July 29 - August 04, 2020
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Michael G Browne, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Center for Movement Studies, Kennedy Krieger Institute
Dept. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
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Cristofolini, L; Morellato, K; Cavallo, M; Guerra, E. Reconstruction of proximal humeral fractures with a reduced number of screws and a reinforced bone substitute. Medical Engineering & Physics 2020;82:97-103.
Kalamaras, AB; Wavreille, V; Jones, SC; Litsky, AS; Selmic, L. Impact of microwave ablation treatment on the biomechanical properties of the distal radius in the dog: a cadaveric study. Veterinary Surgery NaN;NaN:.
Basudan, AM; Shaheen, MY; Niazy, AA; van den Beucken, JJJP; Jansen, JA; Alghamdi, HS. Biological effect of single or combined pharmacological therapy using alendronate and simvastatin on implant osseointegration: an in vivo study in healthy and osteoporotic rat models. Applied Sciences-Basel 2020;10:.
MacArthur, SL; Johnson, MD; Lewis, DD. Biomechanical comparison of two conical coupling plate constructs for cat tibial fracture stabilization. Veterinary And Comparative Orthopaedics And Traumatology 2020;33:252-257.
Sanz-Herrera, JA; Mora-Macias, J; Ayensa-Jimenez, J; Reina-Romo, E; Doweidar, MH; Dominguez, J; Doblare, M. Data-driven computational simulation in bone mechanics. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering NaN;NaN:.
King, PR; Lamberts, RP. Management of clavicle shaft fractures with intramedullary devices: a narrative review. Expert Review Of Medical Devices NaN;NaN:.
Mylo, MD; Kruger, F; Speck, T; Speck, O. Self-repair in cacti branches: comparative analyses of their morphology, anatomy, and biomechanics. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences 2020;21:.
Li, JG; Liu, XM; Zou, LL; Yuan, J; Du, S. Analysis of the interaction between end-effectors, soil and asparagus during a harvesting process based on discrete element method. Biosystems Engineering 2020;196:127-144.
Gao, B; Zhang, Q. Biomechanical effects of the working modes of lvads on the aortic valve: a primary numerical study. Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine 2020;193:.
De Nisco, G; Tasso, P; Calo, K; Mazzi, V; Gallo, D; Condemi, F; Farzaneh, S; Avril, S; Morbiducci, U. Deciphering ascending thoracic aortic aneurysm hemodynamics in relation to biomechanical properties. Medical Engineering & Physics 2020;82:119-129.
Wang, L; Tang, DL; Maehara, A; Wu, ZY; Yang, C; Muccigrosso, D; Matsumura, M; Zheng, J; Bach, R; Billiar, KL; Stone, GW; Mintz, GS. Using intravascular ultrasound image-based fluid-structure interaction models and machine learning methods to predict human coronary plaque vulnerability change. Computer Methods In Biomechanics And Biomedical Engineering NaN;NaN:.
Pavey, SN; Cocciolone, AJ; Marty, AG; Ismail, HN; Hawes, JZ; Wagenseil, JE. Pentagalloyl glucose (pgg) partially prevents arterial mechanical changes due to elastin degradation. Experimental Mechanics NaN;NaN:.
Pasta, S; Cannata, S; Gentile, G; Agnese, V; Pilato, M; Gandolfo, C. Simulation of left ventricular outflow tract (lvot) obstruction in transcatheter mitral valve-in-ring replacement. Medical Engineering & Physics 2020;82:40-48.
An, CY; Hu, W; Gao, J; Ju, BF; Obeidy, P; Zhao, YDC; Tu, XX; Fang, WJ; Ju, LNA; Chen, W. Ultra-stable biomembrane force probe for accurately determining slow dissociation kinetics of pd-1 blockade antibodies on single living cells. Nano Letters 2020;20:5133-5140.
Palaoro, AV; Muniz, DG; Santos, S. Harder, better, faster, stronger: weapon size is more sexually dimorphic than weapon biomechanical components in two freshwater anomuran species. Journal Of Morphology NaN;NaN:.
Miramontes, E; Mozdziak, P; Petitte, JN; Kulus, M; Wieczorkiewicz, M; Kempisty, B. Skeletal muscle and the effects of ammonia toxicity in fish, mammalian, and avian species: a comparative review based on molecular research. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences 2020;21:.
Sellers, WI; Rose, KAR; Crossley, DA; Codd, JR. Inferring cost of transport from whole-body kinematics in three sympatric turtle species with different locomotor habits. Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 2020;247:.
Boukhlif, A; Merdji, A; Roy, S; Alkhaldi, H; Abu-Alshaikh, I; Della, N; Cristache, CM; Hillstrom, R. Effect of supporting implants inclination on stability of fixed partial denture: a finite element study. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal Of Engineering In Medicine NaN;NaN:.
de Moura, MB; Loureiro, KRT; Lima, LB; Felippi, C; Simamoto, PCS. Biomechanical behavior of three different types of internal tapered connections after cyclic and static loading tests: experimental in vitro. International Journal Of Implant Dentistry 2020;6:.
Arslan, YZ; Karabulut, D; Kahya, S; Cansiz, E. Biomechanical comparison of implantation approaches for the treatment of mandibular total edentulism. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal Of Engineering In Medicine NaN;NaN:.
Ohlendorf, D; Maltry, L; Hanel, J; Betz, W; Erbe, C; Maurer-Grubinger, C; Holzgreve, F; Wanke, EM; Bruggmann, D; Nienhaus, A; Groneberg, DA. Sopez: study for the optimization of ergonomics in the dental practice-musculoskeletal disorders in dentists and dental assistants: a study protocol. Journal Of Occupational Medicine And Toxicology 2020;15:.
Ramos, A; Semedo, T; Mesnard, M. Study of fixation of a mandibular plate for favourable fractures of the mandibular angle: numerical predictions. British Journal Of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 2020;58:652-658.
Ma, HD; Shu, JH; Wang, QY; Teng, HD; Liu, Z. Effect of sagittal split ramus osteotomy on stress distribution of temporomandibular joints in patients with mandibular prognathism under symmetric occlusions. Computer Methods In Biomechanics And Biomedical Engineering NaN;NaN:.
Krennmair, S; Hunger, S; Postl, L; Winterhalder, P; Holberg, S; Malek, M; Rudzki, I; Holberg, C. Edentulous mandible with four splinted interforaminal implants exposed to three different situations of trauma: a preliminary three-dimensional finite element analysis. Dental Traumatology NaN;NaN:.
Yoon, J; Lee, SH; Jeong, Y; Kim, DH; Shin, HI; Lim, SY. A novel mandibular advancement device for treatment of sleep-disordered breathing: evaluation of its biomechanical effects using finite element analysis. Applied Sciences-Basel 2020;10:.
Kim, JH; Ari, H; Madasu, C; Hwang, J. Evaluation of the biomechanical stress in the neck and shoulders during augmented reality interactions. Applied Ergonomics 2020;88:.
Mulla, DM; McDonald, AC; Keir, PJ. Joint moment trade-offs across the upper extremity and trunk during repetitive work. Applied Ergonomics 2020;88:.
Ghasemi, MH; Anbarian, M; Esmaeili, H. Immediate effects of using insoles with various wedges on activation and co-contraction indices of selected trunk muscles during load lifting. Applied Ergonomics 2020;88:.
Gonzalez, AG; Barrios-Muriel, J; Romero-Saachez, F; Salgado, DR; Alonso, J. Ergonomic assessment of a new hand tool design for laparoscopic surgery based on surgeons' muscular activity. Applied Ergonomics 2020;88:.
Juarez, BH; Moen, DS; Adams, DC. A morphological method to approximate jumping performance in anurans for macroevolutionary studies. Evolutionary Biology NaN;NaN:.
Cerezuela-Espejo, V; Hernandez-Belmonte, A; Courel-Ibanez, J; Conesa-Ros, E; Martinez-Cava, A; Pallares, JG. Running power meters and theoretical models based on laws of physics: effects of environments and running conditions. Physiology & Behavior 2020;223:.
Zheng, JN; Cao, HY; Chen, DL; Ansari, R; Chu, KC; Huang, MC. Designing deep reinforcement learning systems for musculoskeletal modeling and locomotion analysis using wearable sensor feedback. Ieee Sensors Journal 2020;20:9274-9282.
Azimi, V; Nguyen, TT; Sharifi, M; Fakoorian, SA; Simon, D. Robust ground reaction force estimation and control of lower-limb prostheses: theory and simulation. Ieee Transactions On Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems 2020;50:3024-3035.
Rozanski, GM; Huntley, AH; Crosby, LD; Schinkel-Ivy, A; Mansfield, A; Patterson, KK. Lower limb muscle activity underlying temporal gait asymmetry post-stroke. Clinical Neurophysiology 2020;131:1848-1858.
Yeoh, WL; Loh, PY; Saito, S; Muraki, S. Interaction between a motorized walker and its user: effects of force level on within-stride speed and direction fluctuations. Journal Of Ambient Intelligence And Humanized Computing NaN;NaN:.
Tosi, G; Parmar, J; Dhillon, I; Maravita, A; Iaria, G. Body illusion and affordances: the influence of body representation on a walking imagery task in virtual reality. Experimental Brain Research NaN;NaN:.
Doll, J; Waizenegger, S; Bruckner, T; Schmidmaier, G; Wolf, SI; Fischer, C. Differences in gait analysis and clinical outcome after tightrope (r) or screw fixation in acute syndesmosis rupture: study protocol for a prospective randomized pilot study. Trials 2020;21:.
Firminger, CR; Asmussen, MJ; Cigoja, S; Fletcher, JR; Nigg, BM; Edwards, WB. Cumulative metrics of tendon load and damage vary discordantly with running speed. Medicine And Science In Sports And Exercise 2020;52:1549-1556.
Wood, JM; Kim, HE; French, MA; Reisman, DS; Morton, SM. Use-dependent plasticity explains aftereffects in visually guided locomotor learning of a novel step length asymmetry. Journal Of Neurophysiology 2020;124:32-39.
Fischer, AG; Erhart-Hledik, JC; Asay, JL; Chu, CR; Andriacchi, TP. Utilizing the somatosensory system via vibratory stimulation to mitigate knee pain during walking: randomized clinical trial. Gait & Posture 2020;80:37-43.
Hackney, AL; Cinelli, ME; Warren, WH; Frank, JS. Are avatars treated like human obstacles during aperture crossing in virtual environments?. Gait & Posture 2020;80:74-76.
Liew, BXW; Rugamer, D; Abichandani, D; De Nunzio, AM. Classifying individuals with and without patellofemoral pain syndrome using ground force profiles - development of a method using functional data boosting. Gait & Posture 2020;80:90-95.
Havens, KL; Severin, AC; Bumpass, DB; Mannen, EM. Infant carrying method impacts caregiver posture and loading during gait and item retrieval. Gait & Posture 2020;80:117-123.
Pinto, RF; Birmingham, TB; Leitch, KM; Atkinson, HF; Jones, IC; Giffin, JR. Reliability and validity of knee angles and moments in patients with osteoarthritis using a treadmill-based gait analysis system. Gait & Posture 2020;80:155-161.
Volpe, D; Spolaor, F; Sawacha, Z; Guiotto, A; Pavan, D; Bakdounes, L; Urbani, V; Frazzitta, G; Iansek, R. Muscular activation changes in lower limbs after underwater gait training in parkinson's disease: a surface emg pilot study. Gait & Posture 2020;80:185-191.
Pavei, G; Salis, F; Cereatti, A; Bergamini, E. Body center of mass trajectory and mechanical energy using inertial sensors: a feasible stride?. Gait & Posture 2020;80:199-205.
Gurchiek, RD; Garabed, CP; McGinnis, RS. Gait event detection using a thigh-worn accelerometer. Gait & Posture 2020;80:214-216.
Koch, M; Eckardt, N; Zech, A; Hamacher, D. Compensation of stochastic time-continuous perturbations during walking in healthy young adults: an analysis of the structure of gait variability. Gait & Posture 2020;80:253-259.
Alshehri, YS; Liu, W; Mullen, S; Phadnis, M; Sharma, NK; dos Santos, M. Inertial sensors identified asymmetries in shank angular velocity at different gait speeds in individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Gait & Posture 2020;80:302-307.
Pua, YH; Tan, HH; Mentiplay, BF; Lim, LZX; Tham, ACW; Quek, JJE; Woon, EL; Yeh, TT; Tan, CIC; Hunt, MA; Clark, RA. Immediate effects of valgus bracing on knee joint moments during walking in knee-healthy individuals: potential modifying effects of body height. Gait & Posture 2020;80:383-390.
Munari, D; Serina, A; Disaro, J; Modenese, A; Filippetti, M; Gandolfi, M; Smania, N; Picelli, A. Combined effects of backward treadmill training and botulinum toxin type a therapy on gait and balance in patients with chronic stroke: a pilot, single-blind, randomized controlled trial. Neurorehabilitation 2020;46:519-528.
Yan, SY; Li, RY; Shi, B; Wang, RL; Yang, LM. Mixed factors affecting plantar pressures and center of pressure in obese children: obesity and flatfoot. Gait & Posture 2020;80:7-13.
Martelli, S; Sancisi, N; Conconi, M; Pandy, MG; Kersh, ME; Parenti-Castelli, V; Reynolds, KJ. The relationship between tibiofemoral geometry and musculoskeletal function during normal activity. Gait & Posture 2020;80:374-382.
Yu, PM; Gong, Z; Meng, Y; Baker, JS; Istvan, B; Gu, YD. The acute influence of running-induced fatigue on the performance and biomechanics of a countermovement jump. Applied Sciences-Basel 2020;10:.
Delaunay, MG; Larsen, C; Lloyd, H; Sullivan, M; Grant, RA. Anatomy of avian rictal bristles in caprimulgiformes reveals reduced tactile function in open-habitat, partially diurnal foraging species. Journal Of Anatomy 2020;237:355-366.
Moreira, JPL; Tichy, A; Bockstahler, B. Comparison of the vertical force distribution in the paws of dogs with coxarthrosis and sound dogs walking over a pressure plate. Animals 2020;10:.
Howe, SP; Astley, HC. The control of routine fish maneuvers: connecting midline kinematics to turn outcomes. Journal Of Experimental Zoology Part A-Ecological And Integrative Physiology NaN;NaN:.
Masko, M; Domino, M; Lewczuk, D; Jasinski, T; Gajewski, Z. Horse behavior, physiology and emotions during habituation to a treadmill. Animals 2020;10:.
Miro, F; Galisteo, AM; Garrido-Castro, JL; Vivo, J. Surface electromyography of the longissimus and gluteus medius muscles in greyhounds walking and trotting on ground flat, up, and downhill. Animals 2020;10:.
Park, J; Lee, CH; Choi, Y; Joo, I; Lee, KH; Kim, SJ. Extension mechanism of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the human phalanx: a cadaveric biomechanical study. Biomed Research International 2020;2020:.
Dejong, AF; Koldenhoven, RM; Hertel, J. Proximal adaptations in chronic ankle instability: systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine And Science In Sports And Exercise 2020;52:1563-1575.
Hummer, E; Murphy, E; Suprak, DN; Brilla, L; San Juan, JG. The effects of a standard elliptical vs. a modified elliptical with a converging footpath on lower limb kinematics and muscle activity. Journal Of Sports Sciences NaN;NaN:.
Liphardt, AM; Mundermann, A; Heer, M; Achtzehn, S; Niehoff, A; Mester, J. Locomotion replacement exercise cannot counteract cartilage biomarker response to 5 days of immobilization in healthy adults. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research NaN;NaN:.
Guo, JB; Liang, T; Che, YJ; Yang, HL; Luo, ZP. Structure and mechanical properties of high-weight-bearing and low-weight-bearing areas of hip cartilage at the micro- and nano-levels. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 2020;21:.
Ocken, AR; Ku, MM; Kinzer-Ursem, TL; Calve, S. Perlecan knockdown significantly alters extracellular matrix composition and organization during cartilage development. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 2020;19:1220-1235.
Nijs, J; Ickmans, K; Beckwee, D; Leysen, L. Behavioral graded activity(+) (bga(+)) for osteoarthritis: a paradigm shift from disease-based treatment to personalized activity self-management. Journal Of Clinical Medicine 2020;9:.
Solorzano, W; Ojeda, C; Lantada, AD. Biomechanical study of proximal femur for designing stems for total hip replacement. Applied Sciences-Basel 2020;10:.
Derungs, A; Amft, O. Estimating wearable motion sensor performance from personal biomechanical models and sensor data synthesis. Scientific Reports 2020;10:.
Klein, I; Asraf, O. Stepnet-deep learning approaches for step length estimation. Ieee Access 2020;8:85706-85713.
Gall, M; Garn, H; Kohn, B; Bajic, K; Coronel, C; Seidel, S; Mandl, M; Kaniusas, E. Automated detection of movements during sleep using a 3d time-of-flight camera: design and experimental evaluation. Ieee Access 2020;8:109144-109155.
Goh, TS; Lim, BY; Lee, JS; Lee, CS. Identification of surgical plan for syndesmotic fixation procedure based on finite element method. Applied Sciences-Basel 2020;10:.
Adachi, M; Aoi, S; Kamimura, T; Tsuchiya, K; Matsuno, F. Body torsional flexibility effects on stability during trotting and pacing based on a simple analytical model. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2020;15:.
Brown, JM; Peterson, D; Schmitt, J; Gravish, N; Clark, JE. Impact of slope on dynamics of running and climbing. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2020;15:.
Schorr, P; Li, ERC; Kaufhold, T; Hernandez, JAR; Zentner, L; Zimmermann, K; Bohm, V. Kinematic analysis of a rolling tensegrity structure with spatially curved members. Meccanica NaN;NaN:.
Shen, YY; Pu, HY; Ma, SG. Realizing efficient front crawl stroke with a wheel-paddle-integrated mechanism: inspired by human competitive swimming. Ieee Journal Of Oceanic Engineering 2020;45:831-839.
Virgala, I; Kelemen, M; Bozek, P; Bobovsky, Z; Hagara, M; Prada, E; Oscadal, P; Varga, M. Investigation of snake robot locomotion possibilities in a pipe. Symmetry-Basel 2020;12:.
Faudot, B; Milan, JL; de Monsabert, BG; Le Corroller, T; Vigouroux, L. Estimation of joint contact pressure in the index finger using a hybrid finite element musculoskeletal approach. Computer Methods In Biomechanics And Biomedical Engineering NaN;NaN:.
Martel, DR; Lysy, M; Laing, AC. Predicting population level hip fracture risk: a novel hierarchical model incorporating probabilistic approaches and factor of risk principles. Computer Methods In Biomechanics And Biomedical Engineering NaN;NaN:.
Peng, MJQ; Xu, HW; Chen, HY; Lin, Z; Li, XX; Shen, CL; Lau, YQ; He, EX; Guo, YM. Biomechanical analysis for five fixation techniques of pauwels-iii fracture by finite element modeling. Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine 2020;193:.
Pean, F; Goksel, O. Surface-based modeling of muscles: functional simulation of the shoulder. Medical Engineering & Physics 2020;82:1-12.
Saxby, DJ; Killen, BA; Pizzolato, C; Carty, CP; Diamond, LE; Modenese, L; Fernandez, J; Davico, G; Barzan, M; Lenton, G; da Luz, SB; Suwarganda, E; Devaprakash, D; Korhonen, RK; Alderson, JA; Besier, TF; Barrett, RS; Lloyd, DG. Machine learning methods to support personalized neuromusculoskeletal modelling. Biomechanics And Modeling In Mechanobiology NaN;NaN:.
Bova, M; Massaro, M; Petrone, N. A three-dimensional parametric biomechanical rider model for multibody applications. Applied Sciences-Basel 2020;10:.
Vignali, E; Gasparotti, E; Capellini, K; Fanni, BM; Landini, L; Positano, V; Celi, S. Modeling biomechanical interaction between soft tissue and soft robotic instruments: importance of constitutive anisotropic hyperelastic formulations. International Journal Of Robotics Research NaN;NaN:.
Cuesta-Vargas, A; Martin-Martin, J; Perez-Cruzado, D; Cano-Herrera, CL; Rodriguez, JG; Merchan-Baeza, JA; Gonzalez-Sanchez, M. Muscle activation and distribution during four test/functional tasks: a comparison between dry-land and aquatic environments for healthy older and young adults. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health 2020;17:.
Fitarelli, L; Ramos, G; Scudiero, F; Rabello, R; Rodrigues, R. Core muscles thickness is not associated with knee frontal plane projection angle during single-leg squat in healthy people. Gait & Posture 2020;80:292-297.
Hardesty, RL; Boots, MT; Yakovenko, S; Gritsenko, V. Computational evidence for nonlinear feedforward modulation of fusimotor drive to antagonistic co-contracting muscles. Scientific Reports 2020;10:.
Bohl, MA; McBryan, S; Kakarla, UK; Leveque, JC; Sethi, R. Utility of a novel biomimetic spine model in surgical education: case series of three cervicothoracic kyphotic deformities. Global Spine Journal 2020;10:583-591.
Uzun, DD; Jung, MTK; Weerts, J; Munzberg, M; Grutzner, PA; Haske, D; Kreinest, M. Remaining cervical spine movement under different immobilization techniques. Prehospital And Disaster Medicine 2020;35:382-387.
Akgul, T; Korkmaz, M; Pehlivanoglu, T; Bayram, S; Ozdemir, MA; Karalar, S. Biomechanical comparison of pull-out strength of different cementation and pedicle screw placement techniques in a calf spine model. Indian Journal Of Orthopaedics NaN;NaN:.
Li, XR; Yu, J; Zhang, W; Gao, GM; Han, L; Chen, L; Nong, LM. Biomechanical model study of the effect of partial facetectomy on lumbar stability under percutaneous endoscopy. World Neurosurgery 2020;139:69-5053-5369-5054-52.
Dyer, BA; Yuan, ZL; Qiu, JF; Shi, LT; Wright, C; Benedict, SH; Valicenti, R; Mayadev, JS; Rong, Y. Clinical feasibility of mr-assisted ct-based cervical brachytherapy using mr-to-ct deformable image registration. Brachytherapy 2020;19:447-456.
Martini, ML; Nistal, DA; Gal, J; Neifert, SN; Rothrock, RJ; Kim, JD; Deutsch, BC; Genadry, L; Lamb, CD; Caridi, JM. Adjacent segment reoperation and other perioperative outcomes in patients who underwent anterior lumbar interbody fusions at one and two levels. World Neurosurgery 2020;139:69-5256-4869-5256-56.
Basil, GW; Kumar, V; Vanni, S. Reduction and open fixation of a cervical teardrop fracture: a technical note. World Neurosurgery 2020;139:142-147.
Chen, FF; Liu, XY; Wang, GD; Sun, JM; Cui, XG. Anatomic relationship of bony structures in pedicle-rib unit and its significance. World Neurosurgery 2020;139:69-5457-4969-5457-57.
Dimitriou, J; Garvayo, M; Coll, JB. Minimally invasive posterior percutaneous transarticular c1-c2 screws: how i do it. Acta Neurochirurgica NaN;NaN:.
Gonzalez-Hernandez, E; Pietrzak, WS; Jain, S; Lapica, HE. Cross-elements to enhance fixation in osteoporotic bone with application to proximal humeral locking plates: a biomechanical study. Journal Of Shoulder And Elbow Surgery 2020;29:1606-1614.
Kouassi, KJE; Cartiaux, O; Fonkoue, L; Detrembleur, C; Cornu, O. Biomechanical study of a low-cost external fixator for diaphyseal fractures of long bones. Journal Of Orthopaedic Surgery And Research 2020;15:.
Liu, VK; Bouwmeester, TM; Smith, GCS; Lam, PH. Biomechanical comparison of knotless wide suture double-row suturebridge rotator cuff repair to double-row standard suture repair. Journal Of Shoulder And Elbow Surgery 2020;29:1621-1626.
Kim, W; Araujo, D; Kohles, SS; Kim, SG; Sanchez, HHA. Affordance-based surgical design methods considering biomechanical artifacts. Ecological Psychology NaN;NaN:.
Wang, XH; Liu, GY. A comparison between perpendicular and parallel plating methods for distal humerus fractures a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Medicine 2020;99:.
Zhang, YK; Li, C; Li, L; Sun, YY; Li, ZQ; Mei, YL; Feng, XY. Design a novel integrated screw for minimally invasive atlantoaxial anterior transarticular screw fixation: a finite element analysis. Journal Of Orthopaedic Surgery And Research 2020;15:.
Ho, YS. Letter to the editor regarding "the top 100 most-cited articles on kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty". World Neurosurgery 2020;139:676-687.
Morikawa, D; Huleatt, JB; Muench, LN; Kia, C; Berthold, DP; Cote, MP; Obopilwe, E; Kelolli, D; Scheiderer, B; Mazzocca, AD. Posterior rotational and translational stability in acromioclavicular ligament complex reconstruction: a comparative biomechanical analysis in cadaveric specimens. American Journal Of Sports Medicine NaN;NaN:.
Mirzayan, R; Benvegnu, N; Sidell, M; Acevedo, DC; DeWitt, DO; Lowe, N; Singh, A. Functional outcomes of ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction with a novel double suspensory fixation. Journal Of Shoulder And Elbow Surgery 2020;29:1530-1537.
Tokish, JM; Makovicka, JL. The superior capsular reconstruction: lessons learned and future directions. Journal Of The American Academy Of Orthopaedic Surgeons 2020;28:528-537.
Madinei, S; Alemi, MM; Kim, S; Srinivasan, D; Nussbaum, MA. Biomechanical assessment of two back-support exoskeletons in symmetric and asymmetric repetitive lifting with moderate postural demands. Applied Ergonomics 2020;88:.
Molina-Garcia, P; Plaza-Florido, A; Mora-Gonzalez, J; Torres-Lopez, LV; Vanrenterghem, J; Ortega, FB. Role of physical fitness and functional movement in the body posture of children with overweight/obesity. Gait & Posture 2020;80:331-338.
Shibata, D. Improvement of dynamic postural stability by an exercise program. Gait & Posture 2020;80:178-184.
Koch, C; Garcia-Augundez, A; Gobel, S; Hansel, F. A case control study to investigate differences in motor control between individuals with and without non-specific low back pain during standing. Plos One 2020;15:.; 10.1371/journal.pone.0234858.r001; 10.1371/journal.pone.0234858.r002; 10.1371/journal.pone.0234858.r003; 10.1371/journal.pone.0234858.r004
Taylor, CE; Zhang, Y; Qiu, YQ; Henninger, HB; Foreman, KB; Bachus, KN. Estimated forces and moments experienced by osseointegrated endoprostheses for lower extremity amputees. Gait & Posture 2020;80:49-55.
Castiglia, SF; Ranavolo, A; Varrecchia, T; De Marchis, C; Tatarelli, A; Magnifica, F; Fiori, L; Conte, C; Draicchio, F; Conforto, S; Serrao, M. Pelvic obliquity as a compensatory mechanism leading to lower energy recovery: characterization among the types of prostheses in subjects with transfemoral amputation. Gait & Posture 2020;80:280-284.
Hernandez-Acosta, MA; Miguel, CRT; Pina-Daz, AJ; Paredes-Rojas, JC; Aguilar-Perez, LA; Urriolagoitia-Sosa, G. Numerical study of a customized transtibial prosthesis based on an analytical design under a flex-foot(r)variflex(r)architecture. Applied Sciences-Basel 2020;10:.
Bhakta, K; Camargo, J; Donovan, L; Herrin, K; Young, A. Machine learning model comparisons of user independent & dependent intent recognition systems for powered prostheses. Ieee Robotics And Automation Letters 2020;5:5393-5400.
Schutz, S; Nejadfard, A; Dorosti, N; Berns, K. Exploiting the intrinsic deformation of a prosthetic foot to estimate the center of pressure and ground reaction force. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2020;15:.
Khazoom, C; Caillouette, P; Girard, A; Plante, JS. A supernumerary robotic leg powered by magnetorheological actuators to assist human locomotion. Ieee Robotics And Automation Letters 2020;5:5143-5150.
Liu, CJ; Yang, J; An, K; Liu, M; Chen, QJ. Robust control of semi-passive biped dynamic locomotion based on a discrete control lyapunov function. Robotica 2020;38:1345-1358.
Khadiv, M; Herzog, A; Moosavian, SAA; Righetti, L. Walking control based on step timing adaptation. Ieee Transactions On Robotics 2020;36:629-643.
Wu, LL; Lu, KY. A development study of a new bi-directional solenoid actuator for active locomotion capsule robots. Electronics 2020;9:.
Chattopadhyay, P; Ghoshal, SK; Majumder, A. Implementation of piecewise sine functions on limbless robot locomotion. International Journal Of Robotics & Automation 2020;34:283-290.
Xie, SL; Ren, GY; Xiong, JJ; Lu, YJ. A trajectory tracking control of a robot actuated with pneumatic artificial muscles based on hysteresis compensation. Ieee Access 2020;8:80964-80977.
Jenelten, F; Miki, T; Vijayan, AE; Bjelonic, M; Hutter, M. Perceptive locomotion in rough terrain - online foothold optimization. Ieee Robotics And Automation Letters 2020;5:5370-5376.
Hooks, J; Ahn, MS; Yu, JF; Zhang, XG; Zhu, TYM; Chae, H; Hong, D. Alphred: a multi-modal operations quadruped robot for package delivery applications. Ieee Robotics And Automation Letters 2020;5:5409-5416.
Lee, UH; Bi, J; Patel, R; Fouhey, D; Rouse, E. Image transformation and cnns: a strategy for encoding human locomotor intent for autonomous wearable robots. Ieee Robotics And Automation Letters 2020;5:5440-5447.
Watanabe, M; Tadakuma, K; Konyo, M; Tadokoro, S. Bundled rotary helix drive mechanism capable of smooth peristaltic movement. Ieee Robotics And Automation Letters 2020;5:5537-5544.
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Fernbach, P; Tonneau, S; Stasse, O; Carpentier, J; Taix, M. C-croc: continuous and convex resolution of centroidal dynamic trajectories for legged robots in multicontact scenarios. Ieee Transactions On Robotics 2020;36:676-691.
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Ishikawa, Y; Anata, K; Hayashi, H; Uchimura, N; Okada, S. Influence of fatigue on head angular acceleration in judo high-intensity exercise. Archives Of Budo 2020;16:99-106.
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Stemper, BD; Shah, AS; Mihalik, JP; Harezlak, J; Rowson, S; Duma, S; Riggen, LD; Brooks, A; Cameron, KL; Giza, CC; Goldman, J; Houston, MN; Jackson, J; Mcginty, G; Broglio, SP; Mcallister, TW; Mccrea, M. Head impact exposure in college football after a reduction in preseason practices. Medicine And Science In Sports And Exercise 2020;52:1629-1638.
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July 29 - August 04, 2020
Literature search for biomech* or locomot*
Michael G Browne, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Center for Movement Studies, Kennedy Krieger Institute
Dept. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
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Cristofolini, L; Morellato, K; Cavallo, M; Guerra, E. Reconstruction of proximal humeral fractures with a reduced number of screws and a reinforced bone substitute. Medical Engineering & Physics 2020;82:97-103.
Kalamaras, AB; Wavreille, V; Jones, SC; Litsky, AS; Selmic, L. Impact of microwave ablation treatment on the biomechanical properties of the distal radius in the dog: a cadaveric study. Veterinary Surgery NaN;NaN:.
Basudan, AM; Shaheen, MY; Niazy, AA; van den Beucken, JJJP; Jansen, JA; Alghamdi, HS. Biological effect of single or combined pharmacological therapy using alendronate and simvastatin on implant osseointegration: an in vivo study in healthy and osteoporotic rat models. Applied Sciences-Basel 2020;10:.
MacArthur, SL; Johnson, MD; Lewis, DD. Biomechanical comparison of two conical coupling plate constructs for cat tibial fracture stabilization. Veterinary And Comparative Orthopaedics And Traumatology 2020;33:252-257.
Sanz-Herrera, JA; Mora-Macias, J; Ayensa-Jimenez, J; Reina-Romo, E; Doweidar, MH; Dominguez, J; Doblare, M. Data-driven computational simulation in bone mechanics. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering NaN;NaN:.
King, PR; Lamberts, RP. Management of clavicle shaft fractures with intramedullary devices: a narrative review. Expert Review Of Medical Devices NaN;NaN:.
Mylo, MD; Kruger, F; Speck, T; Speck, O. Self-repair in cacti branches: comparative analyses of their morphology, anatomy, and biomechanics. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences 2020;21:.
Li, JG; Liu, XM; Zou, LL; Yuan, J; Du, S. Analysis of the interaction between end-effectors, soil and asparagus during a harvesting process based on discrete element method. Biosystems Engineering 2020;196:127-144.
Gao, B; Zhang, Q. Biomechanical effects of the working modes of lvads on the aortic valve: a primary numerical study. Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine 2020;193:.
De Nisco, G; Tasso, P; Calo, K; Mazzi, V; Gallo, D; Condemi, F; Farzaneh, S; Avril, S; Morbiducci, U. Deciphering ascending thoracic aortic aneurysm hemodynamics in relation to biomechanical properties. Medical Engineering & Physics 2020;82:119-129.
Wang, L; Tang, DL; Maehara, A; Wu, ZY; Yang, C; Muccigrosso, D; Matsumura, M; Zheng, J; Bach, R; Billiar, KL; Stone, GW; Mintz, GS. Using intravascular ultrasound image-based fluid-structure interaction models and machine learning methods to predict human coronary plaque vulnerability change. Computer Methods In Biomechanics And Biomedical Engineering NaN;NaN:.
Pavey, SN; Cocciolone, AJ; Marty, AG; Ismail, HN; Hawes, JZ; Wagenseil, JE. Pentagalloyl glucose (pgg) partially prevents arterial mechanical changes due to elastin degradation. Experimental Mechanics NaN;NaN:.
Pasta, S; Cannata, S; Gentile, G; Agnese, V; Pilato, M; Gandolfo, C. Simulation of left ventricular outflow tract (lvot) obstruction in transcatheter mitral valve-in-ring replacement. Medical Engineering & Physics 2020;82:40-48.
An, CY; Hu, W; Gao, J; Ju, BF; Obeidy, P; Zhao, YDC; Tu, XX; Fang, WJ; Ju, LNA; Chen, W. Ultra-stable biomembrane force probe for accurately determining slow dissociation kinetics of pd-1 blockade antibodies on single living cells. Nano Letters 2020;20:5133-5140.
Palaoro, AV; Muniz, DG; Santos, S. Harder, better, faster, stronger: weapon size is more sexually dimorphic than weapon biomechanical components in two freshwater anomuran species. Journal Of Morphology NaN;NaN:.
Miramontes, E; Mozdziak, P; Petitte, JN; Kulus, M; Wieczorkiewicz, M; Kempisty, B. Skeletal muscle and the effects of ammonia toxicity in fish, mammalian, and avian species: a comparative review based on molecular research. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences 2020;21:.
Sellers, WI; Rose, KAR; Crossley, DA; Codd, JR. Inferring cost of transport from whole-body kinematics in three sympatric turtle species with different locomotor habits. Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 2020;247:.
Boukhlif, A; Merdji, A; Roy, S; Alkhaldi, H; Abu-Alshaikh, I; Della, N; Cristache, CM; Hillstrom, R. Effect of supporting implants inclination on stability of fixed partial denture: a finite element study. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal Of Engineering In Medicine NaN;NaN:.
de Moura, MB; Loureiro, KRT; Lima, LB; Felippi, C; Simamoto, PCS. Biomechanical behavior of three different types of internal tapered connections after cyclic and static loading tests: experimental in vitro. International Journal Of Implant Dentistry 2020;6:.
Arslan, YZ; Karabulut, D; Kahya, S; Cansiz, E. Biomechanical comparison of implantation approaches for the treatment of mandibular total edentulism. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part H-Journal Of Engineering In Medicine NaN;NaN:.
Ohlendorf, D; Maltry, L; Hanel, J; Betz, W; Erbe, C; Maurer-Grubinger, C; Holzgreve, F; Wanke, EM; Bruggmann, D; Nienhaus, A; Groneberg, DA. Sopez: study for the optimization of ergonomics in the dental practice-musculoskeletal disorders in dentists and dental assistants: a study protocol. Journal Of Occupational Medicine And Toxicology 2020;15:.
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Ma, HD; Shu, JH; Wang, QY; Teng, HD; Liu, Z. Effect of sagittal split ramus osteotomy on stress distribution of temporomandibular joints in patients with mandibular prognathism under symmetric occlusions. Computer Methods In Biomechanics And Biomedical Engineering NaN;NaN:.
Krennmair, S; Hunger, S; Postl, L; Winterhalder, P; Holberg, S; Malek, M; Rudzki, I; Holberg, C. Edentulous mandible with four splinted interforaminal implants exposed to three different situations of trauma: a preliminary three-dimensional finite element analysis. Dental Traumatology NaN;NaN:.
Yoon, J; Lee, SH; Jeong, Y; Kim, DH; Shin, HI; Lim, SY. A novel mandibular advancement device for treatment of sleep-disordered breathing: evaluation of its biomechanical effects using finite element analysis. Applied Sciences-Basel 2020;10:.
Kim, JH; Ari, H; Madasu, C; Hwang, J. Evaluation of the biomechanical stress in the neck and shoulders during augmented reality interactions. Applied Ergonomics 2020;88:.
Mulla, DM; McDonald, AC; Keir, PJ. Joint moment trade-offs across the upper extremity and trunk during repetitive work. Applied Ergonomics 2020;88:.
Ghasemi, MH; Anbarian, M; Esmaeili, H. Immediate effects of using insoles with various wedges on activation and co-contraction indices of selected trunk muscles during load lifting. Applied Ergonomics 2020;88:.
Gonzalez, AG; Barrios-Muriel, J; Romero-Saachez, F; Salgado, DR; Alonso, J. Ergonomic assessment of a new hand tool design for laparoscopic surgery based on surgeons' muscular activity. Applied Ergonomics 2020;88:.
Juarez, BH; Moen, DS; Adams, DC. A morphological method to approximate jumping performance in anurans for macroevolutionary studies. Evolutionary Biology NaN;NaN:.
Cerezuela-Espejo, V; Hernandez-Belmonte, A; Courel-Ibanez, J; Conesa-Ros, E; Martinez-Cava, A; Pallares, JG. Running power meters and theoretical models based on laws of physics: effects of environments and running conditions. Physiology & Behavior 2020;223:.
Zheng, JN; Cao, HY; Chen, DL; Ansari, R; Chu, KC; Huang, MC. Designing deep reinforcement learning systems for musculoskeletal modeling and locomotion analysis using wearable sensor feedback. Ieee Sensors Journal 2020;20:9274-9282.
Azimi, V; Nguyen, TT; Sharifi, M; Fakoorian, SA; Simon, D. Robust ground reaction force estimation and control of lower-limb prostheses: theory and simulation. Ieee Transactions On Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems 2020;50:3024-3035.
Rozanski, GM; Huntley, AH; Crosby, LD; Schinkel-Ivy, A; Mansfield, A; Patterson, KK. Lower limb muscle activity underlying temporal gait asymmetry post-stroke. Clinical Neurophysiology 2020;131:1848-1858.
Yeoh, WL; Loh, PY; Saito, S; Muraki, S. Interaction between a motorized walker and its user: effects of force level on within-stride speed and direction fluctuations. Journal Of Ambient Intelligence And Humanized Computing NaN;NaN:.
Tosi, G; Parmar, J; Dhillon, I; Maravita, A; Iaria, G. Body illusion and affordances: the influence of body representation on a walking imagery task in virtual reality. Experimental Brain Research NaN;NaN:.
Doll, J; Waizenegger, S; Bruckner, T; Schmidmaier, G; Wolf, SI; Fischer, C. Differences in gait analysis and clinical outcome after tightrope (r) or screw fixation in acute syndesmosis rupture: study protocol for a prospective randomized pilot study. Trials 2020;21:.
Firminger, CR; Asmussen, MJ; Cigoja, S; Fletcher, JR; Nigg, BM; Edwards, WB. Cumulative metrics of tendon load and damage vary discordantly with running speed. Medicine And Science In Sports And Exercise 2020;52:1549-1556.
Wood, JM; Kim, HE; French, MA; Reisman, DS; Morton, SM. Use-dependent plasticity explains aftereffects in visually guided locomotor learning of a novel step length asymmetry. Journal Of Neurophysiology 2020;124:32-39.
Fischer, AG; Erhart-Hledik, JC; Asay, JL; Chu, CR; Andriacchi, TP. Utilizing the somatosensory system via vibratory stimulation to mitigate knee pain during walking: randomized clinical trial. Gait & Posture 2020;80:37-43.
Hackney, AL; Cinelli, ME; Warren, WH; Frank, JS. Are avatars treated like human obstacles during aperture crossing in virtual environments?. Gait & Posture 2020;80:74-76.
Liew, BXW; Rugamer, D; Abichandani, D; De Nunzio, AM. Classifying individuals with and without patellofemoral pain syndrome using ground force profiles - development of a method using functional data boosting. Gait & Posture 2020;80:90-95.
Havens, KL; Severin, AC; Bumpass, DB; Mannen, EM. Infant carrying method impacts caregiver posture and loading during gait and item retrieval. Gait & Posture 2020;80:117-123.
Pinto, RF; Birmingham, TB; Leitch, KM; Atkinson, HF; Jones, IC; Giffin, JR. Reliability and validity of knee angles and moments in patients with osteoarthritis using a treadmill-based gait analysis system. Gait & Posture 2020;80:155-161.
Volpe, D; Spolaor, F; Sawacha, Z; Guiotto, A; Pavan, D; Bakdounes, L; Urbani, V; Frazzitta, G; Iansek, R. Muscular activation changes in lower limbs after underwater gait training in parkinson's disease: a surface emg pilot study. Gait & Posture 2020;80:185-191.
Pavei, G; Salis, F; Cereatti, A; Bergamini, E. Body center of mass trajectory and mechanical energy using inertial sensors: a feasible stride?. Gait & Posture 2020;80:199-205.
Gurchiek, RD; Garabed, CP; McGinnis, RS. Gait event detection using a thigh-worn accelerometer. Gait & Posture 2020;80:214-216.
Koch, M; Eckardt, N; Zech, A; Hamacher, D. Compensation of stochastic time-continuous perturbations during walking in healthy young adults: an analysis of the structure of gait variability. Gait & Posture 2020;80:253-259.
Alshehri, YS; Liu, W; Mullen, S; Phadnis, M; Sharma, NK; dos Santos, M. Inertial sensors identified asymmetries in shank angular velocity at different gait speeds in individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Gait & Posture 2020;80:302-307.
Pua, YH; Tan, HH; Mentiplay, BF; Lim, LZX; Tham, ACW; Quek, JJE; Woon, EL; Yeh, TT; Tan, CIC; Hunt, MA; Clark, RA. Immediate effects of valgus bracing on knee joint moments during walking in knee-healthy individuals: potential modifying effects of body height. Gait & Posture 2020;80:383-390.
Munari, D; Serina, A; Disaro, J; Modenese, A; Filippetti, M; Gandolfi, M; Smania, N; Picelli, A. Combined effects of backward treadmill training and botulinum toxin type a therapy on gait and balance in patients with chronic stroke: a pilot, single-blind, randomized controlled trial. Neurorehabilitation 2020;46:519-528.
Yan, SY; Li, RY; Shi, B; Wang, RL; Yang, LM. Mixed factors affecting plantar pressures and center of pressure in obese children: obesity and flatfoot. Gait & Posture 2020;80:7-13.
Martelli, S; Sancisi, N; Conconi, M; Pandy, MG; Kersh, ME; Parenti-Castelli, V; Reynolds, KJ. The relationship between tibiofemoral geometry and musculoskeletal function during normal activity. Gait & Posture 2020;80:374-382.
Yu, PM; Gong, Z; Meng, Y; Baker, JS; Istvan, B; Gu, YD. The acute influence of running-induced fatigue on the performance and biomechanics of a countermovement jump. Applied Sciences-Basel 2020;10:.
Delaunay, MG; Larsen, C; Lloyd, H; Sullivan, M; Grant, RA. Anatomy of avian rictal bristles in caprimulgiformes reveals reduced tactile function in open-habitat, partially diurnal foraging species. Journal Of Anatomy 2020;237:355-366.
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Park, J; Lee, CH; Choi, Y; Joo, I; Lee, KH; Kim, SJ. Extension mechanism of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the human phalanx: a cadaveric biomechanical study. Biomed Research International 2020;2020:.
Dejong, AF; Koldenhoven, RM; Hertel, J. Proximal adaptations in chronic ankle instability: systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine And Science In Sports And Exercise 2020;52:1563-1575.
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Liphardt, AM; Mundermann, A; Heer, M; Achtzehn, S; Niehoff, A; Mester, J. Locomotion replacement exercise cannot counteract cartilage biomarker response to 5 days of immobilization in healthy adults. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research NaN;NaN:.
Guo, JB; Liang, T; Che, YJ; Yang, HL; Luo, ZP. Structure and mechanical properties of high-weight-bearing and low-weight-bearing areas of hip cartilage at the micro- and nano-levels. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 2020;21:.
Ocken, AR; Ku, MM; Kinzer-Ursem, TL; Calve, S. Perlecan knockdown significantly alters extracellular matrix composition and organization during cartilage development. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 2020;19:1220-1235.
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