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LITERATURE UPDATE October 28 - November 3, 2020

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  • LITERATURE UPDATE October 28 - November 3, 2020

    October 28 - November 03, 2020
    Literature search for biomech* or locomot*

    Michael G Browne, PhD
    Postdoctoral Research Fellow
    Center for Movement Studies, Kennedy Krieger Institute
    Dept. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

    - Not all articles have a DOI.
    - Some DOI links may not yet be available online.
    - Articles with no volume, issue or page numbers indicate that the article has not been published in paper form yet, but may be available in electronic form through the publisher

    Gonzalez, FJQ; Steineman, BD; Sturnick, DR; Deland, JT; Demetracopoulos, CA; Wright, TM. Biomechanical evaluation of total ankle arthroplasty. part ii: influence of loading and fixation design on tibial bone-implant interaction. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research NaN;NaN:.

    Le Cann, S; Tornquist, E; Barreto, IS; Fraulob, M; Lomami, HA; Verezhak, M; Guizar-Sicairos, M; Isaksson, H; Haiat, G. Spatio-temporal evolution of hydroxyapatite crystal thickness at the bone-implant interface. Acta Biomaterialia 2020;116:391-399.

    Azoulay, V; Briot, J; Mansat, P; Swider, P; Bonnevialle, N. Mechanical behavior of screw versus endobutton for coracoid bone-block fixation. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2020;106:1089-1093.

    He, ZH; Chu, LY; Liu, XQ; Han, XQ; Zhang, K; Yan, MN; Li, XF; Yu, ZF. Differences in subchondral trabecular bone microstructure and finite element analysis-based biomechanical properties between osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Journal Of Orthopaedic Translation 2020;24:39-45.

    Li, GY; Chen, LZ; Zheng, QJ; Ma, YC; Zhang, CQ; Zheng, MH. Subchondral bone deterioration in femoral heads in patients with osteoarthritis secondary to hip dysplasia: a case-control study. Journal Of Orthopaedic Translation 2020;24:190-197.

    Atwan, Y; Schemitsch, EH. Radiographic evaluations: which are most effective to follow fracture healing?. Injury-International Journal Of The Care Of The Injured 2020;51:83-4956-8350-50.

    Mallis, P; Sokolis, DP; Makridakis, M; Zoidakis, J; Velentzas, AD; Katsimpoulas, M; Vlahou, A; Kostakis, A; Stavropoulos-Giokas, C; Michalopoulos, E. Insights into biomechanical and proteomic characteristics of small diameter vascular grafts utilizing the human umbilical artery. Biomedicines 2020;8:.

    Panagiotopoulou, O; Iriarte-Diaz, J; Abraha, HM; Taylor, AB; Wilshin, S; Dechow, PC; Ross, CF. Biomechanics of the mandible of macaca mulatta during the power stroke of mastication: loading, deformation, and strain regimes and the impact of food type. Journal Of Human Evolution 2020;147:.

    Liu, JQ; Yang, HX; Zhang, HY; Liu, Q; Zhou, P; He, F; Zhang, M; Yu, SB; Liu, JG; Wang, MQ. Biomechanically reduced expression of derlin-3 is linked to the apoptosis of chondrocytes in the mandibular condylar cartilage via the endoplasmic reticulum stress pathway. Archives Of Oral Biology 2020;118:.

    De Andrade, GS; Tribst, JPM; Orozco, EIF; Augusto, MG; Bottino, MA; Borges, ALS; Anami, LC; Saavedra, GDFA. Influence of different post-endodontic restorations on the fatigue survival and biomechanical behavior of central incisors. American Journal Of Dentistry 2020;33:227-234.

    Tekin, S; Adiguzel, O; Cangul, S; Atas, O; Erpacal, B. Evaluation of the use of peek material in post-core and crown restorations using finite element analysis. American Journal Of Dentistry 2020;33:251-257.

    Wang, Q; Liu, YX; Wang, ZH; Yang, TR; Liang, Y; Gao, ZR; Fang, CY; Zhang, YY. Effect of access cavities and canal enlargement on biomechanics of endodontically treated teeth: a finite element analysis. Journal Of Endodontics 2020;46:1501-1507.

    Davids, JR; Kulkarni, VA; Bagley, AM; Cung, NQ; Davis, RB; Westberry, DE; Carpenter, A. Patella alta in ambulatory children with cerebral palsy: prevalence and functional significance. Journal Of Pediatric Orthopaedics 2020;40:69-5754-5169-5755-49.

    Oldham, JR; Howell, DR; Knight, CA; Crenshaw, JR; Buckley, TA. Gait performance is associated with subsequent lower extremity injury following concussion. Medicine And Science In Sports And Exercise 2020;52:2279-2285.

    Rafiee, S; Kiemel, T. Multiple strategies to correct errors in foot placement and control speed in human walking. Experimental Brain Research NaN;NaN:.

    Sherron, MA; Stevenson, SA; Browner, NM; Lewek, MD. Targeted rhythmic auditory cueing during treadmill and overground gait for individuals with parkinson disease: a case series. Journal Of Neurologic Physical Therapy 2020;44:268-274.

    Park, SH; Lin, JT; Dee, W; Hsu, CJ; Roth, EJ; Rymer, WZ; Wu, M. Targeted pelvic constraint force induces enhanced use of the paretic leg during walking in persons post-stroke. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering 2020;28:2184-2193.

    Waterval, NFJ; Brehm, MA; Altmann, VC; Koopman, FS; Den Boer, JJ; Harlaar, J; Nollet, F. Stiffness-optimized ankle-foot orthoses improve walking energy cost compared to conventional orthoses in neuromuscular disorders: a prospective uncontrolled intervention study. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering 2020;28:2296-2304.

    Papagiannaki, M; Samoladas, E; Maropoulos, S; Arabatzi, F. Running-related injury from an engineering, medical and sport science perspective. Frontiers In Bioengineering And Biotechnology 2020;8:.

    D'Cruz, N; Seuthe, J; Ginis, P; Hulzinga, F; Schlenstedt, C; Nieuwboer, A. Short-term effects of single-session split-belt treadmill training on dual-task performance in parkinson's disease and healthy elderly. Frontiers In Neurology 2020;11:.

    Sato, H; Kondo, S; Saito, M; Saura, R. Effects of strengthening the hip flexor muscles on walking ability and the locomotive syndrome rank test: an intervention study. Journal Of Orthopaedic Science 2020;25:892-896.

    Klopfer-Kramer, I; Brand, A; Wackerle, H; Mussig, J; Kroger, I; Augat, P. Gait analysis - available platforms for outcome assessment. Injury-International Journal Of The Care Of The Injured 2020;51:83-5748-8357-54.

    Morais, JE; Sanders, RH; Papic, C; Barbosa, TM; Marinho, DA. The influence of the frontal surface area and swim velocity variation in front crawl active drag. Medicine And Science In Sports And Exercise 2020;52:2357-2364.

    Arai, T; Fujita, H; Maruya, K; Morita, Y; Asahi, R; Ishibashi, H. The one-leg portion of the stand-up test predicts fall risk in aged individuals: a prospective cohort study. Journal Of Orthopaedic Science 2020;25:688-692.

    Rinaldi, L; Yeung, LF; Lam, PCH; Pang, MYC; Tong, RKY; Cheung, VCK. Adapting to the mechanical properties and active force of an exoskeleton by altering muscle synergies in chronic stroke survivors. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering 2020;28:2203-2213.

    Farisenkov, SE; Lapina, NA; Petrov, PN; Polilov, AA. Extraordinary flight performance of the smallest beetles. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2020;117:24643-24645.

    Astley, HC. Long limbless locomotors over land: the mechanics and biology of elongate, limbless vertebrate locomotion. Integrative And Comparative Biology 2020;60:134-139.

    Jayne, BC. What defines different modes of snake locomotion?. Integrative And Comparative Biology 2020;60:156-170.

    Redmann, E; Sheikh, A; Alqahtani, A; McCarty-Glenn, M; Syed, S; Mehta, RS; Ward, AB. Terrestrial locomotion in american eels (anguilla rostrata): how substrate and incline affect movement patterns. Integrative And Comparative Biology 2020;60:180-189.

    Tingle, JL. Facultatively sidewinding snakes and the origins of locomotor specialization. Integrative And Comparative Biology 2020;60:202-214.

    Capano, JG. Reaction forces and rib function during locomotion in snakes. Integrative And Comparative Biology 2020;60:215-231.

    Kano, T; Ishiguro, A. Decoding decentralized control mechanism underlying adaptive and versatile locomotion of snakes. Integrative And Comparative Biology 2020;60:232-247.

    Gaviraghi, A; Oliveira, MF. A simple and reliable method for longitudinal assessment of untethered mosquito induced flight activity. Journal Of Insect Physiology 2020;126:.

    Humphries, A; Shaheen, AF; Alvarez, CGB. Biomechanical comparison of standing posture and during trot between german shepherd and labrador retriever dogs. Plos One 2020;15:.

    Held, TL; Ahmadi, M; Rajamani, R; Barocas, VH; Moeller, AT. Vibrotactile perception in dupuytren disease. Journal Of Plastic Surgery And Hand Surgery NaN;NaN:.

    Leite, MJ; Pinho, AR; Silva, MR; Lixa, JC; Madeira, MD; Pereira, PG. Deep gluteal space anatomy and its relationship with deep gluteal pain syndromes. Hip International NaN;NaN:.

    Scherpereel, KL; Bolus, NB; Jeong, HK; Inan, OT; Young, AJ. Estimating knee joint load using acoustic emissions during ambulation. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering NaN;NaN:.

    Dyrna, F; Berthold, DP; Muench, LN; Beitzel, K; Kia, C; Obopilwe, E; Pauzenberger, L; Adams, CR; Cote, MP; Scheiderer, B; Mazzocca, AD. Graft tensioning in superior capsular reconstruction improves glenohumeral joint kinematics in massive irreparable rotator cuff tears: a biomechanical study of the influence of superior capsular reconstruction on dynamic shoulder abduction. Orthopaedic Journal Of Sports Medicine 2020;8:.

    Diekfuss, JA; Grooms, DR; Nissen, KS; Schneider, DK; Foss, KDB; Thomas, S; Bonnette, S; Dudley, JA; Yuan, WH; Reddington, DL; Ellis, JD; Leach, J; Gordon, M; Lindsey, C; Rushford, K; Shafer, C; Myer, GD. Alterations in knee sensorimotor brain functional connectivity contributes to acl injury in male high-school football players: a prospective neuroimaging analysis. Brazilian Journal Of Physical Therapy 2020;24:415-423.

    Chen, LZ; Zheng, JJY; Li, GY; Yuan, J; Ebert, JR; Li, HY; Papadimitriou, J; Wang, QW; Wood, D; Jones, CW; Zheng, MH. Pathogenesis and clinical management of obesity-related knee osteoarthritis: impact of mechanical loading. Journal Of Orthopaedic Translation 2020;24:66-75.

    Ascenso, G; Yap, MH; Allen, TB; Choppin, SS; Payton, C. Fishnet: learning to segment the silhouettes of swimmers. Ieee Access 2020;8:178311-178321.

    Abbruzzese, LD; Yamane, N; Fein, D; Naigles, L; Goldman, S. Assessing child postural variability: development, feasibility, and reliability of a video coding system. Physical & Occupational Therapy In Pediatrics NaN;NaN:.

    Granero-Gil, P; Bastida-Castillo, A; Rojas-Valverde, D; Gomez-Carmona, CD; de la Sanchez, E; Pino-Ortega, J. Accuracy, inter-unit reliability and comparison between gps and uwb-based tracking systems for measuring centripetal force during curvilinear locomotion. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part P-Journal Of Sports Engineering And Technology NaN;NaN:.

    Refai, MIM; Van Beijnum, BJF; Buurke, JH; Veltink, PH. Portable gait lab: tracking relative distances of feet and com using three imus. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering 2020;28:2255-2264.

    Hol, FJH; Lambrechts, L; Prakash, M. Biteoscope, an open platform to study mosquito biting behavior. Elife 2020;9:.

    Fitter, NT; Funke, R; Pulido, JC; Mataric, MJ; Smith, BA. Toward predicting infant developmental outcomes from day-long inertial motion recordings. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering 2020;28:2305-2314.

    Papic, C; Sanders, RH; Naemi, R; Elipot, M; Andersen, J. Improving data acquisition speed and accuracy in sport using neural networks. Journal Of Sports Sciences NaN;NaN:.

    Aguilera-Morillo, MC; Aguilera, AM. Multi-class classification of biomechanical data: a functional lda approach based on multi-class penalized functional pls. Statistical Modelling 2020;20:592-616.

    Muggenthaler, H; Hubig, M; Meierhofer, A; Mall, G. Slip and tilt: modeling falls over railings. International Journal Of Legal Medicine NaN;NaN:.

    Bailly, F; Charbonneau, E; Danes, L; Begon, M. Optimal 3d arm strategies for maximizing twist rotation during somersault of a rigid-body model. Multibody System Dynamics NaN;NaN:.

    Grison, E; Jaco, AA. Is the construction of spatial models multimodal? new evidences towards sensory-motor information involvement from temporary blindness study. Psychological Research-Psychologische Forschung NaN;NaN:.

    Danielsson, A; Horvath, A; Senorski, C; Alentorn-Geli, E; Garrett, WE; Cugat, R; Samuelsson, K; Senorski, EH. The mechanism of hamstring injuries - a systematic review. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 2020;21:.

    Sadler, S; Spink, M; de Jonge, XJ; Chuter, V. An exploratory study investigating the effect of foot type and foot orthoses on gluteus medius muscle activity. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 2020;21:.

    Fulton, TJ; Baranauskas, MN; Paris, HL; Koceja, DM; Mickleborough, TD; Chapman, RF. Respiratory muscle fatigue alters cycling performance and locomotor muscle fatigue. Medicine And Science In Sports And Exercise 2020;52:2380-2389.

    Chaweewannakorn, C; Harada, T; Nyasha, MR; Koide, M; Shikama, Y; Hagiwara, Y; Sasaki, K; Kanzaki, M; Tsuchiya, M. Imaging of muscle activity-induced morphometric changes in fibril network of myofascia by two-photon microscopy. Journal Of Anatomy NaN;NaN:.

    McCarney, L; Andrews, A; Henry, P; Fazalbhoy, A; Raj, IS; Lythgo, N; Kendall, JC. Determining trendelenburg test validity and reliability using 3-dimensional motion analysis and muscle dynamometry. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2020;28:.

    Rodrigues, GF; Coelho, VD; Ribeiro, LD; dos Santos, LA; Menezes, LT; Barros, RAD; Silva, Z; Silva, DCD. Anatomy of the thoracic limb muscles of wild boars (sus scrofa,artiodactyla: suidae). Anatomical Science International NaN;NaN:.

    Garcia, BB; Ricardo, E; de Araujo, MFP; Simplicio, H. History of and insights into spinal cord stimulation in parkinson disease. Neurorehabilitation And Neural Repair NaN;NaN:.

    Amargant, F; Manuel, SL; Tu, Q; Parkes, WS; Rivas, F; Zhou, LT; Rowley, JE; Villanueva, CE; Hornick, JE; Shekhawat, GS; Wei, JJ; Pavone, ME; Hall, AR; Pritchard, MT; Duncan, FE. Ovarian stiffness increases with age in the mammalian ovary and depends on collagen and hyaluronan matrices. Aging Cell NaN;NaN:.

    Kwon, JW; Lee, HM; Park, TH; Lee, SJ; Kwon, YW; Moon, SH; Lee, BH. Biomechanical analysis of allograft spacer failure as a function of cortical-cancellous ratio in anterior cervical discectomy/fusion: allograft spacer alone model. Applied Sciences-Basel 2020;10:.

    Schopper, C; Zderic, I; Menze, J; Muller, D; Rocci, M; Knobe, M; Shoda, E; Richards, G; Gueorguiev, B; Stoffel, K. Higher stability and more predictive fixation with the femoral neck system versus hansson pins in femoral neck fractures pauwels ii. Journal Of Orthopaedic Translation 2020;24:88-95.

    Honegger, JD; Actis, JA; Gates, DH; Silverman, AK; Munson, AH; Petrella, AJ. Development of a multiscale model of the human lumbar spine for investigation of tissue loads in people with and without a transtibial amputation during sit-to-stand. Biomechanics And Modeling In Mechanobiology NaN;NaN:.

    Meyer, M; Noudel, R; Farah, K; Graillon, T; Prost, S; Blondel, B; Fuentes, S. Isolated unstable burst fractures of the fifth lumbar vertebra: functional and radiological outcome after posterior stabilization with reconstruction of the anterior column: about 6 cases and literature review. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2020;106:1215-1220.

    Machino, M; Ando, K; Kobayashi, K; Nakashima, H; Kanbara, S; Ito, S; Inoue, T; Yamaguchi, H; Koshimizu, H; Seki, T; Ishizuka, S; Takegami, Y; Ishiguro, N; Hasegawa, Y; Imagama, S. Influence of global spine sagittal balance and spinal degenerative changes on locomotive syndrome risk in a middle-age and elderly community-living population. Biomed Research International 2020;2020:.

    Peng, L; Zhang, GM; Zuo, H; Lan, L; Zhou, XB. Surgical design optimization of proximal junctional kyphosis. Journal Of Healthcare Engineering 2020;2020:.

    Du, YQ; Yin, YH; Qiao, GY; Yu, XG. C2 medial pedicle screw: a novel "in-out-in" technique as an alternative option for posterior c2 fixation in cases with a narrow c2 isthmus. Journal Of Neurosurgery-Spine 2020;33:281-287.

    Shi, ZW; Liu, JT; Yu, X; Jiang, LY; Wu, HH; Pang, QJ. The biomechanical effects of graded upper articular process arthroplasty on lumbar spine: a finite element study. Journal Of Orthopaedic Science 2020;25:793-799.

    Liu, Q; Yang, Z; Liu, YP; Ji, W; Huang, ZC; Liu, JH; Lin, JY; Hua, Y; Huang, ZP; Wu, XH; Zhu, QG. Cervical spinal instability causes vertebral microarchitecture change and vertebral endplate lesion in rats. Journal Of Orthopaedic Translation 2020;24:209-217.

    Kwak, YH; Hong, HT; Koh, YG; Kang, KT. Biomechanical effect of various tibial bearing materials in uni-compartmental knee arthroplasty using finite element analysis. Applied Sciences-Basel 2020;10:.

    Sniderman, J; Henry, P. Articular reductions - how close is close enough? a narrative review. Injury-International Journal Of The Care Of The Injured 2020;51:83-5555-8356-50.

    Beder, FK; Hamdy, MS; El-Desouky, II; Abdelkader, KF; Abdelazeem, AH. Symphyseal plate with trans-symphyseal cross-screws for fixation of tile-type b1 pelvic ring injuries: radiological and functional evaluation. International Orthopaedics NaN;NaN:.

    Wahnert, D; Muller, M; Tiedemann, H; Mardian, S; Raschke, MJ; Kosters, C. Periprosthetic fracture fixation in vancouver b1 femoral shaft fractures: a biomechanical study comparing two plate systems. Journal Of Orthopaedic Translation 2020;24:150-154.

    Wu, SH; Yeh, TT; Hsu, WC; Wu, AT; Li, GA; Chen, CH; Lee, CH; Wu, JL. Biomechanical comparison of four tibial fixation techniques for meniscal root sutures in posterior medial meniscus root repair: a porcine study. Journal Of Orthopaedic Translation 2020;24:144-149.

    Kim, JH; Lee, J; Oh, Y. A theoretical framework for stability regions for standing balance of humanoids based on their lipm treatment. Ieee Transactions On Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems 2020;50:4569-4586.

    Ribeiro, GA; Knop, LN; Rastgaar, M. Multi-directional ankle impedance during standing postures. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering 2020;28:2224-2235.

    Pajchert-Kozlowska, A; Pawik, L; Szelerski, L; Zarek, S; Gorski, R; Pawik, M; Fink-Lwow, F; Morasiewicz, P. Assessment of body balance of patients treated with the ilizarov method for tibial nonunion. Acta Of Bioengineering And Biomechanics 2020;22:131-137.

    Liu, M; Kamper, DG; Huang, H. An easy-to-use socket-suspension system monitor for lower limb amputees. Ieee Transactions On Instrumentation And Measurement 2020;69:8973-8982.

    Zheng, YF; Cai, HY; Wang, MJ; Yao, JJ; Xu, X; Zhou, CL; Luo, YZ. Rolling gaits of a strut-actuated six-strut spherical tensegrity. International Journal Of Advanced Robotic Systems 2020;17:.

    Shen, ZQ; Chen, FF; Zhu, XY; Yong, KT; Gu, GY. Stimuli-responsive functional materials for soft robotics. Journal Of Materials Chemistry B 2020;8:8972-8991.

    Yamamoto, T; Sugihara, T. Foot-guided control of a biped robot through zmp manipulation. Advanced Robotics NaN;NaN:.

    Bouton, A; Grand, C; Benamar, F. Design and control of a compliant wheel-on-leg rover which conforms to uneven terrain. Ieee-Asme Transactions On Mechatronics 2020;25:2354-2363.

    Goldoni, R; Ozkan-Aydin, Y; Kim, YS; Kim, J; Zavanelli, N; Mahmood, M; Liu, BY; Hammond, FL; Goldman, DI; Yeo, WH. Stretchable nanocomposite sensors, nanomembrane interconnectors, and wireless electronics toward feedback-loop control of a soft earthworm robot. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020;12:43388-43397.

    Zhang, SY; Zhang, HJ; Fu, YL. Leg locomotion adaption for quadruped robots with ground compliance estimation. Applied Bionics And Biomechanics 2020;2020:.

    Fu, QY; Gart, SW; Mitchel, TW; Kim, JS; Chirikjian, GS; Li, C. Lateral oscillation and body compliance help snakes and snake robots stably traverse large, smooth obstacles. Integrative And Comparative Biology 2020;60:171-179.

    Yu, B; Zhu, QX; Yao, J; Zhang, JX; Huang, ZP; Jin, ZG; Wang, XJ. Design, mathematical modeling and force control for electro-hydraulic servo system with pump-valve compound drive. Ieee Access 2020;8:171988-172005.

    Bolotnik, N; Figurina, T. Optimal control of a two-body limbless crawler along a rough horizontal straight line. Nonlinear Dynamics NaN;NaN:.

    Hulbert, S; Fullam, J; Hunt, C; Goodwin, VA. 'digital dancing' - "can you see, what i feel" - an exploration of the physical 'experience' of dance for parkinson's through 3-dimensional motion analysis. Complementary Therapies In Medicine 2020;52:.

    Mihalik, JP; Amalfe, SA; Roby, PR; Ford, CB; Lynall, RC; Riegler, KE; Teel, EF; Wasserman, EB; Putukian, M. Sex and sport differences in college lacrosse and soccer head impact biomechanics. Medicine And Science In Sports And Exercise 2020;52:2349-2356.

    Burdack, J; Horst, F; Aragones, D; Eekhoff, A; Schollhorn, WI. Fatigue-related and timescale-dependent changes in individual movement patterns identified using support vector machine. Frontiers In Psychology 2020;11:.

    Corte, ACRE; Camargo, F; Chalhub, T; de Moraes, JM; Santos, R; Feitosa, F; Freire, R; Benayon, P; Hausen, M; Bachini, F; Wolff, A; Pereira, G; Aguiar, R; Itaborahy, A. Covid-19 and its effect on olympic sport: the importance of studying social isolation and the harm it causes, in order to minimize it. Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte 2020;26:371-377.

    Reveret, L; Chapelle, S; Quaine, F; Legreneur, P. 3d visualization of body motion in speed climbing. Frontiers In Psychology 2020;11:.

    Wang, C; Kernkamp, WA; Li, CZ; Hu, H; Li, PY; Tsai, TY. Elongation and orientation pattern of the medial patellofemoral ligament during lunging. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research NaN;NaN:.

    Sun, YC; Wang, CB; Kwak, JM; Jung, HW; Kholinne, E; Jeon, IH. Suprascapular nerve neuropathy leads to supraspinatus tendon degeneration. Journal Of Orthopaedic Science 2020;25:588-594.

    Xu, C; Li, MQ; Wang, CG; Liu, H. Biomechanical comparison of tenodesis reconstruction for subtalar instability: a finite element analysis. Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders 2020;21:.

    Gupta, H; Kataria, H; Batta, NS; Yadav, S; Jain, V. Assessment of validity and reliability of femoral shaft-patellar tendon angle measured on mri. Skeletal Radiology NaN;NaN:.

    Szaro, P; Ramirez, WC; Borkmann, S; Bengtsson, A; Polaczek, M; Ciszek, B. Distribution of the subtendons in the midportion of the achilles tendon revealed in vivo on mri. Scientific Reports 2020;10:.

    Michel, PA; Kronenberg, D; Neu, G; Stolberg-Stolberg, J; Frank, A; Pap, T; Langer, M; Fehr, M; Raschke, MJ; Stange, R. Microsurgical reconstruction affects the outcome in a translational mouse model for achilles tendon healing. Journal Of Orthopaedic Translation 2020;24:1-11.

    Yu, H; Fu, FD; Yao, S; Luo, H; Xu, TT; Jin, HT; Tong, PJ; Chen, D; Wu, CL; Ruan, HF. Biomechanical, histologic, and molecular characteristics of graft-tunnel healing in a murine modified acl reconstruction model. Journal Of Orthopaedic Translation 2020;24:103-111.

    Sun, YC; Jung, HW; Kwak, JM; Tan, J; Wang, Z; Jeon, IH. Reconstruction of large chronic rotator cuff tear can benefit from the bone-tendon composite autograft to restore the native bone-tendon interface. Journal Of Orthopaedic Translation 2020;24:175-182.

    Yang, X; Meng, HY; Peng, J; Xu, LJ; Wang, Y; Sun, X; Zhao, YX; Quan, Q; Yu, W; Chen, MX; Shi, T; Du, YA; Lu, SB; Wang, AY. Construction of microunits by adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells laden with porous microcryogels for repairing an acute achilles tendon rupture in a rat model. International Journal Of Nanomedicine 2020;15:7155-7171.

    Runel, G; Cario, M; Lopez-Ramirez, N; Malbouyres, M; Ruggiero, F; Bernard, L; Puisieux, A; Caramel, J; Chlasta, J; Masse, I. Stiffness measurement is a biomarker of skin ageing in vivo. Experimental Dermatology NaN;NaN:.

    Rosicka, K; Mierzejewska-Krzyzowska, B; Mrowczynski, W. Comparison of different myotonpro probes for skin stiffness evaluation in young women. Skin Research And Technology NaN;NaN:.

    Pensalfini, M; Rotach, M; Hopf, R; Bielicki, A; Santoprete, R; Mazza, E. How cosmetic tightening products modulate the biomechanics and morphology of human skin. Acta Biomaterialia 2020;115:299-316.

    Kieffer, EE; Begonia, MT; Tyson, AM; Rowson, S. A two-phased approach to quantifying head impact sensor accuracy: in-laboratory and on-field assessments. Annals Of Biomedical Engineering NaN;NaN:.

    Hou, L; Peng, Y; Sun, D. Neck injury mechanisms in train collisions: dynamic analysis and data mining of the driver impact injury. Accident Analysis And Prevention 2020;146:.

    Ma, HX; Mao, ZY; Li, GB; Yan, LB; Mo, FH. Could an isolated human body lower limb model predict leg biomechanical response of chinese pedestrians in vehicle collisions?. Acta Of Bioengineering And Biomechanics 2020;22:117-129.

    Castaldo, S; Syrcle, J; Elder, S; Wills, RW. Biomechanical comparison of external fixation and double plating for stabilization of a canine cadaveric supracondylar humeral fracture gap model. Veterinary And Comparative Orthopaedics And Traumatology NaN;NaN:.

    Fujino, Y; Murata, H; Matsuura, M; Nakakura, S; Shoji, N; Nakao, Y; Kiuchi, Y; Asaoka, R. The relationship between corneal hysteresis and progression of glaucoma after trabeculectomy. Journal Of Glaucoma 2020;29:912-917.

    de Klerk, R; Velhorst, V; Veeger, DHEJ; van der Woude, LHV; Vegter, RJK. Physiological and biomechanical comparison of overground, treadmill, and ergometer handrim wheelchair propulsion in able-bodied subjects under standardized conditions. Journal Of Neuroengineering And Rehabilitation 2020;17:.

    Guruguntla, V; Lal, M. An improved biomechanical model to optimize biodynamic responses under vibrating medium. Journal Of Vibration Engineering & Technologies NaN;NaN:.

    Norris, M; Blackmore, T; Horler, B; Wakefield-Scurr, J. How the characteristics of sports bras affect their performance. Ergonomics NaN;NaN:.

    Brasil-Barros-da-Silva, D; Fachin-Martins, E. Pain mapping and health-related conditions in relation to forearm crutch usage: a cross-sectional study. Assistive Technology NaN;NaN:.

    Astley, HC. The biomechanics of multi-articular muscle-tendon systems in snakes. Integrative And Comparative Biology 2020;60:140-155.