April 8 - April 14, 2020
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Michael G Browne, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Center for Movement Studies, Kennedy Krieger Institute
Dept. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
- Not all articles have a DOI.
- Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
- Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in electronic form through the publisher
Yang, XF; Qiang, SL; Liang, T; Jia, YL; Xu, KW. Biomechanics of calcium sulfate-sodium hyaluronate composite bone graft materials in treating radius fractures. Science Of Advanced Materials 2020;12:1090-1098.
Gasier, HG; Yu, TZ; Swift, JM; Metzger, CE; McNerny, EM; Swallow, EA; Piantadosi, CA; Allen, MR. Carbon monoxide and exercise prevents diet-induced obesity and metabolic dysregulation without affecting bone. Obesity NaN;NaN:.
Troy, KL; Mancuso, ME; Johnson, JE; Wu, Z; Schnitzer, TJ; Butler, TA. Bone adaptation in adult women is related to loading dose: a 12-month randomized controlled trial. Journal Of Bone And Mineral Research NaN;NaN:.
Alves-Rezende, MCR; Capalbo, LC; Limirio, JPJD; Capalbo, BC; Limirio, PHJO; Rosa, JL. The role of tio2 nanotube surface on osseointegration of titanium implants: biomechanical and histological study in rats. Microscopy Research And Technique NaN;NaN:.
Pieske, O; Bauer, M; Schroder, C; Michaelis, I; Massen, F; Wallmichrath, J; Suero, EM; Greiner, A. Development and biomechanical evaluation of a new biodegradable intramedullary implant for osteosynthesis of midshaft fractures of small hollow bones. Technology And Health Care 2020;28:185-192.
Shen, Z; Lin, HX; Chen, GQ; Zhang, Y; Li, ZG; Li, D; Xie, L; Li, Y; Huang, F; Jiang, ZW. Comparison between the induced membrane technique and distraction osteogenesis in treating segmental bone defects: an experimental study in a rat model. Plos One 2019;14:.
Ostberg, NP; Zafar, MA; Ziganshin, BA; Elefteriades, JA. The genetics of thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissection: a clinical perspective. Biomolecules 2020;10:.
Condemi, F; Campisi, S; Viallon, M; Croisille, P; Avril, S. Relationship between ascending thoracic aortic aneurysms hemodynamics and biomechanical properties. Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Engineering 2020;67:949-956.
Vogiatzis, I; Louvaris, Z; Wagner, PD. Respiratory and locomotor muscle blood flow during exercise in health and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Experimental Physiology NaN;NaN:.
Oliveira, D; Srinivasan, J; Espino, D; Buchan, K; Dawson, D; Shepherd, D. Geometric description for the anatomy of the mitral valve: a review. Journal Of Anatomy NaN;NaN:.
Wang, LL; Wang, L; Xu, LM; Chen, WY. Finite element modelling of single cell based on atomic force microscope indentation method. Computational And Mathematical Methods In Medicine 2019;2019:.
Heydarian, A; Khorramymehr, S; Vasaghi-Gharamaleki, B. Effects of x-ray on fibroblast mechanical properties. Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Mechanics 2019;57:999-1008.
Li, X; Jiang, C; Gao, H; Wang, CJ; Wang, C; Ji, P. Biomechanical analysis of various reconstructive methods for the mandibular body and ramus defect using a free vascularized fibula flap. Biomed Research International 2020;2020:.
Luciano, M; Francesca, Z; Michela, S; Tommaso, M; Massimo, A. Lithium disilicate posterior overlays: clinical and biomechanical features. Clinical Oral Investigations 2020;24:841-848.
Oufiero, CE. Evolutionary diversification in the raptorial forelegs of mantodea: relations to body size and depth perception. Journal Of Morphology NaN;NaN:.
Sanchez-Ramirez, C; Alegre, LM. Plantar support adaptations in healthy subjects after eight weeks of barefoot running training. Peerj 2020;8:.
Zhang, YJ; Smeets, JBJ; Brenner, E; Verschueren, S; Duysens, J. Fast responses to stepping-target displacements when walking. Journal Of Physiology-London NaN;NaN:.
Chen, DL; Cai, Y; Qian, XY; Ansari, R; Xu, WY; Chu, KC; Huang, MC. Bring gait lab to everyday life: gait analysis in terms of activities of daily living. Ieee Internet Of Things Journal 2020;7:1298-1312.
Su, Y; An, SM; Feng, ZY; Xing, M; Zhang, JH. Spatio-temporal metric learning for individual recognition from locomotion. Journal Of Visual Communication And Image Representation 2020;67:.
Kim, S; Pyeon, Y; Lee, K; Kim, P; Oh, W; Choi, JH. Visualization of rotational swimming patterns in oblate jellyfish. Journal Of Coastal Research 2020;36:289-294.
Hao, X; Ma, WX; Liu, CB; Li, YL; Qian, ZH; Ren, LQ; Ren, L. Analysis of spiders' joint kinematics and driving modes under different ground conditions. Applied Bionics And Biomechanics 2019;2019:.
Nudds, RL; Ozolina, K; Fenkes, M; Wearing, OH; Shiels, HA. Extreme temperature combined with hypoxia, affects swimming performance in brown trout (salmo trutta). Conservation Physiology 2020;8:.
Naik, A; Ambike, S. The coordination between digit forces is altered by anticipated changes in prehensile movement patterns. Experimental Brain Research NaN;NaN:.
Temp, J; Labuz, D; Negrete, R; Sunkara, V; Machelska, H. Pain and knee damage in male and female mice in the medial meniscal transection-induced osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis And Cartilage 2020;28:475-485.
Chow, YY; Chin, KY. The role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis. Mediators Of Inflammation 2020;2020:.
Vaishya, R; Kambhampati, SBS; Vaish, A. Meniscal injuries in the olympic and elite athletes. Indian Journal Of Orthopaedics NaN;NaN:.
Marshall, AN; Hertel, J; Hart, JM; Russell, S; Saliba, SA. Visual biofeedback and changes in lower extremity kinematics in individuals with medial knee displacement. Journal Of Athletic Training 2020;55:255-264.
Park, Y; Bae, J. A three-dimensional finger motion measurement system of a thumb and an index finger without a calibration process. Sensors 2020;20:.
Xie, YD; Lu, MY; Yin, WL; Xu, HY; Zhu, S; Tang, JW; Chen, LM; Ran, QY; Zhang, YN; Qu, ZG. Novel wearable sensors for biomechanical movement monitoring based on electromagnetic sensing techniques. Ieee Sensors Journal 2020;20:1019-1027.
Ferreira-Sanchez, MD; Moreno-Verdu, M; Cano-de-la-Cuerda, R. Quantitative measurement of rigidity in parkinson's disease: a systematic review. Sensors 2020;20:.
Knyaz'kov, DY; Figurina, TY. On the existence, uniqueness, and stability of periodic modes of motion of a locomotion system with a mobile internal mass. Journal Of Computer And Systems Sciences International 2020;59:129-137.
Kizilova, N; Mizerski, J; Solovyova, H. Pulse wave propagation along human aorta: a model study. Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Mechanics 2020;58:17-34.
Gordon, T; Tyreman, N; Harris, LR; Rafuse, VF. Medial gastrocnemius muscles fatigue but do not atrophy in paralyzed cat hindlimb after long-term spinal cord hemisection and unilateral deafferentation. Experimental Neurology 2020;327:.
Ram, Y; Ross, CF. Jaw elevator muscle coordination during rhythmic mastication in primates: are triplets units of motor control?. Brain Behavior And Evolution 2020;95:1-14.
Nagai, T; Schilaty, ND; Krause, DA; Crowley, EM; Hewett, TE. Sex differences in ultrasound-based muscle size and mechanical properties of the cervical-flexor and -extensor muscles. Journal Of Athletic Training 2020;55:282-288.
Berezhnoy, DS; Zamorina, TA; Inozemtsev, AN. Appetitive conditioning task in a shuttle box and its comparison with the active avoidance paradigm. Learning & Behavior NaN;NaN:.
Taccola, G; Gad, P; Culaclii, S; Wang, PM; Liu, WT; Edgerton, VR. Acute neuromodulation restores spinally-induced motor responses after severe spinal cord injury. Experimental Neurology 2020;327:.
Zhang, WC; Zhao, JY; Jiang, XJ; Li, L; Yu, CX; Zhao, YF; Si, HP. Thoracic vertebra fixation with a novel screw-plate system based on computed tomography imaging and finite element method. Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine 2020;187:.
Zhang, WC; Zhao, JY; Li, L; Yu, CX; Zhao, YF; Si, HP. Modelling tri-cortical pedicle screw fixation in thoracic vertebrae under osteoporotic condition: a finite element analysis based on computed tomography. Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine 2020;187:.
Yu, JYH; Collins, S; Liu, DD; Leary, OP; Merck, D; Konakondla, S; Nakhla, J; Barber, SM; Telfeian, AE; Oyelese, AA; Gokaslan, ZL; Fridley, JS. Objective indirect assessment of transverse ligament competence using quantitative analysis of 3-dimensional segmented flexion-extension computed tomography scan. World Neurosurgery 2020;136:69-5050-5169-5051-51.
Weiser, L; Sellenschloh, K; Puschel, K; Morlock, MM; Viezens, L; Lehmann, W; Huber, G. Reduced cement volume does not affect screw stability in augmented pedicle screws. European Spine Journal NaN;NaN:.
Hung, IYJ; Shih, TTF; Chen, BB; Liou, SH; Ho, IK; Guo, YL. The roles of lumbar load thresholds in cumulative lifting exposure to predict disk protrusion in an asian population. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 2020;21:.
Swartman, B; Pelzer, J; Vetter, SY; Beisemann, N; Schnetzke, M; Keil, H; Gruetzner, PA; Franke, J. Minimally invasive surgical treatment of minimally displaced acetabular fractures does not improve pain, mobility or quality of life compared to conservative treatment: a matched-pair analysis of 50 patients. Journal Of Orthopaedic Surgery And Research 2020;15:.
Klasan, A; Putnis, SE; Kandhari, V; Oshima, T; Parker, DA. Anterior knee translation measurements after acl reconstruction are influenced by the type of laximeter used. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy NaN;NaN:.
Jin, S; Kim, J; Kim, D. The effect of tablet use on trunk posture while sitting. Work-A Journal Of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation 2020;65:581-589.
Leiros-Rodriguez, R; Romo-Perez, V; Garcia-Soidan, JL; Garcia-Lineira, J. Percentiles and reference values for the accelerometric assessment of static balance in women aged 50-80 years. Sensors 2020;20:.
Sahoo, S; Maheshwari, M; Pratihar, DK; Mukhopadhyay, S. A geometry recognition-based strategy for locomotion transitions early prediction of prosthetic devices. Ieee Transactions On Instrumentation And Measurement 2020;69:1259-1267.
Lin, KW; Hu, CJ; Yang, WW; Chou, LW; Wei, SH; Chen, CS; Sun, PC. Biomechanical evaluation and strength test of 3d-printed foot orthoses. Applied Bionics And Biomechanics 2019;2019:.
Yuan, YX; Li, ZJ; Zhao, T; Gan, D. Dmp-based motion generation for a walking exoskeleton robot using reinforcement learning. Ieee Transactions On Industrial Electronics 2020;67:3830-3839.
Ugurlu, B; Oshima, H; Sariyildiz, E; Narildyo, T; Babic, J. Active compliance control reduces upper body effort in exoskeleton-supported walking. Ieee Transactions On Human-Machine Systems 2020;50:144-153.
Wu, CJ; Xiang, YH; Qu, SX; Song, YH; Zheng, Q. Numerical study of millimeter-scale magnetorheological elastomer robot for undulatory swimming. Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics 2020;53:.
Schallheim, I; Zacksenhouse, M. Policy gradient optimization of controllers for natural dynamic mono-pedal gait. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2020;15:.
Wainwright, DK; Lauder, GV. Tunas as a high-performance fish platform for inspiring the next generation of autonomous underwater vehicles. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2020;15:.
Liu, ZM; Chen, BH; Liang, SZ; Guan, YC; Wen, L; Liu, JQ; Wang, H; Yu, X; Yang, K; Liu, WB; Nie, SL; Sun, WG; Xie, ZX. A 1 mm-thick miniatured mobile soft robot with mechanosensation and multimodal locomotion. Ieee Robotics And Automation Letters 2020;5:3291-3298.
Mc Caffrey, C; Umedachi, T; Jiang, WW; Sasatani, T; Narusue, Y; Niiyama, R; Kawahara, Y. Continuum robotic caterpillar with wirelessly powered shape memory alloy actuators. Soft Robotics NaN;NaN:.
Yu, L; Peng, R; Rivers, G; Zhang, C; Si, PX; Zhao, BX. Multifunctional liquid crystal polymer network soft actuators. Journal Of Materials Chemistry A 2020;8:3390-3396.
Kim, JH. Multi-axis force-torque sensors for measuring zero-moment point in humanoid robots: a review. Ieee Sensors Journal 2020;20:1126-1141.
Peng, HM; Lu, PH; Hu, J; Mao, LL; Zhao, KD. Steerable miniature ambulatory robot based on piezoelectric actuation with a caltrop-like structure. Smart Materials And Structures 2020;29:.
Shi, H; Liu, ZY; Mei, XS. Overview of human walking induced energy harvesting technologies and its possibility for walking robotics. Energies 2020;13:.
Lebleu, J; Gosseye, T; Detrembleur, C; Mahaudens, P; Cartiaux, O; Penta, M. Lower limb kinematics using inertial sensors during locomotion: accuracy and reproducibility of joint angle calculations with different sensor-to-segment calibrations. Sensors 2020;20:.
Weygers, I; Kok, M; Konings, M; Hallez, H; De Vroey, H; Claeys, K. Inertial sensor-based lower limb joint kinematics: a methodological systematic review. Sensors 2020;20:.
Wen, SH; Wu, ZH; Xu, QS. Design of a novel two-directional piezoelectric energy harvester with permanent magnets and multistage force amplifier. Ieee Transactions On Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics And Frequency Control 2020;67:840-849.
Hendry, D; Leadbetter, R; McKee, K; Hopper, L; Wild, C; O'Sullivan, P; Straker, L; Campbell, A. An exploration of machine-learning estimation of ground reaction force from wearable sensor data. Sensors 2020;20:.
Herbaut, A; Delannoy, J. Fatigue increases ankle sprain risk in badminton players: a biomechanical study. Journal Of Sports Sciences NaN;NaN:.
Molnar, S; Hunya, Z; Pavlik, A; Bozsik, A; Shadgan, B; Maffulli, N. Slap lesion and injury of the proximal portion of long head of biceps tendon in elite amateur wrestlers. Indian Journal Of Orthopaedics NaN;NaN:.
Pardiwala, DN; Subbiah, K; Rao, ND; Modi, R. Badminton injuries in elite athletes: a review of epidemiology and biomechanics. Indian Journal Of Orthopaedics NaN;NaN:.
Caporaso, T; Grazioso, S. Iart: inertial assistant referee and trainer for race walking. Sensors 2020;20:.
Arumugam, S; Ayyadurai, P; Perumal, S; Janani, G; Dhillon, S; Thiagarajan, KA. Rowing injuries in elite athletes: a review of incidence with risk factors and the role of biomechanics in its management. Indian Journal Of Orthopaedics NaN;NaN:.
Uludag, A; Tosun, HB; ?elik, S; Serbest, S; Kayalar, M; Ayta?, G; Sindel, M; Elibol, FKE; Demir, T. Comparison of various tendon repair techniques in extansor zone 3 injuries: an experimental biomechanical cadaver study. Archives Of Orthopaedic And Trauma Surgery 2020;140:583-590.
Sunwoo, JY; Eliasberg, CD; Carballo, CB; Rodeo, SA. The role of the macrophage in tendinopathy and tendon healing. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research NaN;NaN:.
Eljaja, SB; Konradsen, L; Siersma, VD; Athwal, K; Amis, AA; Krogsgaard, MR. Reconstruction of the anterior cruciate- and anterolateral ligament deficient knee with a modified iliotibial graft reduces instability more than with an intra-articular hamstring graft. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy NaN;NaN:.
Singh, S; Shaunak, S; Shaw, SCK; Anderson, JL; Mandalia, V. Adjustable loop femoral cortical suspension devices for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a systematic review. Indian Journal Of Orthopaedics NaN;NaN:.
Ehrlich, F; Lachner, J; Hermann, M; Tschachler, E; Eckhart, L. Convergent evolution of cysteine-rich keratins in hard skin appendages of terrestrial vertebrates. Molecular Biology And Evolution 2020;37:982-993.
Bagher, Z; Asgari, N; Bozorgmehr, P; Kamrava, SK; Alizadeh, R; Seifalian, A. Will tissue-engineering strategies bring new hope for the reconstruction of nasal septal cartilage?. Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy 2020;15:144-154.
Hou, WG; Liu, PX; Zheng, MH; Liu, SC. A new deformation model of brain tissues for neurosurgical simulation. Ieee Transactions On Instrumentation And Measurement 2020;69:1251-1258.
Cao, KW; Liu, LN; Yu, T; Chen, F; Bai, J; Liu, T. Changes in corneal biomechanics during small-incision lenticule extraction (smile) and femtosecond-assisted laser in situ keratomileusis (fs-lasik). Lasers In Medical Science 2020;35:599-609.
Bettahar, T; Rahmoune, C; Benazzouz, D. Keratoconus prognosis study for patients with corneal external mechanical stress mode. International Ophthalmology NaN;NaN:.
Can, ME; Kiziltoprak, H; Bulus, AD; Ozkoyuncu, D; Koc, M; Yildiz, ZO. Corneal biomechanical properties in childhood obesity. Journal Of Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus 2020;57:103-107.
Nicklaus, KM; Bravo, K; Liu, C; Chopra, D; Reece, GP; Hanson, SE; Markey, MK. Undergarment needs after breast cancer surgery: a key survivorship consideration. Supportive Care In Cancer NaN;NaN:.
Kwon, C. A study on the verification of the effect of sensory extension through cutaneous sensation on experiential learning using vr. Virtual Reality NaN;NaN:.
James, RS; Tallis, J. The likely effects of thermal climate change on vertebrate skeletal muscle mechanics with possible consequences for animal movement and behaviour. Conservation Physiology 2019;7:.
April 8 - April 14, 2020
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Michael G Browne, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Center for Movement Studies, Kennedy Krieger Institute
Dept. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
- Not all articles have a DOI.
- Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
- Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in electronic form through the publisher
Yang, XF; Qiang, SL; Liang, T; Jia, YL; Xu, KW. Biomechanics of calcium sulfate-sodium hyaluronate composite bone graft materials in treating radius fractures. Science Of Advanced Materials 2020;12:1090-1098.
Gasier, HG; Yu, TZ; Swift, JM; Metzger, CE; McNerny, EM; Swallow, EA; Piantadosi, CA; Allen, MR. Carbon monoxide and exercise prevents diet-induced obesity and metabolic dysregulation without affecting bone. Obesity NaN;NaN:.
Troy, KL; Mancuso, ME; Johnson, JE; Wu, Z; Schnitzer, TJ; Butler, TA. Bone adaptation in adult women is related to loading dose: a 12-month randomized controlled trial. Journal Of Bone And Mineral Research NaN;NaN:.
Alves-Rezende, MCR; Capalbo, LC; Limirio, JPJD; Capalbo, BC; Limirio, PHJO; Rosa, JL. The role of tio2 nanotube surface on osseointegration of titanium implants: biomechanical and histological study in rats. Microscopy Research And Technique NaN;NaN:.
Pieske, O; Bauer, M; Schroder, C; Michaelis, I; Massen, F; Wallmichrath, J; Suero, EM; Greiner, A. Development and biomechanical evaluation of a new biodegradable intramedullary implant for osteosynthesis of midshaft fractures of small hollow bones. Technology And Health Care 2020;28:185-192.
Shen, Z; Lin, HX; Chen, GQ; Zhang, Y; Li, ZG; Li, D; Xie, L; Li, Y; Huang, F; Jiang, ZW. Comparison between the induced membrane technique and distraction osteogenesis in treating segmental bone defects: an experimental study in a rat model. Plos One 2019;14:.
Ostberg, NP; Zafar, MA; Ziganshin, BA; Elefteriades, JA. The genetics of thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissection: a clinical perspective. Biomolecules 2020;10:.
Condemi, F; Campisi, S; Viallon, M; Croisille, P; Avril, S. Relationship between ascending thoracic aortic aneurysms hemodynamics and biomechanical properties. Ieee Transactions On Biomedical Engineering 2020;67:949-956.
Vogiatzis, I; Louvaris, Z; Wagner, PD. Respiratory and locomotor muscle blood flow during exercise in health and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Experimental Physiology NaN;NaN:.
Oliveira, D; Srinivasan, J; Espino, D; Buchan, K; Dawson, D; Shepherd, D. Geometric description for the anatomy of the mitral valve: a review. Journal Of Anatomy NaN;NaN:.
Wang, LL; Wang, L; Xu, LM; Chen, WY. Finite element modelling of single cell based on atomic force microscope indentation method. Computational And Mathematical Methods In Medicine 2019;2019:.
Heydarian, A; Khorramymehr, S; Vasaghi-Gharamaleki, B. Effects of x-ray on fibroblast mechanical properties. Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Mechanics 2019;57:999-1008.
Li, X; Jiang, C; Gao, H; Wang, CJ; Wang, C; Ji, P. Biomechanical analysis of various reconstructive methods for the mandibular body and ramus defect using a free vascularized fibula flap. Biomed Research International 2020;2020:.
Luciano, M; Francesca, Z; Michela, S; Tommaso, M; Massimo, A. Lithium disilicate posterior overlays: clinical and biomechanical features. Clinical Oral Investigations 2020;24:841-848.
Oufiero, CE. Evolutionary diversification in the raptorial forelegs of mantodea: relations to body size and depth perception. Journal Of Morphology NaN;NaN:.
Sanchez-Ramirez, C; Alegre, LM. Plantar support adaptations in healthy subjects after eight weeks of barefoot running training. Peerj 2020;8:.
Zhang, YJ; Smeets, JBJ; Brenner, E; Verschueren, S; Duysens, J. Fast responses to stepping-target displacements when walking. Journal Of Physiology-London NaN;NaN:.
Chen, DL; Cai, Y; Qian, XY; Ansari, R; Xu, WY; Chu, KC; Huang, MC. Bring gait lab to everyday life: gait analysis in terms of activities of daily living. Ieee Internet Of Things Journal 2020;7:1298-1312.
Su, Y; An, SM; Feng, ZY; Xing, M; Zhang, JH. Spatio-temporal metric learning for individual recognition from locomotion. Journal Of Visual Communication And Image Representation 2020;67:.
Kim, S; Pyeon, Y; Lee, K; Kim, P; Oh, W; Choi, JH. Visualization of rotational swimming patterns in oblate jellyfish. Journal Of Coastal Research 2020;36:289-294.
Hao, X; Ma, WX; Liu, CB; Li, YL; Qian, ZH; Ren, LQ; Ren, L. Analysis of spiders' joint kinematics and driving modes under different ground conditions. Applied Bionics And Biomechanics 2019;2019:.
Nudds, RL; Ozolina, K; Fenkes, M; Wearing, OH; Shiels, HA. Extreme temperature combined with hypoxia, affects swimming performance in brown trout (salmo trutta). Conservation Physiology 2020;8:.
Naik, A; Ambike, S. The coordination between digit forces is altered by anticipated changes in prehensile movement patterns. Experimental Brain Research NaN;NaN:.
Temp, J; Labuz, D; Negrete, R; Sunkara, V; Machelska, H. Pain and knee damage in male and female mice in the medial meniscal transection-induced osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis And Cartilage 2020;28:475-485.
Chow, YY; Chin, KY. The role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis. Mediators Of Inflammation 2020;2020:.
Vaishya, R; Kambhampati, SBS; Vaish, A. Meniscal injuries in the olympic and elite athletes. Indian Journal Of Orthopaedics NaN;NaN:.
Marshall, AN; Hertel, J; Hart, JM; Russell, S; Saliba, SA. Visual biofeedback and changes in lower extremity kinematics in individuals with medial knee displacement. Journal Of Athletic Training 2020;55:255-264.
Park, Y; Bae, J. A three-dimensional finger motion measurement system of a thumb and an index finger without a calibration process. Sensors 2020;20:.
Xie, YD; Lu, MY; Yin, WL; Xu, HY; Zhu, S; Tang, JW; Chen, LM; Ran, QY; Zhang, YN; Qu, ZG. Novel wearable sensors for biomechanical movement monitoring based on electromagnetic sensing techniques. Ieee Sensors Journal 2020;20:1019-1027.
Ferreira-Sanchez, MD; Moreno-Verdu, M; Cano-de-la-Cuerda, R. Quantitative measurement of rigidity in parkinson's disease: a systematic review. Sensors 2020;20:.
Knyaz'kov, DY; Figurina, TY. On the existence, uniqueness, and stability of periodic modes of motion of a locomotion system with a mobile internal mass. Journal Of Computer And Systems Sciences International 2020;59:129-137.
Kizilova, N; Mizerski, J; Solovyova, H. Pulse wave propagation along human aorta: a model study. Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Mechanics 2020;58:17-34.
Gordon, T; Tyreman, N; Harris, LR; Rafuse, VF. Medial gastrocnemius muscles fatigue but do not atrophy in paralyzed cat hindlimb after long-term spinal cord hemisection and unilateral deafferentation. Experimental Neurology 2020;327:.
Ram, Y; Ross, CF. Jaw elevator muscle coordination during rhythmic mastication in primates: are triplets units of motor control?. Brain Behavior And Evolution 2020;95:1-14.
Nagai, T; Schilaty, ND; Krause, DA; Crowley, EM; Hewett, TE. Sex differences in ultrasound-based muscle size and mechanical properties of the cervical-flexor and -extensor muscles. Journal Of Athletic Training 2020;55:282-288.
Berezhnoy, DS; Zamorina, TA; Inozemtsev, AN. Appetitive conditioning task in a shuttle box and its comparison with the active avoidance paradigm. Learning & Behavior NaN;NaN:.
Taccola, G; Gad, P; Culaclii, S; Wang, PM; Liu, WT; Edgerton, VR. Acute neuromodulation restores spinally-induced motor responses after severe spinal cord injury. Experimental Neurology 2020;327:.
Zhang, WC; Zhao, JY; Jiang, XJ; Li, L; Yu, CX; Zhao, YF; Si, HP. Thoracic vertebra fixation with a novel screw-plate system based on computed tomography imaging and finite element method. Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine 2020;187:.
Zhang, WC; Zhao, JY; Li, L; Yu, CX; Zhao, YF; Si, HP. Modelling tri-cortical pedicle screw fixation in thoracic vertebrae under osteoporotic condition: a finite element analysis based on computed tomography. Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine 2020;187:.
Yu, JYH; Collins, S; Liu, DD; Leary, OP; Merck, D; Konakondla, S; Nakhla, J; Barber, SM; Telfeian, AE; Oyelese, AA; Gokaslan, ZL; Fridley, JS. Objective indirect assessment of transverse ligament competence using quantitative analysis of 3-dimensional segmented flexion-extension computed tomography scan. World Neurosurgery 2020;136:69-5050-5169-5051-51.
Weiser, L; Sellenschloh, K; Puschel, K; Morlock, MM; Viezens, L; Lehmann, W; Huber, G. Reduced cement volume does not affect screw stability in augmented pedicle screws. European Spine Journal NaN;NaN:.
Hung, IYJ; Shih, TTF; Chen, BB; Liou, SH; Ho, IK; Guo, YL. The roles of lumbar load thresholds in cumulative lifting exposure to predict disk protrusion in an asian population. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 2020;21:.
Swartman, B; Pelzer, J; Vetter, SY; Beisemann, N; Schnetzke, M; Keil, H; Gruetzner, PA; Franke, J. Minimally invasive surgical treatment of minimally displaced acetabular fractures does not improve pain, mobility or quality of life compared to conservative treatment: a matched-pair analysis of 50 patients. Journal Of Orthopaedic Surgery And Research 2020;15:.
Klasan, A; Putnis, SE; Kandhari, V; Oshima, T; Parker, DA. Anterior knee translation measurements after acl reconstruction are influenced by the type of laximeter used. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy NaN;NaN:.
Jin, S; Kim, J; Kim, D. The effect of tablet use on trunk posture while sitting. Work-A Journal Of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation 2020;65:581-589.
Leiros-Rodriguez, R; Romo-Perez, V; Garcia-Soidan, JL; Garcia-Lineira, J. Percentiles and reference values for the accelerometric assessment of static balance in women aged 50-80 years. Sensors 2020;20:.
Sahoo, S; Maheshwari, M; Pratihar, DK; Mukhopadhyay, S. A geometry recognition-based strategy for locomotion transitions early prediction of prosthetic devices. Ieee Transactions On Instrumentation And Measurement 2020;69:1259-1267.
Lin, KW; Hu, CJ; Yang, WW; Chou, LW; Wei, SH; Chen, CS; Sun, PC. Biomechanical evaluation and strength test of 3d-printed foot orthoses. Applied Bionics And Biomechanics 2019;2019:.
Yuan, YX; Li, ZJ; Zhao, T; Gan, D. Dmp-based motion generation for a walking exoskeleton robot using reinforcement learning. Ieee Transactions On Industrial Electronics 2020;67:3830-3839.
Ugurlu, B; Oshima, H; Sariyildiz, E; Narildyo, T; Babic, J. Active compliance control reduces upper body effort in exoskeleton-supported walking. Ieee Transactions On Human-Machine Systems 2020;50:144-153.
Wu, CJ; Xiang, YH; Qu, SX; Song, YH; Zheng, Q. Numerical study of millimeter-scale magnetorheological elastomer robot for undulatory swimming. Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics 2020;53:.
Schallheim, I; Zacksenhouse, M. Policy gradient optimization of controllers for natural dynamic mono-pedal gait. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2020;15:.
Wainwright, DK; Lauder, GV. Tunas as a high-performance fish platform for inspiring the next generation of autonomous underwater vehicles. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2020;15:.
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