Feb 02, 2024 - Feb 08, 2024
Literature search terms: biomech* & locomot*
Publications are classified by BiomchBERT, a neural network trained on past Biomch-L Literature Updates. BiomchBERT is managed by Jereme Outerleys, a Doctoral Student at Queen's University. Each publication has a score (out of 100%) reflecting how confident BiomchBERT is that the publication belongs in a particular category (top 2 shown). If something doesn't look right, email jereme.outerleys[at]
Twitter: @jouterleys.
Ultrasound attenuation of cortical bone correlates with biomechanical, microstructural, and compositional properties. Jerban S, Barrere V, Namiranian B, Wu Y, Alenezi S, Dorthe E, Dlima D, Shah SB, Chung CB, Du J, Andre MP, Chang EY, European radiology experimental. (96.8% BONE; 1.2% METHODS)
Systematic literature review of in vivo rat femoral defect models using biomaterials to improve the induced membrane technique: a comprehensive analysis. Saab M, Zobrist C, Blanchemain N, Martel B, Chai F, EFORT open reviews. (61.2% BONE; 20.5% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Role of the osteocyte in bone metastasis - The importance of networking. Verbruggen SW, Journal of bone oncology. (70.9% BONE; 25.2% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR)
Predicting Lipid-Rich Plaque Progression in Coronary Arteries Using Multimodal Imaging and Wall Shear Stress Signatures. De Nisco G, Hartman EMJ, Torta E, Daemen J, Chiastra C, Gallo D, Morbiducci U, Wentzel JJ, Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology. (97.6% CARDIOVASCULAR/CARDIOPULMONARY; 0.8% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR)
Structural and Mechanical Properties of Human Superficial Femoral and Popliteal Arteries. Shahbad R, Pipinos M, Jadidi M, Desyatova A, Gamache J, MacTaggart J, Kamenskiy A, Annals of biomedical engineering. (92.9% CARDIOVASCULAR/CARDIOPULMONARY; 3.2% MODELING)
Mechanical, structural, and physiologic differences between above and below-knee human arteries. Struczewska P, Razian SA, Townsend K, Jadidi M, Shahbad R, Zamani E, Gamache J, MacTaggart J, Kamenskiy A, Acta biomaterialia. (92.6% CARDIOVASCULAR/CARDIOPULMONARY; 1.3% MUSCLE)
Carotid wave analysis in young adults with a history of adolescent anorexia nervosa: a case control study. Springall GAC, Goldsmith G, Zannino D, Cheong J, Mynard JP, Yeo M, Cheung MMH, Journal of eating disorders. (83.8% CARDIOVASCULAR/CARDIOPULMONARY; 2.6% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Pre-intervention myocardial stress is a good predictor of aortic valvoluplasty outcome for fetal critical aortic stenosis and evolving HLHS. Green L, Chan WX, Prakash I, Tulzer A, Tulzer G, Yap CH, The Journal of physiology. (96.4% CARDIOVASCULAR/CARDIOPULMONARY; 0.5% METHODS)
Analysis of the Adherent Cell Response to the Substrate Stiffness Using Tensegrity. Khounsaraki GM, Movahedi M, Oscuii HN, Voloshin A, Annals of biomedical engineering. (94.8% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR; 1.4% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Recent advances in micro-physiological systems for investigating tumor metastasis and organotropism. Yoon H, Sabaté Del Río J, Cho SW, Park TE, Lab on a chip. (94.2% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR; 3.3% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Direct observation of cytoskeleton-dependent trafficking of miRNA visualized by the introduction of pre-miRNA. Ishikawa T, Sugawara K, Zhang J, Funatsu T, Okabe K, iScience. (90.6% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR; 3.7% METHODS)
Mechanical activation and expression of HSP27 in epithelial ovarian cancer. Buckley M, Kramer M, Johnson B, Huskin G, Berry J, Sewell-Loftin MK, Scientific reports. (94.0% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR; 4.4% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Invasion of glioma cells through confined space requires membrane tension regulation and mechano-electrical coupling via Plexin-B2. Junqueira Alves C, Hannah T, Sadia S, Kolsteeg C, Dixon A, Wiener RJ, Nguyen H, Tipping MJ, Ladeira JS, Franklin PFDC, Dutra de Nigro NP, Dias RA, Zabala Capriles PV, Rodrigues Furtado de Mendonça JP, Slesinger P, Costa K, Zou H, Friedel RH, bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology. (99.4% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR; 0.2% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
On the spinal venous sinus of Alligator mississippiensis. Parker S, Cramberg M, Scott A, Sopko S, Swords A, Taylor E, Young BA, Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007). (52.9% COMPARATIVE; 6.1% MUSCLE)
A review of the role played by cilia in medusozoan feeding mechanics. Jordano MA, Nagata RM, Morandini AC, Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. (90.7% COMPARATIVE; 4.7% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY)
Sensitivity of amphibian embryos to timing and magnitude of present and future thermal extremes. Oborová V, Šugerková M, Gvoždík L, Journal of experimental zoology. Part A, Ecological and integrative physiology. (79.6% COMPARATIVE; 6.7% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY)
The salamander limb: a perfect model to understand imperfect integration during skeletal regeneration. Riquelme-Guzmán C, Sandoval-Guzmán T, Biology open. (32.4% COMPARATIVE; 27.7% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY)
The shape of Nature's stingers revealed. Quan H, Liang X, Zhang X, Meyers MA, McMeeking RM, Arzt E, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. (84.3% COMPARATIVE; 13.0% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY)
Buckling-induced sound production in the aeroelastic tymbals of Yponomeuta. Mendoza Nava H, Holderied MW, Pirrera A, Groh RMJ, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. (85.3% COMPARATIVE; 4.2% ROBOTICS)
Animal locomotion: Wing-like femoral lobes help orchid mantid nymphs glide. Socha JJ, Khandelwal PC, Current biology : CB. (92.4% COMPARATIVE; 4.5% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY)
Preclinical toxicological assessment of polydatin in zebrafish model. Schimith LE, Machado da Silva V, Costa-Silva DGD, Seregni Monteiro LK, Muccillo-Baisch AL, André-Miral C, Hort MA, Drug and chemical toxicology. (37.0% COMPARATIVE; 8.6% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR)
Correlation of salivary cytokine IL-17A and 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment. Sagar S, Ramani P, Moses S, Gheena S, Selvaraj J, Odontology. (98.2% DENTAL/ORAL/FACIAL; 0.2% COMPARATIVE)
Long non-coding RNA LncTUG1 regulates favourable compression force-induced cementocytes mineralization via PU.1/TLR4/SphK1 signalling. Wang H, Li T, Jiang Y, Chen S, Wu Z, Zeng X, Yang K, Duan P, Zou S, Cell proliferation. (77.7% DENTAL/ORAL/FACIAL; 8.1% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Correspondence attention for facial appearance simulation. Fang X, Kim D, Xu X, Kuang T, Lampen N, Lee J, Deng HH, Liebschner MAK, Xia JJ, Gateno J, Yan P, Medical image analysis. (63.8% DENTAL/ORAL/FACIAL; 30.1% MODELING)
Bionic design, preparation and clinical translation of oral hard tissue restorative materials. Zhao H, Wei Y, Zhang X, Yang X, Cai Q, Ning C, Xu M, Liu W, Huang Y, He Y, Guo Y, Jiang S, Bai Y, Wu Y, Guo Y, Zheng X, Li W, Deng X, Beijing da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban = Journal of Peking University. Health sciences. (84.7% DENTAL/ORAL/FACIAL; 12.2% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Comparison of stress distribution around all-on-four implants of different angulations and zygoma implants: a 7-model finite element analysis. Tezerişener HA, Özalp Ö, Altay MA, Sindel A, BMC oral health. (98.0% DENTAL/ORAL/FACIAL; 0.4% PROSTHETICS/ORTHOTICS)
Advances in Molecular Regulatory Mechanisms of Jaw Repair and Reconstruction. DU X, Xie J, Zou L, Sichuan da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban = Journal of Sichuan University. Medical science edition. (87.3% DENTAL/ORAL/FACIAL; 5.4% BONE)
An Anatomorphometric Study of Occipital Spurs and Their Association With Dental Occlusion. Çağlayan F, Polat B, Tugluoglu Dalci HL, Oncu E, Kuzey N, Guller H, Cureus. (94.2% DENTAL/ORAL/FACIAL; 1.1% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY)
Evidence of Effectiveness of Lingual Orthodontics as an Alternative to Conventional Labial Orthodontics. A Systematic Review. Ahmed S, Alghabban R, Alqahtani A, Alrehaili K, Aljarullah A, Alghannam AS, AlHathlol AM, Cureus. (98.6% DENTAL/ORAL/FACIAL; 0.2% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Comparison of Surface Roughness of Different Orthodontic Archwires: Atomic Force Microscopic Study. Ashique Abdulhameed S, S B, Sunny J, Goswami DS, Abraham N, Asha Ambroise M, Cureus. (97.2% DENTAL/ORAL/FACIAL; 0.9% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Save Your Back: Comparison of the Compressive Force on the Lower Back Based on Differences in the Training Techniques. Callihan ML, McCoy T, Reed C, Morley C, Law E, Philipps T, Journal of emergency nursing. (96.3% ERGONOMICS; 1.8% REHABILITATION)
Determining whether biomechanical variables that describe common 'safe lifting' cues are associated with low back loads. Armstrong DP, Davidson JB, Fischer SL, Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology. (94.8% ERGONOMICS; 2.2% REHABILITATION)
Building a Partnership Between a University and Local High School to Foster and Grow Interest in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering. Castile RM, Jobe J, Iannucci LE, Reals RF, Pavey SN, Fitzgerald J, Lake SP, Journal of biomechanical engineering. (36.5% ERGONOMICS; 17.3% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Conventional video recordings dependably quantify whole-body lifting strategy using the Stoop-Squat-Index: A methods comparison against motion capture and a reliability study. Bangerter C, Faude O, Eichelberger P, Schwarzentrub A, Girardin M, Busch A, Hasler CC, Schmid S, Journal of biomechanics. (67.7% ERGONOMICS; 18.4% METHODS)
Efficacy of an Omaha system-based remote ergonomic intervention program on self-reported work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) - A randomized controlled study. Zhang T, Tian Y, Yin Y, Sun W, Tang L, Tang R, Tian Y, Gong S, Tian S, Heliyon. (99.4% ERGONOMICS; 0.4% REHABILITATION)
Occupational risks and musculoskeletal complaints among industrial workers: a cross-sectional study. Dos Santos IN, de Oliveira AS, Viscardi LGA, Suassuna JAS, Santos ADC, Brasileiro-Santos MDS, Revista brasileira de medicina do trabalho : publicacao oficial da Associacao Nacional de Medicina do Trabalho-ANAMT. (99.5% ERGONOMICS; 0.1% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
Variation of thoracolumbar vertebral morphology in anthropoid primates. Kinoshita Y, Hirasaki E, American journal of biological anthropology. (87.8% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY; 5.2% ERGONOMICS)
Locomotion and the early Mesozoic success of Archosauromorpha. Shipley AE, Elsler A, Singh SA, Stubbs TL, Benton MJ, Royal Society open science. (90.5% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY; 5.5% COMPARATIVE)
Static versus dynamic muscle modelling in extinct species: a biomechanical case study of the Australopithecus afarensis pelvis and lower extremity. Wiseman ALA, Charles JP, Hutchinson JR, PeerJ. (54.1% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY; 25.5% MUSCLE)
Lower extremity muscle patterns and frontal plane biomechanics are altered in the contralateral knee of adults with osteoarthritis compared to asymptomatic adults. Remedios S, Rutherford D, Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology. (76.4% GAIT/LOCOMOTION; 13.4% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
The influence of postural threat-induced anxiety on locomotor learning and updating. Ellmers TJ, Durkin M, Sriranganathan K, Harris DJ, Bronstein AM, Journal of neurophysiology. (90.5% GAIT/LOCOMOTION; 3.9% NEURAL)
Influence of reduced passive ankle dorsiflexion range of motion on lower limb kinetics and stiffness during gait. Aquino MRC, Resende RA, Van Emmerik R, Souza TR, Fonseca ST, Kirkwood RN, Ocarino JM, Gait & posture. (93.6% GAIT/LOCOMOTION; 3.5% HAND/FINGER/FOOT/TOE)
Reliability of patient-specific gait profiles with inertial measurement units during the 2-min walk test in incomplete spinal cord injury. Willi R, Werner C, Demkó L, de Bie R, Filli L, Zörner B, Curt A, Bolliger M, Scientific reports. (70.9% GAIT/LOCOMOTION; 17.0% METHODS)
The effect of total ankle arthroplasty on mechanical energy exchange. Schmitt D, Sparling TL, Queen RM, Journal of biomechanics. (39.9% GAIT/LOCOMOTION; 23.7% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
Knee biomechanics variability before and after total knee arthroplasty: an equality of variance prospective study. Kowalski E, Catelli DS, Dervin G, Lamontagne M, Scientific reports. (72.2% GAIT/LOCOMOTION; 9.2% REHABILITATION)
Muscle synergies inherent in simulated hypogravity running reveal flexible but not unconstrained locomotor control. Fazzari C, Macchi R, Kunimasa Y, Ressam C, Casanova R, Chavet P, Nicol C, Scientific reports. (90.3% GAIT/LOCOMOTION; 3.5% MODELING)
Constant low-to-moderate mechanical asymmetries during 800-m track running. Girard O, Millet GP, Micallef JP, Frontiers in sports and active living. (59.3% GAIT/LOCOMOTION; 35.7% SPORT/EXERCISE)
A data mining approach for determining biomechanical adaptations in runners who experienced and recovered from patellofemoral pain syndrome. Brancati RJ, Hamill J, Jewell C, Boyer KA, Journal of sports sciences. (53.6% GAIT/LOCOMOTION; 12.8% SPORT/EXERCISE)
Translated article Better results in consolidation of hallux metatarsophalangeal arthrodesis with dorsal plate and interfragmentary compression screw. García-Jarabo E, Alonso-Tejero D, Ramos-Ramos LM, Hernanz-González Y, Vilá Y Rico J, Revista espanola de cirugia ortopedica y traumatologia. (72.8% HAND/FINGER/FOOT/TOE; 21.7% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
First tarsometatarsal arthrodesis for severe hallux valgus using the tension band principle - Technical tip and case series. Limaye N, Kotwal T, Alkhalfan Y, Lewis TL, Abbasian A, Foot (Edinburgh, Scotland). (81.4% HAND/FINGER/FOOT/TOE; 15.6% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Comparative Analysis of Intramedullary Nail versus Plate Fixation for Fibula Fracture in Supination External Rotation Type IV Ankle Injury. Chen H, Li Z, Li X, Lu J, Chen B, Wang Q, Cao P, Medical science monitor : international medical journal of experimental and clinical research. (46.3% HAND/FINGER/FOOT/TOE; 43.5% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Validating the measurement of passive Musculo-articular wrist stiffness without intentional or reactive contraction using axillary plexus block. Libert T, Detrembleur C, Melebeck F, Nguyen AP, Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon). (46.5% HAND/FINGER/FOOT/TOE; 30.7% METHODS)
Radiographic Evaluation of the Association between Foot Deformities and Ankle Medial Osteoarthritis. Choi JH, Noh KS, Lee DY, Choi YH, Lee T, Lee KM, Clinics in orthopedic surgery. (92.9% HAND/FINGER/FOOT/TOE; 4.4% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
Biomechanical effects of Evans versus Hintermann osteotomy for treating adult acquired flatfoot deformity: a patient-specific finite element investigation. Xu C, Liu H, Li M, Li H, Pan C, Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research. (87.4% HAND/FINGER/FOOT/TOE; 6.0% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Predicting Metacarpal Anatomic Lengths via Adjacent Metacarpals. Lichtig A, Mejia A, Lipman M, Jacome FP, Amirouche F, Journal of hand surgery global online. (93.8% HAND/FINGER/FOOT/TOE; 2.4% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Biomechanical properties of articular cartilage in different regions and sites of the knee joint: acquisition of osteochondral allografts. Ma Y, Lin Q, Wang X, Liu Y, Yu X, Ren Z, Zhang Y, Guo L, Wu X, Zhang X, Li P, Duan W, Wei X, Cell and tissue banking. (97.0% JOINT/CARTILAGE; 1.2% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
The contribution of the ligamentum teres to the hip fluid seal: A biomechanics study. Al'Khafaji I, Olszewski Y, Clarnette G, Settle E, Ernstbrunner L, O'Donnell J, Ackland D, Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon). (71.3% JOINT/CARTILAGE; 11.5% TENDON/LIGAMENT)
simMACT, a Software Demonstrator to Improve Maximum Actuation Joint Torques Simulation for Ergonomics Assessment. Savin JH, Rezzoug N, Journal of biomechanical engineering. (51.2% MODELING; 29.2% ERGONOMICS)
Biomechanical Effectivity Evaluation of Single- and Double-Metal-Bar Methods with Rotation and Equilibrium Displacements in Nuss Procedure Simulations. Lim BY, I H, Lee C, Annals of biomedical engineering. (59.7% MODELING; 9.2% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Modeling cancer progression: an integrated workflow extending data-driven kinetic models to bio-mechanical PDE models. Mohammad Mirzaei N, Shahriyari L, Physical biology. (89.7% MODELING; 6.1% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR)
Estimating intracranial parameters using an inverse mathematical model with viscoelastic elements that closely predicts complex ICP morphologies. Nassir A, Rosenthal G, Zadka Y, Houri S, Doron O, Barnea O, Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering. (91.3% MODELING; 3.5% METHODS)
Integration of Swin UNETR and statistical shape modeling for a semi-automated segmentation of the knee and biomechanical modeling of articular cartilage. Kakavand R, Palizi M, Tahghighi P, Ahmadi R, Gianchandani N, Adeeb S, Souza R, Edwards WB, Komeili A, Scientific reports. (76.6% MODELING; 14.9% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
A novel computational workflow to holistically assess total knee arthroplasty biomechanics identifies subject-specific effects of joint mechanics on implant fixation. Glenday JD, Vigdorchik JM, Sculco PK, Kahlenberg CA, Mayman DJ, Debbi EM, Lipman JD, Wright TM, González FJQ, Journal of biomechanics. (47.8% MODELING; 27.0% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
Assessment of a fully-parametric thoraco-lumbar spine model generator with articulated ribcage. Bellina E, Laurino ME, Perego A, Pezzinga A, Carpenedo L, Ninarello D, La Barbera L, Journal of biomechanics. (75.1% MODELING; 17.9% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE)
Finite element analysis of female pelvic organ prolapse mechanism: current landscape and future opportunities. Yang M, Chen C, Wang Z, Long J, Huang R, Qi W, Shi R, Frontiers in medicine. (93.2% MODELING; 2.2% METHODS)
Partial femoral head replacement: a new innovative hip-preserving approach for treating osteonecrosis of the femoral head and its finite element analysis. Yang Y, Cheng X, Chen W, Li G, Wang Y, Sun W, An W, Zhang Q, Zhang Y, Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology. (44.2% MODELING; 20.6% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
It's more than the amount that counts: implications of collagen organization on passive muscle tissue properties revealed with micromechanical models and experiments. Sahani R, Hixson K, Blemker SS, Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. (97.0% MUSCLE; 1.1% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
The influence of acute dopamine transporter inhibition on manic-, depressive-like phenotypes, and brain oxidative status in adult zebrafish. Canzian J, Borba JV, Ames J, Silva RM, Resmim CM, Pretzel CW, Duarte MCF, Storck TR, Mohammed KA, Adedara IA, Loro VL, Gerlai R, Rosemberg DB, Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry. (69.4% NEURAL; 13.7% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR)
A partial habituation method to test for anterograde and retrograde amnestic treatment effects: Evidence that antagonism of the NMDA receptor can induce anterograde but not retrograde amnestic effects. Leite Junior JB, de Mello Bastos JM, Dias FRC, Samuels RI, Carey RJ, Carrera MP, Journal of neuroscience methods. (52.4% NEURAL; 15.2% METHODS)
The synaptic drive of central pattern-generating networks to leg motor neurons of a walking insect is motor neuron pool specific. Ruthe A, Mantziaris C, Büschges A, Current biology : CB. (98.2% NEURAL; 0.8% GAIT/LOCOMOTION)
Pain-sensorimotor interactions: New perspectives and a new model. Murray GM, Sessle BJ, Neurobiology of pain (Cambridge, Mass.). (79.6% NEURAL; 3.9% MUSCLE)
The effect of polymethylmethacrylate augmentation on the primary stability of stand-alone implant construct versus posterior stabilization in oblique lumbar interbody fusion with osteoporotic bone quality- a finite element study. Bereczki F, Turbucz M, Pokorni AJ, Hajnal B, Ronai M, Klemencsics I, Lazary A, Eltes PE, The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society. (97.9% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 1.5% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Biomechanical assessment of different transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion constructs in normal and osteoporotic condition: a finite element analysis. Liu C, Zhao M, Zhang W, Wang C, Hu B, Wang K, Xu W, Li L, Si H, The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society. (97.8% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 0.9% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
IVD fibrosis and disc collapse comprehensively aggravate vertebral body disuse osteoporosis and zygapophyseal joint osteoarthritis by posteriorly shifting the load transmission pattern. Xi Z, Xie Y, Sun S, Wang N, Chen S, Wang G, Li J, Computers in biology and medicine. (98.6% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 0.2% ERGONOMICS)
Biomechanical Evaluation of 2 Endoscopic Spine Surgery Methods for Treating Lumbar Disc Herniation: A Finite Element Study. Zou Y, Ji S, Yang HW, Ma T, Fang YK, Wang ZC, Liu MM, Zhou PH, Bao ZQ, Zhang CC, Ye YC, Neurospine. (98.2% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 0.6% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
A Biomechanical Comparison of 2 Different Topping-off Devices and Their Influence on the Sacroiliac Joint Following Lumbosacral Fusion Surgery. Fan W, Yang S, Chen J, Guo LX, Zhang M, Neurospine. (93.2% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 5.4% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Multilevel Pedicle Subtraction Osteotomy for Correction of Thoracolumbar Kyphosis in Ankylosing Spondylitis: Clinical Effect and Biomechanical Evaluation. Lv X, Nuertai Y, Wang Q, Zhang D, Hu X, Liu J, Zeng Z, Huang R, Huang Z, Zhao Q, Li W, Zhang Z, Gao L, Neurospine. (95.7% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 3.6% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Biomechanical Comparison of Anterior Cervical Corpectomy Decompression and Fusion, Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion, and Anterior Controllable Antedisplacement and Fusion in the Surgical Treatment of Multilevel Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: A Finite Element Analysis. Kong Q, Li F, Yan C, Sun J, Sun P, Ou-Yang J, Zhong S, Wang Y, Shi J, Orthopaedic surgery. (98.7% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 0.6% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
L4 fixation is not necessary in L5-Iliac spinopelvic fixation after trauma, but coadjutant transilio-transsacral fixation is. Sevillano-Perez E, Prado-Novoa M, Postigo-Pozo S, Peña-Trabalon A, Guerado E, Injury. (90.4% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 5.2% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Design of a novel lateral mass screw-plate system for the treatment of unstable atlas fractures: a finite element analysis. Niu HG, Zhang JJ, Yan YZ, Zhao CK, Yang K, Zhang YS, Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research. (93.3% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 3.3% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
A New Approach to the Treatment of Sacroiliac Joint Pain and First Patient-Reported Outcomes Using a Novel Arthrodesis Technique for Sacroiliac Joint Fusion. Fuchs V, Rieger B, Orthopedic research and reviews. (83.0% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 12.2% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Effect of low back pain on the kinetics and kinematics of the lumbar spine - a combined in vivo and in silico investigation. Firouzabadi A, Arjmand N, Zhang T, Pumberger M, Schmidt H, Journal of biomechanics. (44.1% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 27.0% ERGONOMICS)
Biomechanical evaluation of the novel assembled internal fixed system in C2-C3 anterior cervical discectomy and fusion: a finite element analysis. Chen H, Sun H, Cao L, Xia H, Tu Q, Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research. (98.6% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 0.7% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
The retropharyngeal reduction plate for atlantoaxial dislocation: a finite element analysis. Kong W, Du Y, Li J, Shao J, Xi Y, Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology. (72.9% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 21.0% MODELING)
Biomechanical Analysis of Adjacent Segments after Spinal Fusion Surgery Using a Geometrically Parametric Patient-Specific Finite Element Model. Wang Y, Shen Q, Liang C, Shen Y, Tang X, Yi P, Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE. (88.4% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 9.7% MODELING)
What is the best way to transfer a patient with a suspected spinal cord injury to hospital? A biomechanical analysis of cervical spine misalignment during simulations. Nicolás Carrillo A, Ruiz Casquet J, Ramírez Rojas Y, Horodyski M, Baez C, Sánchez-Arévalo Morato S, Pardo Ríos M, Emergencias : revista de la Sociedad Espanola de Medicina de Emergencias. (51.8% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 24.8% TRAUMA/IMPACT)
Changes in cervical sagittal balance following anterior cervical discectomy with fusion. Limanówka B, Sagan L, Limanówka K, Poncyljusz W, Neurologia i neurochirurgia polska. (98.2% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 0.7% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
The Contribution of Soft Tissue and Bony Stabilizers to the Hip Suction Seal: A Systematic Review of Biomechanical Studies. Hoffer AJ, Beel W, Ng KCG, Degen RM, The American journal of sports medicine. (66.5% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 14.5% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
Biomechanical Analysis Reveals Shoulder Instability With Bipolar Bone Loss Is Best Treated With Dynamic Anterior Stabilization for On-Track Lesions and With Remplissage for Off-Track Lesions. Wu C, Ye Z, Lu S, Fang Z, Xu J, Zhao J, Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association. (59.4% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 27.4% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
Influence of the rotator cuff tear pattern in shoulder stability after arthroscopic superior capsule reconstruction: a computational analysis. Antunes M, Quental C, Folgado J, Ângelo AC, de Campos Azevedo C, Journal of ISAKOS : joint disorders & orthopaedic sports medicine. (42.0% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 40.9% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
Comparison of ESIN and other minimally invasive techniques for anterior pelvic ring injury: a finite element analysis and case-control study. Xia W, Jiang H, Tao E, Ye J, Wang F, Wang X, Cai L, Feng Y, International journal of surgery (London, England). (65.9% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 15.0% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE)
Biomechanical evaluation of the ST-knot: A new suture for flexor tendon repair. Brenac C, Pithioux M, Tomczak S, Lallemand M, Jaloux C, de Villeneuve Bargemon JB, Hand surgery & rehabilitation. (45.5% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 33.3% TENDON/LIGAMENT)
Labral Augmentation With Either Iliotibial Band Allograft or Dermis Allograft Perform Similarly Regarding Peak Force, Displacement, and Work to Labral Repair in Suction Seal Restoration: A Biomechanical Study. Kaplan DJ, Fenn TW, Gursoy S, Mameri ES, Rice MW, Chapman RS, Shewman EF, Nho SJ, Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association. (59.0% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 14.7% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
The effect of screw orientation on internal fixation of Letenneur type II Hoffa fractures: a biomechanics study. Liu J, Lu Z, Zheng Z, BMC musculoskeletal disorders. (85.8% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 5.5% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE)
Knotted or knotless double-row rotator cuff repair retear rates: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Figueiredo JA, Sarmento M, Moura N, Gomes DS, Cartucho A, JSES reviews, reports, and techniques. (96.4% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 1.0% TENDON/LIGAMENT)
Isolated traumatic full-thickness supraspinatus tear with intact glenohumeral capsule: a case report. Lante E, Jany R, JSES reviews, reports, and techniques. (65.5% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 12.5% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
Acellular Human Dermal Allograft Tuberoplasty Improved the Biomechanics in Mid-Range and Higher Abduction Angles in a Cadaveric Model of Massive Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears. Lew R, Park M, Beyer R, McGarry MH, Dham M, Hauck O, Adamson G, Lee TQ, Arthroscopy, sports medicine, and rehabilitation. (81.8% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 8.0% TENDON/LIGAMENT)
In Vitro Investigation of Column Fixation Constructs for Periacetabular Osteotomy: Which Provide the Greatest Stiffness and Strength? Reine S, Romero J, Collett G, Pierce B, Podeszwa D, Starr A, Wells J, Arthroplasty today. (76.1% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 4.1% PROSTHETICS/ORTHOTICS)
Editorial Commentary: Bridging Graft Techniques Improve Short-Term Outcomes for Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tear Repair. Kanakamedala AC, Hinz M, Millett PJ, Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association. (86.3% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 5.9% TENDON/LIGAMENT)
The Internal Joint Stabilizer of the Elbow: A Systematic Review of the Clinical and Biomechanical Evidence. Heifner JJ, Chambers LR, Halpern AL, Mercer DM, Journal of hand surgery global online. (65.1% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 27.4% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
Differentiation of the body build and posture in the population of people with intellectual disabilities and Down Syndrome: a systematic review. Gaweł E, Celebańska D, Zwierzchowska A, BMC public health. (94.7% POSTURE/BALANCE; 1.6% REHABILITATION)
Android obesity could be associated with a higher fall risk than gynoid obesity following a standing-slip: A simulation-based biomechanical analysis. Ahn J, Ban R, Simpkins C, Yang F, Journal of biomechanics. (90.7% POSTURE/BALANCE; 3.6% GAIT/LOCOMOTION)
Peak tibial axial acceleration during walking is related to intact-side lower limb pain in persons with unilateral transtibial amputation. Parr TE, Farrokhi S, Hendershot BD, Butowicz CM, Gait & posture. (58.4% PROSTHETICS/ORTHOTICS; 33.0% GAIT/LOCOMOTION)
Biomechanical effects of foot orthoses on jump landing performance: A systematic review. Jor A, Hu M, Koh MWP, Lau NWK, Daryabor A, Lam WK, Kobayashi T, Prosthetics and orthotics international. (93.6% PROSTHETICS/ORTHOTICS; 1.1% HAND/FINGER/FOOT/TOE)
Data-Driven Phase-Based Control of a Powered Knee-Ankle Prosthesis for Variable-Incline Stair Ascent and Descent. Cortino RJ, Best TK, Gregg RD, IEEE transactions on medical robotics and bionics. (93.0% PROSTHETICS/ORTHOTICS; 2.9% GAIT/LOCOMOTION)
Active Motion Laboratory Test Apparatus for Evaluation of Total Elbow Prostheses. Combs T, Nelson B, Jakucki M, Schneppendahl J, Moody D, Kaufmann RA, Journal of hand surgery global online. (68.9% PROSTHETICS/ORTHOTICS; 11.6% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
Three-Dimensional Upper Limb Movement Analysis in Children and Adolescents With Brachial Plexus Birth Injury: A Systematic Review. Le Roy L, van Bladel A, De Mits S, Vanden Bossche L, Van der Looven R, Pediatric neurology. (37.1% REHABILITATION; 26.4% ERGONOMICS)
Movement efficiency in survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a report from the St. Jude lifetime cohort study. Onerup A, Mirzaei S S, Wogksch MD, Goodenough CG, Lambert G, Sapkota Y, Mulrooney DA, Hudson MM, Jacola LM, Ness KK, Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice. (48.3% REHABILITATION; 19.9% ERGONOMICS)
Effectiveness of functional or biomechanical bandages with athletic taping and kinesiotaping in subjects with chronic ankle instability: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Chamorro-Moriana G, Perez-Cabezas V, Benitez-Lugo M, EFORT open reviews. (51.8% REHABILITATION; 21.9% SPORT/EXERCISE)
Comprehensive Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Protocol of Plantar Fasciitis for a 45-Year-Old Female: A Case Report. Boob MA, Phansopkar P, Somaiya KJ, Cureus. (43.4% REHABILITATION; 42.7% ERGONOMICS)
3D-Printed Origami Actuators for a Multianimal-Inspired Soft Robot with Amphibious Locomotion and Tongue Hunting. Yang Y, Xie Y, Liu J, Li Y, Chen F, Soft robotics. (99.1% ROBOTICS; 0.3% MODELING)
Magnetically Selective Versatile Transport of Microrobotic Carriers. Hu X, Kim K, Ali A, Kim H, Kang Y, Yoon J, Torati SR, Reddy V, Im MY, Lim B, Kim C, Small methods. (44.4% ROBOTICS; 41.0% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR)
Multimodal Soft Robotic Actuation and Locomotion. Yao DR, Kim I, Yin S, Gao W, Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.). (99.2% ROBOTICS; 0.2% MODELING)
An Amphibious Fully-Soft Centimeter-Scale Miniature Crawling Robot Powered by Electrohydraulic Fluid Kinetic Energy. Xiong Q, Zhou X, Li D, Ambrose JW, Yeow RC, Advanced science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany). (99.4% ROBOTICS; 0.2% MODELING)
Robustification of Bayesian-Inference-Based Gait Estimation for Lower-limb Wearable Robots. Hsu TW, Gregg RD, Thomas GC, IEEE robotics and automation letters. (54.1% ROBOTICS; 29.7% METHODS)
Bioinspired 3D flexible devices and functional systems. Cheng X, Shen Z, Zhang Y, National science review. (60.1% ROBOTICS; 17.3% METHODS)
Electromechanical enhancement of live jellyfish for ocean exploration. Anuszczyk SR, Dabiri JO, Bioinspiration & biomimetics. (94.5% ROBOTICS; 2.2% COMPARATIVE)
Current status and future application of electrically controlled micro/nanorobots in biomedicine. Pu R, Yang X, Mu H, Xu Z, He J, Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology. (97.7% ROBOTICS; 0.6% METHODS)
Effects of Five Common Preparatory Approaches on Grand Jeté Biomechanics. Weigand V, Mokha GM, Journal of dance medicine & science : official publication of the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science. (95.2% SPORT/EXERCISE; 2.6% ERGONOMICS)
One-dimension statistical parametric mapping in lower limb biomechanical analysis: A systematic scoping review. Yona T, Kamel N, Cohen-Eick G, Ovadia I, Fischer A, Gait & posture. (70.7% SPORT/EXERCISE; 18.0% METHODS)
Motor skill competence and moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity: a linear and non-linear cross-sectional analysis of eight pooled trials. Barnett LM, Verswijveren SJJM, Colvin B, Lubans DR, Telford RM, Lander NJ, Schott N, Tietjens M, Hesketh KD, Morgan PJ, Hinkley T, Downing KL, Telford RD, Cohen KE, Ridgers ND, Abbott G, The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. (90.9% SPORT/EXERCISE; 3.8% GAIT/LOCOMOTION)
An 8-week injury prevention exercise program combined with change-of-direction technique training limits movement patterns associated with anterior cruciate ligament injury risk. Mohr M, Federolf P, Heinrich D, Nitschke M, Raschner C, Scharbert J, Koelewijn AD, Scientific reports. (36.0% SPORT/EXERCISE; 28.8% TENDON/LIGAMENT)
A Study of Racket Weight Adaptation in Advanced and Beginner Badminton Players. Pan Z, Liu L, Li X, Ma Y, Applied bionics and biomechanics. (97.5% SPORT/EXERCISE; 0.4% ERGONOMICS)
Biomechanical Characteristics of Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injuries Treated With and Without Augmentation: A Network Meta-analysis of Controlled Laboratory Studies. Kunze KN, Fury MS, Pareek A, Camp CL, Altchek DW, Dines JS, The American journal of sports medicine. (90.0% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 6.4% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Tobramycin and Vancomycin in an In Vitro Model of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Allograft Decontamination. Bentkowski BN, Blunt KM, Milliron EM, Cavendish PA, Barnes RH, Kaeding CC, Magnussen RA, Stoodley P, Flanigan DC, The American journal of sports medicine. (77.6% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 8.0% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Braided biomimetic PCL grafts for anterior cruciate ligament repair and regeneration. Kadyr S, Nurmanova U, Khumyrzakh B, Zhakypbekova A, Saginova D, Daniyeva N, Erisken C, Biomedical materials (Bristol, England). (80.9% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 15.9% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Increased knee torsional misalignment associated with femoral torsion is related to non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injury: a case-control study. Wang D, Fan H, Hu L, Liang X, Huang W, Li K, Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research. (81.5% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 11.4% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
Replacement of tibialis cranialis tendon with polyester, silicone-coated artificial tendon preserves biomechanical function in rabbits compared to tendon excision only. Easton KL, Hatch C, Stephens K, Marler D, Fidelis O, Sun X, Bowers KM, Billings C, Greenacre CB, Anderson DE, Crouch DL, Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research. (96.6% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 0.9% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
No Difference in Pullout Strength Between a Bio-inductive Implant and a Semitendinosus Tendon Graft in a Biomechanical Study of Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Repair Augmentation. Wetzler A, McMillan S, Brewer E, Patel A, Handy S, Wetzler M, Arthroscopy, sports medicine, and rehabilitation. (80.4% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 16.4% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Whip-Lock Stitch Is Biomechanically Superior to Whipstitch for Semitendinosus Tendons. Diaz MA, Branch EA, Dunn JG, Brothers A, Jordan SE, Arthroscopy, sports medicine, and rehabilitation. (69.6% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 26.5% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
The 100 Top-Cited Articles on Medial Patellofemoral Ligament: A Bibliometric Analysis and Review. Panagopoulos A, Giannatos V, Antzoulas P, Lakoumentas J, Raoulis V, Hantes M, Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine. (91.3% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 3.0% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Combined Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Anterolateral Ligament Reconstruction Using a Single Peroneus Longus Tendon Graft. da Silva AGM, Macedo RS, Souza MO, Giglio PN, Videira LD, Gobbi RG, Godoy Dos Santos AL, Helito CP, Arthroscopy techniques. (90.7% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 7.3% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
No difference in torque load to failure between split anconeus fascia transfer and autograft palmaris longus tendon for reconstruction of the lateral ulnar collateral ligament. Wright MA, Deal JB, Schiffman BA, Gould HP, Forthman CL, Murthi AM, JSES international. (74.6% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 18.5% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
A cross-sectional observational study comparing individuals with a symptomatic full-thickness rotator cuff tear with age-matched controls. Roos M, Bertrand-Charette M, Dubé MO, Tittley J, Brisson M, Chau L, Whittaker JL, Desmeules F, Mercier C, Roy JS, JSES international. (35.9% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 16.1% REHABILITATION)
Uniaxial mechanical stretch properties correlated with three-dimensional microstructure of human dermal skin. Zhou M, González PJ, Van Haasterecht L, Soylu A, Mihailovski M, Van Zuijlen P, Groot ML, Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology. (98.3% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL; 0.3% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR)
All-in-One Self-Powered Microneedle Device for Accelerating Infected Diabetic Wound Repair. Li W, Liu Z, Tan X, Yang N, Liang Y, Feng D, Li H, Yuan R, Zhang Q, Liu L, Ge L, Advanced healthcare materials. (91.9% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL; 2.7% METHODS)
A Comparative Study of Machine Learning and Algorithmic Approaches to Automatically Identify the Yield Point in Normal and Aneurysmal Human Aortic Tissues. Chung TK, Kim J, Gueldner PH, Vorp DA, Raghavan ML, Journal of biomechanical engineering. (84.5% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL; 10.8% METHODS)
Fabrication and biomechanical characterization of a spider silk reinforced fibrin-based vascular prosthesis. Glomb C, Wilhelmi M, Strauß S, Zippusch S, Klingenberg M, Aper T, Vogt PM, Ruhparwar A, Helms F, Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials. (52.2% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL; 41.6% CARDIOVASCULAR/CARDIOPULMONARY)
Selective Laser Melting of the Porous Ta Scaffold with Mg-Doped Calcium Phosphate Coating for Orthopedic Applications. Xu J, Wu D, Ge B, Li M, Yu H, Cao F, Wang W, Zhang Q, Yi P, Wang H, Song L, Liu L, Li J, Zhao D, ACS biomaterials science & engineering. (67.1% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL; 26.3% BONE)
Novel muscle-derived extracellular matrix hydrogel promotes angiogenesis and neurogenesis in volumetric muscle loss. Chen Z, Huang Y, Xing H, Tseng T, Edelman H, Perry R, Kyriakides TR, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology. (52.1% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL; 35.5% MUSCLE)
A perioperative layered autologous tissue expansion graft for hollow organ repair. Willacy O, Juul N, Taouzlak L, Chamorro CI, Ajallouiean F, Fossum M, Heliyon. (98.2% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL; 0.4% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR)
Shape-recovery of implanted shape-memory devices remotely triggered via image-guided ultrasound heating. Zhu Y, Deng K, Zhou J, Lai C, Ma Z, Zhang H, Pan J, Shen L, Bucknor MD, Ozhinsky E, Kim S, Chen G, Ye SH, Zhang Y, Liu D, Gao C, Xu Y, Wang H, Wagner WR, Nature communications. (44.3% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL; 37.4% METHODS)
Network pharmacology and molecular docking-based investigation of monocyte locomotion inhibitory factor attenuates traumatic brain injury by regulating aquaporin 4 expression. Li X, Ma Y, Lv M, Gao Y, Zhang Y, Li T, Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology. (86.4% TRAUMA/IMPACT; 5.7% NEURAL)
Special Issue: Current Trends in Impact and Injury Biomechanics. Panzer MB, López Valdés FJ, Morrison B, Journal of biomechanical engineering. (99.4% TRAUMA/IMPACT; 0.2% ERGONOMICS)
Quantification of the effect of in utero events on lifetime resilience in dairy cows. Lewis K, Shewbridge Carter L, Bradley A, Dewhurst R, Forde N, Hyde R, Kaler J, March MD, Mason C, O'Grady L, Strain S, Thompson J, Green M, Journal of dairy science. (98.4% VETERINARY/AGRICULTURAL; 0.8% COMPARATIVE)
A method for generating zonular tension in the murine eye by embedding and compressing the globe in a hydrogel. Rich W, Pan M, Liu J, Swindle-Reilly KE, Reilly MA, Experimental eye research. (90.9% VISUAL/VESTIBULAR; 7.1% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Research hot spots and trends of keratoconus in China: a bibliometric analysis. Song Y, Huang C, Yu XT, Li YY, Liu ZY, Zhonghua yan ke za zhi Chinese journal of ophthalmology. (69.4% VISUAL/VESTIBULAR; 21.3% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Comparison of corneal biomechanical parameters in healthy corneas with symmetric and asymmetric bow-tie topographic pattern with inferior and superior steepening. Sedaghat MR, Ostadi-Moghaddam H, Momeni-Moghaddam H, Motaei S, Roberts CJ, Belin MW, Oladi Abbas Abadi S, International ophthalmology. (88.5% VISUAL/VESTIBULAR; 9.3% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
In vivo assessment of the ocular biomechanical properties in patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus. Valsecchi N, Roda M, Febbraro S, Trolli E, Palandri G, Giannini G, Milletti D, Schiavi C, Fontana L, International ophthalmology. (93.5% VISUAL/VESTIBULAR; 5.7% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Multisensory strategies for postural compensation after lateral line loss. Davis SN, Zhu Y, Schoppik D, bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology. (31.8% VISUAL/VESTIBULAR; 30.3% COMPARATIVE)
Implantation of a capsular tension ring during cataract surgery attenuates predicted remodeling of the post-surgical lens capsule along the visual axis. Ameku KA, Berggren CC, Pedrigi RM, Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology. (70.9% VISUAL/VESTIBULAR; 20.9% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Feb 02, 2024 - Feb 08, 2024
Literature search terms: biomech* & locomot*
Publications are classified by BiomchBERT, a neural network trained on past Biomch-L Literature Updates. BiomchBERT is managed by Jereme Outerleys, a Doctoral Student at Queen's University. Each publication has a score (out of 100%) reflecting how confident BiomchBERT is that the publication belongs in a particular category (top 2 shown). If something doesn't look right, email jereme.outerleys[at]
Twitter: @jouterleys.
Ultrasound attenuation of cortical bone correlates with biomechanical, microstructural, and compositional properties. Jerban S, Barrere V, Namiranian B, Wu Y, Alenezi S, Dorthe E, Dlima D, Shah SB, Chung CB, Du J, Andre MP, Chang EY, European radiology experimental. (96.8% BONE; 1.2% METHODS)
Systematic literature review of in vivo rat femoral defect models using biomaterials to improve the induced membrane technique: a comprehensive analysis. Saab M, Zobrist C, Blanchemain N, Martel B, Chai F, EFORT open reviews. (61.2% BONE; 20.5% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Role of the osteocyte in bone metastasis - The importance of networking. Verbruggen SW, Journal of bone oncology. (70.9% BONE; 25.2% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR)
Predicting Lipid-Rich Plaque Progression in Coronary Arteries Using Multimodal Imaging and Wall Shear Stress Signatures. De Nisco G, Hartman EMJ, Torta E, Daemen J, Chiastra C, Gallo D, Morbiducci U, Wentzel JJ, Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology. (97.6% CARDIOVASCULAR/CARDIOPULMONARY; 0.8% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR)
Structural and Mechanical Properties of Human Superficial Femoral and Popliteal Arteries. Shahbad R, Pipinos M, Jadidi M, Desyatova A, Gamache J, MacTaggart J, Kamenskiy A, Annals of biomedical engineering. (92.9% CARDIOVASCULAR/CARDIOPULMONARY; 3.2% MODELING)
Mechanical, structural, and physiologic differences between above and below-knee human arteries. Struczewska P, Razian SA, Townsend K, Jadidi M, Shahbad R, Zamani E, Gamache J, MacTaggart J, Kamenskiy A, Acta biomaterialia. (92.6% CARDIOVASCULAR/CARDIOPULMONARY; 1.3% MUSCLE)
Carotid wave analysis in young adults with a history of adolescent anorexia nervosa: a case control study. Springall GAC, Goldsmith G, Zannino D, Cheong J, Mynard JP, Yeo M, Cheung MMH, Journal of eating disorders. (83.8% CARDIOVASCULAR/CARDIOPULMONARY; 2.6% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Pre-intervention myocardial stress is a good predictor of aortic valvoluplasty outcome for fetal critical aortic stenosis and evolving HLHS. Green L, Chan WX, Prakash I, Tulzer A, Tulzer G, Yap CH, The Journal of physiology. (96.4% CARDIOVASCULAR/CARDIOPULMONARY; 0.5% METHODS)
Analysis of the Adherent Cell Response to the Substrate Stiffness Using Tensegrity. Khounsaraki GM, Movahedi M, Oscuii HN, Voloshin A, Annals of biomedical engineering. (94.8% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR; 1.4% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Recent advances in micro-physiological systems for investigating tumor metastasis and organotropism. Yoon H, Sabaté Del Río J, Cho SW, Park TE, Lab on a chip. (94.2% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR; 3.3% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Direct observation of cytoskeleton-dependent trafficking of miRNA visualized by the introduction of pre-miRNA. Ishikawa T, Sugawara K, Zhang J, Funatsu T, Okabe K, iScience. (90.6% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR; 3.7% METHODS)
Mechanical activation and expression of HSP27 in epithelial ovarian cancer. Buckley M, Kramer M, Johnson B, Huskin G, Berry J, Sewell-Loftin MK, Scientific reports. (94.0% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR; 4.4% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Invasion of glioma cells through confined space requires membrane tension regulation and mechano-electrical coupling via Plexin-B2. Junqueira Alves C, Hannah T, Sadia S, Kolsteeg C, Dixon A, Wiener RJ, Nguyen H, Tipping MJ, Ladeira JS, Franklin PFDC, Dutra de Nigro NP, Dias RA, Zabala Capriles PV, Rodrigues Furtado de Mendonça JP, Slesinger P, Costa K, Zou H, Friedel RH, bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology. (99.4% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR; 0.2% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
On the spinal venous sinus of Alligator mississippiensis. Parker S, Cramberg M, Scott A, Sopko S, Swords A, Taylor E, Young BA, Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007). (52.9% COMPARATIVE; 6.1% MUSCLE)
A review of the role played by cilia in medusozoan feeding mechanics. Jordano MA, Nagata RM, Morandini AC, Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. (90.7% COMPARATIVE; 4.7% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY)
Sensitivity of amphibian embryos to timing and magnitude of present and future thermal extremes. Oborová V, Šugerková M, Gvoždík L, Journal of experimental zoology. Part A, Ecological and integrative physiology. (79.6% COMPARATIVE; 6.7% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY)
The salamander limb: a perfect model to understand imperfect integration during skeletal regeneration. Riquelme-Guzmán C, Sandoval-Guzmán T, Biology open. (32.4% COMPARATIVE; 27.7% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY)
The shape of Nature's stingers revealed. Quan H, Liang X, Zhang X, Meyers MA, McMeeking RM, Arzt E, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. (84.3% COMPARATIVE; 13.0% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY)
Buckling-induced sound production in the aeroelastic tymbals of Yponomeuta. Mendoza Nava H, Holderied MW, Pirrera A, Groh RMJ, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. (85.3% COMPARATIVE; 4.2% ROBOTICS)
Animal locomotion: Wing-like femoral lobes help orchid mantid nymphs glide. Socha JJ, Khandelwal PC, Current biology : CB. (92.4% COMPARATIVE; 4.5% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY)
Preclinical toxicological assessment of polydatin in zebrafish model. Schimith LE, Machado da Silva V, Costa-Silva DGD, Seregni Monteiro LK, Muccillo-Baisch AL, André-Miral C, Hort MA, Drug and chemical toxicology. (37.0% COMPARATIVE; 8.6% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR)
Correlation of salivary cytokine IL-17A and 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment. Sagar S, Ramani P, Moses S, Gheena S, Selvaraj J, Odontology. (98.2% DENTAL/ORAL/FACIAL; 0.2% COMPARATIVE)
Long non-coding RNA LncTUG1 regulates favourable compression force-induced cementocytes mineralization via PU.1/TLR4/SphK1 signalling. Wang H, Li T, Jiang Y, Chen S, Wu Z, Zeng X, Yang K, Duan P, Zou S, Cell proliferation. (77.7% DENTAL/ORAL/FACIAL; 8.1% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Correspondence attention for facial appearance simulation. Fang X, Kim D, Xu X, Kuang T, Lampen N, Lee J, Deng HH, Liebschner MAK, Xia JJ, Gateno J, Yan P, Medical image analysis. (63.8% DENTAL/ORAL/FACIAL; 30.1% MODELING)
Bionic design, preparation and clinical translation of oral hard tissue restorative materials. Zhao H, Wei Y, Zhang X, Yang X, Cai Q, Ning C, Xu M, Liu W, Huang Y, He Y, Guo Y, Jiang S, Bai Y, Wu Y, Guo Y, Zheng X, Li W, Deng X, Beijing da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban = Journal of Peking University. Health sciences. (84.7% DENTAL/ORAL/FACIAL; 12.2% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Comparison of stress distribution around all-on-four implants of different angulations and zygoma implants: a 7-model finite element analysis. Tezerişener HA, Özalp Ö, Altay MA, Sindel A, BMC oral health. (98.0% DENTAL/ORAL/FACIAL; 0.4% PROSTHETICS/ORTHOTICS)
Advances in Molecular Regulatory Mechanisms of Jaw Repair and Reconstruction. DU X, Xie J, Zou L, Sichuan da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban = Journal of Sichuan University. Medical science edition. (87.3% DENTAL/ORAL/FACIAL; 5.4% BONE)
An Anatomorphometric Study of Occipital Spurs and Their Association With Dental Occlusion. Çağlayan F, Polat B, Tugluoglu Dalci HL, Oncu E, Kuzey N, Guller H, Cureus. (94.2% DENTAL/ORAL/FACIAL; 1.1% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY)
Evidence of Effectiveness of Lingual Orthodontics as an Alternative to Conventional Labial Orthodontics. A Systematic Review. Ahmed S, Alghabban R, Alqahtani A, Alrehaili K, Aljarullah A, Alghannam AS, AlHathlol AM, Cureus. (98.6% DENTAL/ORAL/FACIAL; 0.2% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Comparison of Surface Roughness of Different Orthodontic Archwires: Atomic Force Microscopic Study. Ashique Abdulhameed S, S B, Sunny J, Goswami DS, Abraham N, Asha Ambroise M, Cureus. (97.2% DENTAL/ORAL/FACIAL; 0.9% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Save Your Back: Comparison of the Compressive Force on the Lower Back Based on Differences in the Training Techniques. Callihan ML, McCoy T, Reed C, Morley C, Law E, Philipps T, Journal of emergency nursing. (96.3% ERGONOMICS; 1.8% REHABILITATION)
Determining whether biomechanical variables that describe common 'safe lifting' cues are associated with low back loads. Armstrong DP, Davidson JB, Fischer SL, Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology. (94.8% ERGONOMICS; 2.2% REHABILITATION)
Building a Partnership Between a University and Local High School to Foster and Grow Interest in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering. Castile RM, Jobe J, Iannucci LE, Reals RF, Pavey SN, Fitzgerald J, Lake SP, Journal of biomechanical engineering. (36.5% ERGONOMICS; 17.3% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Conventional video recordings dependably quantify whole-body lifting strategy using the Stoop-Squat-Index: A methods comparison against motion capture and a reliability study. Bangerter C, Faude O, Eichelberger P, Schwarzentrub A, Girardin M, Busch A, Hasler CC, Schmid S, Journal of biomechanics. (67.7% ERGONOMICS; 18.4% METHODS)
Efficacy of an Omaha system-based remote ergonomic intervention program on self-reported work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) - A randomized controlled study. Zhang T, Tian Y, Yin Y, Sun W, Tang L, Tang R, Tian Y, Gong S, Tian S, Heliyon. (99.4% ERGONOMICS; 0.4% REHABILITATION)
Occupational risks and musculoskeletal complaints among industrial workers: a cross-sectional study. Dos Santos IN, de Oliveira AS, Viscardi LGA, Suassuna JAS, Santos ADC, Brasileiro-Santos MDS, Revista brasileira de medicina do trabalho : publicacao oficial da Associacao Nacional de Medicina do Trabalho-ANAMT. (99.5% ERGONOMICS; 0.1% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
Variation of thoracolumbar vertebral morphology in anthropoid primates. Kinoshita Y, Hirasaki E, American journal of biological anthropology. (87.8% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY; 5.2% ERGONOMICS)
Locomotion and the early Mesozoic success of Archosauromorpha. Shipley AE, Elsler A, Singh SA, Stubbs TL, Benton MJ, Royal Society open science. (90.5% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY; 5.5% COMPARATIVE)
Static versus dynamic muscle modelling in extinct species: a biomechanical case study of the Australopithecus afarensis pelvis and lower extremity. Wiseman ALA, Charles JP, Hutchinson JR, PeerJ. (54.1% EVOLUTION/ANTHROPOLOGY; 25.5% MUSCLE)
Lower extremity muscle patterns and frontal plane biomechanics are altered in the contralateral knee of adults with osteoarthritis compared to asymptomatic adults. Remedios S, Rutherford D, Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology. (76.4% GAIT/LOCOMOTION; 13.4% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
The influence of postural threat-induced anxiety on locomotor learning and updating. Ellmers TJ, Durkin M, Sriranganathan K, Harris DJ, Bronstein AM, Journal of neurophysiology. (90.5% GAIT/LOCOMOTION; 3.9% NEURAL)
Influence of reduced passive ankle dorsiflexion range of motion on lower limb kinetics and stiffness during gait. Aquino MRC, Resende RA, Van Emmerik R, Souza TR, Fonseca ST, Kirkwood RN, Ocarino JM, Gait & posture. (93.6% GAIT/LOCOMOTION; 3.5% HAND/FINGER/FOOT/TOE)
Reliability of patient-specific gait profiles with inertial measurement units during the 2-min walk test in incomplete spinal cord injury. Willi R, Werner C, Demkó L, de Bie R, Filli L, Zörner B, Curt A, Bolliger M, Scientific reports. (70.9% GAIT/LOCOMOTION; 17.0% METHODS)
The effect of total ankle arthroplasty on mechanical energy exchange. Schmitt D, Sparling TL, Queen RM, Journal of biomechanics. (39.9% GAIT/LOCOMOTION; 23.7% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
Knee biomechanics variability before and after total knee arthroplasty: an equality of variance prospective study. Kowalski E, Catelli DS, Dervin G, Lamontagne M, Scientific reports. (72.2% GAIT/LOCOMOTION; 9.2% REHABILITATION)
Muscle synergies inherent in simulated hypogravity running reveal flexible but not unconstrained locomotor control. Fazzari C, Macchi R, Kunimasa Y, Ressam C, Casanova R, Chavet P, Nicol C, Scientific reports. (90.3% GAIT/LOCOMOTION; 3.5% MODELING)
Constant low-to-moderate mechanical asymmetries during 800-m track running. Girard O, Millet GP, Micallef JP, Frontiers in sports and active living. (59.3% GAIT/LOCOMOTION; 35.7% SPORT/EXERCISE)
A data mining approach for determining biomechanical adaptations in runners who experienced and recovered from patellofemoral pain syndrome. Brancati RJ, Hamill J, Jewell C, Boyer KA, Journal of sports sciences. (53.6% GAIT/LOCOMOTION; 12.8% SPORT/EXERCISE)
Translated article Better results in consolidation of hallux metatarsophalangeal arthrodesis with dorsal plate and interfragmentary compression screw. García-Jarabo E, Alonso-Tejero D, Ramos-Ramos LM, Hernanz-González Y, Vilá Y Rico J, Revista espanola de cirugia ortopedica y traumatologia. (72.8% HAND/FINGER/FOOT/TOE; 21.7% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
First tarsometatarsal arthrodesis for severe hallux valgus using the tension band principle - Technical tip and case series. Limaye N, Kotwal T, Alkhalfan Y, Lewis TL, Abbasian A, Foot (Edinburgh, Scotland). (81.4% HAND/FINGER/FOOT/TOE; 15.6% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Comparative Analysis of Intramedullary Nail versus Plate Fixation for Fibula Fracture in Supination External Rotation Type IV Ankle Injury. Chen H, Li Z, Li X, Lu J, Chen B, Wang Q, Cao P, Medical science monitor : international medical journal of experimental and clinical research. (46.3% HAND/FINGER/FOOT/TOE; 43.5% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Validating the measurement of passive Musculo-articular wrist stiffness without intentional or reactive contraction using axillary plexus block. Libert T, Detrembleur C, Melebeck F, Nguyen AP, Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon). (46.5% HAND/FINGER/FOOT/TOE; 30.7% METHODS)
Radiographic Evaluation of the Association between Foot Deformities and Ankle Medial Osteoarthritis. Choi JH, Noh KS, Lee DY, Choi YH, Lee T, Lee KM, Clinics in orthopedic surgery. (92.9% HAND/FINGER/FOOT/TOE; 4.4% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
Biomechanical effects of Evans versus Hintermann osteotomy for treating adult acquired flatfoot deformity: a patient-specific finite element investigation. Xu C, Liu H, Li M, Li H, Pan C, Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research. (87.4% HAND/FINGER/FOOT/TOE; 6.0% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Predicting Metacarpal Anatomic Lengths via Adjacent Metacarpals. Lichtig A, Mejia A, Lipman M, Jacome FP, Amirouche F, Journal of hand surgery global online. (93.8% HAND/FINGER/FOOT/TOE; 2.4% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Biomechanical properties of articular cartilage in different regions and sites of the knee joint: acquisition of osteochondral allografts. Ma Y, Lin Q, Wang X, Liu Y, Yu X, Ren Z, Zhang Y, Guo L, Wu X, Zhang X, Li P, Duan W, Wei X, Cell and tissue banking. (97.0% JOINT/CARTILAGE; 1.2% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
The contribution of the ligamentum teres to the hip fluid seal: A biomechanics study. Al'Khafaji I, Olszewski Y, Clarnette G, Settle E, Ernstbrunner L, O'Donnell J, Ackland D, Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon). (71.3% JOINT/CARTILAGE; 11.5% TENDON/LIGAMENT)
simMACT, a Software Demonstrator to Improve Maximum Actuation Joint Torques Simulation for Ergonomics Assessment. Savin JH, Rezzoug N, Journal of biomechanical engineering. (51.2% MODELING; 29.2% ERGONOMICS)
Biomechanical Effectivity Evaluation of Single- and Double-Metal-Bar Methods with Rotation and Equilibrium Displacements in Nuss Procedure Simulations. Lim BY, I H, Lee C, Annals of biomedical engineering. (59.7% MODELING; 9.2% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Modeling cancer progression: an integrated workflow extending data-driven kinetic models to bio-mechanical PDE models. Mohammad Mirzaei N, Shahriyari L, Physical biology. (89.7% MODELING; 6.1% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR)
Estimating intracranial parameters using an inverse mathematical model with viscoelastic elements that closely predicts complex ICP morphologies. Nassir A, Rosenthal G, Zadka Y, Houri S, Doron O, Barnea O, Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering. (91.3% MODELING; 3.5% METHODS)
Integration of Swin UNETR and statistical shape modeling for a semi-automated segmentation of the knee and biomechanical modeling of articular cartilage. Kakavand R, Palizi M, Tahghighi P, Ahmadi R, Gianchandani N, Adeeb S, Souza R, Edwards WB, Komeili A, Scientific reports. (76.6% MODELING; 14.9% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
A novel computational workflow to holistically assess total knee arthroplasty biomechanics identifies subject-specific effects of joint mechanics on implant fixation. Glenday JD, Vigdorchik JM, Sculco PK, Kahlenberg CA, Mayman DJ, Debbi EM, Lipman JD, Wright TM, González FJQ, Journal of biomechanics. (47.8% MODELING; 27.0% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
Assessment of a fully-parametric thoraco-lumbar spine model generator with articulated ribcage. Bellina E, Laurino ME, Perego A, Pezzinga A, Carpenedo L, Ninarello D, La Barbera L, Journal of biomechanics. (75.1% MODELING; 17.9% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE)
Finite element analysis of female pelvic organ prolapse mechanism: current landscape and future opportunities. Yang M, Chen C, Wang Z, Long J, Huang R, Qi W, Shi R, Frontiers in medicine. (93.2% MODELING; 2.2% METHODS)
Partial femoral head replacement: a new innovative hip-preserving approach for treating osteonecrosis of the femoral head and its finite element analysis. Yang Y, Cheng X, Chen W, Li G, Wang Y, Sun W, An W, Zhang Q, Zhang Y, Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology. (44.2% MODELING; 20.6% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
It's more than the amount that counts: implications of collagen organization on passive muscle tissue properties revealed with micromechanical models and experiments. Sahani R, Hixson K, Blemker SS, Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. (97.0% MUSCLE; 1.1% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
The influence of acute dopamine transporter inhibition on manic-, depressive-like phenotypes, and brain oxidative status in adult zebrafish. Canzian J, Borba JV, Ames J, Silva RM, Resmim CM, Pretzel CW, Duarte MCF, Storck TR, Mohammed KA, Adedara IA, Loro VL, Gerlai R, Rosemberg DB, Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry. (69.4% NEURAL; 13.7% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR)
A partial habituation method to test for anterograde and retrograde amnestic treatment effects: Evidence that antagonism of the NMDA receptor can induce anterograde but not retrograde amnestic effects. Leite Junior JB, de Mello Bastos JM, Dias FRC, Samuels RI, Carey RJ, Carrera MP, Journal of neuroscience methods. (52.4% NEURAL; 15.2% METHODS)
The synaptic drive of central pattern-generating networks to leg motor neurons of a walking insect is motor neuron pool specific. Ruthe A, Mantziaris C, Büschges A, Current biology : CB. (98.2% NEURAL; 0.8% GAIT/LOCOMOTION)
Pain-sensorimotor interactions: New perspectives and a new model. Murray GM, Sessle BJ, Neurobiology of pain (Cambridge, Mass.). (79.6% NEURAL; 3.9% MUSCLE)
The effect of polymethylmethacrylate augmentation on the primary stability of stand-alone implant construct versus posterior stabilization in oblique lumbar interbody fusion with osteoporotic bone quality- a finite element study. Bereczki F, Turbucz M, Pokorni AJ, Hajnal B, Ronai M, Klemencsics I, Lazary A, Eltes PE, The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society. (97.9% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 1.5% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Biomechanical assessment of different transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion constructs in normal and osteoporotic condition: a finite element analysis. Liu C, Zhao M, Zhang W, Wang C, Hu B, Wang K, Xu W, Li L, Si H, The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society. (97.8% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 0.9% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
IVD fibrosis and disc collapse comprehensively aggravate vertebral body disuse osteoporosis and zygapophyseal joint osteoarthritis by posteriorly shifting the load transmission pattern. Xi Z, Xie Y, Sun S, Wang N, Chen S, Wang G, Li J, Computers in biology and medicine. (98.6% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 0.2% ERGONOMICS)
Biomechanical Evaluation of 2 Endoscopic Spine Surgery Methods for Treating Lumbar Disc Herniation: A Finite Element Study. Zou Y, Ji S, Yang HW, Ma T, Fang YK, Wang ZC, Liu MM, Zhou PH, Bao ZQ, Zhang CC, Ye YC, Neurospine. (98.2% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 0.6% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
A Biomechanical Comparison of 2 Different Topping-off Devices and Their Influence on the Sacroiliac Joint Following Lumbosacral Fusion Surgery. Fan W, Yang S, Chen J, Guo LX, Zhang M, Neurospine. (93.2% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 5.4% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Multilevel Pedicle Subtraction Osteotomy for Correction of Thoracolumbar Kyphosis in Ankylosing Spondylitis: Clinical Effect and Biomechanical Evaluation. Lv X, Nuertai Y, Wang Q, Zhang D, Hu X, Liu J, Zeng Z, Huang R, Huang Z, Zhao Q, Li W, Zhang Z, Gao L, Neurospine. (95.7% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 3.6% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Biomechanical Comparison of Anterior Cervical Corpectomy Decompression and Fusion, Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion, and Anterior Controllable Antedisplacement and Fusion in the Surgical Treatment of Multilevel Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: A Finite Element Analysis. Kong Q, Li F, Yan C, Sun J, Sun P, Ou-Yang J, Zhong S, Wang Y, Shi J, Orthopaedic surgery. (98.7% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 0.6% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
L4 fixation is not necessary in L5-Iliac spinopelvic fixation after trauma, but coadjutant transilio-transsacral fixation is. Sevillano-Perez E, Prado-Novoa M, Postigo-Pozo S, Peña-Trabalon A, Guerado E, Injury. (90.4% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 5.2% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Design of a novel lateral mass screw-plate system for the treatment of unstable atlas fractures: a finite element analysis. Niu HG, Zhang JJ, Yan YZ, Zhao CK, Yang K, Zhang YS, Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research. (93.3% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 3.3% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
A New Approach to the Treatment of Sacroiliac Joint Pain and First Patient-Reported Outcomes Using a Novel Arthrodesis Technique for Sacroiliac Joint Fusion. Fuchs V, Rieger B, Orthopedic research and reviews. (83.0% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 12.2% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Effect of low back pain on the kinetics and kinematics of the lumbar spine - a combined in vivo and in silico investigation. Firouzabadi A, Arjmand N, Zhang T, Pumberger M, Schmidt H, Journal of biomechanics. (44.1% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 27.0% ERGONOMICS)
Biomechanical evaluation of the novel assembled internal fixed system in C2-C3 anterior cervical discectomy and fusion: a finite element analysis. Chen H, Sun H, Cao L, Xia H, Tu Q, Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research. (98.6% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 0.7% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
The retropharyngeal reduction plate for atlantoaxial dislocation: a finite element analysis. Kong W, Du Y, Li J, Shao J, Xi Y, Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology. (72.9% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 21.0% MODELING)
Biomechanical Analysis of Adjacent Segments after Spinal Fusion Surgery Using a Geometrically Parametric Patient-Specific Finite Element Model. Wang Y, Shen Q, Liang C, Shen Y, Tang X, Yi P, Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE. (88.4% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 9.7% MODELING)
What is the best way to transfer a patient with a suspected spinal cord injury to hospital? A biomechanical analysis of cervical spine misalignment during simulations. Nicolás Carrillo A, Ruiz Casquet J, Ramírez Rojas Y, Horodyski M, Baez C, Sánchez-Arévalo Morato S, Pardo Ríos M, Emergencias : revista de la Sociedad Espanola de Medicina de Emergencias. (51.8% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 24.8% TRAUMA/IMPACT)
Changes in cervical sagittal balance following anterior cervical discectomy with fusion. Limanówka B, Sagan L, Limanówka K, Poncyljusz W, Neurologia i neurochirurgia polska. (98.2% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE; 0.7% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
The Contribution of Soft Tissue and Bony Stabilizers to the Hip Suction Seal: A Systematic Review of Biomechanical Studies. Hoffer AJ, Beel W, Ng KCG, Degen RM, The American journal of sports medicine. (66.5% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 14.5% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
Biomechanical Analysis Reveals Shoulder Instability With Bipolar Bone Loss Is Best Treated With Dynamic Anterior Stabilization for On-Track Lesions and With Remplissage for Off-Track Lesions. Wu C, Ye Z, Lu S, Fang Z, Xu J, Zhao J, Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association. (59.4% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 27.4% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
Influence of the rotator cuff tear pattern in shoulder stability after arthroscopic superior capsule reconstruction: a computational analysis. Antunes M, Quental C, Folgado J, Ângelo AC, de Campos Azevedo C, Journal of ISAKOS : joint disorders & orthopaedic sports medicine. (42.0% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 40.9% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
Comparison of ESIN and other minimally invasive techniques for anterior pelvic ring injury: a finite element analysis and case-control study. Xia W, Jiang H, Tao E, Ye J, Wang F, Wang X, Cai L, Feng Y, International journal of surgery (London, England). (65.9% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 15.0% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE)
Biomechanical evaluation of the ST-knot: A new suture for flexor tendon repair. Brenac C, Pithioux M, Tomczak S, Lallemand M, Jaloux C, de Villeneuve Bargemon JB, Hand surgery & rehabilitation. (45.5% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 33.3% TENDON/LIGAMENT)
Labral Augmentation With Either Iliotibial Band Allograft or Dermis Allograft Perform Similarly Regarding Peak Force, Displacement, and Work to Labral Repair in Suction Seal Restoration: A Biomechanical Study. Kaplan DJ, Fenn TW, Gursoy S, Mameri ES, Rice MW, Chapman RS, Shewman EF, Nho SJ, Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association. (59.0% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 14.7% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
The effect of screw orientation on internal fixation of Letenneur type II Hoffa fractures: a biomechanics study. Liu J, Lu Z, Zheng Z, BMC musculoskeletal disorders. (85.8% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 5.5% ORTHOPAEDICS/SPINE)
Knotted or knotless double-row rotator cuff repair retear rates: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Figueiredo JA, Sarmento M, Moura N, Gomes DS, Cartucho A, JSES reviews, reports, and techniques. (96.4% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 1.0% TENDON/LIGAMENT)
Isolated traumatic full-thickness supraspinatus tear with intact glenohumeral capsule: a case report. Lante E, Jany R, JSES reviews, reports, and techniques. (65.5% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 12.5% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
Acellular Human Dermal Allograft Tuberoplasty Improved the Biomechanics in Mid-Range and Higher Abduction Angles in a Cadaveric Model of Massive Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears. Lew R, Park M, Beyer R, McGarry MH, Dham M, Hauck O, Adamson G, Lee TQ, Arthroscopy, sports medicine, and rehabilitation. (81.8% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 8.0% TENDON/LIGAMENT)
In Vitro Investigation of Column Fixation Constructs for Periacetabular Osteotomy: Which Provide the Greatest Stiffness and Strength? Reine S, Romero J, Collett G, Pierce B, Podeszwa D, Starr A, Wells J, Arthroplasty today. (76.1% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 4.1% PROSTHETICS/ORTHOTICS)
Editorial Commentary: Bridging Graft Techniques Improve Short-Term Outcomes for Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tear Repair. Kanakamedala AC, Hinz M, Millett PJ, Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association. (86.3% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 5.9% TENDON/LIGAMENT)
The Internal Joint Stabilizer of the Elbow: A Systematic Review of the Clinical and Biomechanical Evidence. Heifner JJ, Chambers LR, Halpern AL, Mercer DM, Journal of hand surgery global online. (65.1% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY; 27.4% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
Differentiation of the body build and posture in the population of people with intellectual disabilities and Down Syndrome: a systematic review. Gaweł E, Celebańska D, Zwierzchowska A, BMC public health. (94.7% POSTURE/BALANCE; 1.6% REHABILITATION)
Android obesity could be associated with a higher fall risk than gynoid obesity following a standing-slip: A simulation-based biomechanical analysis. Ahn J, Ban R, Simpkins C, Yang F, Journal of biomechanics. (90.7% POSTURE/BALANCE; 3.6% GAIT/LOCOMOTION)
Peak tibial axial acceleration during walking is related to intact-side lower limb pain in persons with unilateral transtibial amputation. Parr TE, Farrokhi S, Hendershot BD, Butowicz CM, Gait & posture. (58.4% PROSTHETICS/ORTHOTICS; 33.0% GAIT/LOCOMOTION)
Biomechanical effects of foot orthoses on jump landing performance: A systematic review. Jor A, Hu M, Koh MWP, Lau NWK, Daryabor A, Lam WK, Kobayashi T, Prosthetics and orthotics international. (93.6% PROSTHETICS/ORTHOTICS; 1.1% HAND/FINGER/FOOT/TOE)
Data-Driven Phase-Based Control of a Powered Knee-Ankle Prosthesis for Variable-Incline Stair Ascent and Descent. Cortino RJ, Best TK, Gregg RD, IEEE transactions on medical robotics and bionics. (93.0% PROSTHETICS/ORTHOTICS; 2.9% GAIT/LOCOMOTION)
Active Motion Laboratory Test Apparatus for Evaluation of Total Elbow Prostheses. Combs T, Nelson B, Jakucki M, Schneppendahl J, Moody D, Kaufmann RA, Journal of hand surgery global online. (68.9% PROSTHETICS/ORTHOTICS; 11.6% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
Three-Dimensional Upper Limb Movement Analysis in Children and Adolescents With Brachial Plexus Birth Injury: A Systematic Review. Le Roy L, van Bladel A, De Mits S, Vanden Bossche L, Van der Looven R, Pediatric neurology. (37.1% REHABILITATION; 26.4% ERGONOMICS)
Movement efficiency in survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a report from the St. Jude lifetime cohort study. Onerup A, Mirzaei S S, Wogksch MD, Goodenough CG, Lambert G, Sapkota Y, Mulrooney DA, Hudson MM, Jacola LM, Ness KK, Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice. (48.3% REHABILITATION; 19.9% ERGONOMICS)
Effectiveness of functional or biomechanical bandages with athletic taping and kinesiotaping in subjects with chronic ankle instability: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Chamorro-Moriana G, Perez-Cabezas V, Benitez-Lugo M, EFORT open reviews. (51.8% REHABILITATION; 21.9% SPORT/EXERCISE)
Comprehensive Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Protocol of Plantar Fasciitis for a 45-Year-Old Female: A Case Report. Boob MA, Phansopkar P, Somaiya KJ, Cureus. (43.4% REHABILITATION; 42.7% ERGONOMICS)
3D-Printed Origami Actuators for a Multianimal-Inspired Soft Robot with Amphibious Locomotion and Tongue Hunting. Yang Y, Xie Y, Liu J, Li Y, Chen F, Soft robotics. (99.1% ROBOTICS; 0.3% MODELING)
Magnetically Selective Versatile Transport of Microrobotic Carriers. Hu X, Kim K, Ali A, Kim H, Kang Y, Yoon J, Torati SR, Reddy V, Im MY, Lim B, Kim C, Small methods. (44.4% ROBOTICS; 41.0% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR)
Multimodal Soft Robotic Actuation and Locomotion. Yao DR, Kim I, Yin S, Gao W, Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.). (99.2% ROBOTICS; 0.2% MODELING)
An Amphibious Fully-Soft Centimeter-Scale Miniature Crawling Robot Powered by Electrohydraulic Fluid Kinetic Energy. Xiong Q, Zhou X, Li D, Ambrose JW, Yeow RC, Advanced science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany). (99.4% ROBOTICS; 0.2% MODELING)
Robustification of Bayesian-Inference-Based Gait Estimation for Lower-limb Wearable Robots. Hsu TW, Gregg RD, Thomas GC, IEEE robotics and automation letters. (54.1% ROBOTICS; 29.7% METHODS)
Bioinspired 3D flexible devices and functional systems. Cheng X, Shen Z, Zhang Y, National science review. (60.1% ROBOTICS; 17.3% METHODS)
Electromechanical enhancement of live jellyfish for ocean exploration. Anuszczyk SR, Dabiri JO, Bioinspiration & biomimetics. (94.5% ROBOTICS; 2.2% COMPARATIVE)
Current status and future application of electrically controlled micro/nanorobots in biomedicine. Pu R, Yang X, Mu H, Xu Z, He J, Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology. (97.7% ROBOTICS; 0.6% METHODS)
Effects of Five Common Preparatory Approaches on Grand Jeté Biomechanics. Weigand V, Mokha GM, Journal of dance medicine & science : official publication of the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science. (95.2% SPORT/EXERCISE; 2.6% ERGONOMICS)
One-dimension statistical parametric mapping in lower limb biomechanical analysis: A systematic scoping review. Yona T, Kamel N, Cohen-Eick G, Ovadia I, Fischer A, Gait & posture. (70.7% SPORT/EXERCISE; 18.0% METHODS)
Motor skill competence and moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity: a linear and non-linear cross-sectional analysis of eight pooled trials. Barnett LM, Verswijveren SJJM, Colvin B, Lubans DR, Telford RM, Lander NJ, Schott N, Tietjens M, Hesketh KD, Morgan PJ, Hinkley T, Downing KL, Telford RD, Cohen KE, Ridgers ND, Abbott G, The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. (90.9% SPORT/EXERCISE; 3.8% GAIT/LOCOMOTION)
An 8-week injury prevention exercise program combined with change-of-direction technique training limits movement patterns associated with anterior cruciate ligament injury risk. Mohr M, Federolf P, Heinrich D, Nitschke M, Raschner C, Scharbert J, Koelewijn AD, Scientific reports. (36.0% SPORT/EXERCISE; 28.8% TENDON/LIGAMENT)
A Study of Racket Weight Adaptation in Advanced and Beginner Badminton Players. Pan Z, Liu L, Li X, Ma Y, Applied bionics and biomechanics. (97.5% SPORT/EXERCISE; 0.4% ERGONOMICS)
Biomechanical Characteristics of Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injuries Treated With and Without Augmentation: A Network Meta-analysis of Controlled Laboratory Studies. Kunze KN, Fury MS, Pareek A, Camp CL, Altchek DW, Dines JS, The American journal of sports medicine. (90.0% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 6.4% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Tobramycin and Vancomycin in an In Vitro Model of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Allograft Decontamination. Bentkowski BN, Blunt KM, Milliron EM, Cavendish PA, Barnes RH, Kaeding CC, Magnussen RA, Stoodley P, Flanigan DC, The American journal of sports medicine. (77.6% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 8.0% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Braided biomimetic PCL grafts for anterior cruciate ligament repair and regeneration. Kadyr S, Nurmanova U, Khumyrzakh B, Zhakypbekova A, Saginova D, Daniyeva N, Erisken C, Biomedical materials (Bristol, England). (80.9% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 15.9% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Increased knee torsional misalignment associated with femoral torsion is related to non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injury: a case-control study. Wang D, Fan H, Hu L, Liang X, Huang W, Li K, Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research. (81.5% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 11.4% JOINT/CARTILAGE)
Replacement of tibialis cranialis tendon with polyester, silicone-coated artificial tendon preserves biomechanical function in rabbits compared to tendon excision only. Easton KL, Hatch C, Stephens K, Marler D, Fidelis O, Sun X, Bowers KM, Billings C, Greenacre CB, Anderson DE, Crouch DL, Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research. (96.6% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 0.9% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
No Difference in Pullout Strength Between a Bio-inductive Implant and a Semitendinosus Tendon Graft in a Biomechanical Study of Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Repair Augmentation. Wetzler A, McMillan S, Brewer E, Patel A, Handy S, Wetzler M, Arthroscopy, sports medicine, and rehabilitation. (80.4% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 16.4% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Whip-Lock Stitch Is Biomechanically Superior to Whipstitch for Semitendinosus Tendons. Diaz MA, Branch EA, Dunn JG, Brothers A, Jordan SE, Arthroscopy, sports medicine, and rehabilitation. (69.6% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 26.5% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
The 100 Top-Cited Articles on Medial Patellofemoral Ligament: A Bibliometric Analysis and Review. Panagopoulos A, Giannatos V, Antzoulas P, Lakoumentas J, Raoulis V, Hantes M, Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine. (91.3% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 3.0% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
Combined Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Anterolateral Ligament Reconstruction Using a Single Peroneus Longus Tendon Graft. da Silva AGM, Macedo RS, Souza MO, Giglio PN, Videira LD, Gobbi RG, Godoy Dos Santos AL, Helito CP, Arthroscopy techniques. (90.7% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 7.3% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
No difference in torque load to failure between split anconeus fascia transfer and autograft palmaris longus tendon for reconstruction of the lateral ulnar collateral ligament. Wright MA, Deal JB, Schiffman BA, Gould HP, Forthman CL, Murthi AM, JSES international. (74.6% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 18.5% ORTHOPAEDICS/SURGERY)
A cross-sectional observational study comparing individuals with a symptomatic full-thickness rotator cuff tear with age-matched controls. Roos M, Bertrand-Charette M, Dubé MO, Tittley J, Brisson M, Chau L, Whittaker JL, Desmeules F, Mercier C, Roy JS, JSES international. (35.9% TENDON/LIGAMENT; 16.1% REHABILITATION)
Uniaxial mechanical stretch properties correlated with three-dimensional microstructure of human dermal skin. Zhou M, González PJ, Van Haasterecht L, Soylu A, Mihailovski M, Van Zuijlen P, Groot ML, Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology. (98.3% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL; 0.3% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR)
All-in-One Self-Powered Microneedle Device for Accelerating Infected Diabetic Wound Repair. Li W, Liu Z, Tan X, Yang N, Liang Y, Feng D, Li H, Yuan R, Zhang Q, Liu L, Ge L, Advanced healthcare materials. (91.9% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL; 2.7% METHODS)
A Comparative Study of Machine Learning and Algorithmic Approaches to Automatically Identify the Yield Point in Normal and Aneurysmal Human Aortic Tissues. Chung TK, Kim J, Gueldner PH, Vorp DA, Raghavan ML, Journal of biomechanical engineering. (84.5% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL; 10.8% METHODS)
Fabrication and biomechanical characterization of a spider silk reinforced fibrin-based vascular prosthesis. Glomb C, Wilhelmi M, Strauß S, Zippusch S, Klingenberg M, Aper T, Vogt PM, Ruhparwar A, Helms F, Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials. (52.2% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL; 41.6% CARDIOVASCULAR/CARDIOPULMONARY)
Selective Laser Melting of the Porous Ta Scaffold with Mg-Doped Calcium Phosphate Coating for Orthopedic Applications. Xu J, Wu D, Ge B, Li M, Yu H, Cao F, Wang W, Zhang Q, Yi P, Wang H, Song L, Liu L, Li J, Zhao D, ACS biomaterials science & engineering. (67.1% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL; 26.3% BONE)
Novel muscle-derived extracellular matrix hydrogel promotes angiogenesis and neurogenesis in volumetric muscle loss. Chen Z, Huang Y, Xing H, Tseng T, Edelman H, Perry R, Kyriakides TR, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology. (52.1% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL; 35.5% MUSCLE)
A perioperative layered autologous tissue expansion graft for hollow organ repair. Willacy O, Juul N, Taouzlak L, Chamorro CI, Ajallouiean F, Fossum M, Heliyon. (98.2% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL; 0.4% CELLULAR/SUBCELLULAR)
Shape-recovery of implanted shape-memory devices remotely triggered via image-guided ultrasound heating. Zhu Y, Deng K, Zhou J, Lai C, Ma Z, Zhang H, Pan J, Shen L, Bucknor MD, Ozhinsky E, Kim S, Chen G, Ye SH, Zhang Y, Liu D, Gao C, Xu Y, Wang H, Wagner WR, Nature communications. (44.3% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL; 37.4% METHODS)
Network pharmacology and molecular docking-based investigation of monocyte locomotion inhibitory factor attenuates traumatic brain injury by regulating aquaporin 4 expression. Li X, Ma Y, Lv M, Gao Y, Zhang Y, Li T, Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology. (86.4% TRAUMA/IMPACT; 5.7% NEURAL)
Special Issue: Current Trends in Impact and Injury Biomechanics. Panzer MB, López Valdés FJ, Morrison B, Journal of biomechanical engineering. (99.4% TRAUMA/IMPACT; 0.2% ERGONOMICS)
Quantification of the effect of in utero events on lifetime resilience in dairy cows. Lewis K, Shewbridge Carter L, Bradley A, Dewhurst R, Forde N, Hyde R, Kaler J, March MD, Mason C, O'Grady L, Strain S, Thompson J, Green M, Journal of dairy science. (98.4% VETERINARY/AGRICULTURAL; 0.8% COMPARATIVE)
A method for generating zonular tension in the murine eye by embedding and compressing the globe in a hydrogel. Rich W, Pan M, Liu J, Swindle-Reilly KE, Reilly MA, Experimental eye research. (90.9% VISUAL/VESTIBULAR; 7.1% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Research hot spots and trends of keratoconus in China: a bibliometric analysis. Song Y, Huang C, Yu XT, Li YY, Liu ZY, Zhonghua yan ke za zhi Chinese journal of ophthalmology. (69.4% VISUAL/VESTIBULAR; 21.3% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Comparison of corneal biomechanical parameters in healthy corneas with symmetric and asymmetric bow-tie topographic pattern with inferior and superior steepening. Sedaghat MR, Ostadi-Moghaddam H, Momeni-Moghaddam H, Motaei S, Roberts CJ, Belin MW, Oladi Abbas Abadi S, International ophthalmology. (88.5% VISUAL/VESTIBULAR; 9.3% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
In vivo assessment of the ocular biomechanical properties in patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus. Valsecchi N, Roda M, Febbraro S, Trolli E, Palandri G, Giannini G, Milletti D, Schiavi C, Fontana L, International ophthalmology. (93.5% VISUAL/VESTIBULAR; 5.7% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)
Multisensory strategies for postural compensation after lateral line loss. Davis SN, Zhu Y, Schoppik D, bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology. (31.8% VISUAL/VESTIBULAR; 30.3% COMPARATIVE)
Implantation of a capsular tension ring during cataract surgery attenuates predicted remodeling of the post-surgical lens capsule along the visual axis. Ameku KA, Berggren CC, Pedrigi RM, Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology. (70.9% VISUAL/VESTIBULAR; 20.9% TISSUE/BIOMATERIAL)