Aug 05, 2021 - Aug 11, 2021
Literature search terms: biomech* & locomot*
Publications are classified by BiomchBERT, a neural network trained on past Biomch-L Literature Updates. BiomchBERT is managed by Ryan Alcantara, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Stanford University. Each publication has a score (out of 100%) reflecting how confident BiomchBERT is that the publication belongs in a particular category (top 2 shown). If something doesn't look right, email ryan.alcantara[at]
Twitter: @Ryan_Alcantara_.
What do we know about growth of vessel elements of secondary xylem in woody plants? Miodek A, Gizińska A, Włoch W, Kojs P, Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. (99.5% BOTANY; 0.2% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR)
Hybrid membranes for the production of blood contacting surfaces: physicochemical, structural and biomechanical characterization. Todesco M, Zardin C, Iop L, Palmosi T, Capaldo P, Romanato F, Gerosa G, Bagno A, Biomaterials research. (88.2% CARDIOVASCULAR/CARDIOPULMONARY; 7.8% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Different Passive Viscoelastic Properties Between the Left and Right Ventricles in Healthy Adult Ovine. Liu W, Nguyen-Truong M, Ahern M, Labus K, Puttlitz C, Wang Z, Journal of biomechanical engineering. (97.0% CARDIOVASCULAR/CARDIOPULMONARY; 0.7% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
In vitro assay for single-cell characterization of impaired deformability in red blood cells under recurrent episodes of hypoxia. Qiang Y, Liu J, Dao M, Du E, Lab on a chip. (94.6% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR; 3.3% CARDIOVASCULAR/CARDIOPULMONARY)
Microfluidic investigation of the effect of graphene oxide on mechanical properties of cell and actin cytoskeleton networks: experimental and theoretical approaches. Ghorbani M, Soleymani H, Hashemzadeh H, Mortezazadeh S, Sedghi M, Shojaeilangari S, Allahverdi A, Naderi-Manesh H, Scientific reports. (95.8% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR; 2.1% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Culturing astrocytes on substrates that mimic brain tumors promotes enhanced mechanical forces. Bizanti A, Chandrashekar P, Steward R, Experimental cell research. (47.6% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR; 43.9% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Many ways to land upright: novel righting strategies allow spotted lanternfly nymphs to land on diverse substrates. Kane SA, Bien T, Contreras-Orendain L, Ochs MF, Tonia Hsieh S, Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. (90.4% COMPARATIVE; 2.7% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY)
How the even-toed ungulate vertebral column works: Comparison of intervertebral mobility in 33 genera. Belyaev RI, Kuznetsov AN, Prilepskaya NE, Journal of anatomy. (57.2% COMPARATIVE; 23.8% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY)
Metabolic trade-offs in tropical and subtropical marine mammals: unique maintenance and locomotion costs in West Indian manatees and Hawaiian monk seals. John JS, Thometz NM, Boerner K, Denum L, Kendall TL, Richter BP, Gaspard JC, Williams TM, The Journal of experimental biology. (92.3% COMPARATIVE; 4.7% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY)
Acrobatic squirrels learn to leap and land on tree branches without falling. Hunt NH, Jinn J, Jacobs LF, Full RJ, Science (New York, N.Y.). (90.9% COMPARATIVE; 5.1% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY)
Orthodontic clinicians' attitudes and knowledge of dentogingival aesthetics: A cross-sectional survey of BOS members. Ajrash E, DiBiase AT, Pandis N, Cobourne MT, Seehra J, Journal of orthodontics. (96.0% DENTAL/ORAL/FACIAL; 0.8% COMPARATIVE)
How Do Violinists Adapt to Dynamic Assistive Support? A Study Focusing on Kinematics, Muscle Activity, and Musical Performance. Ziane C, Michaud B, Begon M, Dal Maso F, Human factors. (42.6% ERGONOMICS; 33.5% SPORT/EXERCISE)
Plicidentine and the repeated origins of snake venom fangs. Palci A, LeBlanc ARH, Panagiotopoulou O, Cleuren SGC, Mehari Abraha H, Hutchinson MN, Evans AR, Caldwell MW, Lee MSY, Proceedings. Biological sciences. (66.3% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY; 28.9% COMPARATIVE)
Morphofunctional examination of the carpal bones of pygmy hippopotamus from Ayia Napa, Cyprus. Georgitsis MK, Liakopoulou DΕ, Theodorou GE, Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007). (77.9% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY; 9.5% ERGONOMICS)
A widely diverged locus involved in locomotor adaptation in Heliconius butterflies. Zhang Y, Teng D, Lu W, Liu M, Zeng H, Cao L, Southcott L, Potdar S, Westerman E, Zhu AJ, Zhang W, Science advances. (71.8% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY; 24.8% COMPARATIVE)
Increased anxiety about falls and walking ability among community-dwelling Japanese older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nakamura M, Imaoka M, Nakao H, Hida M, Imai R, Tazaki F, Takeda M, Psychogeriatrics : the official journal of the Japanese Psychogeriatric Society. (30.0% GAIT/LOCOMOTION; 25.6% REHABILITATION)
Evaluating the energetics of entrainment in a human-machine coupled oscillator system. Schroeder RT, Croft JL, Bertram JEA, Scientific reports. (58.4% GAIT/LOCOMOTION; 18.5% MODELING)
The Effect of the Mobile Subtalar Joint on Calcaneal and Supramalleolar Osteotomies. Krause F, Zderic I, Gueorguiev B, Vellasamy A, Schmid T, Foot & ankle international. (76.9% HAND/FINGER/FOOT/TOE; 14.2% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Weightbearing CT Analysis of the Transverse Tarsal Joint During Eversion and Inversion. Rowe N, Robertson CE, Singh S, Campbell JT, Jeng CL, Foot & ankle international. (91.7% HAND/FINGER/FOOT/TOE; 4.2% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
Biomechanical Evaluation of Tarsometatarsal Fusion Comparing Crossing Lag Screws and Lag Screw With Locking Plate. Ettinger S, Hemmersbach LC, Schwarze M, Stukenborg-Colsman C, Yao D, Plaass C, Claassen L, Foot & ankle international. (69.3% HAND/FINGER/FOOT/TOE; 26.4% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Individual and cumulative measures of knee joint load associate with T2 relaxation times of knee cartilage in young, uninjured individuals: A pilot study. Wellsandt E, Emory J, Golightly YM, Dudley AT, Michaud K, Tao MA, Manzer MN, Sajja BR, The Knee. (98.9% JOINT/CARTILAGE; 0.2% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
High-resolution infrared microspectroscopic characterization of cartilage cell microenvironment. Linus A, Ebrahimi M, Turunen MJ, Saarakkala S, Joukainen A, Kröger H, Koistinen A, Finnilä M, Afara IO, Mononen ME, Tanska P, Korhonen RK, Acta biomaterialia. (78.5% JOINT/CARTILAGE; 9.7% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
High-Performance Flexible Piezoelectric Nanogenerator Based on Specific 3D Nano BCZT@Ag Hetero-Structure Design for the Application of Self-Powered Wireless Sensor System. Lu H, Shi H, Chen G, Wu Y, Zhang J, Yang L, Zhang Y, Zheng H, Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany). (67.1% METHODS; 11.9% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Development and validation of FootNet; a new kinematic algorithm to improve foot-strike and toe-off detection in treadmill running. Rivadulla A, Chen X, Weir G, Cazzola D, Trewartha G, Hamill J, Preatoni E, PloS one. (44.5% METHODS; 28.3% GAIT/LOCOMOTION)
Using Kinect body joint detection system to predict energy expenditures during physical activities. Woldegiorgis BH, Lin CJ, Sananta R, Applied ergonomics. (64.7% METHODS; 18.0% SPORT/EXERCISE)
Physics of martial arts: Incorporation of angular momentum to model body motion and strikes. Merk A, Resnick A, PloS one. (78.1% MODELING; 11.8% SPORT/EXERCISE)
Virtual Simulation for Interactive Visualization of 3D Fracture Fixation Biomechanics. Lewis GS, Wee H, Vicory J, Armstrong AD, Reid JS, The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. (73.2% MODELING; 12.9% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Swimming, flying, and diving behaviors from a unified 2D potential model. Jung S, Scientific reports. (51.9% MODELING; 26.8% COMPARATIVE)
Effects of Dry Needling on Biomechanical Properties of the Myofascial Trigger Points Measured by Myotonometry: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Jiménez-Sánchez C, Gómez-Soriano J, Bravo-Esteban E, Mayoral-Del Moral O, Herrero-Gállego P, Serrano-Muñoz D, Ortiz-Lucas M, Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics. (74.2% MUSCLE; 10.9% REHABILITATION)
MuscleNET: mapping electromyography to kinematic and dynamic biomechanical variables by machine learning. Nasr A, Bell S, He J, Whittaker RL, Jiang N, Dickerson CR, McPhee J, Journal of neural engineering. (35.1% MODELING; 33.1% METHODS)
Neurally driven synthesis of learned, complex vocalizations. Arneodo EM, Chen S, Brown DE, Gilja V, Gentner TQ, Current biology : CB. (54.4% NEURAL; 12.6% REHABILITATION)
Central and peripheral pain intervention by Ophiorrhizarugosa leaves: Potential underlying mechanisms and insight into the role of pain modulators. Uddin Chy MN, Adnan M, Chowdhury MR, Pagano E, Kamal ATMM, Oh KK, Cho DH, Capasso R, Journal of ethnopharmacology. (41.1% NEURAL; 10.8% ERGONOMICS)
Is Pedicle-Based Hybrid Stabilization (PBHS) protecting posterior lumbar fixation from adjacent-segment failure? Finite element analysis and comparison of different systems. Mesbah M, Barkaoui A, Orthopaedics & traumatology, surgery & research : OTSR. (97.1% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 1.2% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Motion Characteristics of the Functional Spinal Unit During Lumbar Disc Injection (Discography) Including Comparison Between Normal and Degenerative Levels. Bartynski WS, Agarwal V, Khan AS, Bandos AI, Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.). (98.7% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 0.3% REHABILITATION)
Evaluation of the learning curve and initial outcomes with a short cervicometaphyseal fixation stem: A case series. Godoy-Monzon D, Perez Torres J, Pascual Espinosa JM, Garcia-Mansilla A, Revista espanola de cirugia ortopedica y traumatologia. (84.9% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 8.2% PROSTHETICS/ORTHOTICS)
Do Metaphyseal Cones and Stems Provide Any Biomechanical Advantage for Moderate Contained Tibial Defects in Revision TKA? A Finite-Element Analysis Based on a Cadaver Model. Quevedo González FJ, Meyers KN, Schraut N, Mehrotra KG, Lipman JD, Wright TM, Ast MP, Clinical orthopaedics and related research. (74.7% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 14.0% PROSTHETICS/ORTHOTICS)
Nonlinear postural control paradigm for larger perturbations in the presence of neural delays. Sultan N, Najam Ul Islam M, Mughal AM, Biological cybernetics. (96.3% POSTURE/BALANCE; 1.4% MODELING)
Does the Management of Visual and Audible Motion Information during an Immersive Virtual Reality Timed Up and Go Test Impact Locomotor Performance in the Elderly? Muhla F, Duclos K, Clanché F, Meyer P, Maïaux S, Colnat-Coulbois S, Gauchard GC, Gerontology. (40.9% POSTURE/BALANCE; 26.9% GAIT/LOCOMOTION)
Effectiveness of an ankle-foot orthosis on walking in patients with stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Choo YJ, Chang MC, Scientific reports. (83.8% PROSTHETICS/ORTHOTICS; 10.1% GAIT/LOCOMOTION)
Effects of resistance training on gait velocity and knee adduction moment in knee osteoarthritis patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Li S, Ng WH, Abujaber S, Shaharudin S, Scientific reports. (83.1% REHABILITATION; 6.3% ERGONOMICS)
Effectiveness of a Long-Term, Home-Based Aerobic Exercise Intervention on Slowing the Progression of Parkinson Disease: Design of the Cyclical Lower Extremity Exercise for Parkinson Disease II (CYCLE-II) Study. Alberts JL, Rosenfeldt AB, Lopez-Lennon C, Suttman E, Jansen AE, Imrey PB, Dibble LE, Physical therapy. (92.1% REHABILITATION; 4.6% ERGONOMICS)
A Novel Biomimetic Compliant Structural Skin Based on Composite Materials for Biorobotics Applications. Song Z, Fu Z, Romano D, Dario P, Dai JS, Soft robotics. (89.6% ROBOTICS; 2.5% PROSTHETICS/ORTHOTICS)
Swarming Aqua Sperm Micromotors for Active Bacterial Biofilms Removal in Confined Spaces. Mayorga-Martinez CC, Zelenka J, Grmela J, Michalkova H, Ruml T, Mareš J, Pumera M, Advanced science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany). (74.9% ROBOTICS; 11.3% COMPARATIVE)
A minimal robophysical model of quadriflagellate self-propulsion. Diaz K, Robinson TL, Ozkan Aydin Y, Aydin E, Goldman DI, Wan KY, Bioinspiration & biomimetics. (31.8% MODELING; 25.9% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR)
Coordination and stroking parameters in the four swimming techniques: a narrative review. Seifert L, Carmigniani R, Sports biomechanics. (92.4% SPORT/EXERCISE; 4.1% GAIT/LOCOMOTION)
The effects of footwear midsole longitudinal bending stiffness on running economy and ground contact biomechanics: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Rodrigo-Carranza V, González-Mohíno F, Santos-Concejero J, González-Ravé JM, European journal of sport science. (53.3% GAIT/LOCOMOTION; 27.6% SPORT/EXERCISE)
Effect of Surgical Design Variations on the Knee Contact Behavior during Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Adouni M, Faisal T, Dhaher Y, The journal of knee surgery. (30.3% MODELING; 22.2% TENDON/LIGAMENT)
An ecological dynamics approach to ACL injury risk research: a current opinion. Bolt R, Heuvelmans P, Benjaminse A, Robinson MA, Gokeler A, Sports biomechanics. (79.1% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 5.3% SPORT/EXERCISE)
Effects of bioactive strontium-substituted hydroxyapatite on osseointegration of polyethylene terephthalate artificial ligaments. Ma P, Chen T, Wu X, Hu Y, Huang K, Wang Y, Dai H, Journal of materials chemistry. B. (65.6% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 30.5% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Residual stress and osmotic swelling of the periodontal ligament. Nedrelow DS, Damodaran KV, Thurston TA, Beyer JP, Barocas VH, Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology. (65.0% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 26.2% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
"Smart Exosomes": A Smart Approach for Tendon Regeneration. Fang WH, Agrawal DK, Thankam FG, Tissue engineering. Part B, Reviews. (88.9% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 8.3% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
3D printing of sacrificial thioester elastomers using digital light processing for templating 3D organoid structures in soft biomatrices. Carberry BJ, Hergert JE, Yavitt FM, Hernandez JJ, Speckl KF, Bowman CN, McLeod R, Anseth K, Biofabrication. (88.4% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL; 6.0% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR)
Biomechanical Energy Harvesters Based on Ionic Conductive Organohydrogels via the Hofmeister Effect and Electrostatic Interaction. Wu Y, Qu J, Zhang X, Ao K, Zhou Z, Zheng Z, Mu Y, Wu X, Luo Y, Feng SP, ACS nano. (56.1% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL; 32.4% METHODS)
Optimizing the layer thickness of sol-gel-derived TiO2 coating on polyetheretherketone. Hayashi M, Shimizu T, Imamura M, Fujibayashi S, Yamaguchi S, Goto K, Otsuki B, Kawai T, Okuzu Y, Matsuda S, Scientific reports. (70.7% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL; 16.5% DENTAL/ORAL/FACIAL)
Laboratory Evaluation of Shell Add-On Products for American Football Helmets for Professional Linemen. Bailey AM, Funk JR, Crandall JR, Myers BS, Arbogast KB, Annals of biomedical engineering. (99.4% TRAUMA/IMPACT; 0.1% SPORT/EXERCISE)
Evaluations of pretensioner activation in rear impacts. Parenteau CS, Viano DC, Burnett RA, Traffic injury prevention. (97.9% TRAUMA/IMPACT; 1.5% ERGONOMICS)
Bilateral Parietal Skull Fractures in Infants Attributable to Accidental Falls. AlSahlawi A, Morantz G, Lacroix C, Saint-Martin C, Dudley RWR, Pediatric neurosurgery. (98.5% TRAUMA/IMPACT; 0.1% ERGONOMICS)
The Effects of Choice-Based Design and Management on the Behavior and Space Use of Zoo-Housed Amur Tigers (Panthera tigris altaica). Ritzler CP, Lukas KE, Bernstein-Kurtycz LM, Koester DC, Journal of applied animal welfare science : JAAWS. (91.1% VETERINARY/AGRICULTURAL; 6.8% COMPARATIVE)
Prevalence and factors associated with uncorrected presbyopia in a rural population of Japan: the Locomotive Syndrome and Health Outcome in Aizu Cohort Study. Sadamatsu Y, Ono K, Hiratsuka Y, Takesue A, Tano T, Yamada M, Otani K, Sekiguchi M, Konno S, Kikuchi S, Fukuhara S, Murakami A, Japanese journal of ophthalmology. (94.4% VISUAL/VESTIBULAR; 1.0% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Mechanical Properties of Bioengineered Corneal Stroma. Formisano N, van der Putten C, Grant R, Sahin G, Truckenmüller RK, Bouten CVC, Kurniawan NA, Giselbrecht S, Advanced healthcare materials. (60.7% VISUAL/VESTIBULAR; 36.8% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Culturing astrocytes on substrates that mimic brain tumors promotes enhanced mechanical forces. Bizanti A, Chandrashekar P, Steward R, Experimental cell research. (47.6% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR; 43.9% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Aug 05, 2021 - Aug 11, 2021
Literature search terms: biomech* & locomot*
Publications are classified by BiomchBERT, a neural network trained on past Biomch-L Literature Updates. BiomchBERT is managed by Ryan Alcantara, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Stanford University. Each publication has a score (out of 100%) reflecting how confident BiomchBERT is that the publication belongs in a particular category (top 2 shown). If something doesn't look right, email ryan.alcantara[at]
Twitter: @Ryan_Alcantara_.
What do we know about growth of vessel elements of secondary xylem in woody plants? Miodek A, Gizińska A, Włoch W, Kojs P, Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. (99.5% BOTANY; 0.2% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR)
Hybrid membranes for the production of blood contacting surfaces: physicochemical, structural and biomechanical characterization. Todesco M, Zardin C, Iop L, Palmosi T, Capaldo P, Romanato F, Gerosa G, Bagno A, Biomaterials research. (88.2% CARDIOVASCULAR/CARDIOPULMONARY; 7.8% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Different Passive Viscoelastic Properties Between the Left and Right Ventricles in Healthy Adult Ovine. Liu W, Nguyen-Truong M, Ahern M, Labus K, Puttlitz C, Wang Z, Journal of biomechanical engineering. (97.0% CARDIOVASCULAR/CARDIOPULMONARY; 0.7% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
In vitro assay for single-cell characterization of impaired deformability in red blood cells under recurrent episodes of hypoxia. Qiang Y, Liu J, Dao M, Du E, Lab on a chip. (94.6% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR; 3.3% CARDIOVASCULAR/CARDIOPULMONARY)
Microfluidic investigation of the effect of graphene oxide on mechanical properties of cell and actin cytoskeleton networks: experimental and theoretical approaches. Ghorbani M, Soleymani H, Hashemzadeh H, Mortezazadeh S, Sedghi M, Shojaeilangari S, Allahverdi A, Naderi-Manesh H, Scientific reports. (95.8% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR; 2.1% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Culturing astrocytes on substrates that mimic brain tumors promotes enhanced mechanical forces. Bizanti A, Chandrashekar P, Steward R, Experimental cell research. (47.6% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR; 43.9% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Many ways to land upright: novel righting strategies allow spotted lanternfly nymphs to land on diverse substrates. Kane SA, Bien T, Contreras-Orendain L, Ochs MF, Tonia Hsieh S, Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. (90.4% COMPARATIVE; 2.7% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY)
How the even-toed ungulate vertebral column works: Comparison of intervertebral mobility in 33 genera. Belyaev RI, Kuznetsov AN, Prilepskaya NE, Journal of anatomy. (57.2% COMPARATIVE; 23.8% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY)
Metabolic trade-offs in tropical and subtropical marine mammals: unique maintenance and locomotion costs in West Indian manatees and Hawaiian monk seals. John JS, Thometz NM, Boerner K, Denum L, Kendall TL, Richter BP, Gaspard JC, Williams TM, The Journal of experimental biology. (92.3% COMPARATIVE; 4.7% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY)
Acrobatic squirrels learn to leap and land on tree branches without falling. Hunt NH, Jinn J, Jacobs LF, Full RJ, Science (New York, N.Y.). (90.9% COMPARATIVE; 5.1% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY)
Orthodontic clinicians' attitudes and knowledge of dentogingival aesthetics: A cross-sectional survey of BOS members. Ajrash E, DiBiase AT, Pandis N, Cobourne MT, Seehra J, Journal of orthodontics. (96.0% DENTAL/ORAL/FACIAL; 0.8% COMPARATIVE)
How Do Violinists Adapt to Dynamic Assistive Support? A Study Focusing on Kinematics, Muscle Activity, and Musical Performance. Ziane C, Michaud B, Begon M, Dal Maso F, Human factors. (42.6% ERGONOMICS; 33.5% SPORT/EXERCISE)
Plicidentine and the repeated origins of snake venom fangs. Palci A, LeBlanc ARH, Panagiotopoulou O, Cleuren SGC, Mehari Abraha H, Hutchinson MN, Evans AR, Caldwell MW, Lee MSY, Proceedings. Biological sciences. (66.3% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY; 28.9% COMPARATIVE)
Morphofunctional examination of the carpal bones of pygmy hippopotamus from Ayia Napa, Cyprus. Georgitsis MK, Liakopoulou DΕ, Theodorou GE, Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007). (77.9% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY; 9.5% ERGONOMICS)
A widely diverged locus involved in locomotor adaptation in Heliconius butterflies. Zhang Y, Teng D, Lu W, Liu M, Zeng H, Cao L, Southcott L, Potdar S, Westerman E, Zhu AJ, Zhang W, Science advances. (71.8% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY; 24.8% COMPARATIVE)
Increased anxiety about falls and walking ability among community-dwelling Japanese older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nakamura M, Imaoka M, Nakao H, Hida M, Imai R, Tazaki F, Takeda M, Psychogeriatrics : the official journal of the Japanese Psychogeriatric Society. (30.0% GAIT/LOCOMOTION; 25.6% REHABILITATION)
Evaluating the energetics of entrainment in a human-machine coupled oscillator system. Schroeder RT, Croft JL, Bertram JEA, Scientific reports. (58.4% GAIT/LOCOMOTION; 18.5% MODELING)
The Effect of the Mobile Subtalar Joint on Calcaneal and Supramalleolar Osteotomies. Krause F, Zderic I, Gueorguiev B, Vellasamy A, Schmid T, Foot & ankle international. (76.9% HAND/FINGER/FOOT/TOE; 14.2% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Weightbearing CT Analysis of the Transverse Tarsal Joint During Eversion and Inversion. Rowe N, Robertson CE, Singh S, Campbell JT, Jeng CL, Foot & ankle international. (91.7% HAND/FINGER/FOOT/TOE; 4.2% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
Biomechanical Evaluation of Tarsometatarsal Fusion Comparing Crossing Lag Screws and Lag Screw With Locking Plate. Ettinger S, Hemmersbach LC, Schwarze M, Stukenborg-Colsman C, Yao D, Plaass C, Claassen L, Foot & ankle international. (69.3% HAND/FINGER/FOOT/TOE; 26.4% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Individual and cumulative measures of knee joint load associate with T2 relaxation times of knee cartilage in young, uninjured individuals: A pilot study. Wellsandt E, Emory J, Golightly YM, Dudley AT, Michaud K, Tao MA, Manzer MN, Sajja BR, The Knee. (98.9% JOINT/CARTILAGE; 0.2% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
High-resolution infrared microspectroscopic characterization of cartilage cell microenvironment. Linus A, Ebrahimi M, Turunen MJ, Saarakkala S, Joukainen A, Kröger H, Koistinen A, Finnilä M, Afara IO, Mononen ME, Tanska P, Korhonen RK, Acta biomaterialia. (78.5% JOINT/CARTILAGE; 9.7% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
High-Performance Flexible Piezoelectric Nanogenerator Based on Specific 3D Nano BCZT@Ag Hetero-Structure Design for the Application of Self-Powered Wireless Sensor System. Lu H, Shi H, Chen G, Wu Y, Zhang J, Yang L, Zhang Y, Zheng H, Small (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany). (67.1% METHODS; 11.9% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Development and validation of FootNet; a new kinematic algorithm to improve foot-strike and toe-off detection in treadmill running. Rivadulla A, Chen X, Weir G, Cazzola D, Trewartha G, Hamill J, Preatoni E, PloS one. (44.5% METHODS; 28.3% GAIT/LOCOMOTION)
Using Kinect body joint detection system to predict energy expenditures during physical activities. Woldegiorgis BH, Lin CJ, Sananta R, Applied ergonomics. (64.7% METHODS; 18.0% SPORT/EXERCISE)
Physics of martial arts: Incorporation of angular momentum to model body motion and strikes. Merk A, Resnick A, PloS one. (78.1% MODELING; 11.8% SPORT/EXERCISE)
Virtual Simulation for Interactive Visualization of 3D Fracture Fixation Biomechanics. Lewis GS, Wee H, Vicory J, Armstrong AD, Reid JS, The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. (73.2% MODELING; 12.9% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Swimming, flying, and diving behaviors from a unified 2D potential model. Jung S, Scientific reports. (51.9% MODELING; 26.8% COMPARATIVE)
Effects of Dry Needling on Biomechanical Properties of the Myofascial Trigger Points Measured by Myotonometry: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Jiménez-Sánchez C, Gómez-Soriano J, Bravo-Esteban E, Mayoral-Del Moral O, Herrero-Gállego P, Serrano-Muñoz D, Ortiz-Lucas M, Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics. (74.2% MUSCLE; 10.9% REHABILITATION)
MuscleNET: mapping electromyography to kinematic and dynamic biomechanical variables by machine learning. Nasr A, Bell S, He J, Whittaker RL, Jiang N, Dickerson CR, McPhee J, Journal of neural engineering. (35.1% MODELING; 33.1% METHODS)
Neurally driven synthesis of learned, complex vocalizations. Arneodo EM, Chen S, Brown DE, Gilja V, Gentner TQ, Current biology : CB. (54.4% NEURAL; 12.6% REHABILITATION)
Central and peripheral pain intervention by Ophiorrhizarugosa leaves: Potential underlying mechanisms and insight into the role of pain modulators. Uddin Chy MN, Adnan M, Chowdhury MR, Pagano E, Kamal ATMM, Oh KK, Cho DH, Capasso R, Journal of ethnopharmacology. (41.1% NEURAL; 10.8% ERGONOMICS)
Is Pedicle-Based Hybrid Stabilization (PBHS) protecting posterior lumbar fixation from adjacent-segment failure? Finite element analysis and comparison of different systems. Mesbah M, Barkaoui A, Orthopaedics & traumatology, surgery & research : OTSR. (97.1% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 1.2% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Motion Characteristics of the Functional Spinal Unit During Lumbar Disc Injection (Discography) Including Comparison Between Normal and Degenerative Levels. Bartynski WS, Agarwal V, Khan AS, Bandos AI, Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.). (98.7% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 0.3% REHABILITATION)
Evaluation of the learning curve and initial outcomes with a short cervicometaphyseal fixation stem: A case series. Godoy-Monzon D, Perez Torres J, Pascual Espinosa JM, Garcia-Mansilla A, Revista espanola de cirugia ortopedica y traumatologia. (84.9% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 8.2% PROSTHETICS/ORTHOTICS)
Do Metaphyseal Cones and Stems Provide Any Biomechanical Advantage for Moderate Contained Tibial Defects in Revision TKA? A Finite-Element Analysis Based on a Cadaver Model. Quevedo González FJ, Meyers KN, Schraut N, Mehrotra KG, Lipman JD, Wright TM, Ast MP, Clinical orthopaedics and related research. (74.7% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 14.0% PROSTHETICS/ORTHOTICS)
Nonlinear postural control paradigm for larger perturbations in the presence of neural delays. Sultan N, Najam Ul Islam M, Mughal AM, Biological cybernetics. (96.3% POSTURE/BALANCE; 1.4% MODELING)
Does the Management of Visual and Audible Motion Information during an Immersive Virtual Reality Timed Up and Go Test Impact Locomotor Performance in the Elderly? Muhla F, Duclos K, Clanché F, Meyer P, Maïaux S, Colnat-Coulbois S, Gauchard GC, Gerontology. (40.9% POSTURE/BALANCE; 26.9% GAIT/LOCOMOTION)
Effectiveness of an ankle-foot orthosis on walking in patients with stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Choo YJ, Chang MC, Scientific reports. (83.8% PROSTHETICS/ORTHOTICS; 10.1% GAIT/LOCOMOTION)
Effects of resistance training on gait velocity and knee adduction moment in knee osteoarthritis patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Li S, Ng WH, Abujaber S, Shaharudin S, Scientific reports. (83.1% REHABILITATION; 6.3% ERGONOMICS)
Effectiveness of a Long-Term, Home-Based Aerobic Exercise Intervention on Slowing the Progression of Parkinson Disease: Design of the Cyclical Lower Extremity Exercise for Parkinson Disease II (CYCLE-II) Study. Alberts JL, Rosenfeldt AB, Lopez-Lennon C, Suttman E, Jansen AE, Imrey PB, Dibble LE, Physical therapy. (92.1% REHABILITATION; 4.6% ERGONOMICS)
A Novel Biomimetic Compliant Structural Skin Based on Composite Materials for Biorobotics Applications. Song Z, Fu Z, Romano D, Dario P, Dai JS, Soft robotics. (89.6% ROBOTICS; 2.5% PROSTHETICS/ORTHOTICS)
Swarming Aqua Sperm Micromotors for Active Bacterial Biofilms Removal in Confined Spaces. Mayorga-Martinez CC, Zelenka J, Grmela J, Michalkova H, Ruml T, Mareš J, Pumera M, Advanced science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany). (74.9% ROBOTICS; 11.3% COMPARATIVE)
A minimal robophysical model of quadriflagellate self-propulsion. Diaz K, Robinson TL, Ozkan Aydin Y, Aydin E, Goldman DI, Wan KY, Bioinspiration & biomimetics. (31.8% MODELING; 25.9% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR)
Coordination and stroking parameters in the four swimming techniques: a narrative review. Seifert L, Carmigniani R, Sports biomechanics. (92.4% SPORT/EXERCISE; 4.1% GAIT/LOCOMOTION)
The effects of footwear midsole longitudinal bending stiffness on running economy and ground contact biomechanics: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Rodrigo-Carranza V, González-Mohíno F, Santos-Concejero J, González-Ravé JM, European journal of sport science. (53.3% GAIT/LOCOMOTION; 27.6% SPORT/EXERCISE)
Effect of Surgical Design Variations on the Knee Contact Behavior during Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Adouni M, Faisal T, Dhaher Y, The journal of knee surgery. (30.3% MODELING; 22.2% TENDON/LIGAMENT)
An ecological dynamics approach to ACL injury risk research: a current opinion. Bolt R, Heuvelmans P, Benjaminse A, Robinson MA, Gokeler A, Sports biomechanics. (79.1% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 5.3% SPORT/EXERCISE)
Effects of bioactive strontium-substituted hydroxyapatite on osseointegration of polyethylene terephthalate artificial ligaments. Ma P, Chen T, Wu X, Hu Y, Huang K, Wang Y, Dai H, Journal of materials chemistry. B. (65.6% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 30.5% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Residual stress and osmotic swelling of the periodontal ligament. Nedrelow DS, Damodaran KV, Thurston TA, Beyer JP, Barocas VH, Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology. (65.0% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 26.2% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
"Smart Exosomes": A Smart Approach for Tendon Regeneration. Fang WH, Agrawal DK, Thankam FG, Tissue engineering. Part B, Reviews. (88.9% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 8.3% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
3D printing of sacrificial thioester elastomers using digital light processing for templating 3D organoid structures in soft biomatrices. Carberry BJ, Hergert JE, Yavitt FM, Hernandez JJ, Speckl KF, Bowman CN, McLeod R, Anseth K, Biofabrication. (88.4% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL; 6.0% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR)
Biomechanical Energy Harvesters Based on Ionic Conductive Organohydrogels via the Hofmeister Effect and Electrostatic Interaction. Wu Y, Qu J, Zhang X, Ao K, Zhou Z, Zheng Z, Mu Y, Wu X, Luo Y, Feng SP, ACS nano. (56.1% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL; 32.4% METHODS)
Optimizing the layer thickness of sol-gel-derived TiO2 coating on polyetheretherketone. Hayashi M, Shimizu T, Imamura M, Fujibayashi S, Yamaguchi S, Goto K, Otsuki B, Kawai T, Okuzu Y, Matsuda S, Scientific reports. (70.7% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL; 16.5% DENTAL/ORAL/FACIAL)
Laboratory Evaluation of Shell Add-On Products for American Football Helmets for Professional Linemen. Bailey AM, Funk JR, Crandall JR, Myers BS, Arbogast KB, Annals of biomedical engineering. (99.4% TRAUMA/IMPACT; 0.1% SPORT/EXERCISE)
Evaluations of pretensioner activation in rear impacts. Parenteau CS, Viano DC, Burnett RA, Traffic injury prevention. (97.9% TRAUMA/IMPACT; 1.5% ERGONOMICS)
Bilateral Parietal Skull Fractures in Infants Attributable to Accidental Falls. AlSahlawi A, Morantz G, Lacroix C, Saint-Martin C, Dudley RWR, Pediatric neurosurgery. (98.5% TRAUMA/IMPACT; 0.1% ERGONOMICS)
The Effects of Choice-Based Design and Management on the Behavior and Space Use of Zoo-Housed Amur Tigers (Panthera tigris altaica). Ritzler CP, Lukas KE, Bernstein-Kurtycz LM, Koester DC, Journal of applied animal welfare science : JAAWS. (91.1% VETERINARY/AGRICULTURAL; 6.8% COMPARATIVE)
Prevalence and factors associated with uncorrected presbyopia in a rural population of Japan: the Locomotive Syndrome and Health Outcome in Aizu Cohort Study. Sadamatsu Y, Ono K, Hiratsuka Y, Takesue A, Tano T, Yamada M, Otani K, Sekiguchi M, Konno S, Kikuchi S, Fukuhara S, Murakami A, Japanese journal of ophthalmology. (94.4% VISUAL/VESTIBULAR; 1.0% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Mechanical Properties of Bioengineered Corneal Stroma. Formisano N, van der Putten C, Grant R, Sahin G, Truckenmüller RK, Bouten CVC, Kurniawan NA, Giselbrecht S, Advanced healthcare materials. (60.7% VISUAL/VESTIBULAR; 36.8% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Culturing astrocytes on substrates that mimic brain tumors promotes enhanced mechanical forces. Bizanti A, Chandrashekar P, Steward R, Experimental cell research. (47.6% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR; 43.9% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)