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EyeGuide 2.0 | Eye Tracking with Remote Observation Station, API

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  • EyeGuide 2.0 | Eye Tracking with Remote Observation Station, API

    EyeGuide, the market’s most affordable eye tracker, has just become even more effective with the release of two major upgrades:

    Real time Application Programming Interface that allows EyeGuide researchers to push live user data to a program of their choice for concurrent or future analysis.
    Visualize, new software now included in the complete EyeGuide system, which enables researchers, from any computer at any location, to watch what users see, in real time, as well as control testing.
    When EyeGuide debuted earlier this year, Grinbath promised that it would, based on user feedback, continue to make ongoing, free upgrades to EyeGuide to insure it always remains a comprehensive, reliable, and flexible eye tracking tool for the thousands of researchers and other professionals who want or need eye tracking but cannot consider more expensive solutions. EyeGuide 2.0, demonstrates Grinbath’s commitment to making necessary technology affordable and effective.

    “Our approach, as researchers and academics, is that good feedback, especially from users, should be what drives innovation,” said Dr. Brian Still, Grinbath CEO. “Our users asked for a real time API, as well as the ability to monitor and control testing remotely, and we gave it to them, for free, with the release of EyeGuide 2.0.”

    Real Time API

    The real time Application Programming Interface (API) records user data with a programming language of your choice. As the user works, EyeGuide’s Capture software will still work in the background to record user interaction for post-test evaluation in Analyze software, and for many researchers that will be more than enough, especially since Analyze offers a flexible, comprehensive set of analysis tools, including heat mapping, dynamic areas of interest (or clusters), and gaze plotting.

    But if researchers need to look at real time data and want user data to flow into an evaluation program outside of EyeGuide, this real time API will deliver
    • Frame number
    • Frames per second
    • Pupil center X
    • Pupil center y
    • Eye camera width
    • Eye camera height
    • Point-of-Gaze X
    • Point-of-Gaze Y
    • Screen Width
    • Screen Height
    • Pupil diameter
    • Current task number (if applicable)
    • Remote Observation and Control

    EyeGuide’s new Visualize software allows researchers to watch what users see, in real time. They can even control tasks, eliminating the possibility of facilitator interference during testing. Should calibration accuracy diminish, observers can see it happen and correct instantly.

    It doesn’t matter where researchers are located, as long as they can connect to the user’s testing computer, Visualize will work, providing a live presentation of the user’s gaze fixations.

    Free Upgrades

    Both upgrades, Visualize and the real time API, are free for current customers, and they do not raise the price of the EyeGuide system. For under $1,500, researchers get a complete eye tracking system that works for Macs and Windows, on any user, and in any lighting condition.