT; Kang, MS; Ho, SP. Physicochemical and biochemical spatiotemporal maps of a mouse penis. Journal Of Biomechanics 2020;101:.

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