We are pleased to announce the list of invited speakers at the upcoming Symposia of the ISB Working Group in Motor Control. The Symposia will feature internationally renowned speakers presenting their work at the intersection of Motor Control and Biomechanics.
Who Should Attend: Researchers and students with an interest in Biomechanics and Motor Control should attend. Participants will have the opportunity to discover the latest developments in these fields and discuss with experienced investigators.
5th Symposium on Motor Control in Biomechanics at ACSM 2017
“Motor Learning, Coordination and Adaptation in Exercise” (see flyer here)
When: Tuesday May 30th 2017, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Where: 64th American College of Sport Medicine (ACSM) Meeting, Denver (USA)
Registration and Fee: Attendance is free for all ACSM participants and breakfast will be provided. If you would like to attend, please register here.
Invited Speakers:
- Dr. Matt Stock (University of Central Florida, USA)
- Dr. Gert-Peter Brüggemann (German Sport University Cologne, Germany)
- Dr. Katherine Boyer (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA)
- Dr. Bryan Heiderscheit (University of Wisconsin, USA)
- Dr. Joshua C. Kline (Delsys Inc., USA)
- Mr. Michael A. Trevino (University of Kansas, USA)
6th Symposium on Motor Control in Biomechanics at ISB 2017 (see flyer here)
When: July 25th-26th 2017
Where: XXVI Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (ISB), Brisbane (Australia)
Registration and Fee: Attendance is free for all ISB attendees. Registration is open on the ISB 2017 website
Invited Speakers: Each invited talk will be followed by oral presentations
- Dr. Penelope McNulty (Neuroscience Research Australia and University of New South Wales, Australia)
- Dr. Glen A. Lichtwark (University of Queensland, Australia)
- Dr. Martina Mancini (Oregon Health and Science University, USA)
- Dr. John H. Challis (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
- Dr. Fuminari Kaneko (Sapporo Medical University, Japan)
The symposium will be closed by a Special Session: Lifelong Contributions of Carlo De Luca to the Study of Human Movement: Motor Control Innovations
Opening: Dr. William Z. Rymer (USA)
- Dr. Serge Roy (Delsys Inc. & Boston University, USA)
- Dr. Roberto Merletti (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
De Luca Foundation, MA (USA): The Symposium is kindly sponsored by the De Luca Foundation. The De Luca Foundation was established by Professor Carlo J. De Luca. The goal of the foundation is to recognize researchers in the field of Electromyography and Biomechanics with emphasis on Motor Control. It provides an annual award, the Delsys Prize; and the Emerging Scientist Award administered by ISB.
For additional details, see http://www.mcg.isbweb.org/ or contact us at info@mcg.isbweb.org
We look forward to seeing you at these events!
ISB Working Group in Motor Control
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